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Customer service : “Assalamualaikum wr wb, Welcome to CIMB Niaga Sharia Bank.

Please have a seat, sir”

Customer : “ Waalaikumsalam wr wb,thank you”

Customer service : “Who was this before, sir?”

Custommer : “ My name is Dika Aryadi”

Customer service : “Ok, Mr. Dika Aryadi, firstly, I will introduce myself, my name is
Ajeng Rayi as customer service at CIMB Niaga Sharia Bank. Can I help
you, sir?”

Customer :” I want to open a credit card account at CIMB Niaga Syariah bank,do
you have any suggestion for me?”

Customer service : “At the CIMB Niaga Sharia bank, there are two types of credit cards,
namely CIMB Niaga Sharia Gold and CIMB Niaga Sharia Platinum,

Customer :”Mmm,I think I’m interested in CIMB Niaga Gold,can you explain

Customer service : “Ok sir, I will explain about CIMB Niaga Syariah Gold. CIMB Niaga
Syariah Gold is a credit card that accommodates the sharia lifestyle, so
that all transactions carried out are covered by contracts according to
sharia principles, namely kafalah (guarantee), qardh (borrowing) and
ijarah (service provision contracts). In this product, there is no annual fee
for the main card holder.

And before I explain the requirements, I want to ask you first, what is
your profession, sir?”

Customer :”I am a private employee”

Customer service : “Ok Sir, the first is for the general requirement of a minimum income
of 3 million per month or 36 million per year, the age of the main card
holder is 21-65 years old.

Furthermore, the document requirements for the profession of private

employees, namely photocopy of ID card/passport for foreigners,
photocopy of salary slip 1 of the last 3 months, photocopy of Tax ID
Number, and photocopy of credit card at another bank if you have.”

Customer : “OK this is my requirements document,please accept it”

Customer service : “OK, I'll check the documents first and please fill out the form, sir”

Customer : “OK”

“ I’ve filled it all up”

Customer service : “Thank you, I'll take the form, sir. Then for bank credit cards we
provide two providers, namely mastercard and visa. Which one do you
think you want to use, sir?”

Customer : “ If i want to use this credit card for transaction in Asian

countries,wich one should I choose?”

Customer service : “I recommend using a visa sir, because visas are usually used in Asian
countries, while for mastercards are usually used in European countries.”

Customer : “ Ok then I choose to use a visa”

Customer service : “Ok sir, I will process the opening of your credit card, please wait.”

Customer : “ Okay,I’ll wait”

Customer service : “Ok sir, I have finished processing this card and I hand over this CIMB
Niaga Gold Syariah credit card to you.”

Customer : “Ok thank you,I accept”

Customer service : “You’re welcome sir. Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?”

Customer : “ Mmm,Seems enough”

Customer service : “Ok sir, if that's enough, thank you for trusting us CIMB Niaga Sharia

Customer : “Thank you also for your good service.Wassalamualaikum wr wb”

Customer service : “ Waalaikumsalam wr wb”

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