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Name :……………………………………..
Guru Mata Pelajaran :
Class : X MIPA & IPS
Anisa Rachmani, S.Pd



Giving information to another person in general



School, Station, Office, Mosque, Newspaper, Magazine, Website,

Village office, etc. Media Social, etc.



Shopping Center, Public Newspaper, magazine, Website,

Transportation ( Airport, Bus, Social Media Account, etc.

Generic Structure of Announcement:

1. Tittle
2. Explanation Details ( may contain 5W1H: What, When, Why, Who, Where, How)
1. Read the text carefully. Your teacher will identify you as A or B.
students identified as A, read text 1 (page 105). Students as B, read text
2 (page 106).
Announcement of Online Class During Pandemic
In connection with ITS Chancellor Circular Letter Number T / 21887 / IT2 /
TU.00.08 / 2020, concerning Efforts to Increase the Prevention of Corona
Virus Disease Spread (COVID-19) in the Ten November Institute of
Technology attached, then for students of the Department of Technology
All forms of learning activities and examinations are carried out online using
the facilities provided such as My ITS Classroom, E-Learning, or other media.
The implementation of online learning is extended until the end of the even
semester of the academic year 2019/2020.
Additional information:
Guide to using My ITS Classroom can be accessed here.
For library services, students can still access electronic information sources
(e-books, journals, catalogs, etc.) from outside ITS online here.
ITS student data collection by the ITS COVID-19 Technical Team for the
handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, can be accessed (every Friday-
Saturday), here.
Our staff works online. Therefore, if you need more information, you can
contact Whatsapp MMT-ITS at +6281330896644
Thank you for your attention.

Cancellation of JYJ Concert in Singapore

by Faith & D Entertainment on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 5:19am

Dear Fans and Media,

This is an official announcement to inform everyone that we have just been notified
by CJes Entertainment, the artist of JYJ that they have decided to cancel JYJ World
Tour Concert in Singapore which is scheduled on 23 April 2011 at Singapore Indoor
Stadium. It is with utmost regret that we have to accept this cancellation notice from
the artist agency at this point in time. We have submitted the final plans for stage,
seating and ticketing for the agency's approval so as to proceed with the official
announcement ticket sale. These plans are in accordance with the regulations
required by the authorities in Singapore and the budget allocated for the concert. It
is most unfortunate that the plans are not approved by CJes and their decision is to
cancel the concert.

We respect the agency's decision and, with great regret, we are unable to change
their mind but to accept this unforeseen circumstance that is beyond our control. We
understand the disappointment as well as the inconvenience caused due to the
cancellation and we sincerely apologise - especially to the fans of JYJ.

The Management

Faith & D Entertainment

2. After reading the text, in the chart (page 107 and 108), identify the
main ideas of the paragraph and then write the most important details in
your own words


1. Work in pairs, if you have read text 1, refer to questions II; if you have
read text 2, refer to questions I.
2. Read the questions for your partner to answer and write your friends
answer on
separated piece of paper.
3. Exchange your works with another pair of students in front or in your
4. Discuss the similarities and the differences between the two
announcements based on your answers with the group.


1. Find other examples of announcements from other sources like internet,

magazine, newspaper, etc.
2 Then, make a report about the characteristics, language structure, and
vocabulary that is usually used on announcement text by completing the
table on page 111.
3. Make a short announcement with your group about the situation given
on page 113.


1. Make an electronic announcement about anything, and it should be

uploaded on the group’s wall on facebook the dateline will be the same
day next week.
2. Give your comments to your friends’ announcement. Write about the
strength and the weakness of it.

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