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Unit 3 Assignment: Annotated Lesson Plan

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Different Kinds of Maps
Grade: Second Grade


Goals: Students will learn skills to compare and contrast different kinds of maps and use
maps to locate places.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to...
 Recognize different types of maps. (bridge prior knowledge to connect new
concepts, native language, tactile ideas and group discussion).
 identify places on the map (This will be assessed informally through group
activities as well as an independent assessment).

California Standards
HSS 2.2 Students demonstrate map skills by describing the absolute and relative locations
of people, places, and environment
ELD Standards
Standard 1: English Language Learners listen for information and understanding, using a
variety of sources, for academic and social purposes.
 Comprehend stories, key concepts of content area information and oral
presentations with contextual support, e.g.: graphic organizers, posters, diagrams,

Standard 2: English Language Learners speak to convey information and understanding,

using a variety of sources, for academic and social purposes.
 2. Use vocabulary learned in content area lessons.
 6. Contribute to classroom and small group discussions by responding to and
asking simple questions.

Standard 3: English Language Learners read for information and understanding, using a
variety of sources, for academic and social purposes.
 5. Use illustrations and background knowledge in combination with more
complex vocabulary to create meaning and predict text.

Standard 4: English Language Learners write to convey information and understanding,

using a variety of sources, for academic and social purposes.
 10. Write a simple descriptive sentence based on observation and learned
vocabulary related to content areas.

Accommodations for ELL/SDAIE:

 Incorporate native language into naming directions and cardinal directions.
 Bridging - activate previous knowledge on using maps (park, amusement parks,
and cities).
Unit 3 Assignment: Annotated Lesson Plan

 Teacher models output through visual demonstration

 Teacher uses appropriate language and pace for grade level
 Encourage students to develop metacognitive skills by asking them to places they
have visited (related to their language and culture).
 Lesson designed with performance-based objectives via Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Basic Vocabulary: location, map title, and map legend


Texts: Student Textbook (guide for activity), workbook pages (for individual practice
and assessment)

 poster boards (with maps on them), glue sticks and color stickers
 samples of maps ( world, country, state, city, school and class maps)
 Blank classroom map, cut-out furniture symbols, glue stick
 Interactive White board (Getting resources online)
 Individual : Classroom practice page "Where is This Place?"
 Partner practice: Blank classroom map with map legend on it
 Home Practice activity: draw bedroom map

Introduction (5 min.):
Have a box in front of the class. Tell students the box needs to be deliver to Ms. Jiaa (a
middle school teacher). Ask for a volunteer to deliver the box without a school map.
Ask: “Do you think you can find Ms. Jiaa? Wait for responds from students. (answer
may vary) What will be the best thing to use if you need to find her classroom? (wait for
Ask: What are these? (show students some maps)Give students time to
respond(maps of different places)
 Preview: When you are going somewhere you have never been before,
what do you need to have with you?
 Ask: What is the purpose of a map?
 Tell: Today I want to teach you recognizing different kinds of maps and
locate places on maps. We will be doing activities to help us learn about

Teacher Presentation (15 min.):

[Group brainstorm]
Unit 3 Assignment: Annotated Lesson Plan

1. Define location (write on white board and ask for other names (languages))
(allow ELL student to participate in Spanish).
2. Define map title (write on whiteboard and tell students boos have title and map
title is to show what that map is about ) show some examples on the board.
3. Define map legend (write on whiteboard and tell students that the sometime it
also called map key and the symbols are to help locate places on the map.
4. Let students watch educational explain what map legend/key
and symbols are. Allow students to practice identify symbols on the interactive
white board game.
5. Explain to students that there are many kinds of maps, but they can all be used to
find location of places (show students the different kinds of maps: world, state,
city, school classroom, park, amusement park). List other kinds of maps on the
 world map
 California map
 city map
 school or neighborhood map
 amusement park map
 park map
6. Tell students that classroom map and bedroom map are also maps
7. Have students examined the map on page 77 of their textbook to determine what
kind it is. Ask students to point to the map title and map legend (go around to

Class Activities (25 min.):

1. “My Classroom Map” (Partner work) (10 min.)
Give students the "Classroom Map activity papers. Work with a partner to place
all the items on the map legend onto their classroom map.
Tell: You are to work together with your partner using all the classroom furniture
symbols (cutout pieces) in the Ziploc bags to place and glue them on the empty
classroom map with map legend on it. Observe the set up of our room. (Model to show
how to place them correctly). Collect their papers for assessment
CHECKPOINT: Ask if students need clarification so far – check for understanding.

2. Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? (small group work) (15 min.)

(Please see handout for activity details)

Teacher prep:
 Divide class into groups of 4 players (heterogeneous grouping )
 Pass out activity items (each group gets a poster board, glue stick, round
stickers in 4 different colors, and an sealed envelope with clues inside to find
Carmen San Diego ).
Unit 3 Assignment: Annotated Lesson Plan

 Place world maps, state maps, city maps, school maps and classroom maps in
separate piles around the room.
 Hide a small paper figures (Carmen San Diego) somewhere in the room.

Say to Class: Here’s what you’ll do...

o Each team need to work together to complete the task looking for
Carmen San Diego.
o Team members need to take turn to read the clues on the paper (you
may help your friends).
o Follow the clues that lead you to find the right kind of maps from the
o Glue the maps(world, state, city, school and classroom)on the poster
board according to the labels on the poster board.
o Use the stickers to pinpoint the location where Carmen is on the
map( world, country, state, city, school, room)and glue the directions
under each map.
o At the end of the task, each team will find their Carmen.
o show students the completed example.

Individual practice: (5 minutes)

Tell students:
 Take out your practice page and work on it. Raise your hand if you have any
question or need help. (Check on ELL students )
 Turn your paper in when you are done. (use this as summative assessment).

Homework: “Home Practice” (actual work will take roughly 20 min.)

Tell: So now that you know how to locate places on maps, I challenge you to practice
this at home with your family.
 For “home practice” this weekend, create a map of your house. You need to
include a map legend and title for your map. Be creative to name your map.
Remember, you can also ask help from your parents!

Closure (5 min.): So let’s review (Think-Pair-Share-tell your answers to your

partner from the questions bellow. Walk around and listen to their answers):
 What is a "location"?
 What is a Map title?
 What is a map legend or map key?
 Name some kinds of maps you have learned today.(tell that to your partner).


Conferences: Teacher will monitor student understanding during through Q&A during
group discussion, as well as roaming the room during activities. Teacher meets with
individual group (peer-pair group and small group), to ask how they would complete the
task to put all the symbols on the classroom map and locate Carmen San Diego.
Unit 3 Assignment: Annotated Lesson Plan

Independent - Students could complete the assessment in on their workbook
Group Work – Students could show their poster board with the correct location
on each map and the figure of Carmen San Diego. Students would be assessed on their
group performance. (identify different kinds of maps and locate places on the maps).

Optional Class Activity:

1. Students' homework presentation - (a different day activity):
 Students present their homework to the class. Explain their map legend
and the title of their map.

2. Practice on your own (reading their pages 76 to 79 on their textbook and answer
question 1 on their composition notebook): Students work independently at their
desks. Teacher roams the room to answer questions and informally assess student
Question #1 -How do maps help people find places?
Review answers as a class – students self-evaluate their work.

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