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Name _____________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit test 11A

1 Write sentences with going to.

1 What / we / eat this evening?
What’re we going to eat this evening?
2 I / not write my blog today

3 Careful! / You / drop the plate

4 Look at the time! / They / be late

5 Stefan / go skiing in Colorado next month

6 Lois and Ben / not visit any museums

7 When / Zoe and Leo / get married?

1 point for each correct answer 6

2 Put the words in order to write questions.

1 is / going / who / to / dinner / make / ?
Who is going to making dinner?
2 dishes / is / wash / going / the / he / to?

3 going / in / long / is / live / she / to / the / US / how / ?

4 home / are / going / we / to / when / get / ?

5 going / are / married / next / get / they / to / year / ?

6 is / going / she / to / at / the / post / get / office / what / ?

1 point for each correct question 5

3 Match the questions in exercise 2 with these answers.

a Susan is. 1
b No, they aren’t.
c Three or four years.
d Some stamps.
e Yes, he is.
f Tomorrow.

1 point for each correct answer 5

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 1

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 11A

4 Write sentences with going to and the infinitive.

1 Yusef / go to the drugstore / get some aspirin
Yusef’s going to the drugstore to get some aspirin.
2 Edgar and Eileen / go to Egypt / see the pyramids

3 I / take my guitar / play folk songs

4 She / save money / go shopping in New York

5 We / visit Yellowstone Park / see grizzly bears

6 Chun / buy a motorcycle / ride through Peru

1 point for correct use of going to, 1 point for correct infinitive 10

5 Write about your plans with going to.

1 This weekend, I’m going to see my friends.
2 When this test finishes,
3 Next month,
4 Tomorrow,
5 In a year,
6 When I retire,
7 Next Saturday,
8 When I get home tonight,

1 point for each correct answer 7

6 Complete the weather words.

In summer, Bangkok is (1) h o t and (2) w .
In spring, the weather is often (3) r and (4) w .
Let’s not go to the beach today – it isn’t (5) s .
It’s very (6) f . I can’t see the road.
It’s (7) cold and s . We can go skiing tomorrow!
It’s too (8) w to wear a coat today. I’m just going to take a sweater.
It was very (9) c in Helsinki – the temperature at 11 a.m. was 20°F!
It wasn’t a good day for taking photographs. The sky was (10) c .
Yesterday was warm. Today, it isn’t cold, but it is (11) c .

1 point for each correct answer 10

7 Write true answers.

1 What’s the weather like today?

2 What’s the weather like in January in your country?

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 2

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 11A

3 What was the weather like yesterday?

4 What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?

1 point for each correct answer 4

8 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Write (?) if the answer
isn’t in the text.

Safia Hasni is a mountain runner. As a child, Safia enjoyed most sports. When she
was a teenager she started running in the hills near Bradford, where her family lived,
in the northern part of England.

Safia runs every week, in all kinds of weather. “You can’t stay at home if it’s wet,
cold, and windy. You have to go out and run.”

Earlier this year, Safia won a place on the team going to the World Championships
in New Zealand. Her trainer expected her to do very well. However, Safia fell and
hurt herself the week before the race and couldn’t travel. “I was disappointed, but
I’m definitely going to run next year.”

1 ? Safia’s parents are runners.

2 Safia started mountain running when she was six.
3 She played different sports when she was younger.
4 Safia grew up in the north of England.
5 When it’s bad weather, Safia doesn’t run.
6 She sometimes goes to the gym.
7 She didn’t win a place on the team going to New Zealand.
8 She didn’t go to New Zealand.
9 She hurt her foot.
10 Safia isn’t going to run again.

2 points for each correct answer 18

9 You are on vacation. Write notes.

• Where are you?
• Who are you with?
• Where are you staying?
• What did you do yesterday?
• What are you going to do tomorrow?
• What’s the weather like?
• What are you doing today?

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 3

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 11A

Now use your notes to write a postcard. Write 50–80 words.

Start: Dear …
I’m in … with …

3 points for each piece of information divided between

accuracy and content, 2 points for layout 23

10 Complete the conversation.

A It’s (1) r e a l l y s u n n y and warm . (2) W s we d ?
B (3) L ’ go on a picnic!
A Oh no! That’s (4) t b . We did that last week.
B OK, (5) s w go for a walk?
A Sure. Why (6) d ’ w walk to the beach?

1 point for each correct answer 5

11 Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 I’m going to Dallas to visit my brother.

2 When the children are in bed, I’m going to take a bath.

3 It’s going to rain.

4 Why don’t we watch a movie?

5 When are you going to Cambodia?

6 What’s the weather like now?

7 Should we go out for a coffee tomorrow?

1 point for each correct answer 7

Total 100

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 4

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