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OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus

Professional Highschool Department

AY 2022-2023

Daily Log for September 2022

Sept 05, 2022

- Today is the start of my job as the Science Laboratory Custodian here in OB
Montessori Fairview Campus. I am oriented by our Campus Manager Ma’am
Francisco of my general tasks and other possible tasks as the Laboratory Custodian,
along with another Laboratory Custodian. After the small orientation, we were
toured throughout the OB Montessori FV Campus. We also took our probation
uniforms that we will use for 6 months from the bookstore section of the school.
Ma’am Francisco then endorsed us to the Academic Coordinator for further
- Sir Calpo, our Science Coordinator, emailed my initial tasks for this week,
prioritizing the checking of materials in the Science Laboratory and the Science Lab
Storage, reviewing the experiments that will be held, and taking pictures inside the
laboratory. I am endorsed to Sir Velasco, one of the Science Teachers here in OB
Montessori FV Campus and he briefed me initially for my tasks as the Laboratory
Custodian (such as scheduling the experiments, prepping the borrowing slips,
assisting the other science teachers, etc.) and toured me inside the Laboratory.
Unfortunately, the Environmental Care Officers (ECOs) were still preparing the set-
up of the laboratories and storage rooms. I told to Sir Calpo that the laboratories
and storage rooms were not yet available, and he told me to just review first the
materials needed for the experiments he given to me.
- Additionally, the CSD of the school took some pictures of me for their issued ID.
Also, Sir Calpo asked me to know if the Science Laboratory and the Science Lab
Storage will be available tomorrow (Sept 06, 2022). I asked Ma’am Sales of the
Environmental Care Office (ECO) and fortunately the laboratory and storage room
will be accessible tomorrow. Ma’am Sales also said that we can provide a layout for
the Physics Laboratory to speed up their preparations.

Sept 06, 2022

- Today, I immediately went to the Science Laboratory to start arranging the
laboratory equipment needed for the given activities. Sir Calpo met with me today
to brief and discuss the tasks I will be given as the laboratory custodian.
- With the help of Sir Calpo and Ma’am Librado, we cleaned up the laboratory and
prepared the chemicals that will be disposed. We stacked first the chemicals in
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

glassware and in plastic containers. Chemicals in glassware that were in the

inventory were disposed on a separate chemical bin.
- We also met with Ma’am Talavera that also briefed me on logging the events in the
laboratory (which includes the logging of borrowing slips, deliveries of materials,
checking of laboratory equipment and materials, receiving of laboratory materials,
etc.). we also accessed the laboratory storage room and had a short overview of
the materials inside for preparation on inventory.
- Additionally, Sir Calpo helped me in calibrating the triple beam balances, and we
reviewed the laboratory activities set for this semester (which includes adding
information and revising the materials needed).

Sept 07, 2022

- Today, I cleaned the plastic trays that were used for the experiments as material
holder. The chemical wastes stored in non-glassware containers were placed inside
a carton box labeled as chemical waste. I also helped on the TLE laboratory with
their custodian, Ma’am Librado.
- I partially listed the inventory of the materials: I listed down the number of
chemicals and materials inside the cabinet of the science laboratory and checked
the number of glassware available in the storage room. I also checked if the alcohol
thermometer were functioning by using warm water taken from the water

Sept 08, 2022

- I continued cleaning the remaining laboratory trays and placed them in one place
(for the mean time). I finished listing the materials in the Chemistry and Biology
Cabinets. I updated the provided list given to me and wrote down the materials
that matches in the list provided. The animal samples placed in closed glass
containers were also counted.
- Also, I was able to pack the fragile chemical wastes in a carton box as well as label
them. Initially I started listing the materials inside the Physics Cabinet and return
the other 6 microscopes to the storage room. The other 6 were placed at each
table, along with the triple beam balance.
- I also returned the misplaced items to respective cabinets and placed back the
glassware that were supposed to be in the cabinet. I also managed to check the
dissecting kits and properly rearranged their contents despite some of it were
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

Sept 09, 2022

- I finished the counting the materials available in the cabinets and matched it in the
list. We also had a meeting with our Campus Manager Ma’am Francisco at 10:00
AM wherein we are briefed for the Hybrid Classes this coming week (starting at
Sept 12) and our tasks as ushers for the students and parents that will come on
Monday. Also, I received a DR package from GH Campus (DR’ed by Sir Acantilado)
containing some materials for the upcoming experiment of the JHS. All materials
DR’ed are complete.
- Additionally, Sir Calpo gave us the guidelines for the Laboratory Orientation this
coming week. These guidelines include preparation of the materials that will be
used for laboratory orientation, and the procedures prepared by the teacher. As
based on the guidelines, the lab custodian will assist the teacher during the activity
(while the students were using the equipment) and ensure that the students were
using the provided materials correctly.
- I also met Ma’am Maramag of Science SHS here in FV Campus. I coordinated with
her for the upcoming laboratory experiments of the SHS.
Sept. 10, 2022
- Last day for my week 1 (Week3 for the Science Dept.). I did a finalization check on
the equipment need by the teachers for the coming Laboratory orientation. I also
received DR package from the GH campus (DR’ed by Sir Acantilado), containing
cleaning and misc. materials. All materials DR’ed are complete.
- Additionally, I reported to Sir Calpo the missing materials for the SHS experiments
and informed Ma’am Maramag about this matter. Sir Calpo advised to me that I
should contact Sir Acantilado for the DR’ing of the materials needed.
- We also helped Sir Kevin of the CSD to case and put stickers on the tablets that will
be used by our students. Later this day, Ma’am Francisco had a short briefing to us
for the ushering procedures on Monday (Sept 12, 2022).

Sept 12, 2022

- Today is the first day of having Hybrid classes (Online and F2F) here in FV Campus.
First thing in the morning I helped in ushering the Professional Highschool students
to respective stations (FV Bistro) before their teacher comes and pick them up.
After that I guided the parents of the Professional Highschool students to the rooms
of their children.
- After ushering the students and parents, I went back to the laboratory to check the
equipment and set-up a projector for them teachers. 3 classes went today and all
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

left the laboratory safe and sound, clean as they go. However, one the class, 7-
Ruby, accidentally damaged a 600 mL beaker. Ma’am Hernandez and I assisted the
student to check if he/she is injured, and I immediately cleaned up the glass
fragmentations and contained it for safety. After Ma’am Hernandez, Sir Cortez was
the last teacher to use the laboratory.
- I reported the glass breakage incident to Sir Calpo and Ma’am Talavera. I have been
advised to properly store the broken glass for disposal, secure an accountability
settlement slip to the student, and take note of the material/s damaged.

Sept 13, 2022

- 2nd day of the F2F set-up of the students here in FV Campus. We managed to usher
the students to their respective rooms, as well as the parents that wanted to see
their children having a great time and comfort in their classrooMa’am
- After guiding the students and parents, I went back to laboratory to finalize the
checking of the equipment going to be used for the laboratory orientation. Ma’am
Talavera used the laboratory first at 12 NN, and lastly Sir Cortez. While waiting for
the class, I rechecked the schedule and the borrower’s slips that will be given to the
students. I also coordinated with Ma’am Hernandez for the material breakage
happened yesterday and how to process the accountability settlement of the
student/s involved. Also, I got my first salary that must have started when we had
our orientation on Sept. 02, 2022.

Sept 14, 2022

- 3rd day of the F2F set-up of the students here in FV Campus. I was assigned as
student monitor every Wednesday, which means I need to come early to the school
and assist the teachers and their students.
- At 6:55 AM, I went back to the laboratory to check on the equipment that will be
used by the classes of Ma’am Hernandez and Sir Velasco. All went accordingly and
no remarkable events happened today. Most of their students were very excited
and jolly in doing their activity, still we never stop advising them to be careful
handling the laboratory equipment/apparatus.
- Additionally, I continued coordinating with the Greenhills Science Laboratory
Custodian, Sir Acantilado, for the delivery of the materials and chemicals needed
for the next week activities in the laboratory and with Ma’am Santiso of the Las
Piñas Campus. I also coordinated with Ma’am Maramag for the preparation of
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

solutions that will be used by the SHS students for their lab activity. I also requested
to the ECO personnel to clean the laboratory.

Sept 15, 2022

- 4th day of the F2F set up for the students. Ma’am Talavera, Sir Cortez, and Sir
Velasco will be the Science teachers using the laboratory today. Still, the science
teachers are discussing the laboratory guidelines to the students. By next week, it is
expected that the laboratory activity 1 will be done by the JHS students.
- I also consulted with Sir Calpo and Sir Acantilado for the required colored powdered
chemicals for the Lab 1 of JHS that will on this coming Monday. I will be testing the
nutrient agar (yellow-ish to orange in color) if it is viable as a copper sulfate
substitute. Our last resort was to minimize the amount of the copper chloride (cyan
in color) to be used or use the manganese dioxide (black in color).
- Additionally, the ECO personnel were able to clean the laboratory yesterday, as well
as the storage room today.

Sept 16, 2022

- 5th day of the F2F set-up. I don’t have any scheduled classes from 7 AM to 12 NN, in
which I made myself productive by preparing the chemical solutions for the SHS
Activity this Wednesday, and testing if the Nutrient Agar is viable for the JHS Lab
Act this Monday. I reported the results to Sir Calpo, and he agreed to let us use the
Nutrient Agar as a substitute for the Copper sulfate. I also received the aquatic
plants I ordered online and plans to reimburse the expenses to the Cashier office. I
consulted Ma’am Talavera on how to reimburse the possible expenses for the
sponges and hand soaps that will be used on Monday.
- Additionally, I helped in configuring the tablets the students will use for their
classes. Ma’am Kristel, Ma’am Andrea, Ma’am Ivy, Mr. Kevin, along with me, were
tasked for configuring the tablets at the CSD office. Later this day as well, my fellow
employees greeted me for obtaining the ‘President’s lister’ on PUP, which made me
surprised and in turn thanked them endlessly.
- Lastly, I prepared the necessary materials for the upcoming laboratory activities
next week. We also had a meeting with Ma’am Francisco wherein we discussed the
usherettes for the next week classes of Primary and Intermediate levels.
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

Sept 19, 2022

- 3rd week of the F2F set up for the professional high school students. Also, this is the
first day of laboratory experiment dealing with mixing solutions and doing scientific
processes. Grade 7 students were the ones using the laboratory this day, led by
Ma’am Hernandez. 3 sections of grade 7 students, each with 6 groups, performed
the very first laboratory activity this day. No remarkable incidents, all solutions
were disposed properly, and the materials used were placed back to their
respective trays. However, one group accidentally dropped their glass stirring rod
and broke it. Fortunately, no one is harmed.
- Earlier, I helped in guiding and monitoring the incoming students for today. Most
students were high school students, which are too early here in the campus (their
classes were supposed to start at 7:00 AM, but they are already here at 6:10 AM).
Nonetheless, we gathered them in the Bistro area, and guided them to their
respective floors and rooms when its past 6:30 AM.
- Additionally, I consulted once again Sir Calpo for my concerns on our F2F
Graduation rites on Oct 14 and our graduation marching practice on Oct 13. Sir
Calpo noted to me that we will rearrange our schedule for my graduation rites. I
also consulted Ma’am Talavera for reimbursement processes, as well as asking
Ma’am Rina of the cashier for the processes of paying the broken laboratory
equipment. Ma’am Rina said that I should ask the Science teachers or Sir Calpo a
copy of Laboratory price matrix.

Sept 20, 2022

- Grade 8 students were the ones who performed laboratory experiment for today,
all led by Ma’am Talavera. Within the day, a consulted with Sir Calpo for the
changing of schedules of the SHS students led by Ma’am Maramag, and I edited the
google excel file to note the changes in the schedules. Another incident of breaking
the glass stirring rod was recorded. The student was not harmed, and the damaged
glassware was disposed properly.
- Additionally, I processed my reimbursement slips and readied it for signatures of
Ma’am Doce with the help of Ma’am Talavera. Ma’am Talavera also guided me on
how to list the DR’ed equipment from other branches, as well as having
signatures/approvals for our heads.
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

Sept 21, 2022

- Grade 12 students were the ones who used the laboratory today. Ma’am Maramag
helped me out in preparing the materials and chemicals that her students will use
for their experiment, such as the test tubes, metals, some inorganic solutions, and
an acid (acetic acid to be specific). After the experiment, Ma’am Maramag told me
that she will be conducting an initial procedure check tomorrow for the Grade 11
experiment on Friday (Sept 23). I also received another DR from GH by Sir
- Additionally, our official OBMC jersey shirts were given, which will be worn during
special activities or meetings on weekends. I received mine in XL size.
- Also, I tried to contact Sir Calas of the OBMC Property office to ask the prices of the
broken glassware in the science laboratory. Unfortunately, we are unable to
contact him through telephone thus the Front Office suggested to contact him via
email. I composed an email being CC’ed to Ma’am Talavera and was sent to Sir
Calas. Within this day as well, the HR2 contacted regarding the BPI application
form, which they will give to me within this week.

Sept 22, 2022

- Once again, one section of Grade 8 performed a laboratory experiment today led by
Ma’am Talavera. Another accident occurred where a student broke a 100 mL
graduated cylinder, fortunately the student is not harmed. The broken graduated
cylinder was disposed properly, and the student signed an accountability slip.
- I already called Sir Casal of OBMC Property Office, and he advised that I should file a
incident/testimonial report and ask the student/s involved to do the same. Sir
Calpo was informed about this and will clarify the information for handling the
accountability of the students.
- Later this day, Ma’am Maramag did a pre-check on the materials for her Grade 11
students that will perform an experiment tomorrow. We prepared the corks with
holes and thermometers, sand on paper boxes, and trimmed the aquatic plants.
- After the classes, I tried to go down the ground floor to monitor the students during
the dismissal period (specifically the HS students, 2:30 PM). Sir Asis told me that
next week, especially on Thursdays, the HS students will be directed to the
Café/Bistro Amore where I am stationd to monitor during dismissal periods.
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

Sept. 23, 2022

- Last day for my 2nd week, and the Grade 11 students were the last students to use
the laboratory for experiments in this week. Ma’am Maramag led two sections of
Grade 11 students on doing their laboratory experiment about greenhouse effect.
The trimmed plants and berroca were used for the experiment, as well as the hot
plate and alcohol thermometers. I asked Ma’am Maramag on what I should do to
the excess aquatic plants, and she said it’s already for disposal, but I suggested if I
can take care of them which she agrees.

Sept. 26, 2022

- No work for on-site and online for today due to Super Typhoon Karding. OBMC
Management advised us to stay indoors and be alert while the Super Typhoon
passes by.

Sept. 27, 2022

- Only one class used the laboratory today – Grade 9, led by Sir Cortez. Before the
class, I helped ushering the students early in this morning. Also, I prepared the
required materials for the experiment, as well as written an overview of the
experiment on the glass board. The class of Sir Cortez performed the experiment
and no remarkable events happened.
- Additionally, Ma’am Maramag borrowed a molecular model kit and returned it
complete. Sir Acantilado also asked us, the custodians, to check the multimeters in
our storage. Unfortunately, 1 out of 10 only functions and I told to Sir Acantilado
that I will be trying to replace the 9V batteries of the multimeters to check if it
- We also had a short meeting for today at 3:00 PM. We discussed the monitoring
tasks and other concerns regarding this matter.

Sept. 28, 2022

OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

- Two classes of Grade 10 went to the laboratory today to conduct their experiment.
All Grade 10 students who used the laboratory were led by Sir Velasco. I prepared
the necessary equipment/materials needed for the experiment, and assisted Sir
Velasco during the experiment proper. No remarkable events happened.
- Student Sofia Ng of Grade 7-Ruby met with me today to give her replacement of
600 mL Glass Beaker that was broken last Sept 12, 2022. I took the replacement
item, informed Ma’am Talavera, and I was advised to take note of the replacement
- I started having the classroom monitoring tasks given to me yesterday which checks
the classrooms of the High School students if their teachers for the first period were
present. Also, I submitted my accomplished BPI forms and the reimbursement slip.
- Additionally, I check the multimeters of the laboratory if they were functional. 9 out
of 10 were functional and only needs a 9V battery. The other one wasn’t check due
to a tight screw lock and can’t be opened.

Sept. 29, 2022

- Two classes, one Grade 10 and one Grade 9, went to the laboratory to do their
laboratory experiment led by Sir Velasco and Sir Cortez, respectively. All
experiments went smoothly, and no remarkable events happened.
- Earlier in the morning, I continued my monitoring tasks as well as ushering the
students to their respective floors.
- I also updated Ma’am Talavera and Sir Calpo regarding the pricing matrix of the
broken equipment/material. Sir Calpo advised to only take note the students who
accidentally broke the equipment/material while the proper procedure for
accountability settlement is being clarified.

Sept. 30, 2022

- No classes used the laboratory for today. I prepared instead the materials that will
be needed for the next laboratory activity of the JHS and checked the materials for
the experiment of SHS this coming week. Also, I checked the first aid kit and the
missing hot plate and notified Ma’am Talavera of the expired contents of the first
aid kit and missing hot plate.
- For requesting materials in the laboratory, I asked Sir Acantilado if I can request
some materials such as new first aid kit, waste gallon, and office supplies. Sir
Acantilado agreed and asked me to procure a list once I’m done checking my
needed materials.
OB Montessori Center – Fairview Campus
Professional Highschool Department
AY 2022-2023

- I also had an online orientation with the OBMC HR2 regarding the payroll and
benefits of being an employee of the institution. Unfortunately, the meeting was
cut off and will be postponed next week due to poor internet connection on the GH

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