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Chapter 13- Management and Leader Development

What is Management?
 Management- the process of getting things done, efficiently and effectively, through and with
other people

 Transactional leadership- refers to where leaders make clear to the followers the behaviours
and attitudes that are associated with rewards and punishment
 Transformational leadership- influence followers by inspiring them into engaging wilfully in
attainment of goals
 Emotional intelligence- is the ability to manage and cope with emotions—one’s own
emotions as well as those of others. This involves five sets of skills
o Self-awareness: Being aware of, and understanding, oneself and one’s emotions
when interacting with others.
o Self-control: Managing and regulating one’s emotions (both positive and negative)
that arise from encounters and events.
o Motivation or drive: Channelling emotions and energies in support of one’s goals.
o Empathy: “Reading” and recognizing the emotions of others and responding to them
o Interpersonal skills: The ability to manage interactions with others effectively
through an understanding, integration, and management of emotions.
 The TIMS (Training in Management Skills) Procedure
1. Self assessment
2. Learn skill concepts
3. Check concept learning
4. Identify behaviours that define the skill
5. Model the skill
6. Practice the skill during training
7. Re-assess skills
8. Questions to assist in skill application
9. Exercises to reinforce skill application
10. Planning for future development
 Management development programs that minimally include the following sequenced
steps are more likely to be successful
1. Initial skills assessment
2. Skill acquisition
3. Skill practice
4. Skill application on the job

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