AHW3e - Level 01 - Unit Test 5b

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Name _____________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit test 5B

1 Put the words in order to write questions.

1 mother / she / your / cook / was / when / twelve? / Could
Could your mother cook when she was twelve?
2 your / when / speak / he / Spanish / was / Could / brother / five?

3 seven? / were / when / you / Could / skateboard / you

4 you / you / when / ten? / were / Could / paint

5 you / when / six? / use / Could / a / you / were / computer

6 a / your / motorcycle / when / he / father / was / twenty? / Could / ride

2 points for each correct answer 10

2 Write the sentences in the Simple Past.

1 My friend isn’t at home.
My friend wasn’t at home.
2 I am a student.

3 Are your friends from Poland?

4 Is your mom a businesswoman?

5 My grandparents aren’t on vacation.

6 My brother and I are happy.

7 It’s cold in Canada.

1 point for each correct answer 6

3 Use the correct form of the verbs and the information to complete the

drive play run speak speak

Russian marathon car piano Japanese

Miroslav     
Anita     

1 Miroslav (1) can speak Russian but he (2) can’t speak Japanese.
2 “(3) Anita the piano?”

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 1

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 5B

“(4) .”
3 They (5) a marathon.
4 “(6) they a car?”
“(7) .”

1 point for each correct answer 5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective from the box.

difficult important busy independent

hardworking proud passionate

1 Your brother is always studying – he’s very hardworking .

2 Please listen carefully – this is .
3 I don’t like math – it’s too .
4 I passed all my tests – I feel very .
5 My best friend loves to laugh, but she also cries a lot – she’s .
6 I can’t help you now – I’m .
7 He has a job and money in the bank – he’s .

1 point for each correct answer 6

5 Complete the conversation using the correct form of was/were or could.

B What (1) could Mozart do when he (2) was a child? (3) he a
child prodigy?
A Yes, he (4) . When he was five, he (5) already write music.
B Which musical instruments (6) he play?
A He (7) play the violin and the keyboard – an instrument like the piano.
B (8) his mother a musician?
A No, she (9) . But his father (10) a music teacher and he wrote
music, too.
B (11) his parents rich?
A I don’t know. But Mozart (12) rich – he was poor when he died.

1 point for each correct answer 10

6 Read and answer.

Hassan Rashid: Math Genius?

Hassan is a twelve-year-old boy who lives in England. When he was two, he could
do math. Both his parents are teachers, but Hassan doesn’t go to school. On week
days, Hassan goes to college to study math and on weekends, his mother teaches
him at home. “Hassan is a happy child. He loves going to college and I can teach
him other things. He went to school when he was five, but the teachers couldn’t help
him because he’s a genius.”

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Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 5B

Hassan studies math for five hours a day. “I can’t have friends because I study a lot.
I was at school when I was five years old – it was great, I could play with other
children. I don’t think I’m a genius, I just work very hard.”

1 How old is Hassan? He’s twelve

2 Where does he live?
3 What do his parents do?
4 Where does he study math?
5 What does Hassan do on weekends?
6 Why doesn’t he go to school?
7 Why can’t Hassan have friends?
8 Why does he think school was great?

2 points for each correct answer 14

7 Read the clues. Write compound nouns.

1 This is where you can catch a train: t r a i n s t a t i o n
2 I wear these when it’s sunny outside: s
3 A woman puts her money, cell phone, etc. in it: h
4 I relax on the sofa and watch television here: l r
5 You stop when these are red: t l
6 You drive this: m

1 point for each correct answer 5

8 There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct it.

1 I can speak three languages well really.
I can speak three languages really well.
2 Ralf’s uncle can play the guitar little.

3 She can’t say anything not at all in Spanish.

4 My dad can cook very good.

5 They can’t dance all.

1 point for each correct answer 4

9 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.

1 He wants a new car for his birthday.
a for b in
2 What are you listening ?
a to b from
3 I was school today.
a for b at

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Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 5B

4 You can buy a sandwich the gas station.

a at b on
5 Do you want to go skiing me?
a with b for
6 My girlfriend is Albania.
a for b from
7 Yoshi is married Erica.
a with b to
8 Could I speak Mike, please?
a of b to
9 What’s TV tonight?
a in b on

1 point for each correct answer 8

10 Choose the correct questions and answers.

Can you give me a hand with this bag?

Could you give me your telephone number?
Sorry, I don’t have any money.
Yes, of course.
Could you open the window, please?
Certainly, sir. Cheese or chicken?

1 A Could you give me your telephone number?

B Yes. I’ll text it to you now.
2 A
B Sure. It’s heavy!
3 A
B No problem. It’s hot today, isn’t it?
4 A Could I have a sandwich?
5 A Can you lend me ten dollars, please?
6 A Could I ask you a question?

1 point for each correct answer 5

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Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 5B

11 Read the ad. Write an email to apply for the job. Write 80–100 words.

Hardworking person to work in a busy music store.

Do you play a musical instrument?

Is music important to you?

Can you talk about rock and pop / country / classical?

Are you free from 9:00 – 2:00 on Saturdays?

Please email Sean Keats at skeats@downtownmusic@pmail.com

Sean Keats, 84 Tenth Street, Brooklyn, NY

1 point each for appropriate opening and closing; 18 points divided

between accuracy and content of body of letter

12 Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 Do you want to come to the party with me?

2 Where’s your girlfriend from?

3 Could you tell me the time, please?

4 Where were you born?

5 I can’t play the guitar.

6 Sorry, that’s too expensive.

7 Chen is at work today.

1 point for each correct answer 7

Total 100

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