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1-G 웹툰 제작 온라인 강좌1) 1-3 교체 상품 배송 요청4)

Moreover, these courses are designed to suit any level, That was two weeks ago, and I still have not received the
from beginner to advanced. new phone.

I’m Charlie Reeves, manager of Toon Skills Company. If you’re To Whom It May Concern
interested in new webtoon-making skills and techniques, this I am writing to you about an issue with my recent mobile
post is for you. ( ① ) This year, we’ve launched special online phone order. I ordered a silver model, but I was sent a black
courses, which contain a variety of contents about webtoon one. ( ① ) However, I decided to use it anyway. ( ② )
production. ( ② ) Each course consists of ten units that help Nevertheless, I could not save numbers in it, and the battery
improve your drawing and story-telling skills. ( ③ ) It costs $45 would not even last a day on a full charge. ( ③ ) When I
for one course, and you can watch your course as many times contacted customer service, the representative asked me to
as you want for six months. ( ④ ) Our courses with talented return the phone, and promised to send a replacement. ( ④ )
and experienced instructors will open up a new world of I would highly appreciate it if you could send me the
creativity for you. ( ⑤ ) It’s time to start creating your webtoon replacement phone – in silver and with a healthy battery – as
world at soon as possible. ( ⑤ ) I look forward to your prompt action
on my request.
Thanks, John Smith.

1-1 별장 사용 불가 통보2) 1-4 복사기 유지 관리 서비스 광고5)

This year, though, I'm afraid we must do things a bit Fortunately, there is now a service that can extend the life
differently. of your copier and save your company thousands of
dollars during the next year.

Dear Dave and Gretchen,

We hope all is well with you and your family. ( ① ) At last, Dear Mr. Scott,
spring is in the air, and that means summer canʼt be far If you ask your administrative employees, they will probably
behind. ( ② ) For the past several years, we have taken much agree that copier maintenance is critical to a successful office.
pleasure in sharing our cottage on Mirror Pond with you and ( ① ) Our research shows that the typical business will use
some of our other close friends. ( ③ ) The expense of copy equipment about six months before repairing or replacing
maintaining the house has gone up quite a bit, and for at least it. ( ② ) Historically, when you have needed service, the only
the coming summer we have decided to put the cottage on the option has been to call a repairperson at a very high cost.
market as a rental property. ( ④ ) We already have several ( ③ ) Lake Paperworx specialize in copier maintenance,
leads from people who are considering taking the cottage for successfully serving business and legal firms throughout the
most or all of the summer. We hope you understand. ( ⑤ ) United States. ( ④ ) We can significantly reduce your
And if we end up with some unbooked time in the fall, weʼll let maintenance costs and your downtime. The enclosed brochure
you know. outlines our services. ( ⑤ ) If you are interested in using our
Sincerely, Sandy Webb. services, please call me directly at 920 4848-1212
Sincerely, James Palmer
Lake Paperworx Business Manager.

1-2 체스 동아리 물품 마련을 위한 기부 부탁3) 2-G 출근 첫날 버스 기다리기6)

However, due to our schoolʼs budgetary constraints, we The bus stopped in front of him and opened its door.
had to cut back on school supplies.

David was starting a new job in Vancouver, and he was

Dear Mr. Butler, waiting for his bus. ( ① ) He kept looking back and forth
I am James Franklin, principal of Grandview High School. Each between his watch and the direction the bus would come from.
year we provide engaging events to bring our schoolʼs ( ② ) He thought, “My bus isn’t here yet. I can’t be late on
community together. This year, we are trying to have a chess my first day.” David couldn’t feel at ease. ( ③ ) When he
tournament. ( ① ) We think that it will create a healthy looked up again, he saw a different bus coming that was going
competitive atmosphere and help students make new friends. right to his work. ( ④ ) He got on the bus thinking, “Phew!
( ② ) And some of the students in our school chess club are Luckily, this bus came just in time so I won’t be late.” ( ⑤ )
showing very promising result, and are aiming to participate in He leaned back on an unoccupied seat in the bus and took a
the City Chess Tournament. They are practicing hard for the deep breath, finally able to relax.
tournament. ( ③ ) To offer our students the best education
possible, we need the supplies to keep our chess club running.
( ④ ) We would like to ask that you help us continue the
chess club by donating money. ( ⑤ ) If you contribute to our
school, youʼll be a hero to the students who are pursuing their
dream of becoming chess players.
Sincerely, James Franklin.

- 1 -
2-1 원하는 옷감의 구매 실패7) 2-4 Charlotte이 준비한 추수 감사절 파티10)

What a letdown! No other fabric would make her as Or, at least, she thought so. She just hoped everyone
beautiful as the yellow silk, and no other pearls would else felt the same way.
make such a charming whisper.

"I think everyone is here now! Shall we all sit down?"

Olivia pulled a piece of bright yellow silk from the display. In Everyone was more than happy to cooperate and soon the
her free hand she held a sample of beaded lace and tried to whole group was settled in their chairs around the long dining
imagine the sound it would make whispering around her ankles room table, passing dishes filled with Charlotte's cooking. ( ① )
as she danced. ( ① ) Now that the war was over, there would Soon, everyone had a full plate and conversation buzzed
be a lot of dancing. Anticipation bubbled in her chest. ( ② ) around the table between bites. ( ② ) Charlotte took a careful
She'd meet a real gentleman this season, and who knew? bite of her stuffing and found that the seasonings had all
Maybe she would get married. ( ③ ) "May I help you?" A blended together beautifully to create a flavorful experience.
shopkeeper stood beside her. "I would like five yards of this ( ③ ) She relaxed a bit more as she sampled the dishes on
silk and a roll of this lace," Olivia said. ( ④ ) "I'm very sorry, her plate and found that everything tasted good. ( ④ ) As if
miss. They are already reserved." ( ⑤ ) With a sigh, she reading her mind, Addison leaned over to her. "Everything
returned the items to the display. tastes so delicious," she said quietly, patting her belly and
indicating her already half-eaten plate. "You're going to have to
roll me out of here when all is said and done." ( ⑤ ) "Eat as
much as you like," Charlotte replied with a laugh. "There's no
judgment, especially on Thanksgiving!"

2-2 Garcia 씨의 트럼펫 연주8) 3-G 고객의 칭찬에 대한 응답11)

It was like the whole loud world had gone really, really In particular, when people post positive comments they are
quiet and there was nothing but this one song, this one expressions of appreciation for the experience that led to
sweet and gentle and brilliant song that was as soft as a the post.
breeze blowing through the leaves of a tree.

Being able to prioritize your responses allows you to connect

Mr. Garcia walked to his closet and pulled a trumpet out of its more deeply with individual customers, be it a one-off
case. He blew into it, you know, like he was clearing it all out. interaction around a particularly delightful or upsetting
He ran his fingers along the valves and played a scale. ( ① ) experience, or the development of a longer-term relationship
And then he said, "Okay, Zach, ready?" And then he started with a significantly influential individual within your customer
playing. ( ② ) I mean the guy could play. He played this really base. ( ① ) If you’ve ever posted a favorable comment ― or
soft and beautiful song. I never knew a trumpet could whisper. any comment, for that matter ― about a brand, product or
( ③ ) I kept looking at his fingers. I wanted him to keep service, think about what it would feel like if you were
playing forever. It was better than any of the poems he'd read personally acknowledged by the brand manager, for example,
to us in class. ( ④ ) The world just disappeared. I wanted to as a result. ( ② ) In general, people post because they have
live in that stillness forever. I wanted to clap. ( ⑤ ) And then, something to say ― and because they want to be recognized
I just didn't know what to do or what to say. for having said it. ( ③ ) While a compliment to the person
standing next to you is typically answered with a response like
“Thank You,” the sad fact is that most brand compliments go
unanswered. ( ④ ) These are lost opportunities to understand
what drove the compliments and create a solid fan based on

2-3 처발받을 위기에서 벗어남9) 3-1 창의력에 관한 오해12)

He seemed to be incredibly respected by all of the It is, in fact, a series of seemingly simple ideas that
worriors. He introduced himself as Ailani, meaning "Highest counts.
Chief," and surprisingly enough, he spoke in the English
One of the biggest misconceptions about creativity is that it
takes a brilliant idea to solve a complex problem. ( ① ) While
A very large warrior approached and stood in front of Benny. this may be true in pure sciences, in most commercial
( ① ) The warrior took him by the arm, and Benny was contexts, or even in day-to-day living, it is never that one silver
convinced that he was going to be punished. ( ② ) He bullet that does the magic. ( ② ) The key is to have enough
shivered with fear while being dragged. The warrior brought ideas that solve specific parts of the overall problem, and then
Benny to an open area of the village. There sat an old man. the thorny task looks very much tenable. ( ③ ) Since creativity
( ③ ) He told Benny, "I have decided that we are not going to comes from combining concepts in an unusual fashion, and
punish you. We do not punish good men, so you can relax." since it is exceedingly difficult to trace the origins of ideas, you
( ④ ) The chief continued, "I heard what you did for us. Your are better off generating as many ideas as possible with the
kindness makes me say welcome. Welcome to Life Island." hope that some of them would click. ( ④ ) That is what great
( ⑤ ) Tears of relief poured down Benny's face. scientists and artists do. ( ⑤ ) As the author Walter Isaacson
notes, ‘The sparks come from ideas rubbing against each other
rather than as bolts out of the blue!'

- 2 -
3-2 환경을 위한 선택13) 4-G 조직의 문화 형성의 조건16)

You may disagree with all or some of those claims, and Certainly, this is a step in the right direction, but those
you may be right. It depends on your individual behaviors must then be shared and distributed widely
circumstances. throughout the organization, along with a clear and
concise description of what is expected.

Sometimes it is hard to know the right thing to do for the

planet. What sounds good may not necessarily be so. ( ① ) Values alone do not create and build culture. ( ① ) Living your
Rooftop solar panels, for example, are one of the most values only some of the time does not contribute to the
expensive and least effective ways to help the environment. creation and maintenance of culture. ( ② ) Changing values
Buying local food can actually increase water pollution and into behaviors is only half the battle. ( ③ ) It is not enough to
waste. ( ② ) According to research from the Danish and UK simply talk about it. ( ④ ) It is critical to have a visual
governments, plastic grocery bags may actually be better than representation of the specific behaviors that leaders and all
cotton bags for the climate and for water. ( ③ ) If you live in people managers can use to coach their people. ( ⑤ ) Just
Phoenix, Arizona, for example, solar panels could be a smart like a sports team has a playbook with specific plays designed
choice. ( ④ ) Using your own cotton bags continuously and to help them perform well and win, your company should have
without exception for shopping for several years is probably a playbook with the key shifts needed to transform your culture
better for the environment than the alternatives. ( ⑤ ) Each of into action and turn your values into winning behaviors.
these choices depends on personal circumstances and
behavior. The best solutions for the environment are personal.

3-3 장애인에 대한 편견14) 4-1 성과에 대한 긍정적이고 구체적인 인정17)

If you think about competence based on the fairer criterion So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great
of who can best walk with the eyes closed, then the blind because ..." Both teams and individuals need positive,
person will definitely be more competent. specific information about their accomplishments.

Consider people with disabilities. Often they are judged using Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People
criteria of competence that are biased in favor of nondisabled whose work is always good still need to hear it from you
people. ( ① ) Compare, for example, an average blind person occasionally. ( ① ) Let them know you've noticed they are
with an average sighted person. Who will be more competent meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create
in walking from one place to another? ( ② ) You might think a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive.
that the sighted person will be more competent because the ( ② ) Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting
sighted person can see where he or she is going, but this is what was done well and why it matters. ( ③ ) This makes
using an unfair criterion. ( ③ ) Such knowledge about people people feel good and it also ensures that the behaviour you
who are blind and, by extension, other socially marginalized identify is repeated. ( ④ ) Use your imagination: post graphs
people, can make us appreciate them and celebrate their showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of
unique abilities as they really are, rather than discriminate major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch
against, pity, or patronize them for some incompetence that for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you
does not exist except as a figment of our traditional, prejudiced notes. ( ⑤ ) When you ignore success, people think it doesn't
imaginations. matter and stop trying.

3-4 상상의 본질15) 4-2 뉴스의 질을 판단하는 기준18)

The thoughts you are having about your relationship are It is important to note, however, that compared to other
just thoughts. Similarly, if you are thinking about how bad cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic
your marriage is, you are considering it in your mind. It's content is unique because it has a strong civic and
all in your imagination. You are literally 'making up' your democratic component.

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are

When you think, you are using your imagination to create an no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of
image or picture in your mind of an event rather than the real high quality. ( ① ) The term quality generally refers to any
thing. ( ① ) If you are driving home from a football match, attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a
reviewing the game in your mind, you are merely imagining group or a community. ( ② ) Defining quality is thus
what the game was like. ( ② ) The game is no longer real; context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual
it's now only in your mind, in your memory. It was real once, preferences and tastes. ( ③ ) The idea of the press as the
but not any longer. ( ③ ) This is why the old saying, ’Things "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality
aren't as bad as they seem' is almost always true. ( ④ ) The journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a
reason things 'seem so bad' is because your mind is able to watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable
recreate past events, and preview upcoming events, almost as information provider. ( ④ ) Therefore, when discussing news
though they were happening right in front of you, at that quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.
moment - even though they are not. ( ⑤ ) To make matters
worse, your mind can add additional drama to any event,
thereby making that event seem even worse than it really is,
or was, or will be.

- 3 -
4-3 적과 반대자19) 5-1 지속 가능성을 추구하는 것의 엄중함22)

That makes it personal. But in the long run you cannot be a little bit sustainable -
either you are sustainable or you are unsustainable.

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they

should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not There are no black-and-white issues in life. No categorical
necessarily enemies. ( ① ) An opponent disagrees with you on answers. Everything is a subject for endless debate and
the issue, of course, but enemies are ones with whom you compromise. This is one of the core principles of our current
also have a negative relationship. ( ② ) You can often work society. ( ① ) Because that core principle is wrong, the society
with opponents and strategize tow mutually successful ends up causing a lot of problems when it comes to
outcomes, but enemies are far modifficult and consequently far sustainability. ( ② ) There are some issues that are black and
more dangerous. ( ③ ) Try keep opponents from becoming white. There are indeed planetary and societal boundaries that
enemies, and work. turn enemies into mere opponents. ( ④ ) must not be crossed. ( ③ ) For instance, we think our
Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately societies can be a little bit more or a little bit less sustainable.
support those who were your opponents. ( ⑤ ) The subject of ( ④ ) It is like walking on thin ice - either it carries your
the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the weight, or it does not. Either you make it to the shore, or you
relationships. fall into the deep, dark, cold waters. ( ⑤ ) And if that should
happen to us, there will not be any nearby planet coming to
our rescue. We are completely on our own.

4-4 끊임없는 경제 성장 추구의 문제점20) 5-2 19세기 시장 사회의 철학23)

But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth This emphasis was the result of a rebellion against a
is that our economy is not separate from our environment. concept of society which defined human position status,
Everything in our economy comes from our environment. exclusively in terms of politically determined and which
thus denied equality of opportunity.

Political decisions and management decisions about how much

of any given species can be harvested are often based on the The modern corporation as a child of laissez-faire economics
amount of money there is to be made. ( ① ) Profit leads to and of the market society is based on a creed whose greatest
economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and weakness is the inability to see the need for status and
business leaders. ( ② ) We extract resources from the world function of the individual in society. ( ① ) In the philosophy of
around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and the market society there is no other social criterion than
then dump the waste back into the Earth. ( ③ ) Our Earth is economic reward. ( ② ) Henry Maine's famous epigram that
a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we the course modern history has been from status to contract
can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only neatly summarizes the belief of the nineteenth century, that
so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural social status and function should be exclusively the result of
processes stop functioning properly. ( ④ ) The constant effort economic advancement. ( ③ ) But the rebellion went too far.
to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological ( ④ ) In order to establish justice it denied meaning and
impossibility over the long term. ( ⑤ ) Our survival depends on fulfillment to those who cannot advance that is, to the majority
learning to live within the limits of ecosystems. - instead of realizing that the good society must give both
justice and status.

5-G 스트레스에 대처하는 자세21) 5-3 섬유 재활용의 비현실성24)

It’s like transforming yourself into a nonstick frying pan. Furthermore, it must be noted that fiber recycling is not
without its own environmental footprint.

How you focus your attention plays a critical role in how you
deal with stress. Scattered attention harms your ability to let go The notion of a "circular economy"- in which materials circulate
of stress, because even though your attention is scattered, it is continuously, being used and reused time and time again - is
narrowly focused, for you are able to fixate only on the an appealing vision. ( ① ) However, it is crucial to highlight
stressful parts of your experience. ( ① ) When your attentional just how far we are from that goal at present. ( ② ) Although
spotlight is widened, you can more easily let go of stress. most textiles are entirely recyclable, 73 percent of waste
( ② ) You can put in perspective many more aspects of any clothing was incinerated or went to landfills globally in 2015.
situation and not get locked into one part that ties you down to ( ③ ) Just 12 percent was recycled into low-value textile
superficial and anxiety-provoking levels of attention. ( ③ ) A applications such as mattress stuffing and less than 1 percent
narrow focus heightens the stress level of each experience, but was recycled back into clothing. ( ④ ) Some would question
a widened focus turns down the stress level because you’re how realistic the idea of "closing the loop" can be: the
better able to put each situation into a broader perspective. complexity of the fashion system means that there are multiple
( ④ ) One anxiety-provoking detail is less important than the opportunities for materials to "leak" from the reuse cycle. ( ⑤ )
bigger picture. ( ⑤ ) You can still fry an egg, but the egg Even the reuse of secondhand clothing has implications in the
won’t stick to the pan. terms of resource use and waste, particularly if items are
transported over long distances, dry cleaned, and repackaged.

- 4 -
5-4 시간의 영향25) 6-2 성인 뇌의 적응성28)

It is possible, for instance, to make a tree burst forth into However, in recent years there's been a steady stream of
leaf, blossom, or even bear fruit within a few days, by the evidence revealing that the adult brain can change and
application of unslaked lime and artificial heat: but after adapt, even create new neurons, and experiences can still
that the tree will wither away. reshape the brain, even as we head into our twilight

When anticipating the effects of time, we should mentally

forecast what they are likely to be: we should not practically For many years, it was indeed widely believed that the adult
stop them from happening, by demanding the immediate brain was essentially 'set', with all the neurons and major
performance of promises which time alone can fulfill. ( ① ) connections we'd need. ( ① ) Sure, we learn new things and
The man who makes his demand will find out that there is no update our understanding of things all the time, meaning new
worse or stricter usurer than Time: and that, if you compel connections are regularly being formed and turned over in
Time to give money in advance, you will have to pay a rate of networks governing learning and memory. ( ② ) But in terms
interest much higher than any usurer would require. ( ② ) So of overall physical structure and major connections, the stuff
a young man may abuse his strength - it may be only for a that makes us what we are, the adult brain was long thought
few weeks - by trying to do at nineteen what he could easily to be done. ( ③ ) Consider the taxi driver study, where
manage at thirty, and Time may give him the loan for which constant driving and navigation of chaotic London streets leads
he asks: but the interest he will have to pay comes out of the to increased hippocampus size, revealing the adult brain
strength of his later years: indeed, it is part of his very life structure is somewhat malleable.

6-G 삼림지가 제공하는 생태계 서비스의 비시장적 가치26) 6-3 이념적 원칙에 맞춰 창의적으로 거래 성사시키기29)

But the economic benefits provided by these services, Yet, with some creativity, it is possible to structure a deal
based on their non-market values, may exceed the in such a way that the ideological principle is respected
economic value of the timber. but business goes forward.

Managers of natural resources typically face market incentives Often ideological principles crystallize in laws, rules, and
that provide financial rewards for exploitation. ( ① ) For institutions that threaten to block deals. ( ① ) Nationalism
example, owners of forest lands have a market incentive to cut requires that all resources belong to the state and that no one
down trees rather than manage the forest for carbon capture, else may own them. ( ② ) Islamic fundamentalism prohibits
wildlife habitat, flood protection, and other ecosystem services. interest payments on loans. Egyptian socialism demands that
( ② ) These services provide the owner with no financial workers participate both in the management and the profits of
benefits, and thus are unlikely to influence management an enterprise. ( ③ ) Each of these principles can be an
decisions. ( ③ ) For example, a United Nations initiative has obstacle to deal making in particular cases. ( ④ ) For
estimated that the economic benefits of ecosystem services example, worker participation in management need not mean a
provided by tropical forests, including climate regulation, water seat on the company's board of directors, but simply an
purification, and erosion prevention, are over three times advisory committee that meets regularly with an officer of the
greater per hectare than the market benefits. ( ④ ) Thus company. ( ⑤ ) And a petroleum development contract could
cutting down the trees is economically inefficient, and markets be written in such a way that the ownership of oil is
are not sending the correct “signal” to favor ecosystem services transferred not when the oil is in the ground but at the point
over extractive uses. that it leaves the flange of the well.

6-1 표준화 시험 위주 교육의 문제점27) 6-4 지속 가능성에 대한 과학의 기여도30)

Teaching "to" tests like these inevitably focuses resources Regardless, we know now that the linear view of the
and curriculum on the lower-scoring students. relation between science and social outcomes is flawed.

There are disturbing changes underway in today's school The unquestioned assumption that any and all scientific
systems. ( ① ) Funding is frequently tied to scores achieved knowledge and associated technology contributes to
on standardized tests, which primarily evaluate rote memory. sustainability derives from faith in the importance of objective
( ② ) The pressure to bring up test scores for these struggling knowledge for solving global problems. ( ① ) Scientists obtain
students limits time for the kinds of individualized learning that power and become the priests of our era to the extent that
challenges all students to reach their highest potential, and they provide a special form of knowledge that can be used to
teachers have less opportunity to encourage creative thinking do such wonderful things. ( ② ) And we often consider that
and incorporate hands-on activities. ( ③ ) When education is the final test of scientific knowledge: we can do things with its
not enriched by exploration, discovery, problem solving, and results, such as applying it to reverse the decline of an
creative thinking, students are not truly engaged in their own endangered species. ( ③ ) Science may allow us to do things,
learning. ( ④ ) Because teachers are required to emphasize but we can assess its contribution to sustainability only by
uninspiring workbooks and drills, more and more students are incorporating broader contextual and socioecological questions.
developing negative feelings about mathematics, science, ( ④ ) We typically think of sustainability as doing something
history, grammar and writing. ( ⑤ ) Opportunities to out there in the world, when in fact we may need to first
authentically learn and retain knowledge are being replaced by reassess the way we are setting the problem.
instruction that teaches "to the tests."

- 5 -
7-G 단순하지 않은 과잉 관광의 개념31) 7-3 혼자 하는 예술 활동의 이점34)

However, with places such as cities, regions or even Such activities do not necessarily help us resolve our
whole countries being promoted as destinations and problems; rather, they provide a time to rest and a way to
described as victims of overtourism, things become more focus our attention elsewhere until such time as we can
complex. address them directly.

The concept of overtourism rests on a particular assumption Ideally, when we make art or engage in any creative activity
about people and places common in tourism studies and the by ourselves, we recognize its value and make time and space
social sciences in general. Both are seen as clearly defined for it in our lives. ( ① ) The boom in coloring books and
and demarcated. People are framed as bounded social actors coloring pages in the past few years is one such example.
either playing the role of hosts or guests. ( ① ) Places, in a ( ② ) It takes away the challenging part of visual art-making
similar way, are treated as stable containers with clear and skills and provides us with a level of challenge that is
boundaries. ( ② ) Hence, places can be full of tourists and relatively easy and manageable. ( ③ ) Our studies with cancer
thus suffer from overtourism. But what does it mean for a patients and caregivers showed that solitary activities like
place to be full of people? ( ③ ) Indeed, there are examples coloring helped in meditative and reflective ways by taking us
of particular attractions that have limited capacity and where to a space of distraction away from everyday concerns. ( ④ )
there is actually no room for more visitors. ( ④ ) This is not When we make art by ourselves, it can help us self-regulate;
least the case with some man-made constructions such as the feel a sense of mastery, control, and agency over our lives;
Eiffel Tower. ( ⑤ ) What is excessive or out of proportion is and engage in reflective, validating, contemplative, or meditative
highly relative and might be more related to other aspects than practices.
physical capacity, such as natural degradation and economic
leakages (not to mention politics and local power dynamics).
7-4 과학에서 중요한 것35)

7-1 낭비되는 식품을 줄이는 방안32) Similarly, in my hypothetical bird experiment I imagined
myself as a budding junior scientist weighing the stuff I
This statistic really makes me cringe - why not just set put into the cage and calculating percentages by weight of
dollar bills on fire while we're at it?) what was eaten.

According to research from the University of Arizona's Bureau When Galileo rolled the balls down the inclined plane, he didn't
of Applied Research in Anthropology, the average household merely look and see what happened. ( ① ) He very carefully
ends up wasting an average of 14 percent of its grocery measured the distance traveled and the time it took to travel
spending by throwing away unused or spoiled food. ( ① ) that distance. ( ② ) From these measurements, he calculated
Even worse, 15 percent of that waste includes products that the speed of travel. What he came up with was a
were never opened and were still within their expiration date! mathematical equation relating numerical quantities. ( ③ ) We
( ② ) The study also found that a family of four ends up can imagine that when he observed the moons of Jupiter, he
throwing away an average of $590 of perishable groceries per didn't merely see some spots at various different places from
year, such as meat, produce, dairy, and grain products. ( ③ ) night to night: he kept track of where the spots were,
You can save an average of $50 per month by avoiding compared their positions from night to night, and perhaps did
overbuying perishable foods. ( ④ ) Check your supplies before some calculations intended to compute what path they were
shopping and estimate the exact amount you'll need to buy for traveling, to find out that their change in apparent position was
the next week. ( ⑤ ) This is also a good time to throw away consistent with their being bodies moving around Jupiter. ( ④ )
outdated leftovers, make sure perishable items are in view, and It's obvious: numbers are important to science. ( ⑤ ) Scientists
use up good leftovers for that day's meals. measure and calculate; they don't just observe.

7-2 근거 없는 믿음이 되는 오래된 오류33) 9-G 미국의 물리학자 Charles H. Townes36)

Unfortunately, if errors or partial truths get circulated long Laser technology won quick acceptance in industry and
enough, they can lead to a false echo chamber of research. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964.
repetition and suggest "truth" where none exists.

Charles H. Townes, one of the most influential American

Throughout history, human imagination has been a physicists, was born in South Carolina. In his childhood, he
double-edged sword. ( ① ) On one hand, it pushes new grew up on a farm, studying the stars in the sky. ( ① ) He
discoveries, but for every newly established scientific fact, there earned his doctoral degree from the California Institute of
are often multiple incorrect hypotheses, which must be Technology in 1939, and then he took a job at Bell Labs in
corrected along the way or risk becoming myths. ( ② ) New York City. ( ② ) After World War II, he became an
Thomas Edison is credited with saying: "I have not failed. I've associate professor of physics at Columbia University. ( ③ ) In
just found 10,000 ways that won't work," implying that error is 1958, Townes and his co-researcher proposed the concept of
part of invention. ( ③ ) For example, even though the humors the laser. ( ④ ) He was also involved in Project Apollo, the
have been discredited for centuries, some still believe in the moon landing project. ( ⑤ ) His contribution is priceless
myth that blood types (blood being one of the four humors) because the Internet and all digital media would be
can determine personalities. ( ④ ) A quick internet search finds unimaginable without the laser.
more than five million websites related to this topic, meaning
this myth is slow to die.

- 6 -
9-1 Gladys West의 생애37) 9-4 조각가 Lysippus40)

There, West made significant contributions to the applied Lysippus went on to make portrait busts of many of
mathematics that deal with the measurement of the Earth’s Alexander’s warring successors, such as Cassander and
size, shape, and gravitational field. Seleucus I.

Gladys West is an American mathematician. She was born in Lysippus was the most prominent, prolific and longest-lived of
rural Virginia in 1930. She grew up on her family’s small farm the great 4th-century BC sculptors. ( ① ) He was active,
and dreamed of getting a good education. She worked hard reportedly making 1,500 works, all of them in bronze. ( ② )
and received a scholarship to Virginia State College (now Considered the most accomplished artist of his age, Lysippus
Virginia State University), a historically black university. ( ① ) suitably became Alexander the Great’s favourite – in fact,
In 1956 she was hired as a mathematician at the naval base court-sculptor. ( ③ ) The world-conqueror allowed almost no
in Dahlgren, Virginia. ( ② ) She was the second black woman one elase to sculpt him. ( ④ ) A native of Sicyon in the
to be hired at the base and was one of only four black Peloponnese, Lysippus ran a workshop of almost industrial size
employees. ( ③ ) West and her team created a model that that was continued after his death by his sons. ( ⑤ ) Ancient
allows the GPS system to make accurate calculations of any writers such as Pliny relate that Lysippus invented an entirely
location on Earth. ( ④ ) West retired from the base in 1998 at new canon, or mathematically calculated ideal beauty, almost
the age of 68 but continued her education. ( ⑤ ) She later displacing that of Polyclitus.
completed a PhD in Public Administration at Virginia Tech by

9-2 포르투갈 전통 음악 fado38)

Fado is also linked with the notion of saudade, which is a

longing for something impossible to attain.

Fado means “fate” in Portuguese, but is also the name of a

form of music orginating in Lisbon. It is usually performed by
one singer, accompanied by dual guitarras(mandolin-shaped
12-string guitars) and a viola (Spanish guitar). ( ① ) Fado
lyrics frequently focus on the hard realities of daily life, or the
trials of love. ( ② ) Fadistas, as fado singers are known, often
wear a black shawl of mourning, although songs can also be
upbeat. ( ③ ) Since the 19th century, fado has been performed
in bars and clubs in working-class districts of Lisbon. ( ④ ) It
flourished during the Salazar years, before falling out of favour
after the 1974 Revolution. ( ⑤ ) In recent years, the genre
has been revived and a new generation of musicians and
singers can be heard in casas de fado, around Lisbon.

9-3 마야의 구기 경기39)

They used only their elbows, hips, and knees to hit the
ball, and had to keep the ball from touching the ground.

The Mayan ball game was a very important part of Mayan

culture. The ball games were played either by 2 players or by
2 teams of players. ( ① ) The object of the game was to put
a ball through one of the stone rings while stopping the other
team from putting the ball through the other stone ring. ( ② )
The ball was a little larger than a basketball and was made of
solid rubber. ( ③ ) For protection, players wore hard leather
gloves, elbow and knee pads, masks, and belts that were
made of wood or stone. ( ④ ) Although not all historians
agree, some think the rules did not allow players to touch the
ball with their hands or feet. ( ⑤ ) Spectators from all classes
liked to watch and bet on the games.

- 7 -
11-G 타인을 모방하려는 인간의 타고난 성향41) 11-3 네안데르탈인의 특징44)

They will even try to match gestures with which they have He was approximately forty or forty-five years old when he
some difficulty, experimenting with their own faces until died - very old for people at that time. Healthy
they succeed. Neanderthals probably walked erect.

A number of studies provide substantial evidence of an innate It used to be thought that Neanderthals were dim-witted,
human disposition to respond differentially to social stimuli. slouching cavemen completely covered with hair. ( ① ) But this
( ① ) From birth, infants will orient preferentially towards the reputation is based on just one fossil, which modern
human face and voice, seeming to know that such stimuli are scholarship has proved happens to be that of an old, diseased,
particularly meaningful for them. ( ② ) Moreover, they register and injured man. ( ② ) Objects found at Neanderthal sites
this connection actively, imitating a variety of facial gestures show that Neanderthals could make complex tools. ( ③ ) The
that are presented to them ― tongue protrusions, lip characteristics of their skulls suggest that they probably could
tightenings, mouth openings. ( ③ ) When they do succeed, speak, although perhaps not with the full range of sounds that
they show pleasure by a brightening of their eyes; when they modern humans make. ( ④ ) Sites also show that they did not
fail, they show distress. ( ④ ) In other words, they not only necessarily live in caves, but, if they did, they likely altered the
have an innate capacity for matching their own kinaesthetically caves to make them more livable. Sometimes they built
experienced bodily movements with those of others that are shelters rather than settled in caves. ( ⑤ ) In 1996, scientists
visually perceived; they have an innate drive to do so. ( ⑤ ) digging at a Neanderthal site in Slovenia announced they had
That is, they seem to have an innate drive to imitate others found what appeared to be a musical instrument, a flute made
whom they judge to be ‘like me’. from a bear bone.

11-1 컴퓨터 은유42) 11-4 제도적 차별과 개인적 차별45)

Inside, there are more options to browse, you choose Standardized testing in schools, for example, may exclude
another, and again you enter. certain historically marginalized groups from succeeding in
academic settings.

A good way to make human-machine interaction more natural

would be to develop a better metaphor. A computer metaphor Discrimination occurs on two levels: institutional and individual.
is a familiar object or activity that your computer imitates with ( ① ) On the institutional level, discriminatory practices are
its commands, display arrangements, and behavior. ( ① ) The embedded in the social structures of a society, whereas on the
two main metaphors we have today are the desktop and the individual level, discrimination takes place during direct
browser. ( ② ) In the desktop metaphor, the display screen interactions among individuals or groups. ( ② ) Unlike
mimics a typical desk: information is kept inside folders, which individual discrimination, which tends to be overt, intentional,
can be opened, closed, and slipped into other folders. ( ③ ) and direct, institutional discrimination is often covert and
With Web browsing, the metaphor is downtown window unintentional, and this invisibility makes it much harder to
shopping: you gaze at various "storefronts," see one you like, detect. ( ③ ) Although the government may not have
and (click) you enter. ( ④ ) Like a linguistic metaphor, the intentionally established testing standards that are culturally or
power of a good computer metaphor is that it makes a new class biased, in practice these standards tend to have a
system you don't know behave like an old "system" with which disproportionate negative effect on ethnic minority students.
you are familiar. ( ⑤ ) This lets you use the new system and ( ④ ) Furthermore, institutional discrimination often has a
get useful results out of it easily, since you don't have to generational or cyclical impact on certain ethnic minority groups
struggle learning new concepts and commands. and therefore its consequences are as severe, if not more so,
than for those suffering individual discrimination.

11-2 토양 침식의 원인이 되는 인간 활동43) 12-G 바자 경제46)

In fact, studies have shown that artificially created erosion So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to directly
played a big part in the downfall of many early ask for very high prices for video games because at no
civilizations. point will the buyer see possession of them as an
absolute necessity.

Human activity on the landscape can significantly contribute to

soil erosion. ( ① ) In a natural state, vegetation serves as Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible price-setting
natural protection against erosion because the network of roots mechanism that sits atop more enduring ties of shared culture.
helps hold the soil in place against various erosive forces, such ( ① ) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each other’s
as wind and water. ( ② ) Scientists estimate that, in the restrictions. ( ② ) In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can
United States, 30% of erosion is due to natural forces and assess to a large extent the financial constraints that other
70% is due to human impact. ( ③ ) Oftentimes, when people actors have in their everyday life. ( ③ ) Each actor belonging
use the land for farming, the protective covering of natural to a specific economic class understands what the other sees
vegetation is destroyed, and the erosion process speeds up. as a necessity and a luxury. ( ④ ) In the case of electronic
( ④ ) Poor land management practices degraded the soil until products like video games, they are not a necessity at the
it was no longer productive enough to support the population same level as other household purchases such as food items.
living in the area. ( ⑤ ) Early civilizations that recognized the ( ⑤ ) Access to this type of knowledge establishes a price
disastrous effects of erosion used devices such as terracing the consensus by relating to each other’s preferences and
land to keep from plowing, planting, and irrigating on hillside limitations of belonging to a similar cultural and economic
slopes where water could wash the fertile soil away. universe.

- 8 -
12-1 익숙함에 대한 선호47) 12-4 은행식 교육 모델50)

In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the people This downloading of information is known as the banking
you saw regularly, you would soon prefer them over model, and what the banking model does is it reduces the
strangers, and groups would form and stabilize easily. student from being a critical and independent thinker to
being a receptacle for facts.

One should perhaps ask why even very simple animals would
prefer familiar stimull or familiar other animals. A tendency to People often have different definitions of education, as the
grow fond of the familiar would help stamp in the preference nature of education is somewhat fluid. Nearly 600 years ago
for a stable environment (so animals might learn to like their the printing press changed the way much of education
homes). ( ① ) It would certainly promote stable social bonds. occurred. ( ① ) Students began reading information, coupled
( ② ) Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals with the information a teacher would share. ( ② ) To ensure
in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt or some
that the student had retained the information, a test or paper
other form of disliking. ( ③ ) How would families stay
was often required to make an assessment of that retention.
together? How would friendships, alliances, or other
( ③ ) The process of the banking model raises the power and
partnerships survive? ( ④ ) If you always preferred a stranger
control of the teacher while falling to recognize that students
to someone you knew, social life would be in constant turmoil
and turnover. ( ⑤ ) Given the advantages of stable groups are more than simply unthinking blank slates. ( ④ ) The
(e.g., people know each other, know how to work together, concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of students,
know how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to who are taught that they are subservient and beholden to the
each other), it is not surprising that nature favored animals that keeper of information. ( ⑤ ) As a result, students have little
grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the basis of control over their own thinking and their own education.

12-2 집단 순응 사고48) 13-G 영화에서 친숙한 악보가 하는 역할51)

Furthermore, he or she should get the group to examine However, unlike sound designers, composers often shy
all the options, and to consult people outside the group, away from creating unique pieces that reflect these new
too. worlds and often present musical scores that possess
familiar structures and cadences.

Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the problems of

groupthink, but felt that it could be avoided. It is most likely to A musical score within any film can add an additional layer to
develop when team spirit becomes more important than the the film text, which goes beyond simply imitating the action
opinions of individual members. ( ① ) It's also likely to form if viewed. ( ① ) In films that tell of futuristic worlds, composers,
the group is made up of llke-minded people to begin with, and much like sound designers, have added freedom to create a
if they are faced with a difficult decision. ( ② ) To prevent world that is unknown and new to the viewer. ( ② ) While it is
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization that possible that this may interfere with creativity and a sense of
encourages independent thinking. ( ③ ) The leader of the space and time, it in fact aids in viewer access to the film.
group should appear to be impartial, so that members do not
( ③ ) Through recognizable scores, visions of the future or a
feel any pressure to obey. ( ④ ) Disagreement, Janis argued,
galaxy far, far away can be placed within a recognizable
is actually a good thing, and he suggested that members
context. ( ④ ) Such familiarity allows the viewer to be placed
should be asked to play "devil's advocate" - introducing an
in a comfortable space so that the film may then lead the
alternative point of view in order to provoke discussion. ( ⑤ )
In addition to ensuring that the group comes to more rational viewer to what is an unfamiliar, but acceptable vision of a
and fair decisions, allowing members to retain their individuality world different from their own.
creates a healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink,
which results from conformity and obedience.
13-1 부모가 자녀의 자존감 형성에 주는 영향52)
12-3 사이버 공간에서의 프라이버시49)
The impact of parents' behavior upon the child's
These circumstances do not lead the participants to self-esteem is undeniable: given the immaturity of children,
remain completely mysterious - on the contrary, in many however, parents' expression of their own resolution of the
cases it leads the participants to reveal much more about self-esteem question is far more influential than what they
themselves than they would usually do. teach verbally.

The alternative world provided by cyberspace is essentially an In his 1967 book, Coopersmith first noticed a positive
ideal private world in which each person controls the relationship between self-esteem levels in mothers and their
information that is revealed, ( ① ) In this world, the full identity children. ( ① ) But Bednar, Wells, and Peterson made
of the person is not revealed, and the two people are considerable use of this factor by pointing out that parents
physically remote from each other. ( ② ) Hence, it is much actually show their children the route to self-esteem by how
easier to keep private whatever areas the participants so wish. they handle their own challenges, conflicts, and issues. ( ② )
( ③ ) When we can keep private that which seems to threaten Parents who face life's challenges honestly and openly and
us, we can be more open concerning other matters. ( ④ ) The who attempt to cope with difficulties instead of avoiding them
greater degree of openness generates a greater degree of thereby expose their children early to a pro-self-esteem
emotional closeness as well. ( ⑤ ) Accordingly, in online problem-solving strategy. ( ③ ) Those who avoid dealing with
relationships we can find both greater privacy and greater
difficulties reveal a negative route for handling the challenges
closeness and openness - this considerably reduces the
and problems of life. ( ④ ) Either way, it is important to
common conflict between openness and privacy.
remember that modeling helps set the stage for healthy
self-esteem or problems with it.

- 9 -
13-2 판매 촉진을 위한 새로운 용도 제공53) 13-5 매체와 기술 자체에 대한 주목56)

A good way to do this is to provide new uses. This distancing of communication has real implications for
children's development.

Several different strategies will be used to get us to buy.

( ① ) For new products, marketers want to motivate us to try As Marshall McLuhan suggested so presciently in 1964, "the
their product, so the job is to advertise it as much as possible medium is the message," which means that, beyond the
to get the word out. ( ② ) With an established product, content that is conveyed, the medium itself has an impact by
marketers will either want us to try it again (reminder its very nature and unique characteristics. ( ① ) For example,
advertising), or they may try to get us to consume more of the use of social media means that we have less need to
their product. ( ③ ) One brand of baking soda is a good interact with others directly. ( ② ) If learning to communicate
example. ( ④ ) After women entered the Job market en masse with others is a skill that develops with practice, children's
in the 1960s and there was less time for baking, the company constant use of social media reduces the experiences they
promoted using the product to keep the freezer and refrigerator have with which to learn social skills. ( ③ ) McLuhan asserts
smelling clean and to change the box every three months. that we are so focused on the content of the technology that
( ⑤ ) Or when women started earning significant salaries and we neglect to notice the influence of the technology itself on
getting married later, the diamond industry started selling people. ( ④ ) This observation is certainly true today: we focus
diamond rings to women, claiming that the left hand is for "we" on what the technology provides (e.g., video, text messages,
and the right is for "me." social media), but we fall to consider how the very act of using
these advances shapes us.

13-3 통제하는 부모를 둔 아기들의 성향54) 13-6 도시의 지속적인 재창조57)

Later, the babies were given something else to play with, Yet cities have responded to changing circumstances in
this time without their parents present. the past.

When kids feel forced to do things - or are too tightly Cities continue to reinvent themselves. ( ① ) In the last few
regulated in the way they do things - they're likely to become decades, many have worked to reduce pollution and create
less interested in what they're doing and less likely to stick appealing modern spaces by restricting polluting vehicles,
with something challenging. ( ① ) In an intriguing experiment, encouraging energy-efficient buildings, and planting trees. ( ② )
parents were invited to sit on the floor next to their very young In 2020, another impetus for change came in the form of
children ― not even two years old who were playing with toys. COVID-19, which saw retail centres empty, businesses send
( ② ) Some of the parents immediately took over the task or workers home, and some question whether crowded cities were
barked out instructions ("Put the block in. No, not there. a safe environment. ( ③ ) Through the first kingdoms of
There!"). ( ③ ) Others were content to let their kids explore, Mesopotamia, global expansion, and the Industrial Revolution,
providing encouragement and offering help only when it was they have evolved to remain at the heart of politics, economics,
needed. ( ④ ) It turned out that, once they were on their own, and culture. ( ④ ) The history of the world is very much a
those who had controlling parents were apt to give up more history of great cities, and whatever future we build, these sites
easily rather than trying to figure out how the new toy worked. of trade, creativity, and transformation are likely to be at the
heart of it.

13-4 필요와 욕구 사이의 경계55) 13-7 문화적 특수성과 보편성58)

The ethic will express itself with exploitation at home. But all are dependent upon what appears to be a uniquely
human capacity and predisposition for learning languages.

It is critical, as we recreate mutual provision in a sustainable

form, that we keep track of the line between needs and wants. Human cultures seem to be infinitely variable, but in fact that
( ① ) While a permanent place for people on Earth requires variability takes place within the boundaries produced by
that our needs be met, people gathering about themselves physical and mental capacities. ( ① ) Human languages, for
quantities of unnecessary goods, while others lack food and example, are tremendously diverse, differing in sound, grammar,
shelter, cannot be part of a durable order. ( ② ) A society that and semantics. ( ② ) While the range of sounds used in
oppresses other people to bloat itself will not stop at human languages extends from clicks and pops to guttural
undermining foreign nations. ( ③ ) While ingenuity and hard stops, the distinctive speech sounds that are meaningful in all
work will still lead to improved circumstances as communities the languages of the world are but a fraction of the sounds it
increase their effective use of local resources, when one's is possible for humans to make. ( ③ ) Another way that we
achieved wealth is at the expense of others, much goodwill, might observe the intricate relationship between the culturally
effort and resources will be lost to resentment, rebellion and specific and the universal is in the way an American boy and
repression. ( ④ ) A huge bonus is available for everyone when his Mixtec friends might react emotionally, even instinctively, to
the focus of development is securing and improving the quality bee larvae and onion soup: whether they feel delight or disgust
of life for all. is determined by the way they learn to perceive food, but
delight and disgust seem to be basic and universal human
reactions to food.

- 10 -
13-8 실험에서 중요 요인 분리하기59) 13-11 이성과 욕망 사이의 싸움62)

These will include its active ingredients, the type and So, if we ever find this happening in the soul, we'll know
temperature of the water in which the ingredients are that we aren't dealing with one thing but many.
mixed, the materials being cleaned and the machinery – if
any - used to do the laundry.
We are all familiar with battles between reason and desire.
Socrates asks whether there are thirsty people who don't wish
Think about what happens in a standard scientific experiment to drink. ( ① ) Indeed there are. (A sign on a faucet that
to find out how a certain laundry detergent bleaches. ( ① ) In reads "nonpotable water, do not drink" won't take away a
normal use, there are several factors that may cause the person's thirst, but she won't want to drink there.) ( ② ) Yet
detergent to act in a certain way. ( ② ) Any experiment that there is something paradoxical about this: the word "thirsty"
could hope to discover what caused bleaching would have to means "wishes to drink." ( ③ ) So we are imagining people
be devised in such a way as to ensure that the crucial factors who wish to drink and do not wish to drink. How could that
were properly isolated from the other variables. ( ③ ) So if, for be? ( ④ ) It is obvious that the same thing will not be willing
example, the hypothesis is that it is the chlorine that does the to do or undergo opposites in the same part of itself, in
bleaching, the experiment needs to show that if all the other relation to the same thing, at the same time. ( ⑤ ) In other
factors remain the same, the presence or absence of the words, since no one thing can both wish to drink and not wish
chlorine will determine whether the laundry detergent bleaches. to drink (in the same way at the same time), no one thing can
have both of those two characteristics: we thus manage this by
being more than one: one part of the soul wishes to drink, and
another does not wish to drink.

13-9 AI가 인간 지식에 미치는 영향60) 13-12 미디어 경영진의 목표 고객층63)

Similarly, the deployment of Al intermediaries may also But an individual's concern will garner little attention if it is
amplify inherent biases, even if these Al intermediaries are clear that the person does not belong in the target
technically under human control. audience.

Al's effects on human knowledge are paradoxical. On the one Media executives understand that they must think of their
hand, Al intermediaries can navigate and analyze bodies of audiences as consumers who buy their products or whom they
data vaster than the unaided human mind could have sell to advertisers. ( ① ) The complaining individual might be
previously imagined. ( ① ) On the other, this power - the successful in getting the content changed or even removed if
ability to engage with vast bodies of data - may also he or she convinces the media executives that they might
accentuate forms of manipulation and error. ( ② ) Al is otherwise lose a substantial portion of their target market,
capable of exploiting human passions more effectively than ( ② ) The editors from Cosmopolitan magazine, which aims at
traditional propaganda. Having tailored itself to individual 20-something single women, for example, are not likely to
preferences and instincts, Al draws out responses its creator or follow the advice of an elderly-sounding woman from rural
user desires. ( ③ ) The dynamics of market competition Kansas who phones to protest what she feels are demeaning
prompt social media platforms and search engines to present portrayals of women on covers of the magazine that she sees
information that users find most compelling. ( ④ ) As a result, in the supermarket. ( ③ ) Yet the magazine staff might well
information that users are believed to want to see is prioritized, act favorably if a Cosmopolitan subscriber writes with a
distorting a representative picture of reality. ( ⑤ ) Much as suggestion for a new column that would attract more of the
technology accelerated the speed of information production and upscale single women they want as readers.
dissemination in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in this
era, information is being altered by the mapping of Al onto
dissemination processes.

13-10 존경하는 사람을 모방하여 닮아 가는 경향61) 14-G 빠르게 말하는 것의 위험 부담64)

A parent, a coach, a teacher, or a leader all leave their In reality, the brain arrives at an intersection of four or
mark on the final package with your name on it, five possible things to say and sits idling for a couple of
seconds, considering the options.

It is not a coincidence that children turn out like their parents.

From the moment you come into the world, your mother and Speaking fast is a high-risk proposition. It’s nearly impossible to
your father are your role models. As little girls grow, they try maintain the ideal conditions to be persuasive, well-spoken, and
on their mother's clothes, put on her make-up, and pretend to effective when the mouth is traveling well over the speed limit.
be her. ( ① ) When little boys come of age, they play with ( ① ) Although we’d like to think that our minds are sharp
their father's tools and try to build or fix something for real. enough to always make good decisions with the greatest
( ② ) The truth of the matter is that children look up to their efficiency, they just aren’t. ( ② ) When the brain stops sending
parents as mentors. ( ③ ) They praise them and hold them in navigational instructions back to the mouth and the mouth is
high regard. The greatest compliment they can give their moving too fast to pause, that’s when you get a verbal fender
parents as they grow is to turn out just llke them. ( ④ ) If you bender, otherwise known as filler. ( ③ ) Um, ah, you know,
stop to take a personal inventory, you may find that you are and like are what your mouth does when it has nowhere to go.
much like those that you emulate. ( ⑤ ) When you look in the
mirror, you may see one or all of them in the reflection.

- 11 -
14-1 인상주의 미술65) 14-4 19세기 이전의 극장 관객68)

These sensations included the flickering effects of light It was the actor David Garrick in the eighteenth century
that our eyes capture as we regard things. who pioneered the idea that an audience should shut up
and listen.

Rejecting any academic training they had experienced, Monet

and the other Impressionists belleved that their art, with its If you wanted to be entertained in a theater before the
objective methods of painting what they saw before them, was nineteenth century, you could not avoid the fact that you were
more sincere than any academic art. ( ① ) They all agreed at some level participating in a dialog, a conversation, either
that they aimed to capture their "sensations" or what they with your fellow members of the audience, or with the actors.
could see as they painted. ( ② ) In complete contrast to the ( ① ) The idea of the audience sitting in the dark and
Academie, the Impressionists painted ordinary, modern people watching the stage in silenge is a new thing. ( ② ) Prior to
in everyday and up-to-date settings, making no attempt to hide the nineteenth century the audience were lit and often
their painting techniques. ( ③ ) They avoided symbols or any extremely vocal and active, even leaping on stage to fight with
narrative content, preventing viewers from "reading" a picture, the cast. ( ③ ) The passive and reverential silence in which
but making them experience their paintings as an isolated today's, actors can indulge themselves is a new phenomenon,
moment in time. as, of course, is the cinema, where our surrogates on the
screen can unfold their stories unaware of our responses.

14-2 생존을 위한 식물의 경쟁66) 15-G 규범 발생 과정69)

For example, although a plant would generally attempt to Alternately, she may communicate that conformity is
grow taller than a closely situated neighbor for preferential desired in other ways, such as by gesturing.
access to sunlight, if the neighbor is already significantly
taller and the race is likely to be lost, the plant will
temper its competitive Instinct. Norms emerge in groups as a result of people conforming to
the behavior of others. Thus, the start of a norm occurs when
one person acts in a particular manner in a particular situation
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and when it because she thinks she ought to. Others may then conform to
is more prudent to be collaborative. ( ① ) To make this kind this behavior for a number of reasons. ( ① ) The person who
of decision, they weigh the energy cost relative to the benefit performed the initial action may think that others ought to
for improved growth and persistence. ( ② ) That is, plants behave as she behaves in situations of this sort. ( ② ) Thus,
compete only when competition is needed to improve their she may prescribe the behavior to them by uttering the norm
ability to support their own growth and reproduction and has statement in a prescriptive manner. ( ③ ) In addition, she may
some likelihood of success. ( ③ ) Once competition yields the threaten to sanction them for not behaving as she wishes.
needed results, they cease competing and shift their energy to This will cause some to conform to her wishes and act as she
living. ( ④ ) For plants, competition is about survival, not the acts. ( ④ ) But some others will not need to have the
thrill of victory. behavior prescribed to them. ( ⑤ ) They will observe the
regularity of behavior and decide on their own that they ought
to conform. They may do so for either rational or moral

14-3 수직 이동의 속도를 높인 기계화67) 15-1 세계화에 대한 대안적 개념의 필요성70)

Escalators came later bringing greater capacity to move As such, cosmopolitanism is closely connected to identity:
more people over shorter vertical distance: they made their a cosmopolitan obtains a reflexive awareness of the
debut, and were a sensation, at the 1900 Paris Exposition. features that unite us as human beings.

Mechanisation speeded up vertical movement. ( ① ) Stairs and Globalization has often been studied as a macro phenomenon.
ramps were traditionally how you went up and down, so few However, as the globalization process obviously affects
buildings in frequent use exceeded five storeys. ( ② ) The Otis individuals lives, a need for alternative concepts has emerged.
Company, founded in 1853 in New York, changed all that with ( ① ) Concepts such as cosmopolitanism and global citizenship
the invention of the safety elevator (safe because it locked the have therefore frequently been used to capture how
car in place should the cables fail) that made taller buildings globalization is experienced "from below", with individuals as
possible. ( ③ ) With elevators and escalators cities could now the object of analysis. ( ② ) Here, cosmopolitanism is
spread underground, with deep basements, subways and interpreted as having many similarities to global citizenship.
tunnels, and upwards, with high rise buildings, as well as ( ③ ) For instance, cultural sociologist John Tomlinson claims
outwards. ( ④ ) The modern cityscape - of which Manhattan is that being a cosmopolitan means that one has an active
still the iconic exemplar - was created. experience of "belonging to the wider world". ( ④ ) This
requires the ability to question one's own assumptions and
prejudices. ( ⑤ ) Identity is in this context not essentialist or
stable: rather, it is fragmented and constructed and
reconstructed across the different practices and positions in
which one participates.

- 12 -
15-2 원폭 피해자들을 만난 Roosevelt 여사71) 15-5 컴퓨터의 생존 전략74)

It led her to urge Americans to do more to help. However, as machine autonomy develops there will be a
progressive reduction in the extent of human influence on
computer evolution.
On June 17, 1953, Mrs. Roosevelt traveled to Hiroshima,
where she visited the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, an
American research group that studied the effects of the nuclear Life-forms work to evolve survival strategies but without
attacks on bomb survivors. Many people had been injured by necessarily being aware of the process. Consciousness is not a
the fires that the bomb had caused. ( ① ) After her official necessary condition of life though it says much about the
meetings, some girls were waiting to see her. ( ② ) The girls organism that happens to possess it. ( ① ) Most biological
explained that they did not blame her for the atomic bomb: species have evolved techniques and mechanisms for survival
they only wanted to impress on her the need to ensure that without reflecting on the fact, and this is what has happened
so far with computer life-forms. ( ② ) We can speculate on
these weapons were never used again on human beings, given
how computers might ponder on their own survival but this is
their effects. ( ③ ) Although she did not say so directly, the
essentially a matter for the future. ( ③ ) At present we see a
girls may have been among those whose faces were
host of rudimentary survival mechanisms in computers: we may
permanently disfigured by the attack. ( ④ ) This must have
expect these to develop and new ones to emerge. ( ④ ) It is
been a powerful encounter because Mrs. Roosevelt called it a inevitable, at the present stage of their development, that
"tragic moment." ( ⑤ ) Though she maintained that they were computer survival strategies owe virtually everything to human
not America's direct responsibility, “as a gesture of goodwill for involvement in computer design. ( ⑤ ) Computers will come to
the victims of this last war, such help would be invaluable.” think about their own position in the world, and take steps to
enhance their own security.

15-3 Gettier 문제72) 15-6 도시화와 도시 계획75)

Examples such as this became known as "Gettier Those experts were often educated in newly formed
problems," and have prompted philosophers to ask if, in occupational disciplines and professional schools.
addition to belief, truth, and justification, there is a fourth
criterion for knowledge.
Since at least the late nineteenth century and the rise of
industrial cities, the history of urbanism and urban planning has
Most philosophers accepted Plato's definition of knowledge as been a history of expertise - political, administrative, and
justified true belief until the 1960s, when Edmund Gettier technocratic. ( ① ) Cities came to be seen as solutions to
showed that it didn't always provide a satisfactory explanation. demands, for wealth, health, safety, opportunity, and personal
( ① ) He came up with several instances where we development, as society grew more economically, socially, and
instinctively realize that someone doesn't really know something, politically complex. ( ② ) Cities also came to be seen as
even though that person's belief is both true and justified. posing new problems, often caused by their successes in
( ② ) For example, I have arranged to meet my friend Sue at meeting earlier social demands. ( ③ ) Both fueled by and
her house, and when l arrive I see her through the window fueling that problem/solution framework, the Progressive political
movement of the early twentieth century relied heavily on
sitting in the kitchen. ( ③ ) In fact, it is not Sue that I see,
trained and trusted experts, especially economists and other
but her identical twin sister - Sue is actually in another room.
social scientists. ( ④ ) Degrees in hand, they were primed to
( ④ ) My belief that Sue is home is true, and I have good
lead both governments and businesses away from the era of
reason to believe it because I am sure I have seen her, but it
laissez-faire and toward better outcomes for themselves and for
is wrong to say that I knew she was at home - I didn't know. workers and citizens. ( ⑤ ) That meant safer food: safer
( ⑤ ) Gettier had cast doubt not only on Plato's definition, but water: better working conditions: safer and less expensive
also on whether or not it is possible to define completely what automobiles: expanded opportunities for education, leisure, and
knowledge is. personal fulfillment: and so on.

15-4 임마누엘 칸트의 도덕관73) 16-G 승자 독식의 경쟁으로 잘못 이해되는 과학76)

He belleved that you can and should test your decisions It is also inaccurate to the extent that it suggests that only
for moral and ethical soundness and outlined a thought a handful of contests exist.
experiment he called the Categorical Imperative to help
you do just that.
Science is sometimes described as a winner-take-all contest,
meaning that there are no rewards for being second or third.
On one level, it is helpful for individuals to identify which kind This is an extreme view of the nature of scientific contests.
of ethical system they have and which kind they admire. ( ① ) Even those who describe scientific contests in such a
( ① ) Immanuel Kant takes it one step further, adding an way note that it is a somewhat inaccurate description, given
unusual rule for a deontologist. ( ② ) When considering any that replication and verification have social value and are
course of action, ask yourself, "Would I want everyone else, if common in science. ( ② ) Yes, some contests are seen as
placed in my position, to do the same thing?" ( ③ ) If the world class, such as identification of the Higgs particle or the
answer is yes, you're on the right path. ( ④ ) If the answer is development of high temperature superconductors. ( ③ ) But
no, then don't do it yourself. ( ⑤ ) For example, while you can many other contests have multiple parts, and the number of
easily imagine a situation in which it might be to your such contests may be increasing. ( ④ ) By way of example,
advantage to lie, you would not want everyone to lie, so you for many years it was thought that there would be “one” cure
should not lie yourself. for cancer, but it is now realized that cancer takes multiple
forms and that multiple approaches are needed to provide a
cure. ( ⑤ ) There won’t be one winner ― there will be many.

- 13 -
16-1 기자의 정보 습득77) 16-4 후각의 힘80)

Libraries contain such books, although it is better for Smells are also important for distinguishing between edible
reporters to buy their own copies for future reference. and inedible foods.

As soon as a reporter is assigned to a specialized beat, he or Smell is not just a sense that determines taste: it is also a
she should read several basic books on that subject to become powerful force that stimulates desire and may even overwhelm
familiar in a general way with how the beat works. ( ① ) If a the other senses. In the past decade, aromatherapy has
governmental area is involved - for example, a state legislature emerged as an alternative healing practice, as well as a new
or a court system - a reporter should not go on a first product to be advertised to consumers. ( ① ) Some stores
assignment without knowing how that particular unit operates. spread scents of freshly baked bread or apple pie to
( ② ) No medical reporter can work successfully without a encourage shoppers to stay longer and buy more. ( ② )
good medical dictionary, for example. ( ③ ) Nor should a Herbal medicine stores frequently have a wide variety of
business reporter be without a basic economics text. ( ④ ) pungent odors. ( ③ ) The preparation of herbal medicines may
City directories and telephone books from all cities in a include cooking plants into liquid form or distilling essences
reporter's area of coverage are valuable tools, as are internal with alcohol, which often creates an odor. ( ④ ) Yet
directories of the organizations he or she will encounter on the biomedical pills and tablets are prepared in ways that
beat. ( ⑤ ) Having such numbers - which are often impossible deemphasize smells considered to be more palatable. ( ⑤ )
to obtain officially - will enable a reporter to bypass obstacles The absence of smells further distances medicine from food.
and reach potential sources quickly.

16-2 문화적 다양성과 인간의 선천적 능력78) 16-5 부모와 또래 집단의 차이81)

But none of this intergroup variation and intragroup This reflects the great importance placed by the peer
commonality would have anything to do with the workings group on other-directed behavior, looking to others for
of culture. approval and support as opposed to reliance on personal
beliefs and traditional values.

Cultural and behavioral diversity can result from humans' innate

ability to flexibly respond to their environments, to engage in The divergence between parental and peer values does not
social learning, and to make culture (an ability which is itself a necessarily lead to a hostile confrontation between parents and
part of the social suite). ( ① ) The diversity might conceal an teenagers. ( ① ) In fact, most youngsters are just as friendly
underlying universality that, paradoxically, might relate more to with parents as with peers. ( ② ) They simply engage in
our genes than to cultural exigencies. ( ② ) Evolutionary different types of activities - work and task activities with
psychologists John Tooby and Leda Cosmides provide a parents, play and recreation with peers. ( ③ ) Concerning
fanciful illustration of this idea. ( ③ ) They suggest a thought financial, educational, career, and other serious matters, such
experiment in which aliens replace humans with jukeboxes, as what to spend money on and what occupation to choose,
each of which has a repertoire of thousands of songs and the youths are inclined to seek advice from parents. ( ④ ) When it
ability to play a particular song according to where and when it comes to social activities, such as whom to date and what
is. ( ④ ) We would then observe that jukeboxes in different clubs to join, they are more likely to discuss them with peers.
parts of the world played different songs at different times, ( ⑤ ) Peer groups, in effect, demand conformity at the
songs that were similar to those on the jukeboxes near them. expense of independence and individuality.
( ⑤ ) This is a way of illustrating that humans mighty have an
inborn ability to respond flexibly - but also predictably - to their

16-6 고통스러운 자극의 재현82)

16-3 오늘날 리더의 자질79)
In fact, numerous attempts have been made over the
The problem, however, is that because of constantly course of the last few years to reproduce these aspects of
improving technology, processes, and best practices in a our perception as well.
world that is constantly changing and where success is
being continually redefined, experience can be a handicap.
One important point related to the possibility of reproducing
believable tactile sensations in virtual or machine-mediated
When companies select leaders, two of the first questions they environments lies in the role of "pain." ( ① ) Certainly, a
ask are, "Has he done anything like this before?" "What is his number of real interactions can never be entirely believable
track record?" ( ① ) We assume that if that person has done without the presence of painful stimulation. ( ② ) However, one
it before (and done it well), he can do it again. ( ② ) might wonder whether reproducing such kinds of stimulation
Experience is still important for leaders, and there are times would ever be of any use within virtual or mediated
when it is the most effective predictor of future success. ( ③ ) interactions. ( ③ ) Shouldn't a "virtual" world be, in some
Today, leaders must discipline themselves to look at problems sense, "better" without pain? ( ④ ) Even if not immediately
and opportunities with a fresh eye. ( ④ ) This is difficult intuitive, there are a (admittedly small) number of situations in
because people naturally want to repeat an approach that which the ability to deliver painful stimulation comes in handy
worked in a similar situation. ( ⑤ ) It is a challenge to within mediated environments. ( ⑤ ) This may occur in video
consider an alternative to what brought you success in the past games to increase the realism of the simulation or even more
or to your current position in the present. importantly in training programs for soldiers where pain is an
occupational hazard and will need to be dealt with.

- 14 -
17-G 다양한 과학 분야에서 성과를 낼 수 있는 탐구 방법83) 17-3 협력 과업에 대한 어린 침팬지와 인간의 차이86)

Thus, when we are astonished by someone with Afterward, they're more generous in sharing any treats the
publications in different scientific fields, realize that each experimenters give them — as if working with others has
topic was explored during a specific period of time. put them in a better mood.

Even those with average talent can produce notable work in We come into the world ready to start relationships and, as we
the various sciences, so long as they do not try to embrace all gain control of our body, we’re keen to take part in games and
of them at once. ( ① ) Instead, they should concentrate tasks that involve working with others. In this way, we’re so
attention on one subject after another (that is, in different different from young chimps. ( ① ) Experiments have shown
periods of time), although later work will weaken earlier chimps can understand collaborative tasks perfectly well, but
attainments in the other spheres. ( ② ) This amounts to saying they only bother to take part if they can see how it will result
that the brain adapts to universal science in time but not in in their getting a piece of fruit or some other reward. ( ② )
space. ( ③ ) In fact, even those with great abilities proceed in Humans, by contrast, often work together just for the joy of it.
this way. ( ④ ) Knowledge gained earlier certainly will not ( ③ ) Experiments have shown that working with others affects
have disappeared from the mind of the author, but it will have children's behavior. ( ④ ) It seems unlikely that children’s
become simplified by condensing into formulas or greatly greater willingness to share is simply the result of learning that
abbreviated symbols. ( ⑤ ) Thus, sufficient space remains for they should pay people for working with them, but the way we
the perception and learning of new images on the cerebral feel about everything is strongly influenced by the experiences
blackboard. that shaped the development of our brain. ( ⑤ ) Our childhood
observations of others don’t just help us learn how to behave;
they help us understand how we’re supposed to feel.

17-1 일상 제품도 가질 수 있는 상징적 의미84) 17-4 합리적 행위 이론87)

But through some clever marketing, packaging, and Because of this, much of our behavior can be
advertising, the brand immerses its soap in a complex set characterized as “reasoned action.
of messages about the environment, personal
empowerment, and progressive politics.
The theory of reasoned action maintains that a person’s
decision to engage in a purposeful activity depends on several
Consider a bar of soap, the kind you keep by the bathroom factors, of which some are situational and some are mediated
sink to wash your hands and face. How much meaning could by personal dispositions or characteristics. ( ① ) At the core of
such an innocuous object contain? ( ① ) While it may be the theory is the idea that when people engage in a given
tempting to answer “not much,” or even “none,” in fact, even behavior it is because they formed an intention to do so and
soap can embody a rich set of symbols. ( ② ) Think about a have reasons for their decision to actualize their intentions.
particular brand of soap. ( ③ ) By itself, that soap cleans like ( ② ) Fishbein and Ajzen suggested that behavioral intentions
any other soap. ( ④ ) The brand’s website even says, “We are controlled by two factors: attitude toward an act and the
are committed to animal protection, environmental protection normative component. ( ③ ) Attitude toward an act is
and respect for human rights.” ( ⑤ ) These meanings allow influenced by the beliefs that people have about the
the brand's customers to do more with the soap than just consequences of performing an act. ( ④ ) The normative
clean their faces: By using these products, they can make a component is controlled by our beliefs about what valued
statement about what kind of person they are and what kind of others (i.e., people important in our lives) expect us to do.
politics they embrace. ( ⑤ ) For some behaviors we rely more on our attitude toward
an act, whereas for other behaviors we may rely more on the
normative component for guidance on how to behave.
17-2 인간에게 유일한 가리키기85)

This suggests a new place to look for the foundations of

human language.

Comparative psychology finds that pointing (in its full-blown

form) is unique to our species. ( ① ) Few nonhuman species
seem able to comprehend pointing (notably, domestic dogs can
follow pointing, while our closest relatives among the great
apes cannot), and there is little evidence of pointing occurring
spontaneously between members of any species other than our
own. ( ② ) Apparently only humans have the social-cognitive
infrastructure needed to support the kind of cooperative and
prosocial motivations that pointing gestures presuppose. ( ③ )
While research on language in cognitive science has long
focused on its logical structure, the news about pointing
suggests an alternative: that the essence of language is found
in our capacity for the communion of minds through shared
intentionality. ( ④ ) At the center of it is the deceptively simple
act of pointing, an act that must be mastered before language
can be learned at all.

- 15 -
18-G 과학자의 미디어 접촉88) 18-2 감사가 갖는 긍정적 감정과 부정적 감정90)

In addition, many scientists are finding that they enjoy the That type of indebtedness or obligation can be perceived
media attention and the public recognition that comes with very negatively — it can cause people real discomfort, as
it. Jill Suttie explores in her essay “How to Say Thanks
Without Feeling Indebted.”
One way to avoid contributing to overhyping a story would be
to say nothing. However, that is not a realistic option for Some people claim that gratitude is just about thinking nice
scientists who feel a strong sense of responsibility to inform
thoughts and expecting good things — and ignores the
the public and policymakers and/or to offer suggestions.
Speaking with members of the media has advantages in getting negativity, pain, and suffering in life. ( ① ) Well, they're wrong.
a message out and perhaps receiving favorable recognition, but Consider our definition of gratitude, as a specific way of
it runs the risk of misinterpretations, the need for repeated thinking about receiving a benefit and giving credit to others
clarifications, and entanglement in never-ending controversy. besides yourself for that benefit. ( ② ) In fact, gratitude can
( ① ) Hence, the decision of whether to speak with the media be very difficult, because it requires that you recognize your
tends to be highly individualized. ( ② ) Decades ago, it was dependence on others, and that’s not always positive. You
unusual for Earth scientists to have results that were of interest have to humble yourself, in the sense that you have to
to the media, and consequently few media contacts were become a good receiver of others’ support and generosity.
expected or encouraged. ( ③ ) In the 1970s, the few scientists That can be very hard — most people are better givers than
who spoke frequently with the media were often criticized by receivers. ( ③ ) What’s more, feelings of gratitude can
their fellow scientists for having done so. ( ④ ) The situation
sometimes stir up related feelings of indebtedness and
now is quite different, as many scientists feel a responsibility to
obligation, which doesn’t sound like positive thinking at all: If I
speak out because of the importance of global warming and
related issues, and many reporters share these feelings. ( ⑤ ) am grateful for something you provided to me, I have to take
At the same time, other scientists continue to resist speaking care of that thing — I might even have to reciprocate at some
with reporters, thereby preserving more time for their science appropriate time in the future. ( ④ ) The data bear this out.
and avoiding the risk of being misquoted and the other When people are grateful, they aren't necessarily free of
unpleasantries associated with media coverage. negative emotions — we don’t find that they necessarily have
less anxiety or less tension or less unhappiness. ( ⑤ )
Practicing gratitude magnifies positive feelings more than it
reduces negative feelings. If gratitude were just positive
thinking, or a form of denial, you’d experience no negative
thoughts or feelings when you’re keeping a gratitude journal,
for instance. But, in fact, people do.

18-1 세상에 대한 우리의 인식89) 18-3 문화와 학습의 산물인 행동 규범91)

Yet psychological research demonstrates that vve are all But it seems highly possible that this is basically similar to
susceptible to evaluating political issues in a biased why different human societies can have much different
fashion. behavioral norms — consider premodern tribes who
worshiped their ancestors and shared food in common,
medieval peasants who accepted the divine right of kings
We trust our common sense largely because we are prone to and performed free labor for feudal lords, and people
naive realism: the belief that we see the world precisely as it today who believe in democracy and corporate
is. We assume that ‘seeing is believing’, and trust our intuitive employment contracts.
perceptions of the world and ourselves. In daily life, naive
realism often serves us well. If you are driving down a
one-lane road and see a tractor-trailer moving uncontrollably In all social systems, it is true that people’s behavior is
towards you at 120 kilometres per hour, it is a wise idea to influenced by social rules and they are extraordinarily
get out of the way. Much of the time, we should trust our adaptable. One natural experiment involving baboons is
perceptions. ( ① ) Yet appearances can sometimes be instructive. ( ① ) A study in 2004 examined how a troop of
deceptive. The Earth seems flat. The sun seems to revolve baboons dominated by large and aggressive males changed
around the Earth. ( ② ) Yet in both cases, our intuitions are after all those dominant males caught a disease and died.
wrong. Sometimes, what appears to be obvious can mislead us ( ② ) With only smaller, gentler males remaining, the culture
when it comes to evaluating ourselves and others. ( ③ ) Our of that troop underwent a dramatic shift, moving from a social
common sense tells us that our memories accurately capture structure characterized by widespread bullying and fighting to
virtually everything we have seen, although scientific research one with much more peaceful grooming. ( ③ ) Conflict was
demonstrates otherwise. ( ④ ) Our common sense also still there, of course, but it tended to be resolved with peaceful
assures us that people who do not share our political views methods, and the fighting that did happen was more between
are biased, but that we are objective. ( ⑤ ) So our tendencies equally matched baboons, instead of a big one picking on a
to believe appearances can lead us to draw erroneous small one. ( ④ ) Remarkably, the culture of that troop
conclusions about human nature. In many cases, 'believing is persisted even after all those original males had died off and
seeing’ rather than the reverse: our beliefs shape our were replaced by others coming in from outside. The new
perceptions of the world. males were acculturated to the group norms, and learned to
behave less aggressively. Obviously, humans are not baboons.
( ⑤ ) Human societies have much more complexity and choice
than baboon societies, but the point is that behavioral norms
are to a great degree the product of culture and learning, not
the other way around.

- 16 -
18-4 소프트웨어 오작동의 원인92) 19-1 인기 팟캐스트를 탄생시킨 Monica Padman94)

This somewhat “explorative” way to use systems rather Their arguments were as fun as they were fierce, so when Bell
often leads to a risky attitude with potentially harmful suggested they develop their banter into a podcast, Padman was
effects, e.g. by clicking on unknown attachments without up for that too. Thus was born Armchair Expert. The podcast
due care. became 2018’s most downloaded new podcast and has continued
to grow in popularity.

Not surprisingly, usage of unsafely designed and insecurely

implemented software presents some risks. After distributed Monica Padman left college in 2009 with two degrees in hand — one
software reaches user sites, installation and administration of in theater and one in public relations. She moved to Hollywood to
system and application software, when improperly performed, follow her dream of becoming an actor and comedian. Like most
may adversely affect performance and proper functioning of striving actors, she worked a variety of part-time jobs in between
such software. ( ① ) Due to the complexity as well as due to auditions and small roles. Padman scored a small part on Showtime's
inadequate documentation of these systems, users hardly House of Lies, where she played the on-screen assistant to the
understand effects of their attempts to “properly” use such actress Kristen Bell. They became friendly, and when Padman realized
systems. ( ② ) Consequently, users apply “trial and error” Bell had a young daughter, she mentioned that she did some
babysitting. Bell and her husband, the actor Dax Shepard, took her up
methods in learning to work with new features, rather than
on the offer. ( ① ) As she saw the challenges Bell faced juggling
trying methodologically to understand which functions may have
multiple acting and producing projects, she offered to help her with
which effects, and which precautions should be taken to avoid
scheduling. Though it might have been tempting for the aspiring
unwished side-effects. ( ③ ) Software manufacturers often
actress to ask the Hollywood A-lister to help her get on-screen roles,
argue that failure of software is mainly caused by improper Padman worked where she was needed — ironically, as Bell’s
actions of users. ( ④ ) But in many — if not most — cases, off-screen assistant. ( ② ) When Bell and Shepard asked her to work
the human-computer interface (e.g. the display of functions and for them full-time, Padman was understandably reluctant — how would
operations on the screen, or the handling of input devices such she find time to audition? The job could be a detour. ( ③ ) But
as mouse and keyboard) is inadequately designed and users Padman decided to take it. Over time, she became a friend and
are not properly supported by help functions (which when creative partner to Bell. She worked energetically wherever she saw a
existing in many cases are so complex that users are further need. ''Everything she does is at 110 percent,“ Bell said of Padman.
misled). ( ⑤ ) While users are primarily interested in doing ( ④ ) Before long, Padman had become so essential that Bell
their work, one must admit that they rather often tend to forget wondered aloud, “How did I do any of this without her?” While working
about any precaution and even sometimes bypass security for her family. Padman spent many hours sitting on the terrace
measures when thinking that their work performance is debating with Bell’s husband. ( ⑤ ) Padman could have pursued a
reduced. direct path to her passion. Instead, she worked wholeheartedly where
she could be most useful. By working passionately in Bell’s house, she
19-G 인생의 어려움으로부터의 회복93) found a bigger opportunity and, perhaps, her true purpose.

Yet she responded to the hardship in a constructive way.

After years of hard training, she made an incredible 19-2 바이올린 연주를 통한 자원봉사95)
recovery and found a new passion for bike riding. Emma
saw how the painful past made her maturer and how it At that instant the gentleman approached, offered the old soldier
made her stronger in the end. a piece of gold, and said: “Lend me your violin a little while.”
Then, having carefully tuned his violin, the gentleman said: “You
take the money and I’ll play.” He did play!
Emma and Clara stood side by side on the beach road, with
their eyes fixed on the boundless ocean. The breathtaking
An old and weak soldier was playing his violin one evening on the
scene that surrounded them was beyond description. Just after
Prater, in Vienna. His faithful dog was holding his hat, in which
sunrise, they finished their preparations for the bicycle ride
passers-by dropped a few coppers as they came along. ( ① )
along the beach road. Emma turned to Clara with a question,
However, on the evening in question nobody stopped to put a small
“Do you think this will be your favorite ride ever?” Clara’s face
coin into the old soldier’s hat. Everyone went straight on, and the joy
lit up with a bright smile as she nodded. “Definitely! I can’t wait of the crowd added to the sorrow in the old soldier’s heart, which
to ride while watching those beautiful waves!” ( ① ) Emma showed itself in his withered face. ( ② ) However, all at once, a
and Clara jumped on their bikes and started to pedal toward well-dressed gentleman came up to where the old soldier stood,
the white cliff where the beach road ended. Speeding up and listened to his playing for a few minutes, and gazed compassionately
enjoying the wide blue sea, Emma couldn’t hide her excitement upon him. Before long, the old soldier’s tired hand had no longer
and exclaimed, “Clara, the view is amazing!” ( ② ) Clara’s strength to grasp his bow. His limbs refused to carry him farther. He
silence, however, seemed to say that she was lost in her seated himself on a stone, rested his head on his hands, and began
thoughts. Emma understood the meaning of her silence. to weep silently. ( ③ ) All the passers-by stopped to listen — struck
Watching Clara riding beside her, Emma thought about Clara’s with the distinguished air of the musician and fascinated by his
past tragedy, which she now seemed to have overcome. Clara marvelous genius. Every moment the circle became larger and larger.
used to be a talented swimmer, but she had to give up her Not copper alone, but silver — and even gold — was dropped into
dream of becoming an Olympic medalist in swimming because the old soldier’s hat. The dog began to growl, for it was becoming too
of shoulder injuries. ( ③ ) One hour later, Clara, riding ahead heavy for him to hold. ( ④ ) At an invitation from the audience, the
of Emma, turned back and shouted, “Look at the white cliff!” old soldier emptied its contents into his bag, and they filled it again.
When they reached their destination, Emma and Clara stopped After a national melody, in which everyone present joined, with
their bikes. Emma approached Clara, saying “Bicycle riding is uncovered heads, the violinist placed the instrument upon the poor
unlike swimming, isn’t it?” ( ④ ) Clara answered with a smile, soldier’s knees, and, without waiting to be thanked, disappeared.
“Quite similar, actually. Just like swimming, riding makes me ( ⑤ ) “Who is it?” was asked on all sides. “It is Armand Boucher,
feel truly alive.” She added, “It shows me what it means to live the famous violin player,” replied someone in the crowd. “He has been
while facing life’s tough challenges.” ( ⑤ ) Emma nodded in turning his art to account in the service of charity. Let us follow his
agreement and suggested, “Your first beach bike ride was a example.” And the speaker sent round his hat also, made a new
great success. How about coming back next summer?” Clara collection, and gave the proceeds to the old soldier, crying, “Long live
replied with delight, “With you, absolutely!” Boucher!” Deeply affected, the old soldier thanked everyone around

- 17 -
19-3 가족이 된 Say Say96)

But the Four Cuts policy had destroyed all the schools in the
area. He asked my father if he could take one of his older sons,
Say Say, and give him an education in our home village.

One day when I was little, my father told me the story of how Say
Say had come to be with us. My father was talking to my mother
about his work in the Kler Lwee Htu district, from where he had just
returned. It was far distant from us, and much closer to the front line
where the Burmese military were attacking our villages. The Burmese
regime had a notorious policy called the ‘Four Cuts’,which was
designed to crush the Karen. It was brutally simple: it would cut off all
supplies, information, recruits and food to the Karen resistance. ( ① )
The Four Cuts policy was hurting people terribly, my father explained.
As a small child I couldn’t understand everything he told us. I knew
my people were starving to death, but I was scared, and I didn’t want
to think about it. ( ② ) I could see that my father was suffering, but I
tried to close my mind to that. We were all closer to our mother at
this time, for the simple reason that she was around. I’d grow close to
my father when he was with us, but hurt, and distant, when he left.
The Four Cuts policy had driven families to ever more desperate
measures. ( ③ ) One day a man who worked for the resistance had
approached my father. Over their time spent working together they had
grown to like and respect each other. He told my father that he had
seven children, and that he wanted one at least to get a proper
education. ( ④ ) My mother and father had only one child at this
time — my older sister, Bwa Bwa — and my father felt a deep
sympathy for his friend. He agreed to take Say Say as one of his own
children, and so Say Say became my parents’ adopted son. ( ⑤ )
Once a year Say Say’s father would try to visit, if he could afford the
time to make the long journey. Whenever he did, he was so happy
and proud to see how well his son was doing in his studies at school.

19-4 Raymond의 내재적 동기 부여와 강화 이론97)

Again, the kid was not happy about this new arrangement, but
agreed anyway and banged cans and got his twenty-five cents
each day. After a week of paying the kid twenty-five cents a day,
Raymond approached the kid and told him he couldn't pay him
anymore but he still wanted him to continue to bang cans.

Long ago in New Orleans, there was an old gentleman named

Raymond, who would sit on his porch every day. Raymond enjoyed
his time outdoors, communing with nature and the neighbors and
soaking up sunshine. Every day at the same time a kid would walk
down his street on his way home from school. Raymond enjoyed
talking to the local kid and the kid also loved talking with him. They
kept an eye out for each other. ( ① ) However, this kid had
developed a bad habit. On his way down the street every day, he
would beat on the metal trash cans with sticks. Raymond found this
very annoying and tried to ask the kid to stop, but he didn’t want to
listen to the old man on the porch. ( ② ) Raymond decided to put
the concepts of intrinsic motivation and reinforcement theory to work.
The next time the kid came down the street e complimented him on
the sound he made and said he would pay him a dollar a day if he
promised to do it every day. ( ③ ) The kid accepted and every day
for the following week the kid banged on cans and Raymond paid him
a dollar. The next week Raymond told the kid that he was short on
money (even though that wasn’t really true) and that he could only
pay him fifty cents a day for banging on cans. ( ④ ) The kid was
not happy about this new arrangement, but agreed anyway and got his
fifty cents each day after banging cans. The week after that Raymond
told the kid that money was even tighter and that he could only pay
him twenty-five cents per day. ( ⑤ ) This time the kid did not agree.
He was angry about not getting paid and refused to bang on cans
anymore. Raymond continues to sit on his porch every day, enjoying
nature, his neighbors, and soaking up the sun.

- 18 -
20-G 프랑스 영화 감독 Jean Renoir98) 20-3 Hugo de Vries와 Darwin의 만남101)

It was enormously successful but was not allowed to show But de Vries left England transformed. With no more than
in Germany. a brief conversation, Darwin had inserted a sluice into de
Vries’s racing mind, completely redirecting it forever.

Jean Renoir (1894—1979), a French film director, was born in

Paris, France. He was the son of the famous painter In the summer of 1878, a thirty-year-old Dutch botanist named
Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He and the rest of the Renoir family Hugo de Vries traveled to England to see Darwin. ( ① ) It
were the models of many of his father’s paintings. ( ① ) At was more of a spiritual journey than a scientific visit. ( ② )
the outbreak of World War I, Jean Renoir was serving in the Darwin was vacationing at his sister’s estate in Dorking, but de
French army but was wounded in the leg. ( ② ) In 1937, he Vries tracked him down and traveled out to meet him. ( ③ )
made La Grande Illusion, one of his better-known films. ( ③ ) Thin, intense, and excitable, with a beard that rivaled Darwin’
During World War II, when the Nazis invaded France in 1940, s,de Vries already looked like a younger version of his idol.
he went to Hollywood in the United States and continued his He also had Darwin’s persistence. ( ④ ) The meeting must
career there. ( ④ ) He was awarded numerous honors and have been exhausting, for it lasted only two hours, and Darwin
awards throughout his career, including the Academy Honorary had to excuse himself to take a break. ( ⑤ ) Back in
Award in 1975 for his lifetime achievements in the film industry. Amsterdam, de Vries suddenly terminated his prior work on the
( ⑤ ) Overall, Jean Renoir’s influence as a film-maker and movement of tendrils in plants and threw himself into solving
artist endures. the mystery of heredity.

20-1 프랑스의 극작가이자 영화 제작자 Marcel Pagnol99)

21-G 여가의 사유화102)
This persuaded Marcel Pagnol to devote himself
exclusively to the cinema. One major activity of this home-based leisure was
watching television.

Marcel Pagnol was born in Aubagne in 1895, and died in

1974. The son of a primary school teacher, whom he In the post-World War II years after 1945, unparalleled
described so vividly in his Souvenirs d'enfance (childhood economic growth fueled a building boom and a massive
memories), this southern Frenchman began his professional life migration from the central cities to the new suburban areas.
as an English teacher. ( ① ) However, he quickly earned a ( ① ) The suburbs were far more dependent on the
reputation for his plays in the 1920s: the extraordinary success automobile, signaling the shift from primary dependence on
of Topaze in 1927 and Marius in 1928 established him as a public transportation to private cars. ( ② ) Soon this led to the
playwright. ( ② ) Marcel Pagnol had long been interested in construction of better highways and freeways and the decline
the cinema, but had to wait for the development of talking and even loss of public transportation. ( ③ ) With all of these
picture techniques to use his full vigor as a dialogue writer. changes came a privatization of leisure. ( ④ ) As more people
( ③ ) His first few films were adaptations of his theatrical owned their own homes, with more space inside and lovely
works, for example the highly acclaimed trilogy Marius, Fanny yards outside, their recreation and leisure time was increasingly
and Cesar. The public success was enormous at both national centered around the home or, at most, the neighborhood.
and international levels. ( ④ ) For his second film he set up ( ⑤ ) No longer did one have to ride the trolly to the theater
his own production company, La societe des films Marcel to watch a movie; similar entertainment was available for free
Pagnol. ( ⑤ ) He was certain that the dramatist of the past and more conveniently from television.
would be the film-maker of the future, a thesis which he
controversially developed in a short-lived critical review entitled
Les cahiers du film. 21-1 도덕적 판단의 상대성103)

20-2 첼리스트 Yo-Yo Ma100) This view, known as moral relativism, makes morality
simply a description of the values held by a particular
However, Mr. Ma would sometimes play as part of the society at a particular time.
orchestra in the second half of the concert — doing this
with the Philadelphia Orchestra was especially enjoyable
for him. It is uncontroversially true that people in different societies have
different customs and different ideas about right and wrong.
( ① ) There is no world consensus on which actions are right
When he was a Harvard student, world-famous cellist Yo-Yo and wrong, even though there is a considerable overlap
Ma played often at concerts in and around Boston. ( ① ) He between views on this. ( ② ) If we consider how much moral
became very popular, and one day when one of his concerts views have changed both from place to place and from age to
was sold out, he gave a free concert for those who were age it can be tempting to think that there are no absolute
unable to obtain tickets — he sat in the theater lobby and moral facts, but rather that morality is always relative to the
played Bach cello suites. ( ② ) Later in his career, when he society in which you have been brought up. ( ③ ) On such a
was an international success, he still would often give more view, since slavery was morally acceptable to most Ancient
than required. ( ③ ) For example, many guest cello soloists Greeks but is not to most Europeans today, slavery was right
play in the first half of a concert, then they are finished for the for the Ancient Greeks but would be wrong for today’s
night. ( ④ ) He says, “It is an honor to play the back stands Europeans. ( ④ ) This is a meta-ethical view about the nature
of the Philadelphia Orchestra. It’s incredible the way those of moral judgements. ( ⑤ ) Moral judgements can only be
players listen, the knowledge they have. I admire it so much. judged true or false relative to a particular society. There are
( ⑤ ) And I feel the thrill of being part of something that’s no absolute moral judgements: they are all relative.
greater than the sum of its parts — being accepted as part of
the team.”

- 19 -
21-2 멕시코의 지형과 지리적 단절104) 22-1 거주지 결정 시 선호되는 항목107)

Each mountain valley is a sort of fastness where a small If green buildings and solar panels dot the landscape and
handful of oligarchs control local economic and political rooftops, all the better.

Shifting demographics, household structures, lifestyle

If the United States has one of the easiest geographies to preferences, and consumer values suggest a different built
develop, Mexico has one of the most difficult. ( ① ) The environment and urban fabric 30 years ahead compared with
entirety of Mexico is in essence the southern extension of the 30 years ago. ( ① ) More and more Americans, Australians,
and Europeans are choosing to live in settings where they are
Rocky Mountains, which is a kind way of saying that America’s
less dependent on their cars because reducing air pollution and
worst lands are strikingly similar to Mexico's best lands. ( ② )
energy use matters to them. ( ② ) A 2011 survey of more
As one would expect from a territory that is than two thousand adult Americans found seven times more
mountain-dominated, there are no navigable rivers and no large people said the neighborhood where a house is located is a
cohesive pieces of fertile land like the American Southeast or bigger consideration in deciding where to live than the size of
the Columbia valley, much less the Midwest. ( ③ ) Mexico the house. ( ③ ) Walking to restaurants, businesses, schools,
shouldn’t be thought of as a unified state, but instead as a and other amenities was the most appealing neighborhood
collage of dozens of little Mexicos where local power brokers feature for many respondents. ( ④ ) To many 20- and
constantly align with and against each other (and a national 30-somethings, walkable communities are equated with a
government seeking — often in vain — to stitch together downsized environmental footprint and energy efficiency, with
something more cohesive). ( ④ ) In its regional the added benefit of burning calories during everyday activities.
disconnectedness, Mexico is a textbook case that countries with ( ⑤ ) Notes one economist with the Urban Land Institute,
the greatest need for capital-intensive infrastructure are typically “Energy efficiency is becoming the new granite countertops; it’s
the countries with the lowest ability to generate the capital a necessary feature to sell the property.”
necessary to build that infrastructure.
22-2 환경 쇠퇴의 주요 원인으로서의 천연자원 소비108)
21-3 바닷물을 마시는 것의 위험성105)
Indeed, rich people and rich countries have a
disproportionate impact on the natural environment
In pre-Columbian times, the greatest fear of venturing too
because they consume a disproportionately large share of
far from land on the ocean was not falling off the surface the world’s natural resources.
of the Earth but lack of fresh drinking water.

In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency of

When Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote the words, “Water, water economists, scientists, and politicians to shift the focus from
everywhere, but not a drop to drink” in The Rime of the population growth to consumption as the more important
Ancient Mariner in 1798, the dangers of drinking seawater had underlying driver of biodiversity loss. ( ① ) For many, the
been known for thousands of years. ( ① ) Seawater does emphasis on consumption avoids politically charged topics, such
indeed make men mad. ( ② ) Historical evidence indicates the as population control, which most people oppose on ethical or
ancient Egyptians knew seawater was not potable, but the moral grounds, and because it is associated with divisive topics
earliest realization that it was unsafe to drink has been lost to such as xenophobia, racism, and eugenics. ( ② ) Others
antiquity. ( ③ ) From a human perspective, the oceans, which highlight that it is not the number of people per se, but how
cover 70% of Earth's surface, are still the most extensive and natural resources are consumed that is the main cause of
unique desert wildernesses on the planet. ( ④ ) Saltwater environmental decline. ( ③ ) To use one example, the USA
constitutes 97% of Earth's water, and of the 3% that is fresh, accommodates only 5% of the world’s human population but
two-thirds is frozen in glaciers and polar ice. ( ⑤ ) Thus, a uses 25% of the world’s harvested natural resources each
year. ( ④ ) In fact, decorative Christmas lights in the USA
mere 1% of all the water on the planet (in lakes and rivers,
alone use more energy than the annual energy usage of the
groundwater, and the atmosphere) is fresh and can be used
entirety of Ethiopia or Tanzania. ( ⑤ ) And yet, the average
by terrestrial plants and animals. USA citizen uses less than half of the energy that an average
citizen of Qatar uses, Qatar being a small but wealthy Middle
Eastern country.
22-G 배달용 운송 수단으로서의 자전거106)
22-3 환경 문제에 대한 인식을 높이는 영화109)
The latter have the potential to become a preferred
‘last-mile’ vehicle, particularly in high-density and congested Such exposure can even lead to environmentally conscious
areas. behavioural changes.

Urban delivery vehicles can be adapted to better suit the Movies featuring wonderful natural landscapes and charismatic
density of urban distribution, which often involves smaller wildlife often increase the desire of moviegoers to visit natural
vehicles such as vans, including bicycles. ( ① ) In locations areas where they can see these landscapes and animals
where bicycle use is high, such as the Netherlands, delivery first-hand. ( ① ) But they can also raise awareness of
environmental issues in new audiences. ( ② ) While many
bicycles are also used to carry personal cargo (e.g. groceries).
documentaries are created with this purpose in mind, such
( ② ) Due to their low acquisition and maintenance costs,
benefits can also extend to blockbuster movies meant for
cargo bicycles convey much potential in developed and broader audiences. ( ③ ) For example, Disney’s Happy Feet
developing countries alike, such as the becak (a three-wheeled (2006) highlighted the threat of overfishing and plastic pollution
bicycle) in Indonesia. ( ③ ) Services using electrically assisted to penguins; The Jungle Book (2016) exposed audiences to the
delivery tricycles have been successfully implemented in France endangered pangolins. ( ④ ) For example, moviegoers were
and are gradually being adopted across Europe for services as willing to donate 50% more money to climate mitigation after
varied as parcel and catering deliveries. ( ④ ) Using bicycles watching the apocalyptic movie The Day After Tomorrow
as cargo vehicles is particularly encouraged when combined (2004). ( ⑤ ) Perhaps, in part, due to the influence of
with policies that restrict motor vehicle access to specific areas environmentally-orientated movies, an increasing number of
of a city, such as downtown or commercial districts, or with the movie stars (and other celebrities) have started using their
extension of dedicated bike lanes. stardom as a platform from where they promote biodiversity
conservation efforts in Africa.

- 20 -
23-G 식물의 적응 반응 조정110) 23-3 볼링공의 각도 변화113)

Research in this area has shown that plants are From then on, within a fraction of a second, skittles start
constantly aware of their position in the environment, in falling in different directions, sometimes hitting others as
terms of both space and time. they fall.

Plants show finely tuned adaptive responses when nutrients are However skilled you may be at bowling, there will always be
limiting. Gardeners may recognize yellow leaves as a sign of minute changes in the angle at which you release the ball that
poor nutrition and the need for fertilizer. ( ① ) But if a plant
will be magnified as the ball travels the length of the lane.
does not have a caretaker to provide supplemental minerals, it
can proliferate or lengthen its roots and develop root hairs to ( ① ) As it strikes, the first skittle falls back either slightly to
allow foraging in more distant soil patches. ( ② ) Plants can the right or the left, and the ball is deflected slightly in the
also use their memory to respond to histories of temporal or other direction. ( ② ) The differences in the final arrangement
spatial variation in nutrient or resource availability. ( ③ ) Plants of skittles each time are difficult to predict from the slight
that have experienced variable nutrient availability in the past variation of angle as the ball leaves the bowler’s hand. ( ③ )
tend to exhibit risk-taking behaviors, such as spending energy Even those who can achieve strike after strike actually achieve
on root lengthening instead of leaf production. ( ④ ) In a different strike every time, for the skittles will never fall in
contrast, plants with a history of nutrient abundance are risk exactly the same way twice.
averse and save energy. ( ⑤ ) At all developmental stages,
plants respond to environmental changes or unevenness so as
to be able to use their energy for growth, survival, and
reproduction, while limiting damage and nonproductive uses of
their valuable energy.

23-1 개미의 겉모습과 생활 방식111) 24-1 각성의 원천인 관중114)

In contrast, ants that forage and nest in leaf litter have As a consequence, onlookers can only worsen the
shorter legs and antennae, alongside small eyes. performance of a beginner.

Many aspects of an ant's appearance have likely evolved to Spectators are seen as a source of drive arousal. This
meet a specific lifestyle requirement, although the extent to heightened state of arousal is presumed to facilitate the
which this is true has not been fully explored for all aspects of performance of well-learned or simple skills. ( ① ) However, if
its body structure. ( ① ) Adaptations could be due to a skill is not well-learned or complex, the increase in arousal
environment, available food, or predators. ( ② ) Long legs and will interfere with its performance. ( ② ) The underlying notion
large eyes are commonly seen in ground-foraging ants that is that an increase in drive arousal favors the emission of the
need to move quickly to avoid predators in open ground or be performer's dominant responses. ( ③ ) In the case of a skilled
the first to acquire a food resource. ( ③ ) This makes sense performer, her dominant responses are presumed to be largely
in the dark environment of leaf litter where moving through “correct” ones. Her performance stands to be improved with an
small spaces is easier with a compact body plan. ( ④ ) Based audience present. ( ④ ) In a case where the performer is still
on the unique combination of body size measurements, struggling to master a skill, incorrect responses are present in
scientists can predict where an ant nests and forages or even abundance and are thereby presumed to be dominant
what kind of food it eats. ( ⑤ ) Predators have longer, flatter responses. ( ⑤ ) Hence, the performer’s level of skill and the
mandibles, while omnivores — those eating a diverse range of complexity of the skill itself will determine whether an audience
foods — have shorter, curved mandibles. helps or hinders a performance.

23-2 대왕 문어112) 24-2 운동에 필요한 단백질의 양115)

Here, the octopus can take refuge from predators — So when you exercise, you don’t need to change the
seals, sharks, and other large fishes — too big to slip composition of the food (i.e.,consuming foods with higher
through the den mouth. concentrations of protein or consuming protein powders).

The largest species of octopus in the world, the giant Pacific Athletes do require more protein (and all nutrients) than
octopus, usually grows to about 3 m in length and weighs up sedentary people, but there is no evidence that they require a
to 272 kg. It lives on the rim of the North Pacific Ocean, higher percentage of protein compared to other macronutrients
where it crawls about on the bottom, using its long, in their diet to perform more optimally. ( ① ) To put it another
sucker-covered arms. ( ① ) It seeks out rocky dens on the way, a diet with 10 percent protein is sufficient for most
seabed; youngsters will often dig holes under rocks in sand. people, athlete and nonathlete alike. ( ② ) If an average adult
( ② ) Foraging mainly at night, this giant octopus looks female eats 2,000 calories, 10 percent is 200 calories from
especially for crabs and lobsters, but also takes shrimp and protein. If an average female athlete eats 3,000 calories, 10
shellfish, smaller octopuses, and fishes. ( ③ ) Often it will percent is 300 calories from protein — that’s a 50 percent
return to its den to feed, depositing empty shells and other increase in protein achieved by simply eating more of the
inedible fragments of prey in piles at the entrance. ( ④ ) Like same foods. ( ③ ) You just need to eat more of the same
its relatives, this octopus mostly lives alone, except for a brief foods. The increased athletic activity will work up your hunger
period when adults come together for mating. ( ⑤ ) The drive. ( ④ ) In response, you will consume more protein as
female lays her eggs in a den, and will tend them until her well as nutrients of all types. ( ⑤ ) This works well since
young emerge. She will not feed in all this time — and will die physical activity likely requires more of all nutrients, not just
soon after her young emerge. protein.

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24-3 오래된 수작업 기술에서 얻는 즐거움116) 25-2 공간을 정의하는 건축적 특성119)

Both needlework tools and those of hobby woodworking The unique oval shape of this splendid room makes it
have undergone this transition, to name only two of many memorable and gives it a special importance without being
possible examples. ostentatious.

Once production shifts to industrial methods, the leisure Architectural spaces become memorable through the
consumer is free to seek pleasure in the older handcraft architectural characteristics that define them. Qualities of scale,
technology. ( ① ) Typically, the technology itself enters one or appropriateness for people, aesthetics, and visual impact are
more paths to pleasure as the market recognizes hobby among the many components that give a place its character
demand: tools and materials are designed for comfort, beauty, and feel. ( ① ) The purpose of a space can make it a place.
and satisfaction. ( ② ) Fountain pens, considered obsolete as ( ② ) The Oval Office in the White House is a good example
of a place with enormous historic significance. ( ③ )
a production technology for writing, are selling at four-figure
Incidentally, George Washington had two rooms at Mount
prices to people who simply enjoy the process of forming
Vernon altered to include bowed ends so he could greet
words with ink on paper and are willing to pay a premium for
guests while standing in the middle as they circled around him.
the pleasure. ( ③ ) In the 1950s, the late Shelby Foote
( ④ ) Thomas Jefferson designed two oval meeting rooms in
reportedly wrote his three-volume 1.5-million-word history of the the main floor of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia.
Civil War with a dip pen, eschewing the then-dominant writing ( ⑤ ) Oval rooms were seen as being democratic because no
technologies — the manual typewriter and the fountain pen — person could be placed at a more important position in the
thereby lending a new meaning to the term “belletristic history.” room than anyone else.

25-G 피아니스트이자 작가였던 Charles Rosen117) 25-3 큐레이터의 역할120)

Rosen was also the author of many widely admired books But they may also regularly favour certain artists, or types
about music. of work, at the expense of others.

Charles Rosen, a virtuoso pianist and distinguished writer, was Museum and gallery exhibitions are ‘hired’ by or co-produced
born in New York in 1927. Rosen displayed a remarkable with other galleries; it is not uncommon for shows to be 'on
talent for the piano from his early childhood. In 1951, the year the road’ for two years or longer. ( ① ) Normally they are
he earned his doctoral degree in French literature at Princeton curated by one or more people, whose role includes
University, Rosen made both his New York piano debut and researching the exhibition concept, the selection (or
his first recordings. ( ① ) To glowing praise, he appeared in commissioning) of work, planning how the work will be hung
numerous recitals and orchestral concerts around the world. within the exhibition space and writing a significant part of any
( ② ) Rosen’s performances impressed some of the 20th accompanying book or catalogue. ( ② ) The power of the
century’s most well-known composers, who invited him to play curator, operating regionally, nationally or internationally, has
their music. ( ③ ) His most famous book, The Classical Style, been questioned. ( ③ ) Of course, curators take initiatives
which contribute to the exposure of work. ( ④ ) Furthermore, it
was first published in 1971 and won the U.S. National Book
has been suggested that curators often act more as ‘creators’,
Award the next year. ( ④ ) This work, which was reprinted in
putting together themed exhibitions which, however relevant and
an expanded edition in 1997, remains a landmark in the field.
interesting, serve as much to advance themselves as to
( ⑤ ) While writing extensively, Rosen continued to perform as
showcase the work of artists. ( ⑤ ) Indeed, all exhibitions and
a pianist for the rest of his life until he died in 2012. collections reflect the particular interests of their curators and
archivists as well as the mission statement, priorities and terms
of reference of particular organisations.

25-1 예술적 사고에 도움이 되는 스트레스118) 26-G 창의성의 영역 간 활용121)

This does not mean that one must be in discomfort to However, development of creative ability in one domain
make art, but stress can be channeled into a creative may enhance effectiveness in other domains that require
force if it produces a sense of inquisitiveness and an similar skills, and flexible switching between generality and
incentive for change. specificity is helpful to productivity in many domains.

Responding to life with joy and sorrow is part of being human. Certain hindrances to multifaceted creative activity may lie in
( ① ) At times when pain and suffering are inescapable, it is premature specialization, i.e., having to choose the direction of
important to remember that this is part of the process by which education or to focus on developing one ability too early in life.
we acquire knowledge. ( ② ) Thinking through making pictures ( ① ) Excessive specificity may result in information from
can allow us to place our distress in context. ( ③ ) The outside the domain being underestimated and unavailable,
images we make can help us understand its source, catalog its which leads to fixedness of thinking, whereas excessive
scope, adapt ourselves to its presence, and devise ways to generality causes chaos, vagueness, and shallowness. ( ② )
control it. ( ④ ) There are things in life, once called wisdom, Both tendencies pose a threat to the transfer of knowledge and
which we have to discover for ourselves by making our own skills between domains. ( ③ ) What should therefore be
private journeys. ( ⑤ ) Stress can be directed to open up optimal for the development of cross-domain creativity is
possibilities for intelligent and imaginative inquiries and solutions support for young people in taking up creative challenges in a
that otherwise might have been ignored, overlooked, or refuted. specific domain and coupling it with encouragement to apply
knowledge and skills in, as well as from, other domains,
disciplines, and tasks.

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26-1 적성의 다양성122) 27-G 이민자의 문화적 정체성 유지125)

A hundred students attending a lecture on a topic they Eventually, these immigrants transformed this country with
knew nothing about beforehand will all walk away with significant changes that included enlightenment and
different amounts and kinds of learning, and aptitude for acceptance of diversity.
that particular content and that particular teaching method
is one important factor in explaining these differences.
The need to assimilate values and lifestyle of the host culture
has become a growing conflict. Multiculturalists suggest that
A significant challenge arises when we ask whether there is there should be a model of partial assimilation in which
any such thing as general aptitude. ( ① ) Many people are immigrants retain some of their customs, beliefs, and language.
terrific at calculus but couldn’t write a good essay or paint a ( ① ) There is pressure to conform rather than to maintain
good picture if their lives depended on it. ( ② ) Some people their cultural identities, however, and these conflicts are greatly
can walk into a room full of strangers and immediately figure determined by the community to which one migrates. ( ② )
out the relationships and feelings among them; others may These experiences are not new; many Europeans experienced
never learn this skill. ( ③ ) As Will Rogers put it, ''Everybody exclusion and poverty during the first two waves of immigration
is ignorant, only on different topics.“ ( ④ ) Clearly, individuals in the 19th and 20th centuries. ( ③ ) People of color,
vary in their aptitude for learning any specific type of however, continue to struggle for acceptance. ( ④ ) Once
knowledge or skill taught in a specific way. ( ⑤ ) But would again, the challenge is to recognize that other cultures think
the students who learned the most in this class also learn the and act differently and that they have the right to do so. ( ⑤ )
most if the lecture were on a different topic or if the same Perhaps, in the not too distant future, immigrants will no longer
material were presented through hands-on experiences or in be strangers among us.
small groups?

26-2 학생의 발전 노력에 대한 보상123) 27-1 언어마다 다른 공간 개념에 대한 인식126)

In this circumstance, neither high achievers nor low One example comes from the Tenejapa Tzeltal of Mexico:
achievers are likely to exert their best efforts. Their language uses no relative frame of reference and
therefore has no terms for spatial reference that would
correspond to left,right,front, and back.
One implication of expectancy theory is that even though all
students should have a chance to be rewarded if they do their
best, no student should have an easy time achieving the Some assumptions that notions of space (that is, a
maximum reward. ( ① ) This principle is violated by traditional three-dimensional area in which events and objects occur and
grading practices, because some students find it easy to earn have relative direction and position) are universal — are being
A’s and B’s, whereas others believe that they have little reexamined. ( ① ) Stephen Levinson showed that "systems of
chance of academic success no matter what they do. ( ② ) spatial reckoning and description can in fact be quite divergent
This is one reason why it is important to reward students for across cultures, linguistic differences correlating with distinct
effort, for doing better than they have done in the past, or for cognitive tendencies.“ ( ② ) More specifically, languages vary
making progress, rather than only for getting a high score. in their use of spatial concepts and, in some instances,
( ③ ) For example, students can build a portfolio of determine the cognitive categories relating to space concepts;
compositions, projects, reports, or other work and can then see also, the speakers of a number of languages do not use
how their work is improving over time. ( ④ ) Not all students spatial terms corresponding to the bodily coordinates of
are equally capable of achieving high scores, but all are left-right and front-back. ( ③ ) Although terms exist for left
equally capable of exerting effort, exceeding their own past hand and right hand, they do not extend to other parts of the
performance, or making progress, so these are often better, body or to areas external to it.
more equally available criteria on which to base reward.

26-3 정체성을 형성하는 청소년기124) 27-2 언어의 보편성127)

But adolescence marks the first time that a conscious Even the sequence of words does not vary as widely as it
effort is made to answer the now-pressing question: “Who could: Steven Pinker says that there are 128 possible
am I?” orderings of the main parts of a sentence, but most
languages use one of only two of those possibilities.

As students move into adolescence, they are developing

capabilities for abstract thinking and understanding the Languages are far more similar than had previously been
perspectives of others. Even greater physical changes are thought, and that universality suggests that the human brain is
taking place as the students approach puberty. ( ① ) So, with designed to understand the world in certain ways, which may
developing minds and bodies, young adolescents must confront also correspond to the structure of reality. ( ① ) Thus, all
the central issue of constructing an identity that will provide a languages have nouns and verbs, modifiers (adverbs and
firm basis for adulthood. They have been developing a sense adjectives), and names and pronouns. ( ② ) Languages may
of self since infancy. ( ② ) The conflict defining this stage is differ as to the sequence of words in a sentence (e.g., verb in
identity versus role confusion. ( ③ ) Identity refers to the the middle or at the end), but sentences are always used.
organization of an individual’s drives, abilities, beliefs, and ( ③ ) Crucially, most languages seem to have an almost
history into a consistent image of self. ( ④ ) It involves identical list of concepts, and as a result nearly all words and
deliberate choices and decisions, particularly about work, sentences can be translated effectively from one language into
values, ideology, and commitments to people and ideas. ( ⑤ ) another.
If adolescents fail to integrate all these aspects and choices, or
if they feel unable to choose at all, role confusion threatens.

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27-3 작품 양식과 비평128) 28-2 인간의 정보망에의 종속131)

These same critics will support the inclusion of the writer In a relatively short time frame, we quickly transitioned
in the canon, to promote the importance of their own from the internet to the internet of things and now the
criticism. “You of Things,” a concept that sees our bodies as part
of an enormous sentient digital network, and our entire
existence downgraded to the status of our smart TVs and
Some performers manipulate the style of their product to shift refrigerator.
the incentives of critics to pay attention. ( ① ) Richard Posner
cites Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Kafka as
figures who owe part of their reputation to the puzzling and How much time are we spending not truly connected to other
perhaps even contradictory nature of their writings. ( ② ) things or people, in the analogue or real sense of the word?
Unclear authors, at least if they have substance and depth, ( ① ) Not much. We have turned ourselves into human
receive more attention from critics and require more textual wearables, attached to our phones nonstop, with additional
interpretation. ( ③ ) Individual critics can establish their own sensors from our smart watches and Al assistant devices, while
reputations by studying such a writer and by promoting one we patiently await to upload our memories, fantasies, and
interpretation of that writer’s work over another. ( ④ ) In effect, consciousness to the cloud. ( ② ) Since our selves have been
deep and ambiguous writers are offering critics implicit largely reduced to the digital fragments of our reputation
invitations to serve as coauthors of a broader piece of work. captured in the many devices that connect us to others and
( ⑤ ) Critics respond by examining these works more closely the world, it is hard to disagree with Yuval Harari’s argument
and spreading their fame more widely. that “we are becoming tiny chips inside a giant data-processing
system that nobody really understands.

28-G 소프트웨이 복잡성 증가의 영향129)

28-3 인터넷의 발전으로 인한 정보 편식 해소132)
This is the basis for all malware attacks that take
advantage of these computer bugs to get the code to do That was about it. We were all beholden to the views of
something it was not originally intended to do. a very few people.

The growing complexity of computer software has direct Much alarm and handwringing have occurred over the idea that
implications for our global safety and security, particularly as the Internet allows you to lock yourself in an information bubble
the physical objects upon which we depend ― things like cars, and see only facts that support your views. ( ① ) I am sure
airplanes, bridges, tunnels, and implantable medical devices ― this happens, but it would do us good to remember the
transform themselves into computer code. ( ① ) Physical things alternative. ( ② ) In 1980, for instance, you got your daily
are increasingly becoming information technologies. ( ② ) Cars dose of information from your local paper and your choice of
are “computers we ride in,” and airplanes are nothing more any of three network news shows, which ran for an hour, all
than “flying Solaris boxes attached to bucketfuls of industrial
covering the same basic stories. ( ③ ) The Internet allows
control systems.” ( ③ ) As all this code grows in size and
every statement to be fact-checked, every falsehood challenged.
complexity, so too do the number of errors and software bugs.
Anything you want to know is just a few keystrokes and a few
( ④ ) According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University,
clicks away. ( ④ ) Well over 100,000 web searches are
commercial software typically has twenty to thirty bugs for
every thousand lines of code ― 50 million lines of code means performed each second, and at their heart, they each represent
1 million to 1.5 million potential errors to be exploited. ( ⑤ ) a person who wants to know something they don’t currently
As computer code grows more elaborate, software bugs flourish know. ( ⑤ ) It is the great democratization of knowledge,
and security suffers, with increasing consequences for society which is an unquestionably good thing.
at large.

28-1 데이터와 알고리즘에 의한 편향된 정보130) 29-G 자산으로서의 스트레스 반응133)

In addition, a growing number of algorithms make You can apply this strategy in your own life anytime you
automated decisions on which content to recommend for notice signs of stress.
people to read.

Viewing the stress response as a resource can transform the

The proliferation of data brings with it many challenges for both physiology of fear into the biology of courage. ( ① ) It can
reporting and consuming information. Social networks turn a threat into a challenge and can help you do your best
themselves are biased by their constituents, which never under pressure. ( ② ) Even when the stress doesn’t feel
exactly mirror the population at large. ( ① ) Certain ethnicities helpful ― as in the case of anxiety ― welcoming it can
are overrepresented, a significant challenge to social news as transform it into something that is helpful: more energy, more
an equalizer. ( ② ) Algorithms are generating top-news lists or confidence, and a greater willingness to take action. ( ③ )
hot trends and personalizing recommendations for readers. When you feel your heart beating or your breath quickening,
( ③ ) Algorithms leave the impression of being neutral, yet realize that it is your body’s way of trying to give you more
they are not. Algorithms are human creations. ( ④ ) They energy. ( ④ ) If you notice tension in your body, remind
encode political choices of their designers and have cultural yourself that the stress response gives you access to your
values baked in. As curatorial power is enhanced by automated strength. Sweaty palms? ( ⑤ ) Remember what it felt like to
systems, we should understand the biases at play. ( ⑤ ) go on your first date ― palms sweat when you’re close to
Perhaps more important, we should work to make sure product something you want.
engineers and designers are seeking to optimize the wanted
outcome — an informed public — not just heightened traffic.

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29-1 성장을 위한 취약성의 필요성134) 30-G 패션 산업에서 장소가 갖는 가치의 중요성137)

Probably the friend has not put himself or herself into a This resulted in a disconnect between consumers and the
state of vulnerable openness for a long time. products they use on a daily basis, a loss of
understanding and appreciation in the skills and resources
necessary to create these products, and an associated
Unfortunately, as we age, we tend to avoid vulnerability by disregard for the human and natural resources necessary
avoiding change, so our learning opportunities are reduced and for the products’ creation.
new learning slows. ( ① ) We’ve all had the experience of a
reunion with an old friend, when listening to them saying how
they’ve been, noticing how he or she has held onto some old Why is the value of place so important? ( ① ) From a
beliefs that we discarded long ago. ( ② ) Personal growth historical perspective, until the 1700s textile production was a
involves trying out new behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. ( ③ ) hand process using the fibers available within a particular
Trying out something makes us vulnerable to failure and geographic region, for example, cotton, wool, silk, and flax.
ridicule. When learning, we make mistakes, we look foolish — ( ② ) Trade among regions increased the availability of these
even absurd. ( ④ ) Who likes that? Willingness to take fibers and associated textiles made from the fibers. ( ③ ) The
chances in life, to try new experiences, challenges or activities First Industrial Revolution and subsequent technological
— even though the outcome is unsure — demands being advancements in manufactured fibers added to the fact that
vulnerable while doing so. ( ⑤ ) Open-mindedness is one of fibers and textiles were no longer “place-bound.” ( ④ ) Fashion
those activities that we must do deliberately, because we are companies created and consumers could acquire textiles and
naturally inclined to avoid the vulnerability it entails. products made from textiles with little or no connection to
where, how, or by whom the products were made. ( ⑤ )
Therefore, renewing a value on place reconnects the company
and the consumer with the people, geography, and culture of a
particular location.
29-2 기대가 아이들의 행동에 미치는 영향135)
30-1 인간의 창조물인 색깔138)
Another class, which also had been placing only 15
percent of its litter in wastebaskets, was repeatedly We now understand, as the Egyptians could only sense,
congratulated for being so neat and tidy. how thoroughly the two are connected.

Expectations influence children's behavior. After observing the The ancient Egyptian term for ‘colour’ was iwn — a word that
amount of litter in three classrooms. Richard Miller and also meant ‘skin’,‘nature’, ‘character’ and ‘being’, and was
colleagues had the teacher and others repeatedly tell one class represented in part by a hieroglyph of human hair. ( ① ) The
that they should be neat and tidy. ( ① ) This persuasion members of that civilization had noticed a striking resemblance
increased the amount of litter placed in wastebaskets from 15 between colours and humans. To them colours were just like
to 45 percent, but only temporarily. ( ② ) After 8 days of people — full of life, energy, power and personality. ( ② )
hearing this, and still 2 weeks later, these children were Colour, after all, is ultimately made by its perceivers. ( ③ )
fulfilling the expectation by putting more than 80 percent of Every hue we see around us is actually manufactured within us
their litter in wastebaskets. ( ③ ) Tell children they are — in the same grey matter that forms language, stores
hardworking and kind (rather than lazy and mean), and they memories, triggers emotions, shapes thoughts and gives rise to
may live up to their labels. ( ④ ) Tying the identity to the self consciousness. ( ④ ) Colour is a pigment of our imaginations
is important: Children who were asked to be “a helper” were that we paint all over the world. ( ⑤ ) Larger than any city,
more likely to help in later tasks than those asked to “help.” more sophisticated than any machine, more beautiful than any
( ⑤ ) When children think of themselves as tidy and helpful, painting, it might in fact be the greatest human creation of
they become tidy and helpful. them all.

30-2 Bentham의 팬옵티콘139)

29-3 관계의 관리136)
According to Bentham, even though this inspector could
Similarly, if only one person in a relationship is performing not observe every resident at every moment, simply
maintenance and the other is indifferent, their joint account knowing that they could be seen would be enough to
will also wind up with insufficient funds. make prisoners behave and keep workers and students on

If maintenance of a balance in a relationship requires much

work, why bother aiming for the middle ground? The wonderful Bentham, the eighteenth-century utilitarian philosopher who
thing about relationships is that with the proper maintenance, promoted the social benefits of mass surveillance, designed a
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. ( ① ) Ideally, panopticon, a circular building where those to be observed,
both members get support to realize their potential as whether prisoners, workers, patients, or students, were placed
individuals as well as realizing the potential of the team. ( ② ) in cells or rooms lined along an outside wall. ( ① ) An
If things go sour, the tremendous energy drain of an “inspector” sat in a booth at the center of the circle, unseen by
irreparably damaged relationship can also mean that the whole those being watched, but able to see them. ( ② ) The
is less than the sum of its parts. ( ③ ) Pooling resources — panopticon's physical design proved impractical, but the idea
as in a joint savings account — makes them optimally large. that behavior could be regulated by stripping away privacy lived
( ④ ) But if one person only deposits and the other person on. ( ③ ) Closed-circuit television both on our streets and
only withdraws, checks are going to start bouncing. ( ⑤ ) inside public and private spaces is the modern, subtle, and
Overdraft protection might cover everyday necessities, but it more practical version 2.0 of that first architectural panopticon.
won’t help when something big comes around.

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30-3 공유 경제140) 31-2 질환에 대해 지나치게 광범위한 개념화 경향143)

All these new changes and beliefs have created a sharing These conditions do not necessarily have the requisite
practice named “sharing economy” in which individuals clear-cut symptomatology and underlying biological
share their resources with others through online networks pathology.
and promote the culture of collaborative consumption.

In medical sociology, a disease is considered an adverse

The mode of consumption has been changing from ownership physical state consisting of a physiological dysfunction within an
to access during recent years because of the shift in individual, as compared to illness or sickness. In actual
consumers’ perception of value and the advancement of practice, the term disease is applied rather liberally to a wide
technology. ( ① ) With the advent of online platforms that has variety of conditions that do not precisely fit the definition.
made unlimited number of tangible and intangible resources ( ① ) One of the more controversial areas relates to mental
accessible, ownership has lost its value in the consumers’ illness. It could be argued that many, if not most, mental
mind. ( ② ) Consumers believe that access to resources is disorders would not be considered diseases under the definition
associated with fewer risks than ownership; for example, they above. ( ② ) The same could be said of other conditions that
believe that the potential financial and social loss is greater in have been identified as “diseases” at various times. Examples
the purchase of a product than in the free or fee-based access include alcoholism and drug abuse. ( ③ ) They are
to the product. ( ③ ) Sharing economy practices, which are nevertheless frequently treated as if they were diseases. ( ④ )
seen in different sectors, have become very popular and One explanation for this is clear: In order for a condition to be
started to disrupt traditional businesses. treated by the healthcare system, it must be identified as a
disease. ( ⑤ ) Therefore, there is a tendency toward an overly
broad conceptualization of disease.

31-G 진화에서 잠이 하는 역할141) 31-3 지적 발전에 미치는 영양 및 건강의 영향144)

This is particularly true since one aspect of sleep is Surprisingly, the test score gains are most pronounced in
decreased responsiveness to the environment. supposed culture-free tests such as the Raven's
Progressive Matrices. Participants born after 1990 scored
far better on these tests than did participants bom in
The role that sleep plays in evolution is still under study. ( ① ) 1940.
One possibility is that it is an advantageous adaptive state of
decreased metabolism for an animal when there are no more
pressing activities. ( ② ) This seems true for deeper states of
Worldwide increases in IQ scores of about 3 points per decade
inactivity such as hibernation during the winter when there are
few food supplies, and a high metabolic cost to maintaining over the last 100 years illustrate the potential for intellectual
adequate temperature. ( ③ ) It may be true in daily situations development. ( ① ) This increase in IQ scores, known as the
as well, for instance for a prey species to avoid predators after Flynn effect, has occurred far too quickly to represent genetic
dark. ( ④ ) On the other hand, the apparent universality of changes. ( ② ) Improvements in nutrition and other health
sleep, and the observation that mammals such as cetaceans factors probably account for some of the change. ( ③ ) Using
have developed such highly complex mechanisms to preserve information from the World Health Organization, researchers
sleep on at least one side of the brain at a time, suggests that have identified strong correlations between a nation’s freedom
sleep additionally provides some vital service(s) for the from serious infectious diseases and its citizens’ average IQ
organism. ( ⑤ ) If sleep is universal even when this potential scores. ( ④ ) As nations become wealthier and more capable
price must be paid, the implication may be that it has of battling disease, their citizens’ IQ scores increase. ( ⑤ )
important functions that cannot be obtained just by quiet,
This change might reflect an improvement in the ability to
wakeful resting.
manage dissimilar items that accompanies living in a modern
31-1 환자의 감정적 영역에 대한 임상의의 관심142)

But just as important is the knowledge of how illness can

impact patient emotions.

Skilled clinicians pride themselves in their knowledge of

diseases and treatments. ( ① ) Having an extensive command
of anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, and the latest
evidence-based breakthroughs is critical to providing competent
care. ( ② ) And although there is certainly room for individual
variation, typical emotional reactions can often be anticipated.
( ③ ) Having a sense of the normal emotions that accompany
phases and stages of illness allows clinicians to think about
how to incorporate the emotional domain into patient
assessments and plans of care. ( ④ ) Working with patients’
emotions, from a place of understanding and acceptance,
allows the clinician to skillfully address the emotions in a
manner that best serves the patients’ needs.

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32-1 업무 생산성 향상을 위한 작업 계획 수립 요청145) 32-4 감정에 대처하는 방법148)

To get started, we would like you to meet with your team But if I let the weather determine what I can get done, I’ll
to discuss this assignment. Following the discussion, you forever be at the mercy of something I can’t control.
should outline your thoughts on how to proceed and
create a work plan.
If we think about our feelings as being part of us but not all
that we are, then our feelings can feel more manageable.
We are currently facing the challenge of maintaining our ( ① ) This idea is captured in this metaphor: you are the blue
competitive edge in the rapidly evolving market environment. sky; your feelings are the weather. ( ② ) If you are the blue
( ① ) Therefore, the management team and I would like you sky and your feelings are the weather, then just as the worst
to explore ways to address this challenge. ( ② ) Specifically, hurricane or tornado can’t damage the blue sky, and it
we are looking for a 25% increase in maintenance productivity eventually ends, your feelings can’t damage you, and eventually
within your work groups over the next three months. ( ③ ) I they will pass. ( ③ ) Sometimes we just have to wait out the
would like to see your plan and review it with you in two storm. Does that mean it’s fun to live through a tornado or a
weeks. ( ④ ) This is a very important undertaking for our rainstorm? Of course not! ( ④ ) Is it easier to live your life
department and for the company. ( ⑤ ) The management when it's sunny and 80 degrees Fahrenheit compared to when
team and I look forward to seeing the innovative solutions you it’s rainy and stormy? Of course! ( ⑤ ) Our job is to make
devise. Your contributions are invaluable to our success. Thank space for our feelings, to be the blue sky, so we don’t have to
you. engage in unhealthy habits to cope with our feelings and we
can continue to do the things that matter to us.

32-2 팔찌를 사게 된 Kira146) 32-5 인종 간 차이에 대한 증거의 부재149)

By then, Kira’s mother returned from the market and had A reader new to this topic might therefore be surprised to
a few words with the seller before paying for the bangles. learn that there is zero evidence that genetics explains
racial differences in outcomes like education.

Kira was playing with her doll when she heard a voice singing.
“Churi,churi. Little girls, come and see.” ( ① ) Kira ran to the In the lecture on memory, I ask my students to remember a
window and saw a bangle seller with a basket on his head. list of words. It includes words like “dream” and “bed.” Then I
( ② ) He saw Kira and said, “Come little girl, come and buy ask them to write down the words they remember. ( ① )
some churis:’ She wanted to buy some, but she couldn't, Invariably, they (mis)remember hearing the word “sleep” even
because her mother had gone to the local market and there though I never said the word “sleep.” ( ② ) The idea of
was no one there to give her money. ( ③ ) Kira’s heart sank “sleep” is activated in the brain because other words in the
at the thought of not being able to buy bangles. When she same semantic network, words that have been associated with
told the seller about her situation, he said, “Come and choose sleep through constant repetition, have also been activated.
them at least. I’ll take the money some other day.” ( ④ ) After ( ③ ) The word “sleep” is retrieved as if it were really heard.
thinking for a while, Kira went down. The bangle seller asked, When people hear "bed,” they cannot help but hear “sleep.”
“Child,which colour do you like best?” “Orange,” said Kira and ( ④ ) When people hear “genes” or “intelligence” they cannot
she selected some bangles. ( ⑤ ) Kira was so glad. The help but hear “race.” ( ⑤ ) Currently, stories about genetically
sound of the bangles hitting each other sounded like music to rooted racial differences in the complex human traits relevant
her. She hummed her way back to her room. for social inequality in modem industrialized economies — traits
like persistence and conscientiousness and creativity and
abstract reasoning 一 are just that. They are stories.
32-3 생태계 서비스의 상품화147)
32-6 수학적 모델과 생물학적 사실150)
However, many ecosystem services are inherently
non-excludable and non-rival and therefore cannot and He identified their symptoms as ‘a facility for exposition, a
should not be commodified. creative and restless imagination, an aversion to the
laboratory, and an indomitable dislike for concrete science
and seemingly unimportant data’.
There has been an effort by some economists to commodify
ecosystem services, which refer to benefits and resources that
humans obtain from natural ecosystems. Some ecosystem Simplifying a problem is what opens it up to mathematical
services are rival, such as the waste absorption capacity for analysis, so inevitably some biological details get lost in
greenhouse gases, so rationing is necessary. ( ① ) Making translation from the real world to the equations. ( ① ) As a
rationing possible requires excludable property rights, for result, those who use mathematics are frequently criticized as
example, through auctionable emission permits. ( ② ) If being too disinterested in those details. ( ② ) In his 1897 book
emissions are limited to absorption capacity and equitably Advice for a Young Investigator. Santiago Ramon y Cajal (the
distributed, commodification can be both sustainable and just. father of modem neuroscience) wrote about these
( ③ ) They should also not be ignored. Public services serve reality-avoiding theorists in a chapter entitled ‘Diseases of the
all members of the human community; economists recognize Will’. ( ③ ) Cajal also complained about the theorist's
that these services are ill-suited to commodification and market preference for beauty over facts. ( ④ ) Biologists study living
allocation. ( ④ ) Ecosystem services should not be defined as things that are abundant with specific traits and subtle
nature’s benefits to people, but rather as fund-services that exceptions to any rule. ( ⑤ ) Mathematicians — driven by
benefit all members of the biotic community, not simply simplicity, elegance and the need to make things manageable
humans. ( ⑤ ) Ecosystem services in general are an even — silence that abundance when they put it into equations.
worse fit for commodification than public services.

- 27 -
32-7 인간 규범의 본질151) 32-13 스포츠 팀 간의 건실한 경쟁상의 균형의 중요성154)

Frequently, this means the entire rest of our local group, Ironically, in order to remain successful, leagues and
or at least a majority of it. competitions need as many of their clubs to be
competitive as possible. When the outcome of a match is
highly predictable, it will not attract large crowd numbers
It’s important to distinguish what humans are doing, in following and eventually it will reduce ticket, media and sponsorship
norms, from what other animals are doing in their related revenue.
patterns of behavior. An animal that decides not to pick a fight
is, in most cases, simply worried about the risk of getting
injured — not about some abstract “norm against violence.” In most business settings it is desirable to put competitors out
( ① ) Likewise, an animal that shares food with animals of business. Naturally, fewer competitors mean more available
outside of its group is typically just trying to get future customers. ( ① ) However, this is not always the case in
reciprocity — not following some “norm of food-sharing.” ( ② ) sport. In fact, sport organizations that compete in leagues
The incentives surrounding true norms are more complex. actually rely on the health of their competitors for their own
When we do something “wrong,” we have to worry about success. ( ② ) For example, fans are often more attracted to
reprisal not just from the wronged party but also from third a game where there is a close contest, and the winner is
parties. ( ③ ) Big strong Albert could easily steal from weak unknown in advance. ( ③ ) Dominating a league or
Bob without fearing trouble from Bob himself, but in human competition can be self-defeating, because the interest of fans
groups, Albert would then face punishment from the rest of the can fade. When it is difficult to predict who will win a match,
community. ( ④ ) Collective enforcement, then, is the essence sport leagues attract higher attendances and viewers. ( ④ ) It
of norms. ( ⑤ ) This is what enables the egalitarian political is important for sport that there is a healthy, competitive
order so characteristic of the forager lifestyle. balance between teams. ( ⑤ ) This leads to uncertainty about
who will win a contest, and encourages fans to watch.
32-8 Geoffrey Hinto의 신경망 연구152)
32-14 어린아이에게 반복적으로 노출되는 광고155)
In his subsequent research, he sought to create
interconnected layers of information using hardware and Children are showered with repeated exposure to
software, just as the human brain spreads information thousands of ads for hundreds of brands, and their
around its dense web of connected neurons. spongy, malleable brains are constantly taking this
information in.

Geoffrey Hinton was bom in England in 1947. ( ① ) He chose

to study psychology as an undergraduate at Cambridge The fact that the young brain is in a constant state of
because he wanted to explore his growing interest in neural absorption should give us pause. Regulations are in place to
networks. ( ② ) He quickly realized, however, that his prevent certain types of companies from marketing directly to
professors didn’t actually understand how neurons learned or children. ( ① ) These are good measures, but they also
computed. ( ③ ) While the science of the day could explain provide a false sense of security. Why? ( ② ) Just like with
the mechanics of electrical signals traveling from one neuron to language learning, young children don’t need ads explicitly
another, no one could offer Hinton a compelling explanation for directed at them to learn about a product, or the consumer
the emergence of intelligence from these billions of interactions. world in general. ( ③ ) Think about ads on websites, TV,
( ④ ) He felt certain he could better understand the workings mobile, and social media, and in video games. ( ④ ) In a
of the brain using tools from the growing field of artificial neural study, researchers discovered that kids are exposed to so
networks, so he went on to pursue a doctor’s degree in many ads that they will have memorized three hundred to four
artificial intelligence from the University of Edinburgh in 1972.ㅠ hundred brands before their tenth birthday. ( ⑤ ) Creepily,
( ⑤ ) Throughout his career, Hinton has held positions at children grow up forming relationships with a select number of
various institutions, including Carnegie Mellon University and the these brands that last well into the future, like friends you
University of Toronto. didn't know they had.

32-12 우주 이주의 난제153) 32-15 집단의 속성으로서의 협력하는 경향156)

But let's examine that choice, between biology and Crucially, this indicates that the tendency to cooperate is a
morality, on a global scale: What if preserving the human property not only of individuals but also of group.
species means eliminating or abandoning all other life on Cooperation depends on the rules governing the formation
Earth? of friendship ties.

From an evolutionary standpoint, ensuring the continuation of People often think that personality traits such as kindness are
our species (specifically, our genetic descendants) is the fixed. ( ① ) But our research with groups suggests something
meaning and purpose of life. ( ① ) But as intelligent animals, quite different: the tendency to be altruistic or exploitative may
who can make decisions based on morality rather than biology, depend heavily on how the social world is organized. ( ② ) So
we could ask whether preserving our genome is worth any if we took the same population of people and assigned them
cost. ( ② ) Individual humans can and occasionally do make to one social world, we could make them really generous to
the choice to sacrifice their own lives in order to save the lives one another, and if we put them in another sort of world, we
of other humans, or even non-human animals. ( ③ ) What if it could make them really mean or indifferent to one another.
means humankind exists only in a state of misery and ( ③ ) Good people can do bad things (and vice versa) simply
deprivation, in an eternally inhospitable and alien environment? as a result of the structure of the network which they belong
( ④ ) This is not to argue that space settlement will definitely to, regardless of the convictions they hold or that the group
result in these worst-case scenarios, but rather to ask whether shares. ( ④ ) It is not just a matter of being connected to
there is any imaginable case in which allowing or causing “bad” people; the number and pattern of social connections is
humans to become extinct is the more ethical choice. also crucial. ( ⑤ ) Aspects of the social suite, such as
cooperation and social networks, work together.

- 28 -
32-16 뜨거움과 차가움을 이용한 생리적 체계 강화157) 32-19 서로 다른 문화의 충돌160)

By getting outside of this comfort zone and stressing the But assuming that the dominant person or country has the
cellular functioning of the body either by using heat and right rules and the right way is, in itself, anathema to
cold in the same session or focusing on one temperature innovating. Self-satisfied people are not good innovators.
extreme, we strengthen our physiological systems.
When different cultures meet, whether at the societal level or in
the company, ideas about how things should be done often
Our natural survival instinct is to seek comfort in temperatures
clash. To resolve it, we typically make the assumption that
that keep us around 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22.2 ° others should change to be more like us. ( ① ) And we can
C). ( ① ) We lower our daily breathing rate, improve our enforce this view because we are in power 一 either as the
muscle tissue, and raise our threshold for handling stress. boss in an organization or as the dominant culture in a
( ② ) Evidence shows that we are at our best — physically country. ( ② ) So when you ask people to do something not
harder, mentally tougher, and spiritually sounder — after consistent with their cultural background, ask yourself whether
experiencing the same discomforts our early ancestors were you should be rethinking your assumptions about what works
exposed to every day. ( ③ ) The lack of temperature change best. ( ③ ) For example, free-flowing talk is usually considered
caused by indoor lifestyles and misalignment with nature has the hallmark of a good meeting. Everybody just jumps in
taken us far from our ancestorial upbringing, and it continues whenever they have a thought. ( ④ ) However, in some
to weaken the nervous system. ( ④ ) By intentionally placing cultures, this is considered rude and pushy, so some people
with excellent ideas may not speak up. ( ⑤ ) One solution
ourselves into the heat or cold, we become our best physically,
might be to strengthen their group skills but other methods are
mentally, and even spiritually.
to occasionally ask everyone to express an opinion in turn, ask
for ideas in writing, or table an idea on someone else’s behalf.

32-17 내적 모형과 불일치하는 가장 놀이158) 32-20 뉴런의 활동161)

Some of that information is present at a cognitive and It’s a bit like spreading a rumor in a neighborhood. Some
linguistic level. Much of it is at a deeper, sensory or of your neighboring neurons are excitatory and, like good
perceptual level. friends, want to help spread the word.

Suppose a child plays at make-believe. She barks, crawls on Like some strange alien creature extending tentacles, each
all fours, and says, “I’m a puppy!” In order to make the claim, neuron is simultaneously connected to up to thousands of other
her brain must construct the key proposition “I’m a puppy” as neurons. It is the combined activity of information coming in
that determines whether a neuron is active or not. ( ① ) When
well as contain the information that puppies bark and walk on
the sum of this activity reaches a tipping point, the neuron
all fours. ( ① ) And yet that information exists in a larger
fires, discharging a small chemical electrical signal and setting
context. Her brain contains a vast net of information, including off a chain reaction in its connections. ( ② ) In effect, each
“I’m not really a puppy,” “I’m making it up to play a game,” neuron is a bit like a microprocessor because it computes the
“I’m a little girl,” and so on. ( ② ) Her body schema is combined activity of all the other neurons it is connected to.
constructed automatically, beneath higher cognition, and it ( ③ ) Other neurons are inhibitory and basically tell you to
describes the physical layout of a human body, not a puppy shut up. ( ④ ) And every time the neuron has such a
body. ( ③ ) She sees her human hands in front of her, and conversation with its different neighbors or long-distance pals, it
the visual information confirms her human identity. ( ④ ) She remembers the message either to spread the word or be silent,
remembers eating breakfast cereal with a spoon, going to so that when the rumor comes round again, the neuron
school, reading a book 一 all human activities. ( ⑤ ) The responds with more certainty. ( ⑤ ) This is because the
claim “I’m a puppy” is a superficial proposition that is connections between the neurons have become strengthened
by repeatedly firing together.
inconsistent with her deepest internal models.
32-21 질료인과 동력인162)

32-18 관계 형성의 기반이 되는 사회적 기본 값159) If you think about it carefully, however, you will clearly see
that the cook and kitchen are different in some
But, as the saying goes, “genetics are not destiny”; the fundamental ways from the raw ingredients.
messages that your children get from you early in their
lives about how they should interact with others will
influence how their genetic predispositions will be Conventional economics uses the phrase "factors of production.“
expressed. Factors of production are the inputs into a production process
necessary to create any output. ( ① ) For example, when you
make a pizza, you need a cook, a kitchen with an oven, and
Your children establish their social comfort and skills early in the raw ingredients. ( ② ) The cook and kitchen are
their lives by observing you in your own social life and through approximately the same after making the pizza as before,
though just a bit more worn out. ( ③ ) The raw ingredients,
the social experiences they have. ( ① ) These first social
however, are used up, transformed first into the pizza itself,
experiences become the defaults that will guide and shape the then rapidly thereafter into waste. The cook and kitchen are
quality and quantity of their relationships throughout their lives. not physically embodied in the pizza, but the raw ingredients
( ② ) Genetics clearly has an influence on these defaults; are. ( ④ ) Thousands of years ago, Aristotle discussed this
research has demonstrated that children are bom with a certain important distinction and divided causation (factors) into
temperament, including where they lie on the continuum of material cause, that which is transformed, and efficient cause,
introversion to extraversion. ( ③ ) In this interaction of genes that which causes the transformation without itself being
and upbringing, your children will develop social defaults that transformed in the process. ( ⑤ ) Raw ingredients are the
trigger social ease, connectedness, and healthy relationships, or material cause, and the cook and kitchen are the efficient
social anxiety, loneliness, and dysfunctional relationships. cause.

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32-22 자녀 양육에 드는 경제적 비용의 분담163) 32-26~28 불안한 비올라 연주를 위한 조언166)

In about half of the world’s states, however, the full society Since Mary no longer had to worry about how she played,
assumes some of the responsibility for all costs of child rearing she felt free to throw herself into the role of Martha Katz
by giving direct grants to families with children. during the playing session. She not only looked confident,
relaxed, and dignified — she also played with bow control,
A society needs to raise children to replace its members who die, or accuracy, and fine phrasing.
the society would disappear over a couple of generations. ( ① ) One
could, therefore, think of the production of children as a positive
externality. ( ② ) Those who do not have children benefit from the Mary, a young violist, played a slow sarabande by Bach during
child-rearing labors of those who do; they enjoy a society of varied a presentation Theresa Adams made at the Music Educators
ages in which to live as they grow older, and a labor force of younger National Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The piece requires
people is available to support them in their retirement. ( ③ ) Should sustained control of the bow arm, a warm tone, and precise
all then share in the economic costs of raising the children? ( ④ ) In pitch. Being very shy, Mary was noticeably self-conscious
the United States, the cost of educating children is borne collectively playing before this large gathering of educators. While
through the system of public education, but most other costs of raising
rehearsing for the performance, she had a very hard time
children are treated as private costs of the parents. ( ⑤ ) These
grants are often pegged to the median income of workers in the controlling her anxiety. Mary had difficulty keeping her bow
country: the government might give 10 percent of the country's median from shaking, and her tone was thin and scratchy. ( ① )
income to any family with two children, for example. Theresa could see that Mary had a warm feeling for the music
she was playing but that she felt too inhibited to express it.
32-23 영장류의 추상적 관계형 추론 능력164) Theresa spoke to Mary privately for a few moments so that the
audience wouldn’t know what instruction she had given to
By generalizing this knowledge to new pairings, they could learn Mary. ( ② ) Theresa asked Mary who her favorite Bach violist
ever faster. was, and she replied that it was Martha Katz and she wanted
to play the sarabande like her. Theresa then instructed Mary to
Primates are capable of sophisticated forms of reasoning in naturalistic imagine there was a video camera above the stage taping her
settings, especially when their food 一 or position in the social performance. Theresa told Mary it didn’t matter whether she
hierarchy — is in danger. However, it is unclear how versatile their played out of tune or missed notes or had poor tone. ( ③ )
relational reasoning might be. In the 1940s, the primatologist Harry All that mattered was that she should look the way Martha
Harlow made an interesting discovery. In a series of experiments, Katz looked while playing Bach. Theresa told Mary the camera
monkeys learnt to choose between two visual objects, one of which was only recording the way she looked, and that her sound
was rewarded and one was not. ( ① ) Harlow noted with surprise would be replaced by a CD of her role model playing the
that each time the task was restarted with two entirely novel objects,
same piece. ( ④ ) She effectively “became” Martha Katz as
the monkeys learnt slightly faster. ( ② ) In fact, their performance
continued to accelerate over hundreds of new object sets, until she performed the Bach sarabande. The audience was shocked
eventually the monkeys could respond almost perfectly from the second by her playing and curious to know what instructions Theresa
trial onwards. ( ③ ) Harlow argued that over the course of repeated had given her that had produced such a marked effect. ( ⑤ )
pairings, the monkeys had learnt how to learn. ( ④ ) It seems that And Mary realized that although she had been imagining she
the monkeys learnt something abstract about the relations between the was Martha Katz, she was still the one playing the viola.
two stimuli in each pairing — that if one was rewarded, the other was
not. ( ⑤ ) Human children tested in a comparable fashion showed
the same ability.

32-24~25 기억에 영향을 끼치는 스키마165)

This demonstration thus illustrates the constructive nature of

remembering, and the effects of beliefs and attitudes on
recollection and understanding.

In the 1930s, the English psychologist Sir Frederic Bartlett proposed

that we gradually build up our knowledge of the world from events we
experience, and that these experiences are then clustered in organized
mental structures he called “schemata.” In turn, these schemata (or
“schemas”) are used to help us understand new experiences and form
frameworks in which to remember them. ( ① ) One potential
downside of this arrangement is that it is relatively difficult for us to
understand and remember information and events that do not fit our
current schemata. ( ② ) One of Bartlett’s classic demonstrations was
to present an unusual North American folktale to an English university
student to learn and recall. The student's written recall differed from
the original by being shorter and omitting a number of details. ( ③ )
This first student's written recall was then given to a second student to
learn and recall with the result that more unusual details were dropped
out of his reproduction, but other details were added, apparently to
make the story more coherent and comprehensible to English ears.
( ④ ) This procedure was repeated until a series of ten students had
learned the previous reproduction and produced their own versions. By
the end of the series, the reproductions were much shorter, the
supernatural details in the original had been lost, and the whole tale
was closer to the experience of English university students in the
1930s. ( ⑤ ) Gossip serves as a commonplace example that is
similar to Bartlett’s findings, with a story progressively changing as it
travels across tellings. To return to metaphors for a moment, human
memory is not like a tape recorder!

- 30 -
33-1 약사 직위 제안 거절167) 33-4 진리 추구와 도덕적 판단170)

Because I expect these costs to be substantial in the next But it may also be because the manner of pursuing that
two years, I have decided to accept this position. truth is dangerous or harmful, or simply morally wrong
independently of its consequences.

Dear Mr. Cole,

Thank you for your offer of the pharmacist position. ( ① ) The Sometimes pursuing the truth about some question would be
position is attractive to me because I have a strong passion for morally worse than not pursuing it. ( ① ) This may be
healthcare and a desire to make a positive impact on patients’ because, as in the case of nuclear weapons research, the
lives. ( ② ) As I indicated in our last interview, however, I was answer itself may prove dangerous or harmful. ( ② ) Consider
disappointed to learn that your company would not be in a the Nazi or Tuskegee experiments: it is not the information
position to reimburse tuition costs for my ongoing study toward pursued that is morally bad here, but the manner in which that
information is pursued. ( ③ ) And we need not resort to such
a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, currently a primary professional
dramatic cases. The National Institutes of Health and the
goal of mine. ( ③ ) On March 14, I was offered another
National Science Foundation heavily monitor contemporary
position by a company whose benefits package includes tuition
scientific research that involves any sort of experiment involving
reimbursement. ( ④ ) I sincerely appreciate the time you have
human subjects. ( ④ ) In cases where the only way in which
taken and the special interest you have shown in me during we can obtain certain scientific information is harmful to other
the interview. ( ⑤ ) Thank you again for your consideration. people, we generally feel — rightly — that the information is
Best regards, not worth pursuing, all things considered. ( ⑤ ) So in deciding
Julie Robinson whether to pursue a particular line of inquiry, we must first
determine whether pursuing that line might conflict with our
other values, moral or otherwise.
33-2 위험에 처한 Captain Hall168)
33-5 유년 시절 경험의 제한을 받는 희생자171)
He attached a heavy stone to its end and threw it into
the boat, pulling the boat to the shore. Are you a victim of your own restraints as well? Do you
not move beyond your four feet circle because you think
you are not allowed to? Be bold.
One day, Captain Hall, the famous Arctic explorer, went in a
small boat to visit a certain island which he wanted to explore.
The boat was fastened to a piece of rock on the shore. ( ① ) As parents, we spend countless hours debating on the
When he returned from his expedition, he discovered the tide freedoms we should allow our children. Too much freedom may
had risen and floated his boat, which was quite out of reach. lead to mischief while not enough may stifle their growth. How
( ② ) Captain Hall feared the extreme danger in which he was much should be allowed? I am always reminded of a circus
placed. The boat was the only connecting link between him elephant when in a discussion on freedom. ( ① ) When the
and the living world, and it was beyond his reach. What was elephant is a baby, it learns restriction by being tethered to a
to be done? ( ③ ) To swim towards the boat was out of the small stake with a four-foot piece of chain. ( ② ) The elephant
question in such a climate. He did the only thing that seemed is trained to know that its individual freedom is restricted to
that small four feet. ( ③ ) As the elephant grows stronger and
possible. ( ④ ) He unwound the thongs that fastened his boots
larger, it still thinks that it has no more freedom outside of
to create a line about twenty feet long. ( ⑤ ) It was with
those four feet. ( ④ ) Although the power to move that stake
unspeakable comfort that Captain Hall once more entered it
and run free is immense, it will not attempt to break the stake
and felt he was saved from inevitable starvation 一 saved by a
or the chains because of what it perceives as being able to.
shoe-string! ( ⑤ ) Step outside your circle and see if you can grow.
Without breakthroughs, there cannot be change.

33-3 새로운 과학 기술의 발전과 더불어 진화하는 법169) 33-6 인종 이데올로기172)

Consider, for example, the vast body of law which has The journalist asked why no one actually expressed what
grown up around the motor vehicle: there are regulations he believed to be an absolute truth: that black athletes
governing such matters as the construction and have a 'natural edge’.
maintenance of motor vehicles, the conduct of drivers on
the road and even where vehicles may be parked.
The most effective way to defuse racial ideology is to bring
people from different ethnic backgrounds together under
Think about the changes that have taken place in our world conditions that enable them to deal with one another as
over the past 100 years. ( ① ) The first to come to mind are individuals and discover that ideologies obscure important
probably the spectacular scientific and technological aspects of people and the realities of their lives. ( ① )
achievements of the past century — motor vehicles, aircraft, the However, this is difficult when teachers, coaches and employers
telephone, radio and TV, computers and genetic engineering. maintain a belief in the myth of black natural physical talent
( ② ) Each new development creates its own demand for legal and a lack of cognitive skills. ( ② ) Social scientist Ellis
change. ( ③ ) Indeed, almost half of the criminal cases tried Cashmore illustrates this with an experience of receiving a
by magistrates’ courts are directly related to the use of motor telephone call from a black journalist writing for a major
vehicles. ( ④ ) The increasing volume of traffic on the roads newspaper. ( ③ ) The very fact that a talented black journalist
and the resulting inexorable rise in traffic accidents have also believed this defective theory is evidence to its power and the
led to developments in the civil law, especially in the areas of difficulties in escaping expectations based on racial ideology.
( ④ ) When such myths maintain credibility in society, black
the law of tort and insurance.
people are regarded as unsuited to, or unwanted for, study,
work and other activities that demand mental rather than
physical skills.

- 31 -
33-7 협상의 기술173) 33-13 원격 근무를 통한 새로운 고용의 창출176)

Many would argue that these are common sales tricks Artificial intelligence (Al) algorithms play a key
similar to discount coupons, two-for-the-price-of-one offers, matchmaking role here by gathering and presenting the
“today only” sales, and extra-added-attraction elements. set of job opportunities a person sees.

Negotiators can make options more palatable by enhancing the Stay-at-home parents have new employment options in our
attractiveness of accepting them. ( ① ) This is a matter of internet economy. Over the last few decades many women
placing emphasis on the positive rather than the negative. have been self-employed. ( ① ) Such an arrangement gives
( ② ) In the language of traditional carrot-and-stick tactics for them greater flexibility over their hours and days of work. The
motivating workers, the approach should make the carrot more rise of remote work could further increase opportunities for
attractive rather than enlarging the stick. ( ③ ) Promises and them. ( ② ) Internet platforms such as Withinwork are
offers can be made more attractive in several ways: maximizing two-sided platforms as workers seeking employment post their
the attractive qualities and minimizing the negative ones, resumes and employers seeking workers post their tasks.
showing how the offer meets the other party’s needs, reducing ( ③ ) I set up my profile on Withinwork and was impressed
the disadvantages of accepting the offer, making offers more with the alternative tasks that I was offered by the Al. ( ④ )
credible by providing third-party references or factual support, As with any two-sided matching platform, the more job offerings
or setting deadlines on offers so they expire if not accepted an applicant sees, the more likely that person will find value in
quickly. ( ④ ) They are! ( ⑤ ) Negotiators can and should the platform. ( ⑤ ) In this sense, as remote work grows as a
use the same techniques that salespeople use to move their socially high-status activity, this process will gain its own
products. momentum.

33-8 클라리넷 연주자 Benny Goodman174) 33-14 사회적 약자 우대 정책177)

At the time, this was something new for a jazz orchestra. In practice, however, the wider coverage has diluted, in
The concert was a tremendous success. the minds of some, the moral argument in favor of a
program intended to help the most obvious victims of
governmental discrimination: African Americans and Native
Benny Goodman is one of the greatest clarinetists of all time. Americans.
Born in 1909 in Chicago, he began taking lessons at the age
of 10. With a natural inborn talent, he made rapid progress
and was soon playing professionally. He was strongly Considerable debate exists as to the appropriate beneficiaries
influenced by New Orleans jazz, and it played an important of affirmative action. ( ① ) In the United States, supporters of
role in his music throughout his life. ( ① ) At 16, he joined affirmative action hoped that, by expanding the coverage to
the Ben Pollack Orchestra in Chicago, which at the time was apply to many minority groups, they would broaden the political
one of the top bands in the United States. ( ② ) He was soon base favoring such programs. ( ② ) Some argue that the
making recordings, and it wasn’t long before he formed his context matters. ( ③ ) Thus, because Asian Americans and
own band. ( ③ ) Although Goodman was relatively well known women are generally not under-represented among university
before 1935, it was the change in his style that occurred in the student bodies, affirmative action admissions for them would
Palomar Ballroom in Los Angeles that really caused his career now be inappropriate (though they should not be singled out
to take off. ( ④ ) And a few years later, he was playing in for restrictions). ( ④ ) On the other hand, among corporate
Carnegie Hall in New York City. ( ⑤ ) After years of appealing executives or university faculties, blacks, Asians, Latinos, and
only to specialized audiences, jazz had finally broken through women all faced exclusion in the past and remain
and was being accepted by mainstream audiences. under-represented today; therefore, in these areas all four
groups ought to be beneficiaries of affirmative action.

33-12 인간이 다른 종과 관계를 맺는 방식175)

33-15 기술 혁신으로 인한 창조적 파괴178)
Rather it is the animals who control the success of the
hunt by offering themselves willingly to people (or, Over time, however, job destruction freed up labor and
conversely, choosing to withhold themselves from a capital that went into new and usually better jobs and
hunter). higher incomes.

In the worldview of the Cree hunter, humans do not control the Predictions of technological unemployment have recurred since
hunt. ( ① ) The fish and game are not there simply to be the onset of the Industrial Revolution. ( ① ) But the recurring
taken. ( ② ) The Cree credit animals with knowing the same reality was one of economic growth through creative
things that people know and being able to communicate and destruction. ( ② ) Yes, machines destroyed lots of jobs, often
share that knowledge with people. ( ③ ) Humans and animals with devastating effects on displaced workers for whom new
are in a relationship of reciprocity, just as humans are in jobs were often too late or out of reach. ( ③ ) That is
relationship with other humans. ( ④ ) Indeed, anthropologists because technology both substitutes for labor — in particular,
argue even more generally that in all cultures, including those less-skilled labor — and complements labor, or makes it more
that are modern and postmodern, there are profound productive, thus generating new demand for labor. ( ④ )
connections between the ways that people engage with each Casual observers have often tended “to overstate the extent of
other and with other species. machine substitution for human labor,” which was readily
observable; they “repeatedly underestimated the demand for the
work of human beings that would remain.”

- 32 -
33-16 컴퓨터 음악에서 손놀림과 음의 관계179) 33-19 대중의 존경을 중시하는 나르시시스트182)

For example, laptop computers are increasingly used in Being admired, however, is extremely important to them.
performance by live electronic musicians even in
preference to keyboard synthesizers, groove boxes, and
turntables. To the extent that one can distinguish self-esteem from public
esteem, the latter seems to be more important. The overriding
motive of narcissists seems to be to obtain social approval
The most common situation in which musical equipment from others. ( ① ) That is, they spend much of their time and
becomes an instrument is in live performance. ( ① ) Playing energy seeking ways to get others to admire them. ( ② ) In
the piano is generally associated with performance in real-time, terms of being liked by others rather than admired, they are
and computer-based musical instruments are increasingly being somewhat indifferent. ( ③ ) That is, narcissists are no more
played in real-time. ( ② ) One thing that changes in computer nor less interested than anyone else in being liked. ( ④ ) In
performances is that the gestural relationship with sound is general, they do not seem overly concerned with proving
sometimes less direct. ( ③ ) In acoustic instrument something to themselves (possibly because they are already
performance the musician’s gestures are translated into sound. privately persuaded of their own good qualities), but they are
( ④ ) Many instruments have a one-to-one gesture-to-sound quite interested in demonstrating their superiority to others.
relationship, including the press of the piano or synthesizer key, ( ⑤ ) For example, if given a chance to tackle a difficult task
or the slide of the finger of the guitar fretboard; each translates and find out how good they are, narcissists put forth minimal
gesture into a direct audible result. ( ⑤ ) Many electronic and effort if no one is looking, which is a sign that they do not
computer-based instruments have a one-to-many really care about demonstrating their brilliance to themselves,
gesture-to-sound relationship when a mouse gesture or whereas if others are watching, they put forth maximum effort
parameter movement changes the complexity of a rhythmic in order to shine.
part, or the timbre and volume of an entire ensemble of
musical voices. 33-20 등반과 윤리183)

However, other ethical issues involve factors that are

33-17 불확신과 주장의 강도180) unique to climbing and thus cannot be resolved by
invoking broader moral rules.
However, when asked to write their beliefs to persuade
someone else to eat the way they did, they would write
more and stronger arguments than those who were certain One obvious area where climbing and philosophy intersect is
of their choice. with regard to the normative dimension of climbing — the
ethical or unethical behavior of climbers. ( ① ) Some of the
ethical issues in climbing involve a straightforward extension of
Two Northwestern University marketing researchers, David Gal more general moral principles. ( ② ) For example, it is wrong
and Derek Rucker, conducted research using framing to lie about your climbing accomplishments because it is
techniques to make people feel uncertain. ( ① ) For example, generally wrong to lie about accomplishments; it is wrong to
they told one group to remember a time when they were full of needlessly endanger others at the cliff because, more generally,
certainty, and the other group to remember a time when they it is always wrong to needlessly endanger others. ( ③ ) Is it
were full of doubt. ( ② ) Then they asked the participants wrong to place bolts on rappel? ( ④ ) Is it cheating to use
whether they were meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans, or pre-placed gear on a traditional pitch? ( ⑤ ) For these sorts of
otherwise, how important this was to them, and how confident questions, broader moral rules do not apply in any
they were in their opinions. ( ③ ) People who were asked to straightforward way, and climbers must work out for themselves
remember a time of uncertainty were less confident of their what is right or wrong within the context of climbing.
eating choices. ( ④ ) Gal and Rucker performed the research
with different topics (for example, preferences for a Mac versus 33-21 지각에 수반된 시각적 자극 처리 과정184)
a Windows computer) and found similar results. ( ⑤ ) When
people were less certain, they would dig in and argue even Equally important to perception, however, is top-down
harder. processing, which involves previously acquired knowledge.

33-18 일시적인 미디어 단식의 필요성181) Sensation and perception almost always happen together.
Researchers, however, have studied each process separately to
You’ll have more time for other things, like physical determine how the two work together. ( ① ) Perception can
activity, face-to-face interaction, and even solitude. occur through bottom-up processing, which begins with the
physical stimuli from the environment, and proceeds through
transduction of those stimuli into neural impulses. ( ② ) The
In the same way that it is sometimes advisable to take a signals are passed along to successively more complex brain
momentary break, or “fast,” from some of our food, beverages, regions, and ultimately result in the recognition of a visual
and habits, a media fast may be good for your system. ( ① ) stimulus. ( ③ ) For example, when you look at the face of
Spending a set period of time unplugged can clarify for you your best friend, your eyes convert light energy into neural
the advantages and disadvantages of your media practices. impulses, which travel into the brain to visual regions. ( ④ )
( ② ) Life without electronic devices momentarily separates you This information forms the basis for sensing the visual stimulus
from constant distraction, online advertisements, and artificial and ultimately its perception. ( ⑤ ) As a result, when you look
blue light. ( ③ ) You’ll also have the opportunity to reflect at your best friend’s face, brain regions that store information
critically on how life in the Communication Age differs from about what faces look like, particularly those that are familiar to
older modes of living and connecting and engaging with the you, can help you to perceive and recognize the specific visual
world. stimulus.

- 33 -
33-22 성 주류화185) 33-26~28 코코넛 나무에서 배운 교훈188)

Gender mainstreaming can also apply to health care, equally Then, they began to feel hungry. Little William looked up
promoting women's and men’s health care needs. towards the huge coconut tree and said,'‘This huge
coconut tree is useless. It doesn’t have any coconuts we
can eat.” “My dear little William,” his dad responded, “it is
The European Union, since the late 1990s, has embraced gender not good to be ungrateful to people and things around us.
mainstreaming as its main strategy for addressing gender inequality in This tree, which you are calling useless, saved us from
policy making. ( ① ) It is defined as the integration of the gender the hot sun.”
perspective into every stage of the policy process (design,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation). ( ② ) Gender
mainstreaming is based on the understanding that all policies have the One hot afternoon, little William and his dad were passing
potential to impact social and demographic groups differently, thus through a dusty village road. It was a dry season, so little
creating and sustaining unequal power relations. ( ③ ) For example,
William thought the whole village road looked lonely and
gender mainstreaming may explicitly consider the experiences of men,
deserted. ( ① ) After walking for a long while, he asked his
such as parental leave as a legal claim for men or labor policies for
dad to stop somewhere for a short rest. Looking around, little
men in female-dominated occupations (e.g., nursing). ( ④ ) In many
William and his dad could not find a comfortable place to relax.
countries, coronary heart disease is defined through a masculine lens,
influencing all areas of medical care from prevention to recovery. Unable to find anywhere to rest, they were forced to keep
( ⑤ ) Not only does this lead to overlooking women's heart health walking under the hot bright sun. ( ② )After a few minutes’
needs, but it also may negatively impact men who do not seem to fit walk, little William and his dad saw a huge coconut tree far off
the model of hegemonic masculinity. in the distance that could provide shade from the burning sun,
so they started walking faster to reach the tree. “Dad, why
33-23 뉴런의 경쟁과 뇌의 재구조화186) don’t you race me to the tree?” little William asked his dad.
( ③ ) After letting out a short smile, he agreed to the race
As the border wars rage through the lifetime of a brain, maps and, at the count of three, he watched little William take off
are redrawn in such a way that the experiences and goals of a like a runner. Unknowingly to little William, his dad let him win.
person are always reflected in the brain's structure. He jumped for joy because he reached the huge coconut tree
first. ( ④ ) Little William and his dad breathed a deep sigh of
relief because they were so exhausted from walking all day.
Although a traditional textbook drawing suggests that neurons in the They dropped all that they had with them on the ground and
brain are happily packed next to one another like jelly beans in a jar, lay down under the huge coconut tree, which protected them
don’t let the cartoon fool you: neurons are locked in competition for from the sun. And they embraced the cool breeze in the air.
survival. ( ① ) Just like neighboring nations, neurons stake out their ( ⑤ ) Little William gently stood from where he lay and turned
territories and persistently defend them. ( ② ) They fight for territory
towards the tree, He thanked it for protecting them from the
and survival at every level of the system: each neuron and each
sun. The coconut tree began to give little William and his dad
connection between neurons fights for resources. ( ③ ) If an
a more pleasant wind.
accountant drops her career to become a pianist, the neural territory
devoted to her fingers will expand; if she becomes a microscopist, her
visual cortex will develop higher resolution for the small details she
seeks; if she becomes a perfumer, her brain regions assigned to smell
will enlarge.

33-24~25 도로 혼잡 통행료 징수제187)

To an economist, this is a puzzling explanation because

congested roads cost us valuable time. This time cost means that
free roads are not free to use.

In Singapore, due to road pricing, one can always expect to be able

to achieve a speed of 40 miles per hour on the road. While the rich
are more likely to afford this, buses can also achieve these speeds,
and with the economies of scale of a bus this lowers the per-person
trip price for achieving this speed. ( ① ) The full cost of commuting
includes not only the out-of-pocket expenditure on gasoline, parking,
and road use fees but the value of the lost time. If a commute takes
thirty minutes rather than fifteen minutes because of traffic congestion,
then the commuter has lost fifteen minutes. ( ② ) Economists have
adopted the rule of thumb of valuing such lost time by half of the
person’s hourly wage. For example, if I earn $80 an hour and I lose
fifteen minutes stuck in traffic, then this costs me $10 in lost time (.25
x 80 x .5). ( ③ ) To conserve on such lost time due to congestion,
cities such as Stockholm, London, and Singapore have adopted road
pricing. Drivers in such cities move at higher speeds and save time
but must pay more money out of pocket to travel at peak use times.
( ④ ) One explanation for why so few cities have adopted road
pricing focuses on behavioral economics: people are used to the roads
being free. ( ⑤ ) A second explanation for the ooposition to road
pricing is that many poor people drive and they prefer to pay for their
commute using their time rather than paying a road use fee.

- 34 -
34-1 임시 피클볼 경기장 마련 계획189) 34-4 어린아이가 할 수 없는 결정에 대한 처리192)

The blue equipment bin with portable nets and extra balls This is his attempt to show his authority and to display
from Lions Park will be relocated there as well. his power. A small child should never be asked to make a
decision he is too young to make.

Dear Members,
Thank you for always supporting our park’s efforts to improve There is a tendency in some parents to treat small children as
our community's health and social bonds. ( ① ) As we have if they are much older. ( ① ) It seems as if they want to give
announced, construction at Lions Park will begin as soon as the impression that their child is mature beyond his age. They
the spring season allows. ( ② ) As an alternative place to play ask a small child to make decisions about matters he is too
pickleball in town this summer, the lines for three pickleball young to decide. ( ② ) When a child is put in this situation,
courts will be painted on the blacktop surface at Rose Park, sometimes he will do what the parent wants him to do, and
located at 201 Green Valley Road. ( ③ ) The combination to sometimes he will simply say, “No.” ( ③ ) The parent should
unlock the bin can be obtained by calling the front desk at the make the decision and then give instructions to the child.
community center. ( ④ ) If you have any questions regarding ( ④ ) For example, if a parent thinks that a child should stop
the alternative pickleball courts, please contact Mark Perkins at playing and eat, he should not ask the child, “Do you want to ( ⑤ ) We look forward to the eat now?” He should tell the child to put his toys away and
completion of the new dedicated pickleball courts at Lions Park get ready to eat. ( ⑤ ) If he thinks that the child should take
this summer. a nap, he should not ask the child, “Do you want to take a
Sincerely, nap?” He should tell the child that it is time for his nap.
Mark Perkins

34-2 기차역에서 기다림 후에 만난 아빠190) 34-5 신경 과학과 인문 과학의 만남193)

Then I glanced to the left and noticed my dad. At that We hope for answers from them to the questions that
very moment, all my anxieties disappeared. ‘Dad!’ I bother us.

I think of neuroscience and the human sciences as like two

I should have guessed things were not going to go well when I very small miners energetically tunnelling in from opposite sides
stepped off the train at Weston Station and there was no sign of an immense Alp. ( ① ) Although neuroscientists on their
of my father. ( ① ) I was only fifteen, and there was no way I side of the Alp do not listen much to sounds of digging from
could go back home if he didn’t show up. ( ② ) I wandered the humanists on the other side, some humanists, those
up and down the platform. The waiting felt like forever, and I concerned with the brain’s role in the arts, listen very closely
began to anxiously wonder if something bad had happened to to what the neuroscientists on the other side are saying. ( ② )
him. ( ③ ) After a while, one of the station employees We draw hopefully on a great many researchers. ( ③ ) The
approached me and asked me if I was all right. I said I was neuroscientists and we of the human sciences, even if we are
fine, but inside, my concern was growing. ( ④ ) I snatched my divided into two groups, share the same hope. ( ④ ) Although
little bag from the floor and ran to him. ‘Sorry to keep you dwarfed by the mountain, we hope our diggings will meet in
waiting, Son.’ he said, ruffling my hair and pulling me close to the middle of that huge Alp, and there we will discover this
him. ‘Let’s go home.‘ ( ⑤ ) He smiled, and I returned his mysterious, magical treasure, Mind. ( ⑤ ) We hope.
smile with an even bigger one.

34-3 지속 가능한 도시 조성을 위한 도시 농업191) 34-6 타고난 음악적 재능에 대한 믿음194)

With the recognition of natural resource decline and the Beyond simple media sensationalism, however, the belief
advance of environmental degradation in cities today, in talent offers other appealing effects.
urban agriculture is taking on new meaning in bringing
ecological-based systems back into the city as a vital part
of the solution to creating more sustainable cities. Modem broadcast media may have contributed to the
perpetuation of the innate talent account of musical
performance ability. ( ① ) The discovery of an exceptional
Urban agriculture is moving from just a practice for earning an child performer — “the next Mozart” is a common label —
income and small food-producing activities to a more makes for a much better story than reporting how advanced
sustainable practice that focuses on promoting local food musical learning has resulted from an unusually plentiful
production as an energy-saving resource that is central to combination of environmental, educational, and economic
creating vital urban communities. ( ① ) It needs to become factors. ( ② ) Giving the musically talented person the
even more central to city planning as food security and food designation of specialness can turn the experience of a concert
safety become issues that cities need to address along with into a fantastic, even supernatural, happening. ( ③ ) Plus,
the increase in population that is creating a strain on a global musicians themselves can benefit from the “gifted” label. ( ④ )
level with regards to food availability and health. ( ② ) In Feeling special — or even divinely blessed — can contribute to
current practice, the term urban agriculture does not necessarily musicians‘ self-esteem and motivation; consequently, many
mean that food production itself is based on a sustainable “talented” musicians feel an obligation to nurture their gift,
methodology or procedure but when combined with an which allows them to approach their musical activities with
ecological-based approach it does. ( ③ ) This does require a confidence and the expectation of success.
paradigm shift in thinking about food as an integral part of the
city’s framework.

- 35 -
34-7 휴대 전화가 재정의한 공간 개념195) 34-13 어류 남획으로 인해 파생되는 문제198)

At the extreme, people may be so immersed in the In this situation, the economic incentives favor short-term
interaction with others on a mobile phone, that they lose exploitation over long-term sustainable use because the
contact with those in the physical space they occupy. economic benefits of sacrificing current catch to rebuild the
stock are hard to perceive compared to short-term needs
(bills to be paid), and long-term benefits may have to be
Many have observed that people often use mobile phones in shared with newcomers when the fishery recovers.
waiting areas. ( ① ) It is a way to kill time but it is also a
way to create a space within what is often a weak or poorly
defined space. ( ② ) Spaces at the edge of a dead zone for Overfishing is in large part a consequence of excessive effort
making mobile calls are also prime spots for making calls or and capacity in fisheries. ( ① ) Too often, fishery managers
sending texts. ( ③ ) So, when people touch down at an airport have been unable to control fishing effort, resulting in
or leave a tunnel after having been out of contact with a cell unsustainable levels of catch. ( ② ) This has been a particular
tower, they are more likely to make calls or send texts. ( ④ ) problem for open-access fisheries where management does not
The mobile phone can be used to share a space with limit the number of participants or high individual effort. ( ③ )
someone at a distance, for example, people at a concert who As more people enter the fishery or improve their fishing
call others so they can hear part (or all) of the concert. ( ⑤ ) capabilities, the future yield to the individual fisher decreases.
Sherry Turkle calls this alone together, others have used the ( ④ ) This often fosters competition to maintain or even
term absent presence to characterize this behavior. increase individual catch levels even as stocks decline. ( ⑤ )
In response, managers may shorten fishing seasons;
participants then increase their fishing power, and effort
34-8 사회학자 W.E.B. Dubois196) becomes concentrated in time, sometimes resulting in “races for
fish” or "fishing derbies.“
At the same time, however, he worked hard to apply his
enormous knowledge to improving society. He founded the
Niagara Movement, an organization of African American 34-14 숙제의 의미199)
intellectuals fighting for racial equality.
But instead of naming the specific activity, they both refer
to the tasks simply as “homework.”
W. E. B. DuBois (1868-1963), an African American sociologist,
graduated from Fisk University in Tennessee and became the
first African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard Typically, homework consists of any assigned task slated to be
University. Then, at Atlanta University, he founded the nation's done outside the hours of class. ( ① ) What the word
second department of sociology. ( ① ) He soon began a homework does not describe is the quality or quantity of the
highly productive academic career that included, among many task, a reality that makes homework discussions challenging
other things, founding two scholarly journals and writing because it turns into a war of vocabulary. ( ② ) For example,
numerous books and articles. ( ② ) He focused his research if two people discuss their children’s homework, one could be
and writing on the racial problems in the United States. ( ③ ) railing against mindless worksheets while the other is in favor
He also helped create the National Association for the of carefully crafted activities prompting students to reflect or
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and edited its create. ( ③ ) And so one parent wonders why on earth
influential magazine, Crisis. ( ④ ) Later, he even advocated anyone would be a proponent of (mindless) homework while
the use of force to achieve racial equality. ( ⑤ ) Finally, the other can't understand why a parent wouldn’t want their
seeing little improvement in race relations, he moved in 1961 child to do (relevant and creative) work at home. ( ④ ) Neither
to the African nation of Ghana, where he died 2 years later. parent understands the other's point of view because they
aren't speaking the same language about homework.

34-12 고급품이라는 믿음의 심리적 영향197)

34-15 아프리카계 미국인 교외화의 의도치 않은 결과200)
What’s important here is the belief — not the actual
luxury. The explanation for this is that young people are more
likely to underestimate the economic benefits of education
when they never interact with people who look like them
We are so easily impressed and make judgements based on and have also attained a high level of education.
superficial evidence, but sometimes luxury provides a
psychological boost to confidence that improves our well-being.
( ① ) Wearing designer clothes can make us feel better about American sociologist William Julius Wilson has argued that an
ourselves, which then becomes self-reinforcing. ( ② ) When we unintended consequence of African American suburbanization
put on our luxury clothes we feel special and behave has been that inner cities have lost valuable role models.
accordingly. ( ③ ) Luxury goods light up the pleasure centres ( ① ) As higher income minorities leave center cities, young
in our brain. If you think you are drinking expensive wine, not people who remain are less likely to see and interact with adult
only does it taste better but the brain's valuation system men who work and have achieved upward income mobility.
associated with the experience of pleasure shows greater ( ② ) Research in development economics has documented,
activation, compared to drinking exactly the same wine when with data from the Dominican Republic, that when young
you believe it to be cheap. ( ④ ) Francesca Gino, a professor people are informed about the wage gains that are possible by
at Harvard Business School, found that people who wore what obtaining more education, this information increases their
they believed to be fake designer brand sunglasses (but were educational attainment. ( ③ ) The suburbanization of upwardly
in fact genuine) felt like frauds and were more likely to cheat mobile people thus has social consequences for peer effects in
on tests. ( ⑤ ) You may be able to fake until you make it, the inner city.
but deep down, if we do, many of us feel like imposters.

- 36 -
34-16 라디오의 소형화201) 34-19 사냥을 통한 동물 피해 통제204)

This new sort of station that focused on particular music Yet the fact remains that as long as developers continue
preferences caught on because radio was now more to build in suburban areas, humans and wildlife will come
portable than ever. into contact.

Because advertisers in the 1950s were interested in reaching Animal damage control advocates often characterize game
baby boomers, many radio stations played music called rock ‘n’ animals as pest species. Deer, for instance, do not kill farm
roll with disc jockeys that specifically called out to them. ( ① ) animals but are blamed for destroying gardens, bringing
Other stations targeted different age groups with different styles disease, causing car accidents, and wreaking other forms of
of music and DJs. ( ② ) The development in 1948 of the damage in suburbs. ( ① ) So sport hunters are allowed to kill
transistor, a much smaller replacement for the Audion vacuum deer with public support — after all, no one wants to be
involved in a collision with a deer. ( ② ) Unfortunately for
tube, led to the miniaturization of radio receivers. ( ③ ) Now
deer, hunting does not necessarily control their populations.
radio became something that people could literally take with
They can rebound soon after hunting season due to lessened
them throughout the day — to the park, to the beach, or
competition for resources. ( ③ ) And, of course, the animal
wherever. ( ④ ) All of a sudden, the medium had a new life,
damage control measures that wiped out many of their natural
and companies rushed to get new licenses. ( ⑤ ) The number predators also play a role in their large numbers. ( ④ ) There
of stations jumped dramatically, from about one thousand in are numerous methods to prevent the damage that deer can
1946 to nearly 3,500 in the mid-1950s. The largest proportion cause, such as more responsible driving, speed limits, warning
of these played specific types of music. signs, roadside reflectors, as well as the use of fencing along
roadways. ( ⑤ ) Sadly, animal damage control programs have
just one way of solving these problems — hunting.
34-17 친구 사귀기202)
34-20 적합성 향상과 유전자 빈도205)
But when they were told that a friendship was likely, they
preferred people who complemented them with different Of course, courtship behaviors are not the only behaviors
interests. that affect fitness.

In a study by Arthur Aron and myself, we created a fake A gene can increase in frequency by making its bearers more
computer dating service, but instead of romance, the goal was likely than nonbearers to perform some fitness-enhancing
to help college students find friendship. ( ① ) All the subjects behavior. ( ① ) For example, females of many species choose
listed their interests, and we returned a week later to ask them a mate based on the quality of male courtship displays. ( ② )
to review a profile written by another person and judge whether If the courtship displays of males differ in quality and a genetic
they liked and wanted to meet them. ( ② ) Half of them were difference underlies the display difference, the gene for the
told that our ultra-reliable, matchmaker program determined that superior display will increase in frequency. ( ③ ) If parents
this new person was an ideal match for them. ( ③ ) The other differ in the quantity of care they give to their offspring, if the
half weren't told anything. ( ④ ) When people weren’t given quantity of care affects the viability of offspring, and if a
genetic difference underlies this difference in parental care,
any information about whether a friendship was likely, they
then the gene for higher quantity care will increase in
preferred people with interests just like theirs. ( ⑤ ) That is,
frequency. ( ④ ) So, as long as a gene makes some
when people were confident that a relationship was possible,
fitness-enhancing behavior more likely, that gene will increase
they wanted to spend time with people who were unique,
in frequency in a population, and as a result the behavior may
interesting, and who offered a chance for them to expand their increase in frequency as well. ( ⑤ ) For this reason, biologists
horizons. frequently say that, from the standpoint of evolutionary biology,
“behavioral traits are like any other class of characters.“

34-18 현실을 조직하는 은유적 개념203) 34-21 이동성 증가와 문화 정체성 상실206)

Much of cultural change arises from the introduction of Moreover, the American experience has become the norm
new metaphorical concepts and the loss of old ones. in other parts of the world as well.

Many of our activities (arguing, solving problems, budgeting A mark of postmodernity is the increasing mobility, both
time, etc.) are metaphorical in nature. ( ① ) The metaphorical voluntary and forced, of human populations around the world.
concepts that characterize those activities structure our present ( ① ) The migration of whole societies, the problem of
reality. ( ② ) New metaphors have the power to create a new refugees, the incorporation of migrant workers, have created a
reality. This can begin to happen when we start to comprehend global, multicultural society that challenges the ability of any
our experience in terms of a metaphor, and it becomes a nation to define a reasonably homogeneous cultural identity or
deeper reality when we begin to act in terms of it. ( ③ ) If a a set of cultural norms. ( ② ) The case of the failure of
new metaphor enters the conceptual system that we base our America's “melting pot” image is a telling example. ( ③ )
actions on, it will alter that conceptual system and the Although the United States has always been a nation of
perceptions and actions that the system gives rise to. ( ④ ) immigrants, it managed, at least until World War II, to maintain
For example, the Westernization of cultures throughout the a sense of itself as a whole, a European-derived,
world is partly a matter of introducing the time is money English-speaking nation. ( ④ ) But new migrations 一 Asian,
metaphor into those cultures. African, and Latino 一 have challenged this image and made it
almost impossible to define a central cultural identity for the
nation. ( ⑤ ) People's identities have become fractured,
pluralized, and hybridized, and populations that were silent and
marginalized in the past have suddenly moved to the center of
the historical and cultural stage.

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34-22 연안 해역에서의 인간의 영향207) 34-26~28 Madeleine의 수업을 받게 된 Jill210)

This is not to say that there are not pristine-like nearshore waters So Jill’s mom was extremely nervous while her daughter
left on Earth. was dancing, especially as some of the other mothers
stayed there to see how this new child was going to do.
Jill got carried away with the music and flew around the
Human impacts are the most direct in the upper 500 meters of the room.
ocean as commercial fishing is not conducted in deeper waters. ( ① )
Indeed, geological extraction and construction of ports and windmill
farms are typically conducted in waters of 50 meters depth or less. Jill was quite a sickly child, but she had always wanted to be
( ② ) In shallow and nearshore waters human impacts are palpable, like Madeleine Sharp, a famous dancer. One day Jill and her
even in remote parts of the world. ( ③ ) Animal life in Antarctic mom went to Miss Madeleine Sharp's class for young ladies in
waters is abundant and has been protected from commercial use for the ballroom of the Bell Hotel in Bromley. Madeleine Sharp
decades, yet hunting in the early part of the twentieth century changed was tall, slim, and powerful. There were eight other little girls,
the ecosystem to a degree that it can no longer be considered a who all hung on Madeleine's every word and jumped to obey
pristine ecosystem. ( ④ ) A case may be made for the northwest her instructions. Madeleine came over to Jill and said, “Right,
Hawaii islands, which have never been inhabited by humans and only let's see what Jill can do.” Jill began with the classic first rule
very rarely have experienced fishing expeditions. ( ⑤ ) Such locations for all dancers: How to hold the bar. Madeleine Sharp said,
are few — in fact, probably less than 1% of the ocean surface is fully “Never grip it, dear.” ( ① ) Madeleine firmly continued to say
protected against fishing or other kinds of disturbing activities. to Jill, “Rest your hand lightly on it. It is there to steady you,
not as a lifeline. Turn your feet out. This must not be feet
34-23 새로운 신념과 그에 일치되는 기억208) only, but start in the hips so that your whole leg is turned out.
Good.” Madeleine Sharp wanted to explore her possibilities as
Those who received the message recalled that they brushed their a dancer. ( ② ) So she asked the pianist to play a lyrical
teeth far more frequently than did students in the control piece of music and said, “Jill, dear, let me see you run and
condition. enjoy yourself and see what the music tells you to do.” Jill
didn’t know it at the time, but Madeleine Sharp was highly
regarded and entry to her classes was quite competitive as a
In a simple experiment conducted by Michael Ross, Cathy McFarland, result. ( ③ ) After a minute or so Madeleine clapped her
and Garth Fletcher, college students received a persuasive message hands and Jill stopped in front of her, panting and looking up
arguing the importance of frequent tooth brushing. After receiving the at her, full of hope. Madeleine put her arm round Jill, returned
message, they changed their attitudes toward tooth brushing. to Jill’s mom and said, “I’d like to teach Jill very much. Can
Needless to say, this is not surprising. ( ① ) But here’s what was you come again on Friday?” ( ④ ) They exchanged a few
surprising: ( ② ) Later that same day in a different situation, the more words but Jill didn't hear a thing. Jill’s head was too
students were asked, “How many times have you brushed your teeth alive with the events of the afternoon and the thrilling new
in the past 2 weeks?” ( ③ ) The students were not attempting to world before her. She was barely conscious of her mom
deceive the researcher; there was no reason for them to lie. ( ④ ) saying, “Hurry up, darling. Let’s get home and tell your dad!”
They were simply using their new attitudes as a heuristic to help them ( ⑤ ) But as her voice woke Jill up, Jill put her arms round
remember. ( ⑤ ) In a sense, they needed to believe that they had her mom.
always behaved in a sensible and reasonable manner — even though
they had just now discovered what that sensible behavior might be.

34-24~25 일반적인 믿음에 기대는 오류에 맞서는 과학209)

That's the source of urban legends, folklore, superstitions, and all

the rest. Having doubts is not your strong suit. Corporations and
other institutions rarely set aside a division tasked with paying
attention to the faults of the agency.

When it comes to the common belief fallacy in your own life,

remember that scientists are always trying to reach better conclusions,
and that is something you don’t do as an individual, at least not by
default, and by extension it is something your institutions are not so
great at either. You don’t seek out what science calls the null
hypothesis. ( ① ) That is, when you believe in something, you rarely
seek out evidence to the contrary to see how it matches up with your
assumptions. ( ② ) TUnlike in science, most human undertakings
leave out a special department devoted to looking for the worst in the
operation — not just a complaint department, but a department that
asks if the organization is on the right path. ( ③ ) Every human effort
should systematically pause and ask if it is currently mistaken. To beat
your brain, you need that department constantly operating in your
cranium. ( ④ ) You would do well to borrow from the lessons of the
scientific method and apply them in your personal life. ( ⑤ ) In the
background, while you sew and golf and browse cat videos, science is
fighting against your stupidity. No other human enterprise is fighting as
hard, or at least not fighting and winning.

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