Cnl-518-Rs-T4sixstageskohlbergmatrix Melissa Aguirre

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Aguirre, Melissa

CNL-518 Topic 4: The Six Stages of Kohlberg

Scenario: A female adolescent's parents place a low priority on the value of education. In fact,
they prefer that she care for younger siblings instead of studying or completing a high school
education. It is March. To avoid caring for her younger siblings, she has made up a story that she
has mandatory in-school suspension (ISS) for the rest of the school year. Her hope is that she can
be able to participate in school activities and pursue her educational dreams.

Directions: Read the scenario listed above. Complete all sections of the matrix provided below
from the perspective of an individual in each of the six stages of Kohlberg’s theory of moral
development and the information from the provided scenario. Use complete sentences and
include proper scholarly citations for any sources used.

Level 1: Preconventional Morality

Stage Adolescent’s Perspective Rationale for your Responses

Parents are expected to know

from what is right and wrong and
send her daughter to school so
she can have a better future (Kail
The student made up a story in & Cavanaugh,2019). The
hopes that her parents send her to students goal is to graduate and
school to finish her assignments go to college, but she knows that
Stage 1: Obedience and study in order to graduate and id she goes to school and says she
and Punishment go to college. She thinks that if has in school suspension she is
Orientation she tells her parents the truth, then more likely to get away with
they will be upset with her since studying than telling her parents
she should be taking care of her the truth. The student is trying to
siblings. obey the rules of home and
school, in order to avoid a
punishment from home and then
suffering the consequences of bad

The student knows what she Knowing that her parents do not
Stage 2: Instrumental needs in order to graduate. She want her to go to school and give
Relativist also knows that if she takes no importance to education, she
Orientation/Exchange advantage of in school suspension uses in school suspension, but
of Favors she can focus on her studies and after in school suspension she can
not taking care of her siblings. mention that she can stay home

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Stage Adolescent’s Perspective Rationale for your Responses

and watch her siblings. This way

the adolescent is looking out for
their own needs ( Kail &
After she is done then she would
Cavanaugh,2019). She is nice to
not mind watching over her
her parents as she mentions in
school suspension and mentions
she will watch her siblings after
as a favor in return.

The student very clearly wants to

succeed. She doesn’t just want to
The student knows what she succeed in school but as she
Stage 3: Conventional needs to go to school and looks for her parents’ approval,
Level/Good Boy or graduate to be able to go to she meets their needs in order to
Girl college. She also wants her receive it. She also understands
parents’ approval. that by studying she will be seen
as a good girl and meet the
requirements for graduation.
The student respects authority
The student wants to do both which is her parents and follows
please her parents but also do the rules of graduation and
Stage 4: Maintaining
well in school. She is looking for school. However, she makes sure
the Social Order
solutions to study and taking care he doesn’t want her parents to get
of her siblings. into trouble as the school and the
law has expectations.

If the adolescent doesn’t attend in

The student understands that she
school suspension, she could be
has to go against her parents’
in danger of not graduating. The
wishes in order to do well in
Stage 5: Social student knows that her parents
school. If she doesn’t attend in
Contract and won’t be happy about it but she
school suspension, she may not
Individual Rights doesn’t do it then she will not
be able to meet the requirements
complete the requirements to
for school in order to graduate
graduate, as the student likes
and otain a future.
following rules

The student will go against what The student knows that although
Stage 6: Universal her parents want because she her parents do not care about her
Principles knows that even though lying education, she deserves to have
might not be okay, her goals are the opportunity ot have one and

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Stage Adolescent’s Perspective Rationale for your Responses

in the right place. She knows that succeed. Although they are more
in order to graduate she needs to concerned about her taking care
study and finish her work, which of her siblings, she knows she has
will do her right by her future. to do what is most beneficial.


Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: a life span view (7th ed.). Cengage

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