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Name _____________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit test 7B

1 Choose the correct word to complete the conversations.

A Did you (1) waved / wave when you saw them leave on the train?
B Yes, I waved but they (2) didn’t see / saw me.
A How long did the flight (3) take / took?
B It (4) did take / took about 40 minutes.
A Did you (5) meet / met Professor Ramirez at the airport?
B No, Walter (6) does / did.
A I (7) waked / woke up at 6 a.m.
B But you didn’t (8) eat / ate breakfast until 10 o’clock!
A (9) Did / Do they sell many comics last year?
B Yes, they (10) selled / sold a lot.
A (11) Did you invite / invited Bill and Ben to the party?
B No, but I (12) asked / did asked Tammy and Tilly.

1 point for each correct answer 11

2 Complete the sentences with the Simple Past form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 Our parents never talked (talk) on cell phones when they were children.
2 people (listen) to CDs 20 years ago?
3 I (not bring) an umbrella.
4 We (not have) computers when we were young!
5 Einstein (publish) his theory of relativity about 100 years ago.
6 Yuri Gagarin (be) the first man in space.
7 How much allowance you (get) when you were a child?
8 ABBA (not have) many number 1 hits in the US.
9 you (enjoy) the movie last month?
10 Where you (go) to school?

1 point for each correct answer 9

3 Write the questions.

1 Who did you go with?
I went with my sister.
No, he didn’t like it.
They didn’t come because they didn’t feel well.
I bought two T-shirts.
He paid $50.

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 1

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 7B

The movie started at 11:00 p.m.

We went to Spain by plane.

2 points for each correct question 12

4 Rewrite the sentences with the adjective or the adverb form of the word in
parentheses in the correct place.

1 She walks. (slow) She walks slowly.

2 We worked before the test. (hard)
3 Learning French is work. (hard)
4 I write important letters. (careful)
5 The plate fell, but it didn’t break. (fortunate)
6 Donna often gets up. (late)
7 We called the police. (immediate)
8 Ben speaks Arabic. (fluent)
9 Jamal is a driver. (bad)
10 Please talk, the baby’s sleeping. (quiet)

1 point for each correct answer 9

5 Write the names of the special occasions.

1 In the US, M o t h e r ’s D a y is the second week in May.
2 N Y ’ E is on December 31st.
3 H is at the end of October.
4 T is a holiday in America and Canada.
5 V ’s D is on February14th.
6 It’s my w d today! I have a beautiful white dress!

1 point for each correct answer 5

6 Read the passage below. Then, check () the true sentences. Correct the
wrong sentences.

Swim Girl, Swim!

On August 6th, 1926, Gertrude Ederle, a famous American swimmer, became the
first woman to swim the English Channel.

In 1924, Ederle won a gold medal in the Olympic Games when she was only 17
years old. She swam across the English Channel two years later.

She started in France at 7:05 on the morning of August 6th. The swim took 14 hours
and 30 minutes. The weather was bad, with wind and rain. The first person to meet
her on the English coast was an officer who asked for her passport!

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 2

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 7B

When she got home, she became the star in a movie called Swim Girl, Swim, and
she also met the President of the United States.

Unfortunately, in 1933, she fell down the steps of her apartment building, and
because of the accident, she couldn’t swim in competitions again. She never
married and died on November 30, 2003, at the age of 98.

1 Gertrude Ederle was a famous swimmer from England.

Gertrude Ederle wasn’t from England. She was from the US.
2 Ederle was 19 years old when she swam across the English Channel.

3 She started the swim in England.

4 She left in the evening of August 6, 1926.

5 The weather wasn’t good when she swam across the Channel.

6 The officer in England gave Ederle a flag.

7 She married a movie star.

8 After 1933 she couldn’t swim in the Olympics again.

2 points for each correct answer 14

7 Make notes about a famous first event that you know. Write a paragraph
describing the person and the event. Write 60–90 words.

• Name?
• Early life?
• What did they do?
• Life after the event?

20 points divided between accuracy and content 20

8 Put the words in order to write sentences.

1 rain. / started / It / to / suddenly
It suddenly started to rain.
2 flight / The / well. / went / really

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 3

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 7B

3 took off / plane / immediately. / The

4 the / got up / They / this morning / and / late / train. / unfortunately / they missed

5 news / world. / quickly / around / The / went / the

6 well / went / Everything / into / until / fog. / they / flew

1 point for each correct answer 5

9 Choose the correct preposition.

1 I got up at eight o’clock this morning – two hours ago.
2 June 21st, 1945 was a very important date the twentieth century.
3 What did you do New Year’s Eve in 1999?
4 We usually have coffee and cereal the morning for breakfast.
5 What did they do the weekend?
6 She finished school July.

1 point for each correct answer 5

10 Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 We got up at six o’clock and had breakfast.

2 I woke up late, but fortunately I didn’t miss the bus.

3 How long did the trip take?

4 Happy Birthday, Mommy!

5 What beautiful flowers!

6 He drives badly.

7 They won the game because they played well.

8 How much did you pay for those shirts?

9 When did you arrive at school this morning?

10 You’re going to pass the test easily.

1 point for each correct answer 10

Total 100

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