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-A New Student, RIO, is standing in frot of class.

The teacher asks him to introduce himself to the


Seorang Siswa Baru, RIO, berdiri di depan kelas. Guru memintanya untuk memperkenalkan dirinya di
depan kelas.

- Teacer = RIO, plaese intoduce yourself to your classmates!

# Teacer : RIO, perkenalkan dirimu pada teman sekelasmu!

- RIO = Yes, Sir. Well, Good Morning Everbody! I would like to introduce my self. I am Rio
Ariawan You can call me Rio
# Ya pak. Nah, Selamat Pagi Semuanya! Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Saya Rio Ariawan
Anda bisa memanggil saya Rio
- Fatah = Where are you from, RIO?
# Dari mana asalmu, RIO ?
- RIO = I Come From East Java, We move here because my father work in this town nowadays
# Saya Dari Jawa Timur, Kami pindah ke sini karena ayah saya bekerja di kota ini saat ini
- Indra = Welcome in our nicest, Rio. It’s nice to meet you
# Selamat datang di tempat terbaik kami, Rio. Senang bertemu dengan mu
- Rio = Thanks you nice to meet you
Terima kasih, senang bertemu denganmu


NIM = STI202203296

Answer The question below based on the text above

1. What is Rio doing?
Answer : introduce myself

2. Where does Rio come from?

Answer : Rio is from East Java

3. Why does rio move to new school?

Answer : Because his father works in the city of East Java at this time

4. Make a conversation using routines and habits!

Answer :
How are you?
My name is tommy dwi laksono
I live in Baturraden
Where do you live?

5. Please describe about your feligs today! Don’t forget to use Degrees of felingg.
Answer :
I'm very happy today even though the weather has been raining lately but I have to
keep my spirits up

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