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Case statement ...................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1. Analysis of Purchasing Behaviors

Market study …....................................................................................................................... 4
Segmentation …….…............................................................................................................. 4
Target market …………………....…..................................................................................... 4
Marketing mix ………………................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 2. Sales Strategies

Objectives ……....................................................................................................................... 5
Mission and Vision …............................................................................................................. 6
Sales strategies ………………….…....................................................................................... 6
Sales policies ………………................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 3. Customer Relationship Management

Sales responsibilities and preparation ……............................................................................ 8
Development of personal skills ….......................................................................................... 8
Motivation tools ………………….…..................................................................................... 9
Training systems ………………............................................................................................. 9
Salesforce Performance Evaluation ………………................................................................ 9

Chapter 4. Sales force

Salesforce Organizational chart …......…………….............................................................. 10
Motivation ………………………...……………….............................................................. 11
Training …………………………...……………….............................................................. 12
Salesforce Performance Evaluation ……............................................................................... 13

Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 15

References ………………………………...………………….…………………………… 18

Company: Mexcal, a new artisanal mezcal company from Oaxaca, Mexico.


• Stand out in a growing mezcal market with intense competition.

• Leverage their strengths: artisanal production, Oaxacan tradition, and high quality.

Develop a unique and immersive mezcal experience that goes beyond just the drink.

• Educational elements: Offer guided tours of their Oaxacan palenque (distillery)

showcasing traditional production methods and the agave varietals used.
• Sensory exploration: Pair mezcal tastings with local Oaxacan cuisine, highlighting how
specific dishes enhance the mezcal flavors.
• Cultural immersion: Incorporate cultural components like traditional music, dance
performances, or demonstrations of Oaxacan handcrafts.


• Differentiation: Creates a unique selling proposition compared to other mezcal brands.

• Premium positioning: Justifies a higher price point for the experience.
• Brand storytelling: Strengthens the connection to Oaxacan heritage and artisanal
• Target audience: Attracts tourists and mezcal enthusiasts seeking an authentic and
memorable experience.


• Partner with local chefs and artisans to create the experience.

• Offer varying tiers of the experience with different levels of immersion.
• Utilize social media marketing to showcase the unique experience and generate interest.


Analysis Of Purchasing Behaviors


Mexcal is a new artisanal mezcal company located in Oaxaca, Mexico, offering varieties such
as joven, reposado, añejo, and special editions. The global mezcal market is growing, with
strong demand in the United States and Europe. Mexcal stands out for its high quality and
strong identity based on Oaxacan tradition, although facing initial challenges such as limited
production capacity and dependence on export markets.
Mexcal plans to use digital marketing strategies to capitalize on opportunities, organize tasting
events, and establish collaborations with chefs and mixologists. Mexcal's strengths include its
artisanal production and authenticity, while its main threats are intense competition and
potential regulatory changes. With a focus on international expansion and product
diversification, Mexcal is well positioned to thrive in the dynamic mezcal market.


Mexcal segments its market into local and international consumers, primarily targeting the
United States and Europe, focusing on young and middle-aged adults with medium to high
incomes who value artisanal and sustainable products. The company targets food enthusiasts
and seekers of unique experiences, utilizing digital marketing strategies, tasting events,
collaborations with chefs, and sustainable packaging. This allows Mexcal to address the needs
of both loyal and potential consumers on special occasions and regular consumption,
optimizing its presence and growth in the mezcal market.


The target market for Mexcal consists of men and women aged 25 to 45 with medium to high
incomes, located in key markets including Mexico (Oaxaca, Mexico City) and international
markets such as the United States, Canada, and Europe. These consumers value authenticity,
quality, and sustainability, and are interested in unique experiences and artisanal products.
Mexcal plans to use digital marketing strategies, tasting events, collaborations with chefs and
mixologists, and eco-friendly packaging to attract food enthusiasts and new mezcal explorers,
focusing on special occasions and regular consumption.

 Product: Mexcal offers a diverse range of high-quality, artisanal mezcals, each

distinguished by its authentic production methods and sustainable practices

 Price: Mexcal’s pricing strategy is designed to reflect the premium quality of its
products, offering competitive prices that appeal to discerning consumers while
maintaining value.

 Place: Mexcal employs a selective distribution approach, ensuring availability in

strategic local markets (Oaxaca, Mexico City) and key international markets (the U.S.,

 Promotion: Mexcal’s promotional strategy focuses on digital marketing to reach a

broad audience, organizing tasting events to provide experiential engagement, and
forming collaborations with chefs and mixologists to enhance brand visibility. The use
of eco-friendly packaging also highlights Mexcal’s commitment to sustainability,
appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Sales Strategies


• Ensure that Mexcal consistently delivers high-quality Mezcal products to consumers.

• Establish Mexcal as a reputable and recognizable brand in the Mezcal industry.
• Expand Mexcal's presence in both domestic and international markets.
• Build strong relationships with customers and foster brand loyalty.
• Incorporate sustainable practices into Mexcal's operations and supply chain.
Our mission is to craft and deliver the highest quality Mezcal, celebrating the rich traditions of
Mexican culture. We strive to provide an authentic and exceptional tasting experience that
connects consumers in the United States and Mexico to the heart of Oaxaca. We aim to foster
a sense of community and appreciation for this unique spirit through sustainable practices and
a deep respect for our artisans.

Our vision is to be the leading Mezcal brand, renowned for our commitment to excellence,
authenticity, and sustainability. We envision a world where Mezcal is celebrated as a symbol
of cultural heritage and craftsmanship, bridging the gap between the United States and Mexico.
We aspire to inspire a global appreciation for Mezcal, creating unforgettable moments and
lasting connections for our customers.


 Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Leverage digital marketing platforms such as social media, Google Ads, and email
campaigns to reach both American and Mexican consumers. Tailor content to highlight
the cultural significance and unique qualities of Mezcal.

 Partnerships with Local Distributors

Form strategic partnerships with established distributors in both the U.S. and Mexico
to ensure widespread availability and efficient distribution of our Mezcal. This includes
working with specialty liquor stores, bars, and restaurants.

 Tasting Events and Festivals

Organize and participate in tasting events, festivals, and trade shows in major cities
across the U.S. and Mexico. These events can help raise brand awareness, educate
consumers about Mezcal, and create direct sales opportunities.

 Loyalty and Referral Programs

Implement loyalty programs for repeat customers and referral programs that incentivize
existing customers to introduce new consumers to our Mezcal. This can include
discounts, exclusive access to new products, and other rewards.

 Collaborations with Influencers and Chefs

Collaborate with influencers, mixologists, and renowned chefs to create signature
cocktails and dishes featuring our Mezcal. These partnerships can generate buzz and
introduce the product to new audiences through authentic endorsements and creative

 Quality Assurance Policy

Ensure that every batch of Mezcal undergoes rigorous quality control checks to
maintain consistency and high standards. This includes regular inspections and
adherence to traditional production methods.

 Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Offer a satisfaction guarantee where customers can return or exchange products if they
are not completely satisfied with their purchase. This policy aims to build trust and
confidence in our brand.

 Fair Pricing Policy

Maintain transparent and competitive pricing across all markets. Ensure that our Mezcal
is priced fairly to reflect its quality and craftsmanship while remaining accessible to a
wide range of consumers.

 Responsible Selling Practices

Commit to promoting responsible consumption of Mezcal. This includes providing
educational resources about moderate drinking and implementing age verification
processes for online and in-store sales.

 Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing

Adhere to sustainable and ethical sourcing practices for all raw materials. This policy
supports the preservation of agave plants and the well-being of local communities
involved in the production process.
Customer relationship management (CRM)

In the first part of the sales cycle, focusing on sales responsibilities and preparation is crucial.
Conduct thorough market research to understand consumer preferences, trends, and
competition within the mezcal market. Segment the market based on demographics,
psychographics, and buying behaviors to tailor sales strategies effectively. Ensure the sales
team has in-depth knowledge about Mexcal, including its history, production process, unique
selling points, and variations, and regularly update them on new product developments and
industry trends.
Develop clear sales plans and targets for different segments and regions, preparing sales
materials such as brochures, presentations, and sample kits. Identify potential leads through
various channels such as events, online platforms, partnerships, and referrals, and use CRM
software to track and manage these leads efficiently.
The second part of the sales cycle involves the development of personal selling skills. Train
sales representatives to articulate the brand story compellingly, emphasizing active listening to
understand customer needs and tailor pitches accordingly. Emphasize the importance of
building long-term relationships with customers by teaching techniques for maintaining regular
contact and providing exceptional customer service. Develop negotiation skills to close deals
effectively while ensuring customer satisfaction, practicing role-playing scenarios to handle
objections and negotiations.
Train the team to deliver engaging and informative presentations, whether in-person or virtual,
using storytelling techniques to make presentations memorable. Teach various closing
techniques to ensure a smooth transition from prospect to customer, practicing identifying
buying signals and responding appropriately.
Motivation is essential for maintaining a high-performing sales force, so implement a variety
of motivation tools and comprehensive training systems. Incentive programs such as bonus
structures and commissions based on sales performance, along with non-monetary rewards like
trips, gadgets, or recognition awards, can drive motivation.
Provide career development opportunities, supporting further education and certifications
related to sales and the beverage industry. Organize regular team-building activities to foster a
positive and collaborative work environment, including fun activities that enhance team
cohesion. Create recognition programs highlighting top performers monthly or quarterly
through company-wide announcements, awards ceremonies, and social media shout-outs.
Offer flexible working hours and remote work options, when possible, along with wellness
programs such as gym memberships or mental health support.
Effective training systems are critical for developing a skilled sales force. Implement
comprehensive onboarding programs for new hires covering product knowledge, company
culture, and sales processes, pairing them with experienced sales reps for hands-on learning.
Ensure continuous learning through workshops, webinars, and e-learning modules, providing
regular updates on industry trends and competitive analysis. Conduct regular role-playing
sessions to simulate sales scenarios and improve responses, using VR simulations for
immersive training experiences. Provide on-the-job training with field supervisors to give real-
world sales experience and regularly schedule shadowing of senior sales reps. Schedule
performance feedback sessions with managers to discuss performance and areas for
improvement, using CRM data to provide evidence-based feedback.
Evaluating salesforce performance is vital to ensure effectiveness and identify areas for
improvement. Use quantitative evaluations such as sales metrics to measure individual
performance against targets, tracking metrics like total sales volume, average deal size, and
conversion rates.
Evaluate customer acquisition by assessing the number of new customers acquired over a
period and analyzing the cost of customer acquisition and return on investment. Assess the
contribution to overall revenue growth by comparing sales figures year-over-year or quarter-
over-quarter. Qualitative evaluations should include collecting and analyzing customer
feedback on sales interactions using surveys and direct feedback to gauge satisfaction and areas
for improvement.
Conduct peer reviews to assess teamwork, collaboration, and support within the sales team,
using 360-degree feedback mechanisms for a comprehensive evaluation. Regular manager
assessments should focus on skills development, attitude, and overall contribution, using
structured evaluation forms to ensure consistency and fairness. By implementing this CRM
strategy, Mexcal can build a robust sales force that is well-prepared, motivated, and
continuously improving, driving sales growth and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Sales Force Management.


The functional organizational chart is commonly used in small or medium-sized companies

such as our company and is based on the organization by functions, where people are grouped
by specific skills or tasks in specific jobs. This type of organizational chart is suitable for
companies with clear hierarchical structures and where communication is relatively simple.

a) Sales Manager: Responsible for overseeing and leading the entire sales team. This
includes setting goals, strategizing and monitoring team performance.

b) Sales representative: Responsible for interacting directly with customers and closing
sales agreements. Its main responsibility is to generate income for the company.

c) Sales Coordinator: Responsible for coordinating and supervising the activities of the
sales team. This can include scheduling meetings, assigning tasks, and making sure
goals are met.

d) Sales Specialist: A sales team member who focuses on a specific product or service.
His responsibility is to know that product or service thoroughly and be able to explain
it and sell it effectively.
e) Account Executive: Responsible for maintaining and developing long-term
relationships with existing customers. It aims to ensure that customers are satisfied and
that business relationships are maintained. They can also work on recurring revenue
generation through contract renewals.

f) Sales Analyst: Responsible for collecting and analyzing sales data. He aims to
provide useful information to the sales team and sales manager to make informed

g) Sales Manager: Responsible for managing the sales process from start to finish. This
may include contract management, order tracking and billing.

An organizational chart for the sales department allows:

- Facilitate coordination and collaboration between vendors and other departments of the
- Clarify the expectations and objectives of each position and level within the sales department.
- Identify sales team strengths and weaknesses and identify potential areas for improvement or
- Establish a culture of accountability and transparency in the sales department.
- Motivate and recognize the performance and potential of vendors.

Define motivation tools (5)

1. Incentive Programs
Implement performance-based incentives such as bonuses, commissions, and rewards for
achieving sales targets.
2. Recognition and Awards
Publicly recognize and celebrate the achievements of top performers within the company.
3. Professional Development Opportunities
Provide opportunities for sales representatives to enhance their skills and knowledge
through training and development programs.
4. Team Building Activities
Foster a positive and collaborative team environment through regular team-building events
and activities.
5. Career Advancement Opportunities
Create clear pathways for career growth and advancement within the company.
Training systems that will be implemented (5).

1. Mezcal Basics
• History and Culture: Overview of mezcal’s origins, cultural significance, and traditional
production methods.

• Production Process: Detailed explanation of the mezcal production process, including the
types of agave used, harvesting, roasting, fermenting, distilling, and aging.

• Varieties of Mezcal: Information on different types of mezcal (e.g., Espadín, Tobalá,

Tepeztate), their flavor profiles, and distinguishing characteristics.

2. Brand-Specific Training
• Company History: Background of the company, its mission, and values.

• Product Line: Detailed information about the company’s mezcal products, including tasting
notes, production methods, and unique selling points.

3. Sales Fundamentals
• Communication Skills: Training on effective communication, active listening, and
building rapport with customers.

• Sales Pitch Development: Crafting compelling sales pitches that highlight the unique
aspects of mezcal and the company's products.

• Objection Handling: Techniques for addressing common customer objections and

questions about mezcal.

4. Market Analysis
• Industry Trends: Current trends in the mezcal industry, including consumer preferences
and emerging markets.

• Competitive Landscape: Overview of key competitors, their strengths, and weaknesses,

and how to position the company’s products effectively.

5. Ongoing Education and Support.

• Regular Training Updates: Ongoing training sessions to keep the sales team informed
about new products, industry trends, and sales strategies.
(3 of each type, Qualitative and Quantitative).


1. Sales Volume

- Definition: The total amount of mezcal sold by each sales representative over a specific

- Importance: Provides a direct measure of the sales team’s productivity and

contribution to revenue.

- How to Measure: Track the number of bottles or cases sold by each representative
monthly, quarterly, and annually.

2. Revenue Generated

- Definition: The total revenue generated from sales activities by each sales

- Importance: Highlights the financial impact of each salesperson, accounting for

variations in product pricing.

- How to Measure: Calculate the total dollar amount of sales made by each
representative over a given period.

3. Conversion Rate

- Definition: The percentage of leads or prospects converted into paying customers.

- Importance: Indicates the effectiveness of sales techniques and the ability to close

- How to Measure: Divide the number of successful sales by the total number of leads
or prospects handled by the representative.

1. Customer Feedback

- Definition: Opinions and satisfaction levels reported by customers regarding their

interactions with sales representatives.

- Importance: Reflects the quality of customer service and the sales team’s ability to
build relationships.

- How to Measure: Collect feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct customer
comments, focusing on areas such as professionalism, knowledge, and overall

2. Product Knowledge and Expertise

- Definition: The depth of understanding a sales representative has about mezcal,

including its history, production process, and unique attributes of the company’s

- Importance: Ensures that sales representatives can accurately and persuasively convey
product information to customers.

- How to Measure: Assess through regular testing, observations during sales calls, and
feedback from training sessions.

3. Team Collaboration and Communication

- Definition: The ability of sales representatives to work effectively with colleagues and
communicate important information.

- Importance: Enhances overall team performance and ensures consistent messaging to


- How to Measure: Evaluate based on peer reviews, participation in team meetings, and
contributions to group projects or initiatives.

Mexcal's story as a new artisanal mezcal company in Oaxaca, Mexico, teaches us a lot about
effective buy-and-sell strategies in the spirits industry. By focusing on high quality and
authenticity, Mexcal is tapping into the growing global demand for premium mezcal, especially
in the U.S. and Europe. The company's commitment to Oaxacan tradition and sustainable
production gives it a strong edge in the market.

Mexcal stands out in a crowded market by promoting its deep cultural roots and genuine
production methods. This approach appeals to consumers who value real, artisanal products.
Using digital marketing, tasting events, and partnerships with chefs and mixologists, Mexcal
effectively reaches its main audience—people aged 25 to 45 with medium to high incomes.
These strategies help build brand loyalty and expand Mexcal's market presence.

Using eco-friendly packaging and sustainable production practices attracts environmentally

conscious consumers, enhancing Mexcal's brand image. By carefully choosing where to sell its
products, Mexcal ensures they are available in important local and international markets. This
not only boosts visibility but also keeps the brand's premium feel.

Mexcal addresses challenges like limited production and heavy reliance on export markets by
using smart marketing and partnerships. This shows the importance of being adaptable and
resourceful in a changing market.

Mexcal's experience shows how a well-rounded buy-and-sell strategy, including strong

branding, targeted marketing, sustainability, and strategic distribution, can help a company
succeed. By focusing on these areas, businesses can effectively enter competitive markets,
build a loyal customer base, and achieve sustainable growth. Mexcal's approach provides a
great example for other artisanal producers looking to grow their market presence and meet the
global demand for high-quality, authentic products.

Edson Giovani Domínguez Rocha 2064515:

After having done this work I can say that it was very interesting to have learned a little more
about the way in which a company as large and recognized as MExcal organizes its structure
to be able to operate in a way that makes everything work as it should. The way in which it has
studied the market to which it addresses and maintains its characteristic products of the brand.
Also, it helped me to know the importance of the proposals to improve and continue growing,
thus achieving an increasingly greater reach among consumers, in the same way expanding to
different markets around the world, which I believe is the goal for any company.

Luis Alberto Pando Sotelo 2134089:

Thanks to this work I can say that I have been able to develop my skills in sales strategies in
general and according to the company that my team and I selected, I am aware that this is just
an introduction to the subject but I have the tools to develop it professionally. I am satisfied
with the final work and with the team’s own performance.

Manuel Alejandro Ruiz Bermúdez

In conclusion, creating a brand protector for Mexcal is pivotal for establishing and safeguarding
its identity and reputation in the mezcal market. This process not only ensures recognition and
respect for the brand but also mitigates unfair competition and unauthorized imitation.
Moreover, it underscores Mexcal's dedication to product quality and authenticity, bolstering its
industry position and enhancing consumer trust. In addition to fortifying Mexcal's market
presence and consumer trust, the implementation of a brand protector also streamlines legal
processes and provides a framework for addressing any infringement issues swiftly and
effectively. By proactively safeguarding its intellectual property, Mexcal not only protects its
current market share but also lays a solid foundation for future growth and expansion
opportunities, ensuring long-term success in the competitive mezcal industry.

Ricardo Alberto Lara Padilla 2006834:

In conclusion, Mexcal's CRM strategy is crucial for building a well-prepared, motivated, and
continuously improving sales team. By focusing on thorough market research, robust sales
preparation, and personal selling skills, Mexcal ensures effective customer engagement. This
sales strategy is vital for Mexcal to build strong customer relationships and achieve long-term
success in the competitive mezcal market.
Karyme Giselle Carreño Garcés 1996259:
This project has been a valuable learning experience, teaching us the essentials of building a
successful company. We've realized the importance of sticking to a clear strategy. Throughout
the creation of Mexcal, we applied concepts and techniques we learned during the semester.
By understanding the needs, desires, and preferences of our target consumers, we crafted a
product that deeply resonated with them. In summary, creating Mexcal has underscored the
importance of strategic thinking and prioritizing the needs of consumers. It has emphasized
that achieving success in business requires careful planning, dedication, and a thorough
understanding of consumer preferences. As we look back on this project, we've gained valuable
knowledge and experience that will serve us well in future jobs.

Fernanda Almaguer Cantú:

From this project I learned all the points you have to check to make a successful and effective
company. To follow a set strategy and remain loyal to it is crucial for this, while making Mexcal
we applied different concepts we worked with throughout the semester and we were able to put
them to work in this project. By examining the needs, desires, and preferences of our target
consumers, we were able to craft a product that resonated deeply with them. This allowed us
to position Mexcal as not just a mere beverage but as an experience for consumers.

Hernan Alberto Botello Alanis 1919971

In examining the marketing and policy strategies employed for a mezcal product, it's evident
that a multifaceted approach is essential for success in the competitive spirits market. By
incorporating various sales techniques such as targeted advertising, distribution expansion, and
leveraging partnerships, we can effectively reach diverse consumer demographics and increase
brand visibility. Moreover, the implementation of flexible pricing policies, including
promotional offers and bundle deals, allows us to adapt to market fluctuations and consumer
preferences while maintaining profitability. Additionally, adherence to ethical and sustainable
production practices not only enhances brand reputation but also resonates with
environmentally conscious consumers, thereby fostering long-term brand loyalty.

In conclusion, the success of a mezcal product hinges on a dynamic combination of innovative

sales strategies and conscientious policy frameworks. By continually refining our approach and
staying attuned to market trends, we can position our brand as a leader in the global spirits
industry while remaining committed to quality, authenticity, and sustainability.

Nieto-García, RM, & Toledo-López, A. LA VENTAJA COMPETITIVA


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