Definition Essay

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MAY 19TH , 2022

I. Introduction
A. Hook sentence: The dichotomy between development and sustainability is false. Without a
planet there is no economy that is worth (Al Gore).
B. Topic sentence: The perspective of the definition of the term development among economic
C. Main Idea #1: Define the term development according to the conception of regional and
international economic organizations.
D. Thesis Statement: This Essay will deal with the meaning /connotations of the term:
Development from the perspective of the IMF, World Bank and CEPAL.

II. Body Paragraph 1: What is development from the IMF's perspective?

A. Topic Sentence: IMF for environmentally sustainable economic development.
B. Supporting idea #1: Help countries achieve the SDGs.
C. Supporting idea #2: Job creation and poverty reduction.
D. Closing sentence: Therefore, it seeks to have a consolidated basis for defining a solid and
sustainable development term for economic growth.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Perspective of economic development

A. Topic Sentence: The World Bank and the Economic Perspective of Development.
B. Supporting idea #1: The World Bank understands development as synonymous with
economic growth.
C. Supporting idea #2: Financing for development and economic growth.
D. Closing sentence: The World Bank sees development from an economic perspective, which is
why its goal is to provide financing for economic growth.

IV. Body Paragraph 3: The recent term development in transition elaborated by CEPAL
A. Topic Sentence: Transitional development as a novel concept.
B. Supporting idea #1: Oriented to the specific needs of each country.
C. Supporting idea #2: addressing structural development gaps.
D. Closing sentence: The purpose of this new term of development is contributing to the
generation of regional and global public goods.

V. Conclusion
A. Topic Sentence: Detail the definition of development from the perspective of economic
B. Main Point: The most important key points of the term "development".
C. Importance of the topic: The importance lies in the need to know the definition of the
different development terms from the economic perspective given by regional and
international organizations, including both old and new aspects.
D. Concluding sentence: the concept of development has evolved over time according to the
historical events that occur, each international actor such as agencies develop their own
concept and thus we know their definition of development.

The dichotomy between development and sustainability is false. Without a planet there is no
economy that is worth (Al Gore)1. The perspective of the definition of the term development among
economic organizations. Since its inception the concept of development has been very broad, seen
from different perspectives, for example, from an economic, human, social, environmental
perspective, etc. Being such a broad concept, different international organizations, which ensure the
development of countries, choose to define development according to their own perspectives, as is
the case of the IMF, WB and ECLAC, which as we will see below, each of these institutions understand
development in a different way, so that each one has its own definition and its areas of action. This
Essay will deal with the meaning /connotations of the term: Development from the perspective of the
IMF, World Bank and CEPAL.

What is development from the IMF's perspective? The IMF is in favor of environmentally sustainable
economic development, as it seeks to help countries achieve the SDGs by providing technical
assistance and capacity building to better inform their economic growth. It also aims to boost job
creation and poverty reduction in countries by building the capacity of economic institutions to more
accurately promote structures that open the way to greater opportunities. Therefore, it seeks to have
a consolidated basis for defining a solid and sustainable development term for economic growth.2

On the other hand, the World Bank and the Economic Perspective of Development. The World Bank
is one of the most important sources of financing and knowledge for developing countries3. The
World Bank understands development as synonymous with economic growth, within the framework
of a market economy and therefore stimulates private initiative4. That is why, the World Bank states
that the current development challenges can only be faced with the participation of the private
sector, however, the public sector lays the foundations to facilitate investment and allow the
economic prosperity of the country, which would translate into achieving the much desired
development5. Therefore, it has different projects, for its States parties, that provide financing for
development and economic growth. The World Bank sees development from an economic
perspective, which is why its goal is to provide financing for economic growth.

AS well as that, the contributions of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLAC), which has developed a new concept called development in transition as a novel concept,
should also be taken into account. The concept of development in transition must be approached
from a multidimensional perspective in which effective policies are adopted to address both the new
and persistent structural challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean oriented to the specific
needs of each country, because development is a complex process in which different aspects must be

Al Gore, (2014).
International Monetary Found. (2022). capacity development.
World Bank. (2022). Who we are.
Patxi Zabalo, (2006). World Bank. Dictionary of Humanitarian Action and Development Cooperation.,de%20origen%20l
World Bank. (2022). Who we are.
integrated, which in this new concept is focused on cooperation at both the regional and
international levels, but always taking into account the particularities and needs of each country, the
purpose of this new term of development is contributing to the generation of regional and global
public goods.

Therefore, this essay will deal with the meaning/connotations of the term: Development. In
fact, it has been of utmost importance to detail the definition of development from the
perspective of economic organization. For example, we know that the IMF sees
development as environmentally sustainable economic, while the World Bank sees it as
synonymous with economic growth and finally the CEPAL sees it as a transition of a new
concept for countries. That is why the study of the term resides is that the importance lies in
the need to know the definition of the different terms of development from the economic
perspective given by regional and international organizations, including both old and new
aspects.In short, the concept of development has evolved over time according to the
historical events that occur, each international actor such as agencies develop their own
concept and thus we know their definition of development.

● Al Gore, (2014).
● International Monetary Found. (2022). Capacity development.
● Patxi Zabalo, (2006). World Bank. Dictionary of Humanitarian Action and Development
● United Nations CEPAL.(2021). Development in Transition: Proposed Concept and
Measurement for Renewed Cooperation in Latin America and the
● World Bank. (2022). Who we are.

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