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Tommy McKnight and the Great Election

This story starts with Tommy a kid that has the illness of polio, that affects the
muscles in his legs so he uses a special shoe for his legs to not fall. One day when
he was in his house he saw some kids playing football and he really fell very bad
for it and decided to go outside but when he was going downstairs a kid named
wally that was the one that was playing football ad he started yelling at Tommy
telling him polio legs because yes, he actually do this kind of things every day to
Tommy usually go to the hospital to have some therapy exercises that form doctors
words it means that he would have his legs stronger, entering the hospital he found
she´s friend Beverly, she was a girl that he used to talk too much, but when he got
polio he started to evade her and when she talk to him he just go away fast with
just a hand wave and when he cross the hallway he fell off, and then go to the
nurse room named Ruby that give it to him the therapy exercises. Going to his
home he found wally and the other kids playing football and when he saw them
wally just throw the ball to him and make him fell and started to laughing to him and
when he do that Tommy yelled at him and make him going angry and started to
pursue him until he reached his apartment and smashed the door in front of him.
In school he has two friends named Nicky and Bor and always where with him,
when he entered the school Tommy say some announces for student president
and when he was looking at them then it just appeared Beverly that how was going
his therapy exercises and Tommy just lie to her to don´t feel so sad with her like he
was, then at the school he was having dinner when his that invite him too some
kind of call of FDR a new presidential talk and he accepted, and after it he started
to think about if he would be fit for him to be student president.
When Tommy was returning from therapy exercises, he found some guys speaking
of FDR and he found because of that guys that FDR had polio and he really feel
very excited of how he could achieve those achievements with that and started to
think that he could really fit the place to be student president.
The next day in Monday Tommy decided to run for student president but when he
discover that he had to talk in front of all people and get 50 signatures he started to
get a bit nervous, but just then he assumed that if FDR could run for president he
could do and he signed up.
Then after that he started to get more signatures and now more of how does FDR
run for president, then in the school when he was having signatures he go with the
most intelligent girl in his class and ask she if it can give him a signature but then
she questioned him and said that if he do not have a platform that is supposed to
be what he wants to do for the school she would not sign up, after that he started
to think that while walking with Bor and Nicky but then Beverly wave to him in front
of the Street and ask him if he would want to go with her to an election rally of FDR
and he accepted.
When they go to the rally they heard the speech of the man saying that FDR will
give more Jobs to the people, after that they went back home Beverly and Tommy
and then Tommy started to have his legs in hurt and lied to Beverly of it so she
could not saw Tommy because he felt bad.
In school Tommy had a fight with Wally after he discovered Tommy wants to run
for student government and after the fight Tommy had lost all of his signatures
because of Wally.
Then Ruby invited Tommy to a pool so he can try his legs like FDR and after
training a lot and feeling very well he asked ruby about the hurt that he was having
with his legs and then she said to him that it was a good thing because his legs
where getting more strength.
Then at the school he managed to get 50 signatures another time at the end of the
game and present them in the principal’s office and he was already an official
candidate for student president.
Then he started to write his speech and he was really good with it with help of his
After that he go to another speech of FDR where he finds hope and after it, he
planned to go to talk with Beverly because he did not see her in the place and think
she could be mad with him.
Then at Monday Tommy give his speech and people cheer him as well as Beverly
that she talks to him to greet him and Tommy asked if she was mad of him going
too fast that day and she said the she was not and that the understand it.
After that in a beach trip of the school Tommy and Wally became friends.
And after that Tommy in the hospital for his rehabilitation exercise thanks Beverly
for all she has do for him and she said that it was not she because it was Tommy
that had made all the hard work and believe.
So, my favorite part for this book was when Tommy find inspiration in FDR
because of his polio, and what it like of the story is the plot of how the characters
will is very strong and the things that I do not like of the story is the final of the
I really recommend this book because it can show you to never give up and
continue to do better from you.

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