Workshop 1 TEENS A1

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TEENS A1 (Workshop 1)

Workshop Title: Exploring "To Be" through Imaginary Characters

Saturday, Nov, 4th.

Teacher: YALLAOUI Rima

Objective: This one-hour workshop is designed to help EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
A1 level teen students learn and practice the affirmative, negative, and question forms of the
verb "to be" while engaging in a fun and creative activity where they play the roles of
imaginary characters from different nationalities and countries.

 A digital presentation tool.
 Character profiles (prepared in advance) with names, nationalities, and countries.
 Small cards with character information for each student.
 Worksheets with exercises related to "to be."

Workshop Structure:
Introduction (10 minutes):
 Start with a warm-up activity: Play a short video or show pictures of people from
different countries.
 Ask students what they notice about these people and elicit adjectives or descriptive
 Explain that in this workshop, they will become characters from various countries and
nationalities to learn and practice the verb "to be."
Activity 1 - Character Introductions (10 minutes):
 Distribute character profiles to students. Each student gets a different character with a
name, nationality, and country.
 In pairs or small groups, have students introduce their characters to each other using
"to be." For example: "I am Maria. I am from Spain. I am Spanish."
 Encourage students to ask questions about each other's characters, e.g., "Are you
American?" "Is he/she Italian?"
Activity 2 - Role Play (20 minutes):
 Have students get into pairs or small groups.
 Each group should decide on a scenario or situation where they can interact as their
characters (e.g., planning a vacation).
 In this scenario, they should use affirmative, negative, and question forms of "to be"
to describe themselves and ask questions about other characters. For example: "I am
Chinese. Is she Japanese?" "I am not Australian."
Activity 3 - Verb "To Be" Worksheet (10 minutes):
 Distribute worksheets with exercises related to "to be." These exercises can include
filling in the blanks with the correct form of "to be" and creating sentences using
affirmative, negative, and question forms.
 Go over the correct answers as a group and address any questions or difficulties.
Wrap-up (10 minutes):
 Bring the whole group back together and ask each group to share one interesting
interaction or dialogue they had during the role-play.
 Discuss any challenges or insights they gained while using "to be" in different
 Recap the key points and encourage students to practice these forms outside of the
Homework Assignment:
 Assign a short written assignment for students to describe their own nationality and
country using "to be."
 Encourage them to create a poster or presentation about a fictional character and
present it to the class during the next session.
 Evaluate students based on their participation in character introductions, role-play,
and completion of the worksheet.
 Make sure to provide character profiles that include a variety of nationalities and
countries to ensure diversity and cultural awareness.
 Create an inclusive and respectful environment where students feel comfortable using
English and sharing their characters.
 Adapt the level of difficulty to suit the specific needs and proficiency of your

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