It Was Cold Outside

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It was cold outside; she was looking out of her big French window which displayed a scene of
beautiful trees that was filled with small birds chirping. She just slipped into her own world of
happiness. She was mesmerised by how her life suddenly became so colourful and delightful. Before
his presence she was just something that no one was cared about, she never realised her worth and
her reason for her life. But he fixed every flaw of her, he just made her feel complete. She started to
see the world with a rose-coloured glass. She felt maybe he was the missing piece of the puzzle of
her life.
She was a normal girl who belonged to a middle-class family, with neither perfect hair nor a perfect
face. She was not so fat, but her thoughts weighed more. She had a fatty leg and at total whether
she was pretty or not, her own eyes didn’t find her beautiful. She was not thin not fat, she wears a
big specs making her look like more of a nerd and innocent, but which wasn’t the truth. She was
the girl said by Vikrant Khanna “A GIRL WHO KNEW TOO MUCH.” She was more aware of
the uncertain world. She experienced so much than what she was supposed to be known at that
young age. She was full of a mystery to herself and as well others! Her life was so simple and
normal like other girls of her age. Wake up early get ready to school and rush in the last minute.
Though she was a more than an average student, during her high school she opted for her
favourite stream and to her surprise she was the topper in that stream list but she kind a knew that
she would be first because that stream was selected by those people who are mostly below average.
She noticed the name below her; it was a boy; he was a classmate of her, but she couldn’t
remember him. She wasn’t much concerned about that name at that time. Being in first at the list
made her a centre of attraction to her teachers and some students. Her first year in high school was
just something neither happy nor sad but a bit bored stuff it seemed. The teachers expected a lot
from her, they found she had the calibre to score high marks and trusted her more than her own
self. She carried that heavy belief of them along her way. She just wanted to make them feel proud
and get a good name. the first few months was so hard for her to make up with new friends, new
surroundings. She missed her friends terribly. She missed herself without their company. But she
was motivated towards studies, the courage they had kept in her helped her to move forward in her
life. Later as days passed, she accepted the reality of her life. She tried to adapt herself towards her
changing life. She made some friends. Inspite of all the motivations he looked handsome to her,
maybe she liked him at her first sight. There was an incident which remained a secret that no one
knew till now. The first day at her high school, she came crying as she was separated from her
friends. Wiping those dopey eyes, she nearly looked so ugly then ever, the reason she was crying
made people feel so creepy about her. After consoling herself she started to search for a place and
sat down, and there he came…he was alone all the way to the class, he wasn’t happy either but not
sad too. Still, he looked good. She recognised finally this was that second guy in the list, her
classmate but neither of them had talked before. So, both felt awkward and didn’t take the first
step. But she admired him among all the guys in the class. He stood alone in the whole crowd!
Something made him different from others. She wanted to talk to him somehow. One day their
seniors came to their class for a sort of orientation maybe?! Then one among them asked who
scored the first mark then I raised my hand, she laughed as she saw two hands raising…. i slowly
turned back and found it was him. I was shocked, I knew it well, I looked the list wearing my
glasses idiot!! It was me; I know it very well. Though I like you that doesn’t mean I will sacrifice
this for you…then he stood up and said, “she is just one mark more than me!!” WHAT??! Now the
game became spicier, she thought she would be the only one, there won’t be a big competition but
now it seems she needs to put in effort. After that she approached him and talked making this as a
reason, gradually they became close to each other. He was something more like her, may be a male
version of her. Their friendship grew stronger and deeper. There was sometimes when she was
unable to end her day without his talks. She believed it was such a good bond between them, a
strong friendship. But she didn’t realise how he was taking all of her into him!! Making her lose
her heart to him, he became so significant in her life without her own knowledge.

One fine day they both were sitting and was talking as usual then suddenly he started to look at
her without even blinking for a second like the whole world could collapse and he wouldn’t blink
and take off his eyes from her! She started to get shy, her cheeks turned red, and she started to
blush. Then suddenly he turned around, took a paper, and wrote “not every boy share everything
to a girl and if he does than you are something damn special to him!!” after reading that she felt
happy, and her eyes got teary. The fact was that she would give him lots and lots of letter, but he
wouldn’t give any as he had no habit of writing letters, but this was his first one and that too for
her! One day she realised how much important was his words and his presence in her life when he
said “I don’t feel like talking to you as usual again” he didn’t mean it, he is so poor in framing the
words, but it stabbed her heart. She couldn’t hold back her tears. She cried like a baby without her
mother’s presence. She went to her friends cried on their shoulders narrating about what he said.
They were her armours; they stood for her and told him how much it hurt her. Probably, that’s
when he realised that he went something too far and he pleaded her a lot and apologized for
hurting her, but she wasn’t ready to hear him and she just wanted to give him a big slap, beat him
to hell however everything goes in vain when he comes near. she becomes weak, shivers roll down
her spine and she get goosebumps. She doesn’t know why it happens, but it happens. when she
hears his voice all her anger turns into love. She just surrenders herself to him. She started to cry
again. She felt like holding him tight and say that she desperately wants him at every second. But
they were amid the class commotion. Whenever there is a fight a silly one or big, he gets her within
5 minutes, and she doesn’t know how he does it, but she couldn’t be angry on him for more than a
minute as she was afraid of losing him for an unreasonable fight. The next day he came to her and
gave her favourite chocolate as a token of his apology and this was the secret behind every girl’s
anger, they could be pleased and convinced whenever she gets her favourite chocolate. Then what?!
That’s it she started to talk to him as usual. Days passed; time runs. They reached the second year
of high school. This wasn’t easy anymore they need to focus so much on studies and need to be
motivated. This was the crucial year of their life, the moment to write their destiny with their own
hands. Though they had lot of pressure on them may be that might be the reason they searched for
some peace and love. They had cravings for attention and compassion, they found that with
themselves. She had a habit of writing long essays to him and one fine day she started to write as
she was bored and missed him. It started with small quotes, flirty texts and it went on for 3 pages,
processing everything and building up her courage she thought of expressing how really, she feels
collapsed. At last, she wrote this “I don’t know whether I am falling for you day by day…you are
taking me up little by little these days. I am missing you every single night, I want you every
second, my days are not coming to a happy ending when I don’t receive any texts or calls from
you, my school gets bored without your presence. I really couldn’t understand what’s happening
into me. I hope this is not love because I feel friends lasts longer but love may not. I want you
forever that’s it!! This makes me feel like I am in love with you, but I am not sure whether this is
love or my mood swing and emotional changes due to my periods” after giving that to him she felt
terrible that he might feel bad about what she has written. Reading that he was startled, neither of
them spoke much. They laughed looking at each other. After returning home he called her both
talked for hours, she told that maybe she loves him and what he said made her cry, he said he too
liked her!! But both were not sure whether to start a relationship or not. Since they were in their
second year of their high school this relationship should not disturb their studies. So, they thought
of focusing on studies and left this talk just hoping they will be together in future and for that they
need to work hard now. But facing each other in school they don’t know what relationship they
were on. They couldn’t act like friends and couldn’t be a couple as well. Two days went just like
that without knowing what to do. After both couldn’t hide and live pretending, they are just
nobody but friends. They started to believe that they could make things work. They could focus on
their studies and at the same time could have a good relationship too. She proposed him on 29 th
July, and they started their relationship. Their first kiss was on 2 nd august! It was just more of a
peck but that was . That’s how it would feel right?? Losing your first kiss with your favourite
person! Kiss is something so wonderful, it feels so amazing. Those lips of him tasted much sweeter
than anything she has tasted ever. She was shocked, thrilled but at the same time enjoyed the
moment. She wanted that to last longer but that wasn’t possible. Yes, it was impossible because
they were in the school. However they planned it well, because they were not in America or
England, to easily kiss a boy in school. They were bloody INDIANS. Before 18 they should not see
adult movies, and not even a bit of romantic or love movies, LOL. Their last class was PET, and
everyone would go to ground, the class will become empty, no one would be there. As they
planned everything happened, but as they stood near each other they started to feel nervous,
neither of them had any experiences. Till that day they were the smartest, good child and now
suddenly they are here to kiss?! And somehow the love between them made him to kiss her, it was
not much, not even 5 seconds but it gave a lot of happiness. A lot of emotions. It felt like as if the
cute wing of the butterfly touches the petals of the flower while it takes its food. It was so soft. He
kissed with lot of love and kindness. That little kiss of his revealed his love for her. The kiss was
too fast right? Yes indeed, but as I told she was not innocent but a girl of dirty mind with an
innocent face which tricked the world. And he wasn’t either innocent too, he was double than her!!
So, it’s obvious they kissed soon and hell yeah, the one who began was her, she used to text him
dirty but while facing him she becomes so shy. She made fun of him that he will not kiss her, he
just says his words, but he never turns that into action. She though over did it thinking he is so
good and a gentleman!! Yes, he is he never made her feel that he was attracted to her body. He
never touched her once without her permission. He never made any move when they had chances
to do so as well, he never asked for it too. This made her become so dirty as he was too good. She
had this strong feel that even though she loses her control he wouldn’t. He was more matured to
handle this childish girl! After their first kiss both felt shy to look each other, they wanted to do it
again. So what?? After their school gets over, they would stay late cooking up stories like they need
to search books, clean the cupboard….and they kissed daily!! After few days they were much
confident, not shy anymore!! When one day they were hiding in the cupboard nearly to kiss,
suddenly a boy entered the class in search of something and they moved apart. He sensed it may
be.. so they acted as if, she was searching for a book, she couldn’t look up and was trying harder to
grab the shelf in the meantime the boy left without making them feel awkward. Suddenly two
hands grabbed her waist tightly, and turned , calling her panda…. that was the only nickname that
he has kept for her and when her eyes met his she felt warm. Her body became so hot, her hands
became cold. He grabbed her tightly to his chest and gave a long kiss. His lips went into her
mouth, he wasn’t kissing her but nearly ate her up! His hands slowly went down and hold her butt,
making her a bit needy. he held her tightly as if he would never leave her to go home that day. The
whole day she was standing in front of her mirror and was smiling like an idiot! She couldn’t get
that out of her mind. She was full blank.

The school planned to conduct a teacher’s day celebration. That was the only greatest thing that
this school does in every academic year. That whole day the senior students becomes the teacher,
and they must take classes. This day the girls would wear saree and boys as usual pant and shirts.
She wanted to look pretty that day, she wanted to look beautiful in his eyes, she tried various sarees
to see which suits her best, she put on many face masks dreaming that her skin turns brighter and
softer instantly, she made her trial looks several times, she applied many hair packs thinking her
hair grows in a day. That night she was unable to sleep. The next day morning she woke up early
and got ready, she washed her hair still it seemed bad!! She wasn’t happy with the saree she bought
and wore her mother’s saree. she was afraid whether will she look good among all the pretty girls
in the school?? Finally, wearing her specs, she sat down. She wasn’t happy with her looks.
Inferiority complex was killing her inside. Her mother was shouting outside asking her to get ready
faster. Packing up all her thoughts away she went to school.
Entering the campus she saw her friends, she ran to them, they were all laughing looking at each
other. She realised how the time went away like a huge storm that crossed the sea. From their 1 st
grade to 10th grade they were all together, sitting in the same bench and chit chatting, her crazy
partner by her side with whom she looked at all the handsome guys in the school, having fun,
enjoying each and every second of her life and now it has all changed there was some gap between
them which neither they cared to make up nor her. For her they were more important, it was not
one person but five and for them she was one of their friends. The gap was because of what they
did. From the beginning they used to make fun of her a lot and she knew they were not mean but
its just they all loved her more than others but still making fun of her all the time was not fair, and
after she got separated from them by taking commerce they made more fun of her, they told that
stream was useless, the teacher’s were boring, all the students who belong to that class is waste and
they told all bad things about it. She felt sad, she was missing them and wanted them all the time
but whenever it comes to her, they all made fun out of it. During lunch break she would come
down to eat with them leaving all her classmates, they asked her to eat with them one day, they
were good to her, and they were pure but still she didn’t sacrifice her friends for them. It was just
only some little time that she would spend with her friends, and she doesn’t want to ruin it, but
they ruined it instead. Nowadays, she doesn’t feel like going downstairs to eat with them.
Everything has changed, all of them got busy in their high school and slowly they were fading away
from her, but she doesn’t want to leave them, however they have been for her all the time she
needed, so she was holding them tightly trying not to lose the grip. At times, they too wanted her,
they too showed that they were still there for her and love her inspite of what happens. This made
them stay connected beyond every misunderstanding. All these thoughts ran into her mind
suddenly but pushing it away she was there to enjoy that moment. Then she went upstairs holding
that saree, it wasn’t that easy to walk. Finally, when she came near to her classroom, she saw him,
he came out of the restroom, and he was shocked and stood there staring at her. She began to
laugh, she felt embarrassed. Then it was late for the prayer, so they went to stage, he was some few
feet away from her and was looking at his pretty lady. Whereas she felt so pressured to handle that
saree and was bit uncomfortable. Later when the events got over, she went with her friend to 1 st
grade class. All were cuties, they were all small and was looking adorable. She started to take classes
for them, talked with them. After some time, the invigilator came to check the class and she was
taking a lesson to the small Childrens, she appeared to be a bold but only she knows how scared
she is inside. In the mid of her class, her heart felt him, she felt he was somewhere near her and as
she was taking class, he passed by that door and her eyes met him. She gained more confidence on
herself just by looking at him. She felt happy. Again, after some time he came to her class and
unfortunately that time too there was a teacher, so he went. Again, after few times later he came
back to her, looking at him she ran towards him. He held her hands and said ,“you look gorgeous”.
The little girl inside her was dancing, she blushed, her cheeks turned so red that anyone would
think that she got a slap from her mom. She called him inside the class and as he came, all the cute
little kids came to him and wished for teacher’s day. They were all around him and she was slightly
getting jealous over it. One among the kid came towards them and pulled their cheeks saying they
both looked cute! The class came to an end, and they came out. she told him that she found him so
many times coming over to her class and she was laughing. He told “yes, I came to talk to you, but
I couldn’t, you are looking so pretty that I want you to stay with me the whole day. I couldn’t take
my eyes off from you. You look so pretty”. She became speechless, the happiness inside her and
that feel she gets only from him which she is still unaware, that isn’t happiness or shy, it wasn’t
pleasant or peace, it wasn’t fear of getting caught or the love that made them blind, she doesn’t
understand what exactly it was but she loved that feel! that made her to search for the words that
doesn’t exist to express how really she feels every time he flatters her. As she walked before him
with her friend, he was behind her admiring each and everything which she found imperfect. the
only part of her body she hates the most was her hair. It was so frizzy and curly, it was short and
uneven, it was tangled up due to wind but despite these things it looked cute to him, he found that
beautiful and loved it the most. Suddenly he noticed some white strap on her shoulders, he wasn’t
aware about what it was. He came to her and whispered in her ears about what he saw, she began
to laugh and found him adorable than those small kids. His eyes were wondering what that was,
and he didn’t get the fact why she was laughing! She slowly whispered into his ears that it was her
bra strap, nothing much and that’s how it pops out sometime, but he was so concerned and told
her to get help from her friend. Even though she was comfortable with it, he wasn’t, he always
cared about every little thing when it comes to her. She too always obeys him, because she knew
that he is always concerned about her and it’s for her own good. They enjoyed each other’s
company for a long time. They went to a classroom to take photos and suddenly few of her friends
came and spoke with them. They took him to take photos, she came to a corner of the classroom
and was staring at him. He was bit afraid; he knew she was jealous. Then suddenly they put their
hands around his shoulders and that’s it she was busted. She looked away from them, she took
photos with some friends and few minutes later he came to her. She was angry and she knew it
wasn’t his fault but still she is so possessive on him. He tried coaxing her, but it was hard, but as its
known she couldn’t withstand him for more than 5 minutes. They took their first photo together. It
was such a memorable one for them. Later, it was lunch break.

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