Business Plan Guidelines Trimester 1 2011-2012-TMB11

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TTV2541 Technopreneur Venture


TRIMESTER 1 2011/2012
Contents and Guidelines for the report
Please read this guideline carefully. The main purpose of this guideline is to give you ideas regarding the description and content of your business plan report, in addition to the document layout (physical format) of the business plan.

Firstly, understand the business plan needs; apply all the information that you learn in theory to the report that you are in. Your business plan reports must have technology components incorporated in them, since you are a technopreneur (technology-savvy entrepreneur)! Dont limit your write-up to the contents of the business plan guidelines only. Also include some research components on some issues regarding the topic. Although this is an individuals group work, dont work independently within a group only. Work with other groups and learn something from them... not only try to complete the assignment. Be more creative when presenting your written business plan (but dont get the format wrong) to attract the attention of the audience (reader).

Note: The above are tips that might be useful when you are engaged in any type of project that requires a report.



Project Description

In writing up the report for the business plan, you can use the main text book and the lecture notes (slides and class discussion) as the basis, but the Internet is where you can find a lot of information regarding business plan report so, please do some research on the Net and your business plan report will be more interesting in terms of contents and creativity, which will result in a higher understanding of the subject matter and of course higher grade! The preparations needed in completing the report are listed below: Form a group between 5 10 persons (from the same lecture section). This is a group project (project report from student who does the project individually will be rejected, thus no marks will be given). Discuss with your group members and come-up with a proposal for a business plan. Each group is required to submit the detail of its members and the proposed business plan for approval, by the latest on Week 6 (Friday, 15 July 2011) before 2:00 p.m. The proposed business plan has to be submitted in-person to the lecturer, who will give his immediate feedback. Once the business plan is selected and approved by the lecturer, it cannot be changed. Based on that proposal, do a thorough research in preparing a well-documented business plan report. The due date for the business plan report is 25 August 2011 (Thursday) before 2:00 p.m. Late submission will be rejected and no marks will be given. We will start our discussion on business plan on Week 7 onwards. During that time, you are required to sit with your group members in the lecture class, and the lecturer will start discussing about the business plan report. You are required to participate in the discussion during that time. The lecturer will ask questions about your groups business plan and you have to be prepared for the discussion, since your participation will contribute to the individual marks of your project. Please be reminded that class participation is very important, since there will not be any Final Exam for this course. Failure to be involved in class discussions will result in a very low grade, if not an F grade. The lecturer will made further announcement (e.g. giving certain information), regarding the business plan report from time to time (during the lecture session). The attendance in the class is very


crucial, in order to keep yourself (and your group) updated with information on completing a satisfactory business plan report.




Basically, prepare your business plan report according to the sections as listed below. You can add-in other main sections or subsections according to the way your report (content) is being presented.

Cover Page Acknowledgement Table of Contents Section I: Executive Summary Section A. B. C. II: Business Description General description of the business Industry background Goals and potential of the business and milestones D. Uniqueness of product or service

Section III: Marketing A. Research and analysis 1. Target market (customers) identified 2. Market size and trends 3. Competition 4. Estimated market share B. Marketing plan 1. Market strategy sales and distribution 2. Pricing 3. Advertising and promotions Section IV: Research, Design, and Development A. Details 1. Prototype / Technology used 2. Lab test / Special testing (if any) 3. Scheduling 4. Cost and Time Section V: Operations A. Identify location 1. Advantages 2. Zoning 3. Taxes B. Proximity to supplies


Section VI: Management A. Management team key personnel B. Legal structure stock agreements, employment agreements, ownership C. Board of directors, advisors, consultants Section VII: Financial A. Financial forecast 1. Profit and loss 2. Cash flow 3. Break-even analysis 4. Cost controls 5. Budgeting plans 6. Other financial matters Section VIII: Critical Risks A. Potential Problems, Obstacles and Risks C. Alternative courses of action Section A. B. C. Section A. B. C. IX: Harvest Strategy Transfer of asset Continuity of business strategy Identify successor X: Milestone Schedule Timing and objectives Deadlines and milestones Relationship of events

Bibliography Appendix
Note: Please do not forget to include a readme.txt file in you diskette/CD that contains information you may want to convey to the reader (lecturer). (ii) Students who copied other peoples business plan or the previous years business plan will get an automatic F grade. (iii) Bibliography section is explained in greater details in the next 2 pages (page 5 6).


If you take an illustration or words of text from a book or other source (either directly or indirectly {paraphrase}), you must quote it and give the source. Using the words or pictures of others without explicitly acknowledging them is plagiarism, which is a serious violation of scientific ethics. Plagiarism will result in your Business Plan to be rejected (an automatic F grade). When you use the exact words of others, you must place quote marks around the material that you have taken and follow the quote with a reference to the work from which the material was taken. There are many forms of reference. One of the most common is to use the authors name followed by the year of publication and the page number containing the quoted material. This reference will then be included in the Bibliography at the end of your report. For example: An algorithm is defined as a well ordered sequence of primitive operations that halts in a finite amount of time. [Smith 1995, p. 123] As mentioned above, any material taken from another source must be identified, and a reference to its source included in the text. A complete reference to the document is included in the Bibliography at the end of your report. There are a number of possible ways to provide references. Here are three common and acceptable techniques: Method A: Use sequential integers to refer to Bibliographic entries In the text: The formula was first described in [1].

In the Bibliography: [1] Bungey, J.H., Ultrasonic Pulse Tests on High Aluminum Cement, Journal of Concrete, Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1974 , pg 40-41 References should be numbered according to the order they appear in the text. Method B: Using the authors name and publication date: In the text: The formula was first described in (Bungey, 1974)

In the Bibliography: Bungey, J.H, Ultrasonic Pulse Tests of High Aluminum Cement, Journal of Cement, Vol. 8 , No.9, Sept. 1974, pg 40-41 In the Bibliography, list the references in alphabetical order by author surname and year of publication. If there is more that one publication in the same year by the same author, a small letter is added to the date, for example, (Bungey, 1974a) (Bungey, 1974b). Method C: Use footnotes In the text: The formula was first described in 1974.1 In the Bibliography: Usually, the reference is included at the bottom of the page containing the footnote rather than in the Bibliography.

J.H. Bungey, Journal of Concrete, Volume 8, No. 9, September, 1974, pg. 40-41


Format for Bibliographic Entries The format for Bibliographic references for different types of written materials is shown below: Books: Anti, J.M. and Ryan, P.V.S., Civil Engineering Construction, 3rd Ed., Sydney, Angus, and Robertson, London, 1967, 631 pages. Downs, R.B., The Military Approach to Soil Stabilization, Journal of the Institute of Highway Engineers, London, Volume XIX, No. 3, March, 1972, pg 19-23.


Monograph: Body, D.M., Flood Estimation. Water Res. Board of Australia. No.4, 1959, 41 pages. Thesis: Marques, J.L.G.,A Study of Anchorage Capacities of Confined Bentbar Reinforcement. Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University, Houston Texas May, 1988.

Conf. Lea, F.M., Cement Research: Retrospect and Prospect in Proc. 4th Proceedings: International Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Washington DC, 1960, pg 5-6. Web Page: Sample Business Plan: Acme Consulting,, Date accessed: 31 December 2007.

Working Kuo, C and Sayer, P, Education of Engineers in Marine Technology, Paper: presented at the World Conference on Education in Applied Engineering & Engineering Technology Cologne German, 16-19 April, 1984. Standards: British Standard Institute, BS 6000:1972, Guide to the use of BS 6001, sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes, London, 50 pages.



Document Layout

You will hand-in the report in hardcopy and softcopy. Listed below is the document layout of the report.

Use only high-quality A4 70-gram paper. Any typographical errors must be carefully corrected. Any pages that contain poorly made corrections will be rejected. The minimum-sized page margins are as follows: Left 40mm Top 40mm Right and bottom 25mm Double spacing should be use in preparing the report except for tables or charts, where single spacing is allowed. Any normal font size and common font type is acceptable, but the type and size must remain consistent throughout the report. The font type for charts, graphs, and diagrams may be different based on their size and layout. Only letter quality or near letter quality printing will be acceptable.

Below are the format for labeling the softcopy of the report and the layout for the cover of the report. Labeling for diskette: Labeling for CD:

Course Code & Name: Section: TC 101 /102 Names and Student IDs: Business Plan Title:

Course Code & Name: Section: TC 101 / 102 Names and Student IDs: Business Plan Title:


Layout for the Cover of the Report

50 mm from the top of the page 45 mm from the left margin 45 mm from the right margin


Course Name Typeface: Times New Roman Font size: 16


Title of the Project (e.g. business plan title or name of company) Typeface: Times New Roman Font size: 20

LIEW TZE HUI (2008010101) H/P:012-3456789 AZIZZEANNA (2008020202) H/P:012-3456789 HELMI HUSSAIN (2008030303) H/P:012-3456789
Names & Student IDs (group members) Typeface: Times New Roman Font size: 16 Lecture Section Typeface: Times New Roman


Faculty, Name of University and Date, Month & Year of the project submission Typeface: Times New Roman Font size : 12

50mm from the bottom of the page


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