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The poem "It is an Afternoon" considers the theme of the pressure and anxiety of academic achievement.

The speaker is struggling with a difficult math problem and is running out of time before the bell rings.
The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted
everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy and failure. The speaker is faced with the
decision to either choose the "false" or the "true" answer, but is unable to solve the problem, leading to a
sense of frustration and helplessness.
The imagery in the poem emphasizes the tension and stress of the situation. The "chalk dust in the light"
and the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out. The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of
shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of failure and disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the
"light, that by degrees" are fading, indicating the impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense
of hopelessness.
The poem's central message is the idea that academic achievement is a source of pressure and anxiety, and
that failure can be "in your veins" and all-consuming. The speaker is unable to solve the problem and is
faced with the prospect of failure, which is represented by the red ink and the bell that is "going to
chime." The poem suggests that the pursuit of academic success can be overwhelming and that it is
difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false.
Overall, the poem "It is an Afternoon" considers the theme of the pressure and anxiety of academic
achievement. The speaker is struggling with a difficult math problem and is running out of time before the
bell rings. The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted
everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy and failure. The speaker is faced with the
decision to either choose the "false" or the "true" answer, but is unable to solve the problem, leading to a
sense of frustration and helplessness.
The poem "It is an Afternoon" considers the theme of the pressure and anxiety of academic achievement.
The speaker is struggling with a difficult math problem and is running out of time before the bell rings.
The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted
everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy and failure. The speaker is faced with the
decision to either choose the "false" or the "true" answer, but is unable to solve the problem, leading to a
sense of frustration and helplessness.
In addition to the theme of pressure and anxiety, the poem also explores the theme of the difficulty of
decision-making. The speaker is faced with the choice of choosing the "false" or the "true" answer, but is
unable to solve the problem and is unsure which option to choose. This uncertainty is reflected in the line,
"There's nothing you can do / But to flip a dime / Between false and true." The image of flipping a coin
suggests that the decision is arbitrary and that there is no clear answer.
The language and imagery in the poem serve to emphasize these themes. The "chalk dust in the light" and
the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is under pressure to perform.
The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of failure and
disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are fading, indicating the
impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
Overall, the poem "It is an Afternoon" considers the themes of pressure and anxiety of academic
achievement and the difficulty of decision-making. The speaker is struggling with a difficult math
problem and is running out of time before the bell rings. The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the
teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy
and failure. The speaker is faced with the decision to either choose the "false" or the "true" answer, but is
unable to solve the problem, leading to a sense of frustration and helplessness.
The poem "It is an Afternoon" uses the experience of a student struggling with a difficult math problem to
dramatize the theme of pressure and anxiety of academic achievement. The speaker is running out of time
before the bell rings and is unable to solve the problem, leading to a sense of frustration and helplessness.
The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted
everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy and failure.
The poem also uses the experience of facing a difficult decision to depict the theme of the difficulty of
decision-making. The speaker is faced with the choice of choosing the "false" or the "true" answer, but is
unable to solve the problem and is unsure which option to choose. This uncertainty is reflected in the line,
"There's nothing you can do / But to flip a dime / Between false and true." The image of flipping a coin
suggests that the decision is arbitrary and that there is no clear answer.
The language and imagery in the poem serve to emphasize these experiences and themes. The "chalk dust
in the light" and the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is under
pressure to perform. The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of
failure and disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are fading,
indicating the impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
Overall, the poem "It is an Afternoon" uses the experiences of a student struggling with a difficult math
problem and facing a difficult decision to dramatize the themes of pressure and anxiety of academic
achievement and the difficulty of decision-making. The speaker is unable to solve the problem and is
faced with the prospect of failure, which is represented by the red ink and the bell that is "going to
chime." The poem suggests that the pursuit of academic success can be overwhelming and that it is
difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false.
Based on the poem "It is an Afternoon," we can observe that the speaker is a student who is struggling
with a difficult math problem and is running out of time before the bell rings. The speaker is feeling
frustrated and helpless, and is unable to solve the problem. The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes
the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of
inadequacy and failure. The speaker is faced with the decision to either choose the "false" or the "true"
answer, but is unsure which option to choose.
The speaker in the poem "It is an Afternoon" brings a sense of pressure and anxiety to bear on the theme
of academic achievement. The speaker is struggling with a difficult math problem and is running out of
time before the bell rings, which adds to the feeling of pressure and anxiety. The red ink on the paper,
which symbolizes the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted everything," indicating the speaker's
feeling of inadequacy and failure. The speaker is faced with the decision to either choose the "false" or the
"true" answer, but is unsure which option to choose, which adds to the feeling of uncertainty and
difficulty of decision-making.
Overall, the speaker brings a sense of pressure, anxiety, inadequacy, and uncertainty to bear on the themes
of academic achievement and the difficulty of decision-making. These attitudes and feelings are reflected
in the language and imagery of the poem, which serve to emphasize the speaker's experiences and
The poem "It is an Afternoon" employs a number of stylistic, figurative, and formal effects and devices to
convey the speaker's experiences and emotions. The poem uses imagery to create vivid and sensory
descriptions of the situation and the speaker's feelings. For example, the "chalk dust in the light" and the
"dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is under pressure to perform.
The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of failure and
disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are fading, indicating the
impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
The poem also employs personification to give human qualities to non-human objects. For example, the
red ink on the paper is said to have "tainted everything," which suggests that the speaker feels that the
teacher's corrections and critiques have contaminated and ruined everything. The leaves on the trees are
said to "fall and rest," which suggests that they are alive and have the ability to move and rest, like
The poem also uses a paradox in the line, "There's nothing you can do / But to flip a dime / Between false
and true." The paradox lies in the idea that there is no clear answer to the problem and that the decision is
arbitrary, yet the speaker is still faced with the difficult choice of choosing between the "false" or the
"true" answer.
Overall, the poem employs imagery, personification, and paradox to convey the speaker's experiences and
emotions and to emphasize the themes of pressure and anxiety of academic achievement and the difficulty
of decision-making. These stylistic, figurative, and formal devices help to create a vivid and sensory
portrayal of the speaker’s
Yes, the poem "It is an Afternoon" uses imagery to create an effect. The poem uses sensory language to
create vivid and sensory descriptions of the situation and the speaker's feelings. For example, the "chalk
dust in the light" and the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is
under pressure to perform. The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's
feeling of failure and disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are
fading, indicating the impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
The use of imagery helps to create a vivid and sensory portrayal of the speaker's experiences and
emotions, and to emphasize the themes of the pressure and anxiety of academic achievement and the
difficulty of decision-making. The sensory language helps the reader to understand and connect with the
speaker's emotions and experiences.
The poem "It is an Afternoon" creates a tone of pressure and anxiety, as well as a sense of frustration and
helplessness. The speaker is struggling with a difficult math problem and is running out of time before the
bell rings, which adds to the feeling of pressure and anxiety. The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes
the teacher's corrections and critiques, has "tainted everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of
inadequacy and failure. The speaker is faced with the decision to either choose the "false" or the "true"
answer, but is unsure which option to choose, which adds to the feeling of uncertainty and difficulty of
The tone of the poem is created through the use of language and imagery. The "chalk dust in the light"
and the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is under pressure to
perform. The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of failure and
disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are fading, indicating the
impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
Overall, the poem creates a tone of pressure, anxiety, frustration, and helplessness, as well as a sense of
uncertainty and difficulty of decision-making. The language and imagery help to create a vivid and
sensory portrayal of the speaker's experiences and emotions, and to emphasize the themes of the poem.
The poem "It is an Afternoon" explores the theme of pressure and anxiety of academic achievement, as
well as the difficulty of decision-making. The speaker in the poem is a student who is struggling with a
difficult math problem and is running out of time before the bell rings. The speaker is feeling frustrated
and helpless, and is unable to solve the problem. The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the teacher's
corrections and critiques, has "tainted everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy and
failure. The speaker is faced with the decision to either choose the "false" or the "true" answer, but is
unsure which option to choose.
The poem develops its ideas through the use of language and imagery. The "chalk dust in the light" and
the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is under pressure to perform.
The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of failure and
disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are fading, indicating the
impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
Overall, the poem explores the themes of pressure and anxiety of academic achievement and the difficulty
of decision-making through the use of language and imagery. The speaker's experiences and emotions, as
well as the use of sensory language, help to create a vivid and sensory portrayal of the themes and to
connect the reader with the speaker's emotions and experiences.
The poem "It is an Afternoon" explores the theme of pressure and anxiety of academic achievement, as
well as the difficulty of decision-making. The speaker in the poem is a student who is struggling with a
difficult math problem and is running out of time before the bell rings. The speaker is feeling frustrated
and helpless, and is unable to solve the problem. The red ink on the paper, which symbolizes the teacher's
corrections and critiques, has "tainted everything," indicating the speaker's feeling of inadequacy and
failure. The speaker is faced with the decision to either choose the "false" or the "true" answer, but is
unsure which option to choose.
The poem develops its ideas through the use of language and imagery. The "chalk dust in the light" and
the "dusk" coming soon suggest that time is running out and that the speaker is under pressure to perform.
The "red ink, like a blight" and the "shade of shame" suggest the speaker's feeling of failure and
disappointment. The "leaves upon the trees" and the "light, that by degrees" are fading, indicating the
impending end of the school day and the speaker's sense of hopelessness.
The use of imagery helps to create a vivid and sensory portrayal of the speaker's experiences and
emotions, and to emphasize the themes of the poem. The sensory language helps the reader to understand
and connect with the speaker's emotions and experiences. The poem also employs personification to give
human qualities to non-human objects. For example, the red ink on the paper is said to have "tainted
everything," which suggests that the speaker feels that the teacher's corrections and critiques have
contaminated and ruined everything. The leaves on the trees are said to "fall and rest," which suggests that
they are alive and have the ability to move and rest, like humans.


First paragraph :
It seems that the narrator is watching the classroom and doing a description of his observations . The
second sentence creates a fairytale spirit, that is easily imaginable with closed eyes. The narrator is
someone fancy, because of the use of dusk. However, the intention of the author was to do a rhythm with
‘chalk dusk’ that are the sentence before. With the last sentence, there is a serious ton that has been taken.
There’s a suspense creates with the last sentence, keeping the reader ready to read.
It seems that the narrator is watching the classroom and doing a description of his observations. The
second sentence creates a fairytale spirit, that is easily imaginable with closed eyes. The narrator is
someone fancy, because of the use of dusk. However, the intention of the author was to do a rhythm with
‘chalk dusk’ that are the sentence before. With the last sentence, there is a serious ton that has been taken.
There’s a suspense created with the last sentence, keeping the reader ready to read on.
As the afternoon wears on, the chalk dust dances in the light. The dusk is slowly creeping in, and the
answer to the problem at hand remains elusive. The bell is about to ring, signaling the end of the school
day, but the red ink stains on the page serve as a constant reminder of failure. The leaves on the trees, the
fallen leaves on the ground, and the light itself all seem to be fading away, as if consumed by the shame
of the situation. It is the narrator's turn to face this challenge, and the pressure is mounting as their name
is called out. Despite their best efforts, they cannot solve for y, and precious minutes slip away. The slate,
once filled with possibilities, is now as blank and empty as the sky.
The bell chimes, signaling the end of the day, and the narrator is left with only one option: to flip a coin
and hope for the best. The problem remains unsolved, and the narrator realizes that it is not what they
thought it would be. Failure is a part of their very being, as inescapable as the red ink on their papers. But
even in this dire situation, there is still hope. The narrator must trust in themselves and their abilities, and
continue to try and solve the problem at hand. Only then will they be able to overcome the obstacles in
their path and find success.
Second paragraph :
It is interesting that the last sentence of the previous paragraph was use to form the new one. I feel a bit
stress when reading it, and it seems logical that the author would like to express those feelings because in
our daily, we have experience those feelings. With the growth of speaking about school differentness are
more brought out and tried to be solve, School performance the fear of falling, the anxiety of wrongly
responding to a question. All those are factor that can place the person concern in a discomfort position.
For the second sentence, to spirit of stress, under pressure is still in place. A panic effect has been made
with the two last sentence. It seems like the situation is getting out of hands. The use of «red» as for
description of the ink is very clever because it absorb the reader’s attention. The fact that she put the
collar red next to the noun blight, is intriguing. Because it can under-meaning that the situation is being
living is a consequence of a slow but long procedure. Just that something blight, it leaves behind a red-
brown traces, and just as the last sentence, it stains everything that happens to be on it’s way.
It is interesting that the last sentence of the previous paragraph was used to form the new one. I feel a bit
stressed when reading it, and it seems logical that the author would like to express those feelings because
in our daily lives, we have all experienced those feelings. With the growth of discussions about school
and differentness, more issues are being brought to light and attempted to be resolved. School
performance, the fear of falling behind, the anxiety of answering a question incorrectly - all of these are
factors that can put the person in a uncomfortable position.
The second sentence continues to evoke a sense of stress and pressure. The panic is palpable in the last
two sentences, as if the situation is quickly spiraling out of control. The use of "red" to describe the ink is
very clever because it draws the reader's attention. The fact that the author puts "red" next to "blight" is
intriguing, as it could imply that the situation being described is the result of a slow but steady
deterioration. Just like something that is blighted, it leaves behind red-brown stains, and just like the last
sentence, it taints everything in its path
3rd paragraph:
It’s interesting to note the image coming to mind when reading this paragraph. The use of upon is
surprising because we tend to say the leaves on the trees. She uses the word rest instead of lay, plus it’s a
myth, with the word west. The author has a very good observation skill, but also a certain knowledge in
science for example, instead of saying the earth turns, she is able to casually put it in beautiful words.
It’s interesting to note the image coming to mind when reading this paragraph. The use of "upon" is
surprising because we tend to say "the leaves on the trees." The author uses the word "rest" instead of
"lay," and also makes reference to the myth of the setting sun in the west. The author has a very good
observation skill, but also a certain knowledge in science. For example, instead of saying "the earth
turns," the author is able to put it in more beautiful and descriptive words. Overall, the language used in
this paragraph is carefully chosen and evocative, creating a vivid image in the reader's mind.
4th paragraph:
Kids tend to stress. It’s a fact. However if they don’t know how to deal with it, it will transform into
anxiety. Younger, in languages classes, we use to read out loud. Some kids love it, sadly over the majority
totally hated it or felt discomfort or they feel stress about it. In my case, I totally hated it. I remember I
use to count the number of people in front of me, and reread the same sentence, over and over. When it
was my turn, I still had trouble with y part, and most of the time, the teacher would made me continue
more. New sentence that I had not read nor trying before, Red cheeks, narrow throat, shaky legs, feeling a
bit dizzy, made me feel like I was in hell. This paragraph describe perfectly those feelings, and everyone
can relate to it.
Kids tend to stress. It’s a fact. However, if they don’t know how to deal with it, it can transform into
anxiety. When younger and in language classes, reading out loud was used to be done. Some kids loved it,
but unfortunately, the majority hated it or felt uncomfortable or stressed about it. In such cases, it was
totally hated. The number of people in front of them was used to be counted, and the same sentence was
reread over and over. When it was their turn, trouble with the "y" part still existed, and most of the time,
continuation with new sentences that had not been read or practiced before was made to be done by the
teacher. Red cheeks, a tight throat, shaky legs, and feeling a bit dizzy made them feel like they were in
hell. These feelings are described perfectly by this paragraph, and it is thought that everyone can relate to
it. The imagery used in the paragraph - the chalk dust, the red ink, the leaves - all serve to have a vivid
picture of the emotions the narrator is experiencing painted. The use of "dusk" and "west" also adds to the
sense of impending doom, as if time is running out and failure is inevitable. Overall, the paragraph is
effectively conveyed by the feelings of stress and anxiety that many students have experienced in a
classroom setting.

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