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1. LEGAL BASES workspace, ventilation, lighting,

conditions of work environment, handling,
Presidential Decree no. 442, s. 1974 (as amended storage or work procedures, protection
and renumbered): Labor Code of the Philippines facilities and other possible sources of
A Decree Instituting a Labor Code Thereby safety and health hazards in the workplace.
Revising and Consolidating Labor and
Social Laws to Afford Protection to Labor, High-risk establishment
Promote Employment and Human Resources - a workplace wherein the presence of hazard
Development and Insure Industrial Peace or potential hazard within the company may
Based on Social Justice. (pursuant to DOLE affect the safety and/or health of workers
Department Advisory no. 1, s. 2015) not only within but also persons outside
the premises of the workplace. There is a
PD 442, Book IV – Title I, Chapter II – high level of exposure to safety and health
Occupational Health and Safety hazards, and probability of a major
Article 168. Safety and Health Standards. accident resulting to disability or death,
The Secretary of DOLE shall set and enforce or major illness is likely to occur if no
mandatory OSH standards to eliminate or preventive or control measures are in
reduce occupational safety and health place. (inc. Construction Sites)
hazards in all workplaces.
Imminent danger
Article 169. Research. DOLE is responsible - A situation caused by a condition or
to conduct continuing studies and research practice in any place of employment that
to develop innovative methods, techniques, could reasonably be expected to lead to
and approaches for dealing with death or serious physical harm.
occupational safety and health problems.
Low risk establishment
Article 170. Training Programs. DOLE shall - A workplace where there is low level of
develop and implement training programs to danger or exposure to safety and health
increase the number and competence of hazards and not likely or with low
personnel in the field of occupational probability to result in accident, harm or
safety and industrial health. injury, or illness.
Article 171. Administration of Safety and Medium risk establishment
Health Laws. (a) DOLE shall be solely
- a workplace where there is moderate
responsible for the administration and
exposure to safety and health hazards and
enforcement of OSH laws, regulations and
with probability of an accident comma
standards in all establishments and
injury or illness comma if no preventive
workplaces. (b) DOLE Secretary may collect
or control measures are in place.
reasonable fees for the inspection of steam
boilers, pressure vessels and pipings and
Occupational Health (OH) personnel
electrical installations, the test and
approval for safe use of materials, - refers to qualified first-aider, nurse,
equipment and other safety devices and the dentist, or physician engaged by the
approval of plans for such materials, employer to provide occupational health
equipment, and devices. services in the establishment, project,
site or workplace.
Republic Act no. 11058
An Act Strengthening Compliance with OSH consultant
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - qualified safety officer 4 or its
Standards and Providing Penalties for equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to
Violations Thereof perform and/or render consultative
services on Occupational Safety and health
DOLE Department Order no. 198, s. 2018. in at least two (2) fields of
Implementing rules and regulations (IRR) specialization ask determined by DOLE.
of RA 11058
OSH practitioner
2. DEFINITION OF TERMS (as used in RA 11058) - qualified safety officer 3 or its
equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to
Certified first-aider render Occupational Safety and health
- any person trained and duly certified to services in a defined and specific scope
administer first aid by the Philippine Red or core competency.
Cross or any organization authorized by
DOLE Secretary. OSH standards
- set of rules issued by DOLE which mandates
Covered workplaces the adoption and use of appropriate
- establishments, projects sites, and all practices, means, methods operations or
other places where work is being undertaken processes, and working conditions
wherein the number of employees, nature of reasonably necessary to ensure safe and
operations, and the risks or hazards healthful employment.
involved in the business required
compliance with the provisions of this RA. Personal protective equipment
- specialized clothing or equipment designed
General safety and health inspection to protect workers against safety and
- examination of the work environment, health hazards that may cause serious
including the location and operation of workplace injuries and illness, i.e.,
machinery other than those covered by protection for the body, eyes, head, face,
technical safety audits, adequacy of hands, feet, ears, etc.

Safety and health audit employee lounges and restrooms, conference

- a regular and critical examination of and classroom spaces, employee cafeterias,
project sites, safety programs, records, hallways and emergency access.
and management performance on program
standards on safety and health conducted HIRAC – hazard identification, risk assessment,
by the safety officer. and control

Safety and health committee 3. SAFETY OFFICER, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH

- a body created within the workplace tasked PERSONNEL, AND FACILITIES
with the authority to plan, develop and
implement OSH policies and programs, 3.1. Safety Officer necessary training and
monitor and evaluate the OSH program, and experience
inspect and investigate all aspects of the
work pertaining to the safety and health
of workers.

Safety and health program

at least 4 years of actual experience as SO3

- a set of detailed rules to govern company
policies, processes and practices in all

at least 2 years of OSH experience

economic activities to conform with OSH

Minimum OSH Experience

standards, including the personnel
responsible, and penalties for any
violation thereof.

Safety Officer

- any employee or officer of the company
trained by DOLE or DOLE-accredited
training organization and tasked by the
employer to implement an OSH program and
ensure that it is in accordance with the
provisions of OSH standards.

S.O. 1 – completed the mandatory 8 – hour

OSH orientation course, and 2-hour
trainer’s training.

- at least 56-hour basic OSH training course for physicians

- aggregate 320-hour OSH-related training or experience
S.O. 2 – completed the mandatory 40 – hour

- at least 40-hour basic OSH training course for Nurses

OSH training course.
Safety Officers

OH Personnel
- additional 80-hour advanced OSH training course,
- additional 48-hour advanced OSH training course

S.O. 3 – completed the mandatory 40 – hour

OSH training course, additional 48-hour
Prescribed Training on OSH

- at least 40-hour basic OSH training course

advanced/ specialized OSH training course,
at least 2-year relevant experience in OSH.
- 40-hour basic OSH training course

- 40-hour basic OSH training course

- 40-hour basic OSH training course

S.O. 4 – completed the mandatory 40 – hour

OSH training course, additional 80-hour
- 8-hour OSH orientation, and

advanced/ specialized OSH training course,

an aggregate 320-hr OSH-related training,
- standard first aid training
- 2-hour trainer's training

4-year experience as SO3. (80-hour

training may equal one (1) year of
experience, v.v.)

Safety signage
- any emergency, warning or danger signpost,
or any safety instruction using the
standard colors and sizes, including the
standard symbols for safety instructions
and warnings in the workplace, prescribed
by DOLE in accordance with the OSH
Safety Officer 1

Safety Officer 2

Safety Officer 3

Safety Office 4

OH Physician
OH Dentist
OH Nurse

- any site or location where workers need to
be present or to go to by reason of their
work, and which are under the direct or
indirect control of the employer,
including, but not limited to, work areas,

3.2. Number of Safety Officer, OH Personnel, and Facilities

No. of Safety Officers No. of OH Personnel No. of OH Facility

Medium and High Risk Medium and High Risk
No. of Workers Medium High No. of Workers First
First - OH OH OH
Risk Risk treatment Clinic Hospital
aider Nurse Dentist Physician

1-9 1 - SO1 1 - SO2 1-9 - - - 1 - -

10 - 50 1 - - - 1 - -
10 - 50 1 - SO3
1 - SO2
51 - 99 2 PT - - 2 1 -
51 - 99
1 - SO2 and
1 - SO3 100 - 199 2 1 PT -
100 - 199
1 - SO2 and 1 PT 2
1 - SO3 200 - 500 3-5 2 PT -
200 - 250 2 - SO3
501 - 750 1 FT -
251 - 500
2 PT or
751 - 1000 6 - 20 Additional -
1 - SO2 and 1 FT
501 - 750 2 - SO3 1 FT 1 for every
2 - SO3 50 workers Additional
1000 - 2000
or fraction 1 for every
751 - 1000 thereof 100
1 FT per 1 FT and
> 2000 > 20 workers or
shift 2 PT
Every additional 250 and additional 1 - fraction
fraction thereof SO3 or SO4 Every 100 worketrs or a thereof 1
1 - - -
fraction thereof
Every additional 500 and additional 1 -
- Every 250 worketrs or a
fraction thereof SO3 or SO4 - 1 FT - -
fraction thereof
Every 500 worketrs or a 1 FT or
- - 1 FT
fraction thereof 4 PT

PT (Part-time) 4 hours/day; 3 days/week; FT (full-time), 8 hours/day, 6 days/week

OH personnel shall be placed in shift with the highest number of workers
OH dentist: establishments can enter in MOA for dental services for workers
OH physician: if more than 1 PT is required, must be present in all working days


4.1. RULE 1040 – OSH COMMITTEE (per IRR - RA 11058)

OSH Committee composition

No. of Workers
Chairperson Secretary Ex-officio Member Member
< 10 workers or 10 - 50 company owner/ manager Safety Officer - at least one (1) worker
workers in low risk (preferrably union
establishments member, if organized)

10 - 50 workers in medium- employer or his/her Safety Officer certfied first-aider, OH Safety Officer of
high risk, 51 and above representative (ex-officio) nurse, OH dentist, OH contractor/sub-contrator;
workers in low to high risk physician representative of workers
coming from union or
through majority vote


Frequency Rate - total number of deaths, permanent Severity Rate - total of all scheduled charges
total, permanent partial, and temporary total for all deaths, permanent total, and permanent
disabilities which occur during the period partial disabilities, plus the total actual days
covered by the rate. of the disabilities of all temporary total
disabilities which occur during the period
Number of Disabling
covered by the rate.
Disabling injury/illness
(FR) = Inury/Illness x 1,000,000
Frequency Rate Average days charged per disabling injury/illness
Employees-hours of exposure
- relationship between the total days charged and
the number of disabling injuries/Illness.

total days lost

Average days charged per
= total number of disabling
disabling injury/illness

Average days charged per Severity Rate (SR)

disabling injury/illness Frequency Rate (FR)


a. Standard Colors and Size of Signs for Safety – to designate caution limited to warning
Instructions and Warnings in Building against starting, use of, or movement of
Premises equipment under repair or being worked
RED (Fire Protection) PURPLE (Radiation)
– to call attention to fire protection – to designate radiation hazards.
equipment apparatus and facilities.
GREEN (Safety) 𝐿2
– designating “safety” 𝑆≥
WHITE (Traffic)
– white, black, or a combination of these S = area of the safety sign
for designation of traffic and L = distance of observation
housekeeping marking. S and L shall be expressed in the same
YELLOW (Caution) unit of measurement
– to designate caution and for marking
physical hazards.
ORANGE (Alert) b. Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all
– to designate dangerous parts of times through cleanliness of building, yards,
machines or energized equipment which may machines, equipment, regular waste disposal,
cause injury/hazard and orderly arrangement of processes,
BLUE (Precaution) operations, storage and filing of materials.

5S of Good Housekeeping

整理 整頓 清楚 清潔 躾
Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke
(Sort) (Systematize) (Sweep) (Sanitize) (Self-
doing things
eliminate maintain high
arrange and cleaning the spontaneously
unnecessary standard of
organize workplace without being
items housekeeping


RA 11058 (2018) An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standards and
Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof

Presidential Decree no. 442, (1974) Labor Code of the Philippines, (as amended and renumbered)

DOLE Department Order no. 198 (2018) Implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of RA 11058

DOLE Occupational Safety and Health Standards (1989)

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