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Demographic data: Date:

Name: Ward:
Classification/Developmental age group:
Hospital Number: Growth and Development – Book Picture Child’s Remarks

1. Physical development

Biological development

Temperature 36.5oc

Pulse: 60-80 beats/ mt

Respiration: 14-20 breaths/mt.

Blood pressure: 124/74 +/- 74/106 mm of Hg


Age in years x6 + 77 cms.

Boys:150-170 cms.

Girls:150-160 cms.


Boys:38-60 kgs.

Girls:40-60 kgs.

BMI Calculation:

Formula:Weight in kg/Height in m2.

2. Motor Skills:

 Clumsiness occur due to rapid physical growth.

 Motor function & hand eye co-ordination at
adult level.
 Possess manual dexterity.
 Able to do all activities like an adult.

3. Psychosocial development (Erick Erickson)

Early-Identity Vs role confusion.

 World centers around the child

 Who am I ?
 Intense loyalty to peer group.
 Shows mood swing & extremes of behaviour.
 Begins to separate from parents.
 Day dreams over hero’s

Later-Intimacy Vs Isolation (17-18+years).

 Develops intimacy with self and persons of

both sexes establish interdependence
relationship with parents.

4. Psycho sexual (Freud)

 Genital stage-Masturbation and sexual

fantasies are common .
 Secondary characteristics appear.
 Great urge for genital sexual development.

Secondary sexual development

Tanner stages:


Broadening of shoulders from the age of 13 years.

Increase in size of chest.

Deepening of voice.

Increase in size of genitalia.

Growth of pubic, axillary, chest, upper lip and chin

Production of spermatozoa.


Development of breast.

Broadening of hips.

Growth of pubic,axillay hair.

Attained menarche.

Menstrual cycle-regular.

Change in vaginal secretion.

5. Spiritual development (Fowler)

Synthetic conventional faith

 Begins to question on values,religious

concept and ideas of family’s personal
and social values.
 Express various religious affliations

6. Intellectual development (Jean Piaget)

Formal operational stage:

 Solves problems with abstract thinking.

 Dreams and plans the future.
 Cognitive abilities continue to develop.
 Capable of scientific reasoning.
 Perform systematic experimentation.
 Utilize hypothetical deductive reasoning and
question and argue to the rules imposed on

7. Moral development:

Post Conventional stage

Stage-5 Social contract orientation

The rules or laws established are for the mutual good ,
mutual co-operation and mutual development.

Stage-6 Universal ethical principles.

 Oriented towards decision of

conscience and toward “universal
ethical principles”.
 The abstract principles pertain to
justice,human rights and the dignity of
human beings.
 Able to differentiate from right and
 Seriously questions regarding the
existing moral value.

8. Play

Competitive play

 Involves in competitive sports ,parties,

hobbies, reading ,listening to radio, watching
television and operating computer.
 Engages in sports for fun, enjoyment and

9. Language

 Continue to learn new words and new concept.

 “Slang or Jargon” of speech appears as a result
of peer group interaction.
 Learns to express and defend their desires.

10. Needs of School age (6-12 years)

Nutrition (Eating habits)

Dental hygiene.


Sex education.

Accident prevention.

Love and security.

Meeting emotional need, schooling and parenting.


Parental guidance.

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