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Venancio Trinidad Sr.

Memorial School
School Learning Action Cell on

April 12, 2022 @ 8am-4pm

Action research enables teachers to
reflect on what they would like to change,
explore what others are doing in that field
and experiment with practice in a
controlled fashion. This practical training
support them to improving teaching and
learning through classroom-based
research. In this light, to capacitate
teachers in writing a good and effective
action research, Venancio Trinidad Sr.
Memorial School conducted a one-day
School Learning Action Cell on “Writing
an Action Research Proposal” on April
12, 2022 at 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.

The session formally started at

8:00 in the morning with an opening
program such as prayer thru audio
visual presentation presented by Ms.
May Ann P. Mayuga, the training
moderator, singing of the national
anthem led by Mrs. Katheryn Anne D.
Mendoza, presentation of participants
by Mrs. Nhova Caringal, and lastly,
inspirational message by the school
principal, Dr. Benilda N. Navarro who
discussed briefly about some reminders
on the upcoming limited face to face
classes. After the opening program, the
training proper immediately followed.
Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School

April 12, 2022 @ 8am-4pm

The proponents of the LAC
session were Ms. Loriefae Mae M.
Polon and Ms. Kristine B. Araño.
Ms. Loriefae M. Polon, the first
speaker discussed about writing an
action research proposal. She stated
that writing an action research is
based on DepEd Order No. 24 s.2010
and DepEd Order No. 43 s. 2015.
According to her, in order to have an
effective action research, you must
first identify the priority improvement
area or needs of the school for action
research is a process of systematic
inquiry to improve education
practices or resolve problems.
She also discussed about the
difference between qualitative and
quantitative research. That
qualitative research is more on
interviews and is done in narrative
form while quantitative research is
more on surveys, numbers and
numerical figures and it is the most
commonly used methodology in
making an effective action research.
Other matters such as quantitative
design, criteria in choosing action
research, thematic and proposed
areas of concern were also being
given emphasis in her talk.
Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School

April 12, 2022 @ 8am-4pm

Ms. Kristine B. Araño, the second
and last speaker discussed the
prescribed outline for action research
proposal such as introduction, review
of related literature, research
questions, scope and delimitation,
methodology, work plan, cost estimate
and references. More so, the common
parts of a complete action research
was also explained in her talk.
According to her, the review of related
literature must be categorized and the
latest study must be considered and
prioritized and more importantly,
always acknowledge the author of the
study to avoid plagiarism.
For the teacher participants to
have a deeper understanding on how
to write an effective action research,
Ms. Araño presented a sample action
research proposal that she and Ms.
Polon have accomplished.
After her discussion, an activity
was given to the participants. They
were grouped into three members
per assigned PPAs and were required
to think of an action research title
and its research questions.
The participants when done
with their activity approached the
speakers to have their work be
validated and that ends the session.

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