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Department Of Computer Science and Engineering

Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre

Subject:​ Elements of Engineering​ I Course: ​ENGT 111

Level: B.E./B.Sc 1​st​ Year/1​st​ Semester Credit Hours: 3

This course will accommodate the civil engineering foundations in the existing Basic Mechanical
Engineering taking advantage of commonalities in the topics shared by those courses Including
Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics. The topics covered by Basic Mechanical
Engineering will be restructured and made into three major topics instead of the existing five
topics. The additional topics will include the topics in basic civil engineering that will include
building materials, components and structure; and surveying.


Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials [9hr.]

Equivalent force systems: equilibrium, friction, cables, the centre of gravity. Velocity,
acceleration, momentum, Newton’s second law of motion, the moment law, work and energy,
rotation about a fixed axis. Concepts of stress, strain, stress-strain diagram, Hooke's law.

Building Materials, Components, and Structure

Civil Engineering Materials: Bricks, stones, sand, cement, concrete, steel sections.
Foundations: Types, bearing capacity. Requirements of good foundations. Superstructure:
Brick masonry, stone masonry, beams, columns, lintels, roofing, flooring, plastering.
Mechanics: Internal and external forces. Types of Bridges and Dams. Basics of Interior Design
and Landscaping.

Fundamental Definitions and Concepts, Chain Surveying, The compass leveling, Plane table
surveying, Theodolite, EDM & Total station, Contouring, GIS and remote sensing.

Thermal Engineering and Thermal Power Plants

Laws of thermodynamics, heat engines, gas power cycles – Otto, Diesel, Brayton, Rankine
cycles. Internal combustion engines. Vapour power cycles and thermal power plants.
Refrigeration and air conditioning.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery

Introductory concepts, fluid properties, fluid in motion, types of flows, continuity equation,
mass conservation equation, Bernoulli’s equation, boundary layer. Turbomachines, types of
hydro turbines, axial flow and centrifugal flow machines. Pumps.
Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre

Subject: Calculus and Linear Algebra Course: MATH – 101

Level: BE/B.Sc/1​st​ Year/1​st​ Semester Credit Hours: 3

The objectives of this course are just to provide enough mathematical facts to cope with a wide
variety of problems in Engineering and Science. The course demands explaining the fundamental
ideas and showing how they are applied in different other disciplines mentioned above.

The course in Calculus includes the following topics:

1. Increments [3]
● Average and instantaneous rates of change
● The slope of a curve y = f (x)
● Derivatives as the instantaneous rate of change
● Velocity and other rates of change

2. Limits and continuity [4]

● Properties of limits
● One sided limits, existence of limit at a given point
● Infinity as a limit
● Limits of exponential and logarithmic functions
● Types of discontinuity

3. Differentiation [5]
● Formal definition
● Polynomial functions and their derivatives
● Product, Power and quotient rules
● Implicit differentiation and fractional power
● The chain rule and parametric equations
● Angle between two curves
● Derivatives of trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and their inverses
● Derivative of Logarithmic functions and exponential functions and their
● Differentials
4. Applications of derivatives [7]
● Curve sketching, the sign of first derivatives
● Concavity and points of inflection
● Asymptotes and symmetry
● Maxima and minima; Theory and problems
● Related rates
● Rolle’s Theorem and Mean value theorem
● Indeterminate forms: L’ hospital’s rule

5. Integration [8]
● Introduction
● Indefinite integration
● Applications of determining constants of integration
● Integrals of trigonometric functions including examples of product of powers of
trigonometric functions
● Definite integrals
● Calculating areas as limits
● The fundamental theorem of integral calculus (Statement and its application)
● Basic integration formulas
● Substitution methods:
i. a2 + u2, a2 u 2 , a2 u 2 , u 2 a2
ii. Integrals involving ax2+bx+c
iii. z = tan (x/2)
● Integration by parts
● Improper integrals

6. Application of Definite integrals [5]

● Area between curves
● Average value of a function
● Length of a plane curve
● Calculating volume by slicing
● Area of surface of revolution
● The course in Linear Algebra includes the following topics

7. System of Linear equations [3]

● Linear system, Consistent or inconsistent, row rank, unique or parametrically
represented solutions.
8. Sequence and infinite Series [5]
● Sequence of numbers
● Limits that arise frequently
● Infinite series
● Test for convergence of series with non-negative terms
● Absolute convergence
● Alternating series, Conditional convergence

9. Vector spaces [5]

● Introduction to vectors
● Linear combinations
● Spans of vectors
● Linear dependence and independence
● Bases and basis selection
● Dimension and rank

10. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Linear Mapping [3]

● Characteristic equations
● Eigenvalue and Eigenvectors
● Linear transformation (upto R3) and its properties

Text Books

S.N. Writer Book

1 Thomas / Finney Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9th Editions Narosa

Publishing House, New Delhi

2 J. W. Brown/ D. R. Sherbert Introductory Linear AlgebraBindle, Weber and Schmidt

3 D. T. Finkbeiner Introduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations 3rd

edition CBS publisher and distributors, Delhi.

Reference Book

1 S. S. Sastry Engineering Mathematics by S. S. Sastry, PHI.

2 H. K. Dass Advanced Engineering Mathematics, S. Chand, New

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre

Subject:​ Engineering Drawing​ I Course: ​EDRG 101

Level: B.E./B.Sc 1​st​ Year/1​st​ Semester Credit Hours: 2

Introduction Of Engineering Drawing And Instruments Used In Engineering Drawing: Eg-
Drafter, types of Pencil, set squares and etc. The layout of Drawing Sheets, Types of Lines,
Lettering and its types. Layout and lettering Practice.


Unit of Dimensions, System of Dimensioning, Shape identification Dimensioning

Engineering Scale
Representative Factor, Construction and Types of Scales, Plain Scales, Diagonal Scales, Vernier
Scales, Comparative Scales, Scale of Chords

Geometrical Constructions:
To divide the lines into any number of equal parts, To divide a given angle into even number of
To draw an arc tangential to a line and passing through a point., Construction of regular

Introduction Of Engineering Curves

The terminology used in Engineering Curves and a brief discussion about types and applications
Engineering Curves.

Definition and Terminology of Conic Section, Applications, Construction of Conic Sections,

Ellipse: Definition and Terminology, Applications, Finding out foci when Major and Minor axis
are given, Drawing Tangents to Ellipse at a point on the ellipse or from a point outside the

Different Methods of Construction of Ellipse:

i. Pin and Thread Method
ii. Intersecting Method
iii. Rectangle Method
iv. Circle Method
v. Trammel Method
vi. Concentric circle Method
vii. Parallelogram Method
viii. Four centers approximate Method

Parabola: ​Definition, Terminology and Applications, To find the axis, focus and directrix of a
Parabola. Drawing Tangents to the Parabola either at a point on the Parabola or from a point
outside the Parabola
i. When the focus and directrix are given
ii. When the focus and directrix are not given
Different methods of construction of Parabola
i. Rectangle Method
ii.Parallelogram Method
iii.Tangent Method

Hyperbola: Definition, Terminology and Applications, Drawing Tangents to the Hyperbola

either at a point on the Hyperbola or from the point outside the Hyperbola

Different Methods of construction of Hyperbola

Definition and construction of Rectangular Hyperbola

Involutes: Definition and Terminology, Applications, Drawing Tangent and Normal at a point on

Definition and Construction of Involutes by

i. Involute of a line
ii.Involute of a Triangle
iii.Involute of a Polygon

Spirals: ​Definition and Terminology, Applications, Definition and Construction of Archemedian

and Logarithmic Spirals, Drawing Tangent and Normal at a point on Spirals

Cycloidal Curves:
Definition and Terminology, Applications

Definition and Construction of Epicycloid and Hypocycloid

Drawing Tangent and Normal at a point on Cycloidal Curves

Definition, Terminology and Applications of Trochoid, Epitroichoid and Helix

Orthographic Projections
Projection of an Object, Principal Views and Principal Planes of Projection, Four Quadrants and
System of Projection, First angle and Third angle Projection, Difference between them and their
advantages, Symbols of Projection, Projection of Points, Projection of Lines, Definition, True
length and True Inclination of a Line

Line Parallel to both the Planes, Line Parallel to one Plane and Perpendicular to Other plane,
Line Parallel to one Plane and Inclined to Other, Line Inclined to both Horizontal and Vertical
plane, Convention for Line Thickness

Projection of Plane Surfaces: ​Definition, True shape of a plane surface, Plane surface parallel
to one of the Principal Planes and Perpendicular the other two, Plane Surfaces Perpendicular to
one of the three Principle Planes and Inclined to other two, Plane Surfaces Inclined to all the
three Principal Planes of Projection

Projection of Solids: Definition of Solids, Classification of Solids e.g. Polyhedrons, Prisms,

Pyramids), Projection of Solids Placed in different positions, Axis of the Solid Perpendicular to
Axis of the Solid Perpendicular to VP

Axis of the Solid Perpendicular to HP and Parallel to VP

Axis of the Solid Inclined to VP and Parallel to HP

Axis of the Solid Inclined to both HP and VP

Methods of Solving the Problems of Cubes, Cones, Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids

Surface Development: Methods of Development, Parallel Line Development, Radial Line

Development, Triangulation Development, Approximate Development
Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre

Subject:​Computer Programming​ Course: ​COMP 102

Level: B.E./B.Sc 1​st​ Year/1​st​ Semester Credit Hours: 3

Course Description:
This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming in C. Topics
include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, structure and pointer. This course also
focuses on the development of problem solving skills using programs.

Students should have fundamental knowledge about computers. All the programming
assignments and labs during the semester are in C programming language.


1. Introduction [1 Hour]
1.1. History of C
1.2. Introduction to C
1.3. Important of Program (C Program)
1.4. Desired Program Characteristics

2. C Fundamentals [3 Hours]
2.1. The C Character set
2.2. Identifier and Keywords
2.3. Data Type, Variables, Declaration
2.4. Constants (Sting, Numeric, Character Constant)
2.5. Symbolic Constant

3. C Operators [4 Hours]
3.1 Arithmetic Operators
3.2 Assignment Operators
3.3 Logical and Comparison Operations
3.4 Bitwise Operators 3.5 Unary Operator
3.6 Conditional Operators
4. Writing a Program in C (Data Input and Output) [4 Hours]
4.1 Simple Program
4.2 Input Statement
4.3 Output Statement
4.4 Features of stdio.h

5 Control Structure [8 Hours]

5.1 Condition Statements
a. if Statement
b. if-else Statement
c. switch statement
5.2 Loop Statements
a. for loop
b. while loop
c. do-while loop
5.3 Break Control Statements
a. break
b. continue
c. go-to statement

6 Function [5 Hours]
6.1 Defining Function
6.2 Use of function
6.3 Function Prototypes
6.4 Passing Argument to a Function
6.5 Recursive function

7 The Scope of Variable [2 Hours]

7.1 Storage Class
7.2 Automatic Variable
7.3 Static Variable
7.4 External Variable
8 Array [6 Hours]
8.1 Defining an Array
8.2 Processing an Array
8.3 Passing Array to Function
8.4 Multidimensional Array

9 Pointer [6 Hours]
9.1 Pointer Declaration
9.2 Pointer Arithmetic
9.3 Operation on Pointers
9.4 Pointer and Array (Pointer and one dimension Array)
9.5 Dynamic Memory Allocation

10 Program Structure [4 Hours]

10.1 Declaration of Structure
10.2 Initialization of Structure
10.3 Array of Structure
10.3 Pointer to Structure

Programming with C Byron Gottfried
Programming with C K.R. Venugopal Surdeep R. Prasad
Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre

Subject: ​General Physics I​ Course: ​PHYS 101

Level: B.E./B.Sc/B. Tech. 1​st​ Year/1​st​ Semester Credit Hours: 3

Course Objectives: This course is especially prepared for first- year undergraduate students of all branches
of science and engineering to help them develop physical intuition through a comprehen- sive understanding
of fundamental concepts emphasizing physical concept rather than complicated mathematical treatments. The
contents of the course include fundamentals of mechanics, Optics, and Heat. The topics are so chosen as to
address the need of engineering and applied sciences.


1. Dynamics of systems of particles: Work done by constant and variable forces, Work-energy theorem,
conservative and non-conservative forces, force as negative gradient of potential en- ergy, conservation of
linear momentum, Center of mass, System of variable mass, particle collision: one dimensional and two
dimensional (relation between the scattering angle in CM and L system not required), two-body problem
and reduced mass. [9 Hrs.]

2. Rotational Dynamics: Angular momentum of a single particle and system of particles, Torque,
Conservation of angular momentum, Rotation about fixed axis: K. E. of rotation, Mo- ment of inertia and
Radius of gyration, Theorem of parallel and perpendicular axes, Calculation of rotational inertia for
slender rod, circular disc and solid sphere. [3 Hrs.]

3. Wave and Oscillation: ​Simple harmonic oscillator, Compound pendulum, loaded spring, Time average
of energy, Damped harmonic oscillator, forced vibration and resonance in light damped system. [4 Hrs.]

4. Elasticity: ​Stress, strain, elastic limit, Elastic and plastic behavior, Types of elasticity, Pois- son’s ratio,
work done per unit volume in stretched wire, Relation between elastic constants (without derivation). [2

5. Viscosity: Streamline and turbulent flow, Continuity equation, Bernoulli’s principle, Coef- ficient of
viscosity, Newton’s formula, Poiseuille’s equation for flow of liquid through a tube, Reynold’s number. [2

1. Interference: Monochromatic radiation, Coherent sources, Constructive and destructive in- terference,
Young’s double-slit experiment, Intensity distribution, Interference in thin films due to reflected light,
Newton’s rings. [3 Hrs.]

2. Diffraction: Rectilinear propagation of light, Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction,
Diffraction at single slit and N-slits, Diffraction grating. [2 Hrs.]

3. Polarization: Polarization and transverse nature of light, Double refraction, Polarization by reflection,
Brewster’s law, Malus’ law, Nicol prism as polarizer and analyzer, Optically active substances, Specific
rotation. [3 Hrs.]

4. Laser: ​Properties of laser radiation, the laser process, stimulated and spontaneous emission and
population inversion, optical and electrical pumping, Applications of lasers. [2 Hrs.]


1. Heat transfer: ​Heat flux and thermal conductivity, convection and radiation (Wien’s dis- placement
law, Rayleigh-Jeans law, limitation of classical law), Planck's law to explain black body radiation,
Stefan-Boltzmann law. [2 Hrs.]

1. R. Resnick, D. Halliday, Physics part 1 and part 2. John Wiley and Sons.
2. J. W. Jewett and R. A. Serway, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Cengage Learning
3. W. M. Steen, Laser Material Processing.

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