Summary of Literature Review

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Name : Jafilka Mardiani

NIM : 22018036

Literature Review
 Chaper II=Literature review=Literature study=Theoretical study= Theoretical basis :researchers
show the novelty of their research by presenting their posisition and how the results will
contribute to solving the problem
 The Important :
 to document how your study adds to the existing literature
 to convince your graduate committee that you know the literature on your topic and that
you can summarize it.
 to provide evidence that educators need your study.
 to build your research skills by using th using the library and being an investigator who
follows leads in the literature
 to helps you learn how other educators compose their research studies and helps you find
useful examples and models in the literature for your research
 to develop skills in locating needed materals promptly
 Amount of literature cited at the beginning of the study in quantitative research is substantial, in
qualitative research is minimal.
 Use of literature at the beginning of the study in quantitative research to justifies or documents
the need for the study and provides a rationale for the direction of the study (Le purpose
statement and research questions or hypotheses), while in qualitative research only for justifies or
documents the need for the study
 Use of literature at the end of the study in quantitative research to confirms or disconfirms prior
predictions from the literature and in qualitative research to supports or modifies existing findings
in the literature
 5 main elements of literature review:
1. Previous research="relevant research" or "related research" : the results of reading the
thesis/thesis/dissertation, journal, articles related to our research, consider from the
following aspects:
 Similarity of research variables
 Similarity in the type of research object
 Theoretical similarities
 Similarity of methods
(google scholar, researchgate, ect)
2. Theoretical framework=theoretical basis: describe the theory we used in our research
(name, history, characters, concepts, assumsition)
3. Conceptual framework=conceptual foundation: explanation of all concepts that are
variable and objects studied (name, characteristic, scope)
4. Framework of thought=mandatory:i t is a chart that depicts the results of the elaboration
of a phenomenon researched and the theory used
5. Hypothesis (generally only uded in quantitative research): contains conjecture or answer
to the problem asked in the respacca. two types of hypotheses:
 Major created based on the main research variables
 Minor are based on sub-subvariable
Form of hypothesis:
 The null hypothesis (HO): states that there is no relationship between the
independent varabic (X) and dependent varabic (1).
 The working hypothesis (H1): states that there is a relationship between
variables independent (X) and dependent variabic (Y) studied.

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