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in Water

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Snow is solid

Precipitation is water that falls from the sky.

Solid precipitation has its own shape.

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Hail is solid

Sleet is solid

Tiny drops of ice are called sleet.

Big balls of ice are called hail.

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Water can fall as rain.

Rain is liquid precipitation.

It does not have its own shape.

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a rainbow

The sun shines through rain.

This makes a rainbow.

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How Water

Ice is a solid.

Water that gets cold enough freezes.

It changes to a solid.

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Water is a liquid.

Ice that gets warm enough melts.

It changes to a liquid.

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Water in gas form

is water vapor.

Water evaporates when it is heated.

It changes to a gas.

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Water vapor
condenses on
a cold glass.

Water vapor condenses when cold.

It changes to drops of liquid.

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The Water
2 Water vapor condenses
and forms clouds.

1 Water evaporates.

Water on Earth evaporates.

It moves into the air.


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3 Rain or snow falls.

4 The cycle continues.

Then it moves back again.

That is the water cycle.


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condense, p. 9
evaporate, p. 8
freeze, p. 6
hail, p. 3
melt, p. 7
precipitation, p. 2
sleet, p. 3
water cycle, p. 11


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Think About the Reading

1. What questions do you have after

reading this book?
2. How can you find answers to these

Hands-On Activity

1. Put an ice cube in a bowl. Put the

bowl in a warm place. Look at it
later. Then look at it again the
next day.
2. Draw pictures to show what

School-Home Connection

Tell a family member about the water

cycle. Together, look for steps in the
water cycle for two weeks.

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