History of Cornelius

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There lived in Caesarea a centurion named Cornelius of the regiment known

as the Italian. He and his entire family were devout and God-fearing. He
carried out many charitable works for the people of Israel and prayed to God
constantly. One day, about three in the afternoon, he had a vision. He clearly
saw an angel of God approaching and saying to him:

"What do you want, sir?" —Cornelius asked, looking at him intently and with
great fear.
“God has received your prayers and your works of charity as an offering,”
answered the angel. Immediately sends some men to Joppa to send for a
certain Simon, also called Peter. He stays with Simon the tanner, who has his
house by the sea.

After the angel who had spoken to him left, Cornelius called two of his
servants and a devoted soldier from those who served him regularly. He
explained to them everything that had happened and sent them to Joppa.

Peter's vision
The next day, as they were on their way and approaching the city, Peter went
up on the roof to pray. It was almost noon. He felt hungry and wanted
something to eat. While they were preparing food for him, he had a vision. He
saw the sky open and something like a large sheet that, suspended by the
four corners, descended towards the earth. In it there were all kinds of
quadrupeds, as well as reptiles and birds.

"Get up, Peter, kill and come," a voice told him.

—No way, Lord! —Peter responded—. I have never eaten anything impure or
For the second time the voice insisted:
—What God has purified, do not call impure.
This happened three times and immediately the sheet was taken up to

Peter knew how to explain what the meaning of the vision could be.
Meanwhile, the men sent by Cornelius, who had been asking about Simon's
house, came to the door. They called and asked if Simon, nicknamed Pedro,
was staying there.
As Peter continued to reflect on the meaning of the vision, the Spirit said to
him, “Look, Simon, three men are looking for you. Hurry, come down, and do
not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.”
Peter went down and said to the men:
Here I am; I am the one you are looking for. What matter has brought you
They answered:
We come from Centurion Cornelius, a just and God-fearing man, respected by
all the Jewish people. An angel of God ordered him to invite you to his house
to hear what you have to say.
Then Peter invited them in and welcomed them.

Peter at Cornelius' house

The next day, Peter went with them, accompanied by some believers from
Joppa. A day later he arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was waiting for him with
the relatives and close friends he had gathered. When Peter arrived at the
house, Cornelius came out to receive him and, prostrating himself before him,
paid homage to him. But Peter made him stand up and said:

—Stand up, I'm just a man like you.

Peter entered the house talking with him and found many gathered.
Then he spoke to them like this:
—You know very well that our Law prohibits a Jew from meeting with or
visiting a foreigner. But God has made me see that I should not call anyone
impure or unclean. That's why, when they sent for me, I came without raising
any objection. Now let me ask you: why did you make me come?
Cornelius answered:

—Three days ago, at 3 in the afternoon, I was at home praying when a man in
bright clothes appeared. He told me that God heard my prayers and
remembered my good deeds. I then sent for you, Simon Peter, who is staying
in Joppa with Simon the tanner by the sea. We are now gathered here in the
presence of God to hear the message the Lord has entrusted to you.

Peter spoke up and said:

—While God shows no favoritism, He looks favorably upon those who fear
Him and act justly in every nation. God sent the message of peace through
Jesus Christ, who did good, healed the oppressed, and was resurrected on the
third day. We are witnesses, chosen by God, to bear testimony that everyone
who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name."
While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came upon all who heard the
message. The Jewish believers who had arrived with Peter were amazed that
the gift of the Holy Spirit had also been poured out on the non-Jews, as they
heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Then Peter answered:

—Can anyone deny water so that those who have received the Holy Spirit the
same as us can be baptized?

And he commanded that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then
they asked him to stay with them for a few days.

This story was greatly miraculous. Before Peter's vision, he believed that
salvation only belonged to the Jewish people, but God opened his heart to
make him understand that salvation is for everyone who believes in him,
regardless of whether he is Greek, Jewish or of any other origin. Salvation
brings a miracle to the life of any person. The Bible says that the human being
by nature is dead in his crimes and sins, that we are like a valley of dry bones.
But the precious blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. And he, who is rich in
mercy, with the great love of him who loved us, even when we were dead in
sins, gave us life together with Christ, by grace we are saved! O depth of the
riches of the wisdom and science of God! What a miracle he has given us! That
our dark lives can be illuminated and transformed by the beautiful sacrifice of
Christ, the Son of God, on the cross.

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