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1. This is a ….

A. Ruler
B. Ball
C. Blackboard
D. Cupboard

2. Mrs.Dewi buys some medicine in the ….

A. Market
B. Restaurant
C. Drugstore
D. Butcher

3. Mr. Anwar wears … to office

A. Shorts
B. Trousers
C. Skirt
D. T-shirt

4. The doctor injects the patient using a ….

A. Cotton
B. Syringe
C. Bandage
D. Thermometer

5. Harry Potter was on orphan. He was a small, thin and with

glasses. He lived with his uncle, aunt and cousin named
Dudley. Harry had a Scar on his forehead. It was a
Was Harry Potter an orphan ?
A. Yes, he was
B. No, he wasn’t
C. Yes, he were
D. No, he weren’t

6. Doni is not healthy. He is ….

A. Sick
B. Well
C. Fine
D. Beautiful

7. Harry Potter was on orphan. He was a small, thin and with

glasses. He lived with his uncle, aunt and cousin named
Dudley. Harry had a Scar on his forehead. It was a
lightningbolt. Dudley is the name of Harry’s ….
A. Uncle
B. Cousin
C. Aunt
D. Father
Opsi 5

8. Banana, watermelon, pineapple, manggo are the kind of ….

A. Fruits
B. Vegetables

9. Tono : “What is Mr.Budi ?

Tini : “He is a farmer.”
Tono : “What does he do?”
Tini : “He ….”
A. Examines the patient
B. Helps doctor
C. Plants rices
D. Teaches students

10. always – he – morning – every – goes – jogging

Arrange these words into sentences !
A.Every morning he always goes jogging
B. He every morning always goes jogging
C. He goes jogging always every morning
D. He always goes jogging every morning

11. Number 3 is ....

A. Hair
B. Mouth
C. hand
D. foot

12. Number 1 is ......

B. Dried up
C. Stem
D. Root

13. Andika and his friends always goes to the swimming

pool. Their hobby is ….
A. Fishing
B. Reading
C. Swimming
D. Cooking

14. This is a ….

A. Car
B. Pedicab
C. Bus
D. Train

Next month, the students of melati will have holiday. They plan to
visit some tourism object in east java. Anna and David are students
of that school. They are going to join school program. The students
are going to visit balai Kambang beach in Malang. They are going
to Bromo Mountain in Purbolinggo and they are going to drop in
Surabaya Zoo. The students are going to travel by bus, and they are
going to stay the night in the hotel.
15. Where are the students going to visit ?
A. Balai Kambang beach and Bromo Mountain
B. Balai Kambang beach, Bromo Mountain and museum
C. Balai Kambang and Museum
D. Balai Kambang beach, Bromo Mountain, Zoo Surabaya

16. Mother works at the hospital. She is a …

A. Patient
B. Teacher
C. Student
D. Nurse

17. Joko : What is your father?

Rudi : He is a teacher .
Joko :What does he do?
Rudi : He …
A. Makes clothes
B. Cuts hair
C. Teaches students
D. Examines patients

18. I am … a book in the library.

A. Cooking
B. Reading
C. Speaking
D. Eating

Next month, the students of melati will have holiday. They plan to
visit some tourism object in east java. Anna and David are students
of that school. They are going to join school program. The students
are going to visit balai Kambang beach in Malang. They are going
to Bromo Mountain in Purbolinggo and they are going to drop in
Surabaya Zoo. The students are going to travel by bus, and they are
going to stay the night in the hotel.
19. When the students holiday ?
A. Next month
B. Next year
C. Next week
D. Next day

20. Mr.Herman work in the post office. He delivers letters for

people. What is he ….
A. He is a soldier
B. He is a policeman
C. He is a carpenter
D. He is a postman
21. Harry Potter was on orphan. He was a small, thin and
with glasses. He lived with his uncle, aunt and cousin
named Dudley. Harry had a Scar on his forehead. It was a
What is Harry Potter like?
A. Small, thin, without glasses
B. Fat, small, with glasses
C. Small, thin, with glasses
D. Big fat, without glasses

22. Person who leads school is ….

A. Teacher
B. School guard
C. headmaster
D. Security

Next month, the students of melati will have holiday. They plan to
visit some tourism object in east java. Anna and David are students
of that school. They are going to join school program. The students
are going to visit balai Kambang beach in Malang. They are going
to Bromo Mountain in Purbolinggo and they are going to drop in
Surabaya Zoo. The students are going to travel by bus, and they are
going to stay the night in the hotel.
23. Where is the zoo ?
A. Malang
B. Purbolinggo
C. Surabaya
D. Java

Next month, the students of melati will have holiday. They plan to
visit some tourism object in east java. Anna and David are students
of that school. They are going to join school program. The students
are going to visit balai Kambang beach in Malang. They are going
to Bromo Mountain in Purbolinggo and they are going to drop in
Surabaya Zoo. The students are going to travel by bus, and they are
going to stay the night in the hotel.
24. Where are the students going to stay at night ?
A. In the hotel
B. At the hotel
C. On the hotel
D. Of the hotel

25. – F – T – O – L – B – L – A
Arrange these letters into is correct words ….
A. Fatbooll
B. Fooltbal
C. Football
D. Foolbalt

26. Basketball – Ahmad – playing – likes

The right sentence is ….
A. Ahmad basketball likes playing
B. Playing basketball likes Ahmad
C. Ahmad likes basketball playing
D. Ahmad likes playing basketball

Next month, the students of melati will have holiday. They plan to
visit some tourism object in east java. Anna and David are students
of that school. They are going to join school program. The students
are going to visit balai Kambang beach in Malang. They are going
to Bromo Mountain in Purbolinggo and they are going to drop in
Surabaya Zoo. The students are going to travel by bus, and they are
going to stay the night in the hotel.
27. Who will visit the tourism object ?
A. The teacher
B. The students
C. Anna
D. Anna and David

28. Mr. Zainuddin makes tables, chairs, cupboards, etc. He

is a …..
A. Carpenter
B. Bricklayer
C. Headmaster
D. Doctor

29. My uniform is a white … and red shorts.

A. Shirt
B. Skirt
C. Blouse
D. Shoes

30. This is a ….

A. Dog
C. Horse
D. Cat

The doctor works in the ….

(pilihlah 2 jawaban yang tepat)
A. Zoo
B. Hospital
C. Restaurant
D. Clinic

Santi : Are you studying English

Sinta : ….
(pilihlah 2 jawaban yang tepat)
A. He is
B. She is
C. Yes, I am
D. No, I am not

Part of the house is ….

(pilihlah 3 jawaban yang tepat)
A. Wall
B. Window
C. Bag
D. Roof

The kind of fruits ….

(pilihlah 2 jawaban yang tepat)
A. Watermelon
B. Banana
C. Sunlight
D. Car

Where is Indonesia .....

(pilihlah 2 jawaban yang tepat)
A. In the south of Australia
B. In the south of Asia
C. In the northwest of Australia
D. In the north of Asia

- always – have – in – morning – the - breakfast – I

The wrong sentence is ….
(pilihlah 3 jawaban yang tepat)
A. I always have morning in the breakfast
B. I have breakfast the always in morning
C. I always have breakfast in the morning
D. I have the breakfast always in morning

The hotel is near the bank.

Yang bukan arti kata yang bergaris bawah adalah….
(pilihlah 3 jawaban yang tepat)
A. Di sebelah
B. Berhadapan
C. Di belakang
D. Dekat
Parts of the our body is ….
(pilihlah 3 jawaban yang tepat)
A. Shoes
B. Eye
C. Hand
D. Head

Ibrahim : What sport do you like ?

Firman : …..
(pilihlah 3 jawaban yang tepat)

A. Football
B. Reading book
C. Badminton
D. Voley ball

Season in Indonesia is….

(pilihlah 2 jawaban yang tepat)
A. Rainy season
B. Dry season
C. Summer
D. Winter

The sign that means “dilarang merokok” is No smoking.


Indonesia has four seasons.


The meaning banana in Indonesia is semangka


In dry season it is hard to get water.


A place to save money is bank.


We go to the airport to see animals.


The meaning watermelon in Indonesia is pisang.


The sun rises in the west.


The meaning pineapple in Indonesia is nanas.


Kalimantan is in the north of Java.


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