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2024 Midyear Examination Timetable

Year 7 to 13

Wednesday 22 May Thursday 23 May Friday 24 May Monday 27 May Tuesday 28 May
Study Study
A – G: TC102
A – G: TC102 Science A – G: TC102 Mathematics
7 7 7 7 7 H – O: TC103
H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30 H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30
P – Z: TC104
P – Z: TC104 P – Z: TC104
Study Study
A – G: TC102
A – G: TC102 English A – G: TC102 Science
8 8 8 8 8 H – O: TC103
H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30 H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30
P – Z: TC104
P – Z: TC104 P – Z: TC104
Study Study Study
A – G: TB103 A – G: TB103 A – G: TC102
English Science
9 H – M: TB201 9 H – M: TB201 9 9 H – M: TC103 9
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 1:30
N – S: TB202 N – S: TB202 N – S: TC104
T – Z: TB203 T – Z: TB203 T – Z: TB103
Morning 08:30am

Study Study Study

A – G: TB103 A – G: TB103 A – G: TC102
Science Mathematics
10 H – M: TB201 10 H – M: TB201 10 10 H – M: TC103 10
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00
N – S: TB202 N – S: TB202 N – S: TC104
T – Z: TB203 T – Z: TB203 T – Z: TB103
IG English Language IG Mathematics IG Physics IG Business Studies IG Chemistry
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00 Gym | 1:30 Gym | 2:00
AS Literature IG History IG Music IG Spanish
Gym | 2:00 Study Room Gym |2:00 TA201 | 1:30 Gym | 2:00
TB101 & TB102 AS Physics AS History AS Spanish
Study Room Gym | 2:00 Gym | 1:45 Gym | 2:00
TB101 & TB102 A2 Economics AS Physical Education A2 Language
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 1:45 Gym | 2:00
A2 Biology A2 Chemistry
Study Room Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00
TB101 & TB102
Study Room Study Room
TB101 & TB102 TB101 & TB102

Study Study Study

A – G: TC102 A – G: TC102 English A – G: TC102 Humanities
7 7 7 7 7
H – O: TC103 H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30 H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30
P – Z: TC104 P – Z: TC104 P – Z: TC104
Study Study Study
A – G: TC102 A – G: TC102 Humanities A – G: TC102 Mathematics
8 8 8 8 8
H – O: TC103 H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30 H – O: TC103 Gym | 1:30
P – Z: TC104 P – Z: TC104 P – Z: TC104
Study Study Study
A – G: TB103 A – G: TC102 A – G: TC102
Humanities Mathematics
9 H – M: TB201 9 9 H – M: TC103 9 9 H – M: TC103
Gym | 1:30 Gym | 2:00
N – S: TB202 N – S: TC104 N – S: TC104
T – Z: TB203 T – Z: TB103 T – Z: TB103
Afternoon 12:15 pm

Study Study Study

A – G: TB103 A – G: TC102 A – G: TC102
English Humanities
10 H – M: TB201 10 10 H – M: TC103 10 10 H – M: TC103
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 1:30
N – S: TB202 N – S: TC104 N – S: TC104
T – Z: TB203 T – Z: TB103 T – Z: TB103
IG Economics IG Physical Education IG English Literature IG Biology IG Art & Design
Gym | 1:45 Gym | 1:45 Gym | 1:30 Gym | 2:00 TB204 | 2:00
AS Chemistry AS Biology AS Language AS Mathematics
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00 Study Room Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00
AS Business AS Art & Design TB101 & TB102 A2 Physics AS Drama
Gym | 1:30 TB204 | 2:00 Gym | 2:00 Gym | 2:00
A2 Literature AS Economics AS Geography
Gym | 2:00 Gym | 1:45 Study Room Gym | 1:30
A2 Art & Design TB101 & TB102
Study Room TB204 | 2:00 Study Room
TB101 & TB102 A2 Mathematics TB101 & TB102
Gym | 2:00

Study Room
TB101 & TB102

[Please turn over for important additional information]

Sitting Examinations in the Gymnasium
• When you have an examination in the gymnasium, you must line up quietly in the bleachers before the session start time.
• When lining up, take your stationery and revision material (where appropriate) out of your bags and carry these separately.
• Bags will be carried into the gymnasium and left at the back of the gymnasium.
• Students with Special Assessment Conditions will sit on the left side of the gym (when facing forwards). Please line up with your class before the session begins.

Important Notes
• All students should come to school with a packed lunch during the examination window. Because of the amended day structure (see below), lunch orders will not
be delivered in time for students’ lunch break and are therefore unavailable.
• There will be two sessions during the day – a morning session and an afternoon session. In each session, students will have 30 minutes to review any notes they
have (paper based only – no devices allowed) before the examination begins.
• Students are required to wear full school uniform to all exams.
• A supervised study room will be available for all Year 7 to 10 students when not sitting an examination. This is a quiet space and you must bring appropriate
revision work. Study spaces are assigned based on student last names. Any students who are here to study must be in the assigned study room.
• An unsupervised study room will be available for all year 11 to 13 students when not sitting an examination. Staff will check in on this room from time to time.
This is a silent study space and students are expected to be considerate of their peers.
• Year 7 to 10 students must bring additional revision material into any examinations that are less than 2 hours in length. This must be left under tables in the exam
room and will be for use before the exam starts and after the exam finishes. Students are required to remain in the exam room for the entire session.
• Year 7 to 9 students are expected to be onsite from 8.30am to 3.15pm every day.
• Year 10 to 13 students are not required at school when they have no examination. These students are expected to be studying from home if not onsite, and in
the appropriate study room if onsite.
• Normal school rules around visiting the café will apply to all students during exam week. Year 7 to 12 students are not permitted to visit the café when studying
onsite and should not be visiting the café between a morning and afternoon exam. Year 13 students must follow the normal process of signing in and out.
• Students must be in their exam room for any exams at the session start time.
• Year 11 to 13 students will be allowed to leave the exam room at the conclusion of their examination. Students must either leave site to study from home or go
to the appropriate study room. Visiting the café between exams is not allowed.
• No students may finish any examinations early.
• Students arriving after 8.30am and leaving before 3.15pm with parental permission must sign in/out at reception.
• Any absences from exams for medical reasons must be communicated before the exam start time to Mr Beeton via email by a parent or caregiver. Parents or
caregivers will be asked to complete an examination absence declaration form to confirm that the absence is genuine. Absences of more than one day will also
require a medical certificate.
• Any absences for reasons other than medical must be applied for in writing, in advance, to the relevant Head of School. Absence requests will be considered on a
case by case basis and will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
• Unapproved absences will result in a zero grade.
• Catch up examinations for approved absences will be managed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with our missed assessment policy. Catch up examinations
must be sat as soon as possible after the original examination time, and within the examination sessions. In some cases students may not be able to catch up all
missed examinations. Any examinations which cannot be caught up, and for which the absence is approved, will receive an exemption. In this case, students will
be given a blank copy of the examination when examinations are returned to students which they may complete in their own time for the purpose of receiving
teacher feedback.

Examination Rules
• There is no talking permitted in the examination room.
• You must be on time for all your examinations.
• You must bring the correct equipment you need for the examination.
• All stationery should be in a transparent container or bag.
• You may not borrow any equipment from other students during the examination.
• You must not have any unauthorised material in the examination room, including electronic devices, smart watches, digital watches and mobile phones.
• Water bottles must be transparent, without any writing or packaging on them.
• You must not talk to, communicate with, or disturb anyone else in the examination room.
• You must not write on your hands or body before or during the examination.
• You must follow all instructions of the invigilator.

Adjusted Day Structure

The normal day structure will change to accommodate our examinations during the examination window. This is outlined below.

Morning Session Lunch Break Afternoon Session

8.30am – 11.15am (2:45) 11.15pm – 12.15pm (1:00) 12.15pm – 3.00pm (2:45)

Exam room Exam room

Exam start: 9.00am (max 2:00) Exam start: 12.45pm (max 2:00)

Study room Study room

Mini break 1: 9.20am – 9.30am (0:10) Mini break 1: 1.05pm – 1.15pm (0:10)
Mini break 2: 10.20am – 10.30am (0:10) Mini break 2: 2.05pm – 2.15pm (0:10)

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