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1. Why do you think airlines overbook flights?

Airlines commonly overbook flights because there

are a lot of people who have reservations but don´t show up for the flight
2. Mention some advantages of getting bumped from a flight.
a. Airlines have to provides bumped passangers with money.
b. Bumped passangers could get a free ticket.
c. bumped passangers could get free hotel
3. Tell me some advantages and disadvantages of GPS systems
a. GPS could help you to get a direction-A
b. GPS can guide you in a strange place-A
c. GPS can´t guide you in every place-D
d. GPS can´t prevent accidents-D
e. If you don’t have internet connection you could get lose.-D
4. Do you prefer GPS systems, online maps with instructions or paper maps? Why?I prefer GPS
system because it easy to use.
5. Talk about your most recent trip, the transportation you took and any problems you had.
*The last time I traveled was by bus I remember that the car broke down because the engine
6. Do you ever exchange money for foreign currency? When? How?
*Yes, when I travel to Ecuador I exchange dollars for pesos
7. When do people generally use cash? People generally use cash money to pay things they can´t
get in common places. Also They use cash money too buy things in the street and to pay main of
8. When do people usually use credit cards? People use credit card almost in every place, like
hotels, supermarket, shopping centers, etc.
9. Mention some advantages and disadvantages of paying by credit cards
Paying by credit card is good because it is an easy way to get what you need.-A
Paying by credit card is not good because thing you pay, could get more expensive than paying
by cash money-D
10. Tell me some advantages and disadvantages of paying in cash
Paying by cash is cheaper than paying by credit card.- A
Sometime you don´t enough cash money to pay something and you can use credit card-D
11. Are you good or bad at bargaining?
*I am a bad businessman because I cannot collect it makes me sad
12. Mention some places where you can bargain in Medellin
In Medellin I can bargain at ”El Hueco” shopping center and all the stores on the town
13. How much do you want for that parker pen? (bargaining with the professor)
* $ 25 is the price of the parker pen
14. How about $20.000?
* I think it's a good price I'll sell it to you then
15. Why is it important to understand the customs of other countries?
Because it is important to respect their culture to be polite and not be rude to the other people
16. How have you shown appreciation to someone for good service?
I give a gift
I give a tip
I say thanks
I write a note
17. When should I tip?
* I think it could be two percent of the service
18. In which countries do they almost always add a service charge to restaurant bills?
In Europe and in some South America countries

19. In which countries should you never leave a tip on the table? In Austria and Germany
20. Talk about a shopping experience as a big deal
* I remember my mother sent me to compare sugar to sweeten juice and buy salt, so my mom
added the salt to the juice and was very upset and punished
21. Tell me about a shopping experience as a total rip-off
* when i bought a cell phone from a friend and it was blocked

22. Where can you buy the most unusual gifts?

* In the HUECO where everything is usually found
23. What is the official tip in Colombia?
The official tip in Colombia It is the ten por cent of the total price.

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