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BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.


ARTICLE Serotonin syndrome: a spectrum

of toxicity
Rabia Ellahi

Rabia Ellahi is an ST6 in vary­ing degrees of severity. Less severe presentations

general adult psychiatry at SUMMARY
of the syndrome may remain undiagnosed, with
Ailsa Hospital, Ayr, Scotland. Serotonin syndrome (serotonin toxicit y or
Correspondence Dr Rabia Ellahi, symptoms such as anxiety, confusion, rest­lessness,
serotonin toxidrome) is a potentially serious and
Ailsa Hospital, Ayr KA6 6AB, UK. headache, insomnia, agitation and hypomanic
theoretically predictable reaction that appears to
behaviour perhaps being attributed to the mental
be rarely diagnosed in practice in the UK. Some
symptoms of serotonin syndrome overlap with illness under treatment or misdiagnosed.
features of other presentations in psychiatry
and thus may be misattributed to mental illness Serotonin syndrome: a brief history
(‘diagnostic overshadowing’). Further, there One of the earliest descriptions of the syndrome
may be diagnostic dilemmas in patients on emanates from 1955 and is that of a 60-year-old
combinations of drugs, those receiving drugs physician with pulmonary tuberculosis treated
with previously unknown serotonergic properties
with iproniazid; after receiving 100 mg of pethidine
or where there are drug interactions. Prescriber
he displayed symptoms of acute onset consistent
vigilance and holistic review of the patient,
including the pharmacotherapy, may be helpful with serotonin toxicity (Shee 1960). Several other
in avoiding progression of serotonin syndrome to reports followed, but another 5 years elapsed
more serious outcomes. before the development of the hypothesis that these
symptoms resulted from excess serotonin. It was
much later, in the early 1980s, that the syndrome
• Raised awareness of serotonin syndrome, its was set in its modern day context. An animal model
clinical presentation and diagnostic criteria
of serotonin syndrome, with some differences, has
• Recognise multiple pathways that may contribute also been described and generally confirms the role
to the development of serotonin syndrome, with of 5-HT2A receptors in the development of raised
particular emphasis on the importance of the
temperature and rigidity (Jacobs 1974).
cytochrome P450 enzyme system
Sternbach (1991), after closer analysis of 12 out
• Increased understanding of the importance of of 38 published cases of symptoms in humans,
early management in preventing progression to
defined this condition as ‘serotonin syndrome’.
more toxic states
However, he concluded that:
DECLARATION OF INTEREST ‘Further work is needed to establish the diagnostic
None criteria, incidence, and predisposing factors, to
identify the role of 5-HT antagonists in treatment,
and to differentiate the syndrome from neuroleptic
malignant syndrome’.
Serotonin syndrome, variously described as
serotonin toxicity or serotonin toxidrome, is often Sternbach’s criteria (Box 1) suggested that, in
an iatrogenic adverse drug reaction. In this article the presence of a known serotonergic agent, three
serotonin syndrome refers to the broad spectrum or more out of ten symptoms should be present
of clinical presentations in humans secondary to a to merit the diagnosis, that alternative possible
relative or absolute increase in serotonin levels in causes be excluded and that no recent increase
the central and peripheral nervous system. or addition of a psychotropic agent has occurred.
A study based in general practice reported the These criteria have not been specifically validated,
incidence of serotonin syndrome at 0.5–0.9 cases and indeed controversy continues regarding the
per 1000 patient-months of treatment. This is likely wording of the requirements, not least from the
to be an underestimate as it pertains to patients point of fulfilling even the first criterion, i.e. the
on monotherapy with selective serotonin reuptake precise definition of ‘a known serotonergic agent’.
inhibitors (SSRIs); this rises to 15% where over­ Hegerl et al (1998) subsequently modified
dose with serotonergic medication has occurred Sternbach’s criteria on the basis of the observed
(Isbister 2007). Serotonin syndrome can present as correlation between adverse effects and paroxetine
a spectrum of different symptoms and signs and in dose, and developed the Serotonin Syndrome

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Serotonin syndrome: a spectrum of toxicity

derived from dietary tryptophan. Serotonin was

BOX 1 Sternbach’s criteria for serotonin discovered in 1948 and it received its name from
its apparent property of being a vasoconstriction-
Sternbach’s criteria stipulate that three conditions must inducing constituent of serum. Serotonin has a role
be met: in many body processes, including the regulation
1 there should have been a recent addition or increase in of mood and other emotional behaviours as well
a ‘known’ serotonergic agent as pain perception, aggression, vomiting, the sleep
2 there should not have been a recent addition or cycle, appetite, haemostasis, sexual function and
increase in a ‘neuroleptic’ (antipsychotic) agent body temperature control.
3 possible alternative causes such as infection, The serotonin receptor and its many subtypes is
substance misuse or withdrawal and metabolic upset the most prolific of all neuroreceptors in the human
should be excluded. body. At least seven families of serotonin receptor
In addition, three or more of the ten symptoms listed (5-HT1–7) have been identified, most of which
below must be present: have several further subtypes. Serotonin does not
• Mental status changes cross the blood–brain barrier and only about 1 mg
• Pyrexia of serotonin is produced in the central nervous
system (CNS). Metabolism proceeds mainly in
• Myoclonus
the liver via monoamine oxidase enzymes; the
• Hyperreflexia main end product, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
• Incoordination (5-HIAA), is excreted via the kidneys.
• Agitation Predominantly used in the treatment of
• Diaphoresis depression, SSRIs are also used to treat seemingly
• Tremor diverse conditions such as eating disorders, neuro­
pathic pain, sexual behaviour, sleep, aggression
• Shivering
and anxiety disorders (Lee 2010). An interplay of
• Diarrhoea over- and underactivity of various 5-HT receptor
(Adapted from Sternbach 1991) subtypes, including 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C,
as well as other neurotransmitter systems, notably
the noradrenergic and glutamatergic, are thought
Scale, which they described as a scale ‘for the to be involved (Monte 2010).
operationalized assessment of both the presence
and the severity of the core symptoms of the Serotonin syndrome and the role of
serotonin syndrome’. cytochrome P450 enzymes
Radomski et al (1999), following the detailed Many drugs, including SSRIs, can precipitate
review of a further 24 cases reported in the medical serotonin syndrome either directly or indirectly
literature from 1991 to 1995, proposed a severity- via their action on the cytochrome P450 (CYP)
based classification for serotonin syndrome into enzyme system (Box 3). CYP is a large family
mild, full-blown and toxic states. of oxidative enzymes located in the endoplasmic
The Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria (HSTC)
(Dunkley 2003) were based on an Australian study
of 473 patients who had taken an overdose of BOX 2 The Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria
SSRIs and had been referred to the Hunter Area
Requirement – in the presence of a serotonergic agent:
Toxicology Service between 1987 and 2002. The
authors concluded that the presence of at least five 1 clonus (inducible, spontaneous or ocular) is the
symptoms was sufficient for a clinical toxicologist cardinal sign
to diagnose serotonin toxicity. The authors’ 2 agitation
observation of associated pyrexia and hypertonicity 3 diaphoresis
among the more severe cases led to an algorithm 4 tremor
combining seven features (Box 2). The HSTC are 5 hyperreflexia
said to be the most sensitive, specific and easy-to-
6 rigidity
use decision rules currently available for serotonin
syndrome (Haddad 2008; Monte 2010). 7 body temperature greater than 38ºC
Items 6 and 7 were derived from their frequent presence
Serotonin in severe and toxic serotonin syndrome

Serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, (Adapted from Dunkley 2003)

C10H12N2O), is a monoamine neurotransmitter

BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037 325

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CYP enzymes may be involved in the metabolism

BOX 3 Drugs associated with serotonin toxicity, by mode of action of the prodrug, the parent compound or the (active)
metabolites of the drug (Lynch 2007). Additional
Precursors of excess serotonin or irreversible: tranylcypromine, phenelzine
considerations include genetic polymorphisms
serotonin agonists Linezolid, selegiline, St John’s wort
of the neurotransmitter transporters and of
Buspirone, L-tryptophan, L-dopa, trazodone
Drugs that increase the release of their receptors.
Reduced reuptake of serotonin serotonin
Tricyclic antidepressants, especially Amphetamine, cocaine, fenfluramine, Serotonin syndrome and foods
clomipramine, imipramine methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxy-
Grapefruit juice
Amphetamines, cocaine methamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy),
methylphenidate, pethidine, reserpine, Grapefruit juice is of particular relevance, as many
Serotonin–noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors medications may be taken with it at breakfast.
(SNRIs), especially venlafaxine
Grapefruit, and at lower concentration essential
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Others
citrus oils, contain bergamottin, a furanocoumarin.
(SSRIs) Buspirone, carbamazepine, lithium,
Furanocoumarins are a group of plant-produced
Trazodone methylene blue
chemicals that are toxic to insects and/or fungi.
St John’s wort, tramadol Phenylpiperidine opioids: dextromethorphan, Bergamottin has a prominent inhibitory effect on
fentanyl, methadone, pethidine, tramadol
intestinal CYP3A4 enzyme. CYP3A4 constitutes
Reduced breakdown of serotonin Novel psychoactive substances 70% of the CYP present in the epithelial cells of
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs):
(Adapted from Haddad 2008; Buckley 2014) the small intestine and 30% of the CYP present in
reversible: moclobemide the liver. A single glass of grapefruit juice (200 ml),
reduces the activity of intestinal CYP3A4 by up
to a half within 4 h. Further, this inhibitory effect
reticulum of cells. The highest densities of these continues into the next day, with almost a third of
enzymes occur in the liver, but they are also found the reduced activity still evident; it can take up to
in the small intestine wall, kidneys, placenta, brain 3 days to subside.
and lungs. The importance of the CYP enzyme It has been suggested that grapefruit juice also
system lies in its role not only in the production, inhibits an intestinal P-glycoprotein pump which
but also in the breakdown, of steroids, cholesterol, transports many of the CYP3A4 substrates,
vitamins and prostacyclins, and in the metabolism notably drugs, from the enterocytes back into
of food and medications – notably antidepressants, the gut lumen. This results in reduced first-
opioids and antipsychotics, among others. pass metabolism and, consequently, increased
Over 50 CYP enzymes are known. Of these, bioavailability of several drugs. Sertraline is
only half a dozen appear to be involved in the predominantly metabolised by CYP3A4, and a
metabolism of 90% of drugs. Each CYP is encoded 50% increase in bioavailability has been reported
by a particular gene, one half of the gene pair when it is consumed along with grapefruit juice; the
originating from each of the biological parents. degree of inhibition, however, is subject to inter-
The pattern of inheritance and gene expression, individual variability (Lee 1999). Where there
deletion or aberration results in genetically based is liver damage, for instance in alcohol misuse,
inter-individual and interracial variations in the there is an added reduction in the hepatocyte CYP
effective activity of CYP isoenzymes. This genetic contribution; this effect may then become even
polymorphism is hypothesised to be one of the key more pronounced (Kiani 2007).
mechanisms accounting for a range of drug effects.
Around one in ten ‘Caucasians’ (White/ Caffeine
European people) is thought to have reduced Caffeine is a ubiquitous constituent of many foods
activity of the CYP2D6 isoenzymes (Park 2014), and drinks and its consumption is often higher in
which alone are thought to be involved in the people with mental illnesses. Caffeine affects the
metabolism of 25% of marketed drugs, including release of catecholamines, and is known to improve
antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, anti- mood, but it may worsen psychosis. Some people
emetics and anti­a rrhythmics (Zhou 2009). The with depression may also be more sensitive to the
required thera­p eutic dose of half of the anti­ effects of caffeine, and experience a worsening of
depressants in use is believed to be closely related anxiety and agitation (Cauli 2005).
to the individual’s CYP2D6 genotype; non-response Caffeine is mainly metabolised via CYP1A2;
has been suggested to result from possessing fluvoxamine, which is a potent inhibitor of
multiple copies of the CYP2D6 coding gene. A this enzyme, can reduce caffeine clearance by
drug or substrate may be metabolised by more up to 80% and potentially precipitate caffeine
than one CYP iso­enzyme (Park 2014). Different toxicity. Caffeine itself can also inhibit CYP1A2;

326 BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037

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Serotonin syndrome: a spectrum of toxicity

theoretically, it may increase available levels serotonin syndrome (Gillman 2010b; Monte 2010;
of other, serotonergic, drugs metabolised by Cooper 2013).
CYP1A2, notably tricyclic antidepressants Severe serotonin toxicity can have a rapid onset
(Gillman 2010a). Herraiz & Chapparo (2006) and deterioration; death can ensue within 24 h.
state that the constituents of prepared coffee This may be alarming not only for the observer
demonstrate (reversible) inhibitory effects on both but also for the patient, who often remains alert in
monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) and monoamine the early stages (Gillman 2005). Symptoms may
oxidase B (MAO-B) both of these enzymes in the be noted from 2 h and most present within 6–8 h
mitochondrial outer membrane are crucial in the of addition/ingestion of the relevant substance
oxidative catabolism of various neurotransmitters, (Ener 2003; Haddad 2008). Chronic, less dramatic
the former being more specifically involved in the presentations have been described where the only
inactivation of serotonin. Consumption of large symptom is anxiety, restlessness or diarrhoea,
amounts of caffeine in tandem with the ingestion thus perhaps escaping recognition. In some cases
of serotonergic medications, particularly anti­ symptoms may be misattributed to deterioration
depressants, may contribute to the development in mental state, with the risk of increasing or
of serotonin syndrome in susceptible patients additional medication (Ener 2003).
(Shioda 2004).
Serotonin syndrome: mechanism
Presynaptic neurons in the raphe nuclei, largely
Other important CYP enzyme interactions with
restricted to the basal plate of the pons and
serotonergic medications include St John’s wort
medulla, synthesise and release serotonin. The
(Hypericum perforatum ), which inhibits CYP3A4
serotonin transporter (SERT) located on these
and also contains constituents inhibiting several
cells plays a major role in reabsorption of much
other enzymes (CYP1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6), cigarette
of this; some of this intrasynaptic serotonin also
smoke (CYP1A2) and alcohol, especially red wine
binds to autoreceptors, triggering a negative
(CYP2E1). Some of these substances interact with
feedback loop, thus modulating its own release.
each other; for example, cigarette smoke induces
Serotonergic medications through different
metabolism of caffeine (Zhou 2004).
mechanisms act on various steps of this process:
SSRIs block the action of SERT, thereby increasing
Presentation the available serotonin in the synaptic space by
Patients in mental health services are often limiting the recycling process. Increased serotonin
treated with combinations of antidepressants and neurotransmission results, mainly at postsynaptic
antipsychotics; the antagonistic role of olanzapine 5-HT1A and 5-HT 2A receptors; currently both
and risperidone at 5-HT2A receptors and the partial these subtypes, as well as peripheral and central
agonism of many atypical antipsychotics at 5-HT1A serotonin, are implicated in the wide range of
receptors is often disregarded. Further, it has symptoms and signs in serotonin syndrome
been suggested that some people with psychiatric (Haddad 2008).
illness, especially those with schizophrenia, have There appears to be a sequential stimulatory
abnormal thermoregulation, which includes an effect in the presence of excess serotonin, which
elevated baseline temperature (Chang 2004). In corresponds roughly to the spectrum of increasing
susceptible individuals, serotonin syndrome may toxicity. This may be observed clinically when
be precipitated when serotonin levels at specific the more abundant 5-HT1A receptors are
synapses in the CNS are multiplied manifold. stimulated at lower levels, accounting for some
In practice, serotonin syndrome usually results of the less severe symptoms, including, initially,
from drug interactions, classically secondary hy pother mia. Overstimulation of 5-HT 2A
to the combined overdose of an SSRI with an receptors occurs at much higher serotonin
(irreversible) monoamine oxidase inhibitor concentrations; this subtype is now generally
(MAOI), which in around 50% of cases is believed considered to be the mediator of the more severe,
to result in severe serotonin syndrome. Moderate toxic aspects of serotonin syndrome, with marked
serotonin toxicity has been noted in 15% of people pyrexia and neuromuscular hyperactivity. Not
who took large quantities of SSRIs in overdoses only is there a complex interplay between these
(Buckley 2014). It can also occur where the drugs two receptors, but also very high serotonin
used have previously unrecognised serotonergic levels potentiate glutamatergic, noradrenergic
properties. Among others, anticonvulsants, and dopaminergic pathways, with progression
anti-emetics, antimicrobials, anti-migraine and to extreme toxic states; such toxicity may be
recreational drugs have been associated with precipitated subsequent to the ingestion of

BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037 327

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cocaine or 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine Serotonin syndrome should be considered when

(MDMA, ecstasy) (Haddad 2008). any patient presents with a combination of
There is support for the theory that a particular suggestive clinical features. In practice it can be
concentration of serotonin is a prerequisite for the difficult to identify clonus and hyperreflexia in
development of serotonin syndrome. However, severely toxic cases with progression to rigidity.
there is considerable inter-individual variation It may be simpler to consider the symptoms
and this variability has its basis in genetic factors, under three group headings:
which include polymorphisms of CYP2D6 , SERT
a. The term ocular clonus covers •• neuromuscular: tremor, ocular clonus,a myo­
abnormal involuntary ocular or the serotonin receptors themselves (Gillman
clonus, hyperreflexia, akathisia and muscular
movements of varying degrees and 2005; Fox 2007).
direction; if present, it is considered rigidity
to be a cardinal sign in serotonin •• autonomic: fever, flushed skin, tachycardia,
diaphoresis, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and
b. Hypomania is a recognised Diagnosis is clinical and associated with a history tachypnoea
consequence of the use of SSRIs for of current or recent ingestion of a serotonergic
depression in some patients.
•• mental state/CNS: agitation, insomnia, hypo­
drug(s). Measurement of serum serotonin levels mania,b hallucinations (visual), confusion and
c. Xenobiotics are chemicals or
compounds that are either foreign does not add to the diagnosis; psychotropic drugs seizures.
to or present in unusually large can accumulate in the brain in concentrations
quantities in a biological system. that are 10–40 times higher than in the serum. Differential diagnosis
Acute medical presentations with generalised Before diagnosing serotonin toxicity it is important
clonus (usually easier to elicit in the lower limbs) to consider neuroleptic (antipsychotic) malig­
associated with rising temperature should prompt nant syndrome (Table 1) and other alternative
careful scrutiny of the pharmacotherapy and the or even comorbid possible causes, such as
consumption of certain foods and supplements, infection, metabolic upset and substance misuse/
such as caffeine in its various forms, grapefruit juice withdrawal states. Additional factors that may
and over-the-counter medicines such as St John’s contribute to serotonin syndrome include dietary
wort. Other possible causes should be excluded. supplements, lithium ingestion, electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT), hepatic or renal diseases, genetic
TABLE 1 Comparison of clinical features of serotonin syndrome with those of
defects in xenobioticc metabolising enzymes, and
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
combinations of psychotropic medication with
Neuroleptic malignant inhibitors of their enzymes, for example an SSRI
Clinical features Serotonin syndrome syndrome with an MAOI.
Differentiating features Predictable adverse reaction Idiosyncratic adverse reaction
Serotonergic hyperfunction Dopaminergic hypofunction What to look for
Rapid onset, within 2–4 h Slower onset, over 5–7 days Higher risk of serotonin syndrome is associ­
(most within 24 h), with rapid Symptoms may fluctuate
deterioration in severe cases Slower resolution
ated with increasing age, increasing dose of
Rapid resolution Increased muscle tone seroton­e rgic agents and serotonergic agents in
Restlessness Bradykinesia combination with medications that have high
Clonus More common in men than in CYP2D6 inhibitory function. It is important to
Shivering women
exercise greater vigilance where patients present
Hyperreflexia May be history of exhaustion,
dehydration, etc. before onset with comorbid depressive symptoms and chronic
Early features Anxiety Hypersalivation
pain. Commonly prescribed medications, such as
Restlessness Diaphoresis antidepressants with tramadol, may interact, and
Tremor (hypothermia, then Incontinence at higher doses, tramadol is reported as being
pyrexia) Low-grade temperature rise able to both block reuptake and induce release
Increased borborygmi to >38°C
of serotonin (Park 2014). A higher incidence of
Diarrhoea Tremor
Tachycardia Bradykinesia serotonin syndrome has been reported in patients
Raised creatine kinase level Tachycardia who are undergoing haemodialysis for end-stage
Markedly raised creatine renal disease and who are taking SSRIS; this may
kinase level be due to decreased renal function (Chander 2011).
Later (more severe) features Clonus Labile blood pressure Although rare, transient serotonin syndrome has
Labile blood pressure Marked pyrexia
been reported following a single dose of ECT in at
Marked pyrexia Dysphagia
Truncal rigidity Mutism least one patient receiving paroxetine. One of the
Respiratory distress Catatonic features mechanisms proposed was that ECT had increased
Seizures Lead-pipe rigidity the permeability of the blood–brain barrier, thus
Multi-organ failure Altered consciousness facilitating accumulation of more toxic levels of
Sources: Ahuja 2009; Odagaki 2009; Steele 2011; Park 2014. the SSRI in the brain (Okamoto 2012). Morrish

328 BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037

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Serotonin syndrome: a spectrum of toxicity

(2014) describes presentations with fever, rigidity toxicity observed in serotonin syndrome (Gillman
and confusion in patients with Parkinson’s disease 2010a). Nevertheless, the FDA has maintained
treated with MAO-B inhibitors who were also its stance; there is general consensus that patient
being treated for depression. advice, caution and close monitoring are warranted
(Evans 2010).
Serotonin syndrome and non-prescribed drugs
The first-generation antihistamine clorphenamine Serotonin syndrome and interface with
is thought to display serotonin reuptake inhibiting other specialties
activity when ingested with dextro­methorphan, Serotonin syndrome has been reported peri­
such as in overdose of over-the-counter cough operatively as a result of serotonergic potentiation
med­ icines (Monte 2010). Recreational drugs, secondary to the coadministration of fentanyl
prominently MDMA/ecstasy, in creative combin­ during anaesthesia (Gillman 2005), to the use of
ations with amphetamines, cocaine and variously methylene blue dye during parathyroid surgery
obtained other drugs, such as attention-deficit (Gillman 2010b) and to the use of linezolid in
hyperactivity disorder medication, sildenafil and the treatment of severe infection (Shaikh 2011).
novel psychoactive substances (also known as ‘legal Linezolid is a synthetic oxazolidinone antibiotic
highs’), tend to be used by younger, relatively well with a half-life of 5 h; it was originally developed
educated and employed males, who thus may be at for use as an antidepressant owing to its reversible
increased risk of developing serotonin syndrome. non-selective MAO inhibitory properties. Its
Those who combine ecstasy with antidepressants coincidental antimicrobial properties led to
more often report potentially serious symptoms its further development and subsequent use in
such as muscle rigidity and nystagmus compared treating specific Gram-positive infections such
with those who use ecstasy alone (Copeland 2006). as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Several cases of serotonin syndrome following (MRSA) (Jones 2004). Serotonin syndrome has
combined overdose with ecstasy and unprescribed recently been described following rewarming in
moclobemide have been reported; in the more patients who had been treated with therapeutic
severe of these cases the person developed sudden hypothermia for cardiac arrest (Fugate 2014) and
onset of hypoxia associated with bronchospasm in a breastfed neonate whose mother had been
secondary to the rigidity of respiratory muscles taking 60 mg fluoxetine daily (Morris 2015).
(Silins 2007).
Management of serotonin syndrome
Serotonin syndrome and headache Treatment in mild to moderate cases consists of
Serotonin is thought to modulate headache via identifying and discontinuing the serotonergic
specific receptor subtypes; many serotonergic medication(s), whereupon resolution usually follows
medications have also been associated with within 1–3 days. There is currently no specific test
headache as a side-effect (Ferrari 2006). A recent to confirm the diagnosis of serotonin syndrome.
case series of four patients thought to have Non-specific abnormalities, including raised white
serotonin syndrome associated with fluoxetine, cell count, raised creatine kinase, and reduced
paroxetine and tramadol use reported headache magnesium, calcium and sodium levels, have been
as a prominent presenting feature (Prakash 2014). noted. However, monitoring of haematological and
Since 2006, the US Food and Drug Administra­ biochemical parameters, including a drug screen,
tion (FDA) has alerted healthcare professionals may be useful where the diagnosis is unclear and
of the ‘potential for life-threatening serotonin in the treatment of patients who exhibit severe
syndrome’ in patients taking serotonergic toxicity (Iqbal 2012). Maintain fluid balance,
medications (specifically SSRIs or serotonin– paying careful attention to urinary output and
noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors – SNRIs undertake regular observations of pulse, blood
– who are co-prescribed triptans for migraine pressure and temperature (Buckley 2014).
headaches (FDA 2006). However, the clinical An electrocardiogram (ECG) should be under­
evidence underpinning the FDA’s warning has taken, for example where tricyclic antidepressants
been questioned (Evans 2010). Further, triptans have been ingested; arrhythmias and postural
are selective agonists at 5-HT1B/1D/1F receptor hypo­tension may not be self-evident. Liver toxicity
subtypes, with a much weaker affinity at 1A may ensue either directly from large doses of
receptors and not thought to possess agonist lofepramine or as a secondary effect of the serotonin
activity at 2A receptors; there is thus also a view syndrome. An electroencephalogram may help
that triptans lack a plausible pharmacological in excluding non-convulsive epileptic states. Care
role in precipitating or contributing to the severe should be taken where slow-release preparations or

BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037 329

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benzodiazepines have been ingested: observation Further interventions include the antihistamine
times should be increased to 12 h or more in order cyproheptadine (an antagonist at both 5-HT1A
to monitor for a delay in emergent side-effects. This and 5-HT 2A receptors) and chlorpromazine, a
should not detract from managing the patient’s 5-HT2A antagonist which may require prior fluid
immediate presenting symptoms in the meantime. loading to prevent hypotension (Buckley 2014).
Measurement of urinary dopamine and serotonin Although both these drugs have recognised
metabolites has been proposed as a possible serotonin receptor antagonist properties, their
adjunct to clinical assessment. use has been described on a theoretical basis
In moderate to severe serotonin syndrome only and they remain unlicensed for this purpose.
individuals are likely to exhibit a degree of agitation Owing to the common symptom profile shared by
and this can be treated with oral diazepam. serotonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant
However, it is important not to underestimate syndrome, it may be prudent to confine the use
the possibility of rapid deterioration, especially of chlorpromazine to severe cases treated by
in situations where even low doses of both an experienced prescribers of the drug. There is a lack
MAOI and an SSRI have been taken together, and of supporting evidence for the use of propranolol or
input from the medical team should be sought. haloperidol in serotonin syndrome.
This should be done immediately if the patient Highly toxic states, where the body temperature
has consumed large quantities of drugs, if there rises to over 40°C, are associated with a risk of
is doubt about the quantity or type of medication multi­-organ failure and death; active cooling
ingested, if novel psychoactive substances have is imperative (Buckley 2014). It has been
been used, if combinations of medications have suggested that lowering of body temperature
been taken or if there is suicidal intent with an reduces functionality of the 5-HT 2A receptors
unknown quantity of medication. There may (Krishnamoorthy 2010), which may minimise
also be cardiotoxic effects, such as prolonged QT triggering of neurotoxic cascades (Fugate 2014).
interval, as in the case of overdose with citalopram. Rapid cooling may be achieved by covering the
Norfluoxetine has a half-life of about 17 days, body in ice packs in conjunction with the use of
while its parent compound fluoxetine has a half- cooled fluids for bladder and/or peritoneal lavage
life of about 7 days. Together, the two compounds and for intravenous administration. Disseminated
can precipitate serotonin syndrome several weeks intravascular coagulation, kidney failure, acidosis
after the last dose, especially if an irreversible and acute respiratory distress syndrome are
MAOI is subsequently prescribed. also possible secondary complications of severe
Drug screening should be undertaken and serotonin syndrome and intensive supportive care
early contact with toxicology services considered. is likely to be necessary.
Benzodiazepines may help with muscle rigidity/
hyperactivity, myoclonus, seizures and agitation.
Further management
Lorazepam or oxazepam have been suggested as
the most appropriate benzodiazepine, the rationale A detailed review of the patient’s prescribed drugs
being their shorter duration of action and lack of should be undertaken 1–2 weeks after the serotonin
active metabolites (Ahuja 2009). Diazepam use syndrome has resolved. Alternatives should be
has also been described (Buckley 2014). Prudence considered where possible. Some of the causative
is required in the use of benzodiazepines in medications may be individually retitrated,
elderly patients, who may develop delirium or beginning at lower doses. Most SSRIs have a
hypotension, especially where there is impaired half-life of 12–36 h and require a washout period
liver or kidney function. of 7–14 days before restarting. Where an MAOI
Common antipyretic drugs are not indicated was involved in the cause of serotonin syndrome,
in serotonin syndrome. Excess muscle activity serotonergic agents should not be restarted for at
contributes to the hyperthermia, so muscle least 14 days. Fluoxetine has active metabolites
paralysis may be required to curb this in extreme with a 5–7 day half-life, thereby requiring a 5-week
cases (Boyer 2005; Volpie-Abadie 2013). Avoid the washout period; serotonergic interactions may
use of restraint, as active resistance can contribute thus occur several weeks after its discontinuation.
to metabolic acidosis and lead to further rise in Patients should be monitored for increased
body temperature. Pyrexia of 38.5°C or higher, anxiety, agitation, tremor, pulse, blood pressure,
and/or markedly increased truncal rigidity may temperature, headache and reflexes. Care should
herald imminent respiratory distress: in such be exercised; recurrence of serotonin syndrome
cases senior medical advice should be sought following exposure to a different serotonergic drug
immediately, as rapid deterioration is likely to has been described in the presence of pre-existing
ensue (Dunkley 2003). liver disease (Tomaselli 2004).

330 BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037

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Serotonin syndrome: a spectrum of toxicity

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MCQ answers
The prognosis is good, especially where there has draft manuscript.
1d 2c 3b 4d 5a
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of the causal medication and rapid establishment References
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Acknowledgement Haddad PM, Dursun SM (2008) Neurological complications of psychiatric
drugs: clinical features and management. Human Psychopharmacology:
I wish to thank Dr Mark Hugson, consultant
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psychiatrist (retired), and Mr Paul Davies,
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MCQs 3 Caffeine is both metabolised by and an 5 Which treatment option has not been
Select the single best option for each question stem inhibitor of which CYP enzyme? found to be useful in the clinical
a CYP2D6 management of serotonin syndrome?
1 How many families of serotonin receptor
b CYP1A2 a antipyretic medication
subtype have been identified?
c CYP2C19 b discontinuation of serotonergic medication
a 3
d CYP2C9 c chlorpromazine
b 9
e CYP3A4. d benzodiazepines
c 2
e cyproheptadine.
d 7
e 5. 4 Which of the following was noted in
severely toxic presentations of serotonin
2 Which body organ contains the highest syndrome and added to the Hunter
density of the cytochrome P450 enzymes? criteria?
a lungs a tremor
b spleen b diaphoresis
c liver c hyperreflexia
d kidneys d rigidity
e brain. e agitation.

332 BJPsych Advances (2015), vol. 21, 324–332 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.114.013037

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