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University of El Salvador

Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Science

International Relations School

English I

Professor: Angelica María López Portillo

Video Analysis on International Conflicts

Conflict: Ukraine
1. Jimenes Mariona, Karen María M18001
2. Magaña Figueroa, Karen Beatriz MF16011
3. Morales Aquino, Ariel Stephany MA17004
4. Ramos Zaldaña, Lourdes María RZ18001

A. Context and background

Ukraine's problem started in late 2013 with the protests in Kiev's Maidan Square. Almost six
years later, the conflict seems to have lost international interest, but the truth is that the war
continues and its end is not yet in sight. When it started, it was a shock that no one
expected. Hundreds of people took to the streets demanding better living conditions and an
end to corruption. The international media covered extensively what was happening, and
everyone was aware of the news about Ukraine. Initially held peacefully, the protests turned
violent due to repression by government forces. The president fled the country and a new
government was established, oriented in favor of Europe and accepted by the majority of the
citizens. However, this achievement was answered by Russian intervention on Ukrainian
territory, which resulted in the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula, in an action that
Russia justified by claiming that they were only protecting the Russian population living
there. In addition, an armed conflict began in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine
between Ukrainian troops and a Russian-backed separatist movement.

B. Type of War (Conflict)

The conflict in Ukraine is far from being a conventional war. As a target of Russia’s
undeclared hybrid warfare, Ukraine is a unique case study. The hybrid war initiated by
Russia against Ukraine included the use of regular and irregular forces and aimed to
destabilize and split the former Soviet republic in order to prevent its accession to the EU
and NATO. On numerous occasions throughout the post-Soviet era, Ukrainians have
demonstrated their desire to live in a modern European democracy, the only thing preventing
Ukrainians from consolidating their country’s democratic progress is the hybrid campaign
waged by Russia and its allies within the Ukrainian oligarchs, who share the Kremlin’s goal
of derailing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration. The range of methods is very wide: open
military operations without any identification signs like in Donbas region; economic
diversions, attempts to block out electric stations, use of cyber viruses to stop operations of
banks and financial companies, propaganda to Ukrainian audiences with the goal to raise
Russia’s support from local population which strongly influences electoral results and
attempts on ruining the network of external alliances and consensus-based values. Other
cited aspects of Russian hybrid warfare include Moscow’s efforts to legitimize the occupied
regions of eastern Ukraine in the international arena. So far, Russia is partially successful in
reaching this goal, since a big part of the society is disoriented and the level of support for
membership in NATO and EU is decreasing. However, there's nothing Russia does
differently from most of the interactions during the Cold War. Despite the fact that
international law qualifies Russian actions as aggression, the international community does
not openly recognize the existence of a war between these two states due to the changing
nature of the war that is increasingly adapted to technological realities, social, political and
existing balances of power in the international system. Thus, neither Russia, nor Ukraine,
nor the West seem interested in recognizing an interstate war. In reality, the Minsk
Agreement (composed of representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE) shows the
recognition of the legitimacy of the separatists. Indirectly, therefore, the existence of a civil
conflict is recognized.

C. Theory(s) and level(s) of Analysis that applied

The level of analysis of this conflict would be The Domestic Level because two States are
in dispute, on the one hand we have Ukraine and on the other side Russia, they are
neighboring States, previously they were part of the same States, the Soviet Union After its
fragmentation, the most powerful state that was formed was Russia, which caused a
problem of transition of power over a territory where the conflict has been prolonged
because the forces have become more equal since Russia is not only fighting Ukraine but it
is also fighting against the allies of Ukraine (NATO), as well as the sanctions imposed by
United States and United Kingdom for violating the signed agreements. Nationalism plays a
leading role in this conflict, because the Ukrainians do not want the annexation of Russia
and that has caused the conflict to evolve into a hybrid war, times change like the tactics of
the sides in a war.
The theory that will be applied for the conflict is The Lateral Pressure Theory, because the
theory maintains that the economic growth of the states leads to geographic expansion in
the search for natural resources beyond its borders (by various means, peaceful and
violent). Russia is a world power, it has great natural resources, natural gas and oil, it is
because of its great expansionist interests the Crimean peninsula was one of the most
relevant acts that the conflict has had over the years, a fact that caused great repercussions
for Russia at the international level. Large States have always had expansionist aspirations
to increase their power before other actors, but it is also one of their biggest problems
because as one of the main risks of the powers, controlling a large territory is one of the
biggest challenges they may have. Because of that, Putin's Russia has been in charge of
concentrating power in the figure of the president to avoid more conflicts, the conflict
between these two states continues, neither of them plans to surrender, hybrid wars are
increasingly notorious internationally. The development of this conflict will be an important
point in the history of the international system.

D. Conflict of ideas and/or interest

After the end of the Soviet Union, the new Russian state was essentially at a standstill so in
an era of nuclear deterrence, in which military control is everything on the part of the powers,
at last, exploits a new ambition that the control of resources is what defines the power of
these in which Crimea forms an important factor since from one moment to the next it is
invaded by Russian soldiers. What gave way to the well-known undeclared war against
Ukraine, between sets off alarms at international level so that the US opinion on this action,
joining Canada, among others. adding that the inhabitants of the place manifested mixed
feelings between them.
● This context describes the interests of each of the participants:

Participants Conflict of ideas and/or interest

State : Canadian commandos prepare

● Russian Ukrainians on how to accommodate any
● Ukraine contingency by making a comparison on
● EE.UU upgrading troops with NATO style, both
Russia and NATO members have
● Canada
deployed troops and missiles on the
continuous border Russia covering the
Crimean peninsula, the War is centered
on this fucking key which has generated
an atomizing war between the members
of NATO and Russia, Canada is forming
a decisive palate in support of Ukraine
after the Russian occupation of
Crimea,This estimate must be
supported by the Russian estimate of
stating that its troops were to defend the
Russian population of the area in
addition to the United States initially
issued a denial regarding the
occupation of the area these are really a
strategic area since It has Natura
resources such as natural gas as well
as oil in search of improving the energy
deficiency situation that Russia faces in
winter.This situation is not only
inclement global reach but also that of
noticing the power that he has before
claiming something that he
needs.Therefore, NATO has been
launched to reverse this Russian
campaign in which it has tried to silence
the disasters generated by this war
since if Russia can obtain what it needs
with ease, there would be no one who
gives it its aspirations.

The people of Donetsk in Kharkov did

Individual : not understand what was happening,
they observed the civil debates with
uncertainty, the intensification of the
● Crimea peninsula
conflict became evident, creating two
● Russian population living in groups of interest, the pro-Russia and
Crimea the nationalists, this generally affected
● population affects the social stability of the place, in
addition to the fact that The
confrontation causes great loss of
materials for many residents of the
conflict-affected areas, most of them
return to Asus houses with the hope of
saving something from an old home.

E. Conclusions
In conclusion, it can be noted that the conflict in Ukraine has been convulsed by
many ideological and external factors that have exposed to the affected areas as
high-risk areas, so the population has had to take action even in the devastating
scenes shown in the videos, it appears how these people have to resort to returning
to their homes continuously to see if they still find something that save from them, in
addition to the fact that some conflict zones have been largely silenced by the
intervening states.
Moreover, in the case of Ukraine, Russia is testing old and new methods of hybrid
war. Corruption has been a very powerful tool with regard to destroying the country’s
defence sector, as well as demotivating both the army and the society. From this
perspective, Moscow’s key message is the portrayal of Ukraine as an unstable
country prone to far-right extremism without direct violence or military intrusion. So
the main goal is to return Ukraine to the Russian sphere of influence. The results of
these efforts have been mixed. Russia has kept the West from intervening materially
in Ukraine, allowing itself the time to build and expand its own military involvement in
the conflict to secure its own position by undermining the allure of the liberal
traditions and democratic institutions that allow the Western world to dominate the
global imagination.

F. Roll and functions description of every team member on the assignment and
participation percentage (%).

No ID Full name Description (roll & function) %

1. JM1800 Jimenes Mariona, Karen Information compilation, written work 100
1 María realization, video analysis debate. %
2. MF1601 Magaña Figueroa, Karen Information compilation. (Type of 100
1 Beatriz war/conflict) %
3. MA1700 Morales Aquino, Ariel Information compilation. (Conflict of ideas 100
4 Stephany and/or interest). %
4. RZ1800 Ramos Zaldaña, Lourdes Information compilation, written work 100
1 María realization, video analysis debate. %
G. Bibliography/webliography.
❖ Central of Global Interests. “A HYBRID WAR | A Short Documentary about
Ukraine”.Access June 12th,
❖ Vice News. “On the Frontlines of Ukraine's Proxy War Between the West and
Russia”. Access June 12th, 2021.

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