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Paes tty New Beginner Teacher’s Book John and Liz Soars Amanda Maris OXFORD Fourth edition New d Headway Beginner Teacher's Book John and Liz Soars Amanda Maris » OXFORD UNIVERSITY P| PROMO éuPmounoa sive h46789 ¥ * MF -—3 ( \ with teacners “we Resource Disc OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS om Contents ESS Introduction Teaching beginners - tips and techniques amlarelis, mylyour + "This is... « How are you? * Good morning! What’ this in English? + Numbers 1-10 Plurals Countries « he/she/they, his/her # Wheres he from? fantasticlawfullbeautiful « Numbers 11-30 Jobs + am/arclis » Negatives and questions * Personal information Social expressions (1) our/their # Possessive § «The family * has/have » The alphabet Sports/Food/Drinks * Present Simple - I/you/welthey * alan Languages and nationalities » Numbers and prices The time * Present Simple-helshe * always/sometimes!never Words that go together » Days of the week Question words « mefhim/us/them « this/that + Adjectives « Can I... Rooms and furniture * There is/are * Prepositions * Directions Saying years © was/were born * Past Simple — irregular verbs * haveldo/go When’ your birthday? Past Simple ~ regular and irregular * Questions and negatives * Sport and leisure Going sightseeing canfcar't + Adverbs # Adjective + noun * Everyday problems Ti like - somelany « In aestaurant « Signs all around Colours and clothes + Present Continuous * Opposite verbs « What's the matter? Future plans * Grammar revision « Vocabulary revision « Social expressions (2) Photocopiable worksheets Units 1-14 Communicative activities ‘Student's Book word lists Tests with test audio Class tapescripts Grammar Reference with practice Workbook tapescripts 15 89 99 109 us. 128 138 Introduction iia, ‘New Headway Beginner, Fourth edition is 2 foundation course for adult and young adulk true beginners, Its also suitable for students who have already learned alittle English, perhaps some years ago, but who dont yet feel confident enough to move on. They want to go back before they move forward. ‘New language is introduced gradully and methodically, in measured amounts, and in a logical order. Listening terial is provided across two dass CDs. Vocabulary has been selected carefully to avoid overloading, ‘There are many controlled practice activities, which aim to give beginners the confidence to proceed, but there is also some simple skills work, which incorporates manegeable communicative activities appropriate for low-level students. In the Everyday English sections, we deal with social and functional language, and survival skis. Each unit of New Headway Beginner, Fourth edition has these components: « Starter + Presentation of new language + Practice Vocabulary « Skills work ~ always speaking, combined with reading and/or listening and/or writing ‘« Everyday English Starter The Starter section is designed to bea warmer to the lesson and has a direct link with the unit to come, This link might be topical or grammatical, or it might revise input from 2 previous unit Presentation of new language New language items are presented through texts, often dialogues, which students can read and listen to at the same time. This enables students to relate the spelling to the sounds of English, and helps with pronunciation, as ‘well as form and use. Sometimes there are two presentation sections. This i to break up what would otherwise be too large a chunk’ of new language. “The main verb forms taught are: * tobe « Present Simple «there islare + Past Simple 4 Introduction « canfcarit * Tilike « Present Continuous for now and future, going 1 We have chosen not to teach have go, for two re Firstly, its Present Perfect form (have + the past {s confusing as have got refers to the present, not the pas secondly, have with its do/does/did forms is perfectly acceptable. This pattern has the advantage of fitting in all the other verbs that students are earning. “Thete are Grammar Spots in the presentation se aim to focus students attention on the language of ‘There are questions to answer, charts to complete, and exercises. The Grammar Spot ends by cueing a section Grammar Reference at the back of the book. Practice ‘This section contains a variety of controlled and freer practice exercises, The primary skills used ae speckings listening, but there is also some reading and writing. ‘There are information gap exercises, mingle activities, information transfer listening exercises, questior a lot of personalized activities. There are exercises wher aim is overt analysis of the grammar, such as Check Vocabulary ‘There isa strong lexical syllabus in New Headway Beh Fourth edition. The vocabulary is carefully graded and recycled throughout, so that students don sulfer from coverfoading, Lexical sets ae selected according 1 Wo “They complement the grammatical input, for example activites with the Present Simpl; or members of the ‘with apostrophe & However, they are mainly chosen fori usefulness. Low-level students need to know the words everyday life ~ food, sports, numbers, date, travel, time describing people and places, shopping, sightseeing, say how you fel. Students are also given exposure to2 key cof vocabulary in English - collocation. Students work range of patterns inchuding adjective ~ noun, and word {go together to form high-frequency verbs, eg. have shopping, ec. Tis way of forming verbs is practised the course and students also focus on other patterns s adjectives and their opposites, and verbs and thei Listening Regular unseen listening sections, in dialogue or mon form, provide further practice ofthe language ofthe u and, later in the course, help to develop students ab understand the main message of a tex. beginning ofthe course, the language in the readings ightly controlled and graded, and only one or two words be unknown to the students. As the course progresses, dings become longer, with slightly more unfamiliar inthe texts. This gives students practice in ig with new words and prepares them for the longer tsinat the Elementary level Inthe presentation sections, stucents have the opportunity practise the pronunciation and intonation of new lage. In the practice sections, less controlled exercises to freer speaking practice. re are many speaking exercises based around the ‘and teading activities, including regular roleplays. are speaking opportunities before a text, to launch the and create interest; and there are speaking activities ‘tent often inthe form of discussion, exercises are usually, bt not alway, small in scope. are invited to write about their bestfriend, a short description of a town they know, and a ion ofa holiday. very important part of the syllabus of New Beginner, Fourth edition. There is language input ‘of several kinds: slalls, such os numbers, saying dates the alphabet, ‘Sing prices, recognizing signs, and asking for directions skills, such as social expressions and greetings areas, such as making requests, going poing, and saying how you feel ssometimes an element of ‘phrasebook language hese sections. We are not asking students to analyse deeply how a piece of language operates, For example, it7 we introduce Cam I... ina variety of situations ‘want teachers or students to worry too much sboutthe grammar of av: as a modal verb, We merely want dens to see how this phrase can be used to get what you alin a polite manner. Reference atthe back of the Student’s Book, and it is intended "athome, It can be used for revision or for reference, new iTutor disc that accompanies the Student's Book students to review the Student’s Book content and vse what they know using interactive exercises. There is pPhotocopiable activity for each ofthe 14 units at the skof this Teacher's Book, allowing students to review gin cass, These photocopiables also feature on the ers Resource Disc (TRD), along with an additional 14 photocopiable activities, There are also 14 Unit tess, 14 Skills tests, four Stop and check tests, three Progress tests, and an Exit test on the Disc. All the language input - grammatical, lexical, and functional ~ {is revisited and practised. The Workbook now comes with the iChecker disc, allowing students to test themselves throughout the course. The disc inchides Writing Support activities and worksheets. There are also pronunciation and listening exercises on the iChecker. This includes listen and repeat exercises, and unseen listenings which are particularly beneficial to students who lack confidence in speaking and ‘ho have listening and/or pronunciation problems. Students can refer tothe tapescripts on WB p88. “The Teacher's Resource Disc can be found inside the back cover of the Teacher's Book. It contains additional printable material to support the teacher with course. The Disc also has customizable versions ofall 28 photocopiable ‘worksheets, along with tips on what to change, so that the activitics can be adapted to be more applicable to your students, The Disc also includes all testing materials ~ Unit tests, Stop and check tests, Progress tests, an Exit test, and ‘Skills tests with audio files. It also contains the Students Book reference materials - Tepescripts, Word lst, and Grammar Reference with related grammar exercises. Video Brand new video clips, along with classroom worksheets are available on the new Headway Beginner Fourth edition ‘Tools. There are fourteen clips, one for each unit. The language and theme in each clip are linked to the relevant Students Book unit. Students can also access the video oon their ‘Tutor dise that accompanies the Students Book. ‘The majority of the clips follow a documentary style, and include native speaker interviews. Teacher's Resource Book ‘This contains photocopiable games and activities to supplement the New Headway Beginner syllabus. Finally! The basic criterion for selection of every activity in New Headway Beginner, Fourth edition is its usefulness for the survival ofa low-level student in an English-speaking ‘environment. We are trying to lay the foundations for what we hope will be a successful and enjoyable Janguage-learning future. Introduction Teaching beginners — tips and techniques Beginners require a very careful, staged approach with plenty of repetition, practice, and revision to help them internalize new language and to give them confidence. Suggested stages are as follows: Starter ‘This short warmer to the lesson must not be allowed to _g0 on too long, Generally speaking, five minutes is the maximum, Presentation of language point You can vary the presentations if you like. Sometimes ‘useful to play a recording first while the students look at the picture with the text covered. Then, after that, they can read and listen. This method may be helpful for some non-European students who are not very familiar with Roman script. stening and repeating (drilling) ‘When introducing a new item of language, stop and practise pronunciation when students have grasped the meaning. You can use the recording as a model, or provide the model yourself. You may need to stop the CD to give students time to repeat at an appropriate pace, Allow students to listen to the word, phrase, or sentence two or three times before you ask them to repeat it. For example, to drill the sentence How are you? Play the recording and/or model the sentence yourself two or three times using the same pronunciation and intonation, then ask the students as a class to repeat the phrase, ie, choral drilling. Dont say it with them, but instead listen to what they are saying. Say Again for them to repeat a second time: Ifit sounds as ifthey have got it right, ask one or two students individually to say it again for you to check, i. individual drilling. f the choral repetition

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