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Maps and data needed for CDRA

1. Geo Hazards Maps (scale 1:10,000 Municipal and 1:5000 for barangays, if not yet
available, LGU to request from MGB-CAR)

2. Population
a. With CBMS
i. Total Population of the barangay cluster (PSA, CBMS)
ii. Number of households (HH) of the barangay cluster (PSA, CBMS)
iii. Affected Population (from CBMS corresponds to the Family Members)
iv. Affected HH from CBMS (corresponds to the No. of HH Heads)
v. Number of exposed Informal Settlers
vi. Number of exposed HH living in light materials
vii. Number of exposed young dependents (0-5 y/o)
viii. Number of exposed Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
ix. Number of exposed HH living below Poverty Threshold
x. Number of exposed malnourished individuals
b. Without CBMS
i. Total Population of the barangay cluster (PSA, CBMS)
ii. Number of households (HH) of the barangay cluster (PSA, CBMS)
iii. Total land area of residential land uses of the barangay (square
iv. Affected Residential Area (GIS derived, calculated land area exposed
to hazard areas)
v. Affected Population (auto-computed)
vi. Affected HH (auto-computed)
vii. Number of exposed Informal Settlers
viii. Number of exposed HH living in light materials
ix. Number of exposed young and old dependents
x. Number of exposed Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
xi. Number of exposed HH living below Poverty Threshold
xii. Number of exposed malnourished individuals
c. Additional data for with or without CBMS
i. Proportion of HH with access to infrastructure-related mitigation
ii. Proportion of HH with access to financial assistance
iii. Proportion of HH that are capable/ willing to retrofit or relocate
iv. Proportion of HH with access to information (e.g. early warning
system, local awareness on climate change and natural hazards)
v. Capacity of government to make investments in CCA-DRR (Yes/No,
low, moderate, high, very high)

3. Urban (per barangay)

a. Land Use Category (Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Tourism, Open Space,
Agri-industrial, etc.)
b. Total land area allocated per urban land use category (hectares)
c. Affected Area, hectares (GIS derived, calculated land area exposed to hazard
d. Average construction/ replacement cost per classification (can be percentage
of average cost based on expected loss from hazard, e.g. 15% of construction
e. Percentage of Buildings with Walls with Light Salvageable Materials
f. Percentage of Buildings in Dilapidated/Condemned Condition
g. Estimated percentage of buildings built before 1992 affected structures
h. Estimated percentage of structures not employing resilient design
i. Percentage of structures with access/area coverage to infrastructure related
mitigation measures
j. Estimated percentage of owners aware and provided information on hazards
and climate change
k. Capacity and Willingness to Retrofit or Relocate or Conform with New
l. Estimated percentage of property covered by insurance
m. Capacity of government to make investments in CCA-DRR (low, moderate,
high, very high)
n. Availability of land/alternative sites (low, moderate, high, very high)
o. Presence and adherence to government regulations (Yes/No, low, moderate,
high, very high)

4. Natural Resource based production (per barangay)

a. General classification or use of the area (fisheries, agriculture, livestock,
forest plantation, etc.)
b. Total land area per classification in a given cluster (in hectares)
c. Existing crop and fish varieties and forest products being produced (specify)
d. Annual production output per hectare
e. Affected area (hectares), calculated land area exposed to a hazard area (GIS-
f. Estimated number of HHs dependent on natural resource-based production
g. Percentage of affected areas without irrigation facilities (for agricultural
croplands and ricelands)
h. Percentage of affected areas without water impounding (for agricultural
croplands and ricelands)
i. Percentage of owners/areas not employing techniques such as climate
proofing, using climate resistant crop varieties, etc.
j. Percentage of dependent HHs with access to alternative livelihood
k. Percentage of affected areas covered or protected by hazard mitigation
measures/structures (e.g. slope protection, seawall, flood control, etc.)
l. Percentage of production areas covered by post-disaster economic
protection (insurance, micro-finance, etc)
m. Percentage of areas with access to information (e.g. early warning system,
local awareness on climate change and natural hazards)
n. Institutional, financial and technical capacity to provide local agriculture and
forestry-based extension programs such as technology and knowledge
transfer (low, moderate, high, very high)
o. Institutional, financial and technical capacity to implement hazard mitigation
infrastructure project (Yes/No, low, moderate, high, very high)

5. Critical points
a. Type of facility (schools, hospital/s, health facility (rural health unit, Barangay
health stations), evacuation center, water-related facility, power-related
facility, telecom facility, government offices, etc.)
b. Name/description of facility
c. location (sitio and barangay)
d. Number of storeys (floor/s)
e. Total land area of facility/ compound
f. Estimated affected area (square meter, per hazard)
g. unit cost of replacement (per square meter)
h. Existing condition (excellent, good, fair or poor)
i. Proportion of the structure in dilapidated/condemned condition
j. Proportion of structure made of light materials
k. Year constructed
l. Employing Resilient Building Design?
m. Estimated percentage of structures covered by infrastructure-related
n. With capacity and willingness to retrofit or relocate? (Yes/No)
o. Estimated percentage of property covered by insurance
p. Capacity of government to make investments in CCA-DRR (low, moderate,
high, very high)?
q. Availability of land/alternative sites (low, moderate, high, very high)?
r. Government Regulations on hazard mitigation zoning and structural design
standards? (Yes/No, low, moderate, high, very high)

6. Lifeline
a. Roads:
i. Classification
ii. Name
iii. Location (sitio & barangay)
iv. Length (GIS derived)
v. Affected Length
vi. Replacement/Construction Cost
vii. Surface type/Construction materials used (e.g. concrete, asphalt,
gravel, dirt)
viii. Qualitative assessment of the existing condition of the
distribution/access network (excellent, good, fair, poor/condemned)
Year constructed
ix. Year Constructed (Before 1980, 1980-1990, 1990-2000, 2000 and
above (year ranges can be adjusted))
x. Employing Resilient Design? (Yes/No)
xi. Percentage of structures with no access/area coverage to
infrastructure related mitigation measures
xii. Capacity and willingness to retrofit
xiii. Estimated percentage of property covered by insurance
xiv. Capacity of government to make investments in CCA-DRR (low,
moderate, high, very high)
xv. With government Regulations on hazard mitigation zoning and
structural design standards?

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