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Predictive Analytics with KNIME:

Analytics for Citizen Data Scientists 1st

Edition Acito
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with KNIME
Analytics for Citizen Data Scientists
Predictive Analytics with KNIME
Frank Acito

Predictive Analytics with

Analytics for Citizen Data Scientists
Frank Acito
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN, USA

ISBN 978-3-031-45629-9    ISBN 978-3-031-45630-5 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
Switzerland AG 2023
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I dedicate this work to my loving wife,
Sandie, who has been patient, supportive,
and understanding.

Over the past years, university programs in analytics have become very popular.
One estimate is that nearly 250 graduate programs in analytics have been launched
with more on the horizon. This book, Predictive Analytics with KNIME, is based on
my over 40 years of teaching analytics to thousands of students at the Kelley School
of Business at Indiana University. The book draws from my lectures, Excel demon-
strations, handouts, and other materials I developed. Based upon my years of teach-
ing this material, I have learned where students have difficulty and have developed
strategies for helping them learn which I have incorporated into the book.
Several texts on analytics are available, but this text differs in several ways. One
differentiating feature of my book is using KNIME as the principal analytics soft-
ware. KNIME is an open-source, drag-and-drop package that is especially easy to
use. Unlike R and Python, which are used in other textbooks, learning KNIME is
much more intuitive and does not require coding. The drag-and-drop workflows
created in KNIME are self-documenting, so users can see exactly which analysis
steps were taken and in what order.
The graphical interface in KNIME is like those in well-known, but expensive,
commercial programs such as SAS Enterprise Miner, IBM SPSS Modeler, and
Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning. Despite being open-source, KNIME has
thousands of easy-to-use nodes which can perform a vast number of analyses,
including nodes for deep learning, text analytics, and ensemble models.
Since KNIME is open-source, readers can use it for their own work or in organi-
zations. KNIME is unlike many other tools that require expensive annual licensing.
Feedback from my students while teaching courses on analytics indicated that they
are often disappointed that they could not use the software after the end of the
course because licenses were too costly for them and even for many of the organiza-
tions where they worked.
Another advantage of KNIME is that it can incorporate R code. In a few instances,
I use R for specialized tasks that are either unavailable in KNIME or enable more
customization of the analyses. However, knowledge of R is not a requirement, and
all the R codes will be provided.

viii Preface

While providing conceptual background on the algorithms, the text also includes
intuitive explanations. For example, principal components analysis is usually pre-
sented as a series of matrix calculations using eigenvalue decomposition, and the
mathematics do not make clear how this technique works. While I include the equa-
tions, I also demonstrate how an eigenvalue can be obtained in Excel by maximizing
the variance of a weighted average of a set of variables. This is one example of how
the book should be accessible to those with little technical background but still
interesting to those more comfortable with statistics and mathematics.
Images of the KNIME workflows and detailed descriptions of the nodes in each
KNIME workflow are provided. All the KNIME workflows discussed in the book,
including the required data sets, are available to readers. Users can download the
workflows, run them on their computers, experiment with modifications, and use
these as templates for further work. The site to download the workflows is https://

Bloomington, IN, USA Frank Acito


1 Introduction to Analytics������������������������������������������������������������������������    1

1.1 The Growing Emphasis on Analytics�����������������������������������������������    2
1.2 Applications of Analytics������������������������������������������������������������������    5
1.3 The Citizen Data Scientist����������������������������������������������������������������    6
1.4 The Analytics Process ����������������������������������������������������������������������    7
1.5 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    8
References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    9
2 Problem Definition����������������������������������������������������������������������������������   11
2.1 Expert Views on Problem Definition������������������������������������������������   12
2.2 A Telecom Problem Definition Example������������������������������������������   12
2.3 Defining the Analytics Problem��������������������������������������������������������   13
2.4 Structured Versus Unstructured Problems����������������������������������������   15
2.5 Getting Started with Defining the Problem��������������������������������������   16
2.6 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   18
References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   19
3 Introduction to KNIME��������������������������������������������������������������������������   21
3.1 KNIME Features������������������������������������������������������������������������������   21
3.2 The KNIME Workbench ������������������������������������������������������������������   22
3.3 Learning to Use KNIME������������������������������������������������������������������   23
3.4 KNIME Extensions and Integrations������������������������������������������������   24
3.5 Data Types in KNIME����������������������������������������������������������������������   25
3.6 Example: Predicting Heart Disease with KNIME����������������������������   25
3.7 Example: Preparation of Hospital Data Using KNIME��������������������   30
3.8 Flow Variables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������   33
3.9 Loops in KNIME������������������������������������������������������������������������������   37
3.10 Metanodes and Components in KNIME������������������������������������������   43
3.11 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   49
Appendices������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   50
Appendix 1: Integrating R into KNIME ����������������������������������������    50
Appendix 2: Regex for Search Patterns������������������������������������������    51

x Contents

4 Data Preparation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   53

4.1 Obtaining the Needed Data��������������������������������������������������������������   53
4.2 Data Cleaning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   54
4.3 Data Cleaning Nodes in KNIME������������������������������������������������������   54
4.4 Missing Values����������������������������������������������������������������������������������   55
4.5 Dealing with Missing Values������������������������������������������������������������   60
4.6 Outliers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   64
4.7 Feature Engineering��������������������������������������������������������������������������   74
4.8 Example of Using KNIME for Data Preparation������������������������������   77
4.9 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   82
References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   82
5 Dimensionality Reduction ����������������������������������������������������������������������   85
5.1 Problems with Large Numbers of Variables ������������������������������������   85
5.2 Approaches to Dimension Reduction ����������������������������������������������   86
5.3 Principal Components Analysis��������������������������������������������������������   92
5.4 Example of Using PCA��������������������������������������������������������������������   94
5.5 Intuition and Algebra behind Principal Components������������������������ 100
5.6 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 102
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Ordinary Least Squares Regression������������������������������������������������������ 105
6.1 Intuition About Simple Linear Regression �������������������������������������� 106
6.2 Multiple Regression�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
6.3 Building a Predictive Regression Model������������������������������������������ 108
Variable Types in Regression����������������������������������������������������������   108
Coding Nominal Variables��������������������������������������������������������������   109
Coding Ordinal Variables����������������������������������������������������������������   110
6.4 Nonlinear Relationships�������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Regression with a Nonlinear Relationship��������������������������������������   111
Using a Polynomial Model ������������������������������������������������������������   112
Transformations to Deal with Nonlinearity������������������������������������   114
6.5 Evaluating Predictive Accuracy�������������������������������������������������������� 114
6.6 Example Applications of Regression������������������������������������������������ 115
Predicting Home Prices������������������������������������������������������������������   115
Comparison of OLS and Stepwise Regression ������������������������������   118
Using Regularization for Predictor Selection ��������������������������������   118
Regularization Formula������������������������������������������������������������������   120
Comparisons of Prediction Accuracy����������������������������������������������   121
6.7 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 123
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
7 Logistic Regression���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
7.1 Intuition About Binary Logistic Regression ������������������������������������ 126
7.2 Modeling Probabilities���������������������������������������������������������������������� 127
7.3 Estimating Logistic Regression Parameters�������������������������������������� 128
Contents xi

7.4 Example Using Simulated Data�������������������������������������������������������� 128

The Logistic Analysis Results��������������������������������������������������������   129
Estimating Probabilities������������������������������������������������������������������   130
7.5 The Nonlinearity of Logistic Regression Coefficients���������������������� 131
Change in X1 (−0.07 to +0.03) with X2 = 1.50��������������������������������   131
Change in X1 (+0.170 to +0.270) with X2 = 1.50����������������������������   131
Change in X1 (−0.07 to +0.03) with X2 = 2.00��������������������������������   133
Change in X1 (−0.07 to +0.03) with X2 = 2.00��������������������������������   133
Changes in Odds, Log Odds, and Probability��������������������������������   134
7.6 Interpreting Logistic Results Using Log Odds �������������������������������� 134
7.7 Evaluating Classification Models����������������������������������������������������� 136
Confusion Matrices ������������������������������������������������������������������������   137
Which Metrics to Use with Confusion Matrices?��������������������������   137
ROC Curves������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   138
7.8 Example: Predicting Employee Retention Using Logistic
Regression���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Results for the Analysis of Employee Turnover�����������������������������   145
7.9 Predictor Interpretation and Importance ������������������������������������������ 148
An Approximate Method for Predictor Interpretation��������������������   149
7.10 Example: Predicting Heart Disease Using Logistic
Regression���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
Results for Heart Disease Prediction����������������������������������������������   154
7.11 Regularized Logistic Regression������������������������������������������������������ 155
Applying Regularization to the Heart Disease Data ����������������������   156
Interpreting the Coefficients�����������������������������������������������������������   157
7.12 Asymmetric Benefits and Costs�������������������������������������������������������� 157
7.13 Multinomial Logistic Regression������������������������������������������������������ 160
7.14 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 165
Appendix: Cohen’s Kappa ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 165
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167
8 Classification and Regression Trees ������������������������������������������������������ 169
8.1 Classification Trees �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
8.2 Applications of Decision Trees�������������������������������������������������������� 171
8.3 Developing Classification Trees�������������������������������������������������������� 171
8.4 Growing Decision Trees Using Gini Impurity���������������������������������� 173
Demonstrating Gini Calculations����������������������������������������������������   173
8.5 Pruning to Avoid Overfitting������������������������������������������������������������ 176
Pre-pruning�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   177
Post-pruning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   178
Reduced Error Pruning�������������������������������������������������������������������   178
Cost-Complexity Pruning ��������������������������������������������������������������   179
Pruning Using the Minimum Description Length Principle ����������   180
Recommendations on Pruning��������������������������������������������������������   181
xii Contents

8.6 Missing Values in Decision Tree Analyses �������������������������������������� 182

Ignoring Missing Data��������������������������������������������������������������������   182
Imputation Techniques��������������������������������������������������������������������   182
Using Machine Learning����������������������������������������������������������������   183
8.7 Outliers in Classification Trees �������������������������������������������������������� 183
8.8 Predicting Churn with a Classification Tree ������������������������������������ 183
8.9 Regression Trees ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 186
8.10 Example: Head Acceleration in a Simulated
Motorcycle Accident ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 188
8.11 Strengths and Weaknesses of Decision Trees ���������������������������������� 189
Strengths of Decision Trees������������������������������������������������������������   189
Weaknesses of Decision Trees��������������������������������������������������������   190
8.12 Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 191
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
9 Naïve Bayes���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 193
9.1 A Thought Problem�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 193
Analysis of the Thought Problem ��������������������������������������������������   193
9.2 Bayes’ Theorem Illustrated�������������������������������������������������������������� 195
Updating the Probabilities��������������������������������������������������������������   195
What Happens with More Predictors?��������������������������������������������   196
9.3 Illustration of Naïve Bayes with a “Toy” Data Set �������������������������� 197
Calculations Needed for the Naïve Bayes’ Model��������������������������   197
Results of Probability Calculations������������������������������������������������   198
9.4 The Assumption of Conditional Independence�������������������������������� 199
9.5 Naïve Bayes with Continuous Predictors������������������������������������������ 199
9.6 Laplace Smoothing �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
9.7 Example of Naïve Bayes Applied to the Heart Disease Data ���������� 201
Heart Disease Predictions with Naïve Bayes����������������������������������   203
9.8 Example of Naïve Bayes Applied to Detecting Spam���������������������� 203
Accuracy of SPAM/HAM Detection����������������������������������������������   206
9.9 Summary and Comments on Naïve Bayes���������������������������������������� 206
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
10 k Nearest Neighbors�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209
10.1 How kNN Works���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
10.2 A Two-Dimensional Graphic Example of kNN������������������������������ 211
10.3 Example Application of kNN to Diagnosing Heart Disease���������� 212
10.4 kNN for Continuous Targets ���������������������������������������������������������� 215
10.5 kNN for Multiclass Target Variables���������������������������������������������� 217
10.6 Summary ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 227
Contents xiii

11 Neural Networks�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 229

11.1 What Are Artificial Neural Networks?�������������������������������������������� 230
11.2 The Learning Process for Artificial Neural Networks�������������������� 232
11.3 Example of a Single-Layer Artificial Neuron �������������������������������� 234
11.4 Example of a Multilayer Perceptron ���������������������������������������������� 235
11.5 Example Application of a Multilayer Perceptron
with Multi-level Categorical Target������������������������������������������������ 238
11.6 Considerations for Using Neural Nets�������������������������������������������� 238
11.7 Example: Using Neural Nets to Predict Credit Status�������������������� 242
11.8 Example: Neural Nets to Predict Used Car Prices�������������������������� 249
11.9 Summary ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 254
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 254
12 Ensemble Models ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 255
12.1 Creating Ensemble Models ������������������������������������������������������������ 256
12.2 Ensemble Models Based on Decision Trees ���������������������������������� 256
12.3 Example of Ensemble Modeling with a Continuous Target ���������� 260
12.4 Example of Ensemble Modeling for a Binary Target �������������������� 260
12.5 Summary ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
13 Cluster Analysis���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
13.1 How Many Clusters Are There?������������������������������������������������������ 267
13.2 Recommended Steps in Running a Cluster Analysis���������������������� 269
13.3 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis �������������������������������������������������������� 278
13.4 k-Means Clustering������������������������������������������������������������������������ 285
13.5 Density-Based Clustering �������������������������������������������������������������� 288
13.6 Fuzzy Cluster Analysis ������������������������������������������������������������������ 294
13.7 Cluster Validation���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
13.8 Summary ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
14 Communication and Deployment���������������������������������������������������������� 299
14.1 Writing and Presenting the Final Report���������������������������������������� 299
14.2 Data Visualization �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 301
14.3 Deploying Predictive Models���������������������������������������������������������� 303
14.4 Summary ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 310

Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 311
Chapter 1
Introduction to Analytics

Analytics involves the application of data-based models to enhance results, reduce

costs, and reduce risk in both profit-making and non-profit organizations. Eric
Siegel coined “The prediction effect” to describe how models make predictions
about people, documents, actions, or entities at the individual level (Siegel, 2013).
He further stated that applicable predictive models do not have to be perfectly accu-
rate. All that is necessary is that predictions using analytics need to be better than
the method used in the past.
Analytics has emerged as a catch-all term for various business intelligence and
application-related initiatives. It sometimes refers to statistical and mathematical
data analyses in specific content areas such as sales, services, supply chain and
logistics, health care, and fraud detection. Across these content areas, analytics can
also be classified into three basic types based on the end objective of an application:
description, prediction, and prescription, in rough order of sophistication.
Descriptive analytics refers to examining and interpreting data to answer ques-
tions such as, “What happened?” or “What is currently happening?” Data visualiza-
tions such as bar charts, scatterplots, line graphs, box plots, and histograms are
commonly used to derive insights from data sets. Furthermore, descriptive analytics
utilize basic summary statistics such as measures of central tendency and spread as
well as correlations to understand the data better.
Predictive analytics focuses on predicting continuous variables and classifying
categorical outcomes. Before building predictive models, it is crucial to utilize
descriptive analytics techniques to comprehend, clean, and prepare the data.
Techniques such as multiple regression, decision trees, and neural networks are
among the many predictive analytics models available.
Prescriptive analytics represents an advanced approach that provides guidance
to decision-makers by answering the question, “What should be done?” Simulation,
recommendation engines, and optimization methods are used to develop prescrip-
tive models. However, accurate predictive models serve as essential prerequisites
before creating prescriptive models.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 1

F. Acito, Predictive Analytics with KNIME,
2 1 Introduction to Analytics

While descriptive and prescriptive analytics will be featured in some examples,

the principal focus of this book is on methods for predictive analytics. Predictive
analytics can provide direct value to decision-makers. Descriptive analytics are
essential, but while reports and dashboards based on descriptive analytics can pro-
vide understanding and insight, decision-makers are left to integrate the findings
into their beliefs and experiences to make choices. Prescriptive analytics, on the
other hand, can give managers guidance on actions to take.

1.1 The Growing Emphasis on Analytics

The 2021 Digital Readiness Survey found that 89% of IT respondents reported
increased use of business analytics in the previous 2 years.1 A 2022 survey of supply
chain and manufacturing executives said that 22% had adopted predictive and pre-
scriptive analytics, with more than 80% reported intentions to adopt it in the next
5 years.2 A 2019 study found that 60% of healthcare executives used predictive
analytics. The human resources function has also recently emerged as a leader in
analytics applications (Davenport, 2019).
Three developments have created significant opportunities to use analytics to
support and enhance decision-making in business, health care and medicine, gov-
ernment, and not-for-profit organizations. The three developments are:
• An explosion in the volume, variety, and velocity of data.
• Better, faster, and cheaper hardware and software.
• Growing demand for fact-based, data-supported decision-making.
Volume, Variety, and Velocity of Data
More data is being collected, from more sources, than ever before. Data has not only
increased in volume; it has also gained tremendous richness and diversity. For many
years data analysis was mainly applied to structured quantitative data that was
clearly formatted with defined fields from internally generated information about
finance, production, employees, and sales. Today, richer analyses can lead to new
insights by combining internal data with external data from governments, social
media, mobile devices, and many other sources. Advances have made extracting
unstructured data from text, images, video, and voice possible.
In 2001 analyst Doug Laney formulated the 3V framework to characterize the
dimensions of the data explosion (Laney, 2001).3 Laney noted that the amount of
data is expanding in three ways:

“The 2022 MHI Annual Industry Report” 2022. (
The original 3V framework has been expanded by various authors to include terms such as
“veracity” and “value”. (
1.1 The Growing Emphasis on Analytics 3

• Volume: The amount or size of data. Big data is about volumes of data that are
reaching unprecedented levels. Even the prefixes used to identify big data met-
rics have evolved to quantify the massive amounts of data measured in bytes:
mega (106), giga (109), tera (1012, peta (1015), exa (1018), zeta (1021), and
yotta (1024).
• Variety: The diverse range of data, including structured databases, unstructured
data not directly machine-readable, time series, spatial, natural language, media,
and data from connected devices.
• Velocity: The speed at which data is received, stored, managed, and analyzed, in
some cases, in real- time.
One data source that is growing in importance is embedded sensors that collect and
transmit data from connected devices – such as industrial machines, automobiles,
and home appliances. This phenomenon, called “The Internet of Things,” has led to
smarter home security systems, autonomous farm equipment, self-driving vehicles,
and numerous other developments. Data is generated by everything from cameras
and traffic sensors to heart rate monitors, enabling richer insights into human behav-
ior. Retailers, for instance, are building complete customer profiles across all their
touchpoints, while healthcare providers can now monitor patients remotely. In addi-
tion, companies in traditional industries such as natural resources and manufactur-
ing are using sensors to monitor their physical assets and logistics. They can use that
data to predict and prevent bottlenecks or maximize utilization.
Some of the data generated is a byproduct of using the internet, smartphones, and
other connected devices. This has been labeled “data exhaust” for how it streams
out, like the way car exhaust spews out behind motor vehicles.
There is no question that the explosion of data, especially personally identifiable
data, must be carefully used. Governmental rules and regulations have not kept up
with the technical capabilities, so it is incumbent on analysts to carefully balance
applications with ethical considerations.
Better, Faster, Easier to Use, and Less Expensive Hardware and Software
About 70 years ago, the era of digital computers began. The computers of the fifties
and sixties were huge, room-filling machines that were operated in climate-­
controlled environments. These machines required one or more operators to moni-
tor performance continuously. Since then, exponential improvements in the basic
circuitry, memory chips, and processors have produced computers that are smaller
and cheaper than anything imagined in the 1960s.
The growth of computing power was noted in the 1960s by Gordon Moore, a
Caltech professor and one of the founders of the giant Intel Corporation. Moore’s
Law (the observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit has dou-
bled every 18–24 months since 1965) has tracked the exponential growth in the
power of microprocessors since 1965. One interesting calculation compares one of
the first all-transistor computers, the IBM 7090 produced in 1961, with today’s
powerful laptops. A modern chip in a high-end laptop can operate 30,000 times as
fast as the IBM 7090 (which would cost $20 million in today’s money versus
4 1 Introduction to Analytics

$500–$2000 for today’s machines). Today’s analysts have computing power on per-
sonal devices that can use the latest advanced techniques even with huge data sets.
Several developments have improved data mining and predictive analytics soft-
ware tools, making them easier to use, more powerful, and, in some cases, less
expensive. One key development has been the emergence of cloud computing,
which provides software tools as web services and turns computational power into
a utility. The cloud-based supply model enables on-demand power and pay-as-you-
go. Leaders in this domain include Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, IBM,
and Google.
Desktop software has also become more sophisticated, more powerful and user-­
friendly, lowering the entry barriers for building analytics models. Open-source
tools such as Python and R provide free access to world-class tools for data analyt-
ics. Advanced data analysis packages used to have steep learning curves and, even
when learned, required arcane commands and complex syntax. Today, analytics can
be done with drag-and-drop tools that have made analytics accessible to more peo-
ple. Furthermore, open-source tools such as KNIME, H2O, Orange, and Weka
are free.
Many software programs can quickly produce basic visual representations of
data such as bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, and line graphs. Such visualizations
are a tiny sliver of what is possible. Advanced data visualization is the last link in
communicating results – from the computer to the human mind. Techniques are now
used to show dynamic content and animations, allow real-time querying alerts, and
combine multiple visualizations into interactive dashboards. Enhanced data visual-
ization tools such as Power BI Desktop, Tableau, and Qlik enable the creation of
state-of-the-art visualizations and dashboards for understanding and communicat-
ing insights from data.
Growing Demand for Fact-Based, Data-Supported Decision Making
Today, advanced analytics are used in all types of commercial and non-commercial
organizations. However, while decision-makers know the benefits of data analytics,
many organizations have yet to realize the potential advantages fully.
A very early example of predictive analytics was developed in 1689 by the Lloyd
Company, which used past data to evaluate the risk of sea voyages and thus set pre-
miums for insuring voyages.4 A more recent example of commercial analytics appli-
cations was the system created by the Fair Isaacs Corporation in the 1950s with the
development of FICO scores for credit scoring.5 Since then, applications and oppor-
tunities have existed in all functional areas. For example, an emerging trend is using
analytics in human resources, where applications are being developed to automati-
cally filter job applications, deal with turnover issues, optimize and manage bene-
fits, drive succession planning, and guide employee training.

“A Brief History of Predictive Analytics.” 2019. (
“FICO History.” (
1.2 Applications of Analytics 5

Greater management sophistication (and expectations) regarding the use of data

to support decision-making has been a driver of analytics. Organizations are turning
to analytics to make fact-based decisions, relying less on intuition and becoming
more data driven. The influential McKinsey report, “Big data: The next frontier for
innovation, competition, and productivity” (Manyika et al., 2016), provided an in-­
depth look at the landscape of big data and predicted the huge benefits that can be
generated by mining the big data in domains such as health care, public service,
government, retail, manufacturing, and logistics. The report also projected a short-
age of expertise in data mining and data-sophisticated managerial talent.

1.2 Applications of Analytics

Analytics is being used in all sorts of creative and impactful ways. For example,
Google launched Project Oxygen in 2008 to document the common behaviors of its
managers. Analyses of more than 10,000 performance reviews were examined to
determine the effects of leadership on employee retention. Applying insights from
the investigations led to measurable improvements in turnover, satisfaction, and per-
formance (Harrell & Barbato, 2018).
Analytics is used extensively in professional and collegiate football, basketball,
soccer, and other sports to diagnose and improve individual and team performance,
recruit new players, and increase revenue.
The lodging industry uses analytics for a wide variety of applications of analyt-
ics. Marriott, a leader in the use of analytics, uses data to identify new sources of
revenue, cultivate new customers, increase the loyalty of legacy ones, and identify
opportunities for new properties in new markets (Eisen, 2018).
Amazon has several recommendation engines for books, consumer products,
music, and videos that predict the shopping preferences of their customers. While
many retailers use recommendation tools, Amazon has one of the best. Rather than
blindly suggesting a product, Amazon uses data analytics and machine learning to
drive its recommendation engine. Amazon’s system uses three types of data to
decide which products to recommend to a consumer using its site: (1) customer
demographics that are related to product preferences; (2) product-product relation-
ships such as recommending books and movies based on the patterns of products
purchased by others; (3) data on customers’ prior purchases and search behavior.
McKinsey estimated that in 2017 35% of Amazon’s consumer purchases could be
tied back to the company’s recommendation system (MacKenzie et al., 2013).
Example Application to Health Insurance
An example of an analytics project by the consulting firm Accenture to improve
operations in a health insurance provider was described in an article by Kumar et al.
(2010). The project’s focus was reducing errors in claims experienced by a health
insurance company. These errors required extra administrative work, extra costs,
and increased dissatisfaction by medical professionals and their patients due to
6 1 Introduction to Analytics

delays and incorrect denials of payments. Two common ways of identifying errors
are a random selection of claims for audit and using rules devised by experts to flag
claims with errors. While using expert-based rules is slightly better than random
audits, the rules require investments in expert time for development and continued
refinement. The Accenture project aimed to identify claims with errors (not neces-
sarily fraud) before authorizing the final payment. To illustrate how predictive ana-
lytics was used to make the claims auditing process more efficient, the following
example explains how analytics was used in this case. (The actual data used in the
Accenture study is not available.)
Assume a hypothetical health insurance provider receives about 5000 claims
every working day, resulting in 5000 claims × 250 days/year = 1,250,000 claims
yearly. The company employs a team that takes a random sample of the audit claims.
Experience indicates that about 5% of the claims audited have one or more errors,
which means that about .05 × 1,250,000 = 62,500 claim errors occur each year for
this provider. Also assume the audit team can review 200 randomly selected claims
per day, so with 200 × 250 days, 50,000 claims can be audited each year. Using the
assumed 5% error rate, the audit team would be expected to find about 2500 claim
errors per year, only 4% of the 62,500 total. This meant 60,000 claim errors would
not be flagged and require costly rework when a patient or provider disputes the
claim and requests a second review.
A predictive model was developed using data from previous years. Each record
in the database was a claim with patient and provider details, characteristics of the
claim, and a flag indicating whether an error(s) was detected leading to rework was
needed. This flag can be used as a binary target variable for a predictive model
which uses variables from the claim text and data on the providers and patients. As
with most models, the model cannot identify every error and may incorrectly flag
claims without errors. Assume the model provides a score on each claim in the data-
base reflecting the probability that the claim has an error and needs to be reviewed.
The model’s predictive accuracy was not perfect with many claims erroneously
labeled as having errors and many that did have errors not correctly identified.
Despite the errors, 25% of the claims with errors were correctly identified.
The model included a probability that a claim had an error and the data from the
analysis was sorted from highest to lowest predicted probability of error. Assume
that the top 50,000 claims with the highest chance of error are selected. (This
matches the annual capacity, 50,000 audits per year, of the audit team.) The result is
that in 25% × 50,000 = 12,500 claims with errors are presented to the audit team.
This is five times the number of errors identified using the random sample.

1.3 The Citizen Data Scientist

Software tools that require little or no coding to develop sophisticated predictive

analytics models make analytics available to a broader set of employees. Gartner
analysts Tapadinhas and Idoine (2016) coined the term “citizen data scientist” to
1.4 The Analytics Process 7

describe the emerging trend of democratizing analytics beyond dedicated, highly

trained, and hard-to-find data scientists. Pidsley and Idoine (2021) defined a citizen
data scientist as someone that uses analytics, but whose main job is not analytics.
Citizen data scientists might work in finance, accounting, marketing, operations,
or human resources, but they could employ self-service analytics tools to increase
the effectiveness and impact of their organizational work. Predictive analytics
becomes an added activity in their everyday jobs.
Citizen data scientists can fill the gap left in IT organizations needing help to
meet the demand for incorporating analytics into day-to-day decision-making and
operations. Even deep learning tools, which have empowered computers to mimic
human intelligence in highly specialized areas such as image analysis, speech pro-
cessing, and text analytics, are available in accessible software such as KNIME.
The demand for highly skilled data scientists far outstrips the current supply. The
following example illustrates this. Suppose an organization posted a job opening for
a skilled data scientist. The ideal candidate would have 3 years of experience and
skills in Python, SQL, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning. According to
Gartner Talent Neuron data, 98% of the current world talent pool would not qualify
for the position, (Heizenberg, 2022). So, citizen data scientists are likely to have
many opportunities to contribute while not replacing technical experts.

1.4 The Analytics Process

Developing a predictive analytics model is best approached as a deliberate sequence

of activities that starts with carefully understanding the problem. These activities or
steps are listed in sequence, but following the steps in a strict order rarely occurs in
practice. Instead, iteration, revision, and repetition are usually required since the
results of one step may require that previous actions be re-examined and redefined.
Several process frameworks have been published, including CRISP (Cross
Industry Standard Process for Data Mining),6 SEMMA (Sample, Explore, Modify,
Model and Assess),7 Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fayyad et al., 1996),
Microsoft’s Team Data Science Process (TDSP, n.d.), and others. While the CRISP
framework has not been updated since it was developed, and it has remained the
most popular model based on Google search volume.8

“IBM SPSS Modeler CRISP-DM Guide.” (
“Data Mining and SEMMA.” (
“CRISP-DM is Still the Most Popular Framework for Executing Data Science Projects” https://
8 1 Introduction to Analytics

Fig. 1.1 A revised analytics framework

Based on the author’s experience in developing predictive models, some modifi-

cations were made to the standard CRISP model for purposes of this book, resulting
in the revised framework shown in Fig. 1.1. The changes are:
• The label on the first step is changed to Problem Definition, since this more
clearly indicates that the output of this step needs to state the problem to be
solved by the analysis task. Business understanding is implied in this step.
• The two steps, Data Understanding and Data Preparation, are combined into a
single step Data Preparation, since the two separate steps shown in the CRISP
model are rarely conducted in the sequence shown but rather tend to be done
• Modeling and Evaluation are combined into a single step to reflect the iteration
typically needed in building an accurate model.
• A new step, Communication, has been added to emphasize the importance of
gaining understanding and buy-in from others, which is usually needed if the
model is to be deployed and used.
• Deployment is the final step in the revised model as is true of the CRISP model.
The modified CRISP model from Fig. 1.1 was used to organize the chapters covered
in the book, starting with Problem definition in Chap. 2 and ending with
Communication and deployment in Chap. 14 (with a detour in Chap. 3 to intro-
duce KNIME).

1.5 Summary

Analytics involves using data models to enhance results, reduce costs, and reduce
risk. Its use has grown rapidly in recent years driven by three key developments: the
explosion of data volume, variety, and velocity; advances in hardware and software;
and a growing demand for data-driven decision making. Applications of analytics
span many industries including tech, retail, healthcare, sports, and more. Advances
have enabled “citizen data scientists” without extensive statistical training to
develop predictive models using self-service tools which help meet the high demand
for analytics expertise. Developing analytics models involves a series of steps
beginning with problem definition and ending with deployment.
References 9


Davenport, T. (2019). Is HR the most analytics-driven function?­hr-­the-­

most-­analytics-­driven-­function. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Eisen, D. (2018). Marriott bets on predictive analytics for brand growth. https://www.hotelma-­builds-­its-­brands-­by-­knowing-­more-­about-­you. Accessed 29
July 2023.
Fayyad, U., Piatetshy-Shapiro, G., & Smyth, P. (1996). The KDD process for extracting useful
knowledge from volumes of data mining communications of the ACM.
pdf/10.1145/240455.240464. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Harrell, M., & Barbato, L. (2018). Great managers still matter: The evolution of Google’s Project
Oxygen.­evolution-­of-­project-­oxygen/. Accessed 29
July 2023.
Heizenberg, J. (2022). How to attract and retain data & analytics talent. https://www.itworldcan-­to-­attract-­and-­retain-­data-­analytics-­talent/470353. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Kumar, R. Ghani, M., & Mei, Z. (2010). Data mining to predict and prevent errors in health insur-
ance claims processing. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on
knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 65–74).
Laney, D. (2001). 3d data management: Controlling data volume, velocity and variety. Institute
of TechnologMETA Group Research Note.­data-­
management%2D%2Dcontrolling-­data-­volume%2D%2Dvelocity%2D%2Dan... Accessed 29
July 2023
MacKenzie, I., Meyer, C., & Nobel, S. (2013). How retailers can keep up with consumers. https://­insights/how-­retailers-­can-­keep-­up-­with-­consumers.
Accessed 29 July, 2023.
Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C., & Byers, A. H. (2016). Big
data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey Digital. https://­digital/our-­insights/big-­data-­the-­next-­frontier-­for-­
innovation. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Pidsley, D., & Idoine, C. (2021). Maximize the value of your data science efforts by empower-
ing citizen data scientists. Accessed 29
July 2023.
Siegel, E. (2013). Predictive analytics: The power to predict who will click, buy, lie, or die. Wiley.
Tapadinhas, J., & Idoine, C. (2016). Citizen data science augments data discovery and simplifies
data science. Accessed 29 July 2023.
TDSP. (n.d.). What is the team data science process?­us/azure/
architecture/data-­science-­process/overview. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Chapter 2
Problem Definition

Before collecting data or thinking about which analytic technique to use, it is criti-
cal to understand the business problem. While it may seem evident that the business
problem should be clearly stated, it is frequently reported that the biggest reason for
failures of analytics projects is a poor understanding of the problem. Moreover,
defining a problem that will add value to an organization must be preceded by a
good knowledge of the business.1 This phase of the analytics process includes
understanding the business, identifying the stakeholders, recognizing the problem
type, and framing the questions. There is a temptation to take a request from a client
or manager without careful thought and to go directly to gathering and analyzing
data. If this path is taken, the most important questions will frequently be unan-
swered, wasting time and resources.
The benefits of a careful effort to understand the business and define the problem
• Increasing the efficiency of analyst’s work because fewer dead ends are encoun-
tered. Data collection will be more focused on getting the correct data. Rather
than just getting all the data that can be found, a more directed search occurs.
Clearly stating which data is needed also provides a more substantial justification
for asking the client for additional data in consulting situations.
• Focusing the project on adding value. With the proper problem structure obtain-
ing a helpful solution is more likely. Scattershot model building is expected to
lead to poor predictions and little guidance on what is wrong and how to improve
the model.
• Avoiding two well-known traps:
–– Providing already known information (e.g., the client says, “Tell me some-
thing I don’t already know”).

The word business is used collectively to include non-profit organizations, governments, health-
care providers, educational institutions, etc., that can use predictive analytics.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 11

F. Acito, Predictive Analytics with KNIME,
12 2 Problem Definition

–– Providing results that are so unusual as to be unbelievable (e.g., a manager

says, “Something is wrong with your analysis; your results strain

2.1 Expert Views on Problem Definition

Defining the problem is an essential task in any analytics project. These quotes from
various experts attest to the importance of this phase of the analytics process.
• “The difference between great and mediocre data science is not about math or
engineering: it is about asking the right question(s)… No amount of technical
competence or statistical rigor can make up for having solved a useless problem”
(Cady, 2017).
• “If I had one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the
problem and only five minutes finding the solution” (attributed to Einstein (n.d.)).
• “The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The
truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions” (Drucker, 2015).
• “Successful analytic teams spend more time understanding the business problem
and less time wading through lakes of data” (Taylor, 2017).
• “What we are finding is that in a lot of companies, there are great data scientists
and great businesspeople, but what is missing is businesspeople who know
enough data analytics to say, ‘Here is the problem I would like you to help me
with.’ And then, they can take the outcome from the data scientists and see how
they can best leverage it.” (Ittner, 2019).

2.2 A Telecom Problem Definition Example

One typical application of analytics is predicting and understanding churn (cancel-

ing a contract or switching to a different provider) for telecommunications compa-
nies. Subscribers to cell phone plans are notorious for canceling contracts and
signing up with another carrier. People churn because they are unhappy with the
service, want a new phone, or want to get a better price from another provider.
Churn can be costly for the provider, and it is usually far cheaper for the provider to
take steps to keep a customer than to find a new one. The following case study dem-
onstrates the importance of delving deeper into a situation rather than focusing on
the approach asked for by the client.2
A large cell phone carrier in the United States was experiencing a high churn and
called an analyst to help with this problem. The carrier wanted the business analyst

This is based on a workshop presentation by the TMA consulting group. https://the-modeling-­
2.3 Defining the Analytics Problem 13

to find a way to predict which customers were most likely to leave the company and
to determine what might be done to prevent those customers from leaving. This
seemed like a reasonable request that could be addressed with analytics. The cell
phone company had customer data, including a historical database of customers
who stayed and left. This type of data can be used to develop a predictive model, but
the analyst chose to investigate the problem before building a predictive model.
The analyst found that much of the churn occurred right around the time when a
customer’s 2-year contract was up. The analyst asked managers in the company for
a detailed explanation of how customers were contacted, how they were asked to
sign up for a new contract, and what sort of communications were being sent to the
customers. It turned out that about two months before a customer’s agreement was
up, the company sent a reminder letter saying that the contract was coming up for
renewal and asking that the customer sign up for another two years.
Imagine you are a consumer with a cell phone company, and you get a reminder
letter from the company saying that your contract ends in 60 days. What behavior
does this trigger? For many customers, it got them thinking about shopping around.
It turned out that the efforts to get customers to sign up for another contract moti-
vated many of them to leave the company. The company’s communication triggered
the churn, and when these communications about renewing contracts were stopped,
the churn was reduced.
If the analyst had just gone directly to analyze the data, the root cause might not
have been identified. Management wanted a predictive churn model, but under-
standing the real problem was the key in this situation.

2.3 Defining the Analytics Problem

Several tasks can be performed to develop a good problem definition:

• Determine the ultimate business objectives. Predictive analytics are used to cre-
ate value for an organization. In business situations, value-related goals might be
to gain new customers, increase current customers’ loyalty, increase the effi-
ciency of key processes, or reduce monetary loss due to fraud.
• Translate the business objectives into metrics. Such metrics can be used to assess
the performance of developed models that result from the analysis. For example,
if customer loyalty is a problem, the objective could be to identify those custom-
ers likely to stop using the company’s products or services. This objective might
be further refined by stating a needed lead time before customer loss so that
remedial action could be taken.
• Identify stakeholders. Stakeholders are the people in the organization who care
about the problem; these people can be part of the solution, potentially derail the
solution, provide the resources needed to arrive at a solution or be able to act on
the results. Stakeholders can include IT, executives in various departments (mar-
14 2 Problem Definition

keting, accounting, finance, etc.), those expected to use the resulting model, and
those affected in some way by the project.
• Develop a project plan. Developing a plan involves creating a list of the project
stages, required resources, risks, time duration, contingencies, and deploy-
ment plans.
• Carefully frame the problem. How a situation is framed can lead to quite differ-
ent approaches to finding a solution.
Framing refers to describing and interpreting a situation. It focuses attention. The
problem frame helps define the importance of a problem and sets the direction for
solving it. How a problem or question is framed can lead to quite different answers.
For example, these two questions ask about the number 10 in two ways, which will
lead to different responses:
What is the sum of 5 plus 5?
What two numbers add up to 10?
Similarly, different frames will lead to different analytics approaches. For example,
an insurance company may want to reduce the cost of fraudulent claims. Analytics
could address this problem, but framing the situation will lead to different target
variables and analytic approaches. Consider the following different frames that
could be associated with reducing fraud at an insurance provider:
• Identify customers that had the highest propensity to commit fraud.
• Identify customers most likely to commit fraud in the next 6 months.
• Identify customers who are likely to commit fraud when applying for a policy.
• Identify fraudulent claims where there is the highest likelihood of recover-
ing monies.
• Identify fraudulent claims with the most significant potential dollar amount
of fraud.
• Identify fraudulent claims that maximize the hourly return of investigators
assigned to deal with potential fraud.
Sometimes, the first attempt at a problem statement focuses on symptoms, which
may not address the root problem. For example, a sign might be: “We are losing
market share rapidly.” The problem definition might be: “How do we regain market
share?” (Hauch, 2018). But this may not direct the analyst team to the real issue.
One suggestion to get at the root of a problem through framing is to use “The
40-20-10-5 rule.” You can apply this rule through four basic steps for complex prob-
lems. State your problem in 40 words. Cut it down to 20, then to 10, and end up with
a five-word problem statement. If you cannot keep the problem definition simple,
you have not reached its roots yet.3
Another data scientist summarized key considerations as a guide to problem
framing when proposing a predictive analytics model from attending a Google
training session (Arnuld, 2020).

2.4 Structured Versus Unstructured Problems 15

• See if you can solve the problem without using predictive analytics. Sometimes
a simple heuristic is good enough.
• Be clear about what you want and state it without using predictive analytics.
• Write your desired outcome in simple English.
• What do you expect the model to output?
• What predictive analytics problem are you solving, e.g., if supervised, then what
kind: classification or regression? If classification, then what kind? Binary or
• What is a successful model in this case?
• What is a failed model in this case?
• Quantify your success. How will you measure it in your model?
• Try to keep the model simple. Complex models are slower to train and difficult
to understand.
• Build a simple model and deploy it. The results from deploying the simple model
can justify a more complex model.
An example of solving a more straightforward problem was described by
Flinchbaugh (2009). Engineers can sometimes make things more complicated than
necessary. Consider the example of the NASA space pen. During the 1960s, NASA
launched a program to develop a pen that would write in zero gravity. The NASA
program was costly. The Soviets used the much cheaper already-invented pencil.
Apparently, the American engineers worked on the problem, “How can we make a
pen that will work in zero gravity?” while the Soviets asked, “What will write in
zero gravity?”

2.4 Structured Versus Unstructured Problems

The types of problems that could be addressed with analytics are wide-ranging:
• How can the Red Cross increase blood donations?
• Should a consumer products company increase ad spending for a specific brand
or lower the price to stimulate sales?
• How do you increase the number of people who agree to be organ donors?
• How can a university improve its student retention rate?
• How much of a discount should a resort offer for booking tickets online
6 months early?
• Should a hotel offer a “surprise discount” on rooms at check-in, or should they
offer it as people leave?
• How can a casino increase the lifetime value of a customer?
• Should a particular person be approved for a loan?
• Is this credit card transaction fraudulent?
While these may seem like precise questions, attempting to structure the question to
guide an analytics project would likely reveal that the questions are poorly structured.
16 2 Problem Definition

Many challenging analytics problems are unstructured and complex. Professionals

are rewarded for their ability to solve difficult problems, not simply following rote
procedures or relaying memorized information. When faced with an unstructured
problem, it is even more critical to define it carefully. Based on Jonassen (1997) the
following lists some characteristics that distinguish well-structured versus unstruc-
tured problems.
Characteristics of Well-Structured Problems
• All elements are clearly presented.
• A possible solution is available.
• There exist a limited number of rules and principles that can be applied.
• The concepts and rules are in a definable knowledge domain.
• There are well-defined constraints.
• There exist correct, convergent answers.
• There is a preferred, prescribed solution process.
Characteristics of Unstructured Problems
• Goals are vaguely defined or unclear.
• There are multiple criteria for evaluating solutions.
• There are no general rules or principles to guide a solution.
• Relationships among concepts, rules, and principles are inconsistent.
• Constraints are unstated or unclear.
• There are multiple (or no) solution paths.
• There are no clear means for determining appropriate actions.

2.5 Getting Started with Defining the Problem

Because of the critical importance of problem definition, many tools and strategies
have been developed to get started. A few of these are listed here.
Right to Left Thinking
One approach that can be very helpful is to turn the business objective into a deci-
sion to be made. For example, if the problem is that a company needs more custom-
ers, this could lead to a goal of getting new customers or working on keeping current
customers. These goals will lead to quite different data needs and analyses. If the
goal is keeping existing customers, then a model that predicts which specific cus-
tomers are likely to leave can lead to actions to reduce the probability of those cus-
tomers leaving. If, on the other hand, the goal is to get new customers, then the
model can be used to indicate which individuals are most likely to respond favor-
ably to an offer. So, using right-to-left thinking, the process would begin at the
“right side” with an operational decision and work backward to specify the data
need, the risks, the buy-in required, and so on.
2.5 Getting Started with Defining the Problem 17

Reversing the Problem

Identify the problem or challenge and write it down. Brainstorm the reverse prob-
lem to generate reverse solution ideas. Allow the brainstorming to flow freely. Do
not reject anything at this stage.
Instead of asking, “How do I solve or prevent this problem?” ask, “How could I
cause the problem?” Instead of asking, “How do I achieve these results?” ask, “How
could I achieve the opposite effect?”
Once you have brainstormed all the ideas to solve the reverse problem, reverse
these into solutions for the original problem or challenge. Evaluate these ideas to
determine if a potential solution is suggested or at least the attributes of a solution
(Puccio, 2016).
Opening Up by Asking “Whys”
Consider the following example of opening up the problem by asking a series
of “whys”:
If I asked you to build a bridge for me, you could go off and build a bridge. Or
you could come back to me with another question: “Why do you need a bridge?” I
might need a bridge to get to the other side of a river. Aha! This response opens up
the frame of possible solutions. There are many ways to get across a river besides
using a bridge. You could dig a tunnel, take a ferry, paddle a canoe, use a zip line, or
fly a hot-air balloon, to name a few.
You can open the frame even further by asking why I want to get to the other side
of the river. Imagine that I told you that I work on the other side. This information
broadens the range of possible solutions even more. There are probably viable ways
to earn a living without ever going across the river (Seelig, 2013).
Challenging Assumptions
No matter how simple it may be, every problem is attached to a lengthy list of
assumptions. Many of these assumptions may need to be revised and could make
your problem statement inadequate or even misguided.
The first step is making assumptions explicit. Write a list of as many assumptions
as possible – especially those that may seem the most obvious and ‘untouchable.’
That brings more clarity to the problem at hand. It would help if you learned to think
like a philosopher.
But go further and test each assumption for validity: think in ways that might not
be valid and their consequences. What you will find may surprise you: that many of
those flawed assumptions are self-imposed – with just a bit of scrutiny, you can
safely drop them. Be a skeptic (Clissold, 2021).
Consider the example of the mathematician Abraham Wald and the British Air
Ministry.4 During World War II, the British Air Ministry engaged Mr. Wald to study
the damage suffered by airplanes involved in combat missions and use those results
to recommend appropriate places for armor reinforcement. All returning planes
were assessed for damage, and the data was collected and analyzed. Patterns of

18 2 Problem Definition

damage soon became apparent, and the officers of the Royal Air Force concluded
that the planes should be reinforced based on those patterns.
Mr. Wald took a different approach. He reasoned that the damaged planes which
made it back were not the real problem. Additional armor was needed most on
planes that did not make it back. While Wald didn’t know where the damage was on
the lost aircraft, he could reason that it differed from the damage to planes that
safely returned. His task was to see the problem, which was not easily observed
(Ellenberg, 2016).
Chunking5 up is about taking a broader view. Helicopter up to 30,000 feet. Survey
the landscape to see the entire system. Ask ‘Why’ things happen to find a higher-­
level purpose. Ask ‘What is this an instance of’ to find a more general classification.
Use inductive reasoning to go from specific details to general theories and
Chunking down is about going into detail to find minor, more specific system
elements. Ask ‘How’ things happen to find lower-level detail. Ask ‘What, specifi-
cally’ to probe for more information. Ask “Give me an example” to get specific
instances of a class. Use deductive reasoning to go from general theories and ideas
to cases.
Chunking up and down go well together to look differently at the same situation.
Chunk up from the existing situation to find a general or broader view. Then chunk
down somewhere else.

2.6 Summary

Preparing a practical, actionable definition of the problem before developing a

machine learning application is universally recognized as necessary. However,
specifying exactly how to create a problem definition can be complicated in a com-
plex process. As with many complex concepts, it is likely that “you will know it
when you see it.” But getting to that point requires creativity and hard work.
The effort expended in problem definition will improve the chances that the
results of an analytics project are implemented and achieve the desired results.
Several methods of forcing the analysts or an analytics team to dig deeper into prob-
lems were discussed. Using one or more of these tools (or other similar tools) will
help prevent the tendency to obtain data and run the computer immediately. The
errors that can result from superficial efforts to define the problem can make using
analytics a costly and frustrating experience.

References 19


Arnuld. (2020). Some key things I learned from Google’s introduction to machine learning problem
framing MOOC.­key-­things-­i-­learned-­from-­googles-­
introduction-­machine-­on-­data. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Cady, F. (2017). The data science handbook. Wiley.
Clissold, R. (2021). How to solve a problem.­a-­Problem.
Accessed 29 July 2023.
Drucker, P. (2015). Peter Drucker on asking the wrong questions.­
mundi/peter-­drucker-­on-­asking-­the-­wrong-­questions-­2015-­09-­29. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Einstein, A. (n.d.).­Albert_Einstein/tag/problem-­solving.
Accessed 29 July 2023.
Ellenberg, J. (2016). Abraham Wald and the missing bullet holes.
press/an-­excerpt-­from-­how-­not-­to-­be-­wrong-­by-­jordan-­ellenberg-­664e708cfc3d. Accessed 29
July 2023.
Flinchbaugh, J. (2009). Leading lean: Solve the right problem.
articles/86658-­leading-­lean-­solve-­the-­right-­problem. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Hauch, B. (2018). Finding the true north of a problem: Problem-framing principles for design-­
led innovation.­design/finding-­the-­true-­north-­of-­a-­problem-­problem-­
framing-­principles-­for-­design-­led-­innovation-­b0c7620317bf. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Ittner, C. (2019). How digital technology is transforming cost management. https://knowledge.,­management-­in-­the-­
digital-­age/. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Jonassen, D. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and ill-structured problem-­
solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research and Development., 45, 65–94.
Puccio, G. (2016). How to use reverse brainstorming to generate fresh ideas. https://www.wondri-­brainstorming/ Accessed 29 July 2023.
Seelig, T. (2013). Shift your lens: The power of re-framing problems.
blog/?p=6435. Accessed 29 July, 2023.
Taylor, J. (2017). Bringing business clarity to CRISP-DM.
business-­clarity-­crisp-­dm.html. Accessed 29 July 2023.
Chapter 3
Introduction to KNIME

KNIME is a comprehensive analytics and data mining tool that uses an intuitive
drag-and-drop workflow canvas. While KNIME can be (and is) used by professional
data analysts, it is an excellent “low or no code” platform for predictive analytics
and data mining. KNIME workflows provide a graphic representation of the steps
taken in analysis, making the analysis self-documenting. This documentation makes
it easy to reproduce analyses and communicate methods and results to others.1
This chapter introduces KNIME with demonstrations of some of its features and
includes references to various free resources, including tutorials and documenta-
tion. A step-by-step example of using KNIME demonstrates how KNIME can be
used to analyze a data set.
KNIME was developed at the University of Konstanz in Germany beginning in
2004, with the first release in 2006. As noted on its website, KNIME is committed
to open source, and the KNIME Analytics Platform is not a cut-down version.

3.1 KNIME Features

There are several features that make KNIME stand out from its competitors: KNIME:
• Is free to use on your machine.
• Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux machines.
• Has over 4000 nodes for data source connections, transformations, machine
learning, and visualization.

If an error is encountered when running KNIME workflows supplied by others, it may be neces-
sary to load nodes not included in the default installation. You will be prompted to load the nodes
if the error occurs.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 21

F. Acito, Predictive Analytics with KNIME,
22 3 Introduction to KNIME

• Is fully extensible and can run R or Python to extend its capabilities. In addition,
many of the capabilities of two other analytic platforms, H2O, and WEKA, are
also integrated into KNIME and work seamlessly in the drag-and-drop workflow.
• Can read various data file types, including CSV, Excel, JSON, XML unstruc-
tured documents, images, or audio files.
• Can export results to Excel, Tableau, Spotfire, Power BI, and other reporting
• Has a large active community of users who can answer questions and help.
• Provides many ready-to-use workflows that can be easily installed in your work
environment by dragging and dropping from the KNIME site.
• Offers extensive documentation, learning modules, videos, training, and
user events.
A paid, commercial server version of KNIME is needed for deploying KNIME
models on the web, but this is not required for desktop applications. Everything else
is available with the open-source version.

3.2 The KNIME Workbench

The Workbench appears after launching KNIME. The main sections of the KNIME
Workbench are shown in Fig. 3.1; a brief description of each is provided below. For
more detail, see the KNIME Workbench Guide.2

Fig. 3.1 The KNIME Workbench

3.3 Learning to Use KNIME 23

Elements of the KNIME Workbench

KNIME Explorer. This links to the available workflows on your machine and those
available from KNIME servers, including workflow examples from KNIME and
the KNIME community.
Workflow Coach. This is a handy tool to help you build an analytic workflow. The
Coach suggests connecting nodes and processes to any node selected in your
workflow. The suggestions by the Coach are based on actual workflows con-
structed by users in the KNIME Community.
Node Repository. Listed in this area are the analysis nodes installed on your
machine. Nodes are available to read and write files, explore and transform data,
run basic and advanced analytics, and create visualizations. A core set of nodes
is included when you install KNIME, but thousands of additional nodes are
available and easily installed. The nodes are organized by categories, but you can
also use the search box on the top of the node repository to find nodes.
Workflow Editor. This is the canvas for editing the currently active workflow. The
workflow is created by dragging nodes from the Node Repository and linking
them interactively.
Outline. This area shows a small overview of the current workflow.
Console. This shows the processing taking place when executing a workflow. It also
provides warnings and error messages.
Node Descriptions. For each node selected in a workflow, a detailed description is
provided, including the general function of the node, available settings, and input
and output ports.

3.3 Learning to Use KNIME

Learning to use KNIME takes some time, but extensive, free written and video
resources are available. A “Getting Started Guide” is available from KNIME.3
Four levels of self-paced courses with exercises are online and free.4
Level 1 courses
• KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists: Basics
• KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers: Basics
Level 2 courses
• KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists: Advanced
• KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers: Advanced
Level 3 course
• KNIME Server Course: Productionizing and Collaboration

24 3 Introduction to KNIME

Level 4 courses
• Introduction to Big Data with KNIME Analytics Platform
• Introduction to Text Processing
KNIME also provides documentation,5 which can be read online or downloaded.
Individual documents for specific topics are available as follows:
• KNIME QuickStart Guide
• KNIME Analytics Platform Installation Guide
• KNIME Workbench Guide
• KNIME Extensions and Integrations Guide
• KNIME Flow Control Guide
• KNIME Components Guide
• KNIME Integrated Deployment Guide
• KNIME File Handling Guide
A free “boot camp” for KNIME is available from UDEMY6 with 50 instructional
videos running over four hours. The course starts with installation and setup and
proceeds to demonstrate practical applications in machine learning.

3.4 KNIME Extensions and Integrations

In addition to the nodes that are developed and maintained by KNIME, there are
many nodes that community developers and KNIME Partners have developed. The
KNIME Community Extensions offer nodes for image processing, information
retrieval, and many others that are created and maintained by community develop-
ers. Trusted Extensions provide the following guarantees to users:7
• Backward compatibility, i.e., existing workflows will continue working with
newer KNIME versions.
• Compliance with the KNIME usage model and quality standards.
• Support (via forum) in case of problems.
• Maintenance for the previous two KNIME versions.
As mentioned earlier, one powerful feature of KNIME is its integration with open-­
source tools. Examples are listed below.
• R and Python scripts can be run seamlessly in a KNIME workflow. Code can also
be run from Jupyter Notebooks.
• H20 provides high-performance algorithms such as Random Forests, Gradient
Boosted Trees, and many others. The H20 open-source tools can be integrated

3.6 Example: Predicting Heart Disease with KNIME 25

into a KNIME workflow. One feature of H20 is an available “AutoML Learner,”

which runs and compares several predictor models’ performance using optimum
parameter settings.
• KNIME provides integration with the Python Keras Deep Learning framework.
Keras (which makes TensorFlow more approachable) contains several imple-
mentations of neural networks, including convolutional and recurrent nets, which
can be used for applications such as image recognition.

3.5 Data Types in KNIME

Data tables in KNIME support several different data types, including Double (D),
Integer (I), String (S), Date or Time, and Boolean (B). The data type is indicated in
the header row of each variable. Double values are floating point numerical values
with fractional parts. Double floating-point variables allow greater precision by
using 64 bits. Integer variables store signed whole numbers. String variables (alpha-
numeric or character variables) may include letters, numbers, or symbols. Date vari-
ables are strings formatted as yyyy-MM-dd and Time variables formatted as
HH:mm:ss. Boolean variables represent True/False or 0/1.

3.6 Example: Predicting Heart Disease with KNIME

The following example illustrates how KNIME can be used to build a model to
predict the presence of heart disease. Do not be concerned if some of the details are
unfamiliar at this point; these details will be covered in later chapters of the book
when this example is revisited.
Mortality rates for cardiovascular diseases are high and increasing in many
regions of the world. In the United States, for example, one in four deaths annually
is from heart disease. If the presence of heart disease can be predicted using a physi-
cian’s examination and laboratory tests, this would be a valuable diagnostic tool.
Such a prediction is difficult because there are several contributory variables,
including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, abnormal pulse rate, and
other factors.
A data set from the Cleveland Clinic, a leading cardiovascular research hospital,
is available from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.8 The data set has 2979
rows, 13 predictor values, and one target (heart disease versus no heart disease).
Since the target variable has just two levels, logistic regression was run in

Six rows were dropped due to missing values.
26 3 Introduction to KNIME

KNIME. (Details on logistic regression and other models are provided in later
The workflow for this example is shown in Fig. 3.2.
The first step in the Fig. 3.2 workflow reads the heart disease data with the CSV
Reader node. The node was configured as shown in Fig. 3.3, and a preview of the
data is shown in Fig. 3.4.
Note that the data had been saved earlier so the file was saved “Relative to” the
“Current workflow data area.” This conveniently bundles the data with the workflow
to be stored, shared with others, and run if the users have KNIME installed on their
Good practice in building machine learning models is to use part of the data for
training and the rest for testing the model. Accordingly, the KNIME node
“Partitioning” was used to create training and test data subsets. Eighty percent of the
sample was used for training and 20% for testing (Fig. 3.5). The 80/20 ratio is typi-
cal but not the only split that can be used.

Fig. 3.2 Example of a KNIME workflow for predicting heart disease

Fig. 3.3 Configuring the CSV Reader node

3.6 Example: Predicting Heart Disease with KNIME 27

Fig. 3.4 The first ten rows of the Heart Disease data

Fig. 3.5 Create training and test data sets

The data was split randomly; a seed was set to 123 to make the randomization
repeatable. Also, the random selection was conducted with stratified sampling so
that the ratio of “heart disease” versus “no heart disease” would be equal (or nearly
equal) in both the training and test subsets. The Partitioning node has two outputs:
the upper output is the training data, and the lower output is the test data.
The training portion of the data from the upper output port of the Partitioning
node was linked to the input of the Logistic Regression Learner node (Fig. 3.6). The
target variable was set to Heart_disease, and the remaining variables were included
as predictors. For each categorical variable, the Learner node appends columns
equal to the number of levels in the variable. These indicators or “dummy” variables
are used as predictors instead of the original categorical variables. (Additional ways
to deal with categorical predictors will be discussed in the ordinary least squares
regression chapter).
The Logistic Regression Predictor node (Fig. 3.7) has two inputs: the square
input port takes the model built in the Learner node, and the lower arrow input port
takes the test data from the Partitioning node. The Logistic Regression Predictor
uses these inputs to create predictions for the test data, which is output in the single
arrow on the node’s right.
There are three outputs from the Logistic Regression Learning: the upper output
(shown as a dark square) contains the logistic model, and the center output contains
the coefficients and statistical tests. The lower output arrow has information about
the modeling process, including the number of iterations required and the
28 3 Introduction to KNIME

Fig. 3.6 Configuring the Logistic Regression Learner node

Fig. 3.7 Configuring the Logistic Regression Predictor node

The upper output from the Learner node becomes the upper input to the Logistic
Regression Predictor. The lower input is the test data. Note that the model was cre-
ated using the training data, but the predictions are made with the test data. This
provides an independent test of the model’s performance on unseen data. Three
columns are appended to the test data: the predicted probability that heart disease is
“present”, the predicted probability that heart disease is “not present”, and the
binary prediction of heart disease “present” or “not present” using a threshold of
0.5. The first 20 rows and the right-most four columns of the output data table from
the Logistic Regression Predictor node are shown in Fig. 3.8. The left column con-
tains the actual condition of the patient, and the right column contains the predicted
condition. The two central columns contain the estimated probabilities. If the prob-
ability of disease was greater than 0.50, then the prediction was “present” otherwise
3.6 Example: Predicting Heart Disease with KNIME 29

Fig. 3.8 The first 20 rows of the Logistic Regression Predictor output

the prediction is “not present.” The results shown in Fig. 3.8 indicate some correct
and some incorrect predictions. The actual condition is “not present” in row five, yet
the model predicted “not present.”
The Scorer node in the workflow shown in Fig. 3.9 is used to evaluate the perfor-
mance of models where the target variable is binary, as is the case in this example.
The input to this node is a data table with the actual and predicted values for the test
data set. A cross-tabulation called a “confusion matrix” is created using the actual
and predicted values for the presence of heart disease. The upper output port of the
Scorer contains the confusion matrix, and the lower two ports contain performance
statistics related to the model predictions. These will be discussed in the chapter on
logistic regression.
The confusion matrix from the Scorer node indicated that the logistic regression
model correctly predicted 80% of the cases, which is most likely not sufficiently
accurate for clinical diagnoses. A different model with more variables might be
developed to improve accuracy. Especially of concern in the results in the confusion
matrix were the 11 cases where heart disease was “present,” but the model predicted
“not present.”
30 3 Introduction to KNIME

Fig. 3.9 Configuring the Scorer node

3.7 Example: Preparation of Hospital Data Using KNIME

The length of stay for hospital patients is an important indicator of the efficiency of
care. Extended stays can increase the likelihood of infection and complications, and
extended stays in the hospital negatively impact a patient’s experience and result in
higher healthcare costs.
This example uses a 2015 data set with over 2.3 million patient hospitalizations
in New York State.10 Thirty-four variables are included in the data set, but this anal-
ysis will focus on the variables in Table 3.1.
The workflow for the analysis is shown in Fig. 3.10. Node descriptions are shown
in Table 3.2.
The following steps would be used to run the workflow:11
1. Make sure the workflow is in a hard-drive folder.
2. Launch KNIME.

y6g8. Accessed 28 July 2023.
Many nodes in KNIME use “regex” for searching and transforming variables. Regex (which
stands for “regular expressions”) uses a sequence of special characters to select variables and per-
form operations. Examples of regex expressions are provided in Appendix 2 of this chapter.
3.7 Example: Preparation of Hospital Data Using KNIME 31

3. Click on File> Import KNIME Workflow.12

4. In the Select file area: Browse to the file WorkflowForFigure3.10.knwf file and
select it.
5. Click Open, then Finish.
6. Locate the selected workflow in the KNIME Explorer and double-click on the
workflow file.
7. Execute the nodes in order from left to right.

Table 3.1 Variables in the hospital discharge data set

Variable Description
Age Group 0–17, 18–29, 30–49, 50–69, 70 or Older
Gender M, F, U (male, female, unknown)
Length of Stay In days
Type of admission Elective, Urgent
Severity of the illness description Minor, Moderate, Major, Extreme
Total Charges The amount billed by the hospital
Total Cost The expense incurred by the hospital

Fig. 3.10 Workflow for analysis of hospital data subset

Table 3.2 Node descriptions for the Fig. 3.10 workflow

Nodes Descriptions Input and output ports
Node 1 Read Output port: Data table with Hospital_
File Reader file: Hospital_Inpatient_Discharges Inpatient_Discharges with 2,346,931
rows and 34 columns
Node 2 Place the following variables in the Input port: Data table from the Node 1
Column Filter Include area: Output port
 Age Group Output port: Selected columns of the
 Gender data table with Hospital Inpatient
 Length of Stay Discharges with 2,346,931 rows and 7
 Type of Admission columns
 APR Severity of Illness
 Total Charges
 Total Costs
Put other variables in the Exclude

The workflow files are available online at
32 3 Introduction to KNIME

Table 3.2 (continued)

Nodes Descriptions Input and output ports
Node 3 String manipulation to remove the Input port: Data table from the Node 2
String comma from the variable Total Output port
Manipulation Charges Output port: Modified data table:
In the Expression area: Removed “’,” from Total Charges
 removeChars($Total Charges$,”,”)
 Select: Replace Column
 Enter name: Total Charges
Node 4 String manipulation to remove the Input port: Data table from the Node 3
String comma from the variable Total Costs Output port
Manipulation In the Expression area: Output port: Modified data table:
 removeChars($Total Costs$,”,”) Removed “,” from Total Costs
 Select: Replace Column
 Enter name: Total Costs
Node 5 String manipulation to remove the Input port: Data table from the Node 4
String plus sign from the variable Length of Output port
Manipulation Stay Output port: Modified data table:
In the Expression area: Removed “’+” from Length of Stay
 removeChars($Length of
 Select: Replace Column
 Enter name: Length of Stay
Node 6 Change string variables to numeric Input port: Data table from the Node 5
String to Settings: Output port
Number Place the following variables in the Output port: Modified data table with
Include area: Length of Stay, Total Charges, and Total
 Length of Stay Costs changed from string to numeric
 Total Charges
 Total Costs
Node 7 This node removes the cases where Input port: Data table from Node 6
Row Filter Gender is U (unknown) Output port
Filter Criteria: Output port: Modified data cases with
 In the left box, select Exclude rows Gender = “U” removed; 2,346,883 rows
by attribute value by 7 columns
 Column to test: Gender
 Matching criteria: Check to use
pattern matching; enter the letter U
Node 8 Option Input port: Data table from Node 7
Data Explorer Columns Output port
 Check Show most frequent/ Output port: Same as the input port
infrequent nominal values
 Check Display Row Id in the Data

Descriptive Statistics from the Data Explorer

The output from the Data Explorer node for the continuous variables is shown in
Fig. 3.11, and the output for nominal variables is shown in Fig. 3.12.
Figure 3.11 shows that Total Charges, Total Costs, and Length of Stay are posi-
tively skewed. No missing values are observed for any of the continuous variables.
3.8 Flow Variables 33

Fig. 3.11 Summary of continuous variables in the hospital data subset

Fig. 3.12 Summary of categorical variables in the hospital data subset

Figure 3.12 shows 103 missing cases for APR Severity of Illness Description in
the data set. The small frequency charts represent the number of cases by value,
sorted from the highest number of cases to the smallest number.

3.8 Flow Variables

Flow variables are parameters in KNIME used to pass information and overwrite
configuration settings. The input and output ports of nodes are used to transfer val-
ues in KNIME data tables. But there can be other variables of interest contained in
nodes. These variables are the parameters that control settings for nodes and can be
double, integer, or string variables. Flow variables can be used to create loops to
iterate over values, automate inputs, make workflows interactive, and perform
other tasks.
Flow variable ports are shown as red circles above a node. The flow variable
ports are not visible when placed on the workflow canvas. To unhide the flow vari-
able ports, right-click on a node and select “Show Flow Variable Ports.”
There are many ways to create and use flow variables. Several basic examples
will be shown here, and others will be shown in later chapters in specific applications.
34 3 Introduction to KNIME

Convert a Table Row into a Flow Variable

The example uses an auto insurance fraud data set available from Kaggle.13 The data
set contains 1000 observations with 38 columns with attributes such as the age of
the driver, the state where the auto insurance policy was written, the make, model,
and year of the policyholder’s automobile, the dollar value of the insurance claim,
whether the claim was fraudulent. The Table Row to Variable node converts the first
row of each column in a data table into a flow variable. The workflow shown in
Fig. 3.13 illustrates an application that selects the state (IL, IN, or OH) with the
largest total value of claims and reports the state name and the total value. Node
descriptions are shown in Table 3.3.
Export a Configuration from a Node as a Flow Variable
The workflow in Fig. 3.14 demonstrates how to export a configuration from one
node to another. The example uses the auto insurance fraud data from the previous
example and performs two-sample t-tests using the grouping of fraud = yes vs.
fraud = no.
The following null hypotheses are tested:
• There is no difference in the mean value of property claims for observations with
fraud = Y versus fraud = N.
• There is no difference in the mean value of injury claims for observations with
fraud = Y versus fraud = N.
The group variate (fraud = Y or N) is set for the t-test in Node 2 and then exported
as a flow variable to the t-test in Node 3. Descriptions of the nodes are in Table 3.4.
Results of the tests:
• The null hypothesis of no difference in property claims is rejected with fraud = Y
(mean claim amount = $8560) versus fraud = N (mean claim amount = $7019).
• The null hypothesis of no difference in personal injury claims is rejected with
fraud = Y (mean claim amount = $8208) versus fraud = N (mean = claim
amount $7179).

Fig. 3.13 Workflow to demonstrate converting a table row to a variable

3.8 Flow Variables 35

Table 3.3 Node descriptions for the Fig. 3.13 workflow

Nodes Descriptions Input and output ports
Node 1 Read file: FraudData.csv Output port: Data table FraudData with
File Reader 1000 rows and 38 variables
Node 2 Form groups by the state where the Input port: Data table from the Node 1
GroupBY policy was written and obtain the Output port
total claim amount for each state Output port: Grouped table with total claim
Settings: Groups amounts by state with 3 rows and 2
 Group column: policy_state columns with total claim amount for each
 Manual Aggregation of three states
 Column: total_claim_amount
 Aggregation: Sum
Node 3 Sorts the rows by the Sum (total_ Input port: Data table from the Node 2
Sorter claim_amount) from highest to Output port
lowest Output port: Sorted table with 3 rows and 2
Sorting Filter: columns. State with highest total claim
 Sum(total_claim_amount) amount is placed in the first row
 Select: Descending
Node 4 Converts the first row of the sorted Input port: Data table from the Node 3
Table Row table (with the highest total claim Output port
to Variable amount) to a flow variable Variable output (red circle): A flow variable
Settings: with the first row of the sorted table
 Include: containing the state name and the total
 policy_state value of claims for the state
Node 5Row Filter the Fraud data set by the flow Input port: Data table from the Node 1
Filter variable Output port
Filter Criteria: Flow variable input: A flow variable with
 Include rows by attribute value the first row of the sorted table (red circle)
 Column to test: policy_state from Node 4
 Select: Use pattern matching; Output port: Total dollar value claims data
click on the V icon and use for the state with the highest total
variable policy_state

Fig. 3.14 Exporting a configuration using a flow variable

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The evidences of pre-historic and fossil men in the Old World are
too numerous and well-known to need elucidation here; we shall
confine our attention to Australian records.
Some years ago a specimen was submitted to me for identification
which had been found in Pleistocene (or Pliocene?) gravels S.S.E. of
the Tennant’s Creek district. It was so completely petrified and
“stony” looking that the organic origin was doubted, but a thin section
viewed under the microscope revealed the true structure of bone.
After cleaning the fragment thoroughly, I recognized it as portion of a
human skull, viz. the posterior half of the left parietal. The anterior
fracture is vertical and at about the centre of the parietal eminence;
the thin squamous edge is also broken away. The lambdoidal border
is still quite characteristic and shows the complex nature of the
parieto-occipital suture. Both the external and internal surfaces are
rough and pitted through exposure, age, and mineral precipitations,
but the temporal ridge is still discernible and can be traced
posteriorly right up to the parieto-occipital suture. There is no
indication of a parietal foramen. The bone is thick about the posterior
inferior angle, but the groove of the lateral sinus has broken away.
The specimen, when struck, has a clear metallic ring, like that of
earthenware or porcelain. When treated with acid, the surfaces as
well as the “bone-substance” effervesced briskly, proving that a
thorough intermolecular substitution of organic matter by mineral
was in progress. This calvarium, fragmentary though it is, is of
considerable importance from a prehistory point of view, since it
gives us another definite link in the somewhat meagre chain of
evidence which has been established in connection with the
geological antiquity of man in Australia.
The most important find of an extinct Australian type was made at
Talgai, in south-eastern Queensland, as far back as 1884, in the
shape of a fairly well preserved skull; but it was not until a few years
ago that a description of it was published by Dr. S. A. Smith.
Although no other bones were discovered in association with the
skull, numerous remains of extinct creatures like the Diprotodon, the
Nototherium, and horny reptiles have been unearthed not many
miles remote from the site of the interesting discovery. Dr. Smith
sums up his observations as follows: “This fossil human skull of a not
yet adult Proto-Australian presents the general picture of a cranium
similar in all respects to the cranium of the Australian of to-day,
combined with a facial skeleton of undoubtedly Australian type, in
the palate and teeth of which there are to be found, in conjunction
with the most primitive characters found in modern skulls, certain
characters more ape-like than have been observed in any living or
extinct race, except that of Eoanthropus.”
Other less convincing discoveries have been recorded in the
shape of human and dingo bones from the Wellington Caves, human
remains and artefacts from beneath the basalts of Victoria, and the
fossil footprints of an aboriginal in the upper Tertiary beds of
It would seem, therefore, that sufficient facts have been
forthcoming to prove that man was in existence at any rate in late
Tertiary times; and since he was then perfectly developed, it would
not seem unreasonable to assign to him a very much greater
During these long ages, tectonic forces, and the ever active
denuding agents of the atmosphere, in all their phases, have
wrought considerable transfigurations in the surface of the globe.
Some portions of the earth’s crust have been swallowed by the
ocean, whilst others have been wrenched from the depths by
upheaving processes. Thus the geography of our present world
would be a terra incognita to the earliest progenitors of the human
kind, who lived in the dim dawn of man’s ascending tendencies,
while, on the other hand, we would require a new army of intrepid
explorers to pave the way for civilization if we were suddenly placed
back into the world as it stood in the beginning of primeval days.
Old land connections then existed between entities which now are
parted by abysmal depths. Such evidence of once-existing
continental links is afforded by what has been termed a “biological
consanguinity” between organic creations on both sides of gaps now
occupied by ocean water.
There is no novelty about all this. Our best scientists have long
recognized that such connections have existed beyond all doubt.
They become evident when one enquires into the present
geographical distribution of botanical and zoological species, and
when one correlates geological strata in different parts of the world,
on the basis of palæontological evidence contained in them.
The same principles apply when we consider the probable original
home of man, and the subsequent migrations and racial evolutions
of the pristine hordes, which followed.
That once a chain of land linked together the shores of Australia,
South Africa, and India seems certain. The continental masses,
which in past eras supplied this link, zoologists have christened
Lemuria, while geologists refer to the lost land as Gondwana. It is
somewhere within the area once occupied by this submerged
continent, perhaps not far remote from Australia, that we must look
for the cradle of the species Homo. Although most of the evidence
has been irretrievably lost to scientific investigation, much might yet
be expected from any of the contiguous continents or islands in this
region, upon which occur Tertiary or later sedimentary formations.
The discovery of the oldest fossil, which appears to be human—the
Pithecanthropus erectus—in Java, was by no means accidental.
Professor Dubois, before leaving for that island to undertake a fossil-
hunting expedition there, declared that in all probability he would
discover the remains of a primitive creature related to man.
From some point, then, upon this ancient, vanished continent,
perhaps no great distance north of our present Australia, we believe
migrations of the earliest representatives of the human species took
place. The directions in which these migrations took place would be
governed according to the lie of the land as it was then determined
by the impassable waters of the ocean. In all probability, the families
or groups wandered in various directions, at first keeping more or
less in contact and on friendly terms with each other, but as time,
and eventually ages, wore on, these migratory groups, by selective
culture, environment, climate, and, maybe, sundry other causes,
became differentiated into peculiarly distinct strains, all of which we
are nowadays able to reduce to three fundamental races.
One of these migrations was along a western course, which led
the wandering groups into the region now represented by the
continent of Africa. This established the Negroid element.
Another strain moved northwards and spread itself, like the rays of
a rocket, across the land now known as Asia. Some of these “rays”
reached what is now Lapland, while others found their way, via the
region of modern Esquimaux Land, across to what we now call North
America. This march evolved the Mongoloids.
Yet another body of primitive hunters, who interest us most,
worked their way north-westwards, on a course between the former
two, and took possession of any portions of the dry land of the globe,
the present relics of which are India, south-western Asia, and
Then came the catastrophe! The exact period is not determined. It
must have happened since the advent of the “human” type, but there
the evidence fails. Upheavals or subsidences of land usually take an
age to make themselves noticeable. It is scientifically established
that the close of the Triassic period was characterized throughout the
world by great tectonic changes. Beds of rock were faulted to lofty
heights on one side, and to dizzy depths on the other. The height of
the Blue Mountains plateau of New South Wales is evidence of such
upheaval, whilst the broken coastline, with its “drowned” rivers and
myriads of islands along the north-west of Australia, together with
the coastal fringe of coral reefs along the north, are all evidences of
comparatively recent subsidence en bloc.
By these processes Australia was gradually isolated from its
former land-connections, but, being near to the original home of
man, it is only natural to suppose that the land was peopled.
From that time on Australia remained, whether as an island
continent or a group of associated islands does not concern us here,
isolated from the rest of the world. The original inhabitants whiled
away their time in comparative ease. They had nothing to fear. Their
former companions who had, through their nomadic migrations, been
so far removed from them, would, no doubt, have now posed as
formidable rivals, if the barriers had not come between. Until the
recent arrival of the European explorers and settlers, and the
periodic visitations to the north coast by Malay bêche-de-mer fishers,
this great Southern Land had remained the undisputed property of
the comparatively sparse progeny of the first primitive possessors.
There were no ferocious animals to molest these early prehistoric
Australians. Apart from a few dangerous, but usually non-
aggressive, reptiles, the large animals were almost without exception
of the ancient marsupial order, and, although perfectly harmless,
offered excellent opportunity for the chase.
Thus it happened that the primitive hordes could roam at large in a
congenial climate, and under peculiar conditions, which were
everywhere much the same; and, in their subsequent wanderings,
they met only with people of their own descent and inclinations. In
consequence, they were spared many of the bloody brawls and
conflicts, which the competitive waves of culture continually
showered upon the other hordes that were struggling northwards
under decidedly more adverse conditions of climate.
The great struggle for existence did not make itself felt so keenly
to the ancient Australians because they were strictly insulated, and
thus kept outside the sphere of exotic influence and interference;
their only troubles amounted to an individual club-duel, or
occasionally an inter-tribal warfare, which evoked more irate words
than actual blood drawn by their sharply-pointed spears.
So the Australian has remained just what he was ages ago. And
on that account the evolution of his pristine contemporaries, who
were seized by the flood wave of culture, becomes the more
comprehensible, when we measure the differences, but recognize
the affinities, existing between the extremes. A line drawn across the
map of the world indicating, so far as it is at this stage possible, the
areas whose populations show, or before their extinction showed,
the strongest affinities with him will represent roughly the direction of
migration and incidentally of evolution of the Australoid strain.
This line of anthropological relationship connects the Australian
(including the Proto-Australian) with the Veddahs and Dravidians of
India, and with the fossil men of Europe, from whom the Caucasian
element has sprung. In other words, the Australian aboriginal stands
somewhere near the bottom rung of the great evolutional ladder we
have ascended—he the bud, we the glorified flower of human
In the living Australian then, we see the prototype of man as he
appeared in Europe in the Stone Age. Australia has upon other
occasions proved to be extraordinary in a scientific sense. The
kangaroo is known only in the petrified condition in the Tertiary
deposits in other parts of the world. The Zamia, which is still found
living in Australia, is a conspicuous plant of the coal-measures in
every other country. The ornamental mollusc, known as Trigonia, had
been regarded as extinct until it was re-discovered in Australia. Most
of the great river systems of central Australia have had their day;
they have flourished in the past; yet, occasionally, after a prolific
downpour, their dry courses swell temporarily to majestic streams.
And, lastly, we see in the aboriginal yet another palæontological
overlap—a living fossil man—the image of ourselves, as we
appeared many ages before we learned to record the history of our
progress, and of the world in general.
When one wades more deeply into the subject, only skimmed
above, the following points suggest themselves to one: Our line of
racial development was very early dissociated from the Mongoloid
and Negroid lines; and geographically it ran between the latter two.
There are considerable racial differences between the other races
and the Australoids, the most highly specialized and cultured division
of which is now represented by the modern Caucasian. The last-
named deductions are entirely supported by the shallowness of the
pigmentation in the aboriginal’s skin, and by the fair hair of children
found among certain tribes of central Australia. In fact, the colour
question, so far as the Australian aboriginal is concerned, is a
relative conception, the difference in the amounts of pigment in his
skin and in the “white” man’s being in all probability due to climatic
influences extending over long periods of time. It is doubtful whether
the primitive Australoid or the Proto-Australian possessed a skin so
dark as that of the present-day Australian. We may now understand
why it is that the quarter-blooded progeny derived from the union of
a half-blooded aboriginal woman with a European father is always
lighter in colour than its mother, and the octoroon lighter still. Unions
further on the European side produce children practically white; and
no case is on record where the colour in a later generation reverted
to the darker again. The latter, we know, happens only too often
when there is a taint of Negroid blood running in a family, even
though the mixing of race took place generations back.
Apart from its great scientific significance, this matter is of
considerable social and national interest to citizens of Australia, and
we might well ask ourselves: “Are we justified in referring to the half-
blooded aboriginal, with European parentage on one side, as a half-
caste, or in even stigmatizing him as a bastard?”

Recognition of pending maternity—Peculiar beliefs in connection with the cause of

pregnancy—Larrekiya legend and maternal dietary—Maiyarra’s
accouchement—Birth—Twin births—After-treatment—Artificial termination of
pregnancy—Preparing the new-born—Children’s lot decided by peculiar
group-relationships—Parents’ affection—Children unclothed—How they are
kept warm and reared—Different methods of carrying and nursing children.

It had been talked among the old men for some time past that the
lubra Maiyarra was giving cause for suspicion. Her husband Pitjala
agreed; to his knowledge there had been no occasion for her to
leave his camp for some moons past. His mother, old Indarrakutta,
had told him that when she and Maiyarra were gathering roots down
by the Womma waterhole, many of the gum trees were covered with
manna and they partook freely of the sweet meal, which, as he
knew, does not often come to their district. The old woman had
cautioned the girl and growled at her when she did not obey,
because she knew Maiyarra was of the Yalliadni clan and should not
be allowed to eat the manna. This disobedient gin had, however, not
eaten much before she became sick and was obliged to lie in the hot
sand of the creek where the bullrushes stand. Indarrakutta had stood
aghast, Pitjala explained to the old men, when unexpectedly
disturbing a snake from the bullrushes, she observed that the
creature, in gliding over the ground, touched the body of Maiyarra
with its tail and, in its great haste to disappear, had left portion of its
glossy slough beside her. “Yakai,” gasped the men, as if from a
single mouth, “then it is clear the ever wakeful spirit of Womma has
caught the neglectful Maiyarra sleeping and it is certain she is with
Such was the history of the case as narrated to us. It corroborated
previous observations from central and northern tribes. The
recognition of maternity is not connected primarily with any conjugal
liberties a husband or number of tribal husbands may be privileged
to enjoy, but more with the recollection of any accidental contact with
an object by which it is supposed a spirit child can enter the body of
a woman. The spiritual ingress may take place in a variety of ways,
but as often as not it is believed to be by means of a hollow object of
some description. In the present instance it was a snakeskin. On the
Victoria River the gins have a dread of the whirlwind, thinking that if
such should pass over one of them, a spirit child would immediately
enter the woman. In the Cambridge Gulf country, young women very
reluctantly go into a water hole in which lilies are growing, fearing
that as they step over the leaves, which are hollow, a similar fate
may overtake them.
In the ancestral days of the Larrekiya in the Port Darwin district, for
instance, it is believed that a baby boy was once seen to spring from
the burrow of a rabbit bandicoot; whence he had come no one knew.
He was invited to come to the Larrekiya camp and live with them, but
he refused. Some time after, when the boy had become a man, he
was again met by the tribe, who once more invited him to their camp;
but he declined as before. Thereupon the men became angry and
dragged him to a waterhole, and threw him in. The stranger
immediately sank, and five bubbles of air rose to the surface as he
disappeared. The men sat down and watched the water, when
suddenly the man’s face reappeared. The Larrekiya hurled a spear
at him, and he was killed because they knew he had no father and
no mother and was the accomplice of the evil spirit, who, it is
asserted by the Wogait, makes a big fire, from the smoke of which
he takes an infant and places it, at night, into the womb of a lubra;
and she must then give birth to the child.
In the same district, when it becomes known that a happy event is
pending, the husband goes out with his lubra and kills a certain
animal or collects certain vegetable products, which he hands to the
woman to eat, believing that these articles when swallowed will
ensure a successful birth.
To return to our story: Maiyarra was groaning with pains in the
abdomen. She was alone with the old woman Indarrakutta, who was
her mother-in-law, well beyond hearing distance from the main
camp. A small fire was burning sluggishly by their side and throwing
a thin column of bluish white smoke into the air. Maiyarra was sitting
upon a small patch of ground cleared of the burrs, with her legs
stretched before her. She was propping her writhing body, sloping
slightly backwards, with her arms against the ground. The old
woman sat closely behind, with her arms thrown around Maiyarra’s
waist, and with her lower limbs, bent in the knee, enclosing and
pressing against the younger woman’s buttocks on either side.
Occasionally the old woman would relinquish her hold and make for
the fire, over which she warmed her hands to subsequently massage
the patient’s abdomen. Now and then she might even rub warm
ashes over it. Then the two sat in patient expectation, and, whenever
there came a pain, the old woman would tighten her grip, while she
spoke encouragingly to the parturient Maiyarra. This method is very
generally employed, except that when the final stage has arrived, the
Arunndta and other neighbouring tribes in central Australia request
the gin to squat on her toes, with her buttocks resting over her heels.
The event is almost invariably spontaneous. In my experience I
have very rarely seen complications, and then usually when the
lubra has been living under civilized conditions.
Twins are very exceptionally seen; we do not mean to imply,
however, that multiple births do not occur more often than one sees
or hears of. No authentic observations are available to satisfy our
curiosity in regard to this point. We have been repeatedly assured
that when twins are born, one has arrived as the result of the evil
spirit’s witchcraft. The child, one is informed, will do no good for
itself, and, on account of the evil within it, it will contaminate others
with whom it comes into contact, and, if it were allowed to grow up, it
would be in league with the evil spirit, whom it would look upon as a
brother, and to whom it would betray all the tribal secrets. The evil
spirit would carry this information to the enemy and their tribe would
surely be wiped out of existence. In consequence of all this, the
suspected one of the two infants is destroyed, usually by one of the
old women in attendance, who places a red-hot coal in its mouth or
smothers it with sand.
The placenta is waited for, and then the umbilical cord is severed
two or three inches from the child’s abdomen in one of the following
ways: It may be twisted off, cut with a sharp fragment of shell or
splinter of rock, or pinched off with the finger-nails, or even bitten off
with the teeth. Another method is to batter it through with a stone,
after which the small remaining portion is packed with warm ashes.
When it falls off, it is tied around the child’s neck with a piece of fur-
string, where it is worn for a while as an amulet. The placenta is
either burned or buried.
Intentional interferences with pregnancy are rare among the
unsophisticated tribes, but rather frequent when the natives are living
under more civilized conditions. At Fowler’s Bay a gin, who wishes to
rid herself of prospective motherhood, collects a number of black
beetles, known as “yarralyi,” which she roasts and reduces to
powder. Of the powder she rubs some into her armpits, and some
over her breasts and pubes.

Old Kai-Kai, the leading medicine man of the western Arunndta.

“The medicine man is not so much an individual who has the knowledge of
medicinal values of herbs and surgical practices as one who is the recognized
(Note also the emu-feather skull cap, light-wood shield, and “Kutturu.”)

The newly-born infant, as it lies upon the sand, is rubbed all over
and dried with ashes; then it is usually transferred to a sheet of bark
or a trough-shaped bark food-carrier, in which it is carried about
during the first few months of its existence, the mother, at feeding
time and other odd moments, taking it up into her arms. On Sunday
Island the bark food-carrier, there known as “oladda,” is used as a
cradle; one often might see a busy mother, attending to duties which
occupy her hands, putting her child to sleep by simultaneously
rocking the receptacle containing it with her foot (Plate XI).
The Aluridja smear ochre, ashes, and fat over the body to protect
it against the hot wind and the flies. Some of the south-eastern
tribes, now practically extinct, did likewise.
Among the Kolaias near Cambridge Gulf the common practice is
to apply mother’s milk to the infant’s body and sprinkle it with
charcoal. In their endeavour to make a young mother’s breast as
productive as possible, the Aluridja and Arunndta burn sticks of the
mulga and stroke the breast with the charred ends.
The Arunndta singe the infant’s hair with a fire-stick and rub the
skin over with charcoal to bring about a darkening of the colour as
speedily as possible.
In the same way as girl-piccaninnies are assigned to their tribal
husbands before even they are born, according to certain group-
relationships, so are the boys of the Port George IV district
apportioned by the same law to the old men, whom they must obey,
when called upon, throughout the term of the elders’ lives.
An aboriginal gin is often charged with callousness towards her
offspring. Such an accusation, apart from proving the informant’s
ignorance, amounts to a slanderous injustice. The aboriginal mother
is as fondly attached to her babe as most white women are to theirs,
and the way she can endear herself to it is pathetic. The men, too,
exercise a chivalrous and honourable guardianship over the
innocents of their tribe as well as over the children of any white
settlers, who happen to reside in their district. Those who have lived
among the Australian natives, like the northern squatters, know only
too well that under ordinary circumstances their children could not be
in safer custody than when entrusted to the care of the aborigines.
An infant is never clothed. On Sunday Island a single strand of
human hair-string is tied around its hips and pubes. Such is, of
course, in the first place to decorate the body, and secondly to charm
away the evil-bringing spirits which may surround it.
To bring warmth to an infant during the night, it is cuddled by its
mother or other near relative; during the day, when the mother’s
hands are otherwise occupied, a piccaninny is often kept snug in its
bark-cradle by bedding it upon, and sprinkling it with, warm ashes.
A child is not weaned until it is at least three or four years old; at
times it is kept at the breast for even a year or more longer.
Nevertheless, a mixed diet is offered the suckling very early in life;
one often sees a baby, but a month or two old, vigorously sucking
the smooth head-end of a big bone and apparently thoroughly
enjoying the treat.
Different methods have been devised to assist the gins in carrying
their infants with as little inconvenience as possible when on the
When the babe is very young, the bark-carrier is indispensable; it
is either carried under the arm or cleverly balanced upon the head.
In the latter case a circular cushion or ring-pad is first placed on the
head to steady the weight.
One precaution is constantly preached to young mothers, namely,
not to allow the child’s legs to hang over the edge of the wooden
carrier lest they grow crooked.
The tribes north of the Great Australian Bight swing the infants in
skins or plaited vegetable fibre mats over their backs, the corners of
the receptacles being tied in front of the mother’s neck. The nearly
extinct tribes of the lower River Murray and surrounding districts, as
far as western Victoria, used to adopt the same method.
When the child attains a riper age it sits in the bag-shaped
receptacle, its head being the only exposed part of its body which is
visible. The natives maintain that they originally learned this dodge
from the kangaroo, which carries its young in a pouch.
When the child is a little older and has arrived at the toddling
stage, it is allowed to ride pick-a-back style upon its mother’s back,
where it secures its position by catching hold of the gin’s shoulders,
neck, or breasts. Another favourite method is for the gin to straddle
the child upon one of her hips and hold it there with her arm.
Occasionally the child sits upon either parent’s shoulders and
hangs on to the elder’s head or hair. More for the excitement created
than as a recognized way of transport, the parent, usually the father,
may seat the child upon his head and hold both his arms up for the
rider to clasp. After a short run with its father in this position, the child
usually asks to be let down again.
The most peculiar custom is that in vogue among the
Wongapitcha of the Tomkinson and other associated ranges in
central Australia. The child is laid across the small of the mother’s
back, face forwards, and is kept in a horizontal position by partly
lying upon the gin’s buttocks; it is supported by the mother’s arms,
one of which is held beneath its neck, the other beneath its knees.
By adopting this method of carrying, the gin has both her hands free.
The same method is adopted during the transport of a favourite dog,
the women maintaining that it is a very comfortable occupation in the
cold weather because the animals help to keep them warm (Plate
XVI, 1).
When off duty, that is when not on the tramp, hunting, or wood-
collecting, a gin will carry, rock, and caress her offspring much like a
European mother does, by tenderly clutching it in both her arms.
If work permits, the mother often sits on the ground and lays her
offspring across her lap; by lifting her thighs towards her body, she
forms a trough, in which the babe lies most comfortably.
On the north coast one might occasionally see a gin swinging her
babe upon an aerial root or branch of a tree, or upon the flexible
stalk of a tropical climbing plant.

1. Men of Kolaia tribe, Cambridge Gulf, wearing the hair tied at the
back around a pad of emu feathers.

2. Wongapitcha men wearing ornamental wooden hair-pins known

as “elenba.” Note charcoal rubbed over the foreheads.

Much freedom given to children—Entertained and amused by parents—Taught

songs and dances—Drawing tracks in the sand—Importance of learning to
track—Playing with sand, mud, and water—Sliding and mud-balling—
Tobogganing—Tree-climbing practice—Chasing wind-driven objects—
Spearing moving targets—“Hand-ball”—“Catch-ball”—“Tip-cat”—Throwing
contests—“Hide and Seek”—Toys—Playing at “Father and Mother”—“Dolls”—
Fireless cooking—Toy throwing-sticks—Sham-fights and hunts—Emu game—
Toy boomerang—Toy raft—The “Kukerra”—Spinning tops—“Cratch-cradle”—
Children rarely attend ceremonies—Discipline and obedience—Girls trained
by mothers—Boys taught how to make and use weapons—Girls’ stick
practices—Spartan principles—Animal and bird pets.

So soon as the child is able to walk and run, independently of its

mother, it is allowed every freedom, but never far away from the
watchful eye of its parent; quite occasionally, however, one might
meet with a toddler roaming about the bush all alone, and miles
away from the main camp. Recently we saw a little chap near
Running Waters on the Finke River, who would wander away from
camp and spend days alone in the sandhills. The only nourishment
he could find during his absence was a handful of small bulbs, which
grew along the sandy banks of the Finke. It must be mentioned that
this little fellow was an orphan, and nobody seemed to take much
notice of his absence for the first day or so, after which a near
relative would set out, pick up the wanderer’s track, and bring him
back to camp.
Parents devote much of their time to the entertainment and
amusement of their children; but the economical side of play is never
forgotten. If during a game, a practical wrinkle can be taught, which
will prove useful when the playful moments are left behind and the
more serious stage of life is entered, the opportunity is never missed.
Much time is spent in the evenings teaching the younger
generation songs and dances, which allude to ancestral traits, to the
tricks of the chase, and to the damage the evil spirits can do. The
notes and calls of the different wild animals and birds, with which the
tribe has daily to do, are cleverly imitated and explained,
disregardless of the numerous repetitions, which are begged, to
satisfy the childish curiosity. For instance, the plover is by the
Western Arunndta called “kurreke tata,” which is softly and musically
rendered in imitation of the bird’s familiar cry. The plover is described
as a rain-maker, which is able to bring the water from a cloud
whenever it desires. Even the European settler often refers to this
bird as a “rainpiper”; the connection between the species and rain no
doubt having arisen from the fact that plover usually follow up
showers and remain in the vicinity of any pools which collect upon
the ground. During any rain-making ceremonies the plover is
frequently mimicked. Another of their favourite items is the imitation
of a whining and howling dingo, which they accomplish with
wonderful accuracy.
The dances, too, are largely imitative. One of the most popular of
the Arunndta repertoire is the frog-dance. The child adopts a sitting
attitude and passes its arms from the outside, behind the knees, and
forwards to the ground. In this position, it moves about on “all fours,”
with a peculiar hopping motion, adding greatly to the hilarity of the
Great pleasure is evinced by the beaming young faces when an
adult prepares to draw pictures in the sand. A small circular patch of
ground is cleared by the entertainer, and the children seat
themselves around it. Having smoothed the surface with the palm of
his hand, he proceeds to “draw” by scratching the design into the
sand with a small pointed stick. Although the pictures are crude, and
often nothing short of puzzles to the European, the artist talks all the
while to the children in such a convincing way that, even assuming
their eye incapable of comprehension, their interest is excited or
persuaded to such an extent as to almost render the few lines in the
sand a living reality. “Here is the man,” explains the artist, as he
draws a vertical line, “walking about” (a number of small holes are
tapped into the sand), “he sees a lizard” (a longer line on a slope
crossed by two shorter bars at right angles), “away it runs” (pairs of
taps slantingly opposite to each other), “the man after it” (single taps
between the former pairs), “he throws a boomerang” (the familiar
shape of the weapon is outlined), “the lizard goes down a hole” (a
hole is scratched into the ground), “the Kurdaitcha take it, it is gone!”
(he slaps the spot with the flat of his hand). “Yerrai! What is that? A
snake!” (emerging from the hole he draws a curved line), “the man
has lost his boomerang but he hits the snake with his waddy” (the
curved line is smacked several times with the small drawing stick the
artist holds in his hand). “I, i, i! he has finished (i.e. killed) it.” And so
the narration might go on for a considerable time.
Commendable pains are taken by the adults in imitating the tracks
of all the animals of chase, and the children are invited to compete in
reproducing them. For instance, an “emu track” is obtained by
pressing the inner surfaces of the index finger and thumb, held at an
angle of about forty-five degrees, into a smooth patch of sand; then,
without lifting the index finger, the thumb is moved to the opposite
side and there pressed into the sand, at about the same angle as
before. Often the impression of the “pad” of the bird’s foot is
indicated by dabbing the round point of the thumb into the sand
immediately behind the intersection of the three “toes.”
A kangaroo track is simple, and is made by imprinting a finger or
big toe twice in the sand, an inch or two apart, so that the resulting
marks are two parallel grooves supposed to represent the
impressions of the long central toes of the marsupial. A shorter mark
is made at the centre of either of these, at an angle of about forty-
five degrees, to indicate the lateral toes, when the track is complete.
At times a small scratch or hole is made at the end of each of the
“toes,” to suggest the claw-marks.
A dog track is made with the fingers alone. The tip of the thumb
makes an imprint, which is to represent the pad, whilst the finger-tips
supply those of the four toes, ranged in a semi-circle about the
former. The claw-marks are added in the same way as described of
the kangaroo track.
A human track is imitated by imprinting the outer edge of a half-
closed hand, the left hand being used for the left foot and the right
for the right. This impression will give the ball, the outer surface, and
the heel of the required track; the toe-marks are dabbed in with the
Where the camel is known, its track is reproduced. A piccaninny is
momentarily sat upon a smooth patch of sand and lifted away again;
the imprint of its stern supplies the outline for the required track. The
lower half of ridge left in the sand by the cleft between the child’s
buttocks is obliterated, when the “track” is ready for the never-failing
applause. Occasionally the upper angles, representing the camel’s
toes, are improved by making them more acute and deepening them
to show where the claws are supposed to have cut into the ground.
The study of animal-spoors in all their specific and various
intricacies, and especially the art of individualizing the human foot-
print, rank among the most important and earliest occupations of the
aboriginal child’s mind. Parents are required by law to see that the
children receive constant instruction and exercise in this department.
It is a common thing for a mother to purposely slip away from her
child and not to respond to the imploring wail, which follows when
her absence is discovered. The only sympathy some relatives or
friends might proffer is to direct the child’s notice to its mother’s
tracks and at the same time urging it to follow them up.
Whereas the average European can distinguish between the
tracks of a dog and a cat, it is a decidedly more difficult matter for
him to discriminate between those of a mastiff and a wolf on the one
hand and, say, those of a sheep-dog and a fox or jackal on the other.
The aboriginal, however, learns to recognize not only the class, or
species, or variety, as they are known to us, by the spoors, but can
particularize each single individual. By looking at a track, for
instance, which we can only describe as a “dog track,” an aboriginal
can immediately tell us whether it is that of a “wild-dog” or of a
“whitefellow-dog,” whether the animal is young or old, male or
female, and whether it passed over the ground sometime to-day,
yesterday, the day before, or a week ago; finally, he will tell us

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