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MAP Math question 1 – Computation & Problem Solving; Number Sense

Which is the best decomposition to simplify the multiplication 382 x 17?

A. 380 x 17
+ 2 x 17

B. 10 x 382
+7 x 382

C. 300 x 17
80 x 17
+ 2 x 17

D. 300 x 17
+82 x 17

E. 300 x 17
8 x 17
10 x 17
+ 2 x 17


The correct answer is (C).

Decomposing allows you to take a difficult number, such as 382 and break it down into its hundreds, tens, and ones to make it
easier to multiply. In the question 382 x 17, it makes more sense to decompose the 382, rather than the 17 as it is the larger
number. If you just decompose the 17 then you still need to multiply by 382, which is hard. Therefore, answer (B) is not correct.

As 382 contains three hundreds, eight tens and two ones, you can write it as the sum of those parts:
382 = 300 + 80 + 2. This means that instead of multiplying 17 by 382 in one go, you can multiply 17 by each of the decomposed
parts and at the end add the results. This is the same as multiplying by 382.
Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

Answer choice (A) only partly decomposes 382, so it still leaves you with a large number (380) to multiply by. Therefore, this is

Answer choice (D) has not decomposed the 82 fully so you are left with 82 which is a difficult number to multiply. Therefore,
this answer choice can be eliminated.

Answer choice (E) has decomposed 382 incorrectly. If you add the parts together, you get 300 + 8 + 10 + 2 = 320, instead of 382.
Therefore, (E) is also incorrect.
MAP Math question 2 –Data Analysis; Measurement

Robyn measures the amount of time people take to swim a length of the school swimming pool, in minutes. Use her table below
to answer the question.

Which line plot represents the data in the table?





The correct answer is (B).

Each cross on the line plot represents one person. First, count how many people swim in each amount of time:
¼ minute: 1 person
½ minute: 3 people
¾ minute: 3 people
1 minute: 2 people

Therefore, you need to find the graph that has one cross at ¼, three crosses at ½, three crosses at ¾, and two crosses at 1.
Some of these graphs are using decimals instead of fractions, so check the conversions.

¼ = 0.25
½ = 0.5
¾ = 0.75

As the conversions are correct, you need to check all graphs.

The only graph with the correct number of crosses is graph (B).

MAP Math question 3 – Algebraic Concepts; Geometry

Use the rectangle to answer the question.

The perimeter of the rectangle is 32. What is the area?

A. 16

B. 35

C. 49

D. 56

E. 63


The correct answer is E

To calculate the area of a rectangle, you must know the length and the width. In this question, you are told only that the width is 7
and the perimeter is 32. The opposite side to 7 will also be 7, as opposite sides in a rectangle are equal. The other two sides are
unknown, so call them 'h' for example.

From this, you can form an equation.

The perimeter is the total of all the sides, thus:

7 + 7 + h + h = 32 // simplify the left-hand side

14 + 2h = 32 // subtract 14 from both sides
2h = 18 // divide both sides by two
h = 9.

The missing length is 9. Use this to find the area.

Area of a rectangle is length x width:

Area = 7 x 9 = 63.

Therefore, the correct answer is (E).

MAP Reading Question 1 – Literary Text

Read the passage.

The sweet potato is a root vegetable. Its young leaves are sometimes eaten as greens. It is only distantly related to the potato. The
root is long and narrow. Its skin ranges in color: it can be yellow, orange, red, purple, brown, or beige. Its flesh color also varies,
and can be beige, white, red, pink, yellow, orange, or purple. Sweet potatoes with white or pale yellow flesh are less sweet and
moist than those with red, pink, or orange flesh.

Why did the author write this passage?

A. to persuade

B. to inform

C. to entertain

D. to explain


The correct answer is (B).

A text that is meant to inform includes many facts about a certain subject. This passage includes many facts about the sweet

Answer (A) is incorrect because a text that is meant to persuade usually expresses opinions or uses exaggerations and strong
words. The passage does not contain these things.

Answer (C) is incorrect because a text that is meant to entertain tries to appeal to the reader's senses and imagination through rich
descriptions and language. Since this passage contains facts, it is not meant to entertain.

Answer (D) is incorrect because a text that is meant to explain tells the reader how to do something or how or why something
happened or is true. The passage does not explain how or why anything.

MAP Reading Question 2 – Informational Text

Read the passage.

Louisa and Aidan were sprawled on chairs in the attic, their hands behind their heads and their feet dangling, when all of a
sudden, a storm started. Heavy rain pounded on the roof, and they heard the strong wind whistling outside. The only lamp in the
room went out, and the children could barely see anything around them. Lightning after lightning struck the sky outside, and the
children held each other's hands as a sharp roar of thunder shook the house. It sounded as though the storm was right in their own
backyard. However, a few minutes later, the storm stopped suddenly. Everything around was deafeningly silent as Louisa and
Aidan got up quietly and attempted to find the door in the dark. Fortunately, the lights came back on before they had gotten to the
door, and they both breathed out in relief and smiled.

What is the phrase "deafeningly silent" used for in the paragraph?

A. to emphasize that silence is the solution to the problem

B. to create a dramatic effect

C. to explain that the storm was loud

D. to emphasize how confusing the situation was


The correct answer is (B).

The phrase "deafeningly silent" is an oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two contradictory words are used.
Silence cannot be deafening; "deafening" can be said about a loud noise, not about silence. Therefore, this use is not literal and is
used to serve a purpose. In this paragraph, a big storm occurs, and then suddenly stops. This is a dramatic occurrence magnified
by the silence that follows, and the phrase shows the contrast between the storm and the silence that follows in a very dramatic
way. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Answer (A) is incorrect because the silence solves no problem. It is the fact that the storm has ended that allows the children to
get out of the attic, not the silence.

Answer (C) is incorrect because the phrase shows the contrast between the loudness of the storm and the silence that follows, not
only the loudness of the storm.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the characters are not confused.

MAP Reading Question 3– Word Meanings

Read the paragraph.

Jane knew the river was just beyond the patch of trees in front of her, but to get to it she still had to cross the patch, which was
the most dangerous part of the forest. Stepping gingerly and slowly, her eyes darting everywhere to look for signs of danger, she
moved from tree to tree, pausing every few seconds to look around and make sure no one was coming.

What is the meaning of the word "gingerly"?

A. with extreme caution

B. with plenty of spice

C. in a relaxed manner

D. as loudly as possible


The correct answer is (A).

The correct meaning of "gingerly" is "with extreme caution." Even if you do not know this word, you can understand its meaning
from the paragraph. Since Jane stepped through "the most dangerous part of the forest", with "her eyes darting everywhere to
look for signs of danger" and pauses every few seconds "to look around and make sure no one was coming", it makes sense to
assume she was moving cautiously. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Answer (B) is incorrect because the passage has nothing to do with spices, although the word "gingerly" sounds like "ginger."

Answer (C) is incorrect because the phrases "her eyes darting everywhere to look for signs of danger" and "pausing every few
seconds to look around and make sure no one was coming" do not indicate a relaxed manner, but rather a very cautious one.

Answer (D) is incorrect because, since Jane was moving through "the most dangerous part of the forest" and kept looking around
for signs of danger, it does not make sense for her to do so loudly.

MAP Language Usage question 1 – Mechanics

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?

A. "Did you know," asked the teacher, "There are some fish that can live out of water?"

B. "Please tell your sister," said the girl on the phone, "sharon will be there at 7:00."

C. "Students," Mr. Hernandez instructed, "please bring your history books tomorrow."
D. "this cake," Dana told her friend, "is one of the best cakes I have ever tasted."


The correct answer is (C).

The first word in a sentence should always be capitalized. The second half of a quotation should not begin with a capital letter,
unless it is a proper noun or title. The only sentence that is capitalized correctly is in answer (C). The first word of the sentence is
capitalized, the proper noun (Mr. Hernandez) is capitalized, and the second half of the quotation does not begin with a capital
letter. Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

Answer (A) is incorrect because the second half of the quotation should not begin with a capital letter.

Answer (B) is incorrect because the proper noun in the second half of the quotation ("Sharon") should be capitalized.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the first word of the sentence ("this") should be capitalized.

MAP Language Usage Question 2 – Parts of Speech

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A. Me and my friends love to play soccer.

B. Everyone except for I takes the bus to school.

C. My parents ask my sister and me to help with chores.

D. You and me are in the same music class.


The correct answer is (C).

"I" is a subject pronoun, while "me" is an object pronoun. This means that a speaker uses "I" to refer to him/herself when he/she
does something, and the speaker uses "me" when something is done to for or in relation to him or her.

"I" is used as the subject of a sentence or clause, while "me" is used as the object of a verb or preposition. Put differently, "I"
does something, but "me" has something done to it.
In Answer (C), "me" is used correctly because "my sister and me" is the object of the verb "ask."

Answers (A) and (D) are incorrect because "me" is used instead of "I" to refer to the subject of a sentence. The sentence in
Answer (A) should read "My friends and I love to play soccer." The sentence in Answer (D) should read, "You and I are in the
same music class." Notice that when "I" is combined with other nouns or pronouns in a list it comes last. Here is another
example: "Ralph, Susie, and I are working together on a project."

Answer (B) is incorrect because "I" is used instead of "me" to refer to the object of the preposition "except for."

MAP Language Usage Question 3– Usage

Which of the following sentences has an independent clause underlined?

A. Despite the storm, the ship stayed on course.

B. Though they can swim quickly, penguins walk slowly.

C. Miriam has seen the new movie, but I haven’t.

D. In order to reserve your place on the bus, please order your tickets before the deadline.


The correct answer is (A).

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. An independent clause expresses a complete thought and can
stand on its own as a sentence. A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand on its own as a
sentence. Dependent clauses begin with words that show that the idea expressed in the clause is not the main idea,
including: before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though, even
if, and, or, nor, but, yet

Answer (A) is correct because the ship stayed on course is an independent clause. It can stand on its own as a sentence and does
not start with a word that marks a dependent clause.

Answer (B) is incorrect because Though they can swim quickly is a dependent clause, not an independent clause. It cannot stand
on its own as a sentence and starts with the word "though," which marks it as a dependent clause.

Answer (C) is incorrect because but I haven’t is a dependent clause, not an independent clause. It cannot stand on its own as a
sentence and starts with the word “but,” which marks it as a dependent clause.
Answer (D) is incorrect because In order to reserve your place on the bus is a dependent clause, not an independent clause. It
cannot stand on its own and starts with the phrase “in order to,” which marks it as a dependent clause.

MAP Language Usage Question 4– Writing Process

Which of the following would be a good topic sentence for a paragraph about how to take care of a dog?

A. Make sure you don't give your dog too much or too little food.

B. Dog care requires both a daily routine and checkups with a veterinarian.

C. It's important to protect your dog from fleas and ticks.

D. It's harder to take care of dogs than it is to take care of cats.


The correct answer is (B).

Answer (B) is correct because it effectively introduces the topic of dog care by describing the two main ideas.

Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because they provide details instead of a main idea, and are thus inappropriate as topic

Answer (D) is incorrect because it is not about the correct topic. The topic sentence should describe how to take care of a dog,
not compare the difficulty of taking care of a dog with the difficulty of taking care of a cat.

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