Send Text Messages With A Raspberry Pi and Nexmo - Raspberry Pi - Maker Pro

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01/12/2021, 02:58 Send Text Messages With a Raspberry Pi and Nexmo | Raspberry Pi | Maker Pro

import nexmo # Importing the nexmo library

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep

sensor_pin = 17 # Initialized GPIO 17 for motion sensor

GPIO.setup(sensor_pin, GPIO.IN) # Declared GPIO 17 as input pin

# Connecting to the nexmo using API key and API secret

client = nexmo.Client(key='86af8054', secret='wVFo9rKpcYbVg')

receiver = 'Enter number' # The number at which you want to send to

message = '''Body detected '''

# Function to send message

def send_sms():
# Sending the message
response = client.send_message({'from' : 'Nexmo', 'to' : receiver, 'text' : message})
# Getting the response message
response = response['messages'][0]

# Checking whether we are successful or we got a error

if response['status'] == '0':
print 'send message', response['message-id']
print 'Error:' , response['error']

while True:
# Reading the motion sensor pin state
pin_state = GPIO.input(sensor_pin)
if pin_state==0: #When output from motion sensor is LOW
print "Body Not Detected",pin_state

elif pin_state==1: #When output from motion sensor is HIGH

print "Body Detected",pin_state
except KeyboardInterrupt:
GPIO.cleaup() 1/1

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