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Senior High School Students Cyberbullying Experience: A

Case of University in the Philippines

Emmanuel Vargas Alexander A. Hernandez Praxedis S. Marquez
College of Information Technology College of Information Technology College of Information Technology
Education Education Eduation
363 P. Casal Street, Quiapo 363 P. Casal Street, Quiapo 363 P. Casal Street, Quiapo
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines
m ph

Jasmin D. Niguidula Jonathan M. Caballero

College of Information Technology
College of Information Technology
363 P. Casal Street, Quiapo
363 P. Casal Street, Quiapo
Manila, Philippines
Manila, Philippines

ABSTRACT people’s feelings towards different matters, products, events,

Twitter is widely used to explore on the opinions of the public in organizations [3]. It has vital role in the growing use of social
variety of topics. It has constantly gained popularity as good networks, micro-blogging applications and forums [4]. Everything
source of information for visualization-centered application. This in the internet especially the web pages have a section for users to
paper aims to understand the opinions of senior high school leave and state their comments about products or services, events,
students’ on cyberbullying in a university in the Philippines. This institutions and they can also share this on Facebook, Twitter or
study uses a tweet visualization tool to present the opinions of Pinterest. The sentiment of a document or sentence can be
students. The results of the study indicate that most of the students positive, negative or neutral. [5].
feel pleasant on cyberbullying as the university administration
officers continuously drives information awareness campaign that Twitter is an open social environment where there are no
decreases fear and unpleasant emotion among the senior high restrictions on what users can tweet about. Twitter is a popular
school students. Therefore, cyberbullying among senior high online micro-blogging service launched in 2006. It contains a
school students remain an important concern for educators and large number of irregular words and non-English symbols and
students. This study suggests practical and research characters [16]. Users on Twitter have been growing fast every
recommendations. day, and it gave an opportunity to organizations to monitor their
activities and updates by extracting and analyzing the sentiments
and opinions of the public by means of tweets [7]. Twitter
sentiment analysis tweets data used to generate and review
CCS Concepts sentiments and opinions by the netizen. With this, we will know
• Information retrieval➝Retrieval tasks and goals •Sentiment the so-called “trending topics” [8, 9]. The trending topics are
analysis mostly noisy and it contains enormous opinions. These sentiments
are present in the tweets providing significant indicators for
various purposes, in which positive and negative groups are found
among the sentiments [10].
Sentiment Analysis; Opinion Mining; Twitter; Online Resources;
This paper aims to understand the sentiments of students on cyber
bullying experience in a university in the Philippines.


Social media has a vital role in today’s digital society. It has a Cyber-bullying is a negative act of the user using social
significant part of information and events dissemination in the networking for making fun of another user, for harassing a user
wireless community [1]. Social media gives the opportunity to over an instant messaging, for posting picture without permission
communicate to different people regardless of place and time. of the user or even false rumors [11]. While bullying typically
Most importantly, social media is used for socializing allowing happens at school, cyberbullying takes place over cyberspace.
people to participate in conversations and online dialogue without Because of modern technology it easy to users to post a message
being face-to-face with others [2]. destroying the reputation of other social media users [12].
However, cyber-bullying is covered by existing laws against
Sentiment analysis results provide useful knowledge of general personal threats and harassment [13, 14]. In some cases, it may be
sentiment towards topics. It is an area of research that investigates advisable to inform the school principal or consult a legal counsel
[15, 16]. The law prohibits bullying, including cyber-bullying that
occurs inside or outside of school when it affects student life
within school, insist all schools to create anti-bullying policy,
discipline bullying, and notify parents, and local law enforcement
when needed [17, 18]. Cyberbullying is one of the top challenges
facing public schools. There are many recurring legal problems
confronting public schools [19]. Educators are mostly challenged
in developing policies and guidelines to prevent the utilization of
technology to bully other students. To raise awareness to students
and school personnel, educators establishes systems for reporting
and monitoring of students use of technology within the campus
[20]. Thus, these circumstances contribute to a wider appreciation
of cyberbullying experience of students within and outside the
Sentiment analysis is being utilized in most of social and business
discipline as sentiments are mainly present in everyday activities,
and considered explainers of human behaviors. Opinions,
perceptions of realistic events, beliefs and decisions are trained on Figure 1. Semantic Structure of Affect
how other people see and assess situations or events. Most of the
time, a person seeks opinion from others before making a
decision. These situations commonly exist in persons and firms. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
However, there are limited studies investigating the sentiments of This section presents the results of the study with sentiments
senior high school students in cyberbullying, thus, in the visualized in different approach.
Philippines, cyber bulling is also a main concern in the education
sector. At this point, this research aims to explore on the Using tweet sentiment visualization, the data were presented in
sentiments on cyberbullying in a senior high school program of a various forms. The tweets on the keywords #uphslcyberbullyingsh
university in the Philippines. was started on September 14 - 30, 2016 by senior high school
students of a university in the Philippines.

This set of procedures visualizes the different Tweets of senior
high school program students in a university in the Philippines.
Students posted their views and opinions of cyberbullying with
#uphslcyberbullyingsh. There were at least 100 students who
posted their tweets on the cyberbullying topic. The data were
extracted in Twitter from September 12-30, 2016. This study uses
Healy and Ramswamy (2011) tool for analyzing emotions in
Twitter. It visualizes the emotions in Twitter messages by means
of graphical representation of Russell and Barret (1998) emotion
grid (Figure 1) and represents topics with word clouds. The
visualization approach uses a multi-dimensional plane for
representing emotions which describes an affect using two Figure 2 Tweets on Cyberbullying Topic
bipolar, orthogonal, independent dimensions valence and arousal.
The two dimensions represent the degree of pleasantness and the
degree of activation. The central idea of the model is that the Figure 2 shows the tweets of the students with varying senitments.
entire space can be thought of as degrees of pleasantness or The total tweets counted were 217 from senior high school
unpleasantness and activation or deactivation. It also displays the students twitter account. Some students posted that the
topics and emotion information in separate views. cyberbulliying can affect their studies and threaten students’
physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact
their ability to learn. Most the students are not in favor or
expressed negative opinion to cyberbullying because they
encountered and received embarrassing messages from other
senior high school students. The results indicate that the students
were aware that cyberbullying among them constantly increases
over time.
Figure 3. Sentiments Region
Figure 3 shows the representation of emotions of all tweets by
senior high school students. First, the tweets were individually
Figure 5. Heatmap
presented in the form of circle in multiple colors. The color
signifies the overall valence or pleasure of the tweet including
green for pleasant and blue for unpleasant tweets. Second, the The results indicate that the senior high school students had
overall arousal of the tweet is presented by brightness, active negative point of view when it comes to cyberbullying within the
tweets are set brighter and passive tweets are darker. Lastly, the university. There were more students who believe that
size measures the confidence of the tweet approximations, a cyberbullying affects their stay in school as well as their
higher tweet agree to more confident estimate. performance.
Figure 3 presents that most of the senior high school students felt
pleasant about their cyberbullying experience and some of them
felt unpleasant. The results also show that some students are
tensed, sad, upset and alert on cyberbullying. Moreover, there
were students who felt pleasant about cyberbullying. Some
students felt calm, relaxed, and happy which indicated that few
students are not interested about cyberbullying topic. The diagram
shows that almost 70 percent of the tweets were active (pleasant)
while 30 percent of the tweets comprise subdued (unpleasant)
emotions. The findings indicate that most students were
unpleasant about the cyberbullying topic. The results can be
attributed to the likelihood that students experienced some forms
of cyberbullying.

Figure 6. Tagcloud

Figure 6 shows the typical terms used of the senior high school
students in four open areas. The left corner was unpleasant, and
the right corner pleasant, in the upper right corner was happy, the
lower right corner was relaxed, and the lower left corner was
upset. The bigger words represent common topics, while the
smaller words represent least tweets.
The results indicate that more students expressed that
Figure 4. Sentiments Cluster Topics cyberbullying is wrong, might result to suicide activity, is a crime,
and mostly happens in school. Also, there were students who hate
Figure 4. shows the 217 tweets common topic are in the topic bully, and believe that cyberbullying must stop within the school
cluster, some of the students had unfavorable opinions which and the community. However, there were bigger clouds indicating
which were negative acts for some students in some forms social positive opinion to cyberbullying such as stopping, prevent,
media verbal abuse. Also, some students were favourable to blocking, and should be assisted by making their parents online.
bullying and gave negative tweets for fun. However, the They also believe that they can share pleasant actions and
remaining tweets were classified in singletones which means that situations on the circumstances of cyberbullying. This can be
most of the tweets were not included in the main clusters attributed to the response of the Philippine government of passing
covering: prevent, school, bullying. the bill for cyberbullying.
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