Stev Capt

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Name : Stevany Idola Putri Purba

Student Number : 34
Class : XII IPA 9
PAGE 79 (TASK 28)

Petroleum is a crucial mining commodity, with countries like Saudi Arabia producing and
consuming it. The United States is the third largest producer, followed by Iran and China.
Mexico, Venezuela, and Norway are the sixth, seventh, and eighth largest producers. Iraq and
Nigeria rank ninth and tenth, respectively. Italy ranks last with 3.88, while the United States
occupies the highest level with 38.33. Japan ranks second with 10.97, and China ranks third
with 10.22. Germany and Russia share similar values, with Germany and Russia ranking
fourth and fifth respectively. Brazil ranks sixth with 4.46, followed by South Korea and India.
Italy ranks ninth with 3.88. The charts show that Saudi Arabia holds the highest level of
petroleum production, with Nigeria in tenth place.

PAGE 81 (TASK 30)

1. George bought a small plane.

2. Then he invited his friend, Mark to fly with him

3. They went up into the air.

4. George did all the kind of tricks in the air.

5. Then they came down again.

6. Mark thanked George with a shaking voice for his first and last trips in a small

PAGE 83 (TASK 32)

 A popular theory of explaining the evolution of the universe is known as the Big Bang
 According to the model, at some time between ten and twenty billion years ago, all
present matter and energy were compressed into a small ball only a few kilometres in
 It was, in effect, an atom that contained in the form of pure energy all of the components
of the entire universe.
 Then, at a moment in time that astronomers refer to as T = O, the ball exploded, hurling
the energy into space.
 Expansion occurred. As the energy cooled, most of it became matter in the form of
protons, neutrons, and electrons.
 These original particles combined to form hydrogen and helium, and continued to expand.
Matter formed into galaxies with stars and planets.


1. Identification bar

Stevany Putri student of Sanit Thomas 1

2. Group identification
Priskilla, Stevany, Marsella, Elsa, Marcellino, and Sebastian in physics laboratory

3. Cutline

Sunset view on Lake Toba

4. Quote

It’s never too late to start learning

5. Summary caption
Male Students Female Students


The number of xiipasi Class students who are male is more than female, male is 19 while
female is 17

6. Expanded caption

This is Stevany when se was visited the biggest aquarium in the top of penang.

7. Montage caption
Time flies so fast. This is my little brother when he was 8 months old

This is him now taking a picture in the glass brigde.

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