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Chapter One...............................................................................1
Chapter TWO...........................................................................11
IS THIS REALITY..................................................................11
Chapter THREE.......................................................................18
Chapter FOUR.........................................................................27
Chapter FIVE...........................................................................36
BACK TO THE FUTURE.......................................................36
Chapter SIX..............................................................................43
V 2.0.........................................................................................43
Chapter SEVEN.......................................................................50
DATA CENTER......................................................................50
Chapter EIGHT........................................................................55
Chapter NINE...........................................................................81
LOST IN SPACE.....................................................................81
Chapter TEN............................................................................91

Title book: Midnight Run

Author book: Clairence Brie

© 2020, Clairence Brie

Amazon Publishing
First Printing Edition, 2020
ISBN 9798558123333


A Ffragment of my mind echoed a name, a glimpse of

a shadow in the blanket of white light, over and over in my
mind, a tall figure shadowing the tread of the road in the
mechanical pigeon hangar. He Wwalkeding slowly, pulling
his luggage box, full of charisma, – a figure in a brown T-
shirt, and black leather jacket. His With the appearance of
cClammy slick hair was neatly arranged atto the back,
similar to the style how of classical socialites kept it, that
seemed d seemingly disguised in this era. I still remember
when hisme glancinged at mey eyes for about five seconds
before and he turninged his gazeface away again.. I try tried
to to get numbers that are infinite symbols rotated 90 degrees
on the pieces of exam papers or the numbers above it.
Instantly, my memory reversed came back to the present, and

I heared a low baritone call my name, with the same
concludingtone ending staccatto.

"Claire ..…" I turned my neck, moving my optical

visuals toward the origin of the low-tone frequency. "Will
you go to New York with me?" "A full moon has passed., my
My senses have felt your dream all along, – a new
civilization city that I'm sure you've coveted every second of
your fantasy,. I'm going to take you there to and change
everything in the room of your idea .... Bbe the original
material that you can feel with all your senses, and your
heart. " The baritone's voice immediately asked me the most
absurd thing even though it was the most beautiful set of
words adorned with a sweet, pale red curve that was sweet in
my eyes. "Is this frequency not a fictitious mirage that I get
on the edge of relativity this time?"
"No Claire .. But is your memory book still scratched
a bit about me?"
"Colin, will never be erased in my dictionary, about
you being painted, and recorded, even scratched neatly in the
corner of my memory.Your beautiful world window will
never disappear from my memory nerves stored with your
special folder but your neuron flow never drains my name
"Even you always step backward if you find the frequency of
light and my voice" "You do not know the depth of my ocean
of reason, the extent of my mind I stepped my feet because
the fragments of your shadow always give me a spark of
desire to be one level better" "Have you ever a little spark
synapses shine about what was in my mind and head at that
moment.Street backwards, at a glance the most distant eyes,

all your attitudes make this arterial vein go faster, with the

"Will you open the box wrapped in this apology?"

"Is the contents of this paper cube Colin?" "Open it,
maybe it's worth it, but I just want to show you that my
neuron still reminds me of you." That little pencil .. Makes
the weather in my eyes suddenly cloudy .. Drizzle. "Claire, a
girl with an electronic understanding of a single fighter
capable of turning on the LED from the beginning of the
circuit until the end of the circuit has lent me this stationery.
" "You're still recording it all, Colin, this brain cells never
projects a synapse with this fact." "Your neuron spark has not
clashed with me at that time Claire, and I want to knit it with
you right now.Your memory never drains your visuals to my
eye retinas in my head , but the knock on the door in my
heart when I feel the hormone cortisol with an unusual dose
that often drips the water point from my window sensory,
place where I can see all beauty of the world, instantly
glimpses your shadow I do not know why it always happens.
" "So that's just your alibi in submitting this proposal?" "No
Claire, there's more, but I want you to know, in the relativity
of the next time after I passed the black hole to dash into that
distance of another medium multiverse, and in that wonderful
civilization.." "When?" "At the end of this relativity Touch
the contents of this box bundle Claire, and you'll be there"
One two three.. . . . . As if my visuals were twisting
my circumference and weights hovered in another
atmosphere and I saw fragments of my memory history. As

my venous artery bounced back and forth at a higher rate, my
retina time caught the reflecting image of that person.
It was as if my heart felt a tremendous oxytocin,
delivering memory back to my younger age when all the
fantasy was so real, as if I could be best version ever, without
all judgement from all responsibilities followed, focusing just
for achieving best potential. Then my consciousness returns
to the present where all the desperate situations. My spirit
faded, trust did not come to me. My surroundings felt I was
not there. I'm just a girl with unseen material around me. I
feel loneliness in the endless tunnel, as if will my heart is
waiting to be prepared for the probability of the aftermath. In
my historic flash, I feel my spirits back in time when
everything is available and not afraid of trivial matters. There
is a difference with this moment where I hesitate to move.
And this fear always pulls me backward. I am deeply divided
by my dilemma by my negative. The flow of my
consciousness felt a calm in this endless stream. The sounds
of my favorite 90s oldies music played along my
teleportation via this light. As beautiful as the melodic
arrangement that had crossed my dreams was a structured
beam notation complete with all the details of the
composition. In my life my life is very unlikely to record in
my memory, limited. I can only enjoy it. The notation was
plurked in front of the visual image projection captured in
my organic camera. During this time relativity caught various
wonderful memories and unforgettable memories.
Everything I dreamt in my fantasies seemed to be able to see
and feel with the flow of the oxytocin hormone that was
levitated in my physical matter. The notation still looms
before my eyes. Until little by little I began to understand

from my heart and finally my neuron was able to deliver the
musical message to his home at the very top of my body. A
moment later my eyes opened. I found myself lying on the
most comfortable island, in a cotton knot, a human vehicle to
the morning destination on the next day's sheet. I noticed a
neatly lined skeletal community attraction implying its
glamor. Instantly the fresh and dust free atmosphere at any
point where I opened this eye. Then I climbed up to see how
beautifully furnished the classic-style chairs with the light
blue blinds around the table, complete with chocolate frappe
stacked neatly on it. I went on to try it a bit, so exclusiveness
that was never felt by my previous senses. Glass cabinets
with blue shades that still keep the treasure in it. I looked into
it, almost glass-glazed my eyes to see the beauty of a really
parlente outfit design. Famous dresses Channel, Dolce
Gabanna, Hermes, YSL, Louis Vuitton and various other
names lined up neatly in the dressing room. With curiosity I
opened the drawer in the chamber, visible stones that reflect
the rays of various colors emit a circular miniature rainbow
for the neck, with a blue gemstone surrounded by splinters of
light that is more than beautiful. I closed the cabinet again
and look at refrigerator that provided the freshness to cool
this already tired day on the way of teleportation. Then I
opened the cold cabinet on the left, presented so many fresh
drinks, scotch, wine, whiskey, orange juice, milk chocolate,
and various raw food ingredients that must be formulated
into a filling food. And in the cooler drawer was stored a
variety of facial creams, body treatments, real gold masks,
Lancome night cream, Clinique body lotion and a variety of
facial care products. I closed the door I had opened and
opened the next cooling door, momentarily stopping the flow

of oxygen to my lung, which sounded my heartbeat and made
it beat faster. I saw a variety of chocolates presented there,
Hershey, Dove, Silver Queen, Toblerone, Cadbury, Van
Houten, Snickers liquid chocolate, chocolate pasta, Nutella
jam chocolate, Skippy. Implicit in my mind, was I really in a
natural reality that was never visualized in the realm of my
subconscious logic. My hope never assumes that all this will
manifest in matter palpable in nature and exposed by my
senses. Shadows that I can only subconsciously this is not as
beautiful as this, it turns out the reality today is much more
beautiful than the projection of my idea that I tried to paint
on my memory canvas. I did not think this would be so
captivating. I pinched the skin of my hand for a moment to
wake me up maybe I was still lost in my dreams. In the
corner of the room stacked envelopes and bouquets that
adorned the corner, like a miniature garden that adorned the
room. With curiosity I saw the sender of the letter. Bradley,
Justin, Adam, Daniel, and .. Colin ... What does this mean?
Why did each send me a letter in this age of technology.
Each one seems to me familiar with their handwriting, but
there is still a clash of logic and visual reality. I still can not
accept if this is a reality because I can only read each of the
envelopes. But there is one part of my heart that convinces
me that this is true of them.
Dear Claire, I can only send this to you. Look at your
desk drawer, you'll see my most beautiful nostalgia with you
then. From Colin
I stepped to the desk and saw the drawer. The red
heart's dream box reminded me of my memories of that
moment. Instantly my happiness bubbled and boiled in the
atmosphere my heart peaked my happiness to 100 degrees

Celsius. Instantly burst my confidence to reopen the
memories of that time. The glimpse of my adventure with the
red-hearted electronic data box links the creation of organic
creations from the friction of harmony between these neurons
into electronic data that can be published to the heart of the
world's data that is accessible to readers. I saw the data
memory card dropped from the envelope. I turned on my
memories box and saw what was behind the little box. I saw
a lot of folders that seem to contain a line of website
programming codes that I want to keep in the past. One of
the folders is called phonebook. I copy them to the htdocs
folder already installed xampp on that laptop. For a moment I
regained my joy when I could digest a light snack of
structured code that made me one level more confident. I
remembered at the beginning of the second in the first
months of my work. Having awakened from the realm of
dreams, the transference of consciousness from the mortal
dream into reality. The chain of tangible message chains
shines a little color light on my memory notes. I discussed
the thing that I think is most exciting, algorithm, struggling
in front of the electronic box to solve puzzle pieces in the
form of classes, function, view, which connect to interact
with each other. My synaptic flow ran very fast then, able to
finish the pieces of the code puzzle into one beautiful image
that can be accessed at each end of the world. I remember
that era of technology were appreciating data information and
queue readers statistically the web is able to attract electronic
banners from national and even international corporations
who willingly set aside a portion of the budget to spread the
look of the product into the eyes of the reader so that the
expected purchase will increase in proportion to the pairs

eyes that meet the image of the electronic billboard object.
That's all I can not cope with him. Almost every second
when I see his magical charm in many ways makes my eyes
never tired of viewing the beauty that is reflected from the
glow of light that gives me beautiful scenery. Not to mention
intimacy with the syntax character of programming code
makes me never tired of asking for a breeze of the frequency
stream of science that makes me increasingly incoherent
about him in memory books that I keep neatly on my library
shelf. The visual beauty captured by my retina can not be
imagined to happen. It all happened so fast, I did not think
the kites in the sky of my imagination would be an even
more beautiful reality. Even in this apartment with a view of
the skyscrapers that seemed to greet each other. I thought my
eyes looked around my desk, I saw blank notepad paper
ready to be decorated with any notation of human creations
that crossed who knows could be the source of the frequency
of the sound spread over radio. Quickly flow of music that
flashed in the sensory image responder my voice that
harmonize in my room of idea. I tried to recall the notation
when it occurred to me when I teleported to this place.
Capture power is not good enough so I really really try hard
to remember it. I drew the notes out of paper as best I could
with the small black and white circles in between, still unable
to imagine the result of the notation but I can imagine it
through my imagination. I tried to struggle with my memory
that really do not know why it always makes me
disappointed. But I tried to write as best I could remember.
After I tried to write the notation I saved it into a drawer I
might be able to rebuild it later. I want to know again I tried
to explore the contents of the electronic idea box. In the

stored data drive Tutorials, Projects, Books, Movies, Songs,
Photos .... Complete with written documentation that
describes the instruction manual to live in that time interval.
I open the existing file.
Welcome to the fantasy world. In years after this you
will be in a second parallel world. All your life has been
documented and all written guidance on this laptop. You just
follow the steps here. Your life will be better or boring it all
depends on you. If you do not perform in accordance with
this guide you will get another story line that does not fit
with this guide.
This book represents your best side, but if you want
to walk another story here you can do other things you can
do but you have to go back to your time before this. In the
closet next to your wardrobe is a free time machine you can
choose wherever you want. Provided you do all the
instructions in this guide ..
You can do whatever you want. And today you will
meet your partner in this parallel world. You become very
connected and so happy to meet him because he is the person
you've been waited for. Enjoy today as you please and you
can use the time machine until before 12 o'clock tonight. In
one of your desk drawers there are watches that can
configure your ability, you can choose which mode of skill.
If you are comfortable that is your true talent.


Immediately the nature of the idea in my head felt a
jigsaw puzzle that I could not experience in common sense.
A parallel world? Time Machine? The watch? How can this
happen if this is just an imaginary dream that is not real? But
my senses feel the atmosphere of reality in the world I feel
right now. I headed to the closet next to the wardrobe as
instructed by the book. But I did not see anything, just a very
beautiful diamond ring, not only his eyes, but around the ring
circle decorated with a very beautiful diamond. Then I tried

the ring, instantly displayed a hologram showing the month
and year display, and there were options for happy, proud,
work-out mode, overcoming emotions, solving problems, and
more options. But my mind thinks that I want to live the time
now because the blanket of happiness is very thick at the
moment and I want to explore it first in the current reality. I
looked for an internet search tool on a beautiful spot in New
York. The first place I want to visit is Manhattan Plaza, that's
all for today and I want to explore this city to the end of this
city. If I'm less satisfied I will turn back the time.
I walked into the elevator that was hidden in the apartment
wall, so luxurious apartment is equipped with a fingerprint
scan to go to any floor and to the lobby on the ground floor. I
put my thumb on the finger print machine and opened the
door of the elevator lined with glass and embroidered nicely
with small chunks of diamonds around it resembling shape of
root curve. I stepped into the elevator and saw New York
sight out there, Chrysler Building, Manhattan Plaza, Empire
State Building, neatly adorned the image in front of my
eyeballs. Totally pampered with a beautiful view of New
York. Kling ... The elevator rang again and the elevator door
opened. Then enter a knight .. well or rather a man like a very
handsome knight with an immaculate black suit that is very
neat similar to James Bond who will start his adventure
pursuing criminal intelligence and ready to be flamboyant
agent wherever he is. His rather light brown hair and sharp
eyes glanced at me because I was the only one in this
elevator. The most serious is the fragrance that seems to be
mixed with the scent of a typical book that makes the heart
bangs similar to the music boom in the club and need aspirin
to relieve dizziness in the brain.

"Excuse me miss, learn this in 24 hours and if you can
solve these i will meet you again."
Then he stopped at 23rd floor and stepped out without any
Then I wondered why he suddenly gave me this, actually
I stepped out of the elevator to the hotel lobby of the
Waldorf Astoria New York so majestic. I look to my left and
so beautiful the strains of the piano that sounded .. vaguely
heard the improvisation of the pianist that I saw young and
play a regular rhythmic song like a structured tone pattern
but still sounded a lot of really nice tones. Wrap the design of
cloth worn each in this beautiful place as specially made by
renowned designers who are very attentive to the beauty of
the tip of the hair that does not look a bit blemish and very
visible arranged, as I see fashion show from each even to the
guards and officers cleaning of this hotel. It was only
moments after I got out of the elevator that I suddenly saw
someone walking toward me, with a folded black sleeve and
an asymmetrical collar like a high school kid who usually
likes to experiment with electric circuits and improvise with
their piano coding in front plasma screen. "Claire .. Do you
still remember me .." Wait a minute .. Who is he .. I never
remember or know him, but he already asked me, I still
remember that I was still in the world of dreams, the world's
best, I remember before and suddenly remembered my friend
in high school, when in fact I never knew him but did not
know that memories glimpsed past .. "Hmm ... Colin.. If I'm
not mistaken"
"Claire ... Are you still remembering me when I gave my
memories in your world before.You know, God's scenario is
never wrong, my heartbeat move nonstop a school bell that

reminds me to start learning I want to learn to make you
happy since my visual input wakes up all my nerves more
actively .. My central space is also productive as well as my
mind is at the best level I want you to feel the beauty of the
city with me, so long my wait is just to talk to you.I never
imagined I would meet you in the most beautiful place on
earth. "
"Colin, I do not know, every day I have never lost my
memory.from the first time this metabolism knows the
hormone oxytocin since I saw a figure of you, but you
always stay away from me and never care about me When I
see you like a butterfly dancing in the heart of my heart and
never lost.A truly unforgettable feeling actually makes me
uneasy because it's hard to talk to you.You always stay away
from me. " The butterfly comes again in the heart of Claire,
the more beautiful .. The piano strains add to the magical
moment that feels, Memory accompanies the beauty of the
encounter. "Do you know Claire, I can never get rid of you
from my data bank? It's been a startup app that always
follows when I open my organic window switches that are
embedded in RAM memory that always works in the
background of my individual operating system." "Colin, let's
walk our path to this dreamy land between this further town."
"Shall we" Then I walked to the lobby entrance and saw the
present heavenly view with the skyscrapers and beauty at
each end of the visual detail of my eyes. Accompanied by
Colin who was so charming, fragrant, and heart melting
about what things came into my head.
Do not know why this is the first time I talk to the various
things that exist in the database and can synchronize our

update between us. Step by step beautifully painted
embellished imagination.
Claire felt such wonderful comfort with Colin. From the
scene through Waldorf Astoria see the futuristic beauty of the
world civilization city.
I caught a glimpse of the hologram ring on my left finger.
Many menu displays, character settings, time rewind settings,
future projection, option cause and effect analysis, people
scanner, teleportation, moments when I see time freeze,
rewind, and fast forward mode. Time, which is very selective
in finding partners, and I can partner with her that easily.
Immediately my imagination flew into different directions,
and my chance to learn the world, philosophy, and ... fix
everything that had gone wrong. The first time I remember
that moment I wanted to learn all about the thing I loved so
much, the syntax knit that I could never reach because of the
many minds that were mixed up and filled with useless
worries. Instantly I want to stop the time and try to learn all
about this world. Without hesitation directly I try time freeze
mode, and there is a mode "Are you going to invite your
friends?" And I instantly took Colin into the dream world
where time stopped. "Colin, instantly this will be my
wilderness adventure with you, I'll partner with you to
explore every corner of your neuron space at a time that can
consolidate." "As you wish my closing parenthesis." Instantly
stopped and all stopped. "Colin, I want to go to where it all
started, on the 4th floor of a building when you and I first
established a database with you" "When I overclocked right
during the program curve after the closing parenthesis."
"When I know there's no privacy in the world after the spider
web is connected to every human finger" Rapidly teleported

to the place I had set in my mind and was immediately in
front of a towering gray building. And I was alone with him
who was moving toward the 4th floor in my teleport mode.
The walls are colorful, like the color of rubik with the cubicle
where I first met him.
I'm reading glass in this place where I can explore with
everything I have in the little world in the organic circuitry
that God has given me.
"The first time I talked to you with the black board you
scratched in the terminal editing each binary that slowly
opened the small windows of data in the world.Compilation
of all the ideas in the world stored in a central database on
the other side of the world. The first time I was exploring a
digital city that could transfer various syntax codes into
simultaneous images that flew simultaneously to the human
senses of vision in the world. "
"You've always been the champion in my heart The best
asset recruiting center in my emotional window The best
accountant for making the perfect bookkeeping that gives me
the best and best margin in my happy history book This is
my heart-stopping logic window opportunity with this heart.
limbic, reptile, and neo cortex have synergized in the flow of
electricity this idea.It was the most beautiful highlight of my
line when the search box was in the most beautiful
version.You were like an irreplaceable classic operating
system whenever I saw the rainbow in a black screen of
characters painted beautifully at the frequency of your voice,
the spinning of the rotation of the faster spinning reminder
that speeds up the running time The melodic strains in the
image are filled with logic notation and the emotion
dynamics are beautifully composed with you Then I reopen

the data box containing the memorable code my joy and I
developed and talked about making online application for
personality development with him. I felt the most beautiful
butterflies on my head. And back then to the present time
again. Back on the road when I talked to Colin.
"Colin, do you see the future?" "What do you mean Claire?
What do you mean I see my future with you Claire, I've
prepared my whole life for this moment, when I met you I've
created lots of code and music compositions just for you
Claire I love you just the way you are. I've seen my future
Claire, with you I've been exploring every corner of my time
from coming to this world with tears until near the end of my
life I've seen you every day in my vision and I've known you
before even before I met you. I have been exploring every
one of my world, nothing unexpected in my mind, every step
of my life I've seen before, even now I'm talking to you. I see
you with me Claire, you'll be a very influential person in
your place of work. unexpected by you. You will not imagine
your current job and expectations the other. But you have to
go back to the time before this time to New York. " Click
click click .. For a moment I see in my hologram watch .. 5
minutes to parallel present .. "5 minutes more we will return
to New York back Colin".



Racing back to the New York City walkway resumed my

conversation with him, Colin. "Claire, have you ever feel like
everything is align and all is like velocity of wind when you
are moving fast like lightning and think like a quantum
core .." "I feel it when I'm with you Colin Fiber optic
connections in my nervous tissue is giga bytes per second, as
if I'm skating in a roller coaster of perfection, but I'm scared
to be perfect because I'm going to forget myself I always
keep everything right on the track I still remember the way
you craft the algorithm puzzle, with the paper you wrote
down the function structure for the heart of the project's
website portal, still very far away with my trial-and-error
writing style. " "Claire, that's enough.You who can make up
the function to run in a matter of months is more than
enough.I'm training you to become a better syntax
vocabulary writer, accompanied by New York's aroma is so
wonderfully laid with you." Suddenly .. Click Click click ..
hologram ring signaling reminder about the other time
travel .. "You have to go through another parallel time for 1
day and you will come back to this period in a flash..

"I look around where I am now. Attached my picture with
the man dressed in wedding tuxedo and me who wrapped in a
luxurious wedding dress. In the house it was all
uncharacteristic. Many objects were scattered and
unorganized. It was 6:30, and suddenly my memory
reminded me that I had to go to work because a motorcycle
pickup would take me to work. I can only be shocked and
silent, just follow the course of the story in a different world
again . "On the way to the office like a fast forward and
Claire could see herself working in her office Claire saw
herself staggering, without a happy face at all, even though
Claire saw herself trying to greet each of her friends Claire
sat in her chair and felt the moment no more work, she saw
herself pacing back and forth without knowing what to do
because it was all handled by her other friend Claire saw
herself not in the best condition and very minimal trust was
seen from the instructions that were rarely directed at Claire
at the time. Then came the notification of the hologram ring
on Claire's finger "Follow the groove in this world and learn
something from it." In the work chair it is very unorganized
and everything is busy itself with a very hectic job by talking
like a fast forward video of each personnel in the office like a
mutual ping pong stream bounced off in seconds, and Claire
was simply stunned to hear the vast amount of vocabulary
per second heard. When Claire intended to talk to the nearest
person around her, because at that time each of them was
walking to the meeting room. "Ms. Let's see where the
meeting room is."
Like a statue of Claire only seen without answer and just
passing like a statue, like an invisible shadow even trying to
communicate with colleagues in the office.

Claire sees herself being ignored for hours by hour, she
was coworker delegating tasks to other than herself even
though at Claire's desk looks the same pile of files that his
friend holds.
In the flash the moment looked like the character of what
was written in Claire's mind. "I'm a useless person, no one
trusts me and whatever I do is useless."
When Claire read the message she felt the same way as it
was, sick, offended, angry, and protested about the situation.
Considering that all his efforts seemed hopeless and his
hopes for friendship were never reached, Claire still
remembered all the sacrifices she had made since childhood
for spending most of her time for remembering text over and
over again for sake of exam which nothing related on
nowadays responsibilities and all her seemingly lost
accomplishments like the wind and nothing in this parallel
Although she could sense the painful situation but Claire
could still feel his pride had been able to create various
applications of scientific programs and journals in different
parallel times. "Do not worry Claire, your time is not just that
moment.You still have plenty of time to improve your
life.Your only temporary pain, it is your spirit that survives
and makes you the best, past, present, or future.
All opinions of others, no one will change you to be
worse, or make you afraid, listen to your heart. You're better
than what others say, right now I've led an online company in
New York. Your socialization skills are just a phase, and
whatever you talk about is important in this company as well
as in all your lines of life. Do not trust the opinions of others,
do not let it mold you. Believe me, your time is just a phase

of change. Do not let each of these phases at least, not be a
liability for you or anyone else. "
Immediately on the screen of her imagination, Claire
instantly changed the look of his face to be the most
optimistic with the most beautiful smile. Instantly he
immediately closed all windows computer windows are seen
and joined the friends who were currently talking about the
issue of politics thats been a trending topic.
Instant moments of buzzing with words became silent ..
Then as the wind passed, they continued the conversation
that had previously been discussed by the previous person.
Claire saw in her heart that she still survived, although
usually at that time her heart seemed to be sick. But Claire
noticed a change in her grateful face.
"Thank God, my heart is still fine, and happiness and
gratefulness are still with me for with You Lord, May my
weakness never come again and always feel Your presence
always in all my time here." Claire saw her own monologue
on the screen at the time. He felt his heart as if mixed with
disappointment and gratitude, usually he felt in moments of
self-denial compiled and struck himself with the worst
memory he had ever encountered, like an attack of sadness
ready to prey on one's happiness and increase the dose of
cortisol hormone in him. But it seemed then that his heart
was getting more and more proud of Claire's uncondition.
Clock shows at 3 pm and Claire realized how much time
had been wasted because of her negative feelings of the
moment, in a parallel world when she saw herself and her
monologue that always dropped, she felt her loneliness at the
time. For an instant he saw many barrages of dropping words
that he said insistently, even in circumstances that

disregarded him, Claire also saw himself ingested with his
own opinions and assumptions that made Claire in those days
difficult to make decisions and start a conversation for
thinking about how he never made friends with anyone.
When he saw his monologue
"Why do not you ever work, work like this just can not,
you can not be friends, your work is never finished, at home
is also wrong What will it be like tomorrow will be repeated
like this again Why do not you can do a lot of work, why do
not you go to college to get to work like this for a long time
Try to make yourself more useful Useful do not let alone
have the effect, still far your way to a better situations.
Claire wanted to interupt her mean monologue. Cruel
support is okay, but it really drops it. She tried to interrupt
her mind at that moment so that the negative monologue was
lost from his mind. When read the monologue suddenly
appear like a transparent menu
"Do you want to interupt?" OK Cancel
In Claire's mind, she was shocked to be happy because
Claire could fix something in those days.
"What memory do you want to show?" Under the
question, then, all of the most beautiful memories Claire had
ever made, When she first walked, spoke, all the recordings
during the piano exam, while attending the Olympics, while
walking with Claire's parents, first time work, and many
more memories are displayed. And Claire chose the first time
work. Claire's moments in the parallel world loomed with her
shadow at the piano test and could hear every detail of the
piano exam. ”What's the best opinion that you want to
know?" "What are the possibilities of the future in every
decision?" "What do you want yourself to say?" "What do

you want yourself to feel?" "What do you want yourself to
do?" "What do you want to do to eliminate your bad habit?"
It was then that Claire collected data on her feelings of
questions. The emotional graph, the achievement history, the
effective time, the best and worst conditions, and the range of
values of all Claire's accomplishments. He sees his best
statistics when independent is his peak performance at age
23. But from these statistics have not found data while
successfully keeping his heart calm while dealing with
confrontation while working amid inability for communicate
to others, also self-defense statistics and self-confidence to
communicate with others is still minimal, plus the amount of
time to communicate. The circumstances of Claire's
difficulty to make a significant change in the projection
Claire was seeing. But Claire can do nothing but interrupt her
own mind that is often rejected for accepting things and
punishing herself. In his projections, Claire returns home
with no enthusiasm. Claire, who at that moment could not
bear to see her getting worse, got stuck in her mind. In his
large, unorganized house, his hunched and unattractive
motion, combined with his slow movements and powers. The
only silence and do not know what to do plus the nagging of
a nearby person who can not wait to see Claire's change.
Every now and again often degraded and deprived of power.
Then Claire looks at the structure in her thinking in the
hologram projection displayed in this different period. The
mixed priority caused by the composition of the percentage
of need fulfillment and savings is not in line with the actual
priorities at which Claire was already married. The horizontal
pile of allocations in front that is irrelevant to his
responsibilities as the mother fills his mind. Coupled with the

thick allocation of assumptions will be the opinion of others
leaving less than 10% of the power to work more real in
accordance with the actual portion needed.
"Colin, do you know who I am?"
"Of course, Claire, I've known you all the time.You're so
left behind in your social life, but I'll always stay with you in
every inch of your life. You'll fix all your lines of life all the
time parallel. Before you become the leader of your
company's online unicorn with all I want to take you to a
Then Colin took the remote silver while curving his arms
diagonally from the end of the cuff folds while wagging it
slightly with his dazzling gesture, instantly heard from a
distance the black Bugatti Veyron with its orange ornaments
moved closer with the distinctive sound effects of roar,
stabilized about a few inches off the ground. "Where are we
Colin?" "You'll see" "You've been caught in the rejection in
your world before and I'll show you the real you never
imagined before. You've never known anyone who
understands your heart and tries to understand and resonate
with you. Since I was recruited in the department of Time
Research and Development, a new technology that can
change the entire line of the past, I found you in the middle
of the vortex of information that is so massive and very
interested in the data and work you've ever made. From the
various data I see I see my resonance with you, and in my
heart I'm sure you're the best person to be for look through
and test your thought. Previously you look at this. "Then
Colin freed his hand showing the video hologram.See fast
forward video since Claire's childhood and graphics run
during Claire's year of life fluctuating emotions of fear and

pride, logic and responsibility, equipped with red for external
factors , and green for internal factors. "You see Claire, all
neutral before your thoughts take over.Waking up every
morning, preparing breakfast, cleaning up, you've done even
complete the complete project, even with some emotional
distortions that have plunged you ever since. The greater the
need for your environment will be the fulfillment of social
needs in the sense of extrovert personality will shift little by
little potentially rigid person and shift the stiff person in the
rat race class, whirls will still occur during extrovert and his
people form public opinion.But do not be afraid Claire,
interruption heart and mind the digital will continue to
propagate with technology that can send the points of
information fragment indirectly. People like you with a lack
of exposure to the outside and the social world can only deal
with similar people. Lots of people like you who have been
stuck in a vortex for a long time. Wondering about social,
public opinion, injustice.



Do you think the world is fair. You're better than this,

stronger than you think. I will open your eyes to you and
your true potential. Colin drove his Bugatti Veyron around
the new city of New York. With the aroma of Intenso Dolce

Gabanna enough to add Colin's aura in that time. His
flamboyant character but still sentimental and gives a touch
of tranquility in her gesture. His body is solid and alpha with
Rolls Royce silver watches wrapped with 5 rounds of needles
in transparent clock containers adorn his arm. Because
genuine main men's accessories are just hours that mark
billions of moments, ideas, numbers, delegated instructions,
and the sheer number of complexities in every moving
needle. On the dashboard screen says "Relevancy with
millennium skillsets" and visible profile photos with sound
Artificial Intelligence .. Mathematicians .. Researching
personal development and public bias in relation with GDP"
".. Researching networking at 0 gravity" " .. Pianist .. The
number of names mentioned by the AI, at least that Colin can
only listen to at that moment, is instantly captured and stored
by Colin who will resume later for his analysis of the ideas of
the profile which looks significant or potentially significant.
Potential is a word that is composed of the consistency of
one's brilliant thinking in either the natural aura or even
behind the gesture setbacks and the lack of charisma that can
only be detected through words in the mind. And now
technology has facilitated "telepathy" in the right hands with
characters that have been typed in any search box. As if
seeing all the thoughts and activities up to as much detail as
possible from every human who still interact with any
camera and microphone in front of humans, webcam, CCTV,
TV, mobile phone, even simple objects, books, pens, plates,
hats all already have secret identifiers as long as internet
technology still exists. Even more familiar with human intent
than reality, because in mind and human notions do not
recognize gesture, posture, appearance, neatness, comfort,

which is only physically, but only deeper components that
distinguish man from others .. Reason .. "After this you will
meet with bilioners and scientists who will held a meeting
with the Hollywood film division to transform the human
subconscious with data from me to give a new consciousness
in the human subconscious that would improve the current
life of greed-influenced to profit from the impulsive
consciousness gradually formed from virtual images in
digital media. You still remember when your little Claire .. ""
Yeah .. It was still very romantic, the amount of art
emotionally inspiring, not only from the music. The golden
screen display is also filled with a vision of the future that
has existed since 10 years ago, with the beauty of manners
and is rarely seen in the media today. The word that
eliminates the existence mostly heard in every fictional show
in the movie. "" I will deliver you in personality and
atmosphere that is in dire need of your skills .. Your
existence .. You will know yourself better when you know
me, because you and I are two relevant books, 'Supernova'
and 'Theory of Quantum Physics', 'Total Recall' and
'Surrogates'. Colin swung around to the New York airport,
but unlike the usual road. TWA Airport, a futuristic classic-
style airport with a curved shape resembling the classic The
Jetsons Family cartoon that is translated in concrete, but still
clinging to a magnificent stand welcomes Claire to another
unexpected surprise. "I really do not know where we're
headed next." "Patience Claire. I'm impatient with your long-
lasting potentials and influences that you never knew. I have
seen you your history. Your journey starts here. "Claire
thought she had not gotten around to the Manhattan Plaza
yet, but being with Colin was enough to enjoy the beauty of

every moment with her. With his charming Colin move his
wheel to park his Bugatti in special places important people
such as tunnels with highlights blue lights as ornaments.
After his Bugatti stopped perfectly, with his asymmetric
black jacket and his donker's blue jeans and white converse
shoes rushing to open the door and a gentleman's
immediately opened the front door of Claire, a curly black-
haired woman with sharp, elegant eyes, typical classical
noses and lips English. With her legs and hesitation Claire
stepped off the Bugatti Veyron, wondering what she was
going to face next. Claire walked to the VIP airport for a
private jet specially made for people like Colin who had a
special influence with his community. The glass door moves
after it is passed and Claire sees beauty that surpasses the
roof of a regular beauty and is well above average. A flower
bouquet that welcomes Claire's arrival with blue, white, and
pink flowers in a ball-shaped circle embroidered with vintage
shades, which reflect the diamond rays by the sunlight that
illuminates them. Greeted by the clink of Elegie -
Rachmaninoff graced the unoccupied classic VIP lounge,
only certain people. The wooden staircase is on the right side
of the left to the upper compartment decorated with many
classic to modern works, from musical works, scientific
works, to the original prototype of Wilbur & Wright. Along
the edge of the wood lined up well-known books in the form
of a replica of the original book is made with detail and
appearance as the original. Even to modern history is also
stored neatly, although all only a replica but all made with
exclusive. Draft Harry Potter book by JK. Rowling who was
rejected by several publishers ending up with royalty letters,
and many more summarizing the failures that led to the

unexpected. Failure, is a good friend of experience, and the
experience itself is a person's life. When feeling a lot of
failures, rejection, and other things achieved there is a
struggle that makes someone try to do more than usual. If it
is usually very easy to earn achievements and appreciation in
childhood where the role of the parent is more dominant and
other factors, after the actual period in which the individual is
no longer in the parental protection umbrella and should try
and survive on its own a very degrading effect of trust
because of feel failure is something that "never" happens (in
a time when the family is more involved). When all safety
nets are released, and must be self-sustaining, if the
individual is not equipped with various provisions of
communication in the form of savior when lost then failure is
a frightening enemy. But as communication and art habits
persist and adapt to the community has been mastered,
failures and mistakes turn out to be the best friends because
of human failure begin to find the best identity and learn to
accept what it is while trying desperately to become the ideal
version. "Claire," Colin said, and Claire can only pass
through the beauty of the view without being able to feel it
because it must be immediately with Colin to the private jet
Ideair, classy private jet style that is really luxurious .
"Colin, everything I feel right now is really beautiful and
unforgettable." With the secure wifi connection on the plane,
Colin and Claire are retreating in the virtual realms of the
algorithm world. Then Colin opens a briefcase of data source
and walks to the sofa chair next to Claire to communicate
back with her true. "Claire, I know you're still there, with
your passion. During this trip I will re-introduce your old
friend that you have long left behind "The data box is full of

knit structured and neat code structure, void main (), for, if,
function, while, all the words are repeated in memory Claire.
It's been a long time since he has touched the virtual world.
"Colin, do you know, every day I'm dreaming of having all
the time and books, writings, articles, and clues about these
things Colin." "You do not need to look for Claire, because
they're all available and just waiting for your access and time
to communicate with this world. I want to show you the
contents of the latest application of ALPHA Technology, the
mind reader. This technology is a combination of AI and
statistical analysis of a person's search history and which
scans are the most sought-after and that's what someone's
orientation is. With the algorithm that has been developed,
this technology can understand the state of someone
equipped with a camera and microphone in each gadget that
can be conditioned on or off remotely and GPS increasingly
make it easy for ALPHA Technology. With this technology
will help someone search for his life purpose automatically
generated AI. Communication tools can already be a
psychologist in the subconscious. But if it is not balanced
with outside circumstances it will have a dependent effect on
humans. "
"You know Claire, we're the best reminder device, even the
smallest detail we can record because there's no limit to
memory in this big data.With the drone technology combined
with nanotechnology there will be many possibilities that
will happen. the world with unlimited possibilities Continue
to work Claire, maybe you will still be far from your dreams,
but at least you've tried.Each bug you've fixed represents a
person similar to you Maybe your work is not too significant,
your movement raises doubts, you, but who moves, wishes,

and more fully encourages you.Have yourself before you
wish for the best.All have the same time, in various
circumstances, your time may be very limited because of the
extent of the existing state, or it seems that your hope is not
will be achieved because of the many circumstances that can
not be change, your personality, the way you treat others,
whatever you think is limited only in your mind. Soon most
human professions can be able to automatically and best do
human work. You have to prepare yourself for a profession
that still needs human analysis, it is my job Claire, as Big
Data analyst. The collected and accumulated data needs to be
processed in order to see the next effect and even future
predictions. "
Claire did not expect to be at the top of her life talking to the
same person, who has many of the same things that are
interesting. Time before this time always wrestled with his
thoughts and no one connected with what is in his mind at
this time.
Claire felt real time relativity, and proved time was not
absolute but very subjective and she felt the shortness of time
despite hours on the jet with Colin.
In the jet it was arranged like Colin's library rack, Time
Machine, HG Welles, Machine Learning Fundamentals,
Futuris, Space Wormhole Theory, Leonardo Da Vinci,
Einstein Relativity, AI Algorithm, neatly representing the
idea of a Colin Rachmanov.
"Claire, would you dance in my atom existence in my
intangible connection to your data bank Overclocking my
"As you wish my quantum warp. My heart feels like the
speed of light when connecting to your visual retina. Your

function is like my recent subroutine which gives glimpse to
my deep learning. "
"My logic always deduct every possibilities and never been
so stable ever since I met you. I feel the best probabilities and
best case scenarios with fastest runtime, successful running
launch with your function. to share my libraries with your
wit. hoping we can construct a laboratory of chemistry bond
with you no need of organic sensation when i can connect
you and me in my bank data, it feels like high just to hear
your thoughts. "
"Can you feel that you've been autocomplete me since I first
touched by your translated algorithms in your composition of
syntax symphony."
"In this moment tremendous hope breezing into my vein,
opening all happiness mitosis. Like sophisticated feeling this
moment, multiplying per second hovering my dimension. "
"When live is like virtual reality, while sleeping becomes
reality and waking as a dream thats when everything is
connected, aligned, and in the best order, thats just can be
happen by right monent time characters in the best scene.
scene Colin This is the moment I've been waiting for in my
life. "
"Just to hear your frequency of ideas gives me a glimpse of a
new hope, world, and system that is capable to update my
consciousness to be closer to whatever I imagine."
An endless series of interconnected timeless interconnects
like double helix, with the best combination of Claire and
Colin as if flying toward the tip of a galaxy flew across to the
next galaxy at the speed of light. Combine four eyes on a
beautiful jet without anyone, guided by inorganic intelligence
on an autopilot basis with the safety steps previously studied

by Colin make their loneliness intimate. However, although
strong magnetic currents attract one another, enough with the
flow of the sound frequency streams make the two-fold
altitude of their connection. Both are not that easy to stranded
in physical contact, but eye contact and ideas.
In the midst of my deep sorrow in this world where all is
limited and unattainable, when the heart has no reason to be
proud, when all regrets are piled with envy, ignorance, or all
the emotions at the negative pole, there is no more self-power
to change the absence of hope . As if all the internal states of
the eye must be influenced by the perfect external state,
which is impossible. I was caught in a trap of grief that was
difficult to unravel, but this conscience still tried to comfort
me despite my ignorance. All this effort to be happy is very
difficult because it seems my standard is still too high to
make my heart happy. I clashed in the harshness of this
world who preferred the extrovert man tough, with his ability
to bring the atmosphere. Unlike me who is far from normal,
just argue in my mind and have to prepare words, even if
only a few words. "Claire's 2 weeks away, give your best,
that's all you can do". Claire saw her monologue back in the
parallel world. Arriving at home Claire's energy stayed a
little bit left and had to think about her home.



Colin Point of View
Colin Rachmanov, human potential analyst tasked with the
recovery of human brain waves. In front of transparent
plasma screens examine significant graphs from around the
globe that contain a variety of data, in terms of discovery,
significant changes, peak history each year, peaks in
multinational cooperation, peak technology, riots, human
potential, various significances deducted to discover hidden
talent which should have global impact but be hampered by
simple things that are unthinkable. After the creation of
android since 2010 in 44 years following has recorded
various conversations and thoughts of all people from
various human characters, introverts, extroverts, bipolar,
realists, theorists, and anyone recorded the purpose and
purpose of life, until it can be detected way of thinking and
characteristic statistical patterns for predict the results to be
gained. There is someone with a peak that is too high but

with a sharp downside, some are stable and slightly
progressive, some tend to be statistics of high delay, self-
contained independence, and various other characters. Colin
classifies all those data that have significant peak and
downside where active in significant works or impacts are
Colin summarizes data with the highest significance in
emotional fluctuations that listened to the least appreciative
input and had fewer organic communication inputs than
imaginary communication inputs such as books and
conscience because the personality with the following levels
of significance has a high propensity trend. Board of
Recovery Stable Mental (ABRSM) Institution, an institution
dedicated to caring for the individual conditions of the world
because of the many mental cases arising from the
"competition" of humans with the advanced mechanical
Artificial Intelligence at the time. Joining ALPHA
Technology, a digital corporation dominating the world of
technology communications at the time that started from a
simple search engine, is now thriving with technologies that
can revise even human DNA records, even enabling
telepathy by automated scanning of human brain signals. In
those days human professions, shopkeepers, food makers,
administration, customer service, accountants, drivers,
tailors, mechanics, even doctors will be replaced with robots
that can be controlled in real time over long distances. And
the need for programming then became indispensable for
existing electronic troubleshooting. In time, only people who
understand the basics of electronic repair will survive in the
global competition. Communication skills are still
indispensable for business negotiations that will never be

replaced with anyone (or anything else), but when consider
ability of ALPHA translate language, the future is still a
question mark. At that time the website was still a public
secret in which DCIM (Data Classified Information Market)
Corporation, underground moving corporations with their
programming team had started to master data even up to
every cm of characters even from mobile phones and
computer screens of each of the existing people who can only
be understood by engineers who already wrestle in this field.
Alarm sounds suddenly heard by Colin and he saw Claire
Marissa Time notifications 08.00 Year 2010 Breakdown
Symptoms As quick as lightning Colin slid his right hand to
the left showing a green hologram screen that instantly
displays photos Claire Marissa and his monologue
"I'm useless, not someone who can affect others. Whether or
not I am nothing. No one cares about me "Colin immediately
gave the command" Alpha State Search "1. Reading 2.
Writing 3. Piano 4. Talking deep topics 5. Supernova book
(Indonesia Version) 6. Programming Answers" Unfulfilled
Alphas " 4 (in red) "Unfulfilled basic life skills" Cook
"Wandering mind cause" Abandonement at conversation.
Instantly Colin sends a message to the time machine division,
Nick in charge of sending an email to a parallel time period
in the past. Emails sent in the form of articles that are not
visible but subconsciously provide meaning that can change
a person's mental state. "Programmer, writer, pianist.
Everything you want in your hands. As long as you learn and
"House, home, who can get along with it can get along with
everyone or any circumstances. "

Nick emailed the message directly to Claire's private email
and on behalf of ALPHA Technology, Claire's dream
company so that it could subconsciously provide special and
more personal motivation. Then Nick gives a newsletter in
the form of interview questions and about programming that
must be mastered before joining ALPHA Technology,
complete with tips on communication tips that Claire has not
been able to understand since the first. Communication is
foreign to introverts. The least time they have to get to know
the different types of people and the amount of bias they get
accustomed to without trying and helpless to defend is
familiar to introverts like Claire. Colin examined Claire's
childhood in real life at work. The dozens of people who try
to implant a bias in Claire's heart and mind deeply influence
her future. Colin look for where Claire's exposure was at the
time of her rigidity with the outside world. Claire was very
fond of reading and searching answers over the internet
where it was very absurd because of the answer of all the
problems of course with her interaction with the outside
world, but that did not apply to Claire at the different parallel
times. Colin saw a very sharp drop and end being the only
person doing the main task at home for the rest of his life
because of his introverted state and can not change the
situation due to very little time and lack of support from
people he knows. It is here that the ABRSM Institution takes
the role of transforming weak individuals to discover their
true self by introducing them to individual individuals and
providing a memorable experience in a short time to
accelerate the stability of emotional graphs and accelerate
their optimization and potentiality. This institution uses a
developmental approach gan characters through time tunnels

that have been created commonly in the year 2040. Time
tunnel has become a common communication tool that year
in which people are marginalized and have a weakness in
their emotions because it is too spend time to pursuing
achievement academically without regard to other
responsibilities. Taking care of the house, exposure to the
outside world and the lack of time to learn them to solve
practical problems around them. Their demands to memorize
the text and understand it properly in the text without any
element of reality and the solution of daily problems and
standard time required for the field to make the thinking time
of a small percentage of the person becomes longer and less
focused on solving the problem, but rather focuses on his
concerns on nonessential issues on the issues. Their inability
to understand what others are feeling makes their time less
effective and their existence less calculated even though the
right behavior can be good because the introverts are mostly
dreamers who live only in their minds. Take your 5 minutes
to indulge yourself. Look at your clock and anticipate these 5
minutes Hey Claire, how are you I know that there are many
things on my mind and everything will be okay in time. You
are a high achiever from your first phase of your life. From
baby, toddler, until your time is up in this life you are going
to be a very high achiever. Just get along with your time and
choose your friend and distinguish your friendemy, your
procrastinator that gives you "a minute more" to do what are
not your responsibilities. In this 4.30 minutes you will be a
best person. You are the best Claire, programmer, pianist,
and you will always be the best with or without others
judgment. You just have to try and try again. Nothing
amateur Claire if you devote your time for doing something

over and over and nothing can beat your excellence. The first
thing that comes in your mind is what you should practice
more. You are your coach and do not try to wait for others to
compliment you to give your best, do not fully accept other's
opinion to shape you. Believe in yourself and do the best you
can do. In this 4 minutes I will give you the best so that you
can be the best. You are the auditor, chooser of whatever you
want to feel and think. When blockers blocking you, give 30
seconds (20 words) to compliment yourself. You're diligent,
you're brave, you can conquer anything, you can conquer
your fear, you can break all your blocking, you can race
yourself to be better, you can handle anything, you are your
own coordinator, you are your own supervisor, you are
yours, your right is closer to right, look at your parent's point
of view, is this acceptable , look at your child's point of view
is this acceptable, from your spouse, is this acceptable.
Always seek for negative feedback in various forms of
words, harsh or plain critics. 30 seconds up and you got your
mind on track again. You are better, closer on the right track,
and I want to give you the best so that you can be the best.
You are the best coordinator, best supervisor, best mentor,
best coach, and everything will be faster when you are there.
You are faster than you can imagine and the most active
person that you know. You are your mother take care of you.
You just need to know what take care means. You are the
best person who cares Claire. Care is just about food, clothes,
clean, anticipation, activities, keep everything organized.
You are your best manager and manager of your life. Every
morning you prepare for your food and drink your food and
drink to give energy to your family. You are the best chef
Claire, just look at cooking tutorial on your own unreal

activities and unproductive. I know you are best within
yourself. Just keep your mind and body moving to the right,
relevant, and acceptable track. From now you will move to
more relevant track, closer, and now you are move with the
confidence relevant decision. Good luck Claire.


V 2.0

Instantly Claire did not think anything about the email she
read but it took a moment to digest it in 5 minutes and Claire
immediately walked to the bathroom and washed her face in
front of the mirror, looked deeper into her eyes and said in
her heart and assured her "I am not an amateur ". Instantly
she washed his hands, neck, armpits and cleaned it. "I am the
best". She watched her face dan smoothed all over her face,
right and left, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, she sees her face
back and smiles as she says "God bless you". Instantly with a
neat and fragrant appearance she returned to her cubicle and
sat down her chair. Instantly she thought about what her
unfinished tasks were. Designing cover, bantex, creating
letters, inputting large volumes of data into a central database
dateline given next month. The cover design and the bantex,
the thing Claire did the fastest to do, then instantly worked
on and within 25 minutes the design was finished, but not yet
printed and cut that would also take time. But at the end of
the day work he has completed it well and given to his
superiors. Colin had never forgotten Claire and always
prayed for him to always be the best. On one side it bypasses
the absolute decision that exists but he believes this
technology provides an opportunity for introverts such as
Claire to get out of his narrow zone to have a tremendous
impact on the community.

Where Claire is currently known Colin as an influential
developer at the time was trying to break the flow of virtual
reality that has been plagued very badly because the fact that
in fact little by little has been abandoned like Surrogates who
walk empty and prefer to live in virtual life. It all started
since the more sophisticated advanced technology was in the
palm of the hand. Since the uploading technology of the
website and various operating systems and android, almost
all the privacy is no longer known, CCTV, scanner tools,
GPS, all human thinking and his work has been increasingly
known and examined, at least by ALPHA Technology. Has it
sometimes been (though only in the minds of) the media
publishing or broadcasting about what is being research now
and feeling spied on. It could be a coincidence or indeed it
has been made like that. Privacy, today, as long as the person
holding the phone in his hand, will no longer be known. With
increasingly advanced technology, it is easier for both local
and international intel to recruit anyone who matches their
criteria. Colin attempted to interrupt all of Claire's negative
monologues to keep Claire's emotions stable and inculcate
thoughts that supported Claire to be stronger. The existing
monologue greatly disrupts Claire's productivity stability
which makes the downward spiral in activity as well as in its
thinking. "My existence is insignificant" "Do not think like
that, you've put a memory in the hearts and minds of certain
people. You just never know. "" But I just keep making
trouble" "It's just your thinking, your existence is very
important to your family." "I never succeed in my job" "No
Claire, you just have not found the right job and community
for you. Everyone has the ability and habitat of each match."
"The problem never matches me" "Do not ever think like

that, God has created you with your own uniqueness, practice
it stronger and responsible first. Have you finished the
unfinished. Immediately solve to reduce your incompatibility
with the world." "Why I always not motivated" "That's
because your lower version of you and lazy is stronger than
you. I always support you Claire does all your
responsibilities. You just are not used to it yet. Get used to
living motivated like me Claire." "I can never be fun, always
troublesome." "No one ever thinks like that, just do your part
well and finish it. Surely all doors will open and people will
match you." "But many say I'm arrogant and selfish." "That's
because Claire's mind you full with all your assumptions.
Actually life outside is just neutral. Only your mind is pulling
the negative or positive poles. You must be able to defend
yourself when you are evil and lazy to take over you." “But
I've never had a stake in the company where I work or at
home never stand out or be known." "Do not think outside
first, think first of all in your heart. Declare your hearts for
your comfort, fill in with beautiful words, clean up all the
negatives in your heart, communicate comfortably and
calmly with your heart because that's where it will all be
decisive." "But I never make a positive contribution and
always fail to produce anything good material or a
comfortable atmosphere in the social." "Every human being
is neutral, until there is a positive or negative tendency in
mind yang resonate with nature. If someone more amplifies
the negative frequency then nature will respond quickly. And
so on the contrary with the positive frequency nature will
support quickly." "But why do I still worry about things that
are not tangible and unreal." "It's simply because of your
habits and your mind that obscures all your thinking. "

"Now do your responsibilities and your job now. Do not
think too much about your dreams, because your situation is
still far too conducive to your dreams. At least fix the house
in your heart to keep it comfortable. Do not think too much
because it's just wasting your time. You know how much
obligation you have to accomplish, make yourself enjoy
every moment you have. Right now there is just you. If
people begin to disbelieve in you, please keep yourself
believing in yourself. Although you have to face it yourself
calm down because there must be some power within you.
You must be stronger. The socialization skills that you
should learn from childhood have been missed but never too
late. If you still have not found the right person to guide you,
look, then you will find."
Back to Colin's time
Genesis High School, 20 years ago when Colin was in
high school with the quantum physics skills he had learned
from his father, a scientist. Since his childhood has been
trained with a deep understanding of physics since the first
time can mimic the words. In his childhood, Dmitri
Rachmanov created a mini basketball hologram featuring
trivia questions about human-created sciences, tables of
summaries, multiplication, mathematical formulas, physics,
and various chemical, biological facts and whatever else
there was when the ring got score. Since childhood Colin
trained the accuracy of throwing basketball with various
distances while answering all the questions. His father also
trained Colin's ability to remember by putting lots of cards
with random images scattered at home and his yard which in
a certain time had to be taken again and mixed with other
cards to be restored again in the same place. Not only a

serious lesson by his father, but his mother also trained him
to dance to train the speed of thinking and train his gestures
so that the soul may be more interesting. At High School,
Colin sits on the back corner because he likes to examine
human characters and relate the facts, events, and probability
statistics that will occur according to the abilities and habits
of each of his friends. His father always trained him carefully
to observe the various events that are around. At first Colin
trained to understand Morse code, his father always trained
him to be sensitive to the various beats that were there but
not so serious that it made more fun. Does not stop there the
number of algorithms that have been translated into useful
applications has been much composed by Colin with his
father's guidance.
With his increasingly solid understanding of the
correlation of many things and his ability to open the door of
the central data opened his eyes about various elite
conspiracies to manipulate the classes below. Money
becomes an invisible hand to change the way people perceive
and be affected. Simply truth is switched with media
bombardment with many accents and accessories that can
change the perception of the inadequate society digest the
information obtained. His father who is also a computer
science researcher has long known the key to open a central
database with a terminal language. His father had long
known the elite scenario to be able to predict some existing
events with data obtained. The growing development of
social media technology is very easy to see the various
possibilities that are mutually correlated. Occasionally Colin
tries to encrypt portal sites with probability generators to
match characters generated by algorithms that can retrieve

values with a probability of 6 digits. One by one web portal
is tried with a combination of 6 numbers, and finally he can
hack the website and write his name in the web header with
his name.
The ease of digital intervention is increasingly possible
with more open all data through social media logins. Until
class sensitive data banking accounts and passwords are also
connected in the social media database. While the history of
thought, ideas, even personal problems are also increasingly
visible from the history in search engines. ALPHA
Technology that dominates all the data and thoughts of each
human being can easily manipulate thinking with ALPHA
Scent technology that can send signals of aroma sensors,
which if in the wrong hands will be very dangerous, the
contact between digital and biochemical essence that can
manipulate biologically. The sophistication of this
technology can even provoke the classic inter-state
competition. Even state power can be paralyzed by adequate
technological intervention by turning the main switches off
with a series of secretive cryptographic puzzles. In every day
the world's explorers of digital code are always looking for
ways to penetrate computer security anywhere. The
algorithm for the sake of the algorithm found makes any
prediction more likely, with the number of probabilities that
can be processed in such a way that leads to an almost certain
possibility. Colin has studied digital frameworks at an age
when the first children learn bikes. His physicist father fills
him with science, algorithms for the sake of algorithms with



Colin, who heads the data center division, scans the
probabilities that will occur with the abundance of raw data
available. Delegating certain algorithms necessary for the
various correlations available, the creation of visual
delegated algorithms to the specialized software engineering
division to visualize the infographics of many existing data.
With his flying hours and intuition Colin is like a psychic
(exact science) with a probability of truth of almost 90%
simply by analyzing the massive data available. In the search
data there is 1 ip number that always appears in the
extraction of that data.
Utopia, a new civilization that grows from seeds of
electronic bytes worth 1 and 0. Spawns a beautiful city
within the city, an introverted playground with a similar
imagination. Incubator all the research that ever existed with
the speed of light. A very generous beauty, the isolation of all
the greeds of the world that restores childhood memory,
when images only interact with curiosity, no frills material
and profit. The beauty of being able to catalyze chemistry
and be in the second life is very far from real life. A
gathering place for science and discovery lovers who seem
more friendly than many years ago where exclusiveness can
only be accessed by certain people.
This heart has been waiting for you in wait since the first
void main got acquainted with me. In the hope valve that has
been closed lately I still feel the hope that every time I
always feel since the first printf ends with ctrl f5. When my
first teacher taught me, when my first tetris app was guided
by my father. All those hopes are still firmly planted up to

now, this unstoppable rainstorm is the only thing I can do to
run .. Run ..
Roughness for the severest rudeness, sabotage of time.
Indeed all the emotions and reason chosen will lead to the
best or worst vortex. Since all matter is a bonded atom, so the
matter of every atom and its movement will attract other
similar atoms. All the negative things will attract other
negative things, and the diamond like things will attract to
diamond safe environment, so detailed and complex
everything other than the balance that must be parsed and put
in place properly. When communication becomes a luxury
that must be obtained with great difficulty as well as
relationships, farther, and away.
Wind strongly blows, at the top of this skyscrapper,
enjoying series of New York's most sensational concretes
which always find fascinating, first time I walked toward this
city. In this loneliness, thinking about what tomorrow plans
while still enjoying this beauty of wonder, in limited minutes.
Then suddenly heard elevator dings and theres person comes.
I just still looking at scenery front of me, maybe he just has
his own business. Then theres sound of baritone voice
"Excuse me miss, is there package that left here"
Then I turn around and see who has talked, then I looked a
person with exceptionally charming, rather brown hair, cute
but still have that masculine presence. In the flash I gasp,
breath momentarily stopped eyes and eyebrows slight wider,
how come this entrepreneur which I always followed at
Instagram could be here and just there. I turn away quickly
because of the overflowing of emotion inside covering my
mouth with smile crumbles, and numb and dont know how to

This wonder can only be felt in the rapidly flowing
hormones in my body. On the top floor of a magnificent
building in this civilization made me drift, faced with eyes
that sharply deflate precisely defibrillate consciousness. Like
the flowing breeze I never felt the fastest organic quantum
synchronization would be knit in one another's knitting.
Dreams such as not dreams, facts such as non-reality,
catalysts, are bound in the valence of chemistry. The most
beautiful sight in conscious dreams, trying to resist oxytocin
storms shifts the disguised focus in the profoundly
chemically stimulated stream of voice frequencies.
"Sorry, I can't recall, I don't think so. I just got here 15
minutes ago. Didn't see any package before." With more
courageously I look inside his eyes with bangs of heart which
is uncompromisable. Words suddenly numb don't know what
to talk. Try to cover my smile slightly chuckles.
"May I.." Then Colin walks toward me with pointing and
looking some spot on the floor.
"Oh..Here you go.." Then he takes a.. fly ?? What the
heck. Fly.. Package.. Could it be more relatable..
"Thank God.. Its still here, please excuse me, I just want
to take this." Colin said.
"Wait a minute, please borrow me several minutes of
yours, Ive waited for my entire life, and it turns out reality is
little compromising. This I propose some startup ideas, music
composition, and a book, unpublished yet, in case maybe or
not it could become useful someday. Thank you very much."
while Claire gives several bundle of papers which designed
neatly with blue and black line as cover, with impact font
typed portfolio as title.

Time like uncompromising certainty, results that also do
not know the business. Nor is it wasted time, wasted minutes
reduce effort, more effort will be invisible.
Not long after the Utopian era came the period of
dystopia, where the machine would be stronger than the
human mind. The pandora's box that dared to open since the
invention of neural network, machine learning opens various
possibilities, many probabilities, from the best to the worst.
Indeed the machine is made to facilitate human, by
combining the thinking algorithm, from the composition of
the movement can be translated as evidenced by the
existence of various kinds of professional robots, pizza
makers, to cars. The ability of any language in which this is
very complex, inor can it be learned and transferred in binary
to an embedded chip, evidenced by a machine that can
translate any human conversation, and answer it. Do not stop
there, humans who want to prove the progress of his race
race to improve and improve the ability to think by
implanting the chip in their biological components. Not
unnaturally true, but in the increasingly harsh competition,
the amount of advanced technology is very fast maybe it is
an alternative way to become a superhuman. But it is directly
proportional to the human ego to look super because it's a
natural human instinct. When that integration considered
usual, that turns out violating the very nature of human, a
biology and free minded being that in their heart lies all
history of humanity, norms, it can be closely to become
machine that is not free anymore, any violation can be
questioned, is their decisions based on their free will or from
central control headquarters. Hence the signals coming from

other planets opening the door wider. Extraterrestrial
communication may become a fishing rod with other existing



This is where it all starts, when this place is just an empty
space. The cool green forest that overshadows the aura of
comfort in a futuristic home decorated with a variety of
holographic screens that display the beauty of the graphics.
Claire watched in amazement at the beauty of the cable
that was neatly arranged between switches. Sit down Claire.
A head device placed on Claire and Colin's head are
Both look at each other with with the accumulated time
the more rapid oxytocin storm that flows wake up some
nerves just with the eye.
"Claire is now thinking of the best time you've ever felt
and imagine, imagine the project you've ever completed but
not completely done and perfect. Bring all your unfinished
hopes in your mind right now."
Instantly the most romantic contemporary 80s song of all
time, with its pretty melodies of intimacy, all the syntax once
composed by Claire, whether alone or not, was all arranged
in the hologram seen between them.
"Colin, how could I never imagine before .. How is this
"Claire, nothing is impossible.You see how the reality of
every year becomes real time after time, and now this
fictional imagination has been made Claire.In fact I already
know some of the projects you've made and with a little
technical and aesthetic touch you've make a startup With this
ability you can certainly reach all your wishes, your dreams.
Like a bonded bond of atoms, the search is still going on
for a certain period of time, the beauty of searching to find

suitable atoms to melt into molecules. Startup, factory, food
franchise, car franchise, jet.
Instantly Claire saw the blueprints of Mars and space
development as a new human habitat because the ecosystems
on Earth had been far less viable for living because natural
resources had gradually diminished and diminished to sustain
the population's explosive needs on earth.
Hope, placebo in the vortex of massive uncertainty.
Bound in a communication knit between organisms, even
mutually gravitating atoms attract one another. Binding
molecules look for other molecules to compound. Often there
are many adjacent atoms but still moving individually. But in
a time dimension and proper habitat the atoms may be
compounded with atoms suitable for molecular compounds.
Oxytocin, can form naturally and multiply when encountered
with balance environment of sound and visual frequencies
Adenosine hormone is hard to find .. Where are you .. The
source of all the comforts I want to find. But you then come
at the wrong time.
"Claire, would you travel the galaxy, literraly, with me ..
You are my supernova, and I really want to experience it the
real with you.
Puzzled Claire thinks about what is he really mean by
"What do you mean Colin, are you out of your mind?" I
do not know what you're said, I cant grasp it "
"Thats why Claire I will take you there I can take you
wherever you want, even to another planet I really crazy
about speed Claire, and thats what I'll show you Lets rush."

Instantly Colin released his second brain transmitter tool
and clapped his hands with a certain pattern.
Colin .. A literal author of fiction, composed various
formula notations and variable dynamics that make them into
beautiful symphonies. The increasingly distant nature of
nature finally reunited, fresh air, with electric technology that
shifts diesel, autopilot that shifts the manual.
Romanticism is in one page reading the same word learn
and gravitate with the relevance I long for, he has found the
same page, not like me. Be on your own
This loneliness is so sad to walk alone without a person
who understands what I've been working on and I'm glad I'm
tired. Indeed life is very realistic and only strong people can
win in evolution of this harsh world. Natural selection will
always take place every second of time between the priority
and the personal desire will always occur. As one by one the
priorities are always outweighed by weakness evolution takes
over and seeks other characters with higher endurance and
better decision making. Indeed belief is very difficult to
obtain, especially for less influential people. But there must
be a way.
There is a person who choose decision, when the world
does not go as they will, choose to build something, instead
of complaining. In this third world country, that has different
orientations to finish the trivial things, pursuit some earnings
for living, and quarelling for the bottom pyramid of maslows.
There is no time to imagining better world, until their end of
life. How pity, I said it to me, but there is a part of the
community that still have dream. While at other part of the
world there are people who can pay every single person for
living, and a bit of education. Then Claire gives glimpse of

third world country and their struggle, abandoned that is the
root of bad traits, because they and their closest one that do
not seem in the same page.
"Claire, do you want to see place that I know inside my
mind all the time, the material that always been woman's best
Then Colin moves his hands and draw lines on the
monitor remotely, beautiful set of orchestrated structured
shape resembling neuron path drawn onto monitor, then by
set of material, blue diamond resembling rainbow that clings
by spectrum color chosen for making a new material,
Would you dance to multiply oxytocin between us Colin,
starting civilization in the completely new soil, new water,
new air. In still very far from your synapse composition. But
my library is very familiar to you, already become
background process inside my head. Teach me tonight with
your atom to bond with mine, light speed catalyst function in
the back of my head. Then Colin closing his tip of his index
finger to Claire's, indexing sensation to each other mind.
Connecting galaxy of neural stars to synchronize bonding
vasopressin hormone, multiplied, by fibonacci sequence.
Their eyes closed and creating sequence of word algorithm.
Claire move her head inside his neck slope without touching
and feel that interstellar fragrance and enjoy closeness
sensation as if inventing how to live very differently in
another planet. Click.. Suddenly the system's speaker plays
Masterpiece by Atlantic Starr and catalysts chemical reaction
one another. Rush of dopamine gives some kind of organic
sensation that biologically increase each other heat, turning
each forehead into climax maximum degree of body

temperature, palm becoming cold and hot at the same time.
Photon quantity slowly getting lower and dimmed increasing
orange dimmed light making the existence of two become
more intense.
" Will you learn with me Claire, learn biochemistry 101
First of all lets start with inventor 101 , and I will ask you
several questions and if you are wrong you should unbound
any material from your side, and I will rebound it.
First question. Whos the inventor of electricity."
And Claire answered.. Tesla..
"Wrong.. It's Nikola Tesla."
"What... Am I already right."
"M m.. Thats not a person's name. Now have we agree
about something."
Then Claire has to unbound something, and she chose her
shirt, and undress it.
Those hormone comes again, but the deal is the deal..
Then Colin put Claire's shirt on again.
"Why are you so boring Colin, boring my estrogen.."
"But I like it like this, to see your eyes and exchanging
ideas, that is way more exciting than.. You know.. But I feel
it better when in another medium. Like this.. "
Then suddenly every object in room levitated and so their
weight flying around as if no gravity there. It was
tremendous feeling, literal fly without mass, levitating as if in
the term of earth norm, gravity. As if they are not in the
world anymore. Claire's long hair goes upward and so
Colin's, closing each other palms, Colin's hand around
Claire's hip, and so Claire's hand at his back closed together
with such intimacy. Dancing and flying enjoying closeness
together. Like balance of temperature with exchanging

energy gives addition to each other's body temperature. Such
intensity between the two.. Then Claire searching, browsing
his tip of red pale lips. The best act that just those two know.
Drops of bubbly sweat that gives odd sensation on the
room that can modified into many types of sweet scents that
gives more and more cohesion between them. Reaction of
hormone between the two like acceleration of propeller,
comes faster overtime. Like a bullet by slight gesture gives
more deep impact as if meteorite clash with earth. Those anti
gravity gives more time like it never ends.
But enough with those things. Tomorrow is the day,
where all elites have to talk about how world will be in the
future. Such a profound feeling that needs to be discussed.
Global cancer that needs to be cured, nature, social,
longetivity, super thinking ability, many probabilities that
would change the essence of how people think and live life,
like how everyone life from the first lamp invented, first time
mechanical transportation found.
In the midst of beach sand, beach rhytm comes into
continuous never ending harmony, intimacy with same set of
paper pile on each palm. Closeness one another, flow of
endless while function that having same set of matching
parameters. Talking about most likely what will happen at
the future with pinging of formula quiz. They are like science
magnet that really adored how nature is all connected with
the exact pattern of formulas that knitted one another. Like
an apprentice that curious Claire finally can ask again with
detailed and poetic explanation one another.
In this bullet train waiting for next destination, I feel
tremendous wonder of how nature can create such a profound
speed, at literal context. Driving close to the speed of light,

closer. Just like diving into each other's eye like friction of
thought that can ignite some kind of frame.. firework
between synapses. Nostalgic while remembering desk, paper,
pencil, pen, eraser, blackboard, numbers, formulas, but don't
know how to integrate them one another. But since now I lay
my eyes on you in this speed relativity feels like I want to
rewind it again at this moment writing the meaning of life
with all formulas you've known onto mine, literally. Pile of
comic books, encyclopedia, structure book, representing your
mind structure. Longing for adventure at cave of
understanding, learning how to learn, curious about curiosity,
as if crescendo symphony ascends all realms of evolution,
translation of ideas into reality. Library is the most intense
place, surrounded by wonders in many forms, with the
silence and most comfortable politeness that the most
genuine, intensity just to discuss with whisper in the depth of
retina reflected image. Ideas are the focus not meaningless
superficial sensation without exchange of realm of thoughts.
Catching each other eyes, as if kiss inside thought just with
parsing variables, how hormones levitated in the maximum
proportion without even touch each other. Barrage of heart
beat try to keep focus on essence of conversation but seems
very intriguing after click by click of seconds reflected
beauty of realm. Inventor that happens to be oh so charming
how magical is that, how glare of universe becoming doctor
of earth as well. I really want to catch how you can do all of
those things.
Palace, Jewel, New York. Top floor, opened by a
gentleman, tuxedo suit, alpha male presence and exceptional
wit inside his neuron spark. "Shall we my lady.." Those
baritone voice.. oh so breath taking.

Rush.. Rush.. Accelerush.. all hormone become so intense,
arterious venn become unlikely productive, quaver of heart
beat unto.. Shown the most beautiful set of breath taking,
show stopping room, or likely a chamber of wonder. Glittery
of aquamarine, diamond, sapphire, topaz, ruby, amethyst,
peridot, opal, turquoise, all kind of diamond gives chill inside
skin, such a profound feeling to be treated like this.
"I'll be your special teacher that will guide you to be
great.. Now I want to play game with you. I know that you
will lose because you have never touch this algorithm syntax
translated code. But I want to test you are you still remember
how to compose all these syntax.. i know you still have it. If
you have error on your code, I will solve it and vice versa...
How about that.. Come here." Then he pull my hand and
walk to open a door. There is box of solid black metal box
that contains series of hard disks behind it and blinking leds
with series of neatly arranged cables that covered by glass
cupboard. Then he lean by that cupboard and open his black
laptop, open xampp folder, then show many projects by year
from 1995 until year now from simple lines of codes until
now more complex with hundred thousand lines of codes.

Stack of gigantic pile of irons, metals, pipes, gives some

kind of saxophone composition inside my chromosome of
my sensory when you teach.. talking all about natural words,
genuine, becoming the fastest thing on the earth. Those
metals that assembled into a gigantic system, rapidly fast.. As
fast as you can wake all my sensitive nerves just by listening
to your vision. In a flash you grab my feminime side of mine
just by hear your vision.....

Hell yeah.. no one here.. Lets just start it right now, those
eyes, masculine echoed voices that increases volume of
those two, as if there is invisible microphone that gives
bolder ambiance, enough boil all my hormones and those
sound sensation.. oh so.. His palm indexing her privates one
by one.. Push me to little marbles, iron marbels, taking pen
from his pocket and cover my body with all those basic
physics 101, closing his wet sensory al over me. And I just
launch.. launch.. launch... Natural with high db of treble and
bass, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver,
accelerando, fermata.. fermata.. fermata.. repeat.. Overtime
goes more and more high pitched by the treble with stacatto
dynamics, sound of exchanging energy like the rhytm of
boiled water making the window next to them becomes dewy
of high temperature thermodynamics of those two. Smoke
comes each lips conjugated by transferring high temperature
climatic experience. Dip of deep boring all of my exploding
excitement, stacking each other by facing side by side
overflowing capacity more and more. Her palm messes up
his hair, laid on floor with sound of rolling each other, at the
edge comes the basic instinct high pitched sound repeats on
and on, what sweet sweet red cheek makes that look of pale
skinned male with fever all over skin, high blood pressure
pressuring dense and denser. Sound of breath goes faster by
the clock ticks, higher dose of adrenaline reacts inside body.
Got to keep temperature at 68 degrees, thats when it stops, he
look at his thermostat, and turn on the cooling system and
repeat, on and on. After some point that everything has mess
up at the chamber, actually it is the neutralized area, but
eventually with checked parameters the system still go

These dancing machines, as structured movement by each
arms automated movement choreographed by series of digital
syntax. Orchestrated together for making best masterpieces
ever. Civilization, speed, marvel of the world that so grand,
ready to be higher than high to outer space. Such a profound
speed that has been created for the beginning of brand new
civilization at another kind of environment. Research that
have been ascending exponentially. How far is the gap of
logic with those third world countries, yet. Collective ideas,
combined with same vision, crazy vison, it is vastly proved,
no matter how impossible it is can be done with careful
planning and execution. Sooner spaceship travel will be
possible for anyone who is eligible.
Love comes from inspiration, the moment when person
commited to something, whether is it to breakthrough or give
perfect self to environment there comes love. But actually
what comes first is infatuation, which is not commitment,
yet. Overtime people will reveal their true self and thats what
determine a long term relationship with certain person. This
intimacy from narrow space inside this convertible that close
my skin wrapped by fabric with your existence gives me
unlikely inspiration by the way you compile all that insights
in best manner, gesture, smile. "Sorry, there's spot here.. May
I." He asks me politely.. Then little scratch of my cheek feel
that catalyst on top of my lung, deep heart beat. Hormones
inside me gives actively moved blood pressure gives raise of
temperature but he managed to keep polite. That the best
quality of a man that woman longed for. After this I will
interview the most charming man, conductor of temperature.
Finally it is 12 o clock.. Rush to nearest canteen for taking
a break. I move my feet as fast as possible so that I can

unwind in this whirpool of vortex of overriding thoughts
sequences, flooding with instructions needs to prioritize
which is not a simple task. Like a fish I cannot breathe at
usual air, should have certain environment that tend to focus
at something, one project at a time. Fortunately I have met
few people who seems to connect so often I eat lunch with
Green environment, surrounded with natural beauty, low
temperature air gives urges to balance body temperature.
Here I walk with him at the sidewalk full of snow at fourth
quarter at this year. The only source of warm is steam from
mouth and friction of palm. Struggle to keep trembling
conversation with exceptionally masculine prescence,
walking and talking about how company's production, rnd
and management line in big picture so that gives input for
next decision. But the question is, why here, there are plenty
of places at office that can be used for just discussing this
matters even by team that have more understanding at each
lines. Concentration, endurance, calmness all tested and give
some kind of intense ambiance because of I seldom talk to
him and have to struggle enduring this condition. Try to have
descent gesture without interfering next one and only person
at the midst of cold lake.
"Remind me again about law of thermodynamics." With
trembling he try to test me.
Try to cover my uncertainty I answer it boldly without
hesitation as what I have knew. "Thermodynamics is the law
of energy transfer particularly heat to nearest object around
it. When it comes to equilibrium, that means the
measurement of internal energy equals the difference
between heat transferred minus work done by system. Please

correction." Actually I want to tell more about it but brain
freezing, feel extremely shiver and try to continue
"Okay how about application of that theory in everyday
life." Said him
"If environment's temperature is low there need to be
substance that can balance normal body temperature at 34
degrees celcius. Thats why when in winter needs heater, and
in summer needs cooling system to balance. Please correct
me if im wrong."
"Now let's prove that law in this environment. Suppose in
this water with very low degrees and body temperature below
normal, will that transfer of energy with friction of the only
source of heat can balance body temperature to normal."
Then Colin put his watch between them and like fire
heater makes temperature of their surrounding becomes
Group of source of information silo having fun keep track
of people's data and little manipulative trial that still in the
norm line. How grand it be can access all people's deepest
mind beyond border and most exciting is how eventually
everything's connected. There's nothing coincidence in the
open era of every single thing and thought done recorded,
completely. Black terminal, green characters with set of root,
sudo, ssh, dir, and all kernel and slight assembly language
that connects all spark of hope, imagination, deepest dream,
hidden self, and like street path when it comes to big picture
there's magical lace that knitted one another. And the most
exciting fulfillment when with manipulation of digital input
to human consciousness can completely change individual's
state of mind that causes domino effect at history. They could

be astronaut from 60s have come back to earth more than 50
years later secretly and change little significant part of
universe. Oh how little in the midst of vast gigantic universe.
Those group of people that knows all secretive leaks from
every countries deepest conspiracy secret. Like living in the
matrix with using sunglasses at night try to masquerade in
the abyss of information. Secretly plan and execute to bring
the best possibilities that might come, break chain of
negative loophole, anticipate to tackle the worst thing that
might happened, prevent catastrophe, engineering real time
simulation as rpg in real life version, remotely design
environment with many configuration.
Endless stream of inspiration comes from how ideas is
actually tangible with maximum proportion of technical
experience and faith with group of same vision people.
Learning how a person learn, set of sketch from thinking
pathway with certainty. Losing hope is really means the
absence of trust. But a person can manage to maintain it by
defending themself because no one, whoever they are will
defend an individual in constant manner, and with that
uncertainty theres gotta be some sort of constanta of hope
and meaningful movement.
Red convertible with sporty sleek design, design for
speed. That male with translated ideas with profound
innocence and politeness gives some kind of chill inside a
womans thought. Talking about thrust, acceleration, energy
transfer from electric to motion, how tiny size of battery can
be modified into high dense power container. Like Q
describing part by part of that convertible, instead in
appearance of James Bond. My hormones goes accelerating
chemical reaction gives some kind of heat, ascending heat

inside forehead with faster heart beat. "It can run 60 mile in 4
seconds, and no emission as well so its like sailing."
"Interesting". As interesting as how he can translate his
ideas become reality, like a wizard with all those magical
charm, with touch of James Bond and Einstein combined. I
cannot stop inspired by you.
"You know that storyline of this world really combined
and interconnected in every slight detail, in the flash, thanks
for open smart phone, some people can literally read other's
mind. And like eating forbidden apple of knowledge, give
some kind of guilty pleasure, but have to strict with norm."
"Yeah sure, I haven't known anything yet but I'm 100
percent sure some part of people very much overwhelmed by
how they can be some sort of extra charming stranger that
really hit the spot because they know who vulnerable or who
stand firm, who easily manipulated, the most magical is they
can instantly synchronize with any people as they like. And it
close to actor disguised in natural manner but the fact is they
have known the facts and statistics before."
Sailing on ground medium while hijacking one another's
thoughts by summarizing all material that have been learned
ever since.
"Tell me about your struggling moments."
"I was a student that really pushed to pursue academic
excellence and abandon other significant things like social
and responsibilities at house. Then eventually I live in those
two other conditions almost completely unrelevant with any
academics grade that I have pursued."
"You know Im a person that more or less having similar
experience with you while at childhood. Actually Ive been
tortured too. So I think old education system is just

segmented and not safe environment for introverted style
energy source. But it occured that now Im not tortured
While smooth motion of convertible streams fresh breeze
of air with pine scent over environment. Grandly designed
mansions covered by root shaped gate, backed by double
blue vertical and horizontal scene, in medium of straight giga
water and flowing invisible air. He clicked a button and
sounded slight buzzed ceiling of redster classic automobile
closed. He pushed menu on screen monitor at the dashboard
and automatically gate opened, and right then opened viewed
wide green grass at left and right. Greeted with fountain at
meters ahead while streamed at center of sidewalk before.
Until theres circular road and presented a grand mansion with
classic elegant style, resembles Versailles Palace with
symmetrical garden at left and right, with giant blackboard
inside glass box. There drawn by chalk detailed structure of a
vehicle with all little components and blocked by physics
formulas that gigantic blackboard full with characters.
"Are you ready to learn again.. " Colin said by clicking
parking mode and release his hand fom steering wheel and..
"Resonance is when groups of object with certain shape
and materials can synchronically moved because of certain
frequency environment. I feel this right now. Actually I am
picky for letting a person come into my house. Unless they
are my family, I just let people who I trust. But thats it youve
got it. Just dont break a thing.. Kidding.. Hahahaha... "
Then Claire said "Ookaaay.. at least you let me look into
this giga wonder.. And at least Ive trusted too somewhat.
Looking all of this.. Speechless.. "

Afterwards Colin said, "More game.. You know
everytime those media wants to interview me i always take
them to video room, so I can give something to say.. Here..
Come here.. "
Then he takes me into container of art, artistic wooden
carved door as the opening scene of this unexpected journey.
Step into literal breath catcher, miniature of orbit swirling
before my eyes, wide wide radius and height mansion, silver
Delorean neatly greets at a spot in this mansion, still looks
grand even theres a car inside that house. Surrounded by
circular glass with movement slight of wide sea water wave
behind those glasses. Gigantic chalkboard full of formulas
and prototypes structurally drawn with detailed precision
with colorful chalk. Inside my head goes flying and
experimenting in many many ways, but seems he is such a
boring person who prefer to read than anything else,
analyzing and solving problems, and syntax of course. Thats
obvious by how cute and clumsy he is, but still having some
kind of midas touch..
"Here is how that automobile which................" He talks
and talks and talks
Please please why this fog of thoughts sneaks in, he close
to me with those thoughts hacking me inside, adding some
jolt inside my tongue, my top of my lung, feeling butterfly
inside my stomach.. and.. neck neck, ticklish with wet
sensation enough firing blood pressure under underneath..
how those eyes.. no.. those spark of thoughts makes me bore
me so boring why is it so boring inside me.. please no.. back
to wall.. deeper and catching breath.. no catching sound yes..
Bugging just inside my thoughts.. connection established,
endless while function with o++ repeat repeat repeat, pair

programming with me.. complete complete me with our
synapse.. no.. those odd sensation.. hijack hijack inside with
all mess up wet.. push harder.. no.. solid.. no no no.. firmer..
no.. denser.. stop stop.. no.. iterate just alone alone only you
only.. neck, mouth up, with all those sound.. Led of
electrifying sparks blinking blinking quick quick.. Odd..
Odd.. Just please, warm sensation all across my body, yours,
gleamed by yellow dim light, gives heat, ascending thermal,
jolting, as beating of my heart, checking my palm getting
cold and those euphoria, sensation.
But that just inside my head, and I ended up travelling this
mansion tour, with more insights.
"I want to waste my time with you, come.." Then Colin
takes Claire's hand with that smile can melt woman, at least
my hormones. That breath stuck sensation while smiling,
thats what I feel, walking across wide wooden hallway with
breeze of fresh air. At front of glass that sectioning indoor
and outdoor theres a simple piano. Just it, nothing, with that
Delorean. Seems like he likes to get dirty with all those
screws for assembling those new invention, in this clean
environment. Then he walks across hallway and looking at
panels which contains costumizable menus, research, living
room. And he chose research, then smoothly slides rack of
Colin's favourite books that he has read before. But it turns
out endless, series of thick books with stacked encyclopedias,
hundreds of comic books, Fortran, Cobol, C++, PHP, Mysql,
Database, Design, JavaScript, Html, Python, Machine
Learning, AI, Algorithm, Physics, Math, Structures, Rocket,
Internet Security, Protocol, Port, Computer Architecture,
Human Psychology, Neural Network, Economy, Statistics,
Linear Regression, Biochemistry, Quantum Physics, atom,

Constellation, DNA, Nutrition, Periodic Table, Water
Treatment, Mars, more and more and more.. Then he walks
to the rack and takes a book, "Invisible Words". Then he
takes me out directly and open door, comfortable sand below
feet, breeze of air chilling inside skin, at the side of wavy
blue sea, sound of endless natural sea water as if sound of
liquid cymbal. Then I gasps by how this beauty of nature
become so real, after all struggles battling with bully, try to
be as useful as possible but still dont really matter for strong
people who don't appreciate existence of reason inside each
person, even the slightest one. There is no one who wants to
be useless, even the laziest people in the world somehow
have to looking for ways to be useful, by learning to present
best products, projects, or everything that a person can.
That’s the human nature, and it all back to bias, when people
not considered anymore because of lacking in the reality. But
what didn't kill you just make you stronger. It such a
profound feeling to get to know one of a kind person who
inspite all of his knowledge can still manage to be humble,
but I believe everyone has their own flaws.
"How can you get through to get here. I really want to talk
everything about how you could be here right now, with
books and insights of yours. You know that in many years I
struggle to polish my education, but ended up considered as
underperforming person. I always never find environment
which could relate, and no standard for fixing something
broken inside. Maybe because of how I present myself."
"Just survive Rose, you will get old happily.. Just promise
me you will get through all of these.. Said Jack.. " With
chuckle Colin said that..

"Please.. please.. seriously.." Then she pauses for a
moment, having deep breath enjoying this intimacy inside
breeze of wind that wrapping all of sensory of those two.
"But overall, all gratefulness is always surrounding me.
Btw, if you dont mind may ask you something, can
technology gives leap of hope to a person considering with
those satellite image, real time movies at every corner of the
world, as if hearing all dramas at each houses is now
"As the part of elites.. Ahem" with cleared, " we easily
share most private datas just like that, no boundaries, no
censorship, with proper negotiation and all those other side
of coin side of the world, no one knows, but maybe realized
but still use these technology to connect one another. Hope is
relative in persons mindset, we just present continuous
motivation, it is up to person are they implying positive
messages. Heres get relaxed, why so serious. Just enjoy this
with reading this together, have you read this, it is a story
about hope, something that always find fascinating."
Then awkwardly I read it silently beside him without any
friction of epidermis layers, but still some kind of change of
temperature of inside blood pressure still happens, I gasped
while read page by page on the grizzly textured of smooth
sand of beach. Once I covered my mouth covering hidden
smile while I read with my cold hand realizing that this cant
be so real. Like blurred of fantasy sensation euphoria when I
listened most romantic song, covered by this sensational
politeness which seems degraded overtime by bombarded of
media which easily flows into everyone.
"May I ask something, it's been so long since I experience
this moment as if like in monochrome movie decades ago,

while manner is considered as necessary and distinction of
what norm or not. Its unlike nowadays.."
"I suggest you just go with the flow. Adapt to this
country's culture, I could be as free like them. Especially
with this invitation toward this private property means
another kind of invitation as well. But I guess I'm more
comfortable with this gesture. Shall we tour at other side of
this particular house."
Then we walked toward terrace surrounded squarely by
approximately 10 metres width, 20 metres length ahead, with
classic lamp resembles Paris streetlight accented at left and
right. Garden with tulips, rose, jasmines, lily blooms
beautifully around this terrace corner. Ahead at center greets
fountain which water shaped resembles sphere surrounded by
splash of endless circular motion line water, like belt of
planet. At center in front of waterfall theres circle table
which made by green wooden board that framed by thin
wood covered by glass that can be slided under.
Afterwards we chatted together at one of blue couch there
at that garden. Colin with simple black shirt that drawn blue
and red planet sectioned together like a venn diagram and at
the center of that sectioned drawing written "human", with
jeans, and white converse. Claire with colorful shirt which
drawn Avenger comic at entire shirt, black white converse
"Lets talk about concerns about this planet. For me, I am
concerned about energy problems that diminished and
climate change, interplanetary transport system which
possible, and artificial intelligence that will leaps at
progressive motion. How about you Claire, do you have any

"I think that button now is the issue, I mean keyboard,
which can be camouflaged into many forms of inputs, from
noble until unthinkable action."
"So thats why we need interplanetary system for
anticipating whatever would happen. I think you have some
resources to show me."
"Actually I have some, by my research and some thought
about it. I will email it to you, from my research I have
another concerns, that's about predictive analysis for almost
about everything. With massive accumulation of datas and
algorithm that can modify, analyze and predict about
everything, almost. There are many mathematical theorm
waited to be proofed and I think most of it could be solved by
power of computing that leaps overtime. Same with you, AI
will be one of biggest concern when imitating algorithm,
movement, process, or even probably human thinking
framework could be done by ai. Translating mechanism now
can closely adapting to grammar of many languages, waiting
for progressing and naturaling speaking dynamics.. Creepy..
With that technology that can think by itself, when comes for
conscious level, would have negative probability,
manipulation that comes from free will, could be happened
and don't know what consciousness that dwell inside it. Good
or not, just wondering."
"When machine can think by itself by on or off itself,
that's the time. Worst case scenarios, asteroid, button, cyber
terminal competition, population control, climate change,
drone... nano drone, information manipulation, brain wash,
but let's leave all that. We can expect transparency of
government, regreen environment movement, clean energy
no fossil fuels included, refreeze arctic probably even though

small probability, ai that do all the work, and human can
spend their time for family and loved ones hanging together
without running errands, equality of wealth by generosity of
extremely wealthy people combined, health and expanding of
life expectancy, or longetivity might be, virtual reality for
ultimate entertainment, but beware of addiction, heaven.. Just
like when I look at that galaxy inside your window sensory."
Chuckles Claire with smile response.. "Come on.. You
can't be more serious."
Wait a minute I will get you something. Then he walks to
the pantry to get something. Afterwards he gives flash
shaped tequila. Then he toasts with Claire with the tequila.
"For interplanetary species"
After several minutes chatted with him by drinking,
slowly eyes get blurred, and some kind of fever all over body
which urges blood pressure at some sensitive parts of body, it
comes suddenly, from neutral, suddenly changed into
opposite of sober, urge which come from nowhere. Body
comes heavy, like sudden high magnet current pull Claire's
body to the ground, can't think, can't move, stoned, and all
deepest fantasies compiled, honest words, urges focuses, and
waited to boil at some point.
"I just get these from a friend of mine, a pharmacyst, said
it can make person understand all all problem sets, from
thousands of pages numbers theories, all of those.. apple..
just like an apple. Btw do you like classic music Claire."
"Rags, definitely Rags, timeless anti-boring music for
Btw what's last music piece that you have learned before
this and what is your favourite piano pieces.

"Clair De Lune, I love that.. Definitely. Have you ever
feel stuck in your life."
"Of course not, I have piles of book haven't read yet, and
time as well. At first I have struggle most of relation with
people before this. Judgement will always haunting
everytime, how perfect you are so just live your life inside
your plan. But if people started to distance just be yourself
never change who you are and what you believe for adjusting
for people ego, only if you have cared enough, when you
don't care whatever the reason is, that's exactly what you will
get. Most of what I have contributed, I do it by self learning.
Shall we continue again.
Then at the center of park steps away from fountain, by
the sound of water splashing and calming chirping of natural
sound they steps into a wooden carved door, this continuous
wonder amaze amaze and can't stop to stucking slight breath
inside my throat, breath momentarily stopped, my eyes
glared looking, feeling all of this, detailed classic wooden
carved wall with many authors books there like entering
some silent party from each author with their mind translated
into characters on paper set. Dim yellow light surrounding
brown wooden environment of this place full of books and
manuscripts from many ages. At the center lies a grand
Steinway and Sons piano surrounded with light for
spotlighting that spot.
"Another library?"
"If thats what you called."
"May I.." By looking into his eyes for asking to play that
Then I encountered him by compiling some melodies
kinda minor scale, and odd variations, unlike sober academia

melodies, kinda unsober try manage to be listened. Can't
stop, next to him with this heartbeat and overflowing heat
inside my head, this breath high high and higher. Hear steps
closer, fragrance more intense,
In a sudden baritone voice closing to my ear "A minor
huh..." Next act his two hands joining and wrapping my
existence by bracketing my left and right hand with perfect
pitch, set of melodies as if fixing those unsober variations of
my consciousness. Then synchronizing together to
composing brand new melodies that sure have been recorded
ever since there's andoid microphone around.
Those eyes, deep close to my eyes, in a flash "You know
this will end soon, if only I can warn all people for this
potential threat. Tension, can you feel it, government staffs
crumble down, threats, mass try of exploration beyond layer
of atmosphere, fallout, creepy weapons and technology
development. All issues that extremely odd and happened at
the same time, not to mention this tension, to be with you.”



Tears formed into little bubbles starring beyond glass

material inside this space ship. Glass gazed, adorning how
that gigantic breathtaking globe where every substance for
living contained there, as if live in tiny earth miniature
environment in this spaceship. Series of cables, pipes, tubes,
pack of foods and many supplies have calculated carefully
for certain period of time. Efficiency needs to be considered
when it comes to limited resources in the spaceship. . There
are 5 people at that spaceship that chosen to operate the space
station. Lot of satellites swirling around the orbits with many
huge electronic devices and looking at my home there feels
so little compared by infinite dark space accented by twinkle
of stars and million of planet and many cosmic objects out
"Finally you've made it here.. Welcome to wonderland.
Let us introduce"

"And... Me.. Familiar.."
"How is it going at spaceship. Intense enough? You’re
lucky you know theres lifeguard beside you. Unlike us have
to get leap of faith to get here."
"Its my first time. Like my first first time.. Thrust really
amazingly crazy before. Can’t breath freely for hours. Can’t
imagine it is longer than expected, so then my friends
relativity relativity." Said Claire
Then Colin said "This is standard procedures that have
been run dozen times. But she tried to learn all of things
simulating over and over again before I checked all
parameters to be here with us. Kinda fast learner, but she can
stand on her own feet. Finally she can manage to seek more
and more negative feedback. And of course to fix them right
Outer space, so profound feeling that covered all over me
with euphoria.. That kind of happiness when passing by a
crush, breath stop at the top of life lung, lips slightly stretch,
hand feels cold but forehead with high temperature. Glass
gazed eyes looking beauty of little home that viewed up here.
Suddenly a person taps my shoulder.
"Hey Claire, feel wonder, thats the same with me when i
first get here. It is like honeymoon moment at several months
here, but of course there would be emotional breakdown
occasionally, long for homemade food, fresh drink. But
above all, every single time always be like superheroes.
Youll feel it. Like living in movie realm. Just remember rules
here, simple, no physical intimacy, always sober, always

work out, and what’s great here you will never bothered with
laundry issues."
It has been my dream since I was a little girl, even when I
was at vacation to Netherland, when visiting Lourdes, my
mother said that she prayed that she hopes I can become
scientist one day, and here I am, scientist which happens to
have what it takes to be here, space.
"Still wondering more of this beauty. Just gaze it as long
as you can. This is your rundown for what you have to do
everyday, in zero gravity."
Then I see checklists that I have to do for everyday and
events in accordance to what happen in NASA to be
collaborated in space. I read more and more companies that
will launch spaceship to those vacuum environment. More
nations even followed by developed countries that one by
one have prepared for launching their own rocket. "

Fresh breeze of new civilization greets me in the midst of

cold cold air, until the tiniest fragments of this city written
with word science all over it. Group of community with
decades of vision, at least part of them, makes me little bit
relief. Remember stuck at the vortex of different medium
orientation that whirling about responsibilities and really
don’t have any time to dream, fiction, nah.. But here, is it the
same. At least there is a part that still listened and
understand unlike realist state of mind. Is it the same, will
they connect with me, will they accept me. As if violin
symphony and the complexity of Rachmaninoff getting
crescendo as crotchet by crochet I walk on this sidewalk.
Sculpture of classical, grand, futuristic concrete, all in the

best order, but still managed to return to collective futuristic
Learning learning again.. Thats the highest moment of my
life when looking at tons of code, having privilege to explore
bunch of algorithms and gives chill at back of my head and
breath momentarily stopped.

Then there is a man which seems get some problems with his
red automobile. Suddenly he asks me.. "Excuse me miss..
Are you familiar with C++.."
Then I said "Yes.. I've learned it before. Might rust but still
catch it a bit."
"Could you please help me miss.. It need to be tested
synchronizely, while I drive, can you please debug it or at
least give some cues for error testing." I felt uneasy for how
he could trust such a stranger, a girl who doesn’t have a clue
about anything. But screw, its kinda experience too.. Who
knows I can learn much more from him.
Then he opened monitor on the dashboard by bypass it from
specific cable inside. Then showed blue screen classic BIOS
terminal from dashboard monitor and showed user password
login, then he type password, afterwards show stacks of
folders at left screen and at right many characters that Ive
known before at least a bit unto that black teminal. Then he
change one of a boolean value there unto 1. In the flash
comes ignition from that red automobile's engine.
"Actually theres no problem with ignition function. Now lets
try this." Then Colin clicked the monitor on the dashboard
and types some command to command prompt and comes
blinking cursor at the left of first line of code. Then after that

comes value of geolocation latitude and longitude numbers
changing while the car moves.
Then car moves perfectly and she doesn't find anything
wrong with this car, then I looks at monitor in front of her
that blinking cursor moves to another function while the car
moves and move to function turnright() in 3 minutes . 10
metres before road goes right. Then Claire says "
Geolocation value seems stopped when comes to function
turnright()" Afterwards he said "It supposed to have green
led blinking here too." While he points an area at the
dashboard. "Seems we have some clue. Lets see." Then he
resets geolocation setting with some command at cmd. Okay
lets try it again, is it run normal like usual. They do it again
repeating same instructions, geolocation seems still updated
to newest point and have been normal again, until suddenly
that car stopped. The cursor seems stuck at function
checkbatterylevel(). It stops at value of batterylevel<30%
then show notification "Please recharge". "In this code seems
that the batterylevel has below condition so it should show
notification. If im not mistaken." Claire explained.
"Lets see... Yes indeed. But indicator here looks normal and
full.. I think we get something to be fixed." Then he opens
cars door then open that car's hood and test connection of
battery with a device then fix position between the cord and
Many functions with hundreds of lines of codes function
ignition, turn, light, brake, lock, radio, browser, and many
functions at that monitor. Rollin rollin rollin, still in good
condition, Colin look sure that car has run properly.

"Thank you Miss.. " momentarily he paused as asking my
"Umm.. Lets keep it a secret. If you really want to know
my name, or in other word wants to know me better I will
give you a clue. If you really mean it we will meet again
tomorrow. The words are these. Wish I can undo this city's
concrete overwritten history when giant light wakes up. Can
you guess what is it."
At first Colin thinks how mysterious she is, but he is an
extremely full loaded scheduled person. "Okay, that means
that we probably meet or not, thats fine. Maybe another time,
if nature allows, nature consolidates. For my sign of gratitude
you are invited for my company's tour. Here is your id card,
but valid just until tomorrow. So get ready as early as you
can, shift your schedules, talk to your closest one maybe,
clean you hair and nail, whatever.. you welcome tomorrow,
present your best tomorrow, be yourself comfort in your own
skin. By the way do you have any projects at your college or
any projects that you have? done or undone. Please send me
email, its on that id card."
Then Claire received a portrait card with red bold thin line
at right and left, at the top written ALPHAtech in black bold
impact font, Software Engineer Dept. At the center shown
little squares black white barcode. Afterwards Colin said
"Where do you want to go."
Fortunately there is a subway nearby and Claire wants to
stop there.
"Its okay please drop me here." Said Claire.
"See you again, in right time when equilibrium comes."
Lips stretched a bit, breath stops momentarily at top of
mouth ceiling, something move deep inside my eyes, tears

almost come overflowing, but still stuck inside my retina.
Looking at my dream company, opportunity to step into
chamber of wonder, meet wonderful people, hope that this is
not some kind of prank.
Stepping toward descending stairs into underground
tunnel, sound of rolling train, friction of iron wheel and rail
buzzing while play sound of long horns. Vehicle of people
who searching for meaning of life, or just struggling for basic
level of Maslow's Pyramid. No time and resources anymore
for thinking of anything else amid struggle to complete basic
needs of human, food, descent living. Others live for their
ego, try to fulfill them over and over again, while theres
people who live like a puppet without ability to conquer their
own mind,while stream of ungratefulness always felt like
usual wind every day.
Picking train into downtown area, come back home to
continue to learn. While tomorrow comes opportunity that
seems never will happen again. But then still blocked with
circumstances and ability just to talk to her husband, so
Back again to my narrow apartment, try to keep germs
minimalized, in proper alocated time for making every corner
of this place organized, time is very limited due to many
trivial things that needs to be done an hour needs to
effectively used by series of simultaneously activities, seems
simple enough, but actually its kinda tricky. In this digital era
makes time less felt like less important, because of persons
addiction and sometimes try to continually seek for answers
in the cellphone, absurd indeed, wasting at least 30 minutes
for nothing. I have realized it, but still manage to learn and
read, my most favourite thing to do. Tomorrow would be

stepping stone to have better life. Might be life changing or
not is all depends to me, and of course nature's will.
Time is very uncompromising entity, like drops of water
needs to allocated in the right container so it can have
meaning, or just drops wrongly vanish and dissapear without
meaning. So she have to choose to organize all this mess or
preparing myself for tomorrow. In every seconds always
about choice, option, chance, it can leads to opportunities or
problem, depends on what decision a person make. There are
person who lived in their own thought regardless of
surrounding, so there is less time to finish whats real, and
vice versa, very detailed of perfection and dedicate their
seconds for fixing flaws until finished so there be less time to
have vision. But like it or not person live in the world of
reality, harsh and uncomfortable. I feel so grateful,
opportunity to step forward closer to my everyday dream,
actually comes naturally. Some say when student ready,
teacher will come eventually, and this might be the time.
Have to breakthrough all my timid, all blocking at my head
which recites that im not good enough. Thats been my
everydays snack have to get used to be underachievers, at
least in mind, try to repel all those words but still extract
advice that disguised in harsh manner, so they dont give
negative loophole impact for individual or community.
Page by page of statistics problem and answer sets still
tried to be understood, even still in early stage. She believed
that in massively data era needs to examined about
probabilities and prediction even just in percentage figure.
Reading with my daughter watching cooking channel, one of
safe channel yet still educating.

Its 20.30 o clock, and it is time for bed, preparing for what
would happen tomorrow. "Dear, I invited for company tour at
ALPHATech.. ALPHATech.. Can you believe that.. Rare..
Can I go there dear, I just got chance until tomorrow. I will
ask my friend of mine, for accompanying our daughter."
"What's the use, have you finished your obligations
already, this house is a mess, yet you still want to do
uncertainty and abandon what certain. I think you are too
consumed with all your long long ago glory days, look at
this, JUST LOOK AT YOUR SURROUNDING, is it descent
enough. You clearly have wasted years back then and now
too if you can't finish this seriously trival tasks. Don't be
delusional, boastful, how could you do bigger responsibility
while you still can't figure out the very basic matter."
Consumed, underappreciated, stuck of hope, setbacks,
numb me down, still stuck in this feeling but just can't speak.
Language that is if it translated into literal meaning, you
clearly have wasted your time back then, so all of me is
unnecessary, how about existence, is this zero too . I have
wasted feeling of worthlessness covering inside, years and
years of struggle with education seems buried inside, hope
those seeds can blooms in the right time, but not for now.
Overflow of good deeds biased as zero, ineffective. But
maybe just crave of appreciation, which unrelevant by the
result of work.. Should be managed better and more focus on
what's in front of.
"Dear, I have tried to manage this house as best as I could,
but I easily stressed out with chaos, in pressure situation can't
barely think clearly, with this fatigue. Guess this might be
my issue."

"So why are you still waiting.. After this house is finished
you could go there."
I don't know why, unlike many wife which great who can
manage house, accompany their children with ease. Most of
people out there, unlike me easily numb when negative
feedback comes, especially in generative words, you cant do
anything, useless, slow, sure you will do same mistakes
again, sure you can't handle this, what your parents teached
you all of this time, sure you can't finish this without help of
your parents, is it means that I am not unable to do anything,
no, but my thought translate it literally, which unnecessary



This is the day, this is the moment, how she greet herself
would be main cofactor for closing the deal, in this case can I
get into this company, just by how she communicate, actually
she is a writer which express all by text, and very lack in
confidence when communicating. But she believe like a part
of a system, everyone has their own most effective and
efficient place which if placed in the right system could be
positive reinforcement and catalyst, but when not compatible
would be downward spiral for all system.

Fast forward taking train, walk through Manhattan Avenue,

through series of skyscrapper monumented at sidewalk. Feel
cold breeze of air touch her skin, wear pink and dark gray
bold stripe sweater for covering my body in this cold air.

At card that I hold written Manhattan Avenue, 620 Street.

And I walk through the sideway to search where, at least
there must be building that written ALPHATECH there. I
look up toward the height of that skyscraper, tall silver
grayed building, situated at corner of street, with windows
that neatly stacked each other covered by some net that
seems filter and covered 52 stories concrete. With covering
my hesitation by confidence she walk assertively toward that
building. she open my sweater and save it to my black
leathered bag, wore puffed shouldered grayed suit, with

white polkadot in black shirt under the suit, with plain black
pants, chose short curly hair because it is just timeless, and
she is comfortable with this style. With confidence, even
with anxiety, doubled heartbeat speed, slightly fear of
rejection I am just brave myself get into the front door. Inside
that building, wide space of ceramics shiny tile, and looking
up many stories upward shown design drawing that hangs on
the windows of each stories. Starting story that might
continues to another chapter in this building or is this just an
additional paragraphs to end this chapter and still stay at
home as the setting for the next chapter. While I get into the
building, people seems like preparing seats and tables for
gathering, seems there will be some press conference so
many journalists and cameramans stand by there. Crowds
seems has come, might be public gathering so public can
gathered around. I take a breath feel relieved because I can
get in and less looked suspicious. But still there is security
when I get in, sharped eyed and nose looked boyish, straight
hair with slight single hair bang, but with low toned formal

"Good morning miss. Which publicist?"

"I'm a visitor, yesterday I met someone who gave me this."

By showing ALPHATECH badge.

"Proceed, you can talk to reception. Thank you."

She walked toward the reception at part of this building.

Hanged ponytail with brown shiny straight hair with white
shirt person greets me and I answered "Excuse me.. I got this

from one of employee here, may I see him." By pointing the
name that printed there.

Then the reception answered. "I'm sorry miss, the name you
showed us is the CEO of this company, and will held public
conference through this day. I'm afraid he is busy for the time
being. But looking at that badge actually you have
permission for entering this office. But I'm afraid you need to
accompanied by him, which have scheduled throughout this
day. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. But you can still watch
media conference after this."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome"

There are seats which allocated for journalists for

documenting moments which about to happens. Screens
neatly hanged for showing live coverage of events. Then I
ask a person around, a blonde woman, with red lipstick, with
squared pink and blue shirt that seems like a college person,
with jeans and black high heeled boots.

"Hi.. Claire.. Marisa.. I'm sorry, I've just got here, seems
there will be conference if I'm not mistaken." I get my hand
for shook her

"Excuse me.. Who do you think you are. Please don't bother
me, I'm busy now." She answers me rudely.

Wow.. how rude, okay.. I'll ask other, oh yeah why don't I
ask that security or the receptionist whose it is their job.

Then I back again to the security at the front door, he seems

to have a break for a minute so I walk to him, framed eyed,
and I ask him
"Excuse me, may I know about what is the event after this.
What time it will be held and when is the break time." I ask

"There will be press conference for information of free

interplanetary visitor that given by CEO every 6 months.
This conference will be held from 10.00, which is 37
minutes after this, and break time about 12.00 pm"

"Thank you Bradley." While I look towards his badge that

shown name there. Inside I want to break silence by chatting,
but as an introvert which having difficulty for
communicating, I have many things in my mind, am I
interrupting, is my subject of conversation is interesting
enough, etc etc. But at least I'll try, it is just two possibilities,
rejected, or not. And after talking, it is just two possibilities,
boring or engaging. I just experimenting to skip small talk
and get to the point.

"Btw do you keep track in recent issue about defense

conference at Paris last night. What do you think of it." With
curiousity I waited for his response, I just pessimistic he will
answer my question, but there is nothing to lose.

"I think that recently technology, has been leaps that leads to
next revolution, with massive and significant change because
of high tech sophistication causes more tension between
nations. But I don't know maybe it is just a hunch. How deep,
thank you for talking, I'm so bored to hear those small talk.
How about you, what are the issues that interest you."

"I'm fascinated with interplanetary travel, space race,

companies and startups beginning to plan the next level of
vacation, to space and beyond, risky, exciting, and chilling as
well. Btw do you know who is likely to get ticket for this
period of time."

"Actually this was classified information, but I heard

rumours that this ticket will be given to a teacher at Northern
states. Just that information that I can give. I have 10 minutes
more for break, and press conference will be held soon. Its
okay, guess I will chat I with you for a while. Wow.. Yeah..
This is the company's vision too for fly us to the moon, or in
this case to everywhere in space. I think that recently rocket
science seems can be applied by startups too, cost can be
minimalized yet still can transport objects into outer layer of
earth atmospheres. But what concerns me is about clues that
there is more competition of technology that happened
between countries. And about northeast that actually gives
eerie feelings, no, I think bad feeling is started to felt by
many unbalanced situations, uncondusive ambience, and
cohesion issues between community that caused by slight
difference, but who knows is it even effects of biased
informations that overtime will blurred what's real and hoax,
and the worst case scenario is with elites' predictions and

occurences which who knows have been planned before for
years ahead is including massive biased information
penetration for people who just get informations rawly
without digesting first so when there's some knock of friction
from those medias in provocative words maybe can caused
biased understanding too, but when it done simultaneously to
public.... Should have some anticipation movement for
countering possibility of worst case scenario. It's just my
thought. What about you, what anticipation movements that
could and should be prepared."

"I think worst case possibilities always there even in very

slight percentage. I think the anticipation is from each and
one mental condition, by positive media to motivate inner
drive of people, and it is all about preparation, especially in
digital syntax manipulation, and many other fields. Military
mindset should be planted for effective strategic executions
in everyday life and to shape each person's endurance and
agility. Public conference will held minutes more, I have to

"Okay thank you, see you again later."

"Good morning, on behalf of this company, we proudly

present our newest breakthrough in something brand new in
this industry now. We proudly present our early founder and
CEO of this company."

Then journalists and people clap greets the man on the

spotlight which will give some insights of what will happen
after this.

"Decades ago, start of space exploration is just stimulus, but
when the time comes and it become easier, technology is
expanding into whole new level. We can send human to
another planet, first might still chosen for people which met
the criterias, but we will do the best strategies so after
decades after this would be possible for entire human race to
send us far far away. While we have brand new more
sustainable planet, when our home is getting old and so her
ability to sustain us. We can't imagine how we can get this
far and time after time our technology becoming more
advance and cost effective. So we invited you to ask anything
that comes to your mind regarding this earth or interplanetary
travel, we will have entire day so pile your questions as much
as you can, we will answer it immediately and we will
choose a person to given ticket to first interplanetary travel, if
you dare. Actually there are several side issues that I want to
present now regarding space travel, not to mention sort of
escape hatch for the rich.. So talking about side issues, why
we bother build this all, and in which this turn out possible. I
still remembered watched Jetsons family, I imagined that
could be happened in millenium 2000s, decades later still not
happened. Taking books about rocket engineering and
compile it, it turned out that taking first principle concept,
listing all components, calculate them all, cost really half of
existing rockets. Overtime, cost will be more and more
minimum. People tend to think that they much smarter than
they are which is not. I have concern about this AlphaStats
can beat human in predictive analysis in an exact matter,
mark my word, without any strict safety regulations this
could becoming worse situation. This technology that can do

many things in precisely and in orchestrated manner,
overtime can be do more things, including outbeat human.
Regulation, regulation, this thing when source of power
become unlimited, resetting could not be done."

"Yes we should be more concern about that. The next

question, what is your advice for young generation now."

"Just work more than others, put all your hours into effort as
young as you can because after that you will get less time for
yourself. Make and contribute as much as you can in your
young age. So now I will give this recognition for a person
that have been shortlisted for becoming next passenger along
with early applicants for sensing life in very different
medium." Then suddenly he walks across the podium and to
the staircase. With black hoodie taking steps between the
crowd, camera flashing wondering what will he do, subtly he
look sharply towards me and defibrilate my heart for once, I
wander my eyes feel afraid and shy, but he keeps walking
closer and closer, inches closer, and the last thing I see is his
eyes, just how he looks and suddenly all sights collide into
spectrum colors, alone as always feeling this again odd
feeling. Consciousness seems return again, open my eyes,
looking surround me, say hello again to my sweet friends that
should be taken care of, home.

"Package.. "

I look outside and I open house's fence to see who's coming.

"Here Ms.."

"Thank you" And the courier leaves after giving the package

I just freeze and feels gratefulness, overflowing, close to

suffocating, emotion can't be hold down anymore,
multiplied sequence of thank you notes in my heart to this
Universe Owner said over and over again.

A bundle of papers formed into book, with title of portfolio

review and opportunities, below that lies authentic signage of
influencing people on the globe scale, by ALPHATECH.


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