Boro Isotopes Saliniz

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Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

DOI 10.1007/s11270-007-9497-7

Characterization of the Salinisation Processes in Aquifers

Using Boron Isotopes; Application to South-Eastern Spain
Ignacio Morell & Antonio Pulido-Bosch &
Francisco Sánchez-Martos & Angela Vallejos &
Linda Daniele & Luis Molina &
José María Calaforra & Antoni Francesc Roig &
Alejandra Renau

Received: 8 May 2007 / Accepted: 13 August 2007 / Published online: 15 September 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract Use of δ11B provides a solid tool for dis- metapelitic deposits. The difference in the boron iso-
criminating hydrogeochemical processes in complex tope content in two carbonate units must be caused by
coastal aquifers. Its efficiency increases markedly the different composition of the carbonate rocks, as
when it is applied along with other major or minor well as a long residence time.
constituents. Nevertheless, various factors may affect
its interpretation: the presence of clays, which favour Keywords Boron isotopes . Tracers .
adsorption and desorption, the influence of waste- Hydrogeochemical processes . Coastal areas .
waters, and even the presence of geothermalism. Seawater intrusion
The δ11B has been applied to the study of a series
of aquifers in south-eastern Spain: Castell de Ferro
(Granada), Campo de Dalías, Lower Andarax and 1 Introduction
Sorbas (Almería), all of which are complex and hete-
rogeneous. The results obtained demonstrate that the The study area runs along the coastline of Mediterra-
concentration of Br, the SO4/Cl and Cl/Br ratios are nean south-eastern Spain (provinces of Almería and
good indicators of marine intrusion. Inland some Granada). This is an arid region, where rainfall does
negative values of δ11B (−16.7 and −8.1‰) are re- not normally exceed 300 mm/year, and where surface
lated to a geothermal influence (34.8 and 51.5°C). water resources are very scarce and normally absent.
The boron solubility is directly related to temperature Water demand from tourism, and especially from the
favours boron mobilization, even from the associated intensive agriculture has developed considerably over
the last two decades, is almost completely met from
groundwater. In many cases, there are water quality
I. Morell : A. F. Roig : A. Renau problems. It is clear that the economic development of
Department of Environmental Sciences, the region is closely linked to the availability of good-
University Jaume I,
Castellón, Spain
quality groundwater.
The hydrogeology of these heterogeneous aquifers is
A. Pulido-Bosch : F. Sánchez-Martos : A. Vallejos (*) : complex, with frequent hydraulic connections between
L. Daniele : L. Molina : J. M. Calaforra the detrital and carbonate aquifers. Salinisation can be
Department of Hydrogeology, Escuela Politécnica Superior,
University of Almería,
due to evaporite deposits (Sorbas, Lower Andarax),
04120 Almería, Spain thermalism (Lower Andarax, Campo de Dalías), slow
e-mail: water circulation (Campo de Dalías), marine intrusion
66 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

(Castell de Ferro, Delta del Andarax, some parts of the water (Arad et al. 1986). Boron can also have an
Campo de Dalías) and localised nitrate and wastewater anthropogenic origin, as in the case of pollution by
pollution. Therefore, characterisation of the hydro- wastewater, which is enriched in boron (1–2 mg l−1)
geochemistry is also complex, as can be seen from the due to presence of detergents manufactured using
numerous published studies dealing with these aquifers, borax; the use of fertilisers applied to compensate for
by the Group Water Resources and Environmental deficiencies of boron in the soil; or the discharge of
Geology at the University of Almería (Calaforra and effluent from cleaning industries that use sodium
Pulido-Bosch 2003; Sánchez-Martos and Pulido-Bosch perborate. Boron is also found in residues from paper
1999; Sánchez Martos et al. 2002; Molina et al. 2002, mills and, sometimes, in effluents from nuclear power
2003; Pulido-Bosch et al. 2000; Pulido-Leboeuf et al. stations. Of particular importance is the influence of
2003; Pulido-Leboeuf 2004; Vallejos et al. 1997). waste from the ceramics industry, which uses borax
The salinisation processes affecting these aquifers as flux: the liquid effluents can contain more than
have been studied using multiparametric approxima- 10 mg l−1 boron, while the gaseous effluents (more
tions based on the major and certain minor ions (B, than 24 m3B year−1) released into the atmosphere can
Br, Sr, and Li). These studies have established that later reach the ground in rainfall. Concentrations in
the main processes involved are the presence of ma- rainwater of up to 7 mg l−1 boron have been recorded
rine deposits, evaporite salts and present-day marine in Castellón province. With respect to water–rock
influence. interactions, various authors have pointed out the
Groundwater samples were taken from the areas significant role that temperature can play (Arnorsson
of Castell de Ferro, Campo de Dalías, Lower Andarax and Andresdottir 1995), and indeed, many thermal
and Sorbas (Fig. 1), with the aim of comparing the waters have elevated boron concentrations (Kakianha
hydrogeochemical processes implicated and analy- et al. 1989; Murray 1996; Sánchez-Martos and
sing variations in the boron isotope ratios in order to Pulido-Bosch 1999; Vengosh et al. 2002).
understand these processes. Natural boron has two stable isotopes – 10B and
The main aim of this article is to report on the 11
B – whose relative abundance is 20 and 80%,
usefulness of boron and its isotopes for identifying and respectively. Variations in the ratio of the two isotopes
discriminating the hydrogeochemical processes occur- is normally expressed as a deviation per mil (δ11B)
ring in complex coastal aquifers. It considers the impact compared to standard boric acid (NIST SRM or NBS
of man (fertilizer use, irrigation using water from 951), which has a 11B/10B ratio of 4.04367. The nota-
different sources), as well as natural impacts, such as tion for δ11B is:
the incorporation of brines, inflows of thermal waters,
h 10  .   i
dissolution of evaporite deposits, present-day marine δ11 B ¼ 11
B B sample 11 B 10 B NBS 951  1  1; 000
intrusion, and mobilisation of brines trapped in low-
permeability coastal sediments. Man has also played
some part in accelerating such processes, through Because of the marked difference in mass between
pumped abstractions and intensive exploitation. the two isotopes and the high geochemical reactivity
of boron, the isotopic fractionation leads to significant
1.1 Boron in Groundwater variations in the 11B/10B ratio for natural waters from
different geological environments (Vengosh et al.
Boron in groundwater is normally found at very low 1994a; Basset et al. 1995; Barth 1998a, b).
concentrations, as a trace element or minor ion. How- In the open sea, the present-day Mediterranean
ever, natural inputs from seawater, brines, geothermal yields a constant δ11B of around +37.7‰ (Barth 1993).
fluids or from evaporite deposits can appreciably This high values is attributable to isotopic fractionation
increase concentrations to above the mean value for associated with boron adsorption in detrital clays, se-
seawater. The two main sources of boron are seawater condary minerals formed due to alterations at low
(4.5 mg l−1), and evaporites or brines of marine or temperature of the ocean’s crust and carbonate min-
continental origin, in which boron tends to be con- erals. Given that 11B and 10B preferentially partition
centrated (Ulhman 1991). Thus, boron has been used as species with coordination 3 and 4 (B(OH)3 and
as an indicator of the source of salinity in ground- BðOH Þ 4 , respectively), and that it is the tetrahedral
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80 67

Fig. 1 Location of the aquifers under study, from West to East, dolomites; 2: phyllites and calcoschists; 3: marls; 4: limestones
including sampling points. a Castell de Ferro (1: metapelites, 2: and calcarenites; 5: sandy marls; 6: plioquaternary conglom-
marbles, 3: alluvial); b Campo de Dalías (1: metapelites; 2: erates, sands, muds and clays); d Sorbas (1: silt and marls, 2:
Carbonates, 3: Miocene calcarenites, 4: Pliocene calcarenites, limestone, 3: gypsums, 4: sandstones and marls)
5: Quaternary sediments); c Lower Andarax (1: limestones and
68 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

species that is preferentially involved in the adsorp- Castell de Ferro aquifer, which occupies a surface
tion processes, dissolved marine boron becomes area of around 3 km2. It extends nearly 5 km N–S and
enriched in the trigonal species, which in turn gives its maximum width is around 700 m. Here, the detrital
rise to very high δ11B values. Very high values have deposits reach their maximum thickness (some 60 m,
been calculated for saline lakes (e.g. Dead Sea), according to mechanical borehole logs). The outcrop
while in fresh groundwater, highly variable values of karstified marbles that underlies the village of
(between −27‰ and +44‰) depend on the geochem- Castell de Ferro constitutes a preferential path for
ical medium in which they are found (lithology), on fluid exchange between these two rock types, since it
the isotopic fractionation they have undergone, and on is in contact with both the detrital aquifer and with the
the degree of mixing with water with a different iso- sea (Calvache and Pulido-Bosch 1994). This means
tope profile. Waters of hydrothermal origin normally that the small aquifer is highly suited for studies
have values of between −10 and +10‰ (Barth, op. cit.). comparing the marine intrusion processes in karstic
Urban wastewaters and borate fertilisers are important and detrital aquifers.
anthropogenic source of boron, and these usually give The Campo de Dalías is a coastal plain of 330 km2
very low δ11B values (−15 a +5‰; Vengosh et al. situated to the west of the bay of Almería. Three
1994a; Leenhouts et al. 1998). hydrogeological units are distinguished: Balerma-Las
For all these reasons, the boron isotope ratio (δ11B) Marinas, Balanegra and Aguadulce (Pulido-Bosch
is used as a tracer of the evolution of natural systems, et al. 1991; Molina et al. 2002). The first occupies
and to identify processes of groundwater pollution. the central-southern part of the Campo. It consists of
There are numerous studies showing the potential 100–150 m Pliocene calcarenites, with localised
of the boron isotopes as tracers of hydrogeochemical Quaternary detrital deposits. Pliocene marls form the
processes in a range of very different hydrogeological impermeable base of this unit. The Balanegra Unit
situations. These situations include salinisation due occupies the western half and is basically composed
to marine intrusion, marine and non-marine brines of Alpujarride carbonates, whilst the eastern half, the
(Vengosh et al. 1991a, b, 1995, 1998, 1999), urban Aguadulce Unit, consists of Alpujarride dolostones of
wastewater pollution (Vengosh et al. 1994a; Basset the outcropping in the Sierra de Gador, calcarenites
et al. 1995; Eisenhut et al. 1996), nitrate pollution and Miocene volcanic rocks, and calcarenites with
(Leenhouts et al. 1998), differentiation of fresh waters episodes of Pliocene sandy marls, and Quaternary
(Pennisi et al. 2000; Larsen et al. 2001), water–rock sediments. Tectonically, this is the most complex
interactions (Barth 1998a), and thermalism (Kakianha unit and its geometry is the least well-known. In
et al. 1989; Oi and Kakianha 1993; Oi et al. 1996; some parts, it is a truly multilayer aquifer, in which
Vengosh et al. 1994b, 2002). various aquifer formations are separated by other low-
permeability layers.
The Basin of Lower Andarax covers approximately
250 km2. Its western limit corresponds to the Sierra of
2 Hydrogeological Settings Gádor; its eastern edge is delimited by the Sierra
Alhamilla, and the southern limit corresponds to the
Figure 1 shows the location of the aquifers in this Mediterranean Sea. Three hydrogeological units are
study, namely (from west to east), Castell de Ferro, distinguished: the carbonate aquifer, the detrital
Campo de Dalías, Lower Andarax and Sorbas. The aquifer and the deep aquifer. The detrital aquifer is
detrital coastal aquifer of Castell de Ferro lies in formed by a variety of sediments, including sandy-
the southeast of Granada province. It lies in the conglomerate Pliocene deposits and alluvial from the
Alpujarride Domain of the Betic Cordillera. The pre- river Andarax. At its mouth, the aquifer consists of
orogenic rocks belong to the Alpujarride Complex deltaic deposits with a clear marine influence, which
and comprise marbles and metapelites with some are in lateral continuity with the alluvial deposits
limestone and gypsum intercalations. The most im- (Sánchez-Martos 1997). The carbonate aquifer ex-
portant post-orogenic materials are the alluvial depos- tends along the entire edge of the mountains, con-
its, the very heterometric fill in the “ramblas” or gullies sisting of Triassic dolomites and limestones and, in
(Pulido-Leboeuf et al. 2003). These deposits form the places, Miocene calcarenites. It is an unconfined aqui-
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80 69

fer, though in places it contains confined impervious

marly intercalations. The deep aquifer corresponds to a
limestone-dolomite Alpujarride formation that makes
up the Betic substrate between the Sierra of Gádor
and the Sierra Alhamilla. It is in the order of 100 m in
thickness, and overlies on a formation of phyllites and
quartzites. Over the dolomites are Miocene calcarenites
and conglomerates (Sánchez-Martos, op. cit.).
The Basin of Tabernas-Sorbas is located in the most
desertified locality in Europe. The so-called gypsum
aquifer of Sorbas (Yesares member) occupies part of this
basin and dates from the Messinian. The area is little
affected by folding and the gypsum forms a large syn-
cline. The most important gypsum massif is composed
of gypsiferous strata with very continuous marly
interstrata. More than 1,000 caves have been invento-
ried over an area of some 12 km2. The total length of
subterranean passages in the caves is more than 50 km,
of which 8.3 km correspond to the Cueva del Agua.
Gypsum possesses good water-bearing capacity due to
karstification across the discontinuities. Water flows
both through the large channels and in the gypsum
matrix (Calaforra and Pulido-Bosch 2003). The main
spring, Los Molinos, is located in a gypsum canyon
excavated by the river Aguas. At this point, impervious
marls and silt lie very close to the surface. The spring
of the river Aguas is the lowest topographical point of
the gypsum outcrop. Its flow remains above 40 l/s,
even through prolonged periods of drought (Pulido-
Bosch et al. 2004).
In the carbonate aquifers, especially in the Campo Fig. 2 Piper diagram of groundwater in the study area. a
of Dalías, the dominant water types are calcium or Eastern area: Lower Andarax (1: detrital aquifer, 2: Alhamilla
calcium–magnesium bicarbonate, with a tendency spa, 3: deep aquifer, 4: spring in the Tabernas rambla) Sorbas
Gypsums (5). b Western area: Campo de Dalías (1: Balanegra,
towards sodium chloride facies in sectors influenced 2: Balerma, 3: Aguadulce) Castell de Ferro (4)
by marine intrusion. In Castell de Ferro there is a
progression from calcium bicarbonate waters towards
sodium chloride (Fig. 2b), due to marine intrusion 3 Sampling and Analytical Procedures
(Pulido-Leboeuf 2004). In the Lower Andarax, mixed
facies predominate due to the presence of associated A total of forty water samples were taken in March
evaporite deposits; the evaporitic influence can be 2002 (Table 1). These came from four springs (at
distinguished by water of calcium–magnesium sul- Alhamilla spa and Rambla de Tabernas in the Lower
phate type (Fig. 2a). On the Andarax delta, the marine Andarax; Cueva del Agua and Los Molinos in the
influence leads to calcium chloride and sodium Sorbas depression), with the remainder being taken
chloride facies. The waters in the karstic gypsums of from boreholes (e.g. Campo de Dalias, Castell de
Sorbas are calcium sulphate type. Thermalism in the Ferro), some of which were sampled at various depths
deep carbonate aquifer of Campo of Dalías and, (Andarax delta and Castell de Ferro). On the Andarax
particularly, in the Lower Andarax even has some delta, samples were taken at different depths from
influence on the relative abundance of certain minor the three piezometers drilled to feed seawater to the
ions (e.g. boron and lithium). Desalination Plant that will supply the city of Almería.
Table 1 Chemical and isotopic data of groundwater

No. Sampling Temp Cond. pH Cl SO4 HCO3 Ca Mg Na K Sr Sr/Ca Br B B SO4/Cl B/Cl B/SO4 Cl/Br δ11B SIcal SIdol SIgyp
site (°C) (microS (meq (meq (meq (meq (meq (meq (meq (meq (meq (meq (mg (meq (meq (meq l−1) (meq (meq (‰)
cm−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1) l−1)

Bajo Andarax
1 Detrital 14.6 1,303 7.63 5.77 6.94 4.83 10.24 4.93 2.07 0.09 0.046 0.004 0.004 0.20 0.06 1.20 0.0096 0.008 1,647.8 14.6 0.62 0.91 −0.87
2 Detriatal 24.6 2,740 7.26 28.71 15.25 5.60 9.35 8.07 19.81 0.23 0.089 0.009 0.019 0.71 0.20 0.53 0.0069 0.013 1,534.2 2.1 0.29 0.63 −0.77
3 Detrital 18.3 3,670 7.22 36.16 10.42 6.42 8.69 8.55 19.53 0.24 0.089 0.010 0.020 0.78 0.22 0.29 0.0060 0.021 1,834.6 −11.3 0.21 0.46 −0.93
4 Detrital 20.9 3,770 7.13 14.30 16.47 4.68 16.01 12.17 11.18 0.18 0.098 0.006 0.023 0.70 0.19 1.15 0.0135 0.012 625.9 10.0 0.27 0.49 −0.53
5 Detrital 22.8 12,830 7.19 99.49 23.52 3.91 14.96 26.86 91.05 0.69 0.108 0.007 0.107 2.22 0.62 0.24 0.0062 0.026 926.5 22.5 0.09 0.55 −0.68
6 Detrital 20.8 20,300 7.12 175.84 30.06 6.32 19.34 36.70 119.26 1.16 0.108 0.006 0.281 0.55 0.15 0.17 0.0009 0.005 625.8 20.6 0.25 0.87 −0.57
7 Detrital 20.6 47,600 7.13 401.80 43.41 4.99 30.24 90.22 336.78 7.17 0.166 0.006 0.695 2.66 0.74 0.11 0.0018 0.017 578.5 36.1 0.22 1.03 −0.49
8 Detrital 20.4 50,800 7.49 440.71 45.97 3.39 24.70 91.23 361.83 10.44 0.187 0.008 0.799 4.47 1.24 0.10 0.0028 0.027 551.3 33.5 0.31 1.31 −0.57
9 Detrital 21.3 9,000 7.09 60.90 22.23 5.40 23.86 21.10 37.16 0.68 0.110 0.005 0.106 0.67 0.19 0.37 0.0031 0.008 572.2 10.9 0.36 0.76 −0.42
10 Detrital 20.7 49,800 7.52 508.67 44.93 4.37 24.43 82.69 395.96 9.25 0.119 0.005 0.792 3.40 0.94 0.09 0.0019 0.021 642.0 44.7 0.45 1.55 −0.59
11 Detrital 21.1 52,900 7.48 561.35 51.16 2.98 25.16 86.54 384.96 11.22 0.173 0.007 0.878 4.76 1.32 0.09 0.0024 0.026 639.2 36.7 0.25 1.18 −0.53
12 Detrital 22.1 6,270 7.03 24.63 29.34 5.81 22.54 19.08 21.54 0.24 0.120 0.005 0.064 0.87 0.24 1.19 0.0098 0.008 386.4 26.0 0.33 0.67 −0.29
13 Detrital 21.2 31,100 7.24 331.52 34.72 3.49 23.87 47.14 262.57 4.90 0.100 0.004 0.484 1.67 0.46 0.10 0.0014 0.013 684.8 42.1 0.13 0.68 −0.58
14 Detrital 20.6 49,500 7.39 389.14 41.78 3.60 22.95 70.57 320.48 9.87 0.102 0.004 0.749 3.77 1.04 0.11 0.0027 0.025 519.4 37.5 0.23 1.07 −0.59
15 Deep Aquifer 34.8 3,870 6.68 23.59 12.32 8.58 8.92 5.37 20.63 1.18 0.141 0.016 0.012 4.76 1.32 0.52 0.0561 0.107 1,942.8 −16.7 0.02 0.04 −0.87
16 S. Alhamilla 51.5 1,539 6.81 14.04 4.37 7.50 3.05 4.07 11.87 0.21 0.041 0.013 0.002 0.58 0.16 0.31 0.0115 0.037 6,230.8 −8.1 −0.05 0.32 −1.59
17 R. Tabernas 15.9 9,390 8.02 59.82 32.04 5.55 1.28 19.67 67.02 0.44 0.179 0.008 0.062 5.38 1.49 0.54 0.0250 0.047 971.5 10.8 1.11 2.20 −0.34
Campo de Dalías
18 Aguadulce 20.8 522 7.84 2.67 0.92 3.75 1.81 2.31 0.33 0.03 0.017 0.009 0.003 0.04 0.01 0.34 0.0039 0.011 1,016.2 −0.4 0.22 0.62 −2.22
19 Aguadulce 22.0 476 7.86 2.01 1.23 3.75 1.88 2.29 0.39 0.03 0.008 0.004 0.001 0.04 0.01 0.61 0.0055 0.009 1,605.4 4.7 0.27 0.72 −2.09
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80
20 Aguadulce 23.0 652 7.77 5.30 1.02 4.27 1.93 3.06 1.50 0.06 0.016 0.009 0.003 0.11 0.03 0.19 0.0055 0.029 1,692.9 7.4 0.23 0.77 −2.21
21 Balerma Unit 22.3 4,620 7.15 25.87 12.94 5.50 11.34 17.64 22.92 0.43 0.264 0.023 0.040 0.82 0.23 0.50 0.0088 0.018 646.1 25.6 0.22 0.72 −0.82
22 Balerma Unit 20.5 2,450 7.6 14.20 5.04 4.99 4.61 9.16 9.83 0.21 0.049 0.011 0.026 0.45 0.12 0.36 0.0088 0.025 553.5 31.6 0.33 1.04 −1.39
23 Balanegra 22.0 1,316 7.48 21.73 1.15 4.06 3.42 4.54 4.38 0.04 0.036 0.010 0.020 0.38 0.11 0.05 0.0048 0.092 1,065.1 36.1 0.08 0.39 −2.05
24 Balanegra 33.5 1,871 8.14 14.14 2.63 3.55 3.03 2.89 11.85 0.26 0.050 0.017 0.015 0.27 0.07 0.19 0.0053 0.028 941.7 33.6 0.75 1.70 −1.75
25 Balanegra 32.0 1,655 7.59 11.88 2.33 3.60 2.74 2.99 9.79 0.21 0.050 0.018 0.014 0.16 0.04 0.20 0.0037 0.019 870.6 8.2 0.18 0.61 −1.82
26 Balanegra 35.3 1,544 7.39 10.95 1.96 3.60 2.43 2.81 8.40 0.18 0.046 0.019 0.020 0.18 0.05 0.18 0.0045 0.025 536.7 21.3 −0.01 0.28 −1.92
27 Balanegra 37.6 1,391 7.42 27.32 1.29 3.70 2.64 2.99 8.81 0.20 0.052 0.020 0.009 0.17 0.05 0.05 0.0017 0.036 2,950.3 20.8 0.06 0.43 −2.13
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

28 Balanegra 35.1 2,180 7.45 17.40 1.36 3.55 2.95 3.28 14.14 0.26 0.056 0.019 0.021 0.15 0.04 0.08 0.0024 0.031 827.3 30.5 0.10 0.48 −2.06
Castell de Ferro
29 S-4-30 18.1 1,590 7.39 10.59 3.12 5.50 5.26 4.09 6.43 0.17 0.008 0.002 0.008 0.11 0.03 0.29 0.0029 0.010 1,387.6 33.4 0.24 0.41 −1.44
30 S-4-40 18.5 2,900 7.38 47.90 4.38 5.34 7.45 6.27 22.28 0.35 0.013 0.002 0.018 0.21 0.06 0.09 0.0012 0.013 2,639.4 36.6 0.26 0.50 −1.33
31 S-4-45 18.5 28,200 7.15 94.87 11.38 5.09 20.13 22.88 188.35 1.77 0.058 0.003 0.323 0.83 0.23 0.12 0.0024 0.020 294.2 35.7 0.22 0.57 −0.91
32 S-4-60 18.6 37,900 7.11 480.75 39.58 4.01 20.82 80.49 356.96 8.12 0.094 0.005 0.640 3.30 0.91 0.08 0.0019 0.023 751.7 35.7 −0.07 0.53 −0.68
33 CASE-1 19.0 2,300 7.41 18.73 2.94 5.50 4.84 5.53 10.73 0.22 0.018 0.004 0.019 0.15 0.04 0.16 0.0022 0.014 971.8 40.2 0.21 0.53 −1.56
(10 m)
34 CASE-1 19.2 21,400 7.1 169.44 10.31 4.99 14.61 38.56 170.15 2.75 0.057 0.004 0.311 1.01 0.28 0.06 0.0016 0.027 545.7 38.2 0.01 0.53 −1.15
(40 m)
35 CASE-1 18.8 33,900 7.14 460.81 36.48 4.42 17.70 67.06 293.26 6.29 0.087 0.005 0.526 2.60 0.72 0.08 0.0016 0.020 875.8 36.0 −0.05 0.57 −0.73
(55 m)
36 CASE-2 21.1 2,120 7.25 20.68 5.60 4.88 10.80 6.99 7.14 0.12 0.027 0.003 0.013 0.04 0.01 0.27 0.0006 0.002 1,620.1 36.0 0.33 0.55 −1.03
37 Well 18.3 1,049 7.8 2.48 1.77 5.29 5.04 3.26 1.97 0.04 0.017 0.003 0.000 0.04 0.01 0.71 0.0041 0.006 9,907.7 14.6 0.67 1.20 −1.62
Aquifer of Sorbas
38 Well La 20.1 4,240 7.05 24.49 26.17 4.47 29.79 6.86 11.37 0.08 0.284 0.010 0.012 0.42 0.12 1.07 0.0048 0.004 1,976.3 33.8 0.35 0.14 −0.16
39 Los Molinos 20.1 3,530 7.20 21.93 30.04 4.01 32.83 6.49 6.72 0.08 0.168 0.005 0.007 0.34 0.09 1.37 0.0043 0.003 2,969.6 17.5 0.48 0.33 −0.07
40 Cueva del 14.3 2,430 7.85 3.42 17.38 1.85 28.40 0.70 0.87 0.02 0.062 0.002 0.001 0.10 0.03 5.07 0.0081 0.002 4,560.7 30.0 0.75 −0.12 −0.20
Agua Spring
Seawater 568.49 59.71 2.75 25.95 112.10 458.78 10.59 0.183 0.007 0.847 4.50 1.25 0.11 0.002197 0.021 670.9 39.0
72 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

Temperature, electrical conductivity and pH were IR mode (dwell time 10 ms). Overall precision ob-
determined in situ, whilst bicarbonate was analysed in tained for the isotope ratio measurements was around
the field by volumetry using methyl orange as 0.2% RSD. All the analyses were undertaken in the
indicator. Chloride, sulphate and nitrate were deter- laboratories of the University Jaume I of Castellón.
mined in an ALKEMP 501 autoanalyser. Sodium,
potassium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and lithi-
um were analysed by spectrophotometry by atomic 4 Results and Discussion
absorption; iodide and bromide, by Mass ICP. Lastly,
total boron was determined by colorimetry using the 4.1 General Comments on Salinisation
azomethine-H method. in Groundwaters
Boron isotope ratios were measured with an HP-
4500 ICPMS. Highly saline samples (with widely The general model for salinisation of groundwater in
ranging concentrations) were pre-treated with a boron- coastal aquifers of south-eastern Spain can be cha-
specific resin (Amberlite IRA 743) to avoid matrix racterised based on their chloride and sulphate content.
induced mass discrimination (Kiss 1988). Instrumental In coastal aquifers, both ions can come from seawater,
parameters (nebulizer and ion optics) were optimized though there are other mechanisms that contribute
to achieve the maximum signal for boron and the best to the salinisation. These include natural processes
precision for the measurement of the 10B/11B ratio. A (presence of brines, liberation of saline water from
MCN 100 microconcentric nebulizer fed by a peristal- aquitards) and man-made (agriculture, discharges).
tic pump from the instrument was used for sample Fresh waters unrelated to seawater can also show a
introduction. Resolution of the quadrupole was set to certain degree of mineralization, especially if they are
0.5 uma (10% peak height) to prevent 12C overlap. influenced by evaporite deposits.
Instrumental mass discrimination was corrected using Figure 3a shows the relationship between chloride
the reference solution NIST SRM 951 that is certified and sulphate. It highlights how the most saline
for its boron isotope ratio (Gregoire 1987) using a samples (>200 meq l−1 Cl) fit the theoretical line of
solution of 200 ppb of B. To eliminate mass dis- conservative mixing between fresh water and seawa-
crimination induced by excess HCl from the resin ter. These saline samples come from the Castell de
treatment, the boron standard was also prepared in that Ferro aquifer and the delta portion of the Lower
medium. Samples with high boron concentrations were Andarax detrital aquifer, where marine intrusion is
diluted using 0.7 M HCl to reduce the boron con- well documented (Calvache and Pulido-Bosch 1994;
centration to around 200 ppb. Isotope measurements Sánchez-Martos et al. 2002).
were carried out in quintuplicate. The integration time The other aquifers in the study lack any marine
for 10B was 8 s and for 11B, 5 s in order to obtain the influence and, here, sulphate concentrations are high
same precision in counting statistics for both masses. in comparison to chloride, suggesting the presence of
Three points per peak were measured for each mass in a saline member that is sulphate in nature (Fig. 3b).

Fig. 3 Plot of Cl vs SO4

(in meq l−1). Key: Lower
Andarax (1: detrital aquifer,
2: deep aquifer 3: Alhamilla
spa, 4: spring in the
Tabernas rambla); Campo
de Dalías (5: Aguadulce, 6:
Balerma, 7: Balanegra);
Castell de Ferro (8) and
Sorbas gypsums (9)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80 73

Marinas Unit). Sulphate concentrations in the Castell

de Ferro aquifer and the carbonate units of the Campo
de Dalías (Balanegra and Aguadulce Units) are very
low (Fig. 3b) and this points to the absence of inflows
of water that dissolve evaporite rocks.
In the most saline samples, with a clear marine
influence, as well as in some fresh water samples
from the Castell de Ferro Aquifer and the Balanegra
unit of Campo de Dalías, the SO4/Cl ratio is similar to
that of seawater (Fig. 4). The highest values come
from the gypsum karst aquifer of Sorbas, (the sam-
pling point at the Cueva del Agua spring has SO4/Cl=
5.07), where magnesium, potassium, chloride and
bicarbonate content is low. This suggests a short
residence time for water in this aquifer. In the Lower
Andarax, elevated SO4/Cl ratios are also recorded.
These exceed 1.0 at some points in this detrital aqui-
fer away from the coastal zone.

4.2 Boron
Fig. 4 Plot of Cl vs SO4/Cl ratio (in meq l−1). Key: Lower
Andarax (1: detrital aquifer, 2: deep aquifer, 3: Alhamilla spa,
4: spring in the Tabernas rambla); Campo de Dalías (5: The highest boron concentrations are found in sam-
Aguadulce, 6: Balerma, 7: Balanegra); Castell de Ferro (8) ples from three sectors of the Lower Andarax, namely
and Sorbas gypsums (9) the saline Tabernas spring (5.38 mg l−1), the deep
aquifer (4.76 mg l−1) and boreholes supplying water
The highest sulphate concentrations correspond to the to the desalination plant on the Andarax delta (4.47–
saline spring in the Tabernas rambla (Lower Andarax) 4.76 mg l−1). 70% of all the samples analysed
and to samples taken in the Sorbas depression from exhibited concentrations of less than 1 mg/l. The re-
the Messinian gypsums. However, elevated concen- maining samples were taken from the Lower Andarax
trations are also found in the Lower Andarax detrital and from three borehole samples taken near Castell de
aquifer, and this may be related to agricultural practices, Ferro.
as may also be the case for water in the uppermost Broadly speaking for B and Cl (Fig. 5a), one can
aquifer unit of the Campo de Dalías (Balerma-Las distinguish two distinct origins of boron: one is sea-

Fig. 5 Plot of a Cl vs B
and b Cl vs B/Cl ratio
(in meq l−1). Key: Lower
Andarax (1: detrital aquifer,
2: deep aquifer 3: Alhamilla
spa, 4: spring in the
Tabernas rambla); Campo
de Dalías (5: Aguadulce, 6:
Balerma, 7: Balanegra);
Castell de Ferro (8) and
Sorbas gypsums (9)
74 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

water, which accounts for the most saline samples of potassium and relatively low calcium and sulphate
the Lower Andarax from the delta and Castell de concentrations. All these factors suggest that, in this
Ferro. The second origin is the sulphate waters or case, the boron does not derive solely from evapo-
unidentified anthropic sources (agriculture, wastewater rites, but that its mobilisation is favoured by the high
re-use?). Figure 5b shows this multiple origin and water temperature (34.8°C, measured in the only
reveals that, except for samples affected by marine borehole that taps this aquifer).
influence, there is enrichment in boron with respect to The saline spring in the R. Tabernas is the most
chloride, and that this occurs differentially in each of sulphate-rich of all the non-marine samples. Its high
the aquifers considered, leads to the idea that the boron boron concentration (5.4 mg l−1) indicates that the
may result from a number of different mechanisms. strata drained by this spring are, at least locally,
Some of the sampling points in the detrital aquifer boron-enriched. The other points in the Lower
of the Lower Andarax have a SO4/Cl ratio that is Andarax give a lower B/SO4 ratio (Table 1) and,
lower than the Sorbas gypsums (Table 1), while the B therefore, the possibility that boron is implicated in
and B/Cl ratios are higher. This suggests that the the adsorption process cannot be rejected, since these
boron here is directly related to the Cl content. These sampling points are located in Pliocene delta deposits
points are found over the Pliocene marine deposits that contain some more lutitic layers.
that form the distal facies of the river Andarax delta, The relationship between calcium and boron
and this would explain why Cl and B are higher than (Fig. 6b) reveals some interesting aspects. The boron
in the Messinian gypsums around Sorbas. In addition, also seems to be related to the calcium ion, except
some of the sampling points register slightly elevated in the saline Tabernas spring and the deep Andarax
temperature, which would favour the mobilisation of aquifer. This could be a result of differential enrich-
B (Oi et al. 1996; Vengosh et al. 2002). ment of boron with respect to calcium and magnesium,
No close relationship between boron and sulphate which could be involved in precipitation of calcite and
can be detected from Fig. 6a, but rather, each aquifer dolomite. In the Tabernas spring the water is super-
shows its own distinct trend. This suggests either the saturated in both species (SIdol and SIcal, 2.20 and 1.11,
boron has a different origin or that mechanisms dif- respectively; Table 1); while in the deep aquifer it is in
ferentially affect its concentration, such as the effect equilibrium with both these minerals. The most saline
of water temperature on boron mobilization. It is in- samples – in which the boron has a basically ma-
teresting to note that the boron concentration in the rine origin – have elevated calcium concentrations
deep aquifer of Lower Andarax is 4.76 mg l−1, while compared to the line of FW–SW (where the least
the B/Cl ratio is very high (0.06). This boron is saline sample analysed is taken to be fresh water).
accompanied by high concentrations of strontium and This is probably a result of reverse ion exchange, which

Fig. 6 Plot of a SO4 vs B

and b Ca vs B (in meq l−1).
Key: Lower Andarax
(1: detrital aquifer, 2: deep
aquifer 3: Alhamilla spa,
4: spring in the Tabernas
rambla); Campo de Dalías
(5: Aguadulce, 6: Balerma,
7: Balanegra); Castell de
Ferro (8) and Sorbas
gypsums (9)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80 75

has been noted in both the Andarax Delta (Sánchez- er ratio for some fairly fresh waters near the coast
Martos 1997) and the Castell de Ferro aquifer (Pulido- could be due to the effect of marine aerosols (Duce
Leboeuf 2004). and Hoffman 1976). However, such differential frac-
tionation and enrichment of bromide could not be
4.3 Other Ions appreciable (Custodio and Herrera 2000) and it could
be possible that infiltration water passes through soil
Seawater contains an average of 67 mg l−1 bromide, horizons that are rich in organic matter within which
while fresh water contains very low concentrations. Br is found (Gerritse and George 1988).
The bromide–chloride ratio can be used to identify In samples of waters unassociated with marine
fresh water – seawater mixing (Morell et al. 1986), to intrusion the Cl/Br ratio is normally greater, and this
study brines (Hsissou et al. 1999) and to identify could be due to the dissolution of evaporites that are
evaporitic inputs; it can also be used in fresh waters to relatively rich in halites, such as in the case of Sorbas
classify waters according to their origin (Custodio and and the deep Andarax aquifer (Cl/Br=2,000–4,500).
Herrera 2000). This is because seawater is the only Sampling points in the detrital Andarax aquifer away
significant source of bromide and because bromide from the delta also give high ratios (1,600–1,800),
behaves as a conservative ion; moreover, neither the and this is probably due to the dissolution of eva-
dissolution of halites during the formation of saline porites in which halites may be present, since they
waters and brines, nor its precipitation during evap- come from marine Pliocene deposits. Along the coast-
oration, include the bromide ion, which therefore ac- al fringe of the delta the ratio is low (400–700) and
cumulates in the residual brine (Sanders 1991; Richter close to the value for seawater, this is due to recent
and Kreitler 1993). marine influence.
The Cl/Br ratio in seawater is in the order of 650 Figure 7 shows the sample from Alhamilla spa to
(Davis et al. 2001). In Fig. 7, one can see that the have a very high ratio of 6,230, which is because
saline samples approximate to this value quite well, the water has a sodium chloride facies and contains
which indicates the marine origin of both ions in the very little Br. Likewise, the Castell de Ferro samples
Castell de Ferro and Lower Andarax aquifers. A low- have a much higher Cl/Br ratio than other samples
from the same area. This is because the sample is
not influenced by the sea and has a very low Br
Figure 8 shows the relationship between chloride
and strontium. The most saline samples from the
detrital aquifer of the Lower Andarax give a ratio in
keeping with fresh water–saltwater mixing (in seawa-
ter, Sr=8 mg l−1 =0.1826 mmol l−1), with a range of
between 2 and 5 mg l−1 in the Lower Andarax. In the
Castell de Ferro aquifer, the alignment of points is
similar, though the range of concentration of Sr is 0.3
to 4.1 mg l−1. The elevated concentrations in the
Lower Andarax waters seem to be directly related to
inputs of Sr from evaporite deposits, which are also
the source of the high sulphate concentrations. The
presence of strontium in evaporites is well known,
both as a trace element in solution and as celestine
(SrSO4), which may be precipitated along with the
sulphate. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that
Fig. 7 Plot of Cl vs Cl/Br (in meq l−1). Key: Lower Andarax the highly sulphated samples come from the gypsum
(1: detrital aquifer, 2: deep aquifer, 3: Alhamilla spa, 4: spring
in the Tabernas rambla); Campo de Dalías (5: Aguadulce, 6:
aquifer in Sorbas and that the Balerma–Las Marinas
Balerma, 7: Balanegra); Castell de Ferro (8) and Sorbas aquifer in the Campo de Dalías yields the highest
gypsums (9) strontium concentration (between 8 and 13 mg l−1).
76 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

4.4 Boron Isotope Ratio

The B/Cl ratio of waters furthest from the sea in the

detrital aquifer of the Lower Andarax ranges from
0.006 to 0.01 (B/Cl in seawater=0.0022; see Table 1),
while the value of δ11B varies from −11.3 to 44.7‰
(Fig. 10, Table 1). The highest B/Cl ratios and the
lowest δ11B correspond to the presence of silty–clays,
which favour “desorption”, where 10B is preferential-
ly given up, leading to a fall in δ11B (Vengosh et al.
1991a, Barth 2000; Williams et al. 2001). In the other
samples from the detrital Andarax aquifer, δ11B is
lower and may even be negative. Higher temper-
atures are registered at these points because of a
significant geothermal anomaly, close to the Sierra
Alhamilla Spa.
Along the coast of the Andarax delta, the influence
Fig. 8 Plot of Cl vs Sr (in meq l−1). Two lines are shown
of marine intrusion is clear and both the B/Cl ratio
representing the fit of the data in the areas of Castell de Ferro
(discontinuous line) and detrital aquifer in the Lower Andarax and the isotope ratio are close to that of seawater
(solid line). Key: Lower Andarax (1: detrital aquifer, 2: deep (Fig. 10b). Samples 8 and 11, which correspond to
aquifer, 3: Alhamilla spa, 4: spring in the Tabernas rambla); seawater taken from piezometers below the fresh
Campo de Dalías (5: Aguadulce, 6: Balerma, 7: Balanegra);
water – seawater interface, yield δ11B in the order
Castell de Ferro (8) and Sorbas gypsums (9)
of 35–37‰, which are close to that of seawater
The carbonate rocks can also be a significant source (δ11B +39‰; see Table 1). Samples taken from
of strontium, since this element can be incorporated piezometers 10 and 13, which are mixed with fresh
into the carbonates, mainly as aragonite. The concen- water in small proportions, give values of 42 to 44‰.
tration of Sr in aragonite is in the order of 8,000–
1,000 mg l−1, whilst in calcite it is 280–700 mg l−1
and in dolomites, 100–300 mg l−1 (Arad et al. 1986).
The incongruent dissolution of aragonite and the sub-
sequent precipitation of calcite in which Sr does not
tend to replace Ca in the matrix, means that the con-
centration of Sr in solution increases (Plummer et al.
1978). In fact, the elevated Sr/Ca ratio is attributable
to advanced states of calcite precipitation and may
be used as an indicator of residence time. In turn,
secondary dolomitisation leads to differential enrich-
ment in Sr (Kastner et al. 1990).
Water samples from the Balanegra carbonate aqui-
fer, in the Campo de Dalías, yield the highest Sr/Ca
ratios (Fig. 9), and this may be due to a superposition
of incongruent aragonite dissolution and calcite and/
or dolomite precipitation, mentioned above, favoured
by a long residence time (Molina et al. 2002). All the
samples are saturated in calcite and dolomite, with the
highest saturation values being SIcal =0.75 and SIdol = Fig. 9 Plot of SO4 vs Sr/Ca (in meq l−1). Key: Lower Andarax
(1: detrital aquifer, 2: deep aquifer 3: Alhamilla spa, 4: spring in
1.7, respectively. The elevated temperatures (between
the Tabernas rambla); Campo de Dalías (5: Aguadulce, 6:
32 and 38°C at these points) also favours these Balerma, 7: Balanegra); Castell de Ferro (8) and Sorbas
processes. gypsums (9)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80 77
Fig. 10 Plot of a Cl vs.
δ11B (‰) and b B/Cl vs.
δ11B (‰). Two lines are
shown representing the fit
of the data in the areas
of Castell de Ferro
(discontinuous line) and
detrital aquifer in the Lower
Andarax (solid line). Key:
Lower Andarax (1: detrital
aquifer, 2: deep aquifer 3:
Alhamilla spa, 4: spring in
the Tabernas rambla); Cam-
po de Dalías (5: Aguadulce,
6: Balerma, 7: Balanegra);
Castell de Ferro (8) and
Sorbas gypsums (9)

This indicates differential enrichment has taken place for an aquifer consisting of gypsums of marine origin.
due to the adsorption of boron into the aquifer matrix The lowest values of δ11B point to the existence of a
and the consequent fall in the B/Cl ratio (0.0014– further process that decreases δ11B, probably related
0.0019). The process is not evident in sample 7, to adsorption in clayey intercalations present in the
perhaps due its proximity to the coast and the short gypsum (Pennisi et al. 2006a, b).
trajectory of the mixing water. In the piezometers In the aquifer of Castell de Ferro the boron comes
with the least saline water (9 and 12), δ11B falls almost exclusively from a marine source and, in fact, the
between +11 and +26‰, and the B/Cl ratio (0.0031– B/Cl ratio is very similar to that of seawater. The δ11B
0.0098) is higher than that of seawater (0.0022). This falls between +33.4 and +40.2‰, including the diluted
is also explained by the influence of lutites that favour mixing waters, where the values can even slightly ex-
“desorption”, and act to decrease δ11B and increase ceed that of seawater. This could be due to adsorption
the B/Cl ratio. The influence of mixing with waste- of boron in the clayey matrix of the aquifer. The only
waters can also be added to the list: these are used for sample not influenced by seawater yielded a δ11B
irrigation throughout the delta and their δ11B is lower. of +14.6‰. This may indicate contamination of the
The saline spring in the Tabernas rambla gives a groundwater due to wastewaters seepage that have a
B/Cl ratio of 0.025, with elevated Cl and SO4 con- high B/Cl ratio and a possible anthropogenic isotopic
centrations. The value of δ11B (+10.8‰) is quite low indicator, which reduces the δ11B (Vengosh et al.
considering the spring’s association with marine evap- 1994a; Leenhouts et al. 1998).
orites. It is believed that mobilisation of boron fixed In the Campo of Dalías a wide range of values of
in the abundant clay of the Miocene sediments leads δ11B is recorded. In the Aguadulce unit, δ11B falls
to an increase in the B/Cl ratio and a fall in δ11B. between −0.4 and +7.4‰, suggesting a non-marine
The waters of Sierra Alhamilla Spa and Deep origin – the waters here come from carbonate rocks.
Aquifer of Lower Andarax yield elevated B/Cl ratios Contamination by wastewater is not suspected in this
of 0.011 and 0.056, respectively and negative δ11B case because the boron concentrations are very low
of −8.1 and −16.7‰, both in sharp contrast to other (0.01 a 0.03 meq l−1). In the Balerma-Las Marinas
sampling points. These data support the hypothesis unit δ11B ranges between +25.6 and +31.6‰. This
that the boron does not originate solely from the ma- unit seems to be affected by mobilization of synsedi-
rine evaporites, but is probably due to mobilization of mentary marine brines that saturate the basal aquifer
boron favoured by the elevated temperatures, which and have been remobilised by the intensive pumping.
cause the values of δ11B to decrease (Oi et al. 1996; A hypothesis of present-day marine intrusion in not
Vengosh et al. 2002). consistent since there is no land–sea gradient inversion,
The isotope ratio for samples taken from the Sorbas nor is there hydraulic continuity between the Pliocene
depression (+17.5 to +34‰) are lower than expected calcarenites and the sea. In the Balanegra unit there is a
78 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80

wider range of variation (+8.2 a 36.1‰). The boron Martos 1997). Here, it is clear that the origin of boron
here may be a result of inputs from the carbonate strata must be linked to sulphate inputs (SO4/Cl exceeds 1)
itself, facilitated by the high base temperatures. from the Miocene gypsum deposits, represented by the
spring in the Rambla of Tabernas (5.4 mg l−1 of B).
In the gypsum aquifer of Sorbas, boron concentra-
tion is appreciably lower (between 0.1 and 0.4 mg l−1),
5 Conclusions while strontium concentration is between 2.7 and
12.5 mg l−1. Given that boron solubility is directly
The δ11B provides a solid discriminatory tool of the related to temperature, these differences could be
hydrogeochemical processes at work in complex because the thermalism in the deep system of the
coastal aquifers. The efficiency of this tool markedly Andarax (34.8°C in the deep aquifer and 51.5°C in
increases when it is used alongside other major Sierra Alhamilla) favours boron mobilization, even
components (chlorides, sulphates, sodium, calcium, from the associated metapelitic deposits, while in the
magnesium or their interrelationships) and minor con- Sorbas gypsums (mean temperature of 20°C) this
stituents (bromides and strontium, for example). effect is more limited. In any case, the boron isotope
Nevertheless, to interpret it properly, various factors ratio in the Sorbas gypsums is +17.5 a +33.8‰.
need to be considered. In coastal areas, the presence In the Campo de Dalías, the part of the Aguadulce
of clayey deposits is significant, and these affect unit considered in this study corresponds to an area
the fractionation of B isotopes due to adsorption– unaffected by salinisation, as demonstrated by the
desorption. This can change the value of δ11B in very low chloride concentrations (<6 meq l−1), bo-
either direction, depending on which process is pre- ron (0.01–0.03 meq l−1) and strontium (0.008–
dominant. The presence of wastewaters can also be 0.017 meq l−1), a Cl/Br ratio of more than 1000
significant and these always reduce the values of and a SO4/Cl ratio of up to 0.6. The boron isotope
δ11B. The influence of geothermal anomalies can also ratio is between −0.4 and +7.4‰, which suggests
bring about a decrease in δ11B, though their effect in that the boron is due to impurities in the Gádor car-
coastal areas tends to be limited. bonates. The Balanegra unit exhibits moderate ther-
Br concentration and SO4/Cl and Cl/Br ratios are malism and an elevated Sr/Ca ratio (up to 0.02) that
shown to be good indicators of intrusion in the Castell could indicate a long residence time. The SO4/Cl
de Ferro aquifer and in the Andarax delta, where their ratio (0.05–0.2) and the B concentration (0.15–0.38)
values are close to that of seawater (0.1 and 655, are relatively low, while values of δ11B are clearly
respectively) for the most saline samples. Likewise, higher (8.2–+36.14‰) than in the Aguadulce unit.
the boron isotope ratio (δ11B) is in the order of + 37 This supports the hypothesis that the boron comes
a +39‰, close to the value for seawater. In the mixing from the carbonate rocks themselves. The difference
waters containing a high proportion of seawater, the in the boron isotope content between these two units
ratio is higher (+44.7‰ in Andarax and +40.2‰ in must be caused by the different composition of the
Castell de Ferro), which is probably due to boron ad- carbonate rocks (the calcoschists intercalations are
sorption, though the concentration of boron is slightly more abundant in the Balanegra unit), as well as
less than that of seawater. through the influence of temperature, all linked to
The isotope ratio in the inland part of the detrital the longer residence time of the groundwater in this
Andarax aquifer is unaffected by marine intrusion, unit. Datings undertaken in both units identify rapid
and takes values of between −11.3 and +14.6‰. The preferential flows in the Aguadulce unit (Molina et
negative values could be the result of a thermal al. 2002). In the calcodetrital aquifer of the Balerma-
influence, since the deep Andarax aquifer (−16.7‰) Las Marinas unit, a historic marine influence can be
and the thermal spring at Alhamilla spa (−8.1‰) give appreciated, giving rise to chloride concentrations of
negative values. In addition, at some points in the around 14–26 meq l−1 and Cl/Br ratio of 550–650.
detrital aquifer the δ11B is close to zero and their The SO4/Cl ratio of 0.4–0.5, much higher than that
temperature is slightly elevated (24.6°C). These points of seawater (0.1); boron and strontium are also
are in a zone where there is a significant thermal anom- relatively high in concentration (0.5–0.8 mg l−1 and
aly, probably due to the intense fracturing (Sánchez 2.2–11–6 mg l−1, respectively).
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 187:65–80 79

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