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Bayo Morakinyo

WRI 102.6

Dr. Reed

Long Research Paper (Final Draft)

November 22, 2023


By the year 2020, the world had met the unexpected: a virus had caused the whole world

to come to a halt. Gatherings were prohibited, some businesses paused their operations for an

indefinite amount, and so much unease and uncertainty flooded the minds of many worldwide.

The only solution was for there to be total compliance by governments and peoples of every

nation, as well as the release of some miracle vaccine that would allow us all to be free from the

threat of this invisible enemy. And we have learned that, with past pandemics, it takes 10 to 15

years for a vaccine to reach the public. Two weeks became a month, a month became three, and

four months became eight, and for most countries, a year and more. Immediately, we got the

news that a vaccine had been created, and just about a year after the first outbreak of COVID had

been reported, sighs of relief could be heard all over the world. It was truly a miracle. But even

though a few years have gone by since the first release of vaccines, there still seems to be talk of

more variants of COVID, more need for vaccine ‘booster’ shots, and more need for lockdowns.

Along with that, there has been a clash of news on some suspected effects of our miracle

vaccines, with some saying that it is nonsense and consistently trying to bring their voices down

by saying it is misinformation, and there are those who, despite all the backlash and threats, have

still stood their ground on saying the vaccine is really a problem and not the solution that the

media and corporations would like to make it seem. One thing that is unavoidable, though, is

facts, numbers, and common sense. Questions need to be raised, answers need to be given, and

the world needs the truth. What are we putting inside our bodies?

First, we have to settle in our minds the whole basis of the creation of vaccines: viruses.

What are they, and how did they come to be? The National Human Genome Research Institute

(NIH) provides good insight on this subject.

A virus is an infectious microbe consisting of a segment of nucleic acid (either DNA or

RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. A virus cannot replicate alone; instead, it must infect

cells and use components of the host cell to make copies of itself. Often, a virus ends up

killing the host cell in the process, causing damage to the host organism. (“Virus”).

Now, a vast majority of society is always so concentrated on how to fight against these killer

microbes that we often fail to ask the next question, which I believe is more important. While

trying to discover the origin of viruses, before they get in contact with a host cell, it is very

important to note that viruses are actually not living things. Although some would argue that the

topic of a virus being regarded as a living or non-living thing is still a debate, on the contrary, it

is really not. Viruses do not metabolize, and they do not reproduce; they replicate or multiply.

And without a host, viruses simply cannot survive on their own. This, therefore, means that

viruses definitely do not come from nature. And without any contradiction, all things that do not

come from nature are man-made. For a while, it was an accepted statement by the World Health

Organization (WHO) and other recognized faces in the health sector that the SARS-CoV2 (aka

coronavirus) apparently emerged from bats (Saplakoglu). But with what we have just seen about

the characteristics of a virus, that just would not go. Living things don’t produce non-living

things, and that’s a fact. Later reports came out with evidence stating that the virus outbreak

actually came right out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Not surprisingly, all who supported

this statement were quickly fired at by the WHO, Anthony Fauci, the NIH, and numerous media

outlets that labeled it as a “conspiracy theory” and all who supported the claim were “conspiracy

theorists”. In the midst of that, an article from the New York Post has brought evidence

surrounding the reasoning that Dr. Fauci and the NIH have been trying to keep this truth behind

closed doors (Devine). And the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, has come out to say, live on

CNN, that “the FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are

most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan” (Rabinowitz). Despite him omitting how long this

“some time” has been, it seems he is speaking a similar language with the so-called “conspiracy

theorists”. As for Dr. Fauci, he admits that he is willing to keep “an open mind” when it comes to

the lab leak (Eban). These are some of the truths that the majority of the news media and these

supposedly reputable figures have been trying to silence ever since the outbreak of COVID, and

we can only wonder: what else have they publicly condemned that may actually be true?

Another thing we have to address so we can truly get to the bottom of this is the function

of vaccines: What is it? How do they work? What happens once it gets inside a person’s body?

Someone may ask, ‘Why are you so curious about all of this?’ Well, I believe we should all get a

good understanding of what they are telling us to willingly introduce into our system, as well as

what we believe we should give to our children, family members, and friends for their safety. A

vaccine has two objectives as it enters a person’s body: to vaccinate and immunize. According to

the WHO, vaccination refers to the “use of vaccines to stimulate your immune system to protect

you against infection or disease,” and immunization refers to the “process of making you

immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically via vaccination” (Duda). This is very

interesting because the way a vaccine is intended to fulfill this is by introducing an ostensibly

weaker version of the virus into the body in the hope that the immune system will combat it by

producing antibodies to deal with it, so that if the real virus ever happens to attack the body on

another occasion, the system will now have antibodies that have now been trained to respond to

such threats, lowering the risk of sickness. Such a discovery is by all means incredible, if it truly

works as great as they paint it out to seem.

In light of this great discovery that is heralded as the eighth wonder of the world and a

necessity for all mankind, it is a wonder nonetheless that those who have received such

inoculation still suffer the same (if not more, of which you will see later) and have similar

restrictions as those who would prefer to stay unvaccinated. On a website named Vaccine Safety

Info, it was stated that “Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins

And Harm The Unvaccinated”. What does this mean? One may ask. America’s Frontline Doctors

(AFLDS), an American right-wing political organization, made the following caution on how

“spike proteins resulting from experimental COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines have the capacity

to 1.) pass through the “blood-brain barrier” causing neurological damage, 2.) be “shed” by the

vaccinated, bringing about sickness in unvaccinated children and adults, and 3.) cause irregular

vaginal bleeding in women” (Pfizer). What a cure! So this declares not only how the vaccinated

have now become a threat to the unvaccinated, but how the vaccinated are also a threat to

themselves. This is more damage than any vaccinated patient could ever imagine they would be

going through.

If you have not clearly seen the holes in this “obvious solution," which they call the

vaccine, then hopefully this will bring you all the clarity you require to really question the

permissibility of this substance. This is evidence that even the perpetrators themselves know

exists. Dissolving Illusions, a book co-written by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a private medical

consultant with a current American Board of Internal Medicine certification in nephrology, gave

her own experience and findings concerning the impact of vaccines on a couple patients she

monitored. It was the winter of 2009, and the HINI flu vaccine was given as a separate injection

from the periodic flu vaccine. She narrates:

That winter, three patients in close succession were wheeled into the emergency room of

my hospital with total kidney shutdown. When I arrived to talk to them, each one

volunteered to me, “I was fine until I had that vaccine.” All three had normal kidney

function at baseline, as per their outpatient records. All three required acute dialysis, two

eventually recovered, and one died of complications several months later, supposedly

from his other illnesses. … I had never, in my career as a nephrologist and an internist,

seen a case of the flu present with kidney failure unless the patient had become severely

dehydrated and/or taken copious amounts of ibuprofen, neither of which these patients

had done. Even more striking was that the patients under discussion did not have

symptoms of influenza prior to developing kidney failure. … Later, several patients were

admitted with normal kidneys and had their health decline within 24 hours of vaccination.


A similar series of tragic events were also recorded by Edward Dowd in the book “Cause

Unknown; The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 & 2022” Just a few of the shocking deaths

that occurred in these two years were made available for all to see and for all to do their own

research with links to the original sources. Most of these people were healthy, energic teenage

athletes with a bright future, with no prior destabilizing health condition until they got their jab.

And it was all downhill from there. Some fainted while playing sports, and some fainted while

on a family outing. This cannot be a coincidence.

I hope these points have made you realize that I am not against public health, I am not in

direct opposition to government instructions, and I am not just a “hard-headed anti-vaxxer”. I am

a fellow citizen just like you in a world where there is supposed to be freedom to reason, judge,

and ask questions for the betterment of society. And this cannot be done when those who choose

to stand up and ask questions are silenced by those who think they can decide the fate of the

world. I urge everyone reading this, as citizens of our beautiful world, to be careful when it

comes to vaccines. They are harmful, and that statement has been proven again and again. Bill

Gates, a top promoter of vaccines alongside Mr. Fauci, made this statement at a TED Talk a

couple years ago concerning efforts to bring down the world’s temperature: “Now, if we do a

really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that

(i.e., the global population) by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent” (TED). What could that mean? Where

is he getting at? What are his plans? The real question is: why would we want to think that those

who are after the depopulization of the whole world will have our best interests at heart,

especially when it concerns our health?


Works Cited
FOR WEB SITES OR ARTICLES ON WEBSITES: Name. Name of Website. Publisher of Web-site,
date of publication. Web. Date of access.
Segre, Julie. “Virus.” National Human Genome Research Institute. The Forefront of Genomics, 20 Nov.
2023. Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
Saplakoglu, Yasemin. “What is SARS-CoV-2's original reservoir?” Live Science. Yasemin Saplakoglu, 19
July, 2021. Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
Devine, Miranda. “New emails show Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned scientific paper in Feb. 2020 to
disprove Wuhan lab leak theory.” New York Post. New York Post, 5 Mar. 2023. Web. 22 Nov.
Eban, Katherine. “In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan.” Vanity Fair.
Vanity Fair, 22 Oct. 2021, Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
Rabinowitz, Hannah. “FBI Director Wray Acknowledges Bureau Assessment That Covid-19 Likely
Resulted from Lab Incident.” CNN. CNN, 1 Mar. 2023, Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
Duda, Kristina. “Immunized vs Vaccinated: What's the Difference?” Verywell Health.Verywell Health, 17
July, 2022. Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
“Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins and Harm the Unvaccinated.”
Vaccine Safety Info. Vaccine Safety Info. 27 Oct, 2021. Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
Humphries, Suzanne, and Roman Bystrianyk. Dissolving Illusions. Internet Archive. 2013.
Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
Dowd, Edward. Cause Unknown; The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 & 2022. Internet Archive.
2022. Web. 22 Nov. 2023.
TED. “Innovating to Zero! | Bill Gates.” YouTube. 21 Feb. 2010, Web. 22 Nov. 2023.

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