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Frequently Asked Questions


This document is not a marketing material and it serves only as a guide to the product mentioned.

Page 1
OVERVIEW OF A-LIFE MEDIFLEX / A-LIFE MEDIFLEX-I................................................................. 5
1. What is Takaful? ..................................................................................................................... 5
2. What is A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i? .................................................................. 5
3. What are the benefits covered under A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i? ........... 5
4. Is there an annual limit or lifetime limit for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?7
5. Is A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i integrated with AIA Vitality? ......................... 7
6. What are the exclusions for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i? ............................ 7
7. Will I get to enjoy coverage when travelling overseas? ............................................... 9
8. Do I get to enjoy Surplus (for A-Life MediFlex- only)?.................................................. 9
9. Are there any waiting periods for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i? .................. 9
10. When does my A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i coverage cease? ....................... 9
11. What are the riders available for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i? ................... 9
COST SAVING OPTIONS....................................................................................................................... 9
12. What is the Cost Saving Options available? ..................................................................... 9
13. What is the difference between Deductible and Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful? ...... 10
14. Why choose Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful? ........................................................................ 10
15. What is ‘Any One Disability’? ............................................................................................ 10
16. What is ‘Per Policy / Certificate Year’? .......................................................................... 10
17. How does the deductible works? ..................................................................................... 10
18. How does the Co-Insurance / Takaful works? ............................................................... 12
19. Can I utilise my employee medical coverage or existing medical plan to cover
the Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful amount? ............................................................. 12
IN-PATIENT CARE............................................................................................................................... 12
20. What are the benefits covered under In-Patient Care? ............................................. 13
21. Is the number of days for Hospital Room and Board and ICU separated from each
other? .............................................................................................................................................. 13
22. Is there a maximum limit per year for In-Hospital Physician Visit Benefit?.......... 13
23. Who is eligible for the Daily Guardian Benefit?............................................................ 13
24. Does ambulance fee cover under In-Patient Care and what is the maximum
limit? ................................................................................................................................................ 13
25. Is In-Patient Care benefit subject to Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful? ....... 13
OUT-PATIENT CARE .......................................................................................................................... 13
26. What are the benefits covered under Out-Patient Care? .......................................... 13
27. Is Out-Patient Care benefit subject to Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful? .... 14
28. Is there any limit for Pre- and Post-Hospitalisation besides the numbers of days
and annual limit? .......................................................................................................................... 14

29. Is there a lifetime limit for Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis and Out-Patient Cancer
Treatment? ..................................................................................................................................... 14
30. What is covered under Out-Patient Cancer Treatment? ............................................ 14
31. What is covered under Out-Patient Illness Treatment in Hospital? ........................ 14
SCREENING BENEFIT ......................................................................................................................... 14
32. What are Health Rewards?................................................................................................. 14
33. How does the Health Rewards work? .............................................................................. 15
34. What kind of health screening benefit is claimable? .................................................. 15
35. How will the limit be calculated if the Insured / Person Covered becomes an AIA
Vitality member after the first policy / certificate anniversary? ..................................... 15
36. Will the claim of the benefits under Health Rewards reduce my annual limit? .. 16
37. Will the Health Rewards change if I upgrade or downgrade my medical plan?.... 16
38. Is there any additional premium / contribution required for Health Rewards?... 16
39. Are the Health Rewards applicable to Juvenile below age 16? ............................... 16
40. Will my Health Rewards cease and how will it happen? ............................................ 16
PREMIUMS / CONTRIBUTION............................................................................................................ 16
41. How is the premium / contribution determined? ........................................................ 16
42. Will the premium / contribution remain level? ............................................................ 16
43. Is the premium / contribution guaranteed? .................................................................. 16
OPTIONAL RIDERS.............................................................................................................................. 16
44. What are the optional riders available? ......................................................................... 16
45. What are the exclusions for A-Plus MediBoost / A-Plus MediBoost-i? ..................... 17
46. What are the medical conditions excluded from PMCM benefit under A-Plus
MediBoost / A-Plus MediBoost-i? ............................................................................................... 17
47. What are the exclusions for the Prolonged Hospitalisation Benefit under A-Plus
MediRecover / A-Plus MediRecover-i?...................................................................................... 17
48. Are there any waiting periods or survival period for A-Plus MediBoost / A-Plus . 19
MediBoost-i and A-Plus MediRecover / A-Plus MediRecover-i? .......................................... 19
POLICY / CERTIFICATES LIMITS AND UNDERWRITING................................................................ 19
49. What is the entry age for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders? ..... 19
50. What is the coverage term for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders?
51. Can I purchase / participate in more than 1 A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
52. What is the minimum and maximum sum assured / sum covered for A-Plus
MediRecover/ A-Plus MediRecover-i? ....................................................................................... 20
53. Is juvenile lien applicable to A-Plus MediRecover/ A-Plus MediRecover-i? ........... 20
54. Is there a family plan in A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?.................................. 20

55. Can a pregnant lady buy / participate in A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?.... 20
POLICY / CERTIFICATES SERVICING ............................................................................................... 20
56. Can I upgrade, downgrade or change my Plan R&B and Cost Saving Options? ..... 20
57. Can I cancel or surrender A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders? ..... 21
58. Can I reinstate my A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i after the policy /
certificate lapse? .......................................................................................................................... 22
COMMISSION PAYABLE...................................................................................................................... 22
59. What is the commission payable as percentage of the premium / contribution
amount paid for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and riders?..................................... 22
OTHERS ................................................................................................................................................ 22
60. What is the Wakalah fee for A-Life MediFlex-i and riders? ...................................... 22

1. What is Takaful?
Takaful is a mutual assistance scheme based on the principles of solidarity, brotherhood, and
cooperation. Each participant agrees to contribute on the basis of Tabarru’ (donation) into a
fund, namely the Participants’ Risk Fund (PRF), which will be used to assist each other in
times of need. AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd. (AIA PUBLIC) as a Takaful Operator is entrusted to
properly invest and manage this fund in accordance with the investment strategy that
complies with Shariah principles.

2. What is A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?

A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i is a standalone medical and health insurance / Takaful
plan that provides comprehensive hospitalisation and surgical coverage to our customers up
to the age of 100 without lifetime limit. It offers 3 Room and Board (R&B) plans and 3 Cost
Saving Options:

R&B Cost Saving Options

• RM500 Deductible per disability;
Plan 180 • 20% Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful, capped at RM3,000 per
disability; or
• RM20,000 Deductible per policy / certificate year*
Plan 250
* Upon policy / certificate application, customer aged 59
and below is given the option to convert the RM20,000
Plan 350 Deductible to the following upon reaching age 60
a. RM500 Deductible (without underwriting); or
b. Remain at RM20,000 deductible

On top of the comprehensive medical coverage, A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i rewards
the Insured / Person Covered for staying healthy with Hospital Room and Board Benefit
Upgrade and Health Screening Benefit.

3. What are the benefits covered under A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits of A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i below for the
coverage in more details.

Plan 180 Plan 250 Plan 350

No Description
(RM) (RM) (RM)
Annual Limit
1. 180,000 250,000 350,000
(applicable for item no. 6 to 16)
2. Lifetime limit No Limit
• RM500 Deductible per disability;
• 20% Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful, capped at
Cost Saving Options
3. RM3,000 per disability; or
(applicable for item no. 6 to 9)
• RM20,000 Deductible per policy / certificate
Live Well (For AIA Vitality Member only)
Hospital Room & Board Benefit Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Upgrade (upon hospital admission) - - +50% +100%
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
5. Biennially Health Screening Benefit
- - RM500 RM600

Protect Well (In-Patient Care)
Hospital Room and Board
(150 days maximum per policy
6. 180 250 350
/certificate year and daily maximum
not to exceed amount as shown)
Additional Hospital Room and Board
Whilst Overseas
7. (150 days maximum per policy 180 250 350
/certificate year and daily maximum
not to exceed amount as shown)
Intensive Care Unit Benefit
8. (150 days maximum per policy As Charged, subject to Annual Limit.
/certificate year)
In-Hospital Related Fees
i. Hospital Supplies and Services
ii. Surgical Fees
iii. Operating Theatre Fees
iv. Anaesthetist’s Fees
9. As Charged, subject to Annual Limit
v. In-Hospital Physician’s visit (up
to 2 visits per day per Physician)
vi. Daily Guardian (applicable for
both juniors & seniors) (up to 150
days per policy /certificate year)
Protect Well (Out-Patient Care)
Pre-Hospitalisation (within 60 days
before hospitalisation)
10. • Diagnostic Tests
• Specialist Consultation
• Medication and Treatment
Post-Hospitalisation (within 150
days after hospitalisation)
• Diagnostic Tests
• Specialist Consultation
• Medication and Treatment As Charged, subject to Annual Limit
(inclusive of Physiotherapy,
Chiropractic and Acupuncture
Out-patient Kidney Dialysis & Out-
patient Cancer Treatment
13. Day Care Procedure & Surgery
Emergency Accidental Out-patient
14. Treatment (inclusive of Dental) and
30 days follow-up treatment
Out-Patient Illness Treatment in
Hospital (per policy /certificate
15. year) 3,000 4,000 6,000
i. Bronchitis; iii. Influenza;
ii. Dengue; iv. Pneumonia
Protect Well (Extra Care)
Home Nursing Care Benefit (up to
16. 180 days per lifetime) 3,000 4,000 6,000
(per confinement)
Emergency Medical Evacuation and
17. Up to USD 1,000,000 per event

4. Is there an annual limit or lifetime limit for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
There is no lifetime limit for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i but there is annual limit
which will refresh or reset every year until end of the coverage term.

5. Is A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i integrated with AIA Vitality?

Yes, A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i is integrated with AIA Vitality which entitles the
Insured / Person Covered to Hospital Room and Board Benefit Upgrade and Health Screening
Benefit when they sign up as an AIA Vitality member. Please refer to the Health Rewards
section for more details.

6. What are the exclusions for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?

A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i does not cover any hospitalisation, surgery or charges
caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one (1) of the following occurrences:

1. Pre-Existing Illnesses;
Pre-Existing Illness shall mean Disabilities prior to the Issue Date or Commencement
Date of the relevant Policy / Takaful Certificate, whichever is later, and that the
Insured / Person Covered / Participant has reasonable knowledge of. An Insured /
Person Covered / Participant may be considered to have reasonable knowledge of a Pre-
Existing Illness where the condition is one for which:
(a) The Insured / Person Covered had received or is receiving treatment;
(b) Medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment has been recommended;
(c) Clear and distinct symptoms are or were evident; or
(d) Its existence would have been apparent to a reasonable person in the
2. Treatment or surgery for Specified Illnesses for a period of 120 days immediately
preceding for such treatment and surgery.
Specified Illness shall mean the following Disabilities and its related complications:
(a) Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular disease;
(b) All tumours, cysts nodules and polyps in any part of the body systems;
(c) Stone of the urinary system and biliary system;
(d) All ear, nose (including sinuses) and throat conditions;
(e) Hernias, haemorrhoids, fistulae, hydrocele, varicocele;
(f) Any disease of the reproductive system including endometriosis; or
(g) Any disorders of the spine (including a slipped disc) or any knee conditions.

3. Any medical or physical abnormalities existing at the time of birth, as well as neo-natal
physical abnormalities developing within six (6) months from the time of birth. They will
(a) Hernias of all types and epilepsy except when caused by a trauma which occurred
after the date that the Insured / Person Covered was continuously covered under
the relevant Takaful certificate / supplementary contract; or
(b) any congenital or hereditary conditions which has manifested or was diagnosed
before the Insured / Person Covered attains seventeen (17) years of age.

4. Any disability caused by self-destruction, intentional self-inflicted injuries, wilful

exposure to danger or any attempt of self-destruction while sane; or insane; or
5. Any disability caused by war, declared or undeclared, strikes, riots, civil war, revolution
or any warlike operations; or
6. Service in the armed forces in time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders
for warlike operations or restoration of public order; or

7. Any violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to arrest; or
8. Pregnancy, miscarriage or child birth; or
9. Mental or nervous disorders, treatment of alcoholism, or drug abuse or any other
complications arising therefrom or any drug not prescribed by treating doctor; or
10. Elective/Plastic/Cosmetic surgery, circumcision (except circumcision due to infection),
eye examination/elective surgery for visual impairments due to nearsightedness,
farsightedness or astigmatism or radial keratotomy; all corrective glasses, contact lenses
and intraocular lens (except monofocal intraocular lenses in cataract surgery) or the use
or acquisition of external prosthetic appliances or devices such as artificial limbs,
hearing aids,and prescriptions; or
11. Any form of dental care or Surgery unless necessitated by injury but excluding the
replacement of natural teeth, placement of denture and prosthetic services such as
bridges and crowns or their replacement (unless necessitated by injury covered under
the Emergency Accidental Out-patient Treatment Benefit); or
12. Hospitalisation primarily for investigatory purposes, diagnosis, X-ray examination,
general physical or medical examinations, not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a
covered disability or any treatment which is not medically necessary and any preventive
treatments, preventive medicines or examinations carried out by a Physician,
vitamins/food supplements and treatments specifically for weight reduction or gain; or
13. Any treatment or investigation which is not medically necessary, or convalescence,
custodial or rest care; or
14. Any medical or physical conditions arising within the first thirty (30) days of the Issue
Date or Commencement Date of the relevant Takaful certificate / supplementary
contract, whichever is later except for Covered Injury; or
15. Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear
waste from process of nuclear fission or from any nuclear weapon material ; or
16. Expenses incurred for donation of any body organ or bone marrow by Insured / Person
Covered and acquisition of the organ or bone marrow from the donor and its
complications. We will only reimburse the Reasonable and Customary Charges incurred
on Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant surgery for the Insured / Person Covered being
the recipient, limited to once per lifetime; or
17. Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis Treatment where the symptoms first occurred prior to or
within the first 30 days of the Issue Date or Commencement Date of the relevant Takaful
certificate / supplementary contract, whichever is later; or
18. Out-Patient Cancer Treatment where the symptoms first occurred prior to or within 60
days of the Issue Date or Commencement Date of the relevant Takaful certificate /
supplementary contract, whichever is later; or
19. Overseas treatment if Insured / Person Covered resides or travel outside Malaysia
(excluding Singapore and Brunei) for more than 90 consecutive days.

7. Will I get to enjoy coverage when travelling overseas?
Yes, the overseas coverage will be in accordance with the Reasonable and Customary and
Medically Necessary Charges for such equivalent local treatment in Malaysia. However, if the
Insured / Covered Person is residing or travelling outside Malaysia for more than 90
consecutive days, he/she will not be covered for any medical treatment received overseas,
except for Singapore and Brunei.

8. Do I get to enjoy Surplus (for A-Life MediFlex- only)?

Surplus will be determined and declared, if any, at the end of every financial year by AIA
PUBLIC. If there is any surplus arising from the PRF, the net surplus, after claims payable and
required capital shall be shared by AIA PUBLIC and eligible Participants at the following ratios.

AIA PUBLIC Participant

Surplus in Participants’
50% 50%
Risk Fund (PRF)

The surplus will be shared with the eligible Participants proportionally in accordance to their
actual Tabarru' allocation provided that the Takaful Certificate has not incurred any claim
and/or not received any benefits payable under each type of cover under the Takaful
Certificate in that financial year.

9. Are there any waiting periods for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
The waiting periods for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i from the Issue Date or
Commencement Date, whichever is later:

Description Waiting Period

Accidental Injuries No waiting period
Illnesses 30 days
Out-patient Kidney Dialysis 30 days
Out-patient Cancer Treatment 60 days
Specified Illnesses 120 days

10. When does my A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i coverage cease?

A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i shall be renewed annually until age 100 or until the
earliest occurrence of any of the following:
• A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i is terminated, lapsed or is surrendered;
• A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i is cancelled at the request of the Policy / Certificate
Owner; or
• Upon the death of the Insured / Person Covered

11. What are the riders available for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
There are 2 optional riders available for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i
• A-Plus MediBoost / A-Plus MediBoost-i
• A-Plus MediRecover / A-Plus MediRecover-i

For detailed description, please refer to Optional Riders section.


12. What is the Cost Saving Options available?
Customer has the following Cost Saving Options to choose from:

• RM500 Deductible per disability;
• 20% Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful, capped at RM3,000 per disability; or
• RM20,000 Deductible per policy / certificate year.

13. What is the difference between Deductible and Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful?

Deductible Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful

Deductible is a fixed amount that Policy Cost sharing arrangement under which
/ Certificate Owner has to pay for the Policy / Certificate Owner is obligated to
eligible expenses incurred for any one bear a specified percentage of the
disability or per policy / certificate eligible expenses incurred subject to a
year. The balance will be borne by AIA maximum amount for any one disability.
Bhd. / AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd. The balance will be borne by AIA Bhd. /
AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd.

14. Why choose Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful?

If the Policy / Certificate Owner choose Co-Insurance / Co-Takaful, they can enjoy a lower
premium / contribution.

15. What is ‘Any One Disability’?

‘Any One Disability’ means that if 2 or more confinements are due to the same or related
disability, or to any complications arising from it, such confinements shall be regarded as
1 confinement if each of them is not separated by more than 90 days from the paid or
payable confinement which immediately occurred before this. This rule shall be observed
in determining the limit of the benefits.

16. What is ‘Per Policy / Certificate Year’?

‘Per Policy / Certificate Year’ refers to the 12 months duration between 2 Policy /
Certificate Anniversaries.

17. How does the deductible works?

Scenario 1 – Same Disability, RM500 Deductible
Date of Claims
Date of AIA Pay Customer
event/ Claims Scenario Amount Remarks
Discharge (RM) Pay (RM)
hosp. (RM)
Admission to Customers need to
13 June 20 June pay the Deductible as
hospital & perform 30,000 29,500 500 it is applicable for In-
2024 2024
surgery Patient Care benefits
30 June 2nd admission due Due to the same
15 July disability and the
2024 to surgical 20,000 20,000 0
2024 confinement are
(Day 11) complications
within the 90 days
from the latest
30 Sept 3rd admission due admission discharge
1 Oct
2024 to surgical 10,000 10,000 0 date, customer is not
(Day 78) complications required to pay the
Customers need to
pay the Deductible as
4th admission due the hospitalisation is
1 Jan 2025 1 Feb
to surgical 10,000 9,500 500 more than 90 days
(Day 92) 2025 from the latest
admission discharge
Note : For claim scenario illustration purpose, the figures shown are limited to eligible expenses only.

Scenario 2 – Different Disability, RM500 Deductible
Date of Claims
Date of AIA Pay Customer
event/ Claims Scenario Amount Remarks
Discharge (RM) Pay (RM)
hosp. (RM)
Admission to Customers need to
30 June hospital & perform 15 July pay the Deductible as
30,000 29,500 500 it is applicable for In-
2024 surgery due to 2024
accident Patient Care benefits
Admission to Customers need to
30 Sept
hospital & perform 1 Oct pay the Deductible as
2024 30,000 29,500 500 the hospitalisation is
surgery due to heart 2024
(Day 78) from a different cause
Note : For claim scenario illustration purpose, the figures shown are limited to eligible expenses only.

Scenario 3 – Same Disability, RM20,000 Deductible

Example : Policy / Certificate Anniversary 1 Jan 20XX
Date of Claims
Date of AIA Pay Customer
event/ Claims Scenario Amount Remarks
Discharge (RM) Pay (RM)
hosp. (RM)
Admission to Customers need to
13 June 20 June pay the Deductible as
hospital & perform 30,000 10,000 20,000 it is applicable for In-
2024 2024
surgery Patient Care benefits
2nd admission due As the hospitalisation
30 June 15 July
to surgical 20,000 20,000 0 is within the same
2024 2024
complications Policy / Certificate
3rd admission due year, customer is not
30 Sept 1 Oct required to pay the
to surgical 10,000 10,000 0
2024 2024 Deductible amount
Customers need to
pay the Deductible
4th admission due amount as the
1 Feb
1 Jan 2025 to surgical 35,000 15,000 20,000 hospitalisation has
2025 cross to another
Policy / Certificate
Note : For claim scenario illustration purpose, the figures shown are limited to eligible expenses only.

Scenario 4 – Different Disability, RM20,000 Deductible

Example : Policy / Certificate Anniversary 1 Jan 20XX

Date of Claims
Date of AIA Pay Customer
event/ Claims Scenario Amount Remarks
Discharge (RM) Pay (RM)
hosp. (RM)
Admission to Customers need to
13 June 20 June pay the Deductible as
hospital & perform 30,000 10,000 20,000 it is applicable for In-
2024 2024
surgery Patient Care benefits
Thou different
disability, as the
Admission to hospitalisation is
30 Sept hospital & perform 1 Oct within the same
10,000 10,000 0 Policy / Certificate
2024 surgery due to 2024
heart condition year, customer is not
required to pay the
Deductible amount
Customers need to
Admission due to pay the Deductible
amount as the
surgical 1 Feb
1 Jan 2025 35,000 15,000 20,000 hospitalisation has
complications from 2025 cross to another
2nd admission Policy / Certificate

Note : For claim scenario illustration purpose, the figures shown are limited to eligible expenses only.

18. How does the Co-Insurance / Takaful works?
Scenario 5 – Same Disability, 20% Co-Insurance / Takaful, up to RM3,000
Date of Claims
Date of AIA Pay Customer
event/ Claims Scenario Amount Remarks
Discharge (RM) Pay (RM)
hosp. (RM)
Customers need to
Admission to pay the Co-Insurance
13 June 20 June
hospital & perform 10,000 8,000 2,000 / Takaful as it is
2024 2024 applicable for In-
Patient Care benefits
Although the same
30 June 2nd admission due Disability, Customers
15 July needs to pay the
2024 to surgical 10,000 9,000 1,000 remaining Co-
(Day 11) complications Insurance / Takaful
up to RM3,000
Customers need to
pay the Co-Insurance
30 Oct 3rd admission due / Takaful as the
1 Nov hospitalisation is
2024 to surgical 15,000 12,000 3,000 more than 90 days
(Day 108) complications from the latest
admission discharge
Note : For claim scenario illustration purpose, the figures shown are limited to eligible expenses only.

Scenario 6 – Different Disability, 20% Co-Payment / Takaful, up to RM3,000

Date of event/ Date of AIA Pay Customer
Claims Scenario Amount Remarks
hosp. Discharge (RM) Pay (RM)
Customers need to
Admission to pay the Co-
hospital & 15 July Insurance / Takaful
30 June 2024 30,000 27,000 3,000 as it is applicable
perform surgery 2024
due to accident for In-Patient Care
Customers need to
Admission to pay another Co-
hospital & Insurance / Takaful
30 Sept 2024 1 Oct
perform surgery 30,000 27,000 3,000 as the
(Day 78) 2024 hospitalisation is
due to heart
condition from a different
Note : For claim scenario illustration purpose, the figures shown are limited to eligible expenses only.

19. Can I utilise my employee medical coverage or existing medical plan to cover
the Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful amount?
Yes, the Insured / Person Covered could utilise their employee medical coverage / existing
medical plan to cover the Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful amount subject to the
existing medical plan’s terms and conditions.
If the employee medical coverage / existing medical plan is with AIA Bhd. / AIA PUBLIC
TAKAFUL Bhd., AIA Bhd. / AIA PUBLIC TAKAFUL Bhd. can assist to coordinate the benefit
payment from both medical plan with Guarantee Letter facility provided that the
Insured/Person Covered’s consent / pre-authorisation is given upon hospitalisation.
However, if the employee medical coverage / existing medical plan is not with AIA Bhd. /
AIA PUBLIC TAKAFUL Bhd. then the arrangement is on reimbursement basis only.


20. What are the benefits covered under In-Patient Care?
The benefits cover under In-Patient Care are stated as below:
a) Hospital Room and Board up to 150 days per year
b) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) up to 150 days per year
c) In-Hospital Related Fees which include the following:
• Hospital Supplies and Services
• Surgical Fees Benefit
• Operating Theatre Fees
• Anaesthetist’s Fees
• In-Hospital Physician Visit Benefit
• Daily Guardian Benefit

Any benefit payable shall subject to medically necessary and according to the Reasonable
and Customary Charges and annual limit, if applicable.

21. Is the number of days for Hospital Room and Board and ICU separated from
each other?
Yes, the number of days for Hospital Room and Board and ICU is a separate limit from each
other. When the confinement period in ICU exceeds the maximum 150 days, the
reimbursement will be restricted to the standard Hospital Room and Board Benefit per day.

Please also note that no Hospital Room and Board Benefit will be payable for the same
confinement period where daily ICU benefit is payable.

22. Is there a maximum limit per year for In-Hospital Physician Visit Benefit?
In-Hospital Physician Visit Benefit limited to 2 visits per day per Physician. There is no limit
capped at each year.

23. Who is eligible for the Daily Guardian Benefit?

The Daily Guardian Benefit is applicable for Insured / Person Covered aged 15 and below
(juvenile) and above age 60 (senior).

24. Does ambulance fee cover under In-Patient Care and what is the maximum
Yes, ambulance fee incurred for necessary domestic land ambulance services (inclusive of
attendant) to and/or from the hospital are payable as charged, subject to the Reasonable
and Customary Charges, up to Annual Limit under In-Patient Care.

Please note that payment for ambulance fee will not be made if the Insured / Person
Covered is not hospitalised.

25. Is In-Patient Care benefit subject to Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful?

Yes. Only In-Patient Care Benefit will be subject to Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful.


26. What are the benefits covered under Out-Patient Care?

The benefits cover under Out-Patient Care are stated as follows:
a) Pre-Hospitalisation (60 days before hospitalisation)
b) Post-Hospitalisation (150 days after hospitalisation)
c) Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis and Out-Patient Cancer Treatment
d) Day Care Procedure and Surgery

e) Emergency Accidental Out-Patient Treatment (inclusive of Dental) and 30 days follow
up treatment
f) Out-Patient Illness Treatment in Hospital – Bronchitis, Dengue, Influenza and Pneumonia

Any benefit payable shall subject to medically necessary and according to the Reasonable
and Customary Charges and annual limit, if applicable.

27. Is Out-Patient Care benefit subject to Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful?

No. The Out-Patient Care Benefit is not subject to Deductible or Co-Insurance / Takaful.

28. Is there any limit for Pre- and Post-Hospitalisation besides the numbers of days
and annual limit?
The benefits payable is as charged, there is no other limit besides the numbers of days and
annual limit stated in the Schedule of Benefits.

29. Is there a lifetime limit for Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis and Out-Patient Cancer
No, there is no lifetime limit for Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis and Out-Patient Cancer
Treatment. The Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis and Out-Patient Cancer Treatment benefits are
payable subject to the Annual Limit.

30. What is covered under Out-Patient Cancer Treatment?

Medication, consultation and medically necessary treatments i.e. radiotherapy,
chemotherapy and targeted therapy related to the cancer treatment.

31. What is covered under Out-Patient Illness Treatment in Hospital?

We shall cover the medically necessary treatment done at an out-patient setting at the
Hospital for the following illness subject to the per policy / certificate year limit:

Illness Definition
Bronchitis Shall mean an inflammation and irritation of the main airways of the lungs
Dengue Shall mean a viral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and causing
Fever sudden fever and acute pains in the joints.
Influenza Shall mean a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that
infect the respiratory mucous membrane.
Pneumonia Shall mean an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs.



32. What are Health Rewards?

Health Rewards are benefits provided when the Insured / Person Covered sign up as an AIA
Vitality member and purchase / participate into A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i.
Depending on the healthy choices made, they are rewarded with additional benefits such as
Hospital Room and Board Benefit Upgrade and Health Screening Benefit.

Please refer to for further information on the AIA Vitality


33. How does the Health Rewards work?
The benefits under Health Rewards are depending on the Insured / Person Covered AIA
Vitality status. The Insured / Person Covered will enjoy the benefits under Health Rewards
by staying active and healthy as shown below:

Health Rewards Bronze Silver Gold Platinum

Hospital Room and
Board Benefit Upgrade
- - +50% +100%
(% of the Room and
Board Benefit)
Biennially Health
- - RM500 RM600
Screening Benefit Limit

34. What kind of health screening benefit is claimable?

Any kind of medical check-up available (i.e. pap smear, cancer marker, annual heath
screening, x-ray, mammogram, sleep study and etc.) in the hospital, clinic or registered
health care provider (e.g. BP Healthcare).

To make a claim under the health screening benefit, customers would notify us in writing
the particulars of the claim and pass us all original bills and receipts within thirty (30) days
from the date the health screening was performed.

35. How will the limit be calculated if the Insured / Person Covered becomes an AIA
Vitality member after the first policy / certificate anniversary?
For Insured / Person Covered who join AIA Vitality member after the first policy / certificate
anniversary, the health screening benefit limit will be pro-rated based on the remaining
days left for the biennial period. Below is an example where the Insured / Person Covered
becomes an AIA Vitality member on the second policy / certificate anniversary.

Policy / 1st Policy / 2nd Policy / 3rd Policy / 4th Policy /

Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate
Inception Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary

Not AIA Vitality Not AIA Vitality AIA Vitality AIA Vitality
member member Status: Status:
Platinum Platinum
No Health No Health Health Health Screening Benefit is
Screening Screening Screening allowed
Benefit in the Benefit since Benefit is
first year not AIA Vitality allowed Biennial limit is:
member = 24 months/ 24 months × RM600
Biennial limit = RM600
= 12 months/ Note: 24 months is from 3rd to 5th
24 months × Policy / Certificate Anniversary
= RM300

Note: 12
months is from
2nd to 3rd Policy
/ Certificate

36. Will the claim of the benefits under Health Rewards reduce my annual limit?
No, any claim of the benefits under Health Rewards will not reduce the annual limit.

37. Will the Health Rewards change if I upgrade or downgrade my medical plan?
No, any upgrade or downgrade on the medical will not affect the Health Rewards.

38. Is there any additional premium / contribution required for Health Rewards?
No, there is no additional premium / contribution required for Health Rewards. However,
to become AIA Vitality member it requires a monthly membership fee of RM10.

39. Are the Health Rewards applicable to Juvenile below age 16?
Health Rewards are not applicable to juvenile below age 16, but this benefit will be given
to the juvenile when they join AIA Vitality after age 16.

40. Will my Health Rewards cease and how will it happen?

Health Rewards will cease if the policy / certificate and/or the AIA Vitality membership is
lapsed, surrendered or terminated.


41. How is the premium / contribution determined?

The premium / contribution for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i is based on the chosen
plan, age, gender, occupation and health conditions of the Insured / Person Covered.

42. Will the premium / contribution remain level?

No, the premium / contribution for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i will vary depending
on the Insured / Person Covered attained age.

43. Is the premium / contribution guaranteed?

No, the premium / contribution is not guaranteed, and AIA Bhd. / AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd.
reserves the right to revise the premium / contribution by giving the policy / certificate
owner 30 days prior notice (either by written notice or via electronic means).


44. What are the optional riders available?

There are 2 optional riders available for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i:

Rider Benefit
A-Plus MediBoost / A- • Only applicable to Plan 250 and Plan 350.
Plus MediBoost-i (APMB • Increase the Annual Limit to the following and provide
/ APMBi) Personal Medical Case Management (PMCM)
Plan 250 Plan 350
Total Annual Limit 1,000,000 1,500,000
PMCM Yes Yes

A-Plus MediRecover / 100% rider Sum Assured / Covered will be paid per disability upon
APlus MediRecover-i the Insured / Person Covered fulfilling either of the following
(APMR / APMRi) criteria and survives for at least 15 days after the discharge from

a) The Insured / Person Covered is hospitalized in an Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) of a Hospital for a continuous period of at
least 5 days; or
b) The Insured / Person Covered is hospitalized in a Hospital
with the purpose of receiving medical treatment for a
continuous period of at least 15 days, where the
hospitalization must be accompanied by a surgical procedure
or due to infection.
1. Such hospitalization and its duration of stay must be
deemed Medically Necessary by the treating doctor who
is registered Medical Practitioner.
2. There will be a 1-year (365 days) waiting period between
claims. The 1 year period will be calculated based on the
claims event date (date of discharge).
3. This benefit allows claims of up to 200% of rider Sum
Assured / Covered. The rider will then terminate after
200% of rider Sum Assured / Covered has been paid out.
4. If the hospital admission for any Disability meets both
conditions (a) and (b) as stated above, only 1 shall be
5. Premium / Contribution amount will be based on 100%
rider Sum Covered as long as this rider is in force.

45. What are the exclusions for A-Plus MediBoost / A-Plus MediBoost-i?
The list of exclusion is similar to A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i. Kindly refer to Q6.

46. What are the medical conditions excluded from PMCM benefit under A-Plus
MediBoost / A-Plus MediBoost-i?
a) Medical emergencies; or
b) Accidents; or
c) Urgent or life-threatening situations, such as intensive care unit (ICU) admission; or
d) Daily or common issues, such as colds, flu, fever, occasional rash etc.; or
e) Long term chronic diseases management such as chronic hepatitis, diabetes, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol etc. (however, any complications of chronic diseases shall be
covered); or
f) Mental health conditions such as anorexia/bulimia, mental health-related sleeping
disorder, anxiety, depression etc.

47. What are the exclusions for the Prolonged Hospitalisation Benefit under A-Plus
MediRecover / A-Plus MediRecover-i?
1. Pre-Existing Illnesses;
Pre-Existing Illness shall mean Disabilities prior to the Issue Date or Commencement
Date of the relevant Policy / Takaful Certificate, whichever is later, and that the
Insured / Person Covered / Participant has reasonable knowledge of an Insured / Person
Covered / Participant may be considered to have reasonable knowledge of a Pre-Existing
Illness where the condition is one for which:
(a) The Insured / Person Covered had received or is receiving treatment;
(b) Medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment has been recommended;
(c) Clear and distinct symptoms are or were evident; or
(d) Its existence would have been apparent to a reasonable person in the circumstances.

2. Treatment or surgery for Specified Illnesses for a period of 120 days immediately
preceding for such treatment and surgery.

Specified Illness shall mean the following Disabilities and its related complications:
(a) Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular disease;
(b) All tumours, cysts nodules and polyps in any part of the body systems;
(c) Stone of the urinary system and biliary system;
(d) All ear, nose (including sinuses) and throat conditions;
(e) Hernias, haemorrhoids, fistulae, hydrocele, varicocele;
(f) Any disease of the reproductive system including endometriosis; or

3. Any disorders of the spine (including a slipped disc) or any knee conditions. Any medical
or physical abnormalities existing at the time of birth, as well as neo-natal physical
abnormalities developing within six (6) months from the time of birth. This will include:
(a) Hernias of all types and epilepsy except when caused by a trauma which occurred
after the date that the Insured / Person Covered is continuously covered under this
APMR / APMRi; and
(b) Any congenital or hereditary conditions which has manifested or was diagnosed
before the Insured / Person Covered attains seventeen (17) years of age; or

4. Any disability caused by self-destruction, intentional self-inflicted injuries, wilful

exposure to danger or any attempt of self-destruction while sane or insane; or
5. Any disability caused by war, declared or undeclared, strikes, riots, civil war, revolution
or any warlike operations; or
6. Service in the armed forces in time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders
for warlike operations or restoration of public order; or
7. Any violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to arrest; or
8. Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or termination of pregnancy, or any form
of related stay in hospital or treatment; or
9. Infertility, sub-fertility, assisted conception, erectile dysfunction, impotence or any
contraceptive treatment; or
10. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related complex or infection by
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We reserve the right to require the Insured /
Person Covered to undergo a blood test for HIV as a condition precedent to acceptance
of any claim. For the purpose of this APMR / APMRi,
(a) The definition of AIDS shall be that used by the World Health Organization in 1987,
or any subsequent revision by the World Health Organization of that definition; and
(b) Infection shall be deemed to have occurred where blood or other relevant test(s)
indicate in our opinion either the presence of any HIV or Antibodies to such a Virus;
11. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases; or
12. Sex-change operations; or
13. Mental or nervous disorders, treatment of alcoholism, or drug abuse or any other
complications arising from it or any drug accident not prescribed by a treating Doctor;
14. Elective/ Plastic/ Cosmetic Surgery (except the Elective/ Plastic/ Cosmetic Surgery due
to Accident or Cancer), circumcision (except circumcision due to infection), eye
examination/ elective surgery for visual impairments due to near sightedness,
farsightedness or astigmatism or radial keratotomy; or
15. Any form of dental care or Surgery including the replacement of natural teeth,
placement of denture and prosthetic services such as bridges and crowns or their
replacement unless necessitated by Injury; or
16. Hospitalisation primarily for investigatory purposes, diagnosis, X-ray examination,
general physical or medical examinations, not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a
covered Disability or any treatment which is not Medically Necessary and any preventive

treatments, preventive medicines or examinations carried out by a Physician,
vitamins/food supplements and treatments specifically for weight reduction or gain; or
17. Any treatment or investigation which is not Medically Necessary, or convalescence,
custodial or rest care; or
18. Any admissions for the purpose of observation and does not require any treatment; or
19. Experimental or pioneering medical or surgical techniques and medical devices not
approved and medical trials for medicinal products whether or not these trials have a
clinical trial certificate; or
20. Alternative or complementary treatments, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
or a stay in any health-care establishment for social or non-medical reasons; or
21. Any medical or physical conditions arising within the first sixty (60) days of the Issue
Date or Commencement Date, whichever is later, of the APMR / APMRi except for
Covered Injury; or
22. Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear
waste from process of nuclear fission or from any nuclear weapon material; or
23. Overseas medical treatment (excluding Singapore and Brunei); or
24. The Person Covered / Insured did not survive for at least fifteen (15) days after being
discharged from the Hospital.

48. Are there any waiting periods or survival period for A-Plus MediBoost / A-Plus
MediBoost-i and A-Plus MediRecover / A-Plus MediRecover-i?
Rider Description Waiting Period
Accidental Injuries No waiting period
A-Plus MediBoost /
Illnesses 30 days
A-Plus MediBoost-i
PMCM 30 days
Specified Illnesses 120 days
Accidental Injuries No waiting period
A-Plus MediRecover /
Non-Accidental Injuries 60 days
APlus MediRecover-i
Waiting period between
(APMR / APMRi) 1 year

Rider Description Survival Period

A-Plus MediRecover /
After the discharge from
APlus MediRecover-i 15 days


49. What is the entry age for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders?
The entry age (Last Birthday) are as follows:

Minimum Age Maximum Age

(Last Birthday) (Last Birthday)
A-Life MediFlex/-i (Basic Plan)
14 days old 70 years old
A-Plus MediBoost/-i (Optional Rider)
A-Plus MediRecover/-i (Optional Rider) 14 days old 65 years old

50. What is the coverage term for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders?
Coverage Term

A-Life MediFlex/-i (Basic Plan) Up to age 100
A-Plus MediBoost/-i (Optional Rider) Up to age 100
A-Plus MediRecover/-i (Optional Rider) Up to age 80

51. Can I purchase / participate in more than 1 A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
The Insured / Person Covered may have more than one A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i,
subject to the maximum Room and Board allowable of RM1,000 per life with underwriting

52. What is the minimum and maximum sum assured / sum covered for A-Plus
MediRecover/ A-Plus MediRecover-i?
• Minimum Sum Covered: RM10,000
• Maximum Sum Covered: RM150,000 per life

53. Is juvenile lien applicable to A-Plus MediRecover/ A-Plus MediRecover-i?

Yes, if the Insured / Person Covered (child) has not attained the age of 4 years old at the
time of prolonged hospitalisation, the benefit payable shall subject to the following juvenile
lien rule:

Age (Last Birthday) at the time Percentage of sum assured /

prolonged hospitalisation sum covered payable
0 20%
1 40%
2 60%
3 80%
4 100%

54. Is there a family plan in A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?

No, there is no family plan for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i.

55. Can a pregnant lady buy / participate in A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i?
Yes, pregnant lady can buy / participate in A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i if she has
no pregnancy complications and is subject to underwriting approval.


56. Can I upgrade, downgrade or change my Plan R&B and Cost Saving Options?
The Policy / Certificate Owner may upgrade, downgrade or change the Plan R&B and Cost
Saving Options on next premium / contribution due date.
Any upgrade of plan shall be subject to underwriting and the Policy / Certificate Owner
may require to pay / contribute an increase in premium / contribution when they
upgrade. Please refer to the below matrix to find out what is consider an upgrade.
New Plan 180 Plan 250 Plan 350
Plan 180
Plan 250 /
Plan 350 / /

Existing 20K D, 20K D, 20%
New remain at 20K Convert to Co-Insurance / 500D
D at Age 60 500D at Age 60 Takaful
20K D, remain at
20K D at Age 60
20K D, convert to
500D at Age 60
20% Co-Insurance /
/ /
500D / / /

/ Consider As Upgrade
D = Deductible

If there is a request that consist of a mixture of changes in R&B and Cost Saving Options:
R&B Change Consider Cost Saving Options Change
Consider As Upgrade?
Upgrade Consider Upgrade
Yes Yes Yes
Yes No Yes
No Yes Yes
No No No

57. Can I cancel or surrender A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders?
Yes, the Policy / Certificate Owner have the option to cancel or surrender A-Life MediFlex
/ A-Life MediFlex-i and its riders by giving a written request that is signed to AIA Bhd / AIA
PUBLIC. We will refund the premium / contribution based on table below, provided that
no claims have been made during the current certificate year.

Period Percentage (%) of Premium / Contribution Refund

(from Last Policy /
Certificate Anniversary) Semi-
Annual Quarterly Monthly
Not Exceeding*
15 days
not applicable to first 90% 80% 70%
1 month 80% 70% 50%
2 months 70% 50% 20%
3 months 60% 30% No Refund
4 months 50% 20% 50%
5 months 40% 10% 20% No refund

6 months 30% No Refund No Refund

7 months 25% 70% 50%
8 months 20% 50% 20%
9 months 15% 30% No Refund
10 months 10% 20% 50%
11 months 5% 10% 20%

Period exceeding 11
No Refund No Refund No Refund
*All premium / contribution paid for the period before the last Policy / Certificate Anniversary prior
to the surrender date is not refundable.

58. Can I reinstate my A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i after the policy /
certificate lapse?
If the policy / certificate has lapsed, the Policy / Certificate Owner can reinstate the
policy / certificate within 2 years from the lapse date, subject to the terms and conditions
stated below:
i. The Policy / Certificate Owner have to make a written application to reinstate the
policy / certificate; and
ii. The Insured / Person Covered is within the allowable age limits as determined by
us at the time of reinstatement; and
iii. The Insured / Person Covered has to provide evidence of insurability that is
satisfactory to us; and
iv. The Insured / Person Covered have to make payment of any indebtedness or
overdue premium / contribution which we may require; and
v. Any other terms and conditions which we may impose at the material time.

Please note that any reinstatement shall only cover loss or the Insured / Person Covered
event which occurs after the reinstatement date.


59. What is the commission payable as percentage of the premium / contribution

amount paid for A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i and riders?
Commission Payable
including overriding commission
Basic Plan / Riders All Policy / Certificate Year
(% of Premium / Contribution)
A-Life MediFlex / A-Life MediFlex-i 15.00%
A-Plus MediBoost / A-Plus MediBoost-i 15.00%
A-Plus MediRecover / A-Plus MediRecover-i 15.00%
Note : Kindly refer to the Agency Circular 010/06/2023/AGENCY/CIR: Compensation Update for A-
Life MediFlex, A-Life MediFlex-i and A-Plus Health Flex-i for further details on the commission


60. What is the Wakalah fee for A-Life MediFlex-i and riders?
A-Life MediFlex-i with RM500 Deductible per Any One Disability
Allocation in percentage (%) of Contribution
Participants’ Risk Fund
Age Wakalah Fee*
(PRF) Allocation (Tabarru’)
0 to 2 15% 85%
3 & above 34% 66%

A-Life MediFlex-i with 20% Co-Takaful up to RM3,000 per Any One Disability

Attained Allocation in percentage (%) of Contribution
Age Wakalah Fee* PRF Allocation (Tabarru’)
0 to 2 5% 95%
3 & above 34% 66%

A-Life MediFlex-i with RM20,000 Deductible per Certificate Year

Attained Allocation in percentage (%) of Contribution
Age Wakalah Fee* PRF Allocation (Tabarru’)
All Age 34% 66%

A-Plus MediBoost-i
Attained Allocation in percentage (%) of Contribution
Age Wakalah Fee* PRF Allocation (Tabarru’)
All Age 34% 66%

A-Plus MediRecover-i
Attained Allocation in percentage (%) of Contribution
Age Wakalah Fee* PRF Allocation (Tabarru’)
All Age 40% 60%
*Wakalah Fee is not allocated towards the PRF.


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