I Wonder 1 Reinforcement

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Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Let’s start!: My Name

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The pupils write their name and decorate their identity card. It is advisable to write each pupil’s
name on a piece of paper for them to copy. Then the pupils go around the classroom
presenting themselves using their identity cards. e.g. Pupil 1: Hello! My name is (Alex).
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Let’s start!: My Ice Cream Numbers

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The pupils cut out and glue the missing ice cream scoops. Then they colour them using any
colour(s) they like. Go around the classroom, asking pupils to say the numbers.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Let’s start!: My Teddy Bears

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The pupils draw lines to match the balloons to the bears. As an extension, you can ask them to
identify the numbers.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Let’s start!: My Chico

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The pupils join the dots to complete the picture. Then they colour it.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 1: Our Classroom Rainbow

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The pupils use their handprints to make a classroom rainbow. Divide the class into seven
groups and assign a rainbow colour to each group. Have the pupils place their hands on the
corresponding construction paper (red, orange, yellow, etc) while you draw around them. The
pupils then cut out the hand shapes. On completion, the class, as a whole, make a rainbow.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 1: My Colours

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2+0 =

1+0 = 2+1 =

3+1 =

3+2 =
3+3 =

4+0 = 6-5 =
5+2 =

7-2 =

4+3 =

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The pupils first choose a colour for each number, e.g. 1 blue, 2 red, etc. Then they use the code as
a key to colour in the picture. As an extension, you can ask them to identify the colours.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 1: What’s this?

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The pupils complete the school items. Then they colour them. As an extension, they can present
their school items, e.g. This is my pencil. It’s blue.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 1: First Day at School!

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The pupils find and circle the school objects. Then they colour them. As an extension, you can
ask them to identify the school objects.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 2: Shapes

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The pupils trace and draw the shapes. Then they colour them. As an extension, you can ask
them to identify the shapes.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 2: My Book of Shapes

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The pupils create a My Book of Shapes. They devote a page to each shape and draw/stick
pictures of things that are square, oval, etc. Have a Show and Tell session and encourage the
pupils to present their books, e.g. Look! These are rectangles.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 2: Missing Numbers

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The pupils write the missing numbers. As an extension, you can ask them to identify the numbers.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 2: 10 Ways to Make 20

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The pupils think of ten ways they can add numbers to equal twenty. Go around the classroom
providing any necessary help.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 3: The Duck Family


brother aunt dad grandma sister

cousin uncle mum grandpa

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Photocopy and hand out the Duck family tree. The pupils cut out the words and stick them under
the right picture. As an extension, the pupils can present the Duck family, e.g. This is grandpa
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 3: My Family Badge

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The pupils cut out a shape (a circle, a square, etc) from cardboard paper. They divide it into
different sections and fill in each section with different drawings or pictures that represent their
family’s favourite things, such as food, activities, etc. Alternatively, each section (or the whole
badge) can be about a different member of their family. The pupils can label their badge with
their name, their family name or the name(s) of the family member(s) they have chosen. When
the badge is ready, the pupils glue or stick a piece of string to the back of the badge. As an
extension, the pupils can wear their family badges and go around presenting their family or
family member, e.g. We are the Browns. This is my dad, … .
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 3: I can

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The pupils trace the phrase and draw and colour what they can do. As an extension, the pupils
can present what they can do. e.g. I can swim.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 3: This is me!

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The pupils imagine that they are the baby at that age. They colour and cut out the templates on
pp. 17-18 and use them to dress the baby. As an extension, they present themselves to the
class. e.g. This is me!
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 3: This is me!

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Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 3: This is me!

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Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 4: In the Toy Box

1 _______________________________ 4 _______________________________
2 _______________________________ 5 _______________________________
3 _______________________________ 6 _______________________________

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The pupils help Mary follow the path, collect her toys and put them in the toy box. Then they write
the words in the spaces provided. Go around the classroom asking the pupils to name the toys.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 4: Our Toys


My Friend

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The pupils first draw three toys they have got in the Me box. Then they take turns to say what
they have got for their friends to draw these toys in the My Friend box.
e.g. Pupil 1: I’ve got a ball, a doll and a train.
Pupil 2: I’ve got a robot, a ball and a car.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 4: My Favourite Room

My favourite room is ___________________________________________ .

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The pupils draw their favourite room and complete the sentence. As an extension, they can
present their favourite room to the class. e.g. My favourite room is my bedroom. Look! This is my
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 4: My Dream House

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The pupils draw their dream house. As an extension, they present their dream house to the class,
e.g. This is my dream house. There are two bedrooms and two kitchens. There is a big garden,
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 5: Colourful Food

1 red 2 green 3 orange 4 yellow 5 brown

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The pupils use the code and colour in the picture. Go around the classroom asking the pupils to
identify the food items and say what colour they are.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 5: How many?

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The pupils choose a colour for each type of fruit and colour it in. Then they count how many of
each fruit there are and write the number on the tag. As an extension, the pupils present the fruit to
the class, e.g. Fifteen red apples.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 5: My Salad

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The pupils colour and cut out the food items. Then they choose the ones they want in their
salad and stick them in the bowl. As an extension, they present their salad, e.g. There are
some carrots, tomatoes and onions in my salad.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 5: Yummy or Yuk?

I like _____________________________ and ____________________________ . Yummy!

I don’t like _________________________ or _______________________________ . Yuk!

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The pupils draw two food items they like and two they don’t like. As an extension, they present
the food they like/don’t like to the class, e.g. I like cheese and chocolate. Yummy! I don’t like
broccoli or milk. Yuk!
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 6: Let’s go!

Let’s go to the funfair today,

The funfair, the funfair!
Let’s go to the funfair today,
Hooray, hooray!





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The pupils choose a place, draw a picture and write the second verse of the poem. As an
extension, the pupils present their verse to the class.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 6: The Places Game

1 2 3 4
It’s Sunday.
Play again! You can go to the
__________ .

Miss a turn!

10 9 8 7 6
It’s your
birthday today. You like pets.
Miss a turn!
Go to the Go to the
___________ . ___________ .

Go back to

12 13 14 15 16
Play with your You like sweets.
Miss a turn! Play again!
friends. Go to Go to the
the _______ . ___________ .
Go to the zoo.
See some
________ .
21 20 19 18
It’s Monday. Go back to
It’s time to go to
___________ . START!

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In groups or in pairs, the pupils play the board game. The pupils take turns throwing the dice
and moving along the board. When they land on a picture, they have to name the place to
remain where they are. If they can’t, they go back to START. When they land on a sentence,
they have to complete it in their own words.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 6: My Week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday


Friday Saturday Sunday

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The pupils think of and draw what they do every day. As an extension, they present their
drawings to the class. e.g. I ride my bike on Monday.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 6: A Class Survey

Me My friend 1 My friend 2 My friend 3 My friend 4

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The pupils tick their favourite activity. Then they ask four of their classmates and write down
their names in the correct column. Which is the most popular activity?
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 7: Look at me!

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The pupils choose a template, and colour it and cut it out to make a puppet. They draw their
face and then stick the parts together using glue, string, paper fasteners, etc. As an extension,
the pupils can present themselves to the class, e.g. Look at me! This is my head, my body, etc.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 7: Animal Maths

sixteen legs ten ears

five tails twelve eyes

seven heads eight mouths

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The pupils do the maths and circle the right number of elephants. As an extension, the pupils
can say, e.g. An elephant has got (four legs). (Four) elephants have got (sixteen legs).
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 7: Animals
1 2

______________________ ______________________

3 4

______________________ ______________________

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The pupils complete the heads of the animals and write their names.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 7: Animals

What’s my
favourite animal?

Your favourite animal is the


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The pupils complete the puzzle to find the boy’s favourite animal.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 8: Weather Report


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The pupils observe what the weather is like over a whole week and draw it in each box.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 8: Weather Report

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The pupils match the weather to the corresponding pictures.

Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 8: Get ready!

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The pupils make a list of items they want to take with them on holiday. As an extension, they
present the items to the class. e.g. I’m ready to go on holiday. This is my hat, these are my
shorts, etc.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities

Module 8: This is my song!

I’m making a snowman,

A snowman, a snowman!
I’m making a snowman,
I’m having a lot of fun!



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The pupils think of an action related to a type of weather condition and write two more verses
for the song. As an extension, the pupils present their song to the class.
Reinforcement & Extension Activities Answer Key

Starter Unit What’s this?

My Name Suggested answer key

This is my pencil. It’s blue.
Suggested answer key This is my book. It’s green.
Hello! My name is Anna. This is my ruler. It’s violet.
This is my pencil case. It’s yellow.
My Ice Cream Numbers
This is my pen. It’s orange.
Answer key This is my schoolbag. It’s red.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
First Day at School!
My Teddy Bears
Answer key
Answer key The pupils circle the school items in the picture
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 7 dots and colour them using any colour(s) they like.
to teddy bear number 7.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 2 dots Shapes
to teddy bear number 2. Answer key
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 5 dots
The pupils trace and draw the shapes and colour
to teddy bear number 5.
them using any colour(s) they like.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 1 dot
to teddy bear number 1.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 8 dots
to teddy bear number 8. Module 2
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 3 dots My Book of Shapes
to teddy bear number 3.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 9 dots Suggested answer key
to teddy bear number 9. Look! These are triangles.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 4 dots Look! These are squares.
to teddy bear number 4. Look! These are ovals.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 10 Look! These are circles.
dots to teddy bear number 10.
The pupils draw a line from the balloon with 6 dots Missing Numbers
to teddy bear number 6. Answer key
My Chico 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Answer key
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
The pupils join the dots from numbers 1 to 10 to 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
complete the picture.
10 Ways to Make 20
Suggested answer key
Module 1 A 10 + 10 = 20
My Colours B 11 + 9 = 20
C 12 + 8 = 20
Answer key D 13 + 7 = 20
The pupils colour the picture using any colour(s) E 14 + 6 = 20
they like for each number. F 15 + 5 = 20
G 16 + 4 = 20
H 17 + 3 = 20
I 18 + 2 = 20
J 19 + 1 = 20

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Reinforcement & Extension Activities Answer Key

Module 3 My Dream House

The Duck Family Suggested answer key

Answer key This is my dream house. There are two bedrooms

and two kitchens. There is a big garden, too.
Colourful Food
Suggested answer key
The pineapples are green and brown.
The oranges are orange and green.
The apples are red and green.
The bananas are yellow.
The pears are green.
How many?
Suggested answer key
Fifteen red apples.
Six blue pineapples.
Nine orange oranges.
Eleven yellow bananas.
My Family Badge Twenty green pears.
Suggested answer key My Salad
We are the Smiths. This is my dad and this is my Suggested answer key
mum. This is my brother and this is my sister.
There are some carrots, tomatoes, onions and
I can broccoli in my salad.
Suggested answer key Yummy or Yuk?
I can swim. Suggested answer key
This is me! I like carrots and tomatoes. Yummy! I don’t like
Suggested answer key onions or pineapples. Yuk!

This is me!
In the Toy Box Module 6
Answer key Let’s go!

1 car 4 doll Suggested answer key

2 train 5 toy bricks
Let’s go to the zoo today,
3 robot 6 teddy bear
The zoo, the zoo!
Our Toys Let’s go to the zoo today,
Hooray, hooray!
Suggested answer key
The Places Game
I’ve got a ball, a doll and a train.
Suggested answer key
My Favourite Room
1 school
Suggested answer key 2 The pupils play again.
My favourite room is my bedroom. Look! This is 3 funfair
my bed. 4 sweet shop
5 The pupils miss a turn.
6 pet shop
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Reinforcement & Extension Activities Answer Key

7 park An elephant has got two ears. Five elephants

8 toy shop have got ten ears.
9 The pupils miss a turn. An elephant has got two eyes. Six elephants have
10 zoo got twelve eyes.
11 The pupils go back to START. An elephant has got one mouth. Eight elephants
12 toy shop have got eight mouths.
13 park
14 The pupils miss a turn.
15 sweet shop Answer key
16 The pupils play again.
17 animals 1 dog 2 cat 3 lion 4 mouse
18 pet shop Animals
19 funfair
20 The pupils go back to START. Answer key
21 school
elephant, lion, parrot, panda, dog
My Week
My favourite animal is the hippo.
Suggested answer key
I ride my bike on Monday.
I play the guitar on Tuesday. Module 8
I play hide-and-seek with my friends on Weather Report
I watch TV on Thursday. Suggested answer key
I go swimming on Friday.
The pupils draw the weather for each day
I play football on Saturday.
I play computer games on Sunday.
Weather Report
A Class Survey
Answer key
Suggested answer key
The pupils draw lines between:
The most popular activity is ‘play football’.
the sun and the boy in the pool.
the rainy cloud and the girl in the rain.
Module 7 the snowy cloud and the girl skiing.
the windy cloud and the boy holding the umbrella.
Look at me!
Get ready!
Suggested answer key
Suggested answer key
Look at me! This is my head, my body and my legs.
I’m ready to go on holiday. This is my hat, these
Animal Maths are my shorts and these are my shoes.
Suggested answer key This is my song!
The pupils circle the corresponding elephants for Suggested answer key
each picture.
An elephant has got four legs. Four elephants have I’m wearing my jacket,
got sixteen legs. My jacket, my jacket,
An elephant has got one tail. Five elephants have I’m wearing my jacket,
got five tails. I’m having a lot of fun!
An elephant has got one head. Seven elephants I’m drinking hot chocolate,
have got seven heads. Hot chocolate, hot chocolate,
I’m drinking hot chocolate,
I’m having a lot of fun!

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