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Pangasinan State University

Personality Development

Name:__LORY MAY C. PRASAS____ Date:_FEBRUARY 12, 2024

Course: BSED FIL Score: ___________________

Instructions: As you approach the essay questions in this examination, please keep the following guidelines
in mind to ensure your responses are comprehensive, well-structured, and effectively convey your
understanding of the topics:

1. Read the Question Carefully: Begin by carefully reading each essay question. Ensure that you
understand the specific requirements and key components of the question before starting your response.
2. Organize Your Thoughts:Take a few moments to brainstorm and organize your thoughts before writing.
Consider creating an outline that highlights the main points you want to address in your essay.
3. Introduction:Start your essay with a clear and concise introduction that provides context for your
response. Clearly state your thesis or main argument that will guide the reader through your essay.
4. Body Paragraphs:Develop your ideas in well-structured body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus
on a specific point or aspect related to the question. Provide supporting evidence, examples, or
references to reinforce your arguments.
5. Use Clear and Concise Language: Write in a clear and concise manner. Avoid unnecessary jargon and
ensure that your ideas are communicated effectively. Aim for clarity and coherence in your sentences
and paragraphs.
6. Support Your Arguments:Back up your statements with evidence from relevant readings, lectures, or
research. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter by incorporating specific examples,
data, or quotes where applicable.
7. Address Counterarguments (if applicable): If the question allows, consider addressing potential
counterarguments to strengthen your essay. Acknowledge alternative perspectives and explain why your
stance is more valid or better supported.
8. Conclusion: Conclude your essay with a strong summary of your main points. Restate your write ups
and provide a brief synthesis of your arguments. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.
9. Edit and Revise: Allocate time for proofreading and revision. Check for grammatical errors, clarity, and
consistency in your writing. Ensure that your essay flows logically and is well-organized.
10. Adhere to Word Limits (if specified): If there is a word limit, make sure to adhere to it. Stay focused on
the key points and avoid unnecessary elaboration.
 Remember, the goal is to showcase your understanding of the material, critical thinking skills,
and ability to communicate effectively. Take your time, and good luck with your essays!

Discuss the following:

1. Define the term personality..

2. Compare and contrast the Generation Z with the other generations.
3. Describe the ways in which personality traits be manifested in everyday behaviour.
4. What are the Big Fiver Personality Traits?Describe each of the Big Five personality traits, and the low and high end
of the dimension;
5. Give examples of each of the Big Five personality traits, including both a low and high example;
6. Identify the type of personality possessed the learner


Pangasinan State University
Personality Development

Name:__LORY MAY C. PRASAS____ Date:_FEBRUARY 12, 2024

Course: BSED FIL Score: ___________________

Discuss the following:

1. Define the term personality.

The term "personality" describes the persistent features, interests, motivations, values, self-
concept, talents, and emotional patterns that make up an individual's own way of adjusting to life.
Also, personality is a distinctive manner of feeling, thinking, and doing. Interactions with
other people provide the best opportunity for personality expression, which encompasses moods,
attitudes, and opinions.

2. Compare and contrast the Generation Z with the other generations.

While Gen Z members were born between 1997 and 2012, millennials were born between
1981 and 1996. Millennials anticipate more rapid customer support. Compared to millennials, Gen
Z is often better at tolerating delayed gratification. Compared to Gen Z consumers, millennials have
greater standards for customer service.
Because they grew up with social media, Gen Zers curate their online personas more
carefully than previous generations did. Despite their avid online media consumption, they are
more inclined to adopt trends like anonymity, more tailored feeds, and a smaller online presence.

3. Describe the ways in which personality traits be manifested in everyday behavior.

A person must exhibit actions associated with a personality characteristic in a reasonably

consistent manner across contexts in order to be considered to possess it. For instance, those who
are chatty at home are typically talkative at work as well.
A trait's associated behaviors are also rather constant among those who possess it. For
instance, if someone is chatty at 30, they will probably continue to be talkative when they are 40.
Individuals vary from one another in the traits-related behaviors. Speaking and walking on
two feet are not personality traits since practically everyone possesses these abilities and there are
very few individual variances. However, there are differences in talking frequency and activity level
across individuals, therefore personality characteristics like talkativeness and activity level do exist.

4. What are the Big Fiver Personality Traits? Describe each of the Big Five personality traits, and the
low and high end of the dimension?

Characteristics have a positive and negative aspect. Openness, conscientiousness,

extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are the Big Five personality qualities. While
conscientiousness is about structure and discipline, openness is about curiosity and enthusiasm
for new experiences. Agreeableness gauges warmth and friendliness, whereas extraversion is
about being gregarious. Disagreeableness is aloof and skeptical, whereas agreeableness is about
reliability, helpfulness, and compassion. Frequent concern and an easy transition into anxiety and
sadness are characteristics of neuroticism. While people with low neuroticism are more likely to
be cautious and shy away from new experiences, those with high neuroticism are often emotionally
steady and level-headed. People can improve their understanding of their own distinct personalities
and experience personal development by looking at both sides of these features.

5. Give examples of each of the Big Five personality traits, including both a low and high example;

Extraversion, sometimes known as extroversion, is a social interaction style. It conveys how

you communicate your emotions and how at ease you are in your surroundings.
Pangasinan State University
Personality Development

Those with high extraversion scores may be inclined to:

 Be more conversational and gregarious.
 prosper in social settings
 possess a large social network and are good at making acquaintances

In the Big Five model, if your extraversion score is lower, you could:
 become more reserved or introverted.
 feel worn out from socializing.
 desire to be alone or want more time spent alone

The way you handle connections with other people is reflected in your personality trait of
agreeableness. It's the way you treat others with kindness and generosity. All things considered, a
high agreeableness score indicates that you cherish social harmony and want to see things go well.

If your level of agreeableness is high, you may be:

 benevolent
 being considerate to others
 sympathic

Individuals with lower personality characteristic scores may be more:

 Selfish
 not as inclined to assist others
 obstinate in their focus

Conscientiousness is a quality that describes your level of consideration and focus on your
objectives. It's about how well you manage your inclinations and how organized and disciplined you

When your conscientiousness score is high, you typically are:

 more upbeat
 steady in terms of emotions
 unlikely to respond in a demanding situation

If your conscientiousness score is low, you could:

 become more impetuous
 struggle to concentrate on your objectives
 Be clumsy

Your emotional stability is referred to as your neuroticism, a personality feature.

Neuroticism is a personality component that is typified by uncomfortable thoughts and moody or
depressed sentiments.

If your neuroticism score is high, you could:

 frequently feels uneasy
 become easily stressed
 seem agitated or gloomy to other people

Individuals with low personality characteristic scores may include you:

 are more upbeat
 control tension with ease
 Don't be too concerned.

Imagination and creativity are characterized by openness. You should be open to trying new
things and have a feeling of curiosity about the world.
Pangasinan State University
Personality Development

You might: if you have a high score for this personality attribute
 love acquiring new knowledge and experiences.
 occupy your mind actively
 Increase your creativity.

An openness score below zero indicates that you could:

 dislike alterations
 be apt to adhere to schedules
 lacking in creativity or originality

6. Identify the type of personality possessed the learner.

Personality: The consistent high level traits associated with the way an individual interacts with
other individuals and groups. Learning: The processes by which an individual acquires new skills,
behaviors, or understandings, often in a formal setting called education.
Personality directly influences the students' perceptions of learning. Students may be proactive
emphatic leaders, speculative leaders or passive followers. Personality influences learning outcomes and
attitude towards the discussant activity.

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