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What do You Suggest?


Ketika ingin memberikan saran dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita bisa menggunakan
kata-kata modal dibawah ini dalam kalimat saran kita. Modal memiliki beberapa
tingkatan urgensi. Semakin kebawah, saran yang diberikan semakin kuat atau
sebaiknya diikuti.

Present Past Indonesia Makna

CAN COULD BISA Boleh dilakukan boleh tidak

MAY MIGHT MUNGKIN Mungkin perlu dilakukan
MUST MUST HARUS / MUSTI Tidak ada pilihan lain; harus

Coba kita lihat contoh di bawah ini.

“Rony has an itch.” “Billy has a toothache.”

“Tom feels a bit cold.” “Alan skins his elbow.”

He could take some He might need

bug cream. to see a dentist.
Tom can check his Alan may need
temperature. some antiseptics.
“Cheese and milk makes
“Anna sprains her ankle.”
Lily have bad tummy.”
“Benny has a little fever.” “Laila has a bad allergy.”

Anna shouldn't go
She must not
for a jog.
consume dairy.
Benny shall take She must go
a rest. to the hospital.

Sekarang, kita coba tanyakan masalah-masalah di bawah ini dan coba tanya
saran dari teman-teman kalian. Jangan lupa gunakan template jawaban di bawah
ya. Gunakan kata can, could, shall, should, may, might, atau must dan bentuk
‘+not’ nya.

1. I cannot understand English yet, what should I do?

Aku belum bisa mengerti Bahasa Inggris, apa yang sebaiknya kulakukan?
(Should/shouldn't): You should study more and try to talk with people in English.

2. I do not like vegetables, what shall I do?

Aku tidak suka sayur, apa yang sebaiknya kulakukan?

3. I like to swim but I can't swim, what can I do?

Aku suka berenang tapi tidak bisa berenang, apa yang bisa kulakukan?
(Should/shouldn't): _____________________________________________________

4. I need to buy another pair of shoes, what should I do?

Aku perlu membeli sepasang sepatu baru, apa yang perlu kulakukan?

5. I feel so hungry right now, what would you suggest?

Aku sangat lapar sekarang, apa saranmu?
(Should/shouldn't): _____________________________________________________

6. I am so tired now, do you have any suggestion?

Aku sangat Lelah sekarang, apa kau punya saran?

7. I don't really like math, I need your advice.

Aku tidak terlalu suka matematika, aku butuh saranmu.
(Should/shouldn't): _____________________________________________________

8. I watch TV too much, what would you suggest?

Aku terlalu banyak menonton TV, apa saranmu?

9. Carilah masalah yang kau hadapi dan mintalah pendapat temanmu.

(Should/shouldn't): ____________________________________________________

10.Carilah masalah yang kau hadapi dan mintalah pendapat temanmu.


How do You do This?

Salah satu text dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah text prosedur. Text prosedur
(Procedural text) berfungsi untuk memberikan penjelasan Langkah-langkah untuk
melakukan sesuatu. Di bawah ini adalah contoh procedural text yang mungkin
pernah kalian jumpai.

You will fall in love with this Chocolate Lava Cake recipe with its rich molten
chocolate center! Let's make it.
These are the ingredients you will need.

Let’s start to make our cake following the steps below.

Combine the butter and Combine the eggs, egg Add the chocolate
chopped chocolate in a yolks, sugar, and salt in mixture and flour into
double boiler and melt a large mixing bowl. the egg mixture.
over low heat, stirring Beat on medium speed
until smooth. until thick and pale

Fold together the mixture Transfer the batter into Place a small plate
until well combined. buttered and floured little over the top of the little
bowls. Bake for 6 to 8 bowl and carefully flip it
minutes or until the sides of over, inverting the cake
the cakes are firm, but the onto the plate. Let
center is jiggly. Let them stand for about 10
cool for 1 minute. seconds, then remove
the little bowl to unmold
the cake. Garnish and
then serve.
Coba perhatikan tiap kalimat langkah-langkah diatas. Tidak seperti kalimat
biasanya, kalimat diatas dimulai menggunakan kata kerja (verb) seperti: combine
(campurkan), add (tambahkan), fold (aduklah), transfer (pindahkan), place
Kalimat diatas disebut dengan kalimat perintah atau imperative sentence. Coba
perhatikan contoh di bawah ini.

Regular sentence Imperative Sentence

I combine the butter and the chocolate in a bowl. Combine the butter and chocolate in a bowl.

He adds some eggs and sugar in the mixture. Add some eggs and sugar in the mixture.

We transfer the batter in some smaller cups. Transfer the batter in some smaller cups.

The cook serves the hot cake on a small plate. Serve the hot cake in a small plate.

Sekarang, bersama teman sebangkumu, bisakah kalian susun langkah-langkah
yang acak di bawah ini menjadi sebuah teks yang urut? Kalian boleh memotong
dan menyusunnya sesuai dengan urutan yang menurut kalian benar.

1. Chicken and Dumplings

Drop spoonfuls of When the Put the flour, Add the broth
dumpling dough dumplings are melted butter and and thyme and
into the sim- cooked, serve milk in a mixing simmer.
mering chicken with extra thyme bowl.
soup. if desired.
( ) ( ) (1) ( )

Mix the ing- Add the veggies Remove the Add the chicken
redients together and garlic to a chicken and breasts and
until well com- Dutch oven with shread then add lightly brown on
bined then set a little oil and it back in. each side.
aside for later. saute.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2. Lemon Cookies

Drop spoonfuls of Add the egg, Beat the butter, Drizzle the glaze
dumpling dough lemon juice, and sugars, and over the cooled
into the sim- lemon extract. lemon zest until lemon cookies
mering chicken Beat on medium light and fluffy. and let set.
soup. speed.
( ) ( ) (1) ( )

Add the flour Sift the flour, corn whisk the Scoop out
mixture to the starch, baking powdered sugar portions of cookie
butter and beat soda, and salt with enough dough onto a
on low speed and together in a lemon juice to lined sheet pan
wait 30 minutes. bowl. make glaze.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

What is Happening?
(Present Continuous Tense)

Ketika mengutarakan suatu kejadian yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, kita perlu mengikuti sebuah aturan tata bahasa
atau grammar. Aturan ini disebut dengan “Simple Continuous Tense”. Ciri-ciri
aturan ini adalah kata kerja dalam kalimatnya selalu menggunakan akhiran “-ing”
yang artinya kegiatan tersebut sedang berlangsung. Coba lihat contoh di bawah.

These are what people are doing in the morning. We are doing some chores
but each of us is doing a different activity.

My sister is sweeping the floor. I am doing the dishes and I am also

washing the clothes.

Jane, my younger sister, My brother is cleaning the toilet.

is feeding the cat.

Ciri-ciri lainnya jika dilihat dari contoh di atas, setelah subyek atau pelaku
terdapat kata bantu berupa is, am, atau are yang terletak sebelum kata
kerja+”ing”.Kata bantu ini selanjutnya akan kita sebut sebagai “to be” yang
nantinya akan bermakna “sedang (melakukan)”

Namun kenapa berbeda-beda, coba kita lihat penjelasannya di bawah ini:
Dalam Simple Present Tense, terdapat 3 jenis subyek; yaitu: Saya (I), tunggal/
singular (she, he, it), dan jamak/plural (they, we, you). Masing-masing jenis
memiliki to be nya sendiri yaitu:

Subject to be

I am

Singular (she, he, it) is

Plural (they, we, you) are

Jika sudah tahu, coba pilih to be mana yang sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat di
bawah ini. Soal nomor 1 sudah dikerjakan sebagai contoh.

1. She is (is, am, are) working in her computer.

Dia sedang bekerja di komputernya.

2. I _____ (is, am, are) brushing my teeth now.

Aku sedang menggosok gigiku sekarang.

3. They aaaaa (is, am, are) swimming in the small pool together.
Mereka sedang berenang di kolam kecil bersama-sama.

4. She _____ (is, am, are) talking with the counselor in the canteen.
Ia sedang berbicara denga konselor di kantin.

5. My friend _____ (is, am, are) playing futsal with the boys.
Temanku sedang bermain futsal dengan anak-anak laki-laki.

6. The computer _____ (is, am, are) making some noise.

Komputernya mengeluarkan bunyi.

7. The dogs _____ (is, am, are) chasing me in the yard.

Anjing-anjing itu sedang mengejarku di lapangan.

8. Ladies in the kitchen _____ (is, am, are) cooking some dinner for us.
Ibu-ibu di dapur sedang memasak makan malam untuk kami.

9. The trees here _____ (is, am, are) growing so quick.

Pohon-pohon disini tumbuh dengan cepat.

10. Tobi, Zain, and I _____ (is, am, are) studying with a volunteer in the gazebo.
Tobi, Zain, dan saya sedang belajar dengan seorang volunteer di beruga.

Sekarang coba buat kalimat kalian sendiri mengguanakan Simple Present Tense
berdasarkan gambar di bawah ini. Kalian bisa menggabungkan 2 gambar menjadi
satu agar membentuk subyek jamak/plural. Kalian juga boleh mengganti beberapa
subyeknya menjadi “I” (saya).

(take out: membuang)

(clean: membersihkan)

1. 2.

(rake: menyapu; menggaruk)


(water: menyirami) (unclog: membuka sumbatan)

4. 5.

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