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Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

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Adaptive morphologies and guild structure in a high-diversity bivalve fauna

from an early Campanian rocky shore, Ivö Klack (Sweden)
Anne Mehlin Sørensen a, *, Finn Surlyk a, John W.M. Jagt b
Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, de Bosquetplein 6-7, NL-6211 KJ Maastricht, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The bivalve fauna from a late early Campanian rocky shore at Ivö Klack (southern Sweden), comprises
Received 10 March 2011 just over sixty species, a very high diversity in comparison to other Late Cretaceous and modern rocky
Accepted in revised form 31 July 2011 shore bivalve assemblages. This high diversity is here considered to represent a reliable census of the
Available online 27 August 2011
fauna; only in part can it be explained by the cumulative effect of generations of bivalves inhabiting this
coastal environment. The high density and diversity and the wide range of shell morphologies allow
interpretation of different modes of life in this variable environment with many contrasting habitats.
Study of the functional morphology of bivalve shells and comparison with extant relatives has resulted in
Rocky shore
a subdivision of the fauna into seven guilds and five habitats. The bivalve fauna represents a within-
Late Cretaceous habitat, time-averaged assemblage to which none of the species was introduced from adjacent envi-
Sweden ronments. It includes some of the most northerly known, very small rudistid bivalves, in addition to the
oldest known occurrences of Mytilus and Barbatia in association with rocky shores. Bivalves constituted
the most important invertebrate group inhabiting the late early Campanian rocky shore at Ivö Klack, in
terms of diversity, density and biomass.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1885) are predominant. The lowermost, photonegative zone

shows a predominance of serpulid species which occupy the over-
Rocky shores provide many different habitats for the colonising hanging lower portions of the boulders and hummocks (Sørensen
fauna and are therefore often characterised by a high faunal density and Surlyk, 2010). The commonly excellent preservation of this
and diversity. Studies of ancient rocky shore faunas are few and far ancient rocky shore fauna offers an opportunity to increase the
between, primarily because rocky shores are sites of erosion rather knowledge of faunal composition, life habits and nature of the
than of deposition, and the shelly fauna easily undergoes severe ecosystem. Thus, the aim of the present paper is to interpret the
fragmentation in such high-energy settings. However, good mode of life of the bivalve assemblages, to compare these with
examples of ancient rocky shores do exist, with the encrusting other Late Cretaceous and modern rocky shores faunas and to
fauna well preserved (Surlyk and Christensen, 1974; Lescinsky et al., subdivide the bivalves into guilds and preferred habitats in order to
1991; Johnson and McKerrow, 1995; Desrochers, 2006). A well- interpret their ecological role on the early Campanian rocky shore.
exposed late early Campanian rocky shore is preserved at Ivö
Klack in southern Sweden; it yields an invertebrate fauna of both
high density and diversity (Surlyk and Sørensen, 2010). A biological 2. Geological setting
interpretation, comprising three zones, of the cementing epifauna
has been mapped out on large gneiss boulders and hummocks The Ivö Klack site is a disused kaolin quarry, on the island of Ivö
(Surlyk and Christensen, 1974). The highest zone is dominated by in lake Ivösjön, in the northern part of the Kristianstad Basin in
the spondylid bivalve Spondylus labiatus (Wahlenberg, 1821), while north-east Skåne, southern Sweden (Fig. 1). This basin was situated
in the next, lower, zone on the near-vertical sides of the boulders at a palaeolatitude of approximately 50 N in a warm-temperate to
the oyster Amphidonte haliotoideum (J. Sowerby, 1813) and the subtropical climate (Surlyk, 1997; Surlyk and Sørensen, 2010).
inarticulate craniid brachiopod Ancistrocrania stobaei (Lundgren, Global sea level was in the order of 100 m higher than today
(Kominz et al., 2008), and the basin was transgressed repeatedly
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ45 35322401. from the south, resulting in the formation of an archipelago
E-mail address: (A. M. Sørensen). with low islands and peninsulas (Surlyk and Christensen, 1974;

0195-6671/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
22 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of north-east Skåne (southern Sweden), showing the Kristianstad Basin and the locality of Ivö Klack (modified after Norling and Bergström, 1987).

Christensen, 1975). As the Late Cretaceous transgression pro- the turbulent, near-shore environment (compare Cherns and
gressed, the deeply weathered basement at Ivö Klack was flooded Wright, 2000). Epifaunal encrustation of oyster muscle scars,
and washed clean by waves, leaving a steep, irregular, boulder- subsequent to aragonite dissolution, indicates that dissolution
strewn and hummocky rocky coast. The shore occupied the inter- occurred on the seafloor or under very shallow burial and subse-
tidal and subtidal zones with a maximum water depth probably not quent reworking of the sediment during storms, exposing the oyster
more than c. 5 m (Surlyk and Christensen, 1974). The succession at shells on the seafloor. The bivalve guilds and habitats are interpreted
Ivö Klack consists of Precambrian gneiss overlain by its weathering on the basis of studies of functional morphology of the shells and
product, kaolin. On top of the kaolin follow a few metres of Cam- a comparison with modern relatives.
panian quartz sand washed out from the kaolin and, in turn,
overlain by coarse-grained marine carbonates composed of skeletal 4. Results
fragments of bivalves (with a predominance of oysters), bryozoans,
brachiopods and echinoids (Surlyk and Sørensen, 2010). Belemnites The bivalve fauna from Ivö Klack comprises just over sixty
are abundant and show that the onlapping carbonates belong to the species, in around 40 genera, and inclusive of four indeterminate
upper lower Campanian Belemnellocamax mammillatus zone, c. forms which are briefly described below and listed in Table 1.
81e80 Ma (Christensen, 1975). Commonest are oysters; these make up c. 90 per cent of all bivalve
shells recorded in the present study. The assemblages are sub-
3. Material and methods divided into seven guilds, on the basis of tiering and postulated
mode of life (Fig. 2; Table 1). It has not been possible to assign
A large portion of the material studied was collected in a single indeterminate form, GMI 2602 (Fig. 5KeL) to any guild. The
1928e1929 by Alfred Rosenkrantz and in the early 1970s by Finn epifaunal, free-lying guild comprises three species, the epifaunal
Surlyk and Walter Kegel Christensen; this is now housed at the cemented guild 14 (primarily oysters and spondylids), the epi-
Statens Naturhistorisk Museum, Copenhagen, with the prefix GMI byssate guild 23, the semi-infaunal byssally attached guild one, the
(Geological Museum Ivö). The abundant, large-sized shells are well shallow infaunal guild 11, and the deep infaunal guild eight. Finally,
preserved, whereas juvenile specimens are almost absent, probably the boring guild is documented by borings assignable to the ich-
due to shell breakage and fragmentation in this turbulent environ- nogenus Gastrochaenolites Leymerie, 1842, found in oyster shells
ment. Bivalve shells are normally represented by isolated, dissoci- (Fig. 3). No shells of boring bivalves have been found, but at least
ated valves and many of the thick-shelled species reveal numerous one species must have belonged to this guild.
sponge borings. A total of 19 species had aragonitic shells; these are Five habitats that represent different hydrodynamic conditions
represented by internal moulds which make proper taxonomic and levels of light penetration are distinguished (Table 2). The
assignment rather difficult. One species, a trigoniid, is represented interpretation of habitat preferences of the bivalve species listed is
by external moulds as well. The abundance of moulds of formerly based primarily on attachment strategy. A total of 20 species
aragonitic species is indicative of the slow dissolution of aragonite in occurred in the within-sediment habitat 1; they are all infaunal and
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 23

Table 1 open spaces within bundles of marine plants. Thirty-five species

Abundance, shell composition and guild structure of the bivalve fauna from Ivö represent the relatively protected habitat 3, between and beneath
Klack. GMI numbers indicate unidentified species. GMI 2602 is not included in this
table, since the guild could not be inferred. *Assignment to guild is tentative;
boulders, and these include byssally attached, cemented as well as
a ¼ abundant (>100 specimens), c ¼ common (5 < specimens<100), r ¼ rare free-lying species. The semi-exposed habitat 4 hosted twenty-two
(specimens<5), A ¼ aragonite, C ¼ calcite. species, inclusive of byssally attached, cemented as well as free-
Species Abundance Composition Guild
lying species. The most exposed habitat, habitat 5, was occupied
by twelve cemented and byssally attached species (Table 2).
Neithea quinquecostata c CeA Epifaunal free-lying
*Vultogryphaea lacinata c CeA guild
*GMI 3501 r CeA 4.1. The bivalve fauna
Amphidonte haliotoideum a CeA Epifaunal cemented
Acutostrea incurva c CeA guild Size indications below include shell height (between umbo and
Ceratostreon sp. r CeA ventral margin) and length (measured from anterior to posterior).
*Exogyra? sp. r CeA Identification of material has relied on various sources, inclusive of
Gryphaeostrea canaliculata c CeA
Nilsson (1827), Lundgren (1885, 1894), Holzapfel (1887e1889),
Hyotissa semiplana r CeA
Pycnodonte vesicularis c CeA Hennig (1897), Cox et al. (1969), Stanley (1970), Stenzel (1971),
Rastellum diluvianum a CeA Dhondt (1972, 1973), Marquet (1982), Abdel-Gawad (1986), Mal-
Biradiolites suecicus c CeA chus (1990), Waller and Marincovich (1992), Dhondt and Dieni
Spondylus labiatus a CeA (1993), Malchus et al. (1994, 1996) and Elder (1996).
Spondylus latus r CeA
Spondylus truncatus c CeA
*Spondylus lamellatus c CeA Arcidae
Spondylus sp. A c CeA 1. Barbatia sp. (Fig. 9B)
Anomia? sp. r CeA Epibyssate guild
Mytilus sp. r CeA Internal moulds only; of medium size (length up to 55 mm);
Barbatia sp. c A outline elongate, oval; long, near-straight taxodont hinge line;
Barbatia? sp. r A pallial line visible along entire ventral margin; outer surface with
Modiolus sp. A r CeA
radial ribs.
Lima ovata c CeA
Ctenoides sp. r CeA
Limatula semisulcata c CeA 2. Barbatia? sp. (Fig. 9H)
Limea sp. r CeA
Pseudolimea sp. r CeA
Internal mould only; one specimen known, of medium size
*Camptonectes virgatus r CeA
Dhondtichlamys pulchella c CeA
(length 42 mm); outline triangular, suboval; only part of hinge line
Dhondtichlamys subarata c CeA preserved; pallial line visible along entire ventral margin. In
Mimachlamys undulata r CeA comparison to Barbatia sp. (see above), umbo less acuminate, wider
Lyriochlamys faujasi r CeA and straighter; outer surface with radial ribs.
Chlamys septemplicata c CeA
Lyriochlamys dentata c CeA
Lyriochlamys ternata r CeA 3. Arca? sp. (Fig. 9I)
Lycettia sp. r CeA
*Plagiostoma hoperi r CeA Internal mould only; one specimen known, of large size (length
Isognomon sp. r CeA
81 mm); outline elongate; valve inflated; beak prominent and
Pectinidae indet. r CeA
GMI 3701 r ?
inflated; umbo positioned anteriorly; ventral margin concave
centrally; no dentition or ornament seen.
Modiolus sp. B c CeA Semi-infaunal
byssus-attached guild
Cardiinae sp. c A Shallow infaunal guild 4. Cucullaea exaltata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 6R and S)
Arctica sp. c A
Granocardium? sp. r A
Cucullaea exaltata c A Internal moulds only, of medium size (up to 53 mm in height);
Cucullaea sp. A c A outline subtrigonal to subtrapezoidal; posterior margin obliquely
Cucullaea sp. B c A truncated; rounded posterior umbonal carina in both valves; pallial
Trigonia sp. c A
line prominent, visible along entire ventral margin; no gapes; no
Glycymeris lens c A
Glycymeris sp. A c A ornament or dentition preserved.
*Icanotia grosseplicata c A
Liopistha sp. r A 5. Cucullaea sp. A (Fig. 6M and N)
Goniomya sp. c A Deep infaunal guild
Arcomya sp. c A Internal moulds only, of medium size (up to 40 mm in height);
Arca? sp. r A outline subtrigonal to subtrapezoidal; posterior margin obliquely
Panopaea regularis c A
truncated; rounded posterior umbonal carina in both valves; pallial
Tellinidae? indet. c ?
Laternulidae sp. r A
line prominent, traceable along entire ventral margin; no gapes.
Tellina? sp. r A Compared to C. exaltata (see above), this has a deeper scar posterior
GMI 1715 r ? of the carina, a rounded postero-ventral margin and a more
no fossils ? Boring guild acuminate beak; no ornament or dentition preserved.

6. Cucullaea sp. B (Fig. 6G and H)

semi-infaunal. Seventeen species of byssate nestling and fissure-
dwelling bivalves inhabited the protected photonegative habitat Internal moulds only, of medium size (up to 49 mm in height);
2, between and beneath hummocks and boulders and probably in outline subtrigonal to suboval; posterior margin obliquely
24 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

Fig. 2. The seven bivalve guilds from Ivö Klack. Representing the free-lying epifaunal guild is Vultogryphaea lacinata (A); typical of the cemented epifaunal guild are Rastellum
diluvianum (B) and spondylids (C); representing the epibyssate guild are Modiolus sp. A (D) and Mimachlamys undulata (E); a typical member of the semi-infaunal guild is Modiolus
sp. B (F); representing the shallow infaunal guild is Cucullaea sp. A (G) and Arcomya sp. (H) is typical of the deep infaunal guild. The boring guild is represented by a boring in an
oyster valve (see also Fig. 3).

truncated; rounded posterior umbonal carina in both valves. Nar- 10. Modiolus sp. A (Fig. 8O)
rower than C. exaltata and lacking a prominent pallial line. No
ornament or dentition preserved. Internal moulds only; of medium size (length up to 62 mm);
outline modioliform; umbo obtuse and ventral margin curved;
Glycymerididae ligament area fairly long; both valves equally inflated; no dentition
7. Glycymeris lens (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 6F) or ornament seen.

Internal moulds only, of small size (up to 25 mm in height); 11. Modiolus sp. B (Fig. 8H)
outline subcircular; umbo orthogyrate and relatively straight; both
valves evenly inflated; pallial line visible along entire ventral Internal moulds only; of medium size (length up to 52 mm); outline
margin, internally fluted ventrally; taxodont hinge well preserved; modioliform, wider than Modiolus sp. A (see above); umbo obtuse,
no ornament seen. ventral margin more clearly curved than in previous form; ligament
area fairly long; valve inflated; no dentition or ornament seen.
8. Glycymeris sp. A (Fig. 6P)
12. Lycettia sp. (Fig. 8I)
Internal mould only; one specimen known, of small size (32 mm
in height); outline subcircular; umbo orthogyrate and relatively Internal mould only, one specimen known; of small size (length
straight; ventral margin internally fluted; outer surface with radial 34 mm); outline mytiliform; beak more acuminate than in Mytilus
ribs. No dentition preserved. sp. (see above); sharp carina extending from beak to postero-ventral
margin; valve inflated; ventral margin straight and flattened; outer
Mytilidae surface with concentric growth lines; no dentition seen.
9. Mytilus sp. (Fig. 8N)
Internal mould only; one specimen known, of medium size 13. Isognomon sp. (Fig. 9D and J)
(length 60 mm); outline mytiliform; beak acuminate; anterior
adductor scars small, yet distinct; valve inflated, ventral shell Internal moulds only, of large size (at least 90 mm in width);
margin straight and flattened; outer surface with concentric beak area acuminate; only umbonal area preserved, but with
growth lines; no dentition preserved. characteristic numerous and regularly arranged ligament grooves,
each about 3 mm wide and 9 mm long; no ornament preserved.

14. Camptonectes virgatus (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 8P)

Small sized (up to 11 mm in height); outline drop shaped; valves

relatively convex, with unequal auricles; umbonal angle 70 ; right
anterior auricle elongate, wing like, with byssal sinus; left anterior
auricle near rectangular; posterior auricles smaller and more
obtusely angled; outer surface with radial striae, diverging from
umbo towards pallial and lateral margins; striae crossed by
concentric growth lines.

15. Lyriochlamys faujasi (Defrance, 1825) (Fig. 8J)

Large sized (up to 85 mm in height); outline drop shaped; valves

prosocline and flattened; umbonal angle 75e83 ; anterior auricle
rather wide, elongate and wing like, with deep byssal sinus and
covered with concentric elevated lines which bend along byssal
Fig. 3. Bivalve boring, assignable to the ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites, in a right valve sinus; posterior auricle smaller, triangular and acutely angled;
of the oyster Rastellum diluvianum. outer surface with 25e35 radial, divided ribs.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 25

Fig. 4. Gryphaeid and ostreid oysters from Ivö Klack; all specimens natural size. AeB. Vultogryphaea lacinata (GMI 4101), left valve in outer and anterior views; CeD. Vultogryphaea
lacinata (GMI 4102), right valve in internal and external views; EeF. Gryphaeostrea canaliculata (GMI 4503), left valve in external and posterior views (attachment area facing
upwards); G. Ceratostreon sp. (GMI 4201), left valve (attachment area facing upwards); H. Hyotissa semiplana (GMI 4107), right valve in internal view; IeJ. Pycnodonte vesicularis (GMI
4505), right valve in internal and external views; KeL. Pycnodonte vesicularis (GMI 4504), right valve in internal and external views; MeN. Ceratostreon sp. (GMI 4203), left valve in
external and internal views; O. Amphidonte haliotoideum (GMI 4105), left valve in internal view; PeQ. Amphidonte haliotoideum (GMI 4104), right valve in internal and external
views; R. Pycnodonte vesicularis forma hippopodium (GMI 4502), right valve in internal view; SeT. Pycnodonte vesicularis forma hippopodium (GMI 4501), left valve in internal and
ventral views; UeV. Gryphaeostrea canaliculata (GMI 4401), right valve in external and internal views.
26 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

Fig. 5. Bivalves from Ivö Klack; all specimens natural size, except AeC, which are x 0.8. AeC. Rastellum diluvianum (GMI 6501), right valve in internal view (A), right valve in external
view (B) and ventral view (C), left valve at base; D. Acutostrea incurva (GMI 6401), left valve in external view; EeF. Gryphaeostrea canaliculata (GMI 4202), left valve in anterior and
internal views; G. Rastellum diluvianum (GMI 4901), left valve in external view; H. Tellina? sp. (GMI 1704), internal mould of right valve; IeJ. Exogyra? sp. (GMI 4506), right valve in
internal and external views; KeL. indeterminate (GMI 2602), internal mould of right valve in posterior and external views; MeN. Acutostrea incurva (GMI 6402), left valve in internal
and external views.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 27

Table 2
The bivalve fauna and its link with five habitats at Ivö Klack. The habitats represent different hydrodynamic conditions and light penetration.

Increasing energy and illumination

Life habit Species Habitat 1 Habitat 2 Habitat 3 Habitat 4 Habitat 5

Within-sediment Protected photonegative Relatively protected Semi-exposed parts Most exposed parts
with limited environments between and environments of the boulders and of the boulders with
turbulence beneath boulders and in between and on the seafloor high water
spaces within bundles of beneath boulders turbulence
marine plants
Byssate current Mytilus sp. X X
loving Modiolus sp. A
Lycettia sp.
GMI 3701

Cemented by the Amphidonte haliotoideum X X X

entire left valve Ceratostreon sp.
Exogyra? sp.
Pycnodonte vesicularis
Hyotissa semiplana
Spondylus sp. A
Spondylus latus
Spondylus truncatus

Cemented by a small Acutostrea incurva X X

area near the umbo Gryphaeostrea canaliculata
Rastellum diluvianum
Biradiolites suecicus
Spondylus labiatus
Spondylus lamellatus

Epifaunal, free-lying Neithea quinquecostata X X

Vultogryphaea lacinata
GMI 3501
GMI 3803

Byssate nestling and Barbatia sp. X X

fissure dwellers Barbatia? sp.
Lima ovata
Ctenoides sp.
Limea sp.
Pseudolimea sp.
Limatula semisulcata
Camptonectes virgatus
Dhondtichlamys pulchella
Dhondtichlamys subarata
Mimachlamys undulata
Lyriochlamys faujasi
Chlamys septemplicata
Lyriochlamys dentata
Plagiostoma hoperi
Isognomon sp.
Pectinidae indet.

Semi-infaunal Modiolus sp. B X

Shallow infaunal Cardiinae sp. X
Arctica sp.
Granocardium? sp.
Cucullaea exaltata
Cucullaea sp. A
Cucullaea sp. B
Trigonia sp.
Glycymeris lens
Glycymeris sp. A
Icanotia grosseplicata
Liopistha sp.

Deep infaunal Goniomya sp. X

Arcomya sp.
Arcomya? sp.
Panopaea regularis
Laternulidae sp.
Tellinidae? indet.
Tellina? sp.
GMI 1715
28 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

16. Lyriochlamys dentata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 8L) concentric ornament, with distinct sinuous imbrication pattern,
continuing onto auricle. Only a single left valve available.
Large sized (up to 125 mm in height); outline drop shaped;
umbonal angle 72e76 ; right anterior auricle elongate and wing like, Anomiidae
with deep byssal sinus covered with radial ribs; left anterior 24. Anomia? sp. (Fig. 7O)
auricle large, with slight byssal sinus; posterior auricles much
smaller, obtusely angled and with few radial ribs; outer surface Medium sized (45 mm in height); outline rounded; single valve
with numerous, commonly tripartite ribs with scabrous known weakly inflated; outer surface with concentric growth lines.
17. Lyriochlamys ternata (Münster in Goldfuss, 1833) (Fig. 8B) 25. Spondylus sp. A (Fig. 7B, K and Q)

Medium sized (32 mm in height), flattened; only a single valve Large sized (up to 100 mm in height); outline subrounded; right
known; outline drop shaped; outer surface with rounded radial ribs valve bulbous and outer surface with strong radial ribs, rough
and riblets, broad intercostal intervals with radial lines and well- spines emerging from ribs; left valve deep and with large attach-
developed, undulating concentric growth lines. ment area; free portion of left valve with long, prominent spines
following ill-developed ribs and growth lines.
18. Dhondtichlamys pulchella (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 8E and F)
26. Spondylus labiatus (Wahlenberg, 1821) (Fig. 7A)
Small sized (up to 14 mm in height); outline rounded; umbonal
angle 101 105 ; right valve more convex than left; anterior auricle Medium sized (up to 50 mm in height); outline elongate to oval; left
elongate and wing like, with deep byssal sinus in right valve; valve inflated, cylindrical and cemented to substrate along small
posterior auricle smaller and obtusely angled; outer surface with portion of shell (boulders and hummocks); right valve lid like; outer
a large number of radially divided ribs. surface with strong radial ribs and few prominent growth lines. Species
commonly found in clusters, with radial, petal-like arrangement
19. Dhondtichlamys subarata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 8Q and R) pattern; easily recognised by strong radial ribs and elongate outline.

Small sized (up to 13 mm in height); outline rounded; umbonal 27. Spondylus latus (J. Sowerby, 1814) (Fig. 7C)
angle 90e97 ; shell relatively convex, left valve more so; anterior
auricle elongate and wing like, with deep byssal sinus; posterior Medium sized (up to 50 mm in height); outline highly variable,
auricle smaller and triangular; outer surface with a large number of but mostly elongate to oval; right valve inflated, cylindrical; outer
divided ribs. surface of both valves with strong radial ribs and few, prominent
growth lines, may merge lamellae fused to either substrate or other
20. Mimachlamys undulata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 8G) epifauna; left valve probably cemented to substrate by large
attachment area and by lamellae.
Medium sized (38 mm in height); outline rounded; umbonal
angle at first 90 , but widening ventrally to 95 ; right valve fairly 28. Spondylus truncatus (Lamarck, 1819) (Fig. 7F, G and L)
convex, auricles relatively small; both auricles triangular but
anterior one with deep byssal sinus on right valve and covered with Medium sized (up to 40 mm in height); outline variably sub-
radial ribs and pronounced concentric growth lines; outer surface rounded; right valve gibbous with straight hinge line and small
with thin, close-set radial ribs crossed by concentric, irregularly auricles; outer surface with strong radial ribs, every fourth to sixth
distributed growth lines. Only a single right valve available. rib being more prominent with rough spines; left valve cemented
to substrate by entire surface; shape of substrate recognisable on
21. Chlamys septemplicata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 8K) right valve (xenomorphic expression).

Medium sized (up to 50 mm in height); outline drop shaped; 29. Spondylus lamellatus (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 7E)
umbonal angle 72e80 ; valves prosocline and flattened; right
anterior auricle broad, with acute angle and byssal sinus; posterior Medium sized (up to 48 mm in height); outline highly variable,
auricle smaller with an obtuse angle; outer surface with rounded but mostly elongate to oval; valves inflated, cylindrical; outer
radial ribs, broader intercostal intervals with finer radial ribs and surface with strong radial ribs and prominent growth lines, all
few, well-developed concentric growth lines. merging into lamellae.

22. Neithea quinquecostata (J. Sowerby, 1814) (Fig. 8C and D) Limidae

30. Plagiostoma hoperi (Mantell, 1822) (Fig. 7P)
Medium sized (up to 50 mm in height); outline triangular; left
valve cup shaped, right valve flattened; auricles small, triangular Medium sized (up to 35 mm in height); outline suborbicular to
and of equal size; hinge with two divergent cardinal teeth, one on suboval; opisthocline and length commonly slightly exceeding
each side of ligament pit; outer surface with six primary radial ribs height; beak anterior, with moderately long cardinal area, broad
between with are four intercostal ribs. ligament pit and obtuse auricles; outer surface radially striated,
with weak concentric growth lines.
23. Pectinidae indet. (Fig. 8V)
31. Lima ovata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 7H)
Small sized (16 mm in height); outline rounded; umbonal angle
90 ; left valve convex, with anterior auricle relatively small and Small sized (up to 33 mm in height); outline suborbicular to
triangular with deep byssal sinus; outer surface with pronounced oval, height exceeding width; hinge margin relatively short;
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 29

Fig. 6. Bivalves from Ivö Klack; all specimens natural size. AeB. Cardiinae sp. (GMI 1601), internal mould of left valve in posterior and external views; CeD. Cardiinae sp. (GMI 1602),
internal mould of right valve in external and posterior views; E. ‘Trigonia’ sp. (GMI 1402), rubber peel of external surface of right valve, showing ornament; F. Glycymeris lens (GMI
1708), internal mould; G H. Cucullaea sp. B (GMI 1504), internal mould of right valve in external and anterior views; IeJ. ‘Trigonia’ sp. (GMI 1401), internal mould of right valve in
external and dorsal views; KeL. Granocardium? sp. (GMI 1705), internal mould of right valve in external and posterior views; MeN. Cucullaea sp. A (GMI 1502), internal mould of
right valve in external and anterior views; O. Liopistha sp. (GMI 1703), internal mould of right valve; P. Glycymeris sp. A (GMI 1716), internal mould; Q. Arctica sp. (GMI 1713), internal
mould of left valve; ReS. Cucullaea exaltata (GMI 1501), internal mould of right valve in external and anterior views; TeU. Arctica sp. (GMI 1503), internal mould of left valve in
external and posterior views.
30 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

Fig. 7. Bivalves from Ivö Klack; all specimens natural size. A. Spondylus labiatus (GMI 304), right valve in external view; B. Spondylus sp. A (GMI 401), right valve in external view; C.
Spondylus latus (GMI 306), two left valves cemented together; D. Limatula semisulcata (GMI 302), right valve in external view; E. Spondylus lamellatus (GMI 308), right valve in
external view; F. Spondylus truncatus (GMI 307), right valve in external view; G. Interior of a left valve of an indeterminate spondylid, possibly S. truncatus (GMI 101); H. Lima ovata
(GMI 301), left valve in external view; I. Ctenoides sp. (GMI 1701), internal mould of left valve; J. indeterminate (GMI 1715), internal mould of right valve; K. Spondylus sp. A (GMI
309), right valve in external view; L. Spondylus truncatus (GMI 305), right valve in external view; M. Pseudolimea sp. (GMI 310), right valve in external view; N. Limea sp. (GMI 303),
right valve in external view; O. Anomia? sp. (GMI 3801), external view; P. Plagiostoma hoperi (GMI 311), right valve in external view; Q. Spondylus sp. A (GMI 21), right valve in
external view.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 31

Fig. 8. Bivalves from Ivö Klack; all specimens natural size, except P. A. indeterminate pectinid (GMI 3501), right valve in external view; B. Lyriochlamys ternata (GMI 3803), right
valve in external view; C. Neithea quinquecostata (GMI 3503), left valve in external view; D. Neithea quinquecostata (GMI 3802), right valve in internal view; E. Dhondtichlamys
pulchella (GMI 3605), external view; F. Dhondtichlamys pulchella (GMI 3602), right valve in external view; G. Mimachlamys undulata (GMI 3502), left valve in external view; H.
Modiolus sp. B (GMI 1707), internal mould of right valve; I. Lycettia sp. (GMI 402), internal mould of left valve; J. Lyriochlamys faujasi (GMI 3601), external view; K. Chlamys sep-
templicata (GMI 3401), right valve in external view; L. Lyriochlamys dentata (GMI 3402), in external view; M. indeterminate (GMI 3701), internal mould of left valve; N. Mytilus sp.
(GMI 403), internal mould of left valve; O. Modiolus sp. A (GMI 1607), internal mould of left valve; P. Camptonectes virgatus (GMI 3504), left valve in external view; Q. Dhondtichlamys
subarata (GMI 3603), left valve in external view; R. Dhondtichlamys subarata (GMI 3604), right valve in external view; S T. Biradiolites suecicus (GMI 4001), attached valves in top
and lateral views; U. Icanotia grosseplicata (GMI 1605), internal mould of right valve; V. Pectinidae indet. (GMI 3702), left valve in external view.
32 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

Fig. 9. Bivalves from Ivö Klack; all specimens natural size. A. Panopaea regularis (GMI 1706), internal mould of right valve; B. Barbatia sp. (GMI 1710), internal mould of right valve; C.
Goniomya sp. (GMI 1604), internal mould of right valve; D. Isognomon sp. (GMI 1709), internal mould of left valve; E. Tellinidae? indet. (GMI 1712), internal mould of left valve; F G.
Laternulidae sp. (GMI 1609), internal mould of articulated shell (left valve) in external and dorsal views; H. Barbatia? sp. (GMI 1714), internal mould of right valve; I. Arca? sp. (GMI
1610), internal mould of right valve; J. Isognomon sp. (GMI 1606), internal mould of left valve; K. Arcomya sp. (GMI 1608), internal mould of left valve.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 33

auricles well differentiated, with anterior one being slightly ligament area normally short, straight and triangular, with bour-
smaller; no gapes; outer surface with radial ribs and concentric relets and resilifer of near-equal size; hinge line usually straight and
growth lines. short; commissural shelf well-developed with chomata restricted
to small, commonly fairly deep, gutters on both sides of hinge;
32. Ctenoides sp. (Fig. 7I) outer surface with growth lines near commissure; shell with
vesicular structure.
Medium sized (49 mm in height); outline oval, height exceeding
width; beak acuminate and anterior margin straight; outer surface 39. Amphidonte haliotoideum (J. Sowerby, 1813) (Fig. 4OeQ)
with concentric growth lines. Only a single internal mould avail-
able; no dentition seen. Medium sized (up to 70 mm in height); outline oval to comma
shaped; commissural shelf well-developed in both valves, with
33. Limatula semisulcata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 7D) chomata along entire margin; left valve deep, with a spirally curved
umbonal region; right valve flattened convex or concave with
Small sized (up to 26 mm in height); outline oval, height exceeding a curved umbonal region; outer surface with smooth growth lines;
width; strongly inflated, hinge edentulous, auricles small and sub- attachment area relatively large, in some cases, whole left valve
equal; no gapes; outer surface with fine radial ribs, most conspicuous cemented to substrate.
towards valve centre and absent from posterior and anterior ends.
40. Ceratostreon sp. (Fig. 4G, M and N)
34. Limea sp. (Fig. 7N)
Medium sized (up to 41 mm in height); outline elongate to
Small sized (up to 30 mm in height); outline suborbicular or oval; left valve cup shaped with umbonal region forming larger
ovate, height exceeding width; hinge margin relatively short; end; commissural shelf well-developed with chomata dorsally;
hinge with series of short denticles on either side; auricles well outer surface with smooth growth lines, plus keel rising into
differentiated and appearing larger than in L. ovata (see above); prominent spines; attachment area relatively large; only left
no gapes; outer surface with radial ribs; crenulated shell margin. valves available.

35. Pseudolimea sp. (Fig. 7M) 41. Exogyra? sp. (Fig. 5I and J)

Small sized (13 mm in height); outline obliquely ovate to Medium sized (38 mm in height); outline elongate, oval; valve
orbicular; gibbous; beak near centre of moderately long cardinal cup shaped with umbonal region forming larger end; twisted beak;
area, ligament pit broad; outer surface with numerous concentric ligament area triangular, resilifer broader than bourrelets;
growth lines and radial ribs. Only a single valve available. commissural shelf poorly developed; no chomata visible; outer
surface with smooth growth lines plus a keel rising from beak to
Gryphaeidae halfway down shell. Only a single right valve available.
36. Vultogryphaea laciniata (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 4AeD)
42. Hyotissa semiplana (J. de C. Sowerby, 1825) (Fig. 4H)
Medium sized (up to 45 mm in height); outline rounded to oval;
left valve cup shaped, outer surface with concentric growth lines Large sized (up to 90 mm in height); outline variably lobate;
and few strong radial ribs with tendency to form hollow spines; right valve flat to slightly convex, with well-developed commis-
attachment area small; right valve as thin lid, slightly concave, with sural shelf, chomata present along entire shelf; adductor muscle
concentric growth lines; shell typically exogyrine and coiled, scar reniform, with both ends well rounded. Only right valves
resulting in narrow ligamental and subligamental areas; commis- available.
sural shelf well-developed, with chomata dorsally.
Species here interpreted to have been cemented during juvenile Ostreidae
stage and later becoming free-lying, as based on very small 43. Acutostrea incurva (Nilsson, 1827) (Fig. 5D, M and N)
attachment area, morphological differences between valves and
relatively thin-shelled and concave left valve. Medium sized (up to 80 mm in height); outline variable, but
mostly elongate, straight or, more commonly, curved; ligament
37. Gryphaeostrea canaliculata (J. Sowerby, 1813) (Figs. 4EeF, UeV area in left valve acuminate, high triangular, resilifer broader than
and Fig. 5EeF) bourrelets; commissural shelf with rounded subligamental gutter
with chomata, and both gutters and chomata well-developed
Medium sized (up to 42 mm in height); outline oval, height from hinge to adductor muscle area, but effacing ventrally; outer
exceeding width; left valve cup shaped, with small opisthogyrate surface of both valves with concentric undulating growth lines,
beak; right valve forming thin lid, slightly convex or concave and becoming squamate in last stages of growth; attachment area
much smaller than left valve, leaving wide free margin on left valve; normally small.
ligament area triangular; first opisthogyrate and later straight;
resilifer broader than bourrelets; commissural shelf well- 44. Rastellum diluvianum (Linnaeus, 1767) (Fig. 5AeC and G)
developed, in some cases with subligamental gutter without cho-
mata; outer surface of both valves with concentric growth lines, Large sized (up to 160 mm in height); outline elongate, occa-
becoming squamate at flanks; attachment area large. sionally crescentic to triangular-crescentic; shells with crescentic
outline have convex anterior and concave posterior flanks, tending
38. Pycnodonte vesicularis (Lamarck, 1806) (Fig. 4IeL, ReT) to be vertical to commissural plane; chomata present along entire
commissure; adductor muscle scars large and subtriangular to
Medium sized (up to 75 mm in height); outline round to comma shaped; ligament area broad and straight to opisthogyrate;
obliquely oval; right valve forming weakly convex or concave lid; outer surface of both valves with numerous branching costae,
34 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

turning into strongly plicate shell margin, forming an interlocking, Hiatellidae

acutely angled, zigzag commissure; posterior shell margin not 52. Panopaea regularis (d’Orbigny, 1849) (Fig. 9A)
always plicate; attachment area relatively large, commonly occu-
pying entire posterior flank. Internal moulds only; of large size (up to 68 mm in height); outline
elongate, suboval; umbo positioned almost centrally; siphonal gape
Trigoniidae posteriorly; pallial line visible along entire margin, with wide pallial
45. ‘Trigonia’ sp. (Fig. 6E, I and J) sinus posteriorly; no dentition or ornament preserved.

Internal moulds and external casts only; of small size (up to Radiolitidae
27 mm in height); outline triangular to suboval; marginal carina 53. Biradiolites suecicus (Lundgren, 1870) (Fig. 8S and T)
prominent; two symmetrical, striated teeth visible in mould;
outer surface with concentric ribs on anterior part, crossed by Medium sized (up to 40 mm in height); attached valve conical,
radial ribs in median portion of shell; posterior part with radial free valve forming lid; attached valve straight or arched, with no
ribs. teeth and posterior ligament; outer surface with longitudinal
ornament and growth lines.
46. Cardiinae indet. (Fig. 6AeD) Pholadomyidae
54. Goniomya sp. (Fig. 9C)
Internal moulds only; of small size (up to 27 mm in height);
outline subtrigonal to suboval; both valves evenly inflated; umbo Internal moulds only; of medium size (length up to 56 mm);
prosogyrate, turned forwards; posterior margin obliquely trun- outline elongate to suboval; both valves equally weakly inflated,
cated; pallial line visible along entire margin; no ornament or umbo positioned anteriorly; siphonal gape posteriorly; beaks
dentition seen. almost orthogyrous; outer surface with concentric growth lines; no
dentition seen.
47. Granocardium? sp. (Fig. 6K and L)
55. Arcomya sp. (Fig. 9K)
Internal mould only; one specimen available, of medium size
(40 mm in height); outline subtrigonal to suboval; both valves Internal moulds only; of medium size (length up to 75 mm);
evenly inflated, posterior margin obliquely truncated; umbo pro- outline elongate; both valves equally weakly inflated, umbo posi-
sogyrate, beak relatively straight; outer surface with radial ribs and tioned anteriorly; siphonal gape posteriorly; pallial line visible
concentric growth lines; no dentition seen. along entire margin; no dentition or ornament preserved.

Tellinidae Laternulidae
48. Tellina? sp. (Fig. 5H) 56. Laternulidae sp. (Fig. 9F and G)

Internal moulds only; small sized (up to 14 mm in height); Internal moulds only; of large size (up to 44 mm in height);
outline elongate, suboval; umbo positioned almost centrally, beaks outline elongate, oval; umbo positioned almost centrally; siphonal
orthogyrous; siphonal gape posteriorly; outer surface with gape posteriorly; deep holes, positioned dorso-posteriorly probably
concentric growth lines; no dentition seen. reflect internal umbonal plate; pallial line visible along entire
margin, wide pallial sinus posteriorly; no dentition or ornament
49. Tellinidae? indet. (Fig. 9E) seen.

Internal moulds only; of medium size (up to 30 mm in height); Poromyidae

outline elongate, suboval; umbo positioned almost centrally, 57. Liopistha sp. (Fig. 6O)
siphonal gape posteriorly; outer surface with concentric growth
lines; no dentition seen. Internal moulds only; of small size (up to 28 mm in height);
outline triangular to suboval; anterior end shorter than posterior;
Arcticidae outer surface with coarse radial ribs, except on dorsal part of
50. Arctica sp. (Fig. 6Q, T and U) posterior slope; no dentition seen.

Internal moulds only; of medium size (up to 48 mm in height); Indeterminate

outline subtrigonal to suboval; umbo prosogyrate, both valves 58. GMI 1715 (Fig. 7J)
evenly inflated; posterior margin obliquely truncated; pallial line
visible along entire margin; hinge of heterodont type; no ornament Internal mould only; only a single specimen known, of medium
preserved. size (length 42 mm); outline elongate; valve inflated, umbo posi-
tioned anteriorly; siphonal gape posteriorly; pallial line visible
Icanotiidae along entire valve margin; no dentition or ornament seen.
51. Icanotia grosseplicata (Lundgren, 1894) (Fig. 8U)
59. GMI 2602 (Fig. 5K and L)
Internal moulds only; of medium size (length up to 70 mm);
outline elongate; both valves equally weakly inflated, umbo posi- Internal mould only; only a single specimen known, of small size
tioned anteriorly; siphonal gape posteriorly; anterior end much (14 mm in height); outline subcircular; valve weakly inflated, umbo
narrower than posterior; outer surface with concentric growth positioned anteriorly; pallial line visible along entire valve margin;
lines and five prominent radial ribs posteriorly; no dentition seen. no dentition or ornament seen.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 35

60. GMI 3501 (Fig. 8A) acuminate than in Mytilus (see above); valve inflated; ventral shell
margin straight and flattened; no dentition or ornament seen.
Internal mould only; only a single valve known, of medium size
(46 mm in height); outline drop shaped; valve cup shaped, with
portions of auricles preserved; outer surface with rounded radial 5. Discussion
ribs and riblets, broad intercostal intervals with radial lines and
well-developed, undulating concentric growth lines. Clearly a pec- The bivalves constitute the most diverse and abundant faunal
tinid, but generically and specifically indeterminate. group which inhabited the rocky shore at Ivö Klack, being repre-
sented by just over 60 species. This diversity is high in comparison
61. GMI 3701 (Fig. 8M) with other Late Cretaceous rocky shore bivalve assemblages from
Germany, the Czech Republic, New Zealand and Mexico (Table 3).
Internal mould only; only a single specimen known, of small The late Cenomanian e early Turonian fauna from the Czech
size (length 29 mm); outline mytiliform; beak more strongly Republic was studied with respect to cementing species found on
boulders; fifteen taxa have been recorded (Nekvasilová and Zítt, 

Table 3
The bivalve fauna from four Late Cretaceous rocky shore localities, and their modes of life as interpreted here. All species present are suspension feeders. # indicate presence at
 1988; Lescinsky et al.,
Ivö Klack, C ¼ cemented, By ¼ byssally attached, Bo ¼ boring, I ¼ infaunal, F ¼ free-lying (based on Pietzsch, 1962; Crampton, 1988; Nekvasilová and Zítt,

1991; Zítt,  et al., 1997).
1992; Johnson and Hayes, 1993 and Zítt

Species Germany Cenomanian Mexico CampanianeMaastrichtian Czech Republic Late New Zealand
CenomanianeEarly Turonian Santonian
Opis bicornis I
Gastrochaena ostreae Bo
Lima reichenbachi By
Pecten laminosus By
Pecten acuminatus By
Pecten elongatus By
Neithea quinquecostata # F
Neithea digitalis ? ?
Spondylus striatus C
Spondylus hystrix C
Lopha carinata C C
Rastellum diluvianum # C C
Pycnodonte vesicularis # C
Ostrea? cf. hippopodium # C
Exogyra lateralis C
Exogyra sigmoidalis C C
Amphidonte haliotoideum # C C
Exogyra reticulata C
Hyotissa semiplana C
Ostrea operculata C
Gryphaeostrea cf. canaliculata C
Spondylus omalii C
Ostrea sp. # C
?Amphidonte sp. C
Lyriochlamys cf. traskii By
Spondylus sp. # C
?Atreta n. sp. C
Coralliochama orcutti C
Oyster sp. A C
Atreta? sp. 1 C
Atreta? sp. 2 C
Spondylus sp. # C
Arca sp. By
Cucullaea sp. By
Modiolus sp. # By
Pteriidae sp. By
Isognomon sp. # By
Inoceramus sp. By
Oxytomidae sp. By
Chlamys sp. # By
Camptonectes sp. # By
Regalilima cf. marlburiensis By
Ostreidae sp. C
Trigonia aff. marwicki I
Pterotrigonia waitangiensis I
Psammobiidae sp. I
Bivalvia sp. ?
Total number of species 16 6 15 15
Total number of species in guilds I¼1 By ¼ 1 C ¼ 14 I¼3
Bo ¼ 1 C¼5 ?¼1 By ¼ 10
By ¼ 4 C¼1
F¼1 ?¼1
36 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

1988; Zítt, 
1992; Zítt and Nekvasilová, 1996; Zítt  et al., 1997)
(Table 3). This number slightly exceeds that for Ivö Klack (14
cementing species), suggesting that the entire rocky shore bivalve
fauna in the Czech Republic may have been as diverse as at Ivö
Klack. The Cenomanian rocky shore bivalves from Germany
(Pietzsch, 1962) constitute the most diverse Cretaceous assemblage
described to date outside Ivö Klack; it comprises 16 species, here
assigned to five guilds, namely the cemented epifaunal, the epi-
byssate, the infaunal, the free-lying and the boring guild (Table 3).
The CampanianeMaastrichtian rocky shore fauna from Mexico is
represented by one byssate and five cementing species, indicating
that only species directly associated with the rocky shore were
described, similar to the Czech fauna (Lescinsky et al., 1991;
Johnson and Hayes, 1993). A Santonian fauna from New Zealand
(Crampton, 1988) includes 15 species of bivalve which are here
assigned to the cemented epifaunal, the epibyssate and the infaunal
guild. This guild structure indicates that both the subtidal, intertidal
and the adjacent sedimentary seafloor environments were
included in that study. However, that particular fauna is from the
Southern Hemisphere and has no species in common with any of
the other Late Cretaceous rocky shore faunas. Comparisons may
thus be difficult, although the diversity would be expected to be
similar at similar latitudes and in comparable climates. All the
Fig. 11. Pie-diagram showing the distribution of 60 bivalve species from Ivö Klack
Cretaceous faunas are less diverse in comparison to Ivö Klack as far
amongst the various guilds.
as number of species and number of guilds are concerned. The
German and Czech faunas, roughly 10 myr older, lived at similar
latitudes and in comparable climatic regimes within the same on the diversity at Ivö Klack. The fauna is interpreted as comprising
epeiric sea as that described from Ivö Klack. Furthermore, the a within-habitat, time-averaged assemblages (sensu Walker and
diversity of cementing species from the Czech Republic is similar to Bambach, 1971). According to Kidwell (1998, 2002), the relative
that at Ivö Klack, which indicates that at least these two European abundance of within-habitat, time-averaged assemblages is slightly
rocky shores may have hosted a comparable species diversity as higher than their modern counterparts. The much higher bivalve
recorded from Ivö Klack. Thus, it is most likely that the lower diversity at Ivö Klack is, however, interpreted as representing
diversity of other Late Cretaceous faunas can be explained by a genuine picture.
taphonomic processes, such as mechanical destruction, or by The cementing and epibyssate guilds at Ivö Klack are particu-
incomplete taxonomic assessment of taxa not directly cemented to larly important and comprise 61 per cent of all species recognised
the rocky shore. (Fig. 11). The guild structure provides a source for interpretation of
The species diversity among modern rocky shore bivalve faunas the former environment along the rocky shore and is a way to
from different latitudes is low in comparison to the Ivö Klack tackle palaeoecological aspects, independent of the number of
assemblages, even when infaunal species inhabiting associated specimens of each species preserved and, thereby, independent of
sediment are included. The highest bivalve diversity is found at preservational and collection biases. The high number of species in
Otranto in the southern Adriatic Sea (Italy), where 33 subtidal the attached guilds can probably be ascribed to the turbulent
species have been counted (Fig. 10) (Terlizzi et al., 2003). The high conditions along the steep coast, where it was advantageous to
diversity at Ivö Klack may represent the cumulative effect of be attached firmly to the substrate. Cementation provides the
generations of bivalves accumulated in the associated 22e24 m strongest attachment and all of the commoner species found at
thick carbonate succession along the rocky shore. The accumulation Ivö Klack belong to this guild, indicating relatively strong turbu-
of many generations of bivalves will lead to a higher total diversity lence along the shore (Table 1). The high number of species in the
compared to any snapshots of faunas from similar modern settings, shallow infaunal guild demonstrates that life just below the sed-
but, on the other hand, large taphonomic losses of aragonitic imentewater interface was attractive, with good water circulation
species and fragile, thin-shelled species have had a negative impact and oxygenation, but lower energy levels, precluding erosion of

Fig. 10. The bivalve fauna from four modern rocky shore localities and their positional relation to the substrate.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 37

Fig. 12. Reconstruction of the bivalve fauna from Ivö Klack in life positions on and along the rocky shore.

shells or uprooting and destruction of the commonly thin-shelled high-energy conditions were also able to live in lower-energy
valves. The water depth must thus have been at least a few settings, whereas the opposite can be ruled out. Habitat 3, the
metres, so as not to be affected by the relatively strong turbulence relatively protected environment, is thus occupied by the most
along the shore. The distribution of the bivalves amongst the guilds diverse fauna, because species which lived in habitats 4 and 5 were
is similar to other Late Cretaceous bivalve faunas, with the majority also able to cope with habitat 3, following the above assumption.
of species belonging to the cementing and bysally attached guilds Some species interpreted to have been present in a certain habitat
(Table 3). The Late Cretaceous guild structure is similar to that due to their capability to resist wave energy may actually not have
known for modern rocky shores where the intertidal zones are been present, due to biological factors such as competition for space
included in the various studies (Fig. 10). Only the Italian bivalve and species interactions. The preferred habitats of bivalves have
community differs with a predominance of infaunal species, been interpreted in order to obtain an overview of their distribution
probably because only bivalves from the subtidal zone were studied along the rocky shore. This shows that bivalves were all able to
and the most turbulent environment excluded. The similarity inhabit the rocky shore environment and thus were not subse-
between the Late Cretaceous and modern guild structures places quently swept in from adjacent environments, which is supported
the bivalve fauna from Ivö Klack as a within-habitat, time-averaged by the well-preserved fossils and the mainly angular nature of shell
assemblage and thereby documents it as part of a true rocky shore fragments, indicative of limited or no transport (Surlyk and
community. Sørensen, 2010).
The high species diversity and the wide variety of bivalve shell A well-developed epifaunal zonation, comprising three zones, is
morphologies document an environment along the rocky shore preserved on gneiss boulders and hummocks (Surlyk and
with a variety of habitats occupied by species with different Christensen, 1974). The highest zone is dominated by S. labiatus,
attachment strategies. The preference of bivalves for different commonly the sole fossil found in this zone, which occupies the
habitats is based on their resistance to turbulence and on compar- uppermost part of the vertical sides of boulders and hummocks. The
ison with modern relatives (Fig. 12; Table 2). This palaeoecological next lower zone is dominated by A. haliotoideum and A. stobaei; this
subdivision is, like the guild structure, independent of preservation represents the more or less vertical sides of boulders. Oysters are able
and collection biases. It is assumed that species which preferred to live and feed in suspension-rich waters due to their self-cleaning
38 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

mechanism. The closer the vertical wall was to the seafloor, the more
sediment was brought into suspension by waves. Many spondylids
are also found in this zone, indicating that sediment in suspension was
not the causal zonation factor between the two upper zones. The
difference in bivalve assemblages of the two highest zones probably
reflects variable tolerance to turbulence and competition for space.
The lowermost zone is dominated by serpulids and occupies the
overhanging lower part of the boulders, where energy levels were low
and light poor (Surlyk and Christensen, 1974; Sørensen and Surlyk,
2010). The absence of photonegative bivalves in the lowest zone
may be due to attachment strategies. Most photonegative bivalves are
nestlers and fissure dwellers which normally are attached by a byssus;
this means that they will not be preserved in situ.
Oysters are the commonest invertebrates at Ivö Klack; they
played a significant ecological role in this environment. Many of the
oysters have a high density of cementing and boring fauna which
made them important for the overall biodiversity by producing
small-scale habitats for encrusting and boring fauna (Fig. 13). Their Fig. 14. Right valve of Amphidonte haliotoideum encrusted by a large number of
stationary shells formed a stable substrate for small epifaunal conspecific juveniles.

species and many of these probably benefitted from the strong

feeding currents of the oysters (Sørensen and Surlyk, 2010). The
oysters probably reduced competition for space by occupying from the Maastrichtian of Peru which reached diameters up to
different substrates, and the two dominant oysters, R. diluvianum 600 mm, probably as a result of symbiosis with zooxanthellae
and A. haliotoideum had different life positions. The medium-sized (Philip and Jaillard, 2004). The small size and paucity of rudistids at
A. haliotoideum is found encrusting hummocks and boulders by the Ivö Klack is probably due to the northern location where symbiosis
whole of the left valve, in close proximity with conspecific indi- with zooxanthellae may have been reduced or altogether absent,
viduals and even onto them (Fig. 14). The large-sized, thick-shelled due to lower water temperatures and illumination. Zooxanthellate,
R. diluvianum is commonly found grown together and not non-reef forming corals are known from Ivö Klack, indicating that
encrusting boulders (Fig. 15). Their heavy shells and relatively small the average water temperature must have been at least 18  C
attachment scars would probably make it impossible for them to be (Sørensen and Surlyk, 2011). It is impossible to state whether or not
attached to boulders where they would have been sitting at an the rudistids lived in symbiosis with algae, but both zooxanthellate
almost right angle to the substrate in the turbulent environment. corals and rudistids are rare in comparison to tropical settings,
They are thus interpreted as having constructed oyster banks on indicating that the cooler waters were not favourable for these taxa
the seafloor immediately adjacent to the rocky shoreline. The or their potential symbionts.
preference for different substrates would have minimised compe- The byssate bivalve genera Mytilus and Barbatia are both
tition for space, as high densities suggest. successful on rocky shores today; their record extends back to the
Rudistid bivalves were widely distributed during the Late Late Jurassic and Triassic, respectively. The earliest known occur-
Cretaceous and Biradiolites suecicus from Ivö Klack represents their rence of Mytilus in association with ancient rocky shores is from the
most northerly occurrence known, together with Canadian (Sas- late Oligocene of Oregon and that of Barbatia from the Maas-
katchewan) records (Caldwell and Evans, 1963). These radiolitids trichtian of Alabama (Miller and Orr, 1988; Bryan, 1992; Johnson
are small sized, less than 30 mm in diameter, compared to taxa and Baarli, 1999). Their presence on the early Campanian rocky

Fig. 13. Right valve of Rastellum diluvianum, showing a high density of encrusting fauna.
A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41 39

Fig. 15. Nine valves of Rastellum diluvianum cemented together, illustrated in two views. The oysters grew upon each other and constructed banks along the rocky coast. Their
common growth perpendicular to the substrate and their relatively small attachment areas can be seen on the specimens in the upper part of the figure. Living orientation of the
specimens cannot be inferred. LV ¼ left valve; RV ¼ right valve; ? ¼ unidentified valve.

shore at Ivö Klack thus documents the earliest example of both indicates good water circulation but rather limited energy
Mytilus and Barbatia in association with such an environment. levels, precluding erosion, uprooting and destruction of the
The extent to which the bivalves described here are represen- commonly thin-shelled valves. This distribution of bivalve
tative of the original fauna is difficult to estimate, since the species between the guilds is similar to what has been
aragonite-shelled taxa are preserved as internal/external moulds described for other Late Cretaceous rocky shore communities
only and are mainly represented by few specimens of each species. and what is known from modern rocky shore, with a predom-
This indicates that the taphonomic loss of this group is high. The inance of attached species.
ratio between aragonitic and calcitic bivalve species (i.e, 19 vs 37),  Five habitats are recognised, representing different hydrody-
indicates a reasonable preservation potential for aragonitic species, namic conditions and light penetration (illumination levels).
since it has been shown that the majority of bivalve species from The distribution of bivalves between the habitats shows that all
Ivö Klack were attached and epifaunal in the turbulent environ- species were able to live in the rocky shore environment which
ment and most epifaunal species are calcitic (Heinberg, 1999; included the intertidal, the subtidal and the associated loose
Hautmann, 2006). Thus, a higher number of calcitic species is to sediments, and thus were not subsequently washed in from
be expected in all cases. The preserved bivalve fauna is accordingly nearby settings. This is supported by the well-preserved fossils
considered to be representative of the bivalve community living on and the mainly angular shell fragments which are indicative of
the rocky shore where the intertidal, the subtidal and the associ- limited or no transport.
ated skeletal sands are included in this environment.  Three zones of cementing fauna are recognised on large gneiss
boulders and hummocks. The distribution of encrusting
6. Conclusions bivalves is interpreted to be the result of competition for space
and tolerance to water turbulence.
 The rocky shore bivalve fauna from Ivö Klack is mainly well  Oysters were the commonest invertebrates along the shore and
preserved and, with just over 60 species on record, it is more are important for biodiversity as they offered abundant, small-
diverse than any other Cretaceous and modern rocky shore scale habitats for encrusting and boring fauna and thus
faunas described to date. The high diversity most likely is increase both the number of niches and faunal diversity. Some
a genuine reflection of the fauna living along the shore at any of the species appear to have formed oyster banks along the
time and can only in part be explained by the cumulative effect rocky shore, whereas others encrusted the large boulders,
of generations of bivalves; taphonomic loss would probably thereby minimising competition for space.
have equalised this.  The small rudistid B. suecicus is, together with forms from
 Seven guilds are recognised; 59 species are referred to these. Saskatchewan (Canada), the most northerly known Late
The cementing and epibyssate guilds comprise the largest Cretaceous occurrence of these bivalves. The small size and
number of species due to the advantage of being firmly paucity of rudistids indicate that the cooler water temperature,
attached to the substrate in a turbulent, high-energy environ- compared to tropical settings, was not favourable for them or
ment. The high number of species in the shallow infaunal guild their potential symbionts.
40 A.M. Sørensen et al. / Cretaceous Research 33 (2012) 21e41

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