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The camp director, while under the authority of the leadership of the Bacolod City Fellowship Baptist Church, is
the final authority on all matters pertaining to camp policies and rules during a camp session. He will be responsible
for determining whether a camper is returned home due to illness, safety infractions, or failure to obey camp rules.
All campers are expected to adhere to all Haven of Grace Rules & Regulations.
General Rules
1. Campers are expected to attend the full camp session.
2. Campers will have limited access to their cell phones during Camp.
3. Campers are discouraged from bringing any valuable things like jewelries, money, tablet, dslr camera or
laptop. Staff may confiscate any electronics which create a distraction from camp activities.
4. At a minimum, parents or guardians and the Pastor of the Fellowship Bacolod will be notified if any camper
breaks consistently Camp Rules after given warning, and the camper will immediately be transported home.
5. Use of the camper bathhouses is a privilege. Campers found abusing or wasting resources may be given
warning or demerit.
6. Each counselors & camp member must be properly dressed. Campers and counselors must practice modesty
when getting dressed or changing clothes in the cabins. Designated changing areas are provided inside the
cabins for anyone desiring more privacy.
7. Each camp member is responsible for keeping the dorm room clean, in order and free from damage. Campers
will be responsible for any damage to the room.
8. All staff will enforce the dress code. The camp director is the final judge as to what is permitted and
appropriate. Pants, knee length shorts, dry suits, or wet suits are required for water-games.
9. Dress shall be modest at all times. The following are specifically not permitted:

a. Shorts above the knee (they must be to the knee)

b. Sleeveless, tank top, midriff, see-through, or low neckline shirts
c. Clothing with inappropriate words or images
d. Bikini-style swim wear (male or female)
e. Skin-tight clothing such as leggings or spandex (without appropriate outer layer).
10. Physical contact between staff members and campers that is done in expressions of comfort and approval is
permitted. Any suspicious, inappropriate, or unusual observations of physical interaction between staff members
and campers shall be immediately reported to the camp director.
11. No “back rubs” or massages of any kind are permitted unless administered for a medical purpose by the camp
medic in the presence of at least two additional adult staff members.
12. All reported incidents will be investigated and the parents of the child notified of the incident.
13. Campers are expected to sleep in their assigned cabins and remain in their cabins after “lights out” each night.
14. Campers must remain with a supervised group at all times.
15. Camp Counselors will be in each dormitory to assist campers.
16. Visitors must have approval from the camp director prior to arriving at camp.
17. All camp members are expected to respect the rights and property of others. Loud noises and similar intrusive
behavior are prohibited. The standing quiet hours are from 10:30pm to 6:00 am
18. The following are not permitted on campus or in the dormitories:
+ fireworks or explosives of any kind + firearms or munitions
+ pets + illegal drugs + alcoholic beverages
+ other items that could cause bodily harm or damage + any form of fire or lighter.
Not Allowed
1. Rough housing, “cabin smackdowns”, or any other type of physical or verbal abuse to campers or staff.
2. Guns, fireworks, knives, tobacco products, alcohol, or illegal drugs including marijuana and vaping are
not allowed on camp property.
3. Pranks or playing with fire.
4. Raiding of cabins or disturbing the private property of others.
5. Littering of the campgrounds.
6. Food and drinks in the cabins (drinking water is provided at the cabins).
7. Any display of affection beyond holding hands or momentary consensual hugs.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
“Identify With Jesus Christ” Galatians 2:20 When you identify with Jesus,

What does it mean to Identify with Jesus? I don’t mean to just agree with Him or not reject II. A New You Is Born
Him. I mean to personally identify with Him. Do you know what that is like? In order to do
this, there must be a legit connection made. And when that connection of identity is made
with Jesus, it is also made with all others who have identified with Him – His Church. A legit substitution is made… out with the old and in with the new.
Today, Jesus, by His Holy Spirit calls out to us, saying “Identify With Me.”
Galatians 2:20 gives the answer of what it really means to identify with Jesus. After His crucifixion, Jesus did not remain in physical death. He rose again with New
Life. And it is that Resurrection power that brings life to you where there was once
When You Identify with Jesus…
I. The Old You “Dies”
That sounds like a very morbid thought. But it’s actually a very, very good thing. You don’t
Ephesians 2:1-2a And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once
have to teach a person to lie and deceive. If we are all born in innocence, you’d have to
wonder why selfishness and deceit come so natural to us all. Luke Bryan’s popular country walked…
song says, “I Believe Most People Are Good.” And the song is nice. It’s catchy. It has warm
fuzzies. The song encourages us to see the good side of people, no matter who they are. It is for that reason the Jesus Himself says John 3:3 Truly, truly I say to you, unless
Luke Bryan says, our world ain’t half as bad as it looks, I believe most people are good. I one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.
think I know what he means – that lots of people work hard. Lots of people try their best.
Lots of people mind their manners. Really only a few are violent, harmful, evil people. This indicates a complete and total starting over. I’ve heard lots of people say, “I’ve
That’s what the song tries to say.
always believed in God.” That’s cool. But you haven’t always been born again.
Those thoughts don’t originate from the Bible, but more from wishful thinking. The reality There comes a point where believing in God needs to become personal and real…
from Scripture is that actually we’re much worse than we look. The Bible doesn’t teach that
from facts in your mind to a living reality in your life. You actually need to
deep down inside that we are good. It actually teaches that deep down inside, we are totally
depraved, corrupt, selfish, deceitful, blinded to the truth and lost in our sins. That is a personally identify with Him by faith. That is when eternal life begins.
condition we all inherited at birth.
This is what the Bible describes as the “Old Man.” It was this sin nature that we inherited This is everlasting life that begins in this earthly life and continues on into our
from Adam and Eve as sin was passed down to us all. heavenly life.

But Jesus is the only one who is actually and totally good. He was exempt/protected from John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever
that sin nature at His conception and (virgin) birth, He died as a sacrifice – in place of the
believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
sins of the world. And when a person personally trusts in that sacrifice by faith, that old
man inside – that depraved, corrupt, selfish old you with that sin nature dies. That’s why
Paul looks back and says “I am crucified with Christ.” Crucifixion is very literal and How is this life even possible? What is its source? How does it keep going?
physical. It wasn’t something that you could do to yourself – it had to be done to you. And
in the end, death was a certainty. It was open and on display. Galatians 2:20
The Bible says, this is what has happened to you Spiritually when you get saved through I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life
faith in Jesus – that old you has been put to death. It is the only way someone can identify which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave
with Jesus – for that old self to be abandoned – to die. Perfect verb tense in Gal 2:20 himself for me.
Romans 6:5-6
For if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with
him in a resurrection like His. We know that our old self was crucified (aorist tense) with
Him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17
He actually dwells in you. That’s why so many use the phrase, “I asked Jesus into my Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;
heart.” behold, all things are become new.
It is no longer you who lives, but Christ Jesus who lives in You.
It is not our own good works or religious activity that brings us His life! Galatians 2:16 Intro:
we know that a person is not justified by works of the law (by being a “good person”) but IN CHRIST – means a person who put his complete dependence by faith in the
through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Jesus Christ, in order to be person of Jesus Christ who once died for our sins as payment and in three days rose
justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one again signifying, the victory over death and sin that whosoever accepted Christ will
will be justified. The law and religion only brings emptiness and death. But a relationship have the promise of salvation – IN CHRIST
with Jesus brings His actual life into our existence and changes a person forever.
I. Appreciate the chance that God gave
We might not always act like it, because the best of us fail and fall into sin. But He abides
“old things have passed away”
in us. He lives in us. I Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of
the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were When you become the child of God, He lets you see that you can now overcome
bought with a price (Jesus’ death). So glorify God in your body.
your old life by opening a new life.
Galatians 2:20 (READ IT LOUDLY)

This is the purpose of life. To be a living servant of Jesus. II. Adapt the change that God gave
“behold all things are become new”
He loved us and gave Himself for us.
It is our response to now love Him and give ourselves for Him. We all wanted to change for the better and be acceptable to God but we can only
That is our mission. (connect grow serve) achieve that by taking this truth – CHRIST brings new life to you. WALK WITH
Baptism (immersion) pictures this new life in Him.
III. Adhere to the call that God gave
It has never and will never wash sins away. There is no such thing as Holy Water. The only “he is a new creature“.
Holy Water will exist in heaven and it will flow from the actual throne of God as a river of
life (Rev 22:1). It will bless those who are obviously already saved. We have a complete salvation
We have a climbing salvation
Baptism – physically depicts death and burial (since you have died with Him). It physically We have a confirmed salvation
depicts resurrection and new life. This step of obedience demonstrates externally what
Jesus has done internally. It shows outwardly your identity with Jesus. Conclusion:
When a person is saved, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of heaven. When It is only through Christ’s power that a Christian can be changed.
a person is baptized and publicly identifies with Jesus, there is rejoicing in the church.
It is an expected step of discipleship (which is our journey of living for Jesus).
Matthew 28:19-20

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