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English Subject
Semester 2
Unit 3: Studying Online

UNIT 3 :

Studying online

Task 1: Read the definitions below and underline the key words.

1. Distance learning is the process of transferring knowledge to learners (students) who are separated from
the instructor (teacher) by time and physical distance and are making use of technology components,
such as the internet, Videos, and other forms of technology to accomplish learning.

2. Distance learning is defined as institution-based formal education where the learning group is separated
and where interactive telecommunication systems are used to connect learners, resources and instructors.

3. Distance learning, also known as online learning or e-learning, is an educational approach that transcends
physical boundaries, enabling learners to engage with educational materials and resources remotely.

Task 2: Using the definitions above and watching the videos about studying online fill in the
bubble with key terms in relation to online learning.

Task 3: Work in pairs and match the terms with their suitable definitions.

Digital literacy/ virtual classroom/ forum/ online tutor/ synchronous learning/ blended learning/ wiki/
asynchronous learning/ video conferencing.

Words Definitions
………………………. Digital environment for remote teaching and learning, facilitated through online platforms
………………………. Real-time learning activities where students and instructors interact simultaneously.
……………………….. Courses where students access course materials, lectures, or assignments on their own time.
……………………….. Real-time communication between participants in different locations, facilitated through
video and audio technology for virtual meetings, discussions, or collaborations.
………………………. Online discussion platform where users can post messages, share information, and engage
in asynchronous discussions
………………………... Instructional approach combining face-to-face instruction with online learning activities
to enhance the learning experience through a mix of in-person and digital interactions.
………………………. Remote instructor providing individualized support and guidance to learners through online
platforms, offering personalized assistance and feedback to enhance learning outcomes.
…………...…………… A collaborative website or online platform that allows users to create, edit, and share
content collectively. It enables multiple users to collaborate on documents or projects…
………………………. Ability to effectively navigate, and engage with digital technologies in various contexts.

Task 4: Fill in the blanks with words from the box below.

Digital literacy/ virtual classroom/ forum/ online tutor/ synchronous learning/ blended learning/ wiki/
asynchronous learning / Platform

1. In a .......................... , I find it convenient to attend classes and interact with my peers from my
2. When engaging in ……………………, I appreciate the flexibility to study and complete
assignments at my own pace, fitting learning around my schedule.
3. Participating in a ...................... has allowed me to connect with others who share similar interests
and engage in enriching discussions.
4. Using Moodle as a learning …………….I can easily access course materials, submit
assignments, and track my progress throughout the semester.
5.has become an important skill in today's digital age, as it empowers me to
navigate and critically evaluate information online.
6. I've had positive experiences with ……………….., as it integrates online resources with
traditional classroom instruction, enhancing my learning experience.
7. With the support of my .............................. , I've been able to receive personalized guidance and
feedback tailored to my individual learning needs.
8. During live sessions in ………………………., I enjoy collaborating with classmates in real-
time, fostering engaging discussions and group activities.
9. Contributing to a ..................... has been a rewarding experience, as I've been able to collaborate
with others to write, edit and share knowledge on a shared topic of interest.

1. Online learning is more effective than traditional classroom learning.

2. E-learning platforms enhance accessibility to education for all learners.
3. Online courses lack the social interaction necessary for effective learning.
4. Online learning lacks the motivation and accountability provided by face-
to-face interactions with instructors.
5. The accessibility of online resources reduces barriers to education for
individuals with disabilities.

E-learning, or online learning, has become increasingly important in modern education. It
offers flexibility for learners to study at their own pace and convenience, overcoming geographical
barriers. Through personalized learning experiences and adaptive technologies, students can
engage with course content more effectively.
However, e-learning also has its challenges. It lacks face-to-face interaction, which can lead
to feelings of isolation for some students. Additionally, access to reliable internet and digital
devices remains a barrier for many individuals in rural areas, contributing to the digital divide.
Despite these challenges, the importance of e-learning in facilitating education cannot be
denied. It provides opportunities for lifelong learning and enhances access to education for
individuals worldwide. As technology continues to advance, e-learning will continue to play a
significant role in shaping the future of education.


o Answer the questions:

1. Find a suitable title for the text: ………………………………………………………………..
2. What is the general idea of the text: …………………………………………………………...
o Are these sentences True or False; Justify.
1. In e-learning, the learners’ experience is rigid and doesn’t allow personalized learning.
2. Access to internet connectivity and digital devices is not a barrier for individuals in remote
o Find in the text words that mean the following:
- Successfully defeat a problem: ....................................... (P 1)
- Inequality or disparity in access for technologies: .............................................. (P2)

Task 2: Starting from the text and using the expressions in the box below, complete the table with benefits
and drawbacks of online learning

No boundaries / no restrictions / less cost issues/ access to worldwide experts/ technological

problems/ lack of IT skills/ more time for hobbies/ higher rate of getting distracted/ lack of
face-to-face interaction/ helps assist disabled learners/ the interaction is not authentic/ students
can lose motivation / comfortable environment

Benefits of online learning Drawbacks of online learning

………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….
………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….
………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….


We use possessive adjectives to tell to whom something belongs.

 When something belongs to a man/boy we use his.
 Peter finished ........... homework.
 Use her when something belongs to woman/girl.
 Mary is talking to...........mother.
 Use its when something belongs to singular things/animals.
 The cat scratched the child with .......... claws.
 Your is used when things belong to the addressed person/s.
 Bob! Where are you? I hear.......... voice but can’t see you.
 Use our when something belongs to the speakers.
 We live in a beautiful neighbourhood, …… house is very big.
 Their is used when something belongs to a group of people, animals or
 The children went to ....... school.

N.B: Possessive adjectives are always followed by nouns. ‘My shoes are new’.

Task 1: complete with the correct subject pronoun or possessive adjective.

1) Hi, everybody! ….am Thomas. Jack and … go to the same school and … are in the same class. There are
about four hundred boys and girls in …. school. Jack likes Science very much. … favourite subject is
English. I love…..because the lessons are always funny and the teacher is great.
2) Robert and Megan are brother and sister. …. is twelve and … is ten. …. father is a distinct engineer. …
works for a big local enterprise. … mother teaches History but … is not their teacher. …. have got two pets,
a cat and a dog. …. names are Garfield and Snoopy.

PLURAL NOUNS the child’s / children’s dog
SINGULAR NOUNS We add -’- to a plural noun: the mouse’s / mice’s food
We add –’s to a singular noun: Ex : The girls’ father the the man’s / men’s car
Ex: the boy’s ball is blue. pupils’ classroom the hero’s / heroes’ fear
the wolf’s / wolves’ den

Rewrite these sentences using the possessive ‘s

1. He is the father of my daughter. ====== he is my father’s daughter
2. The owner of the car. ………………………………………..
3. He is the boss of my wife. ………………………………………..
4. They are the children of my uncle………………………………………
5. The car belongs to my sister. ……………………………………………
6. The writers of the books are Tom and Jerry. …………………………………………….
Join the sentences using possessive ‘s
1. The man has a car. The car is in the garage ========= the man’s car is in the garage.
2. My friends had a party. The party was fun ……………………………………………..
3. India has a population. The population is very large………………………………………….
4. The children have a mother. The mother is over there………………………………………

Grammar: Compound sentence ("but," "yet," "however")

A. Combine the following sentences using ("but," "yet," "however") to make compound sentences
1. She still didn't get a good grade. She studied hard for the exam.
2. He was tired. He decided to go for a run.
3. They still went for a picnic in the park. The weather was cold.
4. I wanted to go to the party. I had too much work to do.
5. It kept my attention the entire time. The movie was long.

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking word ("but," "thanks to," "however," or "because") to
complete each sentences.

1. ___________ the pandemic began, many students have shifted to online learning to continue their education.
2. ___________ technology, students can now attend classes remotely and interact with their teachers and
3. Some students find online learning convenient; ___________ , others struggle with the lack of face-to-face
4. Online learning allows for access to a wide range of resources; ___________ , students are not yet used to it.

Writing skill:

Write an argumentative essay

Task 1: listen and complete the mind map about advantages and disadvantages of online learning.


Listen and complete the mind map with 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of online
learning. (

………………………….. …………………………..
…………………………. …………………………..

…………………………. …………………………
………………….……... Online
…………………………. …………………………
………………….……... …………………………

…………………………. ………………………….
………………….……... …………………………

…………………………. …………………………..
………………….……... …………………………..
First writing

Defending the 2 standpoints: for & against

Introduction: General to specific

People have different views about (topic). Some people (think, believe, see) that (online
learning) is (bad, has negative sides, a waste of time ….), while others (think, believe, see) that
(online learning) is (good, beneficial, has positive sides, has benefits).

Paragraph 1 (for) (state benefits)
There are many reasons why (online learning) is (good, beneficial). First, (reason 1) +
example. Second, (reason 2) + example. Third, (reason 3) + example.
Paragraph 2 (against)
In contrast/ on the other hand, (online learning) is (bad, has negative sides, a waste of time)
First, (reason 1) + example. Second, (reason 2) + example. Third, (reason 3) + example.
All in all, to sum up, to conclude (online learning) has both positive and negative sides. In my

 write your first draft of the essay about benefits and drawbacks of online learning.

Checking: Use the checklist for peer correction

Write the final

draft of your
essay and
submit it in the
platform (wiki)

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