Agent of Transformation (January 13, 2018)

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Agent of Transformation

Romans 12:1-2

Blessed morning to all of us, it is a great privilege again for me to share the word of God
with you. I’m also glad to see you here.

This evening I entitled this message “Agent of Transformation”. But before we

proceed let us have some quick study about the word AGENT, what does this word mean?
According to Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus, the word Agent means is person acting
on behalf of another; person or thing producing an effect.

This word is not just a word it gives us the idea that as a person we must produce effect
in any aspect of society.

Now as young people, and students; how we may affect the world? I took this
message from the book of Romans 12:1-2 where we see how we may affect the world as
young people.

1. SURRENDER your life to God

In our passage this morning tells us that Apostle Paul the author of this book is urging the
Roman believers to offer their body to God as a living sacrifice.

When we say living sacrifice in the context of the O.T time, living sacrifice means
spotless or no stains, or even illnesses. That’s why if you will notice this phrase living
sacrifice followed by the two-adjective word, Holy and pleasing. Adjective o pang-uri ang
tawaga sa mga salitang naglalarawan o tumuturing sa tao, bagay, pook, hayop, at pangyayari.

If we desire to give effect to other people, our friends and relatives we must surrender our
life to God with holiness and be pleasing to Him. Amen

But, the question there is, why do we need to offer our life to God? It is necessary to be
an agent of transformation? My answer is Yes, we must. But the question is why?

Let us study the verses carefully, the opening word of our passage begin with the word
THEREFORE. Apostle Paul did not place this word in his letter for nothing.
This word is always being use when a person writes a book, a letter, or even in making a
public address when they are about to conclude their statement. What does this word
therefore is telling to us?

Let us read Romans 11:36 36 For from him and through him and for him are all
things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

The passage is telling us clearly that the reason why we need to surrender our life to God.
Apostle made it clear that we are to surrender our life to God simple because first of all God
owns us.

This passage is telling us that we must surrender of life to God because we came from
Him, and because of Him we have our existence, and we are all for Him. Amen.

My dear brothers and sisters we are not belong to this world, we are all belong to
God. Amen.

Second reason why we have to surrender our life to God is clearly mention in our
passage. Let us read Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of
God's mercy.

If we will study diligently the Bible informed us that the salvation was first belong to the
Jews, but because of His great mercy to us Gentiles we have received the salvation that God
has offered on the cross of Calvary. That is why we need to offer our life to God.

So, the reason why we must surrender of our life to God because of His great mercy on

My dear friends, God has a great plan for you and for me in John 10:10 Jesus said 10 The
thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and
have it to the full.

Last reason why we need to offer our life as a living sacrifice it is because it is our true
and it is proper way of worship. Let as read 12:1c “This is your true and proper worship”


This the second truth that must be seen in a person who have surrender his/her life to
God. If we really surrender our life to God our life must be transformed.
This teaching is so consistent in the Scripture. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul clearly
mention it, let us read “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old
things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

Paul also mentioned it in the book of Ephesians 4:22-24 22 You were taught, with
regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its
deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the
new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Now, tell your neighbor; “IBA KANA, HINDI NA IKAW UNG DATI”

In 2 Corinthian 4:16 Paul also says, “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet
inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

It is very clear, the passage tells us that even though our bodies are dying, it tells us that we
are being renewed day by day. Amen.

Kaya kung naka’y Kristo po tayo, malinaw po na araw-araw ang ating panloob ay binabago
ng ating Diyos. Amen!

Now, the question is how we may have a transformed life to be an agent of transformation?
Bukod sa pagsuko ng ating buhay sa Diyos?

Do not conformed to the pattern of this world. If we desire to have a transformed life, we
must exert an effort, by not compromising in the world.

Every young people even the adult, knows the word PETMALU, WERPA, AND LODI but
only few knows the word of God, the promises of God and even the plan and will of God.

Many young people follow the steps of K-POP but no one wants to follow the steps of the
Lord. If we desire to be an agent of transformation and if we want to impact the we should not have
conformed or compromised with the world.

Apostle Paul clearly warns us about loving the world, let us read 1 John 2:15 15 Do not
love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father1 is
not in them.

Brothers and sisters, if you want to be an agent of transformation, do not followed the
footstep of the world, but follow Christ footstep.


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