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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Maximum operating altitude 25,000 feet
Manoeuvring Limit Load Factors Flaps
- 1 G to + 2.5 G
Manoeuvring Limit Load Factors Flaps
0 G to + 2.5 G
or gear extended
Do not operate cargo door with a cross
wind component of more than _____ 45
Silver Airways AT76 aircraft have ___
installed passenger seats
What is VMO? 250 KIAS
What is MMO? Mach 0.55
What is VFE/VFO for flaps 15? 185 KIAS
What is VFE/VFO for flaps 30? 150 KIAS
What is VLE? 185 KIAS
What is VLO (gear down)? 170 KIAS
What is VLO (gear up)? 160 KIAS
Maximum tire speed is ___ KIAS. If this
limit is exceeded, which tires must be 165 All tires
What is the tailwind limit for takeoff and 15 KIAS according to ATR 10 KIAS at
landing? Silver
What is the maximum mean runway
slope for takeoff and landing?
What is the maximum demonstrated
crosswind component for takeoff or 35 KIAS
landing with flaps 30?
How many pax in aft before possible
toppling in an otherwise empty plane?
What is VA? 175 KIAS
What is VWO (wiper operation speed)? 160 KIAS
What is VMCL (minimum control speed
on landing/approach) flaps 15?
Pregunta Respuesta
What is VMCL (minimum control speed
on landing/approach) flaps 30?
What is max ramp weight? 51080 LBS
What is the max takeoff weight? 50705 LBS
3 starts with 1 minute and 30 seconds
Starter Limitations maximum combined starter run time,
followed by 4 minutes off.
Max differential pressure 6.35 PSI
Max differential pressure for landing 0.35 PSI
MAX differential for OVBD VALVE
1.0 PSI
full open selection
Max negative differential pressure - 0.5 PSI
Max alt for one bleed ops 20,000 ft
Avoid operation in feather above _____
% TQ
Use of NP settings below ___% in icing
conditions is prohibited
What fuel types are prohibited? Use of JP 4 or JET B is prohibited
What fuel types are acceptable? JET A, JET A1, TS1, RT, JP5
Max pressure during refueling (state
50 PSI or 3.5 bars
answer in PSI and bars):
Max fuel imbalance one engine inop: 440 LBS
Max fuel unbalance both engines
1609 LBS
The total quantity of fuel usable in each
tank is ____ lbs
What is the maximum landing weight? 49, 273 LBS
What is the maximum zero fuel weight? 46, 296 LBS
Avoid static operation between ___%
41.6 62.5
and ____% NP
For reserve takeoff, state the limits for:
10 mins (but > 5min for SE ops only) 100
Time Limit TQ (%) ITT (Celsius) NH,
% 800 Celsius 103.2% 104.2% 101% 55-
NL, NP (%) Oil Pressure (PSI) Oil
65 PSI 0 - 125 Celsius
Temperature (Celsius)
For normal takeoff, state the limits for: 5 mins 90 % Dependent on OAT
Pregunta Respuesta
Time Limit TQ (%) ITT (Celsius) NH,
(Between 739 & 765) 101.9% 101.4%
NL, NP (%) Oil Pressure (PSI) Oil
101% 55-65 PSI 0 - 125 Celsius
Temperature (Celsius)
For max continuous, state the limits for:
Time Limit TQ (%) ITT (Celsius) NH, Unlimited 90.9% 800 Celsius 103.2%
NL, NP (%) Oil Pressure (PSI) Oil 104.2% 101% 55-65 PSI 0 - 125 Celsius
Temperature (Celsius)
For ground idle, state the limits for: NH
66% MIN 40 PSI MIN (*up to 75% NH
Oil Pressure (PSI)* [Please state note
only) NEG 40 - 125 Celsius
also] Oil Temperature (Celsius)
For hotel mode, state the limits for: ITT
(Celsius) Oil Pressure (PSI) Oil 715 Celsius 55-65 PSI 0 - 125 Celsius
Temperature (Celsius)
For starting, state the limits for: Time
950 Celsius for 5 secs, then 840 Celsius
Limits & corresponding ITT Oil
for a further 15 secs NEG 54 Celsius
Temperature (Celsius)
Each electric pump is able to supply
how many engines in the whole flight One
One electric pump and associated jet
pump are able to supply how many Both/two
engines in whole flight envelope?
Single DC GEN Operation In-Flight: If
OAT exceeds ISA +____ , flight level 25, 200
must be limited to FL ____
Takeoff with more than how many
Failed MFC Modules is PROHIBITED?
Minimum height for autopilot
engagement on take off: ___ft.
Minimum height for use of either
autopilot or flight director when not 1000 feet
during take off or approach:
Minimum height for use of either
autopilot or flight director when in VS 160 feet
or IAS mode during approach:
Minimum height for use of either
autopilot or flight director when in CAT 160 feet
1 APP mode:
Can you hold with any flaps extended in
No, except for single engine operations.
icing conditions?
Pregunta Respuesta
The general cabin illumination system
must be on for not less than ____ 15
minutes before each flight.
What are the Max Load and 400 A ..... None 600 A ..... 2 mins 800
corresponding time limits for DC GEN? A ...... 8 secs
What are the Max Load and
60 A ...... None 90 A ....... 5 mins
corresponding time limits for TRU?
For 'transient', state the limits for: Time 20 secs 120 % 840 Celsius NH =
Limit TQ (%) ITT (Celsius) NH (%) ; 106.4% ; NL= 106.8% ;NP = 106 % 40 -
NL (%) ; NP (%) Oil Pressure (PSI) 100 PSI ~~~~~~ And 5 secs for NP 120%
What are the Max Load and
20 KVA ..... None 30 KVA ..... 5 mins 40
corresponding time limits for ACW
KVA ..... 5 secs
What are the Max Load and 500 VA .... None 575 VA .... 30 mins 750
corresponding time limits for INV? VA ..... 5 mins
When should you not use AP/YD in 1. Below 1000 ft AGL and/or IAS below
single source configuration (one ADC 160 kts; or 2. With stall warning
and/or one AHRS lost)? inoperative.
How many icing detection lights must
be operative prior to flight into icing ALL
conditions AT NIGHT?
Can the ice detector be inoperative for
flight into icing conditions?
Engine out operations Stick
When should the TCAS be turned to TA
pusher/shaker failure Flight with landing
gear down
When must the TCAS be turned to
ATC request
When can you use NAV Mode for VOR When co-located DME is available; DME
approach using either autopilot or FD? HOLD is not selected
Good ..... 35 Good/Medium .... 28
What are the crosswind limits for the
Medium .... 22 Medium/Poor ..... 16
various braking action values?
Poor ..... 10
What is the minimum pavement width
70.2 feet
for a 180 degree turn?
What is a Minimum Equipment List List of items that may be inoperative for
(MEL)? flight
What is a CDL? Stands for Configuration Deviation List.
The CDL is a listing of regulator-
Pregunta Respuesta
approved non-structural external parts
that may be missing but the airplane
remains airworthy.
Stands for non-essential equipment &
furnishings. Deals with inoperative,
damaged or missing nonessential items
What is meant by NEF?
located throughout the aircraft, and
cosmetic items which are fully
serviceable but worn.
What are the repair timeframes for A, B,
A ... Specified in MEL B ... 3 days C ....
C & D items in an MEL? Does it include
10 days D .... 120 days NO
the date of discovery?
What is one important limitation to Mixing of different brands of oil or
know about the oil for the ATR? viscosities of oil is not recommended.
State the engine limitations for "other" NP 106 % Authorized to achieve a flight
and any notes provided that TQ does not exceed 75.2%
in CLB and 73.13% in CRZ 20 mins - - -
Oil temp 140 Celsius
Above what temperature must the flight
crew maintain the oil temperature to
+ 45 Celsius
ensure protection for the engine air inlet
against ice accumulation?
Is flight with an engine running and the
prop feathered permitted?
In case of navigation capability Inform ATC Revert to alternate
degradation leading to the loss of navigation means
required navigation performance, what
must the crew do?
What should the crew do if any of these
is triggered during approach? UNABLE
Go around
Can you use the terrain display for
No; it's a situational awareness tool
With regards to the oxygen limitations (a) Cabin Temperature or OAT
graph, what is the reference temperature (whichever is higher) (b) Cabin
(a) on ground; (b) in flight? Temperature
With regards to the oxygen limitations Min bottle pressure required to cover a
graph, what time and altitude cabin depressurization at MID-TIME of
assumptions are made? flight. Emergency descent from 25,000 ft
to 13,000 ft within 4 mins and flight
Pregunta Respuesta
continues below 13,000 ft.
With regards to the oxygen limitations
graph, what pax oxygen consumption is 30% pax oxygen consumption
In case of smoke emission, the oxygen
system protects the flightcrew members 15 mins
for how long?
Can the flight crew member remove his
Only when necessary in connection with
oxygen mask when he is required to use
regular duties
When OAT is at or below 5 Celsius,
when operating on ramps, taxiways and
Define ground icing conditions.
runways where surface snow, standing
water or slush is present.
When OAT on ground and takeoff is at or
below 5 Celsius, or when TAT in flight is
Define flight icing conditions.
at or below 7 Celsius and visible moisture
in the air in any form is present.
The predictive TAWS functions must be
What must you do to avoid getting
inhibited when landing at an airport that
nuisance alerts from the TAWS?
is not included in the airport database.
What must the pilot do to ensure he The current local QNH must be entered in
receives proper terrain alerting? the pilot’s altimeter.
The aircraft is certified in the transport 1. VFR and IFR 2. Flight In Icing
category for day and night operations, in Conditions 3. Reverse thrust taxi (Single
WHAT conditions, when the appropriate or Twin Engine). NOTE: Silver Airways
equipment and instruments required by is not authorized to conduct Reverse
the airworthiness and operating Thrust Taxi operations.
regulations are approved, installed and
in an operable condition?
What is the altitude and temperature
NEG 1000 ft to 8500 ft NEG 35 Celsius
range for the takeoff and landing
to + 50 Celsius
environmental envelope?
State three propeller limitations for 1. Engine run up must be performed into
GROUND operation. the wind. 2. Avoid static operation
between 41.6% and 62.5% NP. 3. Avoid
operation in feather above 66.6% TQ
State two propeller limitations for 1. Use of NP settings below 82% in icing
FLIGHT operation. conditions is prohibited. 2. AT76
airplanes are protected against a
positioning of power levers below the
Pregunta Respuesta
flight idle stops in flight by an IDLE
GATE device. Any attempt to override
this protection is prohibited.
If a propeller is involved in an overspeed
State a propeller limitation that applies or in an engine overtorque, refer to the
to both flight and ground ops. propeller maintenance manual. "Torque /
Write / Talk"
1. Ensure Aft Rear Cargo is unloaded
before the passengers are deplaned. 2.
The Captain will ask Flight Attendant
What two things are important to do (Fwd) to move to row 9 before the
when deplaning without a tailstand? "Seatbelt Sign" has been turned OFF. The
Flight Attendant will hold back
passengers seated in rows 1 through 8
while rear pax deplane.
State one important thing when boarding Maintain the forward cargo load at least
without a tailstand? equal or higher than the aft cargo load.
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