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Universidad Nacional de Educación UNAE

Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

Teacher Diego Patricio Ortega Auquilla

Student Lisseth García A.

Short Written Formative Assessment: Getting to know the students


 Write about your names, age & hometown (the town/city where u come


Hi I am Lisseth Michelle Garcia Andrade but I prefer people call me Liss. I am a

humble and friendly girl. I am 19 years old and music is all I need to survive. I

come from Cuenca. This city is full of historical places like parks, amazing

churches and hilarious streets surrounded by colonial houses.

 Why do you like the English language?

My mom used to be an English teacher, so she introduced me to the language.

When I was a little 5-year-old girl, I usually played with English books. They

were rich in illustrations and funny characters, so art and English started being

my top interests. I also heard so many English songs; that’s why I love music

and singing.

 What is the main reason why you want to be an English teacher?

I visualize myself in a classroom sharing knowledge with my students. I love

helping people and teaching because education is a great way to do it. I love

English, and I am looking forward to being a responsible and caring teacher, like

the ones I have never had.

 What are your course expectations? This means what do you expect from

our Curriculum Development course?

I would like to learn about the English curriculum so that’s how I will help my

students improve their skills during classes thanks to the content. To understand

the information in every class and how it works in different contexts. Also, I

want to analyze and design one.

 What is one key/essential thing I can do to help you learn better?

Before talking about a topic, I grasp it. I have tried many ways of studying, and

gossip is one of them. I discuss something with my friends, so then it is not that

difficult to remember it. I prefer consistent and easy-to-understand information

with simple words.

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